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HomeSchool ExamsRajasthan Board of Secondary Education 12th Examination

RBSE 12th Exam 2025: Time Table (Revised), Syllabus, Question Papers, Result

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RBSE 12th Exam Date : 26 Mar' 2025 - 26 Mar' 2025
Updated on 28th February, 2025 by Mallika Thaledder

About RBSE 12th 2025

Board of Secondary Education, Ajmer, Rajasthan conducts the RBSE 12th examination every year. Around 10 lakh students appear in this examination. To appear in the RBSE class 12 exams 2025, students must have passed the class 11th examination from RBSE or any other recognized board of education. 

More About RBSE 12th Exams 2025:

  • The Rajasthan Board has released the RBSE 12th admit card on February 28, 2025, in online and offline mode. Students must carry the RBSE hall ticket 2025 on each day of the exam.
  • The RBSE theory exam will be conducted from March 6 to April 9, 2025. The Rajasthan board released the RBSE 12th revised time table on February 12, 2025.
  • Earlier, the RBSE Class 12 time table 2025 PDF was released on January 15, 2025. 
  • The RBSE board conducted the Rajasthan practical exams for Class 12 from January 9 to February 8, 2025 (regular students). While, the practical exams for private candidates were held from February 1 to 8, 2025. 
  • RBSE 12th result 2025 for Science, Commerce, and Arts streams will be announced in May 2025.
  • Students can check RBSE 12th Arts result, RBSE 12th Commerce result 2025 and RBSE 12th Science stream results 2025 from the official website,
  • Students should go through the complete RBSE 12th syllabus 2025 and prepare for the board examination in a strategic manner. 
  • They must also download and solve RBSE 12th previous year question papers to practice with the types of questions asked in the RBSE Class 12th exams.
  • Students are required to score a minimum of 33 per cent out of total marks to pass the RBSE 12th class 2025 board exams.
  • The RBSE Class 12 supplementary exams are likely to be held in August 2025 and the RBSE Class 12th Supplementary exam result 2025 will be declared in September 2025. 
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RBSE 12th 2025 Highlights

Full Exam Name
Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 12th Examination
Short Exam Name
RBSE 12th
Conducting Body
Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan
Frequency Of Conduct
Once a year
Exam Level
English +6 more
Mode Of Application
Application Fee
Offline : 1200
Mode Of Exam
Exam Duration
3 Hours

RBSE 12th Important Dates

RBSE 12th Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 12th Examination (session 2025)

26 Mar' 2025 - 26 Mar' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
Physical Education
27 Mar' 2025 - 27 Mar' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
Computer Science, Informatics Practices
28 Mar' 2025 - 28 Mar' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
Political Science, Geology, Agriculture Science

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25 Jul' 2024 - 05 Sep' 2024 . Online
Application Date
25 Jan' 2025 - 25 Jan' 2025 . Online
Admit Card Date
Practical exams - private students
09 Jan' 2025 - 08 Feb' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
Practical exams

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In order to be eligible for appearing in the Rajasthan board class 12 examination, students must clear their class 11th from RBSE or any other recognized board of education. There is no age limit to appear in the RBSE 12th exams 2025. 

Background wave

In order to fill the RBSE 12th application form 2025, students have to provide details like name, date of birth, gender, address, medium, previous academic details, vocational selection, third language selection, etc. The requisite documents and certificates should be attached to the application form and submitted to the school authorities as specified.

For regular students who are enrolled in schools, the application process of RBSE 12th exams 2025 is taken care of by the respective schools only. Whereas, private students are required to fill out the RBSE 12th application form 2024 by themselves.

Also, read -  Rajasthan Scholarships

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Best Engineering colleges in Rajasthan

This e-book contains the list of 50 top B.Tech colleges in Rajasthan as well as types of courses offered, probable fees, college ranking and necessary entrance exams here.

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Documents Required at Exam RBSE 12th 2025

Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 12th Examination 2025

  • Rajasthan Board Class 12 Admit Card
  • Valid photo ID proof
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The exam pattern of the RBSE 12th exams 2025 as prescribed by the Rajasthan board is given in the table below.

Exam duration
Theory paper marksPractical/internal assessmentTotal marks
3.15 hours
3.15 hours
3.15 hours
3.15 hours
3.15 hours
3.15 hours
3.15 hours
3.15 hours
3.15 hours
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RBSE 12th 2025 Syllabus

RBSE 12th Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 12th Examination Syllabus

Hindi: Unit 01

Unseen passage

    Hindi: Unit 02


      Hindi: Unit 03

      Practical grammar

        English: Unit 01

        • Unseen passage: (a) Factual passages e.g. instructions, descriptions, reports, (b) discursive passage involving opinion e.g. argumentative, persuasive or interpretative text, (c) literary passage e.g. extract from fiction, drama, poetry
        • Unseen passage: (c) Literary passage e.g. essay or biography

        English: Unit 02

        • Short compositions: It includes advertisement and notices, description of arguments for or against a topic, accepting and declining invitations
        • A report on an event based on some verbal input or translate the passage into Hindi
        • Letter writing: (a) Business or official letters (for making enquiries, registering complaints, asking for and giving information, placing orders and sending replies), (b) letters to the editor on various social, national, and international issues
        • Letter writing: (c) Application for a job including CV (curriculum vitae)/ resume

        English: Unit 03

        • Clauses (noun clauses, adverb clauses, relative clauses)
        • Synthesis
        • Phrasal verbs (break, bring, carry, come, get, put, turn)
        • Prepositions of motion, time, space and mental attitude

        English: Unit 04

        Textbook: Flamingo
        • Prose: (i) The last lesson, (ii) Lost spring, (iii) Deep water, (iv) The rattrap, (v) Indigo
        • Poetry: (i) My mother at sixty-six, (ii) An elementary school classroom in a slum, (iii) Keeping quit, (iv) A thing of beauty, (v) Aunt Jennifer's tigers

        English: Unit 05

        Supplementary book: Vistas
        • Content: (i) The third level, (ii) The tiger king, (iii) The enemy, (iv) On the face of it, (v) Memories of childhood

        Computer science: Unit 01

        Computational thinking and programming-2
        • Exception handling in Python: (a) Revision of Python topics covered in Class XI, (b) functions: Types of function (built-in functions, functions defined in module, user defined functions), creating user defined function, arguments and parameters
        • Exception handling in Python: (b) Functions-arguments and parameters, default parameters, positional parameters, function returning value(s), flow of execution, scope of a variable (global scope, local scope)
        • File handling in Python: (a) Introduction to files, types of files (text file, binary file, CSV file), relative and absolute paths, (b) text file: Opening a text file, text file open modes (r, r+, w, w+, a, a+), closing a text file
        • File handling in Python: (b) Text file-opening a file using with clause, writing/ appending data to a text file using write() and writelines(), reading from a text file using read(), readline() and readlines(), seek and tell methods
        • File handling in Python: (b) Text file-manipulation of data in a text file, (c) binary file: Basic operations on a binary file-open using file open modes (rb, rb+, wb, wb+, ab, ab+), close a binary file, import pickle module, dump() and load() method
        • File handling in Python: (b) Text file-read, (c) binary file-basic operations on a binary file: Read, write/ create, search, append and update operations in a binary file, (c) CSV file: Import csv module, open/ close csv file
        • File handling in Python: (c) CSV file-write into a csv file using csv.writerow() and read from a csv file using csv.reader()
        • Stack: Python libraries-creating python libraries
        • Queue: Recursion-simple programs with recursion: Sum of first n natural numbers, factorial, fibonacci series
        • Sorting: Idea of efficiency-number of comparisons in best, worst and average case for linear search
        • Searching: Data structure-stack, operations on stack (push and pop), implementation of stack using list. Introduction to queue, operations on queue (enqueue, dequeue, is empty, peek, is full), implementation of queue using list

        Computer science: Unit 02

        Computer networks
        • Computer networks: Evolution of networking-introduction to computer networks, evolution of networking (ARPANET, NSFNET, INTERNET)
        • Data communication: (a) Data communication terminologies-concept of communication, components of data communication (sender, receiver, message, communication media, protocols), measuring capacity of communication media (bandwidth, data transfer rate)
        • Data communication: (a) Data communication terminologies-IP address, switching techniques (circuit switching, packet switching), (b) Transmission media: Wired communication media (twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable)
        • Data communication: (b) Transmission media-wireless media (radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves), (c) network devices (modem, ethernet card, RJ45, repeater, hub, switch, router, gateway, WIFI card)
        • Data communication: (d) Network topologies and network types-types of networks (PAN, LAN, MAN, WAN), networking topologies (Bus, Star, Tree), (e) network protocol: HTTP, FTP, PPP, SMTP, TCP/ IP, POP3, HTTPS, TELNET, VoIP
        • Data communication: (e) Network protocol-wireless/ mobile communication protocol such as GSM, GPRS and WLL, (f) mobile telecommunication technologies: 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G, (g) introduction to web services: WWW, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
        • Data communication: (g) Introduction to web services-Extensible Markup Language (XML), domain names, URL, website, web browser, web servers, web hosting

        Computer science: Unit 03

        Database management
        • Understanding data: Database concepts-introduction to database concepts and its need
        • Database concepts: Relational data model-relation, attribute, tuple, domain, degree, cardinality, keys (candidate key, primary key, alternate key, foreign key)
        • Structured query language (SQL): Structured query language-introduction, data definition language and data manipulation language, data type (char(n), varchar(n), int, float, date), constraints (not null, unique, primary key), create database, use database
        • Structured query language (SQL): Structured query language-show databases, drop database, show tables, create table, describe table, alter table (add and remove an attribute, add and remove primary key), drop table, insert, delete, select
        • Structured query language (SQL): Structured query language-operators (mathematical, relational and logical), aliasing, distinct clause, where clause, in, between, order by, meaning of null, is null, is not null, like, update command, delete command
        • Structured query language (SQL): Structured query language-aggregate functions (max, min, avg, sum, count), group by, having clause, joins: Cartesian product on two tables, equi-join and natural join
        • Structured query language (SQL): Interface of python with an SQL database-connecting SQL with Python, performing insert, update, delete queries using cursor, display data by using fetchone(), fetchall(), row count
        • Structured query language (SQL): Interface of python with an SQL database-creating database connectivity applications

        Informatics practices: Unit 01

        Data handling using Pandas and data visualization
        • Data handling using Pandas-I: Introduction to Python libraries-Pandas, Matplotlib. Data structures in Pandas-series and data frames. Series: Creation of series from ndarray, dictionary, scalar value; mathematical operations; series attributes
        • Data handling using Pandas-I: Series-head and tail functions; selection, indexing and slicing. Data frames: Creation of data frames from dictionary of series, list of dictionaries, text/CSV files, display, iteration
        • Data handling using Pandas-I: Operations on rows and columns-add add (insert/ append), select, delete (drop column and row), rename, head and tail functions, indexing using labels, Boolean indexing; joining, merging and concatenation of data frames
        • Data handling using Pandas-I: Importing/ exporting data between CSV files and data frames (for practicals only)
        • Data handling using Pandas-II: Descriptive statistics-max, min, count, sum, mean, median, mode, quartile, standard deviation, variance. Dataframe operations: Aggregation, group by, sorting, deleting and renaming index, pivoting
        • Data handling using Pandas-II: Handling missing values-dropping and filling. Importing/ exporting data between MySQL database and Pandas

        Informatics practices: Unit 02

        Database query using SQL
        • Querying and SQL functions: (a) Math functions: POWER (), ROUND (), MOD (). (b) Text functions: UCASE ()/ UPPER (), LCASE ()/ LOWER (), MID ()/ SUBSTRING ()/ SUBSTR (), LENGTH (), LEFT (), RIGHT (), INSTR (), LTRIM (), RTRIM (), TRIM ()
        • Querying and SQL functions: (c) Date functions: NOW (), DATE (), MONTH (), MONTHNAME (), YEAR (), DAY (), DAYNAME (). (d) Aggregate functions: MAX (), MIN (), AVG (), SUM (), COUNT (); using COUNT (*)
        • Querying and SQL functions: (e) Querying and manipulating data using group by, having, order by

        Informatics practices: Unit 03

        Introduction to computer networks
        • Internet and web: (a) Introduction to networks, types of network: LAN, MAN, WAN. (b) Network devices: Modem, hub, switch, repeater, router, gateway network topologies: Star, bus, tree, mesh, (c) Introduction to internet, URL
        • Internet and web: (c) WWW and its applications-web, email, chat, VoIP. (d) Website: Introduction, difference between a website and webpage, static vs dynamic web page, web server and hosting of a website. (d) Web browsers: Introduction

        Public administration: Unit 01

        Public administration
        • Public administration: Alternative perspectives of public administration studies-public administration development as a subject

        Public administration: Unit 02

        The major theoretical ideologies
        • Scientific management (Taylor, Fayol), classical ideology (Gulick, Urvik)

        Public administration: Unit 03

        Administrative behavior
        • Communication, motivation (Maslow and McGregor)

        Public administration: Unit 04

        Comparative public administration and development administration
        • Comparative public administration: Meaning, nature, area and importance, development administration

        Public administration: Unit 05

        Indian administration: General introduction
        • The constitutional perspective of Indian administration and characteristics of Indian administration

        Public administration: Unit 06

        Policy formulation and planning
        • NITI Aayog and National Development Council: Organizational design and work, planning department and planning board in Rajasthan: Organization and role

        Public administration: Unit 07

        Financial administration
        • Meaning and type of budget, formulation and approval of budget in India, process

        Public administration: Unit 08

        Personnel administration
        • Recruitment process in higher public services, Union Public Service, Commission and State Public Service Commission, organizational form and role

        Public administration: Unit 09

        Indian administration: Important issues
        • Minister-public servant relations, administrative ethics, transparency in administration

        Public administration: Unit 10

        Administrative reforms and innovations
        • Administrative reforms in India: Information of various commissions and committees after independence, administrative reforms and innovation development in Rajasthan: Meaning, features and interrelationships

        Economics: Unit 01

        • Introduction: Emergence of macroeconomics, context of the present book of macroeconomics
        • National income accounting: Basic concepts in macroeconomics, circular flow of income (two sector model); methods of calculating national income-value added or product method, expenditure method, income method. Factor cost, basic prices and market prices
        • National income accounting: Macroeconomic identities, real and nominal GDP, GDP and welfare

        Economics: Unit 02

        Money and banking
        • Money and banking: Functions of money, demand for money, supply of money, money creation by the banking system. Balance sheet of a fictional bank, limits to credit creation and money multiplier, policy tools to control money supply

        Economics: Unit 03

        Government budget
        • Government budget and the economy: Government budget-meaning, objectives and its components, objectives of government budget, classification of receipts, classification of expenditure, balanced, surplus, deficit budget. Measures of government deficit

        Economics: Unit 04

        Introductory microeconomics
        • Introduction: A simple economy, central problems of an economy, organisation of economic activities, the centrally planned economy, the market economy, positive and normative economics, microeconomics and macroeconomics

        Economics: Unit 05

        Consumer behaviour
        • Theory of consumer behaviour: Utility, cardinal utility analysis, ordinal utility analysis, the consumer’s budget, budget set and budget line, changes in the budget set, optimal choice of the consumer, demand, demand curve and the law of demand
        • Theory of consumer behaviour: Deriving a demand curve from indifference curves and budget constraints, normal and inferior goods, substitutes and complements, shifts in the demand curve, movements along the demand curve and shifts in the demand curve
        • Theory of consumer behaviour: Market demand, elasticity of demand, elasticity along a linear demand curve, factors determining price elasticity of demand for a good, elasticity and expenditure

        Economics: Unit 06

        Concepts of production and costs
        • Production and costs: Production function. The short run and the long run. Total product, average product and marginal product. The law of diminishing marginal product and the law of variable proportions. Shapes of total product
        • Production and costs: Marginal product and average product curves. Returns to scale, costs, short run and long run costs

        Economics: Unit 07

        Perfect competition
        • The theory of the firm under perfect competition: Perfect competition-defining features, revenue , profit maximisation, the profit maximisation problem: Graphical representation, supply curve of a firm, short run supply curve of a firm
        • The theory of the firm under perfect competition: Long run supply curve of a firm, the shutdown point, the normal profit and break-even point, determinants of a firm’s supply curve, technological progress, input prices, market supply curve
        • The theory of the firm under perfect competition: Price elasticity of supply

        Political science: Unit 01

        Contemporary world-politics
        • The Cold War era
        • The end of bipolarity
        • Contemporary South Asia
        • International organizations
        • Security in the contemporary world
        • Environment and natural resources

        Political science: Unit 02

        Politics of India since independence
        • Challenges of nation building
        • Era of one-party dominance
        • Politics of planned development
        • Challenge to and restoration of the congress system
        • Rise of popular movements
        • Recent developments in Indian politics

        History: Unit 01

        Themes in Indian history part-I
        • The Harappan civilisation-bricks,beads and bones: (1) Beginnings, (2) subsistence strategies-agricultural technologies, (3) Mohenjo Daro-a planned urban centre, (4) tracking social differences: Burials
        • The Harappan civilisation-bricks,beads and bones: (5) Finding out about craft-production identifying centers of production, (6) strategies for procuring material, (7) seals, script, weights, (8) ancient authority place and kings
        • The Harappan civilisation-bricks,beads and bones: (9) The end of the civilisation, (10) discovering the Harappan civilisation, (11) problems of piecing together the past
        • Early states and economies: (1) Prinsep and Piyadassi, (2) the earliest states, (3) an early empire, (4) new notions of kingship, (5) a changing countryside, (6) towns and trade
        • Early states and economies: (7) Back to basics-meaning of records deciphering Brahmi, Kharosthi script. Historical evidence from inscriptions, (8) the limitations of inscriptional evidence
        • Early societies-kinship, caste and class: (1) The critical edition of the Mahabharata, (2) kinship and marriage many rules and varied practices, (3) social differences: Within and beyond the framework of caste, (4) beyond birth resources and status
        • Early societies-kinship, caste and class: (5) explaining social differences: A social contract, (6) handling texts historians and the Mahabharata, (7) a dynamic

        History: Unit 02

        Themes in Indian history part-II
        • Through the eyes of travellers-perceptions of society (10th to 17th century): (1) Al-Biruni and the: Kitab-ul-Hind, (2) Ibn Battuta’s Rihla, (3) François Bernier-a doctor with a difference
        • Through the eyes of travellers-perceptions of society (10th to 17th century): (4) making sense of an alien world Al-Biruni and the sanskritic tradition, (5) Ibn Battuta and the excitement of the unfamiliar, (6) Bernier and the “degenerate” east
        • Through the eyes of travellers-perceptions of society (10th to 17th century): (7) Women slaves, sati and labourers
        • Bhakti and sufi traditions, changes in religious beliefs and devotional texts (8th to 18th century): (1) A mosaic of religious beliefs and practices, (2) poems of prayer early traditions of bhakti, (3) the Virashaiva tradition in Karnataka
        • Bhakti and sufi traditions, changes in religious beliefs and devotional texts (8th to 18th century): (4) Religious ferment in north India, (5) new strands in the fabric Islamic traditions, (6) the growth of sufism, (7) the Chishtis in the subcontinent
        • Bhakti and sufi traditions, changes in religious beliefs and devotional texts (8th to 18th century): (8) New devotional paths dialogue and dissent in northern India, (9) reconstructing histories of religious traditions
        • An imperial capital-Vijayanagara (14th to 16th century): (1) The discovery of Hampi, (2) Rayas, Nayakas and sultans, (3) Vijayanagara the capital and its environs, (4) the royal centre, (5) the sacred centre, (6) plotting palaces, temples and bazaars
        • An imperial capital-Vijayanagara (14th to 16th century): (7) Questions in search of answers

        History: Unit 03

        Themes in Indian history part-III
        • Colonialism and the countryside-exploring official archives: (1) Bengal and the Zamindars, (2) the hoe and the plough, (3) a revolt in the countryside-the Bombay Deccan, (4) the Deccan Riots Commission
        • Rebels and the raj-the Revolt of 1857 and its representations: (1) Pattern of the rebellion, (2) Awadh in revolt, (3) what the rebels wanted, (4) repression, (5) images of the revolt
        • Colonial cities-urbanisation, planning, and architecture: (1) Towns and cities in pre-colonial times, (2) finding out about colonial cities, (3) what were the new towns like?, (4) segregation, town planning and architecture: Madras, Calcutta, and Bombay
        • Colonial cities-urbanisation, planning, and architecture: (5) Buildings and architectural styles
        • Mahatma Gandhi and the nationalist movement-civil disobedience and beyond: (1) A leader announces himself, (2) the making and unmaking of non-cooperation, (3) the Salt Satyagraha-a case study, (4) quit India, (5) the last heroic days, (6) knowing Gandhi

        Geography: Unit 01

        Fundamentals of human geography
        • Human geography-nature and scope: Nature of human geography, definitions of human geography, naturalization of human and humanization of nature. Areas and subfields of human geography
        • The world population-distribution, density and growth: Patterns of population distribution in the world, density of population, factors influencing the distribution of population, population growth
        • The world population-distribution, density and growth: Components of population change-births, deaths, and migration, trends in population growth, spatial pattern of population change, impact of population change, demographic transition
        • The world population-distribution, density and growth: Population control measures
        • Population composition: Sex composition, age structure, age-sex pyramid, constant population, declining populations, rural urban composition, literacy, occupational structure
        • Primary activities: Hunting and gathering, pastoralism-nomadic herding, commercial livestock rearing. Agriculture: Subsistence agriculture, primitive subsistence agriculture. Intensive subsistence agriculture. Plantation agriculture
        • Primary activities: Extensive commercial grain cultivation. Mixed farming. Dairy farming. Mediterranean agriculture. Market gardening and horticulture. Cooperative farming. Collective farming. Mining: Factors affecting mining activity. Methods of mining
        • Secondary activities: Manufacturing, modern large scale manufacturing characteristics. Skill specialization, mechanization, organizational structure and stratification. Technological innovation. Access to irregular geographical distribution market
        • Secondary activities: Access to raw material access, access to labor supply, access to power tools. Accessibility to transport and communication facilities. Government policy. Accessibility to agglomeration economy. Relationship between industries
        • Secondary activities: Classification of manufacturing industries-size based industries, raw materials based industries, production. Product based industries. Ownership industries, freelance industries
        • Secondary activities: Concept of traditional large scale industrial region-Ruhr coal sector, iron steel industry, cotton textile industry, concept of high technology industry
        • Tertiary and quaternary activities: Types of tertiary activities, trade and commerce, retail trading, wholesale trading, transport, communication, telecommunication, services, people engaged in tertiary activities, some selected examples-tourism
        • Tertiary and quaternary activities: Some selected examples-health services for overseas patients in India-medical tourism, quaternary activities. Quinary activities, outsourcing, the digital divide
        • Human settlements: Classification of settlements-rural and urban settlements, suburbanization, compact or nucleated settlements, dispersed settlements. Factors affecting the location of rural settlements, planned settlements
        • Human settlements: Rural settlement patterns-(1) on the basis of setting, (2) on the basis of functions, (3) on the basis of forms or shapes of the settlements, problems of rural settlements. Basis of classification of urban settlements: (1) Population
        • Human settlements: Basis of classification of urban settlements-(2) occupational structure, (3) administration, (4) location. Functions of urban centers. Classification of cities on the basis of work. Addis Ababa. Canberra
        • Human settlements: Canberra, types of urban settlements: (1) Town, (2) cities, (3) san nagar, (4) million city. Distribution of mega cities. Problems of urban settlements: Economic problems, socio-cultural problems, problems related to the environment
        • Human settlements: Problems related to the environment, the priorities mentioned in the 'city strategy' by the united nations development program

        Geography: Unit 02

        India: people and economy
        • Population-distribution, density, growth and composition: Distribution of population, density of population, growth of population, regional variations in population growth, population composition-rural-urban composition
        • Population-distribution, density, growth and composition: Population composition-linguistic composition and linguistic classification, religious composition, composition of working population
        • Population-distribution, density, growth and composition: Promoting gender sensitivity through ‘Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao’ social campaign
        • Migration-types, causes, and consequence: Migration, types of migration, migration enumeration, migration streams, Indian prevalence; spatial variation in migration, causes of migration, consequences of migration
        • Human settlements: Rural settlements, types of rural settlement. The basic differences between rural and urban settlements, types of rural settlements: Clustered, agglomerated or nucleated, semi-clustered or fragmented, hamleted, and dispersed or isolated
        • Human settlements: Urban settlements-urbanisation in India, classification of towns on the basis of population size functional classification of towns
        • Land resources and agriculture: Land use categories, land use change in India, common property resources, agricultural land use in India, cropping seasons in India, types of farming, food grains: Rice, wheat, jowar maize, bajra, pulses, gram, tur (arhar)
        • Land resources and agriculture: Fibrous crops-cotton and jute, other crops: Sugarcane, tea and coffee, oilseeds, agricultural development in India, increase in agricultural production and development of technology, problems of indian agriculture
        • Water resources: India's water resources, water demand and utilization, water quality depletion, water conservation and management, water pollution prevention, water recycling and reuse, water supply management, rainwater harvesting
        • Water resources: Watershed development-a reality study, Indian National Water Policy, 2002, Jal Kranti Abhiyan (2015-16)
        • Mineral and energy resources: Types of mineral resources, distribution of minerals in India: Ferrous mineral-iron-ore, copper, bauxite, manganese non-ferrous minerals. Non-metallic minerals, energy resources: Conventional sources of energy
        • Mineral and energy resources: Energy resources-unconventional energy sources, conservation of mineral resources
        • Manufacturing industries: Types of industries-based on manpower, raw material base, basis of use of products. Based on nature of producers, location factors of industries. Major industries: Iron-steel industry, cotton textile industry, sugar industry
        • Manufacturing industries: Petrochemical industry knowledge-based industries-liberalization, privatization and globalization of industrial development in india, industrial regions of india
        • Transport and communication: Major means of transport-site transport: Road transport-rail transport, water transport, interstate waterways, ocean roads, air transport, air transport, oil and gas pipeline
        • Transport and communication: Communication network-personal communication system and mass communication system

        Mathematics: Unit 01

        Relations and Functions
        • Relations and functions: Types of relations-reflexive, symmetric, transitive and equivalence relations. One to one and onto functions, composition of functions and invertible function. Binary operations.
        • Inverse trigonometric functions: Basic concepts, properties of inverse trigonometric functions

        Mathematics: Unit 02

        • Matrices: Matrices, order of a matrix, types of matrices: Column matrix, row matrix, square matrix,diagonal matrix, scalar matrix, identity matrix, zero matrix, operations on matrices, addition of matrices, multiplication of a matrix by a scalar
        • Matrices: Properties of matrix addition, properties of scalar multiplication of a matrix, multiplication of matrices, properties of multiplication of matrices, transpose of a matrix, properties of transpose of matrices, symmetric and skew symmetric
        • Matrices: Elementary operation, invertible matrices (transformation) of a matrix
        • Determinants: Determinant, determinant of a matrix of order one, determinant of a matrix of order two, determinant of a matrix of order 3×3, properties of determinants, area of a triangle minors and cofactors adjoint and inverse of a matrix
        • Determinants: Applications of determinants and matrices

        Mathematics: Unit 03

        • Continuity and differentiability: Continuity, algebra of continuous functions differentiability, derivatives of composite functions, derivatives of implicit functions, derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions
        • Continuity and differentiability: Logarithmic differentiation, derivatives of functions in parametric forms, second order derivative, mean value theorem
        • Integrals: Integration as inverse process of differentiation-geometrical interpretation of indefinite integral, some properties of indefinite integrals, comparison between differentiation and integration, methods of integration
        • Integrals: Integration by substitution, integrals of some particular functions, integration by partial fractions, integration by parts: Integrals of some more types, definite integral, definite integral as the limit of a sum
        • Integrals: Fundamental theorem of calculus-area function, first fundamental theorem of integral calculus, second fundamental theorem of integral calculus, evaluation of definite integrals by substitution, some properties of definite integrals
        • Differential equations: Basic concepts-order of a differential equation, degree of a differential equation, general and particular solutions of a differential equation, formation of a differential equation whose solution is given
        • Differential equations: Procedure to form a differential equation that will represent a given family of curves, differential equations with variables separable, homogeneous differential equations. Linear differential equations

        Mathematics: Unit 04

        Vectors and three-dimensional geometry
        • Vectors: Basic concepts. Types of vectors. Addition of vectors. Multiplication of a vector by a scalar. Components of a vector. Vector joining two points. Section formula. Product of two vectors. Scalar (or dot) product of two vectors
        • Vectors: Projection of a vector on a line. Vector (or cross) product of two vectors

        Mathematics: Unit 05

        • Probability: Probability conditional probability, properties of conditional probability, multiplication theorem on probability, independent events, total probability, Bayes theorem, theorem of total probability
        • Probability: Random variable and its probability distribution, probability distribution of a random, variable. Mean and variance of random variable. Repeated independent (Bernoulli) trials and binomial distribution

        Painting: Unit 01

        The Rajasthani schools of painting
        • Themes of paintings-an overview, Malwa school of painting, Mewar school of painting, Bundi school of painting, Kota school of painting, Bikaner school of painting, Kishangarh school of painting, Jodhpur school of painting, Jaipur school of painting
        • Bhagavata Purana, Maru Ragini, Raja Aniruddha Singh Hara, Chaugan players, Krishna swinging and Radha in sad mood, Bani Thani, Rama meets members of his family Athitraku

        Painting: Unit 02

        The Mughal school of miniature painting
        • Influences on Mughal painting, early Mughal painting, later Mughal painting, process of Mughal painting, colours and technique of Mughal painting, Noah’s ark, Krishna lifts mount Govardhan, Falcon on a bird rest, Zebra
        • The marriage procession of Dara Shikoh

        Painting: Unit 03

        The Deccani schools of painting
        • Ahmednagar school of painting, Bijapur school of painting, Golconda school of painting, Composite horse, Sultan Ibrahim Adil Shah-II, Ragini Pathamsika of raga Hindola, Sultan Abdullah Qutb Shah, Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya and Amir Khusrau
        • Chand Bibi Playing Polo

        Painting: Unit 04

        The Pahari schools of painting
        • Basohli school, Guler school, Kangra school, Awaiting Krishna and the hesitant Radha, Balwant Singh looking at a painting with Nainsukh, Nanda, Yashoda, and Krishna

        Painting: Unit 05

        The Bengal school and cultural nationalism
        • Company painting, Raja Ravi Varma, The Bengal school, Abanindranath Tagore and E.B. Havell, Shantiniketan-early modernism, Pan-Asianism and modernism, different concepts of modernism: Western and Indian, Tiller of the soil, Rasa-Lila, Radhika
        • City in the night, Rama vanquishing the pride of the ocean, Woman with child, Journey’s end

        Painting: Unit 06

        The living art traditions of India
        • Painting tradition, Mithila painting, Warli sculptural traditions painting, Gond painting, Pithoro painting, Pata painting, Phads of Rajasthan, Dhokra casting, Terracotta

        Psychology: Unit 01

        Variations in psychological attributes
        • Introduction, individual differences in human functioning, assessment of psychological attributes, intelligence. Theories of intelligence: Psychometric theories of intelligence, information processing theories, theory of multiple intelligences
        • Triarchic theory of intelligence, planning, attention-arousal and simultaneous successive, model of intelligence, individual differences in intelligence, culture and intelligence, emotional intelligence. Special abilities. Aptitude nature and measurement
        • Creativity

        Psychology: Unit 02

        Self and personality
        • Introduction, self and personality, concept of self, cognitive and behavioral aspects of self, culture and self, concept of personality, major approaches to the study of personality: Type approach, trait approach, psychodynamic approach
        • Major approaches to the study of personality: Behavioural approach, cultural approach, humanistic approach, assessment of personality: Self-report measures, projective techniques, behavioural analysis

        Psychology: Unit 03

        Psychological disorders
        • Introduction, concepts of abnormality and psychological disorders, historical background, classification of psychological disorders, factors underlying abnormal behavior, major psychological disorders: Anxiety disorders
        • Major psychological disorders: Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, trauma-and stressor-related disorders, somatic symptom and related disorders, dissociative disorders, depressive disorder, bipolar and related disorders
        • Major psychological disorders: Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, disruptive, impulse-control and conduct disorders, feeding and eating disorders, substance related and addictive disorders

        Psychology: Unit 04

        Therapeutic approaches
        • Nature and process of psychotherapy, therapeutic relationship, types of therapies: Psychodynamic therapy, behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, humanistic-existential therapy, biomedical therapy, alternative therapies, rehabilitation of the mentally ill

        Psychology: Unit 05

        Attitude and social cognition
        • Introduction, explaining social behavior, nature and components of attitudes, attitude formation and change: Attitude formation, attitude change, attitude-behaviour relationship, prejudice and discrimination, strategies for handling prejudice
        • Social cognition, schemas and stereotypes, impression formation and explaining: Behaviour of others through attributions, impression formation, attribution of causality, pro-social behaviour, factors affecting prosocial behaviour

        Psychology: Unit 06

        Psychology and life
        • Introduction, human-environment relationship, different views of the human-environment relationship, environmental effects on human behaviour: Human influence on the environment, noise, pollution, crowding, natural disasters
        • Promoting pro-environmental behaviour, psychology and social concerns: Poverty and discrimination, aggression, violence and peace, Mahatma Gandhi on non-violence, health, impact of television on behaviour

        Psychology: Unit 07

        Developing psychological skills
        • Introduction, developing as an effective psychologist, general skills, observational skills, specific skills: Communication skills, psychological testing skills, interviewing skills, counselling

        English literature: Unit 01

        • An unseen passage (literary or discursive passage)
        • Poem

        English literature: Unit 02

        • An essay on argumentative/ discursive/ reflective or descriptive topic
        • A composition such as an article, report, speech

        English literature: Unit 03

        Literary terms
        • Metaphysical poetry, impressionism, stream of consciousness, interior monologue, Anglo-Indian literature, Indo-Anglian literature

        English literature: Unit 04

        Textbook: Kaleidoscope
        • Short stories: (a) I sell my dreams, (b) Eveline, (c) Tomorrow
        • Poetry: (a) A lecture upon the shadow, (b) Poems by millon, (c) Poems by Beake, (d) Kubla Khan, (e) Trels, (f) The wild swans of coole
        • Content: (a) Freedom, (b) The mark on the wall, (c) The argumentative India, (d) On science fiction

        English literature: Unit 05

        Fiction: A tiger for Malgudi

          Hindi literature: Unit 01

          Unseen comprehension

            Hindi literature: Unit 02


              Hindi literature: Unit 03

              Poetic introduction

                Hindi literature: Unit 04

                Textbook: Antara (part-2)

                  Hindi literature: Unit 05

                  Textbook: Antaral (part-2)

                    Urdu literature: Unit 03


                      Urdu literature: Unit 04

                      Urdu ki Aham Asnaf

                        Urdu literature: Unit 05

                        Composition: Mazmoon Nigari

                          Gujarati literature: Unit 01

                          Unseen passage

                            Gujarati literature: Unit 02

                            Writing composition

                              Gujarati literature: Unit 03


                                Gujarati literature: Unit 04


                                  Sociology: Unit 01

                                  Indian Society
                                  • Introducing Indian society: Introducing Indian society, colonialism, nationalism, class and community
                                  • The demographic structure of Indian society: Theories and concepts in demography-Malthus's population growth theory, demographic transitions, general concepts and indicators, India's population size and growth, Indian population age structure
                                  • The demographic structure of Indian society: Falling gender ratio in India, literacy, rural-urban divisions, population policy in india
                                  • Social institutions-continuity and change: Caste and caste system, colonialism and caste, contemporary form of caste, family and kinship

                                  Sociology: Unit 02

                                  Change and development in Indian
                                  • Structural change: Understanding colonialism, industrialization and urbanization in India
                                  • Cultural change: Social reform movements in the 19th and early 20th century. Understanding sanskritisation, modernization, secularization and westernization, different types of social change
                                  • Change and development in industrial society: Imagine industrial society, industrialization in India, how people get work, how work is done, practices, work done in homes, strikes and trade unions
                                  • Globalization and social change: Understanding globalization. Dimensions of globalization: Economic, political, cultural
                                  • Mass media and communications: Types of mass media-radio, television and print media. Changing nature of mass media. Globalisation and the media
                                  • Social movements: Concept of social movements. Theories and classification of social movements. Environmental movements. Class-based movements: Workers, peasants

                                  Accountancy: Unit 01

                                  Accounting for partnership firms and companies
                                  • Accounting for not-for-profit organisation: Meaning and characteristics of not-for-profit organisation, accounting records of not-for-profit organisations, receipt and payment account, income and expenditure account, balance sheet, some peculiar items
                                  • Accounting for not-for-profit organisation: Income and expenditure account based on trial balance, incidental trading activity
                                  • Accounting for partnership: Basic concepts, nature of partnership, partnership deed, special aspects of partnership accounts, maintenance of capital accounts of partners, distribution of profit among partners, guarantee of profit to a partner
                                  • Accounting for partnership: Past adjustments, final accounts
                                  • Reconstitution of a partnership firm-admission of a partner: Modes of reconstitution of a partnership firm, admission of a new partner, new profit sharing ratio, sacrificing ratio, goodwill, adjustment for accumulated profits and losses
                                  • Reconstitution of a partnership firm-admission of a partner: Revaluation of assets and reassessment of liabilities, adjustment of capitals, change in profit sharing ratio among the existing partners

                                  Accountancy: Unit 02

                                  Financial statement analysis
                                  • Accounting for share capital: Features of a company, kinds of companies, share capital of a company, nature and classes of shares, issue of shares, accounting treatment, forfeiture of shares
                                  • Issue and redemption of debentures: Meaning of debentures, distinction between shares and debentures, types of debentures, issue of debentures, over subscription, issue of debentures for consideration other than cash
                                  • Issue and redemption of debentures: Issue of debentures as a collateral security, terms of issue of debentures, interest on debentures, writing off discount/ loss on issue of debentures, redemption of debentures, redemption by payment in lump sum
                                  • Issue and redemption of debentures: Redemption by purchase in open market, redemption by conversion
                                  • Financial statements of a company: Meaning of financial statements, nature of financial statements, objectives of financial statements, types of financial statements, uses and importance of financial statements, limitations of financial statements
                                  • Analysis of financial statements: Meaning of analysis of financial statements, significance of analysis of financial statements, objectives of analysis of financial statements, tools of analysis of financial statements, comparative statements
                                  • Analysis of financial statements: Common size statement, limitations of financial analysis
                                  • Accounting ratios: Meaning of accounting ratios, objectives of ratio analysis, advantages of ratio analysis, limitations of ratio analysis, types of ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, activity (turnover) ratio, profitability ratios

                                  Business studies: Unit 01

                                  Principles and functions of management
                                  • Nature and significance of management: Management-concept, objectives, characteristics, importance and Nature. Management as science, art and profession. Levels of management. Management functions-planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling
                                  • Nature and significance of management: Coordination-concept and characteristics importance. Management in the 21st century
                                  • Principles of management: Principles of management-concept nature and significance. Taylor’s scientific management-principles and techniques, Fayol’s principles of management. A comparison-Fayol versus Taylor
                                  • Planning: Concept, importance, features and limitations of planning. Planning process. Types of planning, single use and standing plans. Objectives, strategy, policy, procedure, method, rule, budget and programme
                                  • Staffing: Introduction, meaning, importance of staffing, evolution of human resource management, staffing process, aspects of staffing: Recruitment process, selection process, training and development: Training methods, on the job methods
                                  • Staffing: Training and development-off the job methods
                                  • Directing: Meaning and importance principles of directing, elements of directing, supervision, motivation-concept, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Financial and non-financial incentives, leadership-features, importance. Quality of a good leader
                                  • Directing: Styles-authoritative democratic and Laissez faire communication-concept, formal and informal communication; barriers to effective communication, improving communication effectiveness

                                  Business studies: Unit 02

                                  Business finance and marketing
                                  • Financial markets: Concept, role and objectives of financial management. Financial decisions: Investment, financing and dividend-meaning and factors affecting them, financial planning-concept and importance
                                  • Financial markets: Capital structure-concept and factors affecting capital structure. Fixed and working capital-concept and factors affecting their requirements
                                  • Marketing management: Concept of marketing, marketing functions, marketing mix, product and classification of products. Consumer goods and their types, industrial product branding and good brand name features. Packaging and packaging levels
                                  • Marketing management: Importance of packaging, functions of packaging, labeling. Criticism of price fixing, physical distribution and its components, advertising, advertising. Personal selling and its features, benefits and importance of personal selling
                                  • Marketing management: Financial promotion, sales promotion benefits, limitations of promotion. The role of publicity, public relations, public relations
                                  • Consumer protection: Concept and importance of consumer protection, legal protection to consumers, consumer protection act, consumer rights, consumer obligations, consumer protection methods and means, grievance redressal agencies
                                  • Consumer protection: Consumer organizations and NGOs under consumer protection act role

                                  Physics: Unit 01

                                  • Electric charges and fields: Electric charge, conductors and insulators, charging by induction, basic properties of electric charge, Coulomb’s law, forces between multiple charges, electric field, electric field lines, electric flux, electric dipole
                                  • Electric charges and fields: Dipole in a uniform external field, continuous charge distribution, Gauss’s law, applications of Gauss’s law
                                  • Electrostatic potential and capacitance: Electrostatic potential, potential due to a point charge, potential due to an electric dipole, potential due to a system of charges, equipotential surfaces, potential energy of a system of charges
                                  • Electrostatic potential and capacitance: Potential energy in an external field, electrostatics of conductors, dielectrics and polarisation, capacitors and capacitance, the parallel plate capacitor, effect of dielectric on capacitance
                                  • Electrostatic potential and capacitance: Combination of capacitors, energy stored in a capacitor

                                  Physics: Unit 02

                                  Current electricity
                                  • Current electricity: Electric current, electric currents in conductors, Ohm’s law, drift of electrons and the origin of resistivity, limitations of Ohm’s law, resistivity of various materials, temperature dependence of resistivity, electrical energy
                                  • Current electricity: Power, combination of resistors-series and parallel, cells, EMF, internal resistance, cells in series and in parallel, Kirchhoff’s rules, Wheatstone bridge, meter bridge, potentiometer

                                  Physics: Unit 03

                                  Magnetic effects of electric current
                                  • Moving charges and magnetism: Magnetic force, motion in a magnetic field, motion in combined electric and magnetic fields, magnetic field due to a current element, Biot-Savart law, magnetic field on the axis of a circular current loop
                                  • Moving charges and magnetism: Ampere’s circuital law, the solenoid and the toroid, force between two parallel currents-the ampere, torque on current loop, magnetic dipole, the moving coil galvanometer

                                  Physics: Unit 04

                                  Electromagnetic induction and alternating currents
                                  • Electromagnetic induction: The experiments of Faraday and Henry, magnetic flux, Faraday’s law of induction, Lenz’s law and conservation of energy, motional electromotive force, energy consideration: A quantitative study, Eddy currents, inductance
                                  • Electromagnetic induction: AC generator

                                  Physics: Unit 05

                                  • Ray optics and optical instruments: Reflection of light by spherical mirrors, refraction, total internal reflection, refraction at spherical surfaces and by lenses, refraction through a prism, some natural phenomena due to sunlight, optical instruments.

                                  Physics: Unit 06

                                  Dual nature of radiation and matter
                                  • Dual nature of radiation and matter: Electron emission, photoelectric effect, experimental study of photoelectric effect, photoelectric effect and wave theory of light, Einstein’s photoelectric equation: Energy quantum of radiation
                                  • Dual nature of radiation and matter: Particle nature of light-the photon, wave nature of matter, Davisson and Germer experiment

                                  Physics: Unit 07

                                  Atoms and nuclei
                                  • Nuclei: Atomic masses and composition of nucleus, size of the nucleus, mass-energy and nuclear binding energy, nuclear force, radioactivity, nuclear energy

                                  Physics: Unit 08

                                  Electronic devices
                                  • Semiconductor electronics-materials, devices and simple circuits: Classification of metals, conductors and semiconductors, intrinsic semiconductor, extrinsic semiconductor, p-n junction, semiconductor diode, application of junction diode as a rectifier
                                  • Semiconductor electronics-materials, devices and simple circuits: Special purpose p-n junction diodes, digital electronics and logic gates

                                  Chemistry: Unit 01

                                  Solid state
                                  • General characteristics of solid state, amorphous and crystalline solids, classification of crystalline solids, crystal lattices and unit cells, number of atoms in a unit cell, close packed structures, packing efficiency
                                  • Calculations involving unit cell dimensions, imperfections in solids, electrical properties, magnetic properties

                                  Chemistry: Unit 02

                                  • Types of solutions, expressing concentration of solutions, solubility, vapour pressure of liquid solutions, ideal and non-ideal solutions, colligative properties and determination of molar mass, abnormal molar masses

                                  Chemistry: Unit 03

                                  Chemical kinetics
                                  • Rate of a chemical reaction, factors influencing rate of a reaction, integrated rate equations, temperature dependence of the rate of a reaction, collision theory of chemical reactions

                                  Chemistry: Unit 04

                                  General principles and processes of isolation of elements
                                  • Occurrence of metals, concentration of ores, extraction of crude metal from concentrated ore, thermodynamic principles of metallurgy, electrochemical principles of metallurgy, oxidation reduction, refining, uses of aluminium, copper, zinc and iron

                                  Chemistry: Unit 05

                                  D and f block elements
                                  • Position in the periodic table, electronic configurations of the d-block elements, general properties of the transition elements (d-block), some important compounds of transition elements, the lanthanides, the actinoids
                                  • Some applications of d-and f-block elements

                                  Chemistry: Unit 06

                                  Coordination compounds
                                  • Werner's theory of coordination compounds, definitions of some important terms pertaining to coordination compounds, nomenclature of coordination compounds, isomerism in coordination compounds, bonding in coordination compounds
                                  • Bonding in metal carbonyls, importance and applications of coordination compounds

                                  Chemistry: Unit 07

                                  Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
                                  • Classification, nomenclature, nature of c–x bond, methods of preparation of haloalkanes, preparation of haloarenes, physical properties, chemical reactions, polyhalogen compounds

                                  Chemistry: Unit 08

                                  Alcohols, phenols and ethers
                                  • Classification, nomenclature, structures of functional groups, alcohols and phenols, some commercially important alcohols, ethers

                                  Chemistry: Unit 09

                                  Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids
                                  • Nomenclature and structure of carbonyl group, preparation of aldehydes and ketones, physical properties, chemical reactions, uses of aldehydes and ketones, nomenclature and structure of carboxyl group
                                  • Methods of preparation of carboxylic acids, physical properties, chemical reactions, uses of carboxylic acids

                                  Chemistry: Unit 10

                                  • Structure of amines, classification, nomenclature, preparation of amines, physical properties, chemical reactions, method of preparation of diazonium salts, physical properties, chemical reactions
                                  • Importance of diazonium salts in synthesis of aromatic compounds

                                  Chemistry: Unit 11

                                  • Carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, nucleic acids, hormones

                                  Biology: Unit 01

                                  • Reproduction in organisms: (a) Asexual reproduction-binary fission ,sporulation. Buds, gemmules, vegetative propagules, fragmentation. (b) Sexual reproduction: Gametogenesis, sexuality in organisms: Unisexual, bisexual, hermaphrodites
                                  • Reproduction in organisms: (b) Sexual reproduction-cell division during gamete formation-meiosis division, gametes transfer, fertilization: Internal fertilization, external fertilization, non-reproductive reproduction–the zygote, embryogenesis
                                  • Reproduction in organisms: (b) Sexual reproduction-non-reproductive reproduction: Cell differentiation, egg progenitors, living progenitors
                                  • Sexual reproduction in flowering plants: Floral structure, pre-fertilization structures and phenomena: Stamens, microfibrils and pollinators, pistil, neoplasms and embryos, pollination, double fertilization, fertilization, post-formations and events
                                  • Sexual reproduction in flowering plants: Embryos, embryos, seeds, apomixis and polyembryony
                                  • Reproductive health: Reproductive health-problems and strategies, population explosion and birth control, medical termination of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, infertility

                                  Biology: Unit 02

                                  Genetics and development
                                  • Principles of inheritance and variation: Mendel’s laws of inheritance, inheritance of one gene: Law of dominance, law of segregation, codominance, inheritance of two genes: Law of independent assortment, chromosomal theory of inheritance
                                  • Principles of inheritance and variation: Inheritance of two genes-linkage and recombination, polygenic inheritance, pleiotropy, sex determination: Sex determination in humans, sex determination in honey bee, mutation, genetic disorders: Pedigree analysis
                                  • Principles of inheritance and variation: Mendelian disorders-colour blindness, haemophilia, sickle-cell anaemia, phenylketonuria, thalassemia, chromosomal disorders
                                  • Molecular basis of inheritance: The DNA, the search for genetic material, RNA world, replication, transcription, genetic code, translation, regulation of gene expression, Human Genome Project, DNA fingerprinting

                                  Biology: Unit 03

                                  Biology in human welfare
                                  • Human health and disease: Common diseases in humans-bacterial, virus borne, fungal, protozoan and worm borne, immunity-innate immunity, acquired immunity, active and passive immunity, vaccination and immunization, allergies, auto immunity
                                  • Human health and disease: Immune system in the body, aids, cancer, drugs and alcohol abuse
                                  • Strategies for enhancement in food production: Animal husbandry-dairy farm management, poultry farm management, animal breeding, bee-keeping, fisheries, what is plant breeding?, plant breeding for disease resistance
                                  • Strategies for enhancement in food production: Plant breeding for developing resistance to insect pests, single cell proteins, tissue culture

                                  Biology: Unit 04

                                  • Biotechnology-principles and processes: Principles of biotechnology-genetic engineering, bioprocess engineering, tools of recombinant DNA technology-restriction enzymes, cloning vectors, competent host (for transformation with recombinant DNA)
                                  • Biotechnology-principles and processes: Processes of recombinant DNA technology-isolation of the genetic material (DNA), cutting of DNA at specific locations, amplification of gene of interest using PCR
                                  • Biotechnology-principles and processes: Processes of recombinant DNA technology-insertion of recombinant DNA into the host cell/ organism, obtaining the foreign gene product, downstream processing
                                  • Biotechnology and its applications: Biotechnological applications in agriculture, biotechnological applications in medicine-genetically engineered insulin, gene therapy, molecular diagnosis, transgenic animals, ethical issues

                                  Biology: Unit 05

                                  • Ecosystems: Structure And function, productivity, decomposition, energy flow, ecological pyramids, ecological succession, nutrient cycling, ecosystem services
                                  • Biodiversity and conservation: Patterns of biodiversity, loss of biodiversity, biodiversity conservation

                                  RBSE model papers class 12 are of utmost importance to the students appearing for the RBSE 12th exams 2025. Students will benefit from these model papers in multiple ways. 

                                  • Students will get to know about the marking scheme and paper pattern from these model papers. 
                                  • The types of questions and difficulty level of questions can be checked from the RBSE Class 12 exams 2025 model papers. 
                                  • Practising with these model papers will help students in time management.
                                  • Students will be able to analyze their performance from these model papers.  

                                  Hard work and regular practice is the way to do well in the final RBSE Class 12 board examination 2025. Here are a few preparation strategies that will be helpful for the students appearing in exams. 

                                  1. Understand the exam pattern and go through the syllabus.

                                  2. Do not hesitate to take the help of your mentors and teachers wherever needed.

                                  3. Make your own notes and go through them regularly.

                                  4. Sleep and eat well. It is a good practice to go to bed early and study with a fresh mind early morning.

                                  5. Take enough practice tests. Also, remember that numerical is very scoring. So practice them regularly, especially your weak areas. 

                                  6. Be thorough with your textbooks, and if needed, practice from supplementary books recommended by your teachers.

                                  Also, read - Top Schools in Rajasthan

                                  Read more

                                  The Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan has released the RBSE 12th admit card on February 28, 2025. The board releases the admit card of its RBSE 12th exams 2025 on its official website. Students have to log in using their roll number allotted and download their RBSE class 12th 2025 admit card. 

                                  Students must take a printout of the Rajasthan Board 12th admit card and carry it on the exam day, failing which candidates will be barred from appearing in the exam.

                                  Rajasthan board will announce the RBSE 12th result in May 2025. Students can access their RBSE class 12th result from the official website of the board at Students will have to enter the roll number as mentioned on the admit card to access their RBSE 12th result 2025. 

                                  Details mentioned on RBSE 12th result mark sheet

                                  • Name
                                  • Roll number
                                  • Class and Board name
                                  • Date of Birth
                                  • Registration Number of the Students
                                  • Qualifying status
                                  • Subjects appeared in with their subject codes
                                  • Total marks obtained
                                  • Code of the Subjects
                                  • Subject-wise marks obtained in theory as well as practical
                                  Read more

                                  General Information



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                                  Frequently Asked Questions

                                  1. What are RBSE 12th passing marks 2025?

                                  Students have to score a minimum of 33 per cent marks to qualify the RBSE Class 12 board exams. 

                                  2. What are the documents required while appearing for RBSE 12th exams?

                                  Students need to carry their admit card and valid ID proof at the time of examination.

                                  3. What will be the RBSE 12th 2025 exam duration?

                                  RBSE 12th exams 2025 will be conducted for 3 hours and 15 minutes.

                                  4. What will be the mode of RBSE 12th exams 2025?

                                  The RBSE Class 12 exams 2025 will be conducted in offline, pen and paper mode.

                                  5. Where can I download the RBSE 12th model papers 2025?

                                  Students can download the Rajasthan Board 12th model papers 2025 from the official website,

                                  6. When will the RBSE 12th date sheet 2025 be released?

                                  The board released the revised RBSE 12th class 2025 date sheet on February 12, 2025. Earlier, the board released the RBSE 12th date sheet on February 4 and January 15, 2025.

                                  7. What are the exam timings for RBSE 12th exams?

                                  RBSE 12th exams will be conducted from 8.30 a.m. to 11.45 am.

                                  8. When will the RBSE 12th exams 2025 be conducted?

                                  As per the revised RBSE tie table 2025, the RBSE 12th exams 2025 will be held from March 6 to April 9, 2025.

                                  E-books and Sample Papers

                                  Questions related to RBSE 12th

                                  Have a question related to RBSE 12th ?

                                  For any issue related to the RBSE supplementary exam fees, students can reach out to the RBSE helpline. You can visit the official website of RBSE for helpline number. Also, as of 2024, the supplementary exam fees are Rs 600 for regular students and Rs 100 per subject for practical exams.

                                  Changing from the CBSE board to the RBSE in Class 12 is generally difficult and often not ideal due to differences in syllabi and examination structures. Most boards, including RBSE , do not recommend switching in the final year of schooling. It is crucial to consult both CBSE and RBSE authorities for specific policies, but making such a change earlier is advisable to prevent academic complications.

                                  If you fail the CBSE 12th boards, you can still prepare for the RBSE 12th boards next year. You can follow the steps given below:

                                  1. While preparing for RBSE 12th board examination, make sure to review the syllabus and past papers.
                                  2. Check eligibility and stay updated about the registration process.
                                  3. Focus on weak areas and study strategically. Make study table and prepare accordingly
                                  4. Seek guidance from teachers or tutors and stay motivated.
                                  5. Stay updated on exam-related information by visiting the official website and keeping track of important dates and deadlines..

                                  Hello aspirant,

                                  Hope you are doing absolutely great.

                                  So with regard to your query, first of all congratulations on your score. So secondly there are various private colleges in Maharashtra providing you the Btech course, the top among these are as follows:

                                  1. Manipal University, Jaipur

                                  2. BITS Pilani

                                  3. LNMIIT Jaipur

                                  4. OPJS University

                                  5. Banasthali Vidyapeeth

                                  Checkout the following link for any information regarding the top Btech course providing universities in Rajasthan:

                                  Hope this helps you!!

                                  The syllabus of RBSE 12th for the session 2022 is mention below along with the marks allocated with the syllabus:

                                  • Apathit Bodh of 8 marks
                                  • Vyavaharik vyakaran and Rachna 16 marks
                                  • Pathya pustak sarjan Pratham pustak 32 marks
                                  • Pathya pustak Piyush pravah dwitiya pustak 12 marks
                                  • Samvad Setu 12 marks

                                  You can also download the syllabus of other subjects of RBSE on the mentioned below link:


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