UP Board 10th Preparation Tips 2025: Check Tips to Clear UP Board Exams

UP Board 10th Preparation Tips 2025: Check Tips to Clear UP Board Exams

Edited By Dinesh Goyal | Updated on Nov 18, 2024 09:46 PM IST | #UP Board 10th
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UP Board 10th  Exam Date : 24 Feb' 2025 - 24 Feb' 2025
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All students who wish to score 90+ marks in UPMSP Class 10 exams should read the useful exam preparation tips given in this article. Some students achieve their goals by following the UP board exam preparation tips, while some get a little below their expectations due to some reasons. So, if they follow important UP board 10th preparation tips 2025 and study sincerely, then they can achieve their goals and target marks in UP board 10th exams which are scheduled to take place from February 24 to March 12, 2025.

UP Board 10th Preparation Tips 2025: Check Tips to Clear UP Board Exams
UP Board 10th Preparation Tips 2025: Check Tips to Clear UP Board Exams

Analyze the syllabus and decide the priority of topics is the first and most important tip among all UP board Class 10 exam tips. Read below to get more on UP board 10th preparation tips 2025, tricks, strategies and exam day instructions.

Top 5 UP Board 10th Preparation Tips 2025

People must have already suggested to study during the day, study at night, study for long hours, study on bed or table, and do not study in a group and some say group study helps in better productivity. There is a common saying ‘Too many chefs spoil the broth.' So if you will obey all the suggestions from people, it will not be very helpful as some tips may work and some of them not.

Instead, you should follow some guidelines of people and consult with respective subject teachers. You should make your study plan at their convenience and it will boost your preparation level. Alternatively, you can follow the given UP board 10th preparation tips 2025. These tips and tricks are compiled from previous years’ toppers, board exam experts and teachers' interviews.

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UP Board 10th Preparation Tip No. 1 - Analyze the Syllabus

First of all, you should go through the UP board class 10 syllabus and identify the topics you need to study. Write down or highlight topics in the book which are to be studied and which have been studied. It will give them an idea of how much syllabus has been covered and how much is left.

You should set the priority of topics and start studying accordingly. Cover important topics on a prior basis as most of the questions are asked from important topics. Devote time to all topics as per their weightage in total marks.

UP Board 10th Preparation Tip No. 2 - Keep Separate Notebooks for All Subjects

You should keep separate notebooks for Hindi, maths, English, science, social science and other subjects. It is the second and one of the most important UP board class 10 preparation tips 2025.

Write all the chapter-wise important points, questions, answers and important formulae and theorems in your own language. Revise these notebooks to cover the entire syllabus in a short time.

UP Board 10th Preparation Tip No. 3 - Follow NCERT Class 10 Books

UPMSP has adopted NCERT books for Classes 1 to 12 except for language subjects. So students should download class 10 NCERT books and prepare with them. These books are easy to read and all the topics are defined in simple language.

The subject-wise download links for NCERT class 10 books are given below:

UP Board Class 10 Sample Paper
Free UP Board Class 10 Sample Paper
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After this, they can move on to other reference books to have some additional knowledge and practice with various problems around a topic.

Check Here: UPMSP Centre List 2025 Web Story

UP Board 10th Preparation Tip No. 4 - Solve Previous Years' Question Papers

Practice makes the man perfect. So, you should solve previous years’ question papers and UP board 10th model papers 2025. It is one of the essential UP board 10th preparation tips for 2025. Solving previous years’ papers will help students to know about the types of questions asked in the exam and practise with them.

Also, there is some chance of asking some questions from previous year papers in board exams.

UP Board 10th Preparation Tip No. 5 - Consult with Teachers and Grasp the Concepts

  • You should also consult with respective subject teachers to get subject-wise tips for UP board class 10 exams.

  • Read all the concepts and understand them. Clear the doubts with teachers or seniors.

  • Stay focused and concentrate while studying.

  • Go through UP board 10th timetable 2025 and cover the entire syllabus at least two months before the exams.

  • After that revise the syllabus in the remaining time to grasp the concepts and remember them for a long time.

UP Board 10th Preparation Tips 2025 - Do’s and Don’ts

  • Do not study late at night as it will not be productive if you are not active and feeling sleepy. So study in the daytime and take proper sleep at night.

  • Study in small chunks of 25-30 minutes and take a break of 5-10 minutes after that to keep the mind fresh.

  • Do not use headphones or listen to songs while studying as it will lead to distraction.

  • Make flashcards and paste them near your study area.

  • Keep away all distractions such as phones, games, and social media to concentrate constantly.

Related Links:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is it good to study at night?

Night study is not much productive as students will feel sleepy. It will lead to tiredness and will reduce brain functionality.

2. Can I score more than 90% marks in the UP board?

Yes, you can score more than 90% marks in UP board, if you prepare dedicatedly.

3. How to prepare for UP board 10th exams?

You should study the prescribed syllabus and books to prepare for UP board high school exams. Also, follow the UP board 10th preparation tips given on this page.

4. How can I prepare for UPMSP Class 10 exams in 10 days?

It is too hard to prepare for UPMSP Class 10 exams in 10 days only and score good marks. But, you can cover important topics in 10 days and score passing marks.


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Questions related to UP Board 10th

Have a question related to UP Board 10th ?

Hello aspirant,

The written paper will include 70 marks, in accordance with the UP Board Class 10 exam pattern. Descriptive questions receive 50 of the 70 possible points, while objective questions receive 20. Internal evaluations account for the final 30 points.

To know the complete exam pattern, you can visit our site through following link:


Thank you

The UP Board 10 question papers will be divided into different sections, including objective-type questions, short-answer questions, and long-answer questions. The UP Board 10th exam includes:

  • Objective-type questions: These can include multiple-choice questions (MCQs), true/false questions, or fill-in-the-blank questions.

  • Short answer questions: These require brief and concise answers, usually within a few sentences.

  • Long answer questions: These require more detailed and elaborate answers, demonstrating a deeper understanding of the topic.


The CBSE board has released the sample paper class 10 2024 maths for the academic year. CBSE sample papers Class 10 Maths 2024 can be downloaded from the official website, www.cbseacademic.nic.in. (http://www.cbseacademic.nic.in.) Students can evaluate their preparation level of the CBSE 10th examinations by using the CBSE maths sample paper class 10 2024 solutions.

Download your class 10 maths model paper here at : https://school.careers360.com/boards/cbse/cbse-class-10-maths-sample-papers

Hope this helps you.


if you're in CBSE board then you have hindi, English, Math, social science ( History, geography, economic, political science), science (physics, chemistry, biology) and a 2nd language subject that is IT(information technology) or cs(computer science) you have to choose between these two, either CS or IT.

there will be two books in English and Hindi.

hope this will help you.

best of luck for your boards.

there is no need to take tension. you can buckle up and start studying from now to ace your 12th and beyond exams and entrances. the simplest way to fix everything is to take it seriously and concentrate on your 12 th for a year. you can thoroughly go through the NCERT or the specified textbooks and learn it to clear the boards and entrances.

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