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MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25: Check Mizoram Board Class 10th Syllabus Here

MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25: Check Mizoram Board Class 10th Syllabus Here

Edited By Dinesh Goyal | Updated on Nov 06, 2024 01:17 PM IST | #Mizoram Board 10th
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Mizoram Board 10th  Exam Date : 13 Mar' 2025 - 13 Mar' 2025

MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 - The Mizoram board releases the MBSE Class 10 syllabus 2024-25 in a PDF format. The Mizoram Board 10th syllabus 2024-25 contains subject-wise topics to be studied for final board exams. The board has revised the syllabus for Alternative English. Students can check out the revised syllabus for Alternative English on the official website at Candidates preparing for the Mizoram Class 10 exams should refer to the latest MBSE HSLC syllabus 2024-25. After thoroughly reading and analysing the MBSE HSLC 2024-25 syllabus, students will find it easy to devise and track their exam preparation.
Download MBSE Class 10th Syllabus PDF here.

This Story also Contains
  1. How to download MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25?
  2. MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for Class 10 Maths
  3. MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for Science
  4. MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for English
  5. MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for Social Science
MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25: Check Mizoram Board Class 10th Syllabus Here
MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25: Check Mizoram Board Class 10th Syllabus Here

Mizoram Board of School Education syllabus 2024-25 includes 5 compulsory subjects and an optional subject. Students have the option of choosing a language instead of Mizo. The MBSE HSLC exams 2024-25 will be conducted from February 19 to March 13, 2025. Students should devise their exam preparation schedule accordingly. They can download the Mizoram Board 10th syllabus in PDF format. Read the article to get a PDF download link of the MBSE HSLC syllabus for all subjects, steps to download the MBSE HSLC syllabus online, the marking scheme, and more.

Background wave

How to download MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25?

Students should follow the below-mentioned steps to download the Mizoram Board of School Education syllabus 2024-25 pdf without any hassle.

  • Step 1: Visit the official website at
  • Step 2: Click on ‘Academic’.
  • Step 3: Select the "Syllabus" option
  • Step 4: Now, Click on the "High School" option.
  • Step 5: MBSE HSLC syllabus 2024-25 will appear on the screen in PDF format. Download the same on your device.
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Sample Image of MBSE Class 10th Syllabus Link


MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for Class 10 Maths

Maths requires practice and continuous preparation. Being a calculation-based subject, it is also a time-consuming subject. So, students should prepare themselves to solve the MBSE HSLC question papers within the exam duration time. Below is the Mizoram board HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 the chapters and the topics along with the weightage that needs to be studied by the students.

MBSE HSLC Complete Syllabus for Maths

ChaptersTopicsTotal Marks
Commercial MathematicsInstallment payments and Installment buying08
Time, Distance and WorkSolution of problems based on time, work, and distance.
AlgebraPolynomials, Linear Equations in Two Variables, Quadratic Equations, Arithmetic Progression (AP), Sets21
GeometryTriangles, Circles, Constructions.15
Co-ordinate Geometryconcepts of coordinate geometry, including graphs of linear equations, geometrical representation of quadratic polynomials,
Distance between two pairs and section formula (internal). Area of a triangle.
TrigonometryProving simple identities, Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles, Heights and Distances10
MensurationAreas related to Circle, Surface Areas and Volumes,10
Statics and ProbabilityMean, Probability, Pictorial representation of data08
Total Marks = 80

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Mizoram Board Class 10 Sample
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MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for Science

Science is a logical and conceptual subject. Students need to clear all concepts and doubts before appearing in the exam. To prepare the complete MBSE HSLC Maths syllabus on time, students must follow the daily class lectures and revise the class notes regularly. Students should also practice calculation and formula-based questions to score good marks in the subject. This subject is divided into two sections - theory & practical, students are required to pass both sections. You can find the Mizoram board Class 10th syllabus here

MBSE HSLC Complete Syllabus 2024-25 for Science (Theory)- 70 marks

ChaptersTopicsTotal Marks
Natural Phenomena
  • Convergence and divergence of light.
  • Images formed by a concave mirror; related concepts; centre of curvature; principal axis. Optic centre, focus, focal length.
  • Refraction; laws of refraction.
  • The image formed by a convex lens; functioning of a lens in the human eye; problems of vision and remedies
  • Applications of spherical mirrors and lenses. Appreciations of the concept of refraction; velocity of light; refractive index; twinkling of stars; and dispersion of light.
  • Scattering of light.
How things work
  • Effects of current:
  • Potential, Potential difference, Ohm’s law; Series combination of resistors, parallel combination of resistors.
  • Power: dissipation due to current.
  • The interrelation between P, V, I and R.
  • Magnet:
  • Magnetic field, field lines, field due to a current carrying wire, field due to current carrying coil
  • or solenoid.
  • Force on the current-carrying conductor.
  • Fleming’s left-hand rule.
  • Electromagnetic induction.
  • Induced potential difference.
  • Induced current.
  • Direct current.
  • Alternating current; frequency of AC.
  • Advantage of AC over DC.
  • Domestic electric circuits.
  • Chemical Substances- Nature and behaviour.
  • Acids, bases and salts-General properties, examples and uses.
  • Chemical reactions-
  • Types of chemical reactions: combination, decomposition, displacement, double
  • displacement, precipitation, neutralization, oxidation and reduction in terms of gain and loss of oxygen and hydrogen.
  • Metals and non-metals-
  • Brief discussion of basic metallurgical processes.
  • Properties of common metal
  • The elementary idea about bonding.
  • Carbon Compounds-
  • An elementary idea about bonding.
  • Saturated hydrocarbons, alcohols, carboxylic acids (no preparation, only properties).
  • Some Important chemical compounds-
  • Soap-cleansing action of soap.
  • Periodic classification of elements-
  • Gradations in properties: Mendeleev periodic table.
The World of the Living

  • Our environment- Environmental problems, their solutions. Biodegradable, non-biodegradable, Ozone Depletion.
  • Life Processes: “living” things; the Basic concept of nutrition, respiration, transport and excretion in plants and animals. Control and Coordination in plants and animals- Tropic movements in plants; Introduction to plant hormones.
  • Control and coordination in animals: voluntary, involuntary and reflex action nervous system, chemical coordination: animal hormones.
  • Reproduction- Reproduction in plants and animals. Need for and methods of family planning. Safe sex vs HIV, AIDS. Childbearing and women’s health.
  • Heredity and evolution- Heredity.
  • Origin of life: a brief introduction. Basic concepts of evolution.
Natural Resources
  • Conservation of natural resources-
  • Management of natural resources.
  • Conservation and judicious use of natural resources.
  • Forest and wildlife.
  • Coal and petroleum conservation.
  • People’s participation- Chipko movement.
  • Legal perspectives in conservation and international scenario.
  • The Regional environment-
  • Big dams: advantages and limitations.
  • Water harvesting.
  • Sustainability of natural resources.
  • Sources of energy-
  • Different forms of energy- fossil fuels,
  • solar energy, biogas, wind, water and tidal energy.
  • Nuclear energy.
  • Renewable versus non-renewable sources.
Total marks 70

MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for English

English is a language subject. Students must read and write English regularly to improve their reading, writing and grammar skills. Also, you can start practising letter writing, summarization, report writing and essay writing. The details of the Mizoram board Class 10th English syllabus are given in the table:

MBSE HSLC Complete Syllabus for English

ReadingA factual passage or a literary passage or a discursive passage of 350-400 words with 3 Short Answer Questions, 2 Multiple Choice Questions, 2 Very Short Answer Questions.10
WritingShort composition of 50 words limit e.g. Postcard, notice, message writing, poster, reports, invitation, summarisation (Precis Writing) etc
One long composition of 150-200 words e.g. Article, letter writing (Formal/informal), Essay(descriptive/narrative), diary entry, Recording information etc.
SpeakingThis will not be tested in a formal examination.
Grammarverbs, sentence structure, other areas(determiners,pronouns,prepositions,punctuation, synonyms/antonyms,word order in sentence type)15
LiteratureQuestions will be asked from the coursebook which includes Pros, Poetry, and Literature readers.40
Total marks 80

MBSE HSLC Syllabus 2024-25 for Social Science

Social science is a complete theory subject. The sub-division includes History, Geography, Economics, Political Science and Disaster Management. Students should prepare for Social Science by revising the chapters regularly and memorizing important facts and dates. Also, practice map-based questions. Refer to the given table for accessing the complete Mizoram board Class 10th Social Science syllabus:

MBSE HSLC Complete Syllabus 2024-25 for Social Science

  • Unit I: Events and Processes:
  • Nationalism in Europe
  • Nationalist Movement in Indo-China
  • Nationalism in India: Civil Disobedience Movement

  • Unit II: Economies and Livelihoods:
  • Industrialisation 1850s-1950s
  • Urbanization and Urban Lives
  • Trade and Globalization

  • Unit III: Culture, Identity and Society:
  • Print Culture and Nationalism
  • History of the Novel
  • Resources: Types-natural and human; Need for resource planning.
  • Natural Resources: land as a resource, soil formation, types and distribution; changing land-use pattern; land degradation and conservation measures
  • Forest and Wildlife Resources: Types and distribution, depletion of flora and fauna; conservation and protection of forests and wildlife.
  • Agriculture: Types of farming, major crops, cropping pattern, technological and institutional reforms; their impact; contribution of Agriculture to national economy-employment and output, food security, the impact of globalisation.
  • Water Resources: Sources, distribution, utilisation, multi-purpose projects, water scarcity, need for conservation and management, rainwater harvesting (One case study to be introduced).
  • Mineral Resources: Types of minerals, distribution, use and economic importance of minerals, conservation
  • Power Resources: Types of power resources-conventional and nonconventional, distribution and utilization, and conservation.
  • Manufacturing Industries: Types, spatial distribution, contribution to industries to the national economy, industrial pollution and degradation of the environment, measures to control degradation (One case study to be introduced).
  • Transport, Communication and Trade
  • Working of Democracy:
  • Are divisions inherent to the working of democracy? What has been the effect of caste on politics and of politics on caste? How has the gender division shaped politics? How do communal divisions affect democracy?
  • Power Sharing Mechanisms in Democracy
  • Why and how is power shared in democracies? How has a federal division of power in India helped national unity? To what extent has decentralisation achieved this objective? How does democracy accommodate different social groups?
  • Competition and Contestations in Democracy
  • How do struggles shape democracy in favour of ordinary people? What role do political parties play in competition and contestation? Which are the major national and regional parties in India? Why have social movements come to occupy larger role in politics?
  • Outcomes of Democracy
  • Can or should democracy be judged by its outcomes? What outcomes can one reasonably expect of democracies? Does democracy in India meet these expectations? Has democracy led to development, security and dignity for the people? What sustains democracy in India?
  • Challenges to Democracy
  • Is the idea of democracy shrinking? What are the major challenges to democracy in India? How can democracy be reformed and deepened? What role can an ordinary citizen play in deepening democracy?
  • Theme I: The Story of Development
  • Theme II: Money and Financial System
  • Theme III: The Role of the Service Sector in the Indian Economy
  • Theme IV: Globalisation
  • Theme V: Consumer Awareness

MBSE HSLC Preparation Tips

  1. Firstly, give a thorough reading of the complete MBSE HSLC syllabus 2024-25 given above. Make sure you understand the course structure, subjects, and topics along with their weightage.

  2. Make a fixed study plan based on the MBSE HSLC routine 2024-25 and start your preparation. Study all important chapters sincerely because a lot of questions will be asked from these only, so leave no stone unturned.

  3. Complete the entire MBSE HSLC syllabus 2024-25 at least 1 month before the exam. Students should revise daily whatever they read. Otherwise, they may forget the topics read earlier and all the hard work will go in vain.

  4. After completing the MBSE HSLC syllabus 2024-25, move towards solving MBSE 10th sample question papers. Solving these will give students a complete knowledge of exam patterns, mark distribution, and difficulty level of papers. Moreover, students will also get to know their weaknesses before the exam, so solve as many question papers as possible before the exam.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. When will the Mizoram Board conduct the MBSE HSLC exam 2025?

The Board will conduct the MBSE HSLC exams from February 19 to March 13, 2025. 

2. Where can I download latest MBSE HSLC syllabus 2024-25 from?

Students can download the Mizoram board 10th class syllabus from this page and the official website at

3. What are the changes in Mizoram HSLC syllabus 2025?

There are a few changes in MBSE 10th syllabus 2024-25. The latest syllabus is available here to download as a pdf file.


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Questions related to Mizoram Board 10th

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Hello Aspirant ,Hope your doing great . As per your query,  MBSE compartment exam result was already released on 17.05. 2024 , if you want to check result . Visit the official website .

Dear student,

You can download the PDF files of Mizoram board 10th question papers by clicking on the link provided.


To find the sum of the powers of the prime factors of a number, we first need to factorize the number into its prime factors and then add the exponents of these prime factors.

The prime factorization of 195 is:

195 = 3*5*13

So, the sum of the powers of the prime factors of 195 is:

1+1+1 = 3
Thus, the sum of the powers of the prime factors of 195 is 3.

Dear student!
The previous year question papers are usually available on the official website of the respective board of education for all the subjects. You can refer the official website or else, you may look up for certain reference books, question banks in which there are solved previous year question papers available. This will help you grasp the pattern of the question paper and know how to write the answers. Your teacher may also help you in explaining the pattern of question paper and giving sample papers. You may refer to your school library too for the papers. Hope this helps.
Good luck!
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