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HomeSchool ExamsUttar Pradesh Board 12th Examination

UP Board 12th Exam 2025 - Time Table (Out), Syllabus, Question Papers, Result

Updated on 12th March, 2025 by Manasvini Gupta

About UP Board 12th 2025

Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) conducts the UP board intermediate exams for Class 12 students. UP Board conducts the Class 12th Examination at state-level, every year.

  • The board released the UPMSP 12th timetable 2025 on November 18, 2024.
  • The UP board 12th exams were held from February 24 to March 12, 2025.
  • UPMSP 12th Practical exams were conducted in two phases, from February 1st to 8th, 2025, and the second phase took place from February 9 to February 16, 2025.
  • UP 12th admit card 2025 was released on February 18, 2025, through schools.
  • The UP board 12th result 2025 will be announced in April 2025.
  • Students should go through the UP Board 12th syllabus 2025 to learn about the topics incorporated in the board exam syllabus. Check the latest syllabus and prepare for the exams in a planned way.
  • The board also releases the model papers for the UP board 12th exams. The final exam question papers are prepared based on the pattern given in UP board 12th model papers 2025. Hence, students must solve these model papers to practice with the types of questions asked in the exam. 
  • These model papers also help them to improve the speed of answer writing with accuracy.
  • After the declaration of the result, students will be able to collect the original mark sheets by visiting their respective schools.
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New: UP Board 12th Time Table 2025 Out Model Papers

UP Board 12th PYQ's: Physics | Chemistry | Biology

UP Board 12th PYQ's: English | History | Economics

UP Board 12th 2025 Highlights

Full Exam Name
Uttar Pradesh Board 12th Examination
Short Exam Name
UP Board 12th
Conducting Body
Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh
Frequency Of Conduct
Once a year
Exam Level
English +3 more
Mode Of Application
offline +1 more
Application Fee
Online : 600
Mode Of Exam
Exam Duration
3 Hours 15 Minutes

UP Board 12th Important Dates

UP Board 12th Uttar Pradesh Board 12th Examination (session 2025)

25 Sep' 2024 - 25 Sep' 2024 . Offline
Application Date
01 Feb' 2025 - 08 Feb' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
Phase 1 - Practical exams
09 Feb' 2025 - 16 Feb' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
Phase 2 - Practical exams

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Students who fulfil the below-given eligibility requirements are eligible for UP board 12th 2025 exam:

  • Candidates who are enrolled in class 12 in a school affiliated with the UP board.
  • They must have acquired the required percentage of attendance during their academic year in class 12 of the UP board.
  • Students must have filled out the examination form and submitted it before the last date along with the required documents and examination fee.
  • Candidates whose forms are accepted by the board and who receive the admit card will be allowed to appear for the exam. They will have to carry the UP board 12th admit card to the exam hall during the exam.

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Candidates could fill out the UP board 12th exam application form by September 25, 2024. The form can be collected from the schools/colleges in which a student is studying. They have to pay the requisite application fee as directed by the institution and submit the form along with the required documents to the school or college itself. Details about the UP board 12th examination fee are mentioned below:

UP Board class 12 examination fee             

ExamPersonal/InstitutionalExamination fee
Agricultural (Part I and II) and occupational categoryInstitutional220.75
Agricultural (Part I and II) and occupational categoryPrivate406
For the examination of a subject under the Intermediate RegulationPrivate206

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UP Board 12th Sample Papers with Solutions

Download UP Board 12th Sample Papers with Solutions to boost their preparation.

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Documents Required at Exam UP Board 12th 2025

Uttar Pradesh Board 12th Examination 2025

  • Admit Card
  • School ID card

UP Board 12th 2025 Exam Centers

Uttar Pradesh
Gautam Budh Nagar
Muzaffar Nagar
Lakhimpur Kheri
Kanpur Nagar
Kanpur Dehat
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  • UP board 12th exam pattern for science, commerce and arts streams consist of information about the mode of examination, type of questions, marking scheme and so on. 
  • Students will be able to work on their time management skills and score better in the exam with the help of UP board class 12 exam pattern. 
  • The exam is held in the pen and paper-based mode and 70 marks are allotted to theory paper and 30 to practical and internal evaluation by the school. 
  • To qualify for each paper, students have to score 33% marks. 
  • One can also get an idea about the paper pattern through the practice of sample papers and previous years’ question papers.

Other School Exams

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UP Board 12th 2025 Syllabus

UP Board 12th Uttar Pradesh Board 12th Examination Syllabus

Mathematics: Unit 01

Relations and Functions
  • Types of relations: Reflexive, symmetric, transitive and equivalence relations. One to one and onto functions
  • Inverse trigonometric functions: Definition, range, domain, principal value branches

Mathematics: Unit 02

  • Matrices: Concept, notation, order, equality, types of matrices, zero and identity matrix, transpose of a matrix, symmetric and skew symmetric matrices. Operation on matrices: Addition and multiplication and multiplication with a scalar
  • Matrices: Simple properties of addition, multiplication and scalar multiplication. Non-commutativity of multiplication of matrices and existence of non-zero matrices whose product is the zero matrix (restrict to square matrices of order 2)
  • Matrices: Concept of elementary row and column operations. Invertible matrices and proof of the uniqueness of inverse, if it exists; (here all matrices will have real entries)
  • Determinants: Determinant of a square matrix (up to 3 x 3 matrices), properties of determinants, minors, co-factors and applications of determinants in finding the area of a triangle. Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix
  • Determinants: Consistency, inconsistency and number of solutions of system of linear equations by examples, solving system of linear equations in two or three variables (having unique solution) using inverse of a matrix

Mathematics: Unit 03

  • Continuity and differentiability: Continuity and differentiability, derivative of composite functions, chain rule, derivative of inverse trigonometric functions, derivative of implicit functions. Concept of exponential and logarithmic functions
  • Continuity and differentiability: Derivatives of logarithmic and exponential functions. Logarithmic differentiation, derivative of functions expressed in parametric forms. Second order derivatives
  • Applications of derivatives: Rate of change of bodies, increasing/ decreasing functions, tangents and normals, use of derivatives in approximation
  • Applications of derivatives: Maxima and minima (first derivative test motivated geometrically and second derivative test given as a provable tool)
  • Applications of derivatives: Simple problems (that illustrate basic principles and understanding of the subject as well as real-life situations)
  • Integrals: Integration as inverse process of differentiation. Integration of a variety of functions by substitution, by partial fractions and by parts
  • Integrals: Evaluation of simple integrals of the following types and problems based on them-ʃ dx/ x²± a², ʃ dx/ √x²±a², ʃ dx/ √a²-x², ʃ dx/ ax²+bx+c, ʃ dx/ √ax²+bx+c, ʃ px+q/ ax²+bx+c dx, ʃ px+q/ √ax²+bx+c dx, ʃ √a² ± x² dx, ʃ √x²-a² dx
  • Integrals: Evaluation of simple integrals of the following types and problems based on them-ʃ √ax²+bx+c dx, ʃ (px + q) √ax²+bx+c dx
  • Integrals: Definite integrals as a limit of a sum. Fundamental theorem of calculus (without proof). Basic properties of definite integrals and evaluation of definite integrals
  • Applications of the integrals: Applications in finding the area under simple curves, especially lines, circles/ parabolas/ ellipses (in standard form only), area between any of the two above said curves (the region should be clearly identifiable)
  • Differential equations: Definition, order and degree, general and particular solutions of a differential equation. Formation of differential equation whose general solution is given
  • Differential equations: Solution of differential equations by method of separation of variables, solutions of homogeneous differential equations of first order and first degree
  • Differential equations: Solutions of linear differential equation of the type-(dy/dx)+py=q, where p and q are functions of x or constants. (dx/dy)+px=q, where p and q are functions of y or constants

Mathematics: Unit 04

Vectors and three-dimensional geometry
  • Vectors: Vectors and scalars, magnitude and direction of a vector. Direction cosines and direction ratios of a vector. Types of vectors (equal, unit, zero, parallel and collinear vectors), position vector of a point, negative of a vector
  • Vectors: Components of a vector, addition of vectors, multiplication of a vector by a scalar, position vector of a point dividing a line segment in a given ratio. Definition, geometrical interpretation
  • Vectors: Properties and application of scalar (dot) product of vectors, vector (cross) product of vectors
  • Three-dimensional geometry: Direction cosines and direction ratios of a line joining two points. Cartesian equation and vector equation of a line, coplanar and skew lines, shortest distance between two line. Cartesian and vector equation of a plane
  • Three-dimensional geometry: Distance of a point from a plane

Mathematics: Unit 05

Linear programming
  • Introduction, related terminology such as constraints, objective function, optimization, different types of linear programming (L.P.) problems, mathematical formulation of L.P. problems, graphical method of solution for problems in two variables
  • Feasible and infeasible regions (bounded or unbounded), feasible and infeasible solutions, optimal feasible solutions (up to three non-trivial constraints)

Mathematics: Unit 06

  • Conditional probability, multiplication theorem on probability, independent events, total probability, Baye's theorem
  • Random variable and its probability distribution

Chemistry: Unit 01

Solid state
  • Classification of solids based on different binding forces: Molecular, ionic, covalent, and metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline solids (elementary idea)
  • Unit cell in two dimensional and three dimensional lattices, calculation of density of unit cell, packing in solids, packing efficiency, voids, number of atoms per unit cell in a cubic unit cell, point defects

Chemistry: Unit 02

  • Types of solutions, expression of concentration of solutions of solids in liquids, solubility of gases in liquids, solid solutions, Raoult's law, colligative properties‐relative lowering of vapour pressure, elevation of boiling point
  • Depression of freezing point, osmotic pressure, determination of molecular masses using colligative properties

Chemistry: Unit 03

  • Redox reactions, EMF of a cell, standard electrode potential, Nernst equation and its application to chemical cells, relation between Gibbs energy change and EMF of a cell, conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific and molar conductivity
  • Variations of conductivity with concentration, Kohlrausch's Law, electrolysis

Chemistry: Unit 04

Chemical kinetics
  • Rate of a reaction (Average and instantaneous), factors affecting rate of reaction: concentration, temperature, catalyst; order and molecularity of a reaction, rate law and specific rate constant
  • Integrated rate equations and half‐life (only for zero and first order reactions)

Chemistry: Unit 05

Surface chemistry
  • Adsorption‐physisorption and chemisorption, factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids, colloidal state: Distinction between true solutions, colloids and suspension; lyophilic, lyophobic, multi‐molecular and macromolecular colloids
  • Properties of colloids; Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, electrophoresis, coagulation

Chemistry: Unit 06

P-block elements
  • Group‐15 elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, oxidation states, trends in physical and chemical properties; nitrogen preparation properties and uses
  • Group‐15 elements: Compounds of nitrogen-preparation and properties of ammonia and nitric acid
  • Group 16 elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, oxidation states, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties, dioxygen: Preparation, properties and uses, classification of oxides, ozone, sulphur‐allotropic forms
  • Group 16 elements: Compounds of sulphur-preparation, properties and uses of sulphur‐dioxide, sulphuric acid: Properties and uses; oxoacids of sulphur (structures only)
  • Group 17 elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, oxidation states, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties; compounds of halogens, preparation, properties and uses of chlorine and hydrochloric acid, interhalogen compounds
  • Group 17 elements: Oxoacids of halogens (structures only)
  • Group 18 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties, uses

Chemistry: Unit 07

d-and f-block elements
  • General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics of transition metals, general trends in properties of the first row transition metals-metallic character, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, ionic radii, colour
  • Catalytic property, magnetic properties, interstitial compounds, alloy formation
  • Lanthanoids‐electronic configuration, oxidation states and lanthanoid contraction and its consequences

Chemistry: Unit 08

Coordination compounds
  • Coordination compounds‐introduction, ligands, coordination number, colour, magnetic properties and shapes, IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds
  • Bonding, Werner's theory, VBT, and CFT

Chemistry: Unit 09

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
  • Haloalkanes: Nomenclature, nature of C-X bond, physical and chemical properties, optical rotation mechanism of substitution reactions
  • Haloarenes: Nature of C-X bond, substitution reactions (Directive influence of halogen in monosubstituted compounds only)

Chemistry: Unit 10

Alcohols, phenols and ethers
  • Alcohols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties (of primary alcohols only), identification of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols, mechanism of dehydration
  • Phenols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, acidic nature of phenol, electrophilic substitution reactions, uses of phenols
  • Ethers: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, uses

Chemistry: Unit 11

Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids
  • Aldehydes and Ketones: Nomenclature, nature of carbonyl group, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, mechanism of nucleophilic addition, reactivity of alpha hydrogen in aldehydes, uses
  • Carboxylic Acids: Nomenclature, acidic nature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties; uses

Chemistry: Unit 12

Amines (organic compounds having nitrogen)
  • Amines: Nomenclature, classification, structure, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, uses, identification of primary, secondary and tertiary amines

Chemistry: Unit 13

  • Carbohydrates: Classification (aldoses and ketoses), monosaccahrides (glucose and fructose), D‐L configuration
  • Proteins: Elementary idea of‐amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides, proteins, structure of proteins‐primary, secondary, tertiary structure and quaternary structures (qualitative idea only), denaturation of proteins
  • Nucleic acids: DNA and RNA

Biology: Unit 01

  • Sexual reproduction in flowering plants: Flower structure; development of male and female gametophytes; pollination-types, agencies and examples; outbreeding devices; pollen-pistil interaction; double fertilization
  • Sexual reproduction in flowering plants: Post fertilization events-development of endosperm and embryo, development of seed and formation of fruit; special modesapomixis, parthenocarpy, polyembryony; significance of seed dispersal and fruit formation
  • Human reproduction: Male and female reproductive systems; microscopic anatomy of testis and ovary; gametogenesis-spermatogenesis and oogenesis; menstrual cycle; fertilisation, embryo development upto blastocyst formation, implantation
  • Human reproduction: Pregnancy and placenta formation (elementary idea); parturition (elementary idea); lactation (elementary idea)
  • Reproductive health: Need for reproductive health and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDS); birth control-need and methods, contraception and medical termination of pregnancy (MTP); amniocentesis
  • Reproductive health: Infertility and assisted reproductive technologies-IVF, ZIFT, GIFT (elementary idea for general awareness)

Biology: Unit 02

Genetics and evolution
  • Principles of inheritance and variation: Heredity and variation-Mendelian inheritance; deviations from Mendelism-incomplete dominance, co-dominance, multiple alleles and inheritance of blood groups, pleiotropy; elementary idea of polygenic inheritance
  • Principles of inheritance and variation: Chromosome theory of inheritance; chromosomes and genes; sex determination-in humans, birds and honey bee; linkage and crossing over; sex linked inheritance-haemophilia, colour blindness
  • Principles of inheritance and variation: Mendelian disorders in humans-thalassemia; chromosomal disorders in humans; Down's syndrome, Turner's and Klinefelter's syndromes
  • Molecular basis of inheritance: Search for genetic material and DNA as genetic material; structure of DNA and RNA; DNA packaging; DNA replication; central dogma; transcription, genetic code, translation; gene expression and regulation-lac operon
  • Molecular basis of inheritance: Genome and human and rice genome projects; DNA fingerprinting

Biology: Unit 03

Biology and human welfare
  • Human health and diseases: Pathogens; parasites causing human diseases (malaria, dengue, chickengunia, filariasis, ascariasis, typhoid, pneumonia, common cold, amoebiasis, ring worm) and their control; basic concepts of immunology-vaccines
  • Human health and diseases: Cancer, HIV and AIDS; adolescence-drug and alcohol abuse
  • Microbes in human welfare: In household food processing, industrial production, sewage treatment, energy generation and microbes as biocontrol agents and biofertilizers. Antibiotics; production and judicious use

Biology: Unit 04

Biotechnology and its applications
  • Biotechnology-principles and processes: Genetic engineering (recombinant DNA technology)
  • Biotechnology and its application: Application of biotechnology in health and agriculture-human insulin and vaccine production, stem cell technology, gene therapy; genetically modified organisms-Bt crops; transgenic animals
  • Biotechnology and its application: Biosafety issues, biopiracy and patents

Biology: Unit 05

Ecology and environment
  • Organisms and populations: Organisms and environment-habitat and niche, population and ecological adaptations; population interactions-mutualism, competition, predation, parasitism; population attributes-growth, birth rate and death rate, age distribution
  • Biodiversity and its conservation: Biodiversity-concept, patterns, importance; loss of biodiversity; biodiversity conservation; hotspots, endangered organisms, extinction, red data book, biosphere reserves, national parks, sanctuaries

Geography-fundamentals of human geography: Unit 01

Human geography: nature and scope

    Geography-fundamentals of human geography: Unit 02

    • Population‐distribution, density and growth
    • Population change‐spatial patterns and structure; determinants of population change
    • Population composition‐age‐sex ratio; rural‐urban composition
    • Human development‐concept; selected indicators, international comparisons

    Geography-fundamentals of human geography: Unit 03

    Human activities
    • Primary activities‐concept and changing trends; gathering, pastoral, mining, subsistence agriculture, modern agriculture; people engaged in agricultural and allied activities‐some examples from selected countries
    • Secondary activities‐concept; manufacturing: Types‐household, small scale, large scale; agro based and mineral based industries; people engaged in secondary activities‐some examples from selected countries
    • Tertiary activities‐concept; trade, transport and tourism; services; people engaged in tertiary activities-some examples from selected countries
    • Quatenary activities‐concept; people engaged in quatenary activities‐case study from selected countries

    Geography-fundamentals of human geography: Unit 04

    Human settlements
    • Settlement types‐rural and urban; morphology of cities (case study); distribution of mega cities; problems of human settlements in developing countries

    Geography-fundamentals of human geography: Unit 05

    Map work

      Geography-India: People and economy: Unit 01

      • Population: Distribution, density and growth; composition of population‐linguistic, religious; sex, rural‐urban and occupational‐regional variations in growth of population
      • Migration: International, national‐causes and consequences
      • Human development: Selected indicators and regional patterns
      • Population, environment and development

      Geography-India: People and economy: Unit 02

      Human settlements
      • Rural settlements‐types and distribution
      • Urban settlements‐types, distribution and functional classification

      Geography-India: People and economy: Unit 03

      Resources and development
      • Water resources‐availability and utilization‐irrigation, domestic, industrial and other uses; scarcity of water and conservation methods‐rain water harvesting and watershed management
      • Mineral and energy resources‐distribution of metallic (iron ore, copper, bauxite, manganese); non‐metallic (mica, salt) minerals
      • Mineral and energy resources‐conventional (coal, petroleum, natural gas and hydroelectricity) and non‐conventional energy sources (solar, wind, biogas) and conservation
      • Planning in India‐target group area planning (case study); idea of sustainable development (case study)

      Geography-India: People and economy: Unit 04

      Geographical perspective on selected issues and problems
      • Environmental pollution; urban‐waste disposal
      • Urbanization, rural‐urban migration; problems of slums
      • Land degradation

      Geography-India: People and economy: Unit 05

      Map work

        Civics-a contemporary world politics: Unit 01

        Cold war era
        • Emergence of two power blocs after the second world war
        • Arenas of the cold war
        • Challenges to the bipolarity: Non aligned movement, quest for new International economic order
        • India and the cold war

        Civics-a contemporary world politics: Unit 02

        The end of bipolarity
        • New entities in the world politics: Russia, Balkan states and central Asian states
        • Introduction of democratic politics and capitalism in post communist regimes, India's relations with Russia and other post-communist countries

        Civics-a contemporary world politics: Unit 03

        Alternative centres of power
        • Rise of China as an economic power in post-Mao era, creation and expansion of European Union, ASEAN
        • India's changing relations with China

        Civics-a contemporary world politics: Unit 04

        Contemporary South Asia in the post cold war era
        • Democratisation in Pakistan and Nepal
        • Ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka
        • Impact of economic globalization on the region
        • Conflicts and efforts for peace in South Asia India's relation with its neighbours

        Civics-a contemporary world politics: Unit 05

        International organizations
        • Restructuring and the future of the UN
        • India's position in the restructured UN
        • Rise of new international actors: New international economic organizations, NGO's
        • How democratic and accountable are the new institutions of global governance?

        Civics-a contemporary world politics: Unit 06

        Environment and natural resources
        • Environment movement and evolution of global environmental norms
        • Conflicts over traditional and common property resources
        • Rights of indigenous people India's stand in global environmental debates

        Civics-politics in India since independence: Unit 01

        Challenges of nation building
        • Nehru's approach to nation-building; legacy of partition: Challenge of 'Refugee' resettlement, the Kashmir problem organization and reorganization of states ; political conflicts over language

        Civics-politics in India since independence: Unit 02

        Politics of planned development
        • Five year plans, expansion of state sector and the rise of new economic interests
        • Famine and suspension of five year plans, green revolution and its political fallouts

        Civics-politics in India since independence: Unit 03

        India's external relations
        • Nehru's foreign policy Sino-Indian war of 1962, Indo-Pak war of 1965 and 1971
        • India's nuclear programme
        • Shifting alliance in world politics

        Civics-politics in India since independence: Unit 04

        Crisis of the democratic order
        • Navnirmaan movement in Gujarat and the Bihar movement, emergency: Context, constitutional and extra-constitutional dimensions, resistance to emergency
        • 1977 elections and the formation of Janta party
        • Rise of civil liberties organizations

        Civics-politics in India since independence: Unit 05

        Popular movements in India
        • Farmer's movements, Women's movement, environment and development-affected people's movements

        Civics-politics in India since independence: Unit 06

        Regional aspirations
        • Rise of regional parties
        • Punjab crisis and the anti-sikh riots of 1984
        • The Kashmir situation
        • Challenges and responses in the North East

        Civics-politics in India since independence: Unit 07

        Recent developments in Indian politics
        • Participatory upsurge in 1990s
        • Rise of the JD and the BJP
        • Increasing role of regional parties and coalition politics
        • Coalition governments: NDA (1998-2004), UPA (2004-2014), implementation of Mandal commission report. Communalism, secularism and Democracy

        Economics-introductory microeconomics: Unit 01

        • Meaning of microeconomics and macroeconomics, positive and normative economics
        • What is an economy?, central problems of an economy-what, how and for whom to produce
        • Opportunity cost

        Economics-introductory microeconomics: Unit 02

        Consumer's equilibrium and demand
        • Consumer's equilibrium meaning of utility, marginal utility, law of diminishing, marginal utility, conditions of consumer's equilibrium using marginal utility analysis
        • Indifference curve analysis of consumer's equilibrium-the consumer's budget (budget set and budget line), preferences of the consumer (indifference curve, indifference map) and conditions of consumer's equilibrium
        • Demand, market demand, determinants of demand, demand schedule, demand curve and its slope, movement along and shifts in the demand curve; price elasticity of demand-factors affecting price elasticity of demand
        • Measurement of price elasticity of demand-percentage-change method

        Economics-introductory microeconomics: Unit 03

        Producer behaviour and supply
        • Meaning of production function-short-run and long-run
        • Total product, average product and marginal product
        • Returns to a Factor
        • Cost: Short run costs-total cost, total fixed cost, total variable cost; average cost; average fixed cost, average variable cost and marginal cost-meaning and their relationships
        • Revenue-total, average and marginal revenue-meaning and their relationship
        • Producer's equilibrium-meaning and its conditions in terms of marginal revenue marginal cost
        • Supply, market supply, determinants of supply, supply schedule, supply curve and its slope, movements along and shifts in supply curve, price elasticity of supply; measurement of price elasticity of supply-percentage-change method

        Economics-introductory microeconomics: Unit 04

        Forms of market and price determination under perfect competition with simple applications
        • Perfect competition-features; determination of market equilibrium and effects of shifts in demand and supply
        • Other market forms-monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly-their meaning and features
        • Simple applications of demand and supply: Price ceiling, price floor

        Economics-introductory macroeconomics: Unit 01

        National income and related aggregates
        • What is macroeconomics?
        • Basic concepts in macroeconomics: Consumption goods, capital goods, final goods, intermediate goods; stocks and flows; gross investment and depreciation
        • Circular flow of income (two sector model); methods of calculating national income-value added or product method, expenditure method, income method
        • Aggregates related to national income: Gross national product (GNP), net national product (NNP), gross and net domestic product (GDP and NDP)-at market price, at factor cost; real and nominal GDP. GDP and welfare

        Economics-introductory macroeconomics: Unit 02

        Money and banking
        • Money-meaning and supply of money-currency held by the public and net demand deposits held by commercial banks
        • Money creation by the commercial banking system
        • Central bank and its functions (example of the Reserve Bank of India): Bank of issue, Govt. Bank, Banker's Bank, Control of Credit through Bank Rate, CRR, SLR, Repo Rate and Reverse Repo Rate, Open Market Operations, Margin requirement

        Economics-introductory macroeconomics: Unit 03

        Determination of income and employment
        • Aggregate demand and its components
        • Propensity to consume and propensity to save (average and marginal)
        • Short-run equilibrium output; investment multiplier and its mechanism
        • Meaning of full employment and involuntary unemployment
        • Problems of excess demand and deficient demand; measures to correct them-changes in government spending, taxes and money supply

        Economics-introductory macroeconomics: Unit 04

        Government budget and the economy
        • Government budget-meaning, objectives and components
        • Classification of receipts-revenue receipts and capital receipts; classification of expenditure-revenue expenditure and capital expenditure

        Economics-introductory macroeconomics: Unit 05

        Balance of payment
        • Balance of payments account-meaning and components; balance of payments deficit-meaning
        • Foreign exchange rate-meaning of fixed and flexible rates and managed floating
        • Determination of exchange rate in a free market

        Sociology-Indian society: Unit 01

        Introducing Indian society
        • Colonialism, nationalism, class and community

        Sociology-Indian society: Unit 02

        The demographic structure of the Indian society
        • Theories and concepts in demography, rural urban linkages and division

        Sociology-Indian society: Unit 03

        Social institutions, continuity and changes
        • The caste system, tribal community, family and kinship

        Sociology-Indian society: Unit 04

        Patterns of social inequality and exclusion
        • Caste prejudice, schedule caste and other backward classes, marginalization of tribal communities, the struggle women's equality, the struggle of the differently abled

        Sociology-Indian society: Unit 05

        The challenges of cultural diversity
        • Cultural communities and the nation state, problems of communalism, regionalism and casteism, the nation state, religion related issues and dentities, communalism, secularism and nation state, state and civil society

        Sociology-Indian society: Unit 06

        Project work
        • Survey system, interview, a combination of observation and contemporary methods, potential cases and topics for a small research project

        Sociology-change and development in India: Unit 01

        Cultural change
        • Modernization, westernization, sanskritisation, secularization, social reform movements and laws

        Sociology-change and development in India: Unit 02

        The story of Indian democracy
        • The constitution as an instrument of social change, Panchayati raj and the challenges of social transformation, parties; pressure groups and democratic politics

        Sociology-change and development in India: Unit 03

        Change and development in rural society
        • Land reforms, green revolution and emerging agrarian society, agrarian structure: Caste and class in rural India, land reforms, green revolution and its social consequences, transformation in rural society, globalization, literalization and rural society

        Sociology-change and development in India: Unit 04

        Change and development in industrial society
        • From planned industrialization to liberalization, work process, working state, strike and trade union

        Sociology-change and development in India: Unit 05

        Social movement
        • Theories and classification of social movements, class based movements, dalit movement, backward castes, trends in upper caste responses, women's movements in Independent India, tribal movements, environmental movements

        English: Unit 01

        • A girl with a basket: William C. Douglas, A fellow-traveller: A.G. Gardiner, The Home coming: R.N. Tagore, Women’s education: Dr.S. Radhakrishnan, Heritage of India: A.L.Basham

        English: Unit 02

        • Character of a happy life: Sir Henry Wotton, The true beauty: Thomas Carew, On his blindness: John Milton, A lament: P.B. Shelley, From the passing of Arthur: Alfred Tennyson, My heaven: R N Tagore, The song of the free: Swami Vivekananda

        English: Unit 03

        Short stories
        • The gold watch: Ponjikkara Raphy, An astrologer's day: R. K. Narayan, The lost child: Mulk Raj Anand

        English: Unit 04

        Figures of speech
        • Definition of any one of the following with two examples: Simile, metaphor, personification, apostrophe, oxymoron, onomatopoeia, hyperbole

        English: Unit 05

        General English grammar
        • Direct-indirect narration, synthesis, transformation, syntax

        English: Unit 06

        • Synonyms, antonyms, homophones, one word substitution, idioms and phrases,

        English: Unit 08

        Essay writing

          English: Unit 09

          Unseen passage

            • UP board prescribes the model question papers every year before the commencement of the exams. 
            • Students can use them to have an idea about the exam pattern, type and number of questions to be asked, marking scheme etc. 
            • They also help in time management and speed improvement if timed and solved as per the actual exam day.
            • Students must not leave out any topic in the syllabus. In case of doubt, one should talk to teachers and clarify doubts regarding topics that they find difficult.
            • One can prepare a UP board 12th timetable accommodating time for all subjects and self-evaluation.
            • The timetable should comprise short breaks in between so that the study time does not become monotonous.
            • Students should solve previous years’ UP board 12th question papers and sample papers that will be available on the board’s official website.
            • While studying, one should make it a habit of preparing short notes. Students will be able to use them later while revising instead of going through the entire textbook.
            • Group study is another effective tool. This helps students compare and analyse their preparation levels.
            Read more

            After each UPMSP 12th exam, well-known coaching centres have published unofficial answer keys for all subjects. These UP Board 12 answer keys will give students solutions to the exam questions, letting them check their answers and estimate their scores.

            The board will release the UP Board 12th result 2025 tentatively in April 2025 through the official website. To check UP board result 2025, students will have to enter their roll number in the login page. UP board result 2025 will comprise of student's qualifying status along with other details such as name, roll number, subject-wise and total marks. 

            How to check UP board 12th result 2025?

            • Visit the official website at
            • Click on the intermediate result 2025 link.
            • Enter the roll number of a candidate.
            • Click on the submit button.
            • The UP board result 2025 class 12 will be displayed on the screen.

            Students who appear for the exam will be issued original mark sheets and pass certificates by the board through their respective schools. Those who want to request for verification of marks will be able to do so within 30 days from the online declaration of the result. They have to fill out the scrutiny form and pay a fee of Rs 500 per subject through their respective schools. 

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            General Information


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            Relevant Links

            Official Website Link Click Here
            JEE Main Important Mathematics Formulas

            As per latest 2024 syllabus. Maths formulas, equations, & theorems of class 11 & 12th chapters

            Frequently Asked Questions

            1. What if I fail in one or more subjects in the board exams?

            In this case, you need to appear in the compartment exams. 

            2. Can I apply for revaluation of marks in the board exams?

            Yes, you can apply for revaluation after the declaration of result.

            3. Can I check my result in offline mode?

            Yes, the UP Board result will also released via SMS. 

            4. What is the result date of UP Board Class 12 exams 2025?

            Generally, UP board result Class 12 is released within one or two months after the exam. 

            5. How can I download UP Board 12th previous year question papers?

            The question papers are made available on the official website of UP board. 

            6. How can I prepare for the 12th board exams in just one month?

            To prepare for the exams in just one month, focus on important topics only, and study the books prescribed in the syllabus. Check UP Board 12th Preparation Tips to know more. 

            7. When will the UP Class 12 toppers list be released?

            UP Board 12th toppers 2025 list is released along with the UP 12th annual exam result. 

            8. What are the total marks for practical subjects in the UP Board 12th exams?

            In the practical subjects, theory exams are of 70 marks, whereas practical exams are of 30 marks. 

            9. Can I apply individually for UP board intermediate exams?

            Yes, students can apply for UP board inter exams as private candidates.

            10. Where is UP board intermediate result declared?

            UP Board result 2025 will be released on and 

            11. What are the passing marks for UP Board 12th exams?

            In order to pass the exams, students need to score a minimum of 33 per cent marks. Check UP Board 12 grading system for more details. 

            E-books and Sample Papers

            Questions related to UP Board 12th

            Have a question related to UP Board 12th ?

            Yes,up board 2025 syllabus contains 20 marks multiple choice questions in part A subject like physics, chemistry, biology,maths and also there will be short and long questions format in part b which alloted 50 marks.start preparation from now if you want to achieve good score read the syllabus and study according to it to fetch more marks lastly revise the content which you have been studied before exam.all the best

            Hello student,

            If you now have 6 subjects after taking the additional Math exam, you should fill in the total marks for all 6 subjects when applying for any government or UPTAC exam forms. This includes both your original 5 subjects and the additional Math subject. Make sure to enter the updated marks to reflect your complete academic record.

            I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

            Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.

            To check your rank and your name in UP board merit list please check the official website of UP board here's the link

            other ways to know about your rank is to check news portals that covers news related to UP board

            Since you have scored 95.6% there are high chances of you getting a good rank

            hope you found this helpful if you have any other doubts feel free to ask

            Thank You

            Hello aspirant,

            2024: The UP Board class 12 syllabus for 2024 has been made available on UPMSP's official website, To learn about the most recent units and topics as well as the exam schedule, students should consult the most recent UP Board syllabus 2024. Exam questions are derived entirely from the subjects included in the UP Board 12th Syllabus 2024.

            To download the syllabus you can visit our website by clicking on the link given below.


            Thank you

            Hope this information helps you.


            Since you are planning to study BBA, here are some important information regarding the the course. BBA is a three years undergraduate course, however some universities offer 4-years BBA course. Students who have completed their 12th standard or equivalent in any stream with 50% marks from any recognised educational board are eligible to apply for this course.

            Some of the best colleges/universities for BBA are as follows:

            1. Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
            2. Amity University, Noida
            3. Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore
            4. Lovely Professional University, Phagwara
            5. Christ University, Bangalore
            6. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow

            For more information please visit the website by clicking on the link given below:


            Hope this information will help you. Thank you.

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