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HomeSchool ExamsRajasthan Board of Secondary Education 10th Examination

RBSE 10th Exam 2025 - Time Table (Revised), Syllabus, Question Papers, Result

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RBSE 10th Exam Date : 26 Mar' 2025 - 26 Mar' 2025
Updated on 28th February, 2025 by Manasvini Gupta

About RBSE 10th 2025

Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE), Ajmer conducts the RBSE 10th Board exam for Class 10 students, every year. Students who cleared their class 9 from RBSE or any recognized board are eligible to apply and appear for the RBSE 10th exam.  

More about RBSE Exam Class 10:

  • RBSE board released the final time table of RBSE 10th 2025 for theory exams on February 4, 2025. 
  • The RBSE 10th theory exams will be conducted from March 6 to April 4, 2025.
  • The RBSE 10th admit card has been released on February 28, 2025. Students can collect the same through their respective schools.
  • The RBSE 10th exam paper is held for 100 marks and students have to attain a minimum of 33% marks to pass the Rajasthan Board 10th exams.
  • The examination will be conducted for 5 main subjects including Maths, Science, Social Science, and two language subjects. Students can opt for one additional subject as well.
  • Check the RBSE 10th syllabus 2025 to prepare for the examination. The syllabus is available for all subjects including Maths, Science, Social Science, etc.
  • Students must solve the RBSE 10th model papers 2025 to know the exam pattern and marking scheme of the examination.
  • The RBSE 10th result 2025 will be released in online mode in May 2025.
  • Students can check the 10th result 2025 Rajasthan board by entering their roll number in the result login window.
  • The RBSE 10th scrutiny registration will begin in June 2025.
  • The online 10th class result Rajasthan board is provisional. Students have to collect original mark sheets from the schools after the declaration of the result.
  • The RBSE 10th supplementary exams 2025 will be held in August 2025.
  • RBSE 10th supply result will be released in September 2025.
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RBSE 10th 2025 Highlights

Full Exam Name
Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 10th Examination
Short Exam Name
RBSE 10th
Conducting Body
Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan
Frequency Of Conduct
Once a year
Exam Level
English +6 more
Mode Of Application
Application Fee
Offline : 600
Mode Of Exam
Exam Duration
3 Hours 15 Minutes

RBSE 10th Important Dates

RBSE 10th Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 10th Examination (session 2025)

26 Mar' 2025 - 26 Mar' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
29 Mar' 2025 - 29 Mar' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
Sanskrit (First Question Paper)
04 Apr' 2025 - 04 Apr' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
Third language-Sanskrit, Urdu,Gujarati, Sindhi, Punjabi, Sanskrit (Second Paper)
25 Jul' 2024 - 05 Sep' 2024 . Online
Application Date
Filling the online examination form (for regular and self-study candidates) - with normal examination fee
24 Aug' 2024 - 10 Sep' 2024 . Online
Application Date
Filling the online examination form (for regular and self-study candidates) with additional examination fee
06 Mar' 2025 - 06 Mar' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date

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RBSE 10th eligibility criteria are the requirements needed to be fulfilled by students in order to apply for Rajasthan Board 10th examination. Students who fail to satisfy the given RBSE 10th eligibility will not be allowed to appear in the examination.

  • Student must have qualified class 9th from Rajasthan Board or other recognised board.
  • The age of students should be equal to or more than 14 years.
  • Students must have the minimum required attendance.
Background wave

RBSE 10th application process includes steps that need to be taken for the successful submission of applications. Students had to apply for RBSE 10th examination through their respective schools. The head of the institution will later send the application to the board. The RBSE 10th application is completely offline. 

  • RBSE 10th Examination fee for Regular Students: Rs. 600
  • Examination fee for Private candidates: Rs. 650
  • Examination fee for PWD and son/daughter of defence personnel either retired or killed/disabled in action: Free
  • Practical examination fee: Rs. 100
  • Practical examination fee for PWD and son/daughter of defence personnel either retired or killed/disabled in action: Rs. 50
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RBSE Class 10 Sample Papers

Free RBSE Class 10 Sample Papers

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Documents Required at Exam RBSE 10th 2025

Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 10th Examination 2025

  • Admit Card
  • School ID Card
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It is important to be aware of RBSE 10th exam pattern 2025 as it gives the student insight on how the paper is set. This is important to make a study plan as this will provide you information on how to go on about your studies. You can derive which topic is given more weightage and set your priorities accordingly. The tentative RBSE Class 10 exam pattern:

TopicNumber of question papersTime Given (in hours)Theory/PracticalsInternalsMaximum MarksMinimum marks to pass
3)Third Language






Social Studies13:15
Vocational Studies (in some schools)12:00
Rajasthan Research & society welfare schemes13:15
8020Scores are given on school level.
Physical Education13:15
Scores are given on school level.
Foundation of IT13:15

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RBSE 10th 2025 Syllabus

RBSE 10th Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 10th Examination Syllabus

Hindi: Unit 01

Unseen passage

    Hindi: Unit 02


      Hindi: Unit 03

      Practical grammar

        English: Unit 01

        • Unseen passage

        English: Unit 02

        • Letter writing: (a) Personal-to friends, relatives and members of family, (b) official-to government officials, the editor of a newspaper or a magazine, headmaster/ principal
        • Letter writing: (c) Email-to family, friends, relatives, government officials, the editor, teachers, headmaster, principal and so on
        • Short story on a given outline
        • Short writing task based on a verbal or a visual stimulus (picture,chart, table, etc)

        English: Unit 03

        • Tense: Simple present, present continuous, present perfect, simple past, past continuous, past perfect and tense showing future action)
        • Reported speech
        • Conjunctions (and, as well as, not only-but also, both-and, either-or, neither-nor, so-that, too-to, though, although, while, yet)
        • Relative pronouns
        • Active and passive voice
        • Framing questions and question tags

        English: Unit 04

        Text books-First Flight
        • Prose: (1) A letter to God, (2) Nelson Mandela: Long walk to freedom, (3) Two stories about hying, (4) From the diary of Anne Frank, (5) The hundred dress-1, (6) The hundred dress-2, (7) Glimpses of India, (8) The sermon at Benares
        • Poetry: (1) Dust of snow, (2) Fire and ice, (3) A tiger in the zoo, (4) How to tell wild animals, (5) Amanda, (6) Animals, (7) The trees, (8) The tale of custard and dragon

        English: Unit 05

        Supplementary reader-Footprints without feet
        • Content: (1) A triumph of surgery, (2) The thief's story, (3) The midnight visitor, (4) Footprints without feet, (5) The necklace, (6) Bholi, (7) The book that saved the earth

        Science: Unit 01

        Chemical substances-nature and behaviour
        • Chemical reactions and equations: Chemical equation, implications of a balanced chemical equation. Effects of oxidation reactions in everyday
        • Acids, bases, and salts: Chemical properties of acids and bases. Similarity in acids and bases, information about the strength of an acid or base solution, information about salts
        • Metals and non-metals: Physical and chemical properties of metals and non-metals, metals and non-metals reactions. Extraction of metals. Corrosion. Prevention of corrosion

        Science: Unit 02

        World of living
        • Life processes: Life processes, nutrition, respiration, transportation, excretion
        • Control and coordination: Nervous system in animals, coordination in plants, hormones in animals
        • Heredity and evolution: Accumulation of variation during reproduction, heredity, evolution. Speciation, evolution and classification, human evolution

        Science: Unit 03

        Natural phenomena
        • Reflection and refraction of light: Reflection of light, spherical mirrors, refraction of light

        Science: Unit 04

        Effects of current
        • Electricity: Electric current and circuit. Electric potential and potential difference, circuit diagram, Ohm’s law, factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends. Resistance of a system of resistors. Heating effect of electric current
        • Electricity: Electric power
        • Magnetic effects of current: Magnetic field and field lines, magnetic field due to current carrying conductor, force on current carrying conductor in a magnetic field, electric motor, electromagnetic induction. Electric generator
        • Magnetic effects of current: Domestic electric circuits

        Science: Unit 05

        Natural resources
        • Our environment: Ecosystem and its components, activities affect the environment
        • Sustainable management of natural resources: Management of our resources, forest and wildlife, water for all, coal and petroleum, an overview of natural resource management

        Social science: Unit 01

        India and the contemporary world-II
        • Events and processes: (i) The rise of nationalism in Europe-(a) The French revolution and the Idea of the nation, (b) the making of nationalism in Europe, (c) the age of revolutions: 1830-1848, (d) the making of Germany and Italy
        • Events and processes: (i) The rise of nationalism in Europe-(d) visualizing the nation, (e) nationalism and imperialism, (ii) nationalism in India
        • Events and processes: (ii) Nationalism in India-(a) the First World War, Khilafat and non-cooperation, (b) differing strands within the movement, (iii) towards civil disobedience, (iv) the sense of collective belonging
        • Livelihoods, economies and societies: (i) The making of a global world-(a) the pre-modern world, (b) the nineteenth century (1815-1914), (iii) the inter war economy, (iv) rebuilding a world economy: The post-war era

        Social science: Unit 02

        Contemporary India-II
        • Resources and development: (i) Types of resources, (ii) development of resources, (iii) resource planning in India, (iv) land resources, (v) land utilization, (vi) land use pattern in India, (vii) land degradation and conservation measures
        • Resources and development: (viii) Soil as a resource, (ix) classification of soils, (x) soil erosion and soil conservation
        • Forest and wildlife: (i) Biodiversity in India, (ii) flora and fauna in India vanishing forests, (iii) Asiatic Cheetah: Where did they go?, (iv) the Himalayan Yew in trouble, (v) conservation of forest and wildlife in India, (vi) project tiger
        • Forest and wildlife: (vii) Types and distribution of forests and wildlife resources, (viii) community and conservation
        • Water resources: (i) Water scarcity and the need for water conservation and management, (ii) multipurpose river projects and integrated water resources, (iii) management rainwater harvesting
        • Agriculture: (i) Types of farming, (ii) cropping pattern, (iii) major crops, (iv) technological and institutional reforms, (v) impact of globalization on agriculture
        • Minerals and energy resources: (i) What is a mineral?, (ii) mode of occurrence of minerals, (iii) ferrous and nonferrous minerals, (iv) non-metallic minerals, (v) rock minerals, (vi) conservation of minerals
        • Minerals and energy resources: (vii) Energy resources conventional and non-conventional, (viii) conservation of energy resources

        Social science: Unit 03

        Democratic Politics-II
        • Power sharing: (i) Case studies of Belgium and Sri Lanka, (ii) why power sharing is desirable?, (iii) forms of power sharing
        • Federalism: (i) What is federalism?, (ii) federal system in India, (iii) how is federalism practiced?, (vi) decentralization in India
        • Democracy and diversity: (i) Case studies of Mexico, (ii) differences, similarities and divisions, (iii) politics of social divisions
        • Caste religion and gender issues: (i) Gender and politics, (ii) religion, communalism and politics, (iii) caste and politics
        • Mass struggles and movements: (i) Popular struggles in Nepal and Bolivia, (ii) mobilization and organization, (iii) pressure groups and movements

        Social science: Unit 04

        Understanding economic development
        • Development: (i) What development promises-different people different goals, (ii) income and other goals, (iii) national development, (iv) how to compare different countries or states?, (v) income and other criteria, (vi) public facilities
        • Development: (vii) Sustainability of development
        • Sectors of the Indian economy: (i) Sectors of economic activities, (ii) comparing the three sectors-primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors in India, (iii) division of sectors as organized and unorganized
        • Sectors of the Indian economy: (iv) Sectors in terms of ownership: Public and private sectors
        • Money and credit: (i) Money as a medium of exchange, (ii) modern forms of money, (iii) loan activities of banks, (iv) two different credit situations, (v) terms of credit, (vi) formal sector credit in India, (vii) self help groups for the poor
        • Globalization and the Indian economy: (i) Production across countries, (ii) interlinking production across countries, (iii) foreign trade and integration of markets, (iv) what is globalization?, (v) factors that have enabled globalisation
        • Globalization and the Indian economy: (vi) World Trade Organisation, (vii) Impact of globalization on India, (viii) the struggle for a fair globalisation

        Mathematics: Unit 01

        Real number
        • Real number: Introduction, Euclid’s division lemma, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, revisiting irrational numbers, revisiting rational numbers and their decimal expansions

        Mathematics: Unit 02

        • Polynomials: Geometrical meaning of the zeroes of a polynomial, relationship between zeroes and coefficients of a polynomial, division algorithm for polynomials, summary
        • Pair of linear equations in two variables: Pair of linear equations in two variables, graphical method of solution of a pair of linear equations, algebraic methods of solving a pair of linear equations, substitution method, elimination method
        • Pair of linear equations in two variables: Cross-multiplication method, equations reducible to a pair of linear equations in two variables
        • Quadratic equations: Quadratic equations, solution of a quadratic equation by factorisation, solution of a quadratic equation by completing the square, nature of roots
        • Arithmetic progressions: Arithmetic progressions, nth term of an A.P. , sum of first n terms of an A.P.

        Mathematics: Unit 03

        • Constructions: Division of a line segment, construction of tangents to a circle

        Mathematics: Unit 04

        Coordinate geometry
        • Coordinate geometry: Distance formula, section formula, area of a triangle

        Mathematics: Unit 05

        Introduction of trigonometry
        • Introduction of trigonometry: Trigonometric ratios, trigonometric ratios of some specific angles, trigonometric ratios of complementary angles, trigonometric identities

        Mathematics: Unit 06

        Statistics and probability
        • Statistics: Mean of grouped data, mode of grouped data, median of grouped data, graphical representation of cumulative frequency distribution
        • Probability: A theoretical approach

        History and culture of Rajasthan: Unit 01

        History of Rajasthan: An introduction

          History and culture of Rajasthan: Unit 02

          Major saint and folk deity of Rajasthan

            History and culture of Rajasthan: Unit 03

            Celebration, festivals and fair of Rajasthan

              History and culture of Rajasthan: Unit 04

              Clothes and jewellery of Rajasthan

                History and culture of Rajasthan: Unit 05

                Rajasthani paintings and folk arts

                  History and culture of Rajasthan: Unit 06

                  Architecture and different dimension of craft

                    History and culture of Rajasthan: Unit 07

                    Rajasthani music

                      History and culture of Rajasthan: Unit 08

                      Rajasthani folk dance and folk drama

                        History and culture of Rajasthan: Unit 09

                        Rajasthani language and literature

                          History and culture of Rajasthan: Unit 10

                          Major tourist place of Rajasthan

                            History and culture of Rajasthan: Unit 11

                            Major personalities of Rajasthan

                              Concept of information technology-II: Unit 01

                              Advance processing tools
                              • Introduction to MS-excel: Introduction to MS-excel, comparison between MS-word and MS-excel, worksheets and workbooks: Creating a workbook, opening, labeling, format workbook tabs, reposition sheets, naming, adding, deleting, hiding, un-hiding
                              • Introduction to MS-excel: Worksheets and workbooks-saving workbooks and worksheets. Navigating, MS excel, insert cells, rows and columns, delete cells, row or columns, merge, splitting, hiding columns and rows, unhiding column and rows, format
                              • Introduction to MS-excel: Filter and sort of cells, headers and footers, set margins for headers and footers, information about printing: Select print area, print a range of pages, about entering information into excel: Entering data, entering labels
                              • Introduction to MS-excel: Information about printing-entering values, multiple entries, copying and pasting of cells, rows and columns. Filling cells with a series of data, editing cell data, find replace, go to cell data
                              • Introduction to MS-excel: Locking rows and columns by splitting panes and freezing panes spell check, autocorrect, track changes, accept and reject changes, comments
                              • Formatting a worksheet: Format painter, font style, font size, adding border and colours to cell, changing rows and column width, changing rows and column width using the mouse, applying number formats, creating custom number formats, align cell contents
                              • Formatting a worksheet: Cell styles, creating your own cell styles, conditional formatting
                              • Adding elements to a workbook: Adding Images, modifying image, charts: Types of charts, chart tools, creating charts, modifying charts, moving charts, organizational charts, sparkline
                              • Adding elements to a workbook: Formulas and calculations-definition and explanation of formulas and calculations, mathematical operators, creating a formulas, creating functions. References, excel forms, tables, creating a table
                              • Adding elements to a workbook: Inserting rows and columns into a table, data validation, finding invalid entries and auditing, page margins, page orientation, page breaks, sharing worksheets and workbooks, importing and exporting data
                              • MS power point: Opening, opening an presentation, saving and closing a presentation, changing views, creating a new presentation, adding a slide, changing a slide, layout, entering text on a slide, changing text formats, using the format painter, bullets
                              • MS power point: Alignments text, using templates, adding a picture, using the slide master, adding headers, footers and speaker notes, arranging slides, introduction to drawing tools, inserting and formatting picture files, insert a table, chart
                              • MS power point: Smartart hyperlink, transition effects, animation effects, sound clip, running a slide show, creating a custom show

                              Concept of information technology-II: Unit 02

                              Cyber crime and e-commerce
                              • Introduction to cyber crime and cyber law: Cyber law, technical aspects of cybercrime, computer viruses, social engineering, phishing, software piracy, intellectual property, mail bombs
                              • E-commerce/ e-business: E-commerce-features, advantages to organizations, advantages to customers, advantages to society, technical disadvantages, not technical disadvantages, e-commerce business
                              • E-business security, privacy, and legal requirements: Business philosophy and vision, e-business security, security, types of security risks encountered on an intranet and extranet, firewalls and their evolution
                              • E-commerce payment system: Cryptography, digital signature, virtual private network (VPN), types of VPN, measures to ensure security, modes of electronic payments, third party payment processor, payment gateway, traditional marketing
                              • E-commerce payment system: Examples of traditional advertising, internet marketing, protection of privacy and intellectual property

                              Concept of information technology-II: Unit 03

                              Application and system software
                              • Application and system software: Definition of computer data, information, computer instruction, computer program, software: Application and system software, uses and examples of application software and system software
                              • Application and system software: Software-proprietary software and open source software (OSS), foundation of the open source software, comparison between OSS and proprietary software, reasons for adoption of open source software
                              • Application and system software: Advantages and disadvantages of OSS, operating system: Microsoft window, linux, open office

                              Concept of information technology-II: Unit 04

                              Internet and its applications
                              • Web and electronics mail: Internet, future of the internet, application of internet, different ways of access the internet, services on internet, communication on internet, internet protocol, HTTP< FTP, SMTP, telnet, intranet, WWW (world wide web)
                              • Web and electronics mail: Websites, web browsers, internet explorer, the URL address, surfing the internet, chatting on Internet, conferencing on internet, e-mail, virus, electronic mail, types of email services, uses of mail services
                              • Web and electronics mail: Basic issues of email
                              • Virus and antivirus: Virus, anti-virus, virus protection software, protection of the computer from virus, updating the software
                              • Internet: Type of internet access, online services, internet services provider, hypertext and hyperlinks, favourites or bookmarks, cookies, bluetooth, wi-fi DHCP, proxy setting, IP address, subnet mask, gateways, DNS

                              Art education: Unit 01


                                Art education: Unit 02

                                Singing and drama

                                  Students have to solve the RBSE Class 10 sample papers/ model papers to know the exam pattern, syllabus, time management and various other important aspects. Solving RBSE 10th sample papers and previous year question papers makes one aware of the standard of questions asked in the exam. The sample papers are designed to help students to be more efficient and confident during the real exam owing to their true exam like constrictions.

                                  For the RBSE 10th exam, you need to prepare strategically. Thus, exam experts recommend the following tips, tricks and preparation techniques to make you completely prepared for the exam:

                                  1) Make a study plan: Making a study plan is essential in many ways. For one, it gives your studies a certain discipline. According to the weightage of subjects, you can give weightage to certain topics and give special attention to them. Remember not to leave anything.

                                  2) Focus on short goals: Divide your RBSE 10th syllabus in short term goals and try to reach them. This will make you confident and motivated to reach your goals again and again.

                                  3) Know the exam pattern: Knowing the syllabus and exam pattern for RBSE Class 10 exam helps you prepare for an exam better. You focus on important topics or segregate subjects and units into important/not important.

                                  4) Make flashcards: Dates in history, formulas in mathematics, derivations in physics and equations in chemistry. These all require understanding and a little bit of mugging. Make small flashcards of these dates, equations & formulas and revise them on a daily basis.

                                  5) Don't be afraid to ask for help: Everyone reaches a point where they just get stuck. If you ever find yourself in a tight spot in your studies, ask your teacher or friends for help.

                                  Read more

                                  The RBSE 10th admit card has been released on February 28, 2025 through school login. Students have to carry their RBSE 10th admit card while appearing in the exam as it is one of the most important documents. Without the admit card, the student will not be allowed to sit for the exam. RBSE 10th admit card contains information about the students such as their name, photo, enrollment number etc. 

                                  • RBSE board will declare the Class 10th 2025 Rajasthan board results in May 2025, through the RBSE's official website. 
                                  • Students will have to enter their roll number as given on their admit card to view their Rajasthan Board 10th result 2025. 
                                  • The following details will be available on the RBSE result: Students' roll no., name, father’s name, mother’s name, subjects, marks obtained, percentage and division.

                                  General Information


                                  01452627454 + 3 more

                                  Relevant Links

                                  Official Website Link Click Here

                                  Frequently Asked Questions

                                  1. How should I prepare for the Class 10 board exams in last one month?

                                  In the last month, you should focus on revision only. Do not study any new topic and practice sample papers as much as you can. 

                                  2. How can I apply for the supplementary exams of RBSE?

                                  You can apply for the RBSE supplementary exams through your respective schools. 

                                  3. What should I do if I get failed in one or more subjects?

                                  In this case, you can appear in the RBSE Class 10 supplementary exams to save your academic year. 

                                  4. What credentials are required to check the RBSE 10th result?

                                  You will need your roll number to check the 10th result 2025 Rajasthan board. 

                                  5. From where can I download the PDF of Syllabus for Class 10 Rajasthan Board?

                                  The PDF for all subjects is available on the official website of Rajasthan Board,

                                  6. What is the exam duration of RBSE Class 10 exams 2025?

                                  The exam duration of RBSE Class 10 exams is 3.15 hours. 

                                  7. What are the maximum marks for theory paper of Rajasthan 10th exams?

                                  The theory paper will be of 80 marks. 

                                  8. When will the RBSE Class 10 result 2025 be announced?

                                  The RBSE 10th result 2024 will be announced in May 2025.

                                  9. What are the passing marks in RBSE class 10, 2025?

                                  Students have to obtain a minimum of 33 per cent marks to pass the 10th RBSE 2025 exams.

                                  10. Are the exact questions from model papers asked in board exams?

                                  No, the RBSE 10th model papers consist of the sample questions. Exact questions will not be asked in the exam. 

                                  11. From where can I download the model papers of Rajasthan board Class 10?

                                  The RBSE 10th model papers 2025 are made available on

                                  12. What is the RBSE 10th exam date 2025?

                                  The RBSE 10th exams will be held from March 6 to April 4, 2025.

                                  13. When will the time table for Rajasthan Board Class 10 be released.

                                  The final RBSE 10th time table 2025 was released on February 4, 2025.

                                  E-books and Sample Papers

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                                  Questions related to RBSE 10th

                                  Have a question related to RBSE 10th ?

                                  Hello Aspirant,

                                  Till now Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan (BSER) has not released the time table for board examinations of class 10th but tentatively the examinations are expected to commence from March 24th 2022. The schedule might release within few days so keep checking the official website :-


                                  Also for your reference some tentative dates are given below :-



                                  March 24, 2022

                                  English (Mandatory)

                                  March 25, 2022

                                  Hindi (Mandatory)

                                  March 27, 2022


                                  March 30, 2022


                                  March 31, 2022

                                  Social Science

                                  April 4, 2022

                                  Third language- Hindi, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Punjabi, Sindhi

                                  April 6, 2022

                                  IT & ITES, Electronics & Hardware, Plumber, Telecom, Tourism & Hospitality, Self Defence, Automotive, Beauty and wellness

                                  For more details and regular updates kindly check out the link given below :-


                                  I hope this information helps you.

                                  Good Luck!!


                                  The RBSE 10th board examination schedule has not been announced yet, so for updates keep an eye on the official website for which link id provided below:-

                         ( .

                                  RBSE 10th board tentative/expected  exam date 2022  are expected to fall between 6th march  to  27, march 2022

                                  You can get complete tentative date at:-

                                  Follow the given below tips to score well in your board examination :-

                                  ---------) Go well through your textbooks

                                  ---------) While reading the book, underline the important points and then later make short notes

                                  ---------) Do go through the questions at the end of the chapter, just reading is not going to help.

                                  ---------) Follow a routine, it should be such that it moves around 3 important things i. e first studying, then practicing questions and finally revision.

                                  ---------) Focus relatively more on your weak subject so that you can make them strong

                                  ---------) Have daily, weekly and monthly goals like you will complete these topics today , these chapter by the end of the week and these many chapters by the end of the month

                                  ---------) Be practical in your approach. For example, if you need 4 days to complete a chapter but you plan to finish it in 1 day from scratch then that's not going to help you, at  the end of the day it will give you disappointment and down your morale, so be practical.

                                  ---------) Complete your syllabus at least 1 month before your board examination so that you can give it for revision and practicing questions

                                  ---------) solve previous year question papers :- it will be really of great help to you because you will know what type of questions are asked in the exam, their difficulty level , examination pattern etc

                                  ---------) Go through chapterwise and unitwise test and once you're done with the complete syllabus ,go through full mock test papers. And do at least 5-10 full mock test papers in each subject.

                                  ---------) practicing days full mock test papers will let you know the level of your preparation for your board examination .

                                  ---------) after each mock test analyse your performance to know your mistakes / weak areas , after that you need to work on improving them in the subsequent mock tests .

                                  I hope that you find this helpful.

                                  Thank you

                                  Dear aspirant !

                                  Hope you are doing great ! Firstly never be disappointed ,you can achieve whatever you want even toughest thing of the world ,it's a just subject maths you need not to worry about that ,just beleive in yourself and do practice daily 4 hours self study.Impossible itself is possible.

                                  Hope you will understand what I am saying .

                                  Thank you!!

                                  Have a peaceful day!!

                                  Hi Aspirant,

                                  Your question is not clear.Please mention which question you are talking about since there are ample number of examinations going on through out the country.Its very difficult to say until you tell us the name of the examination.Please revisit the site and ask the question once more in career 360 site.

                                  Hope it helps!!


                                  No RBSE has no yet cancelled 10th exams. Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE), Ajmer conducts the RBSE 10th Board exam for Class 10 students, every year. Students who cleared their class 9 from RBSE or any recognized board are eligible to apply and appear for the RBSE 10th exam. RBSE 10th exams 2021 have been postponed by the Rajasthan board due to a surge in COVID-19 cases. The examination will be conducted for 5 main subjects including Maths, Science, Social Science and two language subjects. Students can opt for one additional subject as well.

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