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WBCHSE Syllabus 2024-25 PDF Download (Revised): Check West Bengal 12th Syllabus for All Subjects

WBCHSE Syllabus 2024-25 PDF Download (Revised): Check West Bengal 12th Syllabus for All Subjects

Edited By Dinesh Goyal | Updated on Mar 03, 2025 11:46 AM IST | #West Bengal 12th

WBCHSE New Syllabus 2024-25 - The West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education has made a few changes in the WB HS syllabus 2024-25. The new WB HS syllabus has been officially released on December 13, 2024, and can be accessed online via the Council's website: Earlier, the Council introduced a semester-wise syllabus for Classes 11 and 12. While the Class 11 syllabus for the 2024–25 session will follow the semester system, the revised full syllabus will apply to Class 12 students appearing for the 2025-26 board exams. Therefore, from the 2025–26 academic session onward, the semester-wise syllabus will also be implemented for Class 12.

This Story also Contains
  1. New Subject Added to WB HS Curriculum
  2. Details of Changes as per Revised WB HS Syllabus 2025
  3. West Bengal 12th Syllabus 2024-25 (New Syllabus)
  4. WBCHSE Syllabus 2025 for Mathematics
  5. WBCHSE Syllabus 2025 for Physics
  6. WBCHSE Syllabus 2024-25 for Chemistry
  7. WBCHSE Syllabus 2024-25 for Languages
  8. WBCHSE Syllabus 2024-25 for Biological Sciences
  9. WBCHSE Syllabus 2024-25 for Accountancy
  10. West Bengal 12th Exam Pattern 2024-25
  11. West Bengal HS Question Papers
  12. WB HS Prescribed Books
WBCHSE Syllabus 2024-25 PDF Download (Revised): Check West Bengal 12th Syllabus for All Subjects
WBCHSE Syllabus 2024-25 PDF Download (Revised): Check West Bengal 12th Syllabus for All Subjects

Students preparing for West Bengal Higher Secondary exams can download the new WB HS syllabus PDF along with the updated exam pattern from the official website. The downloadable WB 12th syllabus files for the 2024–25 session are available at The Council has reviewed and made minor revisions to the syllabi of several Higher Secondary (H.S.) subjects for the 2024-25 session. The updated subjects include: English B, English A, Alternative English, Bengali A, Hindi A, Hindi B, History, Political Science, Accountancy, Costing & Taxation, Business Studies, Education, Science of Well-being, Statistics, Philosophy, Environmental Studies, Economics, Geography, and Biological Science.

The detailed WBCHSE syllabus 2024-25 PDF Class 12 includes topics to be studied for different subjects. Studying the changed WB HS exam syllabus will help the students score well in the West Bengal 12th exams, which are being held from March 3 to March 18, 2025. The West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education syllabus 2024-25 and marking scheme help students to identify important topics. Students should get well-versed in the WBCHSE syllabus 2025 before the examination. Read further to know the stream-wise WB 12th syllabus for all major subjects.

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New Subject Added to WB HS Curriculum

The Council has introduced several new subjects in the West Bengal H.S Class from the academic year 2025-26. Check the list of those subjects

  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Science [AIDS]
  • Environmental Science [EVSC]
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture [FSAQ]
  • Business Mathematics and Basic Statistics [BMBS]
  • Basic Mathematics for Social Sciences [BMSS]
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This e-book contains information regarding 50 top most B.Tech colleges in West Bengal as well as Ranking of colleges, courses offered, their tentative fees etc.
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Details of Changes as per Revised WB HS Syllabus 2025

In response to feedback received from various stakeholders, the Council has undertaken a thorough review of the syllabi for several subjects under the Higher Secondary (H.S.) curriculum for the academic session 2024–25. Subject-wise minor modifications have been made as part of this review process. The subjects affected include:

  • English B, English A, Alternative English, Bengali A, Hindi A, Hindi B, History, Political Science, Accountancy, Costing & Taxation, Business Studies, Education, Science of Well-being, Statistics, Philosophy, Environmental Studies, Economics, Geography, and Biological Science.
  • Students can check and download the revised West Bengal HS syllabus 2024-25 PDF here.
JEE Main Important Mathematics Formulas

As per latest 2024 syllabus. Maths formulas, equations, & theorems of class 11 & 12th chapters

West Bengal 12th Syllabus 2024-25 (New Syllabus)

Students can check the overview of the complete WB 12th syllabus 2024-25 below to prepare for the West Bengal HS board exams and also prepare themselves for the state-level competitive exams.

WBCHSE Syllabus 2025 for Mathematics




Relations and Functions

  • Relations and Functions

  • Inverse Trigonometric Functions



  • Matrices

  • Determinants



  • Continuity and Differentiability

  • Applications of Derivatives

  • Integrals

  • Applications of the Integrals

  • Differential Equations


Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry

  • Vectors

  • 3D Geometry


Linear Programming

  • Types of linear programming

  • Mathematical formulation

  • graphical method of solution for problems in two variables



  • Conditional probability

  • Baye’s theorem

  • Random variable and its probability

  • Repeated independent (Bernoulli) trials

  • Binomial distribution




WBCHSE Syllabus 2025 for Physics

Electrostatics08 marks
Current Electricity08 marks
Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism08 marks
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current08 marks
Electromagnetic Waves03 marks
Optics14 marks
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter04 marks
Atoms and Nuclei06 marks
Electronic Devices08 marks
Communication System03 marks

WBCHSE Syllabus 2024-25 for Chemistry



Solid State

04 marks


05 marks


05 marks

Chemical Kinetics

05 marks

Surface Chemistry

04 marks

General principles and processes of Isolation of Elements

03 marks

p-Block Elements

08 marks

d-and f- Block Elements

05 marks

Coordination Compounds

03 marks

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

04 marks

Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

04 marks

Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids

06 marks

Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen

04 marks

Bio molecules

04 marks


03 marks

Chemistry in Everyday Life

03 marks



WBCHSE Syllabus 2024-25 for Languages

Candidates can check the Class 12 syllabus West Bengal board to prepare for the exam accordingly. This table contains subject-wise syllabus of various subjects for class xii English syllabus wbchse, Accountancy, and Biological Sciences.



English (A)

  1. Prose - 20 marks

  2. Poetry - 20 marks

  3. Drama - 10 marks

  4. Textual Grammar - 10 marks

  5. Substance Writing - 10 marks

  6. ESP - 10 marks

  7. Project - 20 marks

English (B)

  • Prose - 20 marks

  • Poetry - 20 marks

  • Drama - 10 marks

  • Textual Grammar - 10 marks

  • Reading Comprehension - 10 marks

  • ESP - 10 marks

  • Project - 20 marks


  1. Kabita 20

  2. Galpo/Prabandha 20

  3. Sahayak Path 10

  4. Natok 10

  5. Sahityer ltihaas 10

  6. Byakaran- 10 marks

  7. Project- 20 marks



  • Ancient Poetry- 10 marks

  • Modern Poetry- 10 marks


  • Modern Prose- 10 marks

  • Ancient Prose- 10 marks

Language :

  • Alankaraani Ki Lakshna Samanvayam - 05 marks

  • Gana Vibhajana- 05 marks

Drama - 10 marks

Essay ( Kanuparti varalaxma) - 10 marks

Non Detailed Text ( Telugu Literature ) - 10 marks

Project Work- 20 marks


Prose- 20 Marks

Poetry- 20 marks

Drama- 10 marks

Rapid Reader- 10 marks

History of Literature- 10 marks

Grammar & Compositions- 10 marks

Project - 20 marks

WBCHSE Syllabus 2024-25 for Biological Sciences




Reproduction in organisms

  • Modes of reproduction

  • Asexual reproduction

  • Modes of asexual reproduction

  • Vegetative propagation in plants

  • Sexual Reproduction In flowering Plants

  • Human Reproduction

  • Reproductive Health

14 Marks

Genetics and evolution

  • Heredity and Variation

  • Molecular Basis of Inheritance

  • Evolution

  • Mechanism of Evolution

18 marks

Biology and human welfare

  • Health and Diseases

  • Improvement in Food Production

  • Microbes In Human Welfare

14 marks

Biotechnology and its applications

Biotechnology and its Application

10 marks

Ecology and the environment

  • Ecology Environment & Population

  • Ecosystem

  • Biodiversity And Conservation

  • Environment Issues

14 marks

WBCHSE Syllabus 2024-25 for Accountancy

The paper consists of three parts having an option in Part B or Part C. Part A is compulsory. Refer to below table for Class 12 syllabus West Bengal board Accountancy-

Part A

  • Introduction to Partnership- 10 Marks

  • Reconstruction of Partnership- 25 Marks

  • Accounting for shares Capital- 20 Marks

  • Accounting for Debentures- 5 Marks

Part B

  • Analysis of Financial Statements- 12 marks

  • Cash Flow Statement- 8 marks

Part C

  • Electronic Spread sheet , Use of Spread sheet , Graphs and Charts - 14 marks
  • Database Management System of Accounting - 6 marks

Project Work - 20 marks

Also Check -

West Bengal 12th Exam Pattern 2024-25

West Bengal Board examination consists of both theoretical paper and practical paper/project work. WBBSE theory exam has a weightage of 80 marks while for a project or practical it's 20 marks. The theory question paper of the West Bengal 12th exam includes short answer type questions, descriptive type questions, and multiple-choice questions. Candidates must score 30% marks in the theoretical paper, as well as the practical paper or project work to pass the exam. Further, candidates can go through the pdf given below to know the number of questions and other details.

West Bengal HS Question Papers

WB HS Question papers will make candidates familiar with exam patterns, marking schemes, and the different types of questions asked in the board exams. While preparing for the West Bengal 12th exam, candidates must complete the WBCHSE syllabus 2024 PDF class 12 first and then practice the sample papers provided by Careers360. Students can click on the above link to view and download WBCHSE previous year's question papers for better learning and managing their time properly for exam preparation and for scoring better marks in West Bengal 12th result.

WB HS Prescribed Books

The following tables mention the names of WB HS prescribed books with their author name for various WB HS subjects.

WB Class 12th Accountancy Books

Name of the Book

Name of The Author(s)

Double Entry Book keeping & Analysis of Financial Statements

TS Grewal, HS Grewal, GS Grewal, Puneet Grewal

Modern Concept of Accountancy

Ruchira Roy

Adhunik Lekhshastra

H L Jaiswal

WB Class 12th Biological Science Books

Name of the Book

Name of The Author(s)

Ucchamadhyamik Core Jeebbidya

Dr. AK Chattopadhyay

Dr. M Ghoshal

Dr. C Chakraborty

Dr. TK Sharma

Dr. SK Roy Chowdhury

Ucchamadhyamik Jeebbidya

Dr. Tapas Dev

Dr. Dulal Ch Santra

Higher Secondary Biology

Dr. Ardhendu Sekher nandi

Dr. Trilochan Midya,

Dr. Dulal Chandra Santra

WB Class 12th Business Studies Books

Name of the Book

Name of The Author(s)

Ucchamadhyamik karbar Samiksha

Javdev Sarkel, Madanmohan Karmakar

Karbar Samikhya

Bhadra, Satpati, Mukherjee

Contemporary Business Studies

Chattaranjan Sarkar

H S Byanshayik Adhyayan

V K Shaw

Modern Concept of Business Studies

H L Jaiswal

WB Class 12th Chemistry Books

Name of the Book

Name of The Author(s)

Basic Chemistry for Class 12

N Ojha, S Chowdhury, B Vaijayanti

New Systematic Modern Chemistry

KL Chugh

Ucchamadhyamik Rashayan

Dr. Dinabandhu Kundu,

Sushanta Kumar Maiti

WB Class 12th Computer Science Books

Name of the Book

Name of The Author(s)

Computer Science

Rajiv Mathur

HS Computer Science

P Mondal, M Banerjee, S Dutta

WB Class 12th Economics Books

Name of the Book

Name of The Author(s)

Ucchamadhyamik Arthaneeti

Haradhan Ghosh, Soumikkanti Ghosh

Arthaneeti Ruprekha

Ajoy Kr Nandi

Ucchamadhyamik Arthaneeti

Jaydeb Sarkhel

H S Economics

Jaydeb Sarkhel

H S Economics

Dr. Sebak k Jana, Dr. Asim k karmakar

Adhunik Arthashastra

Kailash Chhetri

Abhinabh Arthashastra

Ashok Kr. Pandey

WB Class 12th Mathematics Book

Name of the Book

Name of The Author(s)

Higher Secondary School, Mathematics

RS Agarwal

WB Class 12th Sociology Books

Name of the Book

Name of The Author(s)

Ucchamadhyamik Samajtatter Ruprekha

Anadikumar Mahapatra

Ucchamadhyamik Samajtatter

Arunanshu Pradhan

Class 12 Bengali Syllabus WBCHSE




Also, read -

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. When will the WB HS 2024-25 exam dates be released?

The WB 12th exams 2024-25 are being held from March 3 to March 18, 2025.

2. What is the minimum qualifying marks for WB HS exams 2024-25?

Students should obtain a minimum of 30% marks in both theory and practical or project work separately.

3. Is WBCHSE syllabus 2024 tough to study?

No, the syllabus of WB 12th class is not much tough if students study it with dedication and under proper guidance.  


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Questions related to West Bengal 12th

Have a question related to West Bengal 12th ?

Hello aspirant,

The WB 12th syllabus 2025 has been made available on the official website,, by the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. Since it is always essential to fully understand the syllabus before taking the test, students preparing for the West Bengal higher secondary exam 2025 can download the West Bengal 12th syllabus 2025 along with the West Bengal HS exam pattern.

To know the complete syllabus, you can visit our site through following link:

Thank you

Hello Suman , Hope your doing great . First thing what are you asking . This question was not fully completed question.

Hello Aspirant,

For IIT Kharagpur there is no requirement of JEE-Main score because is based on the JEE-Advance score but to sit for JEE-Advance you need to qualify JEE-Main and JEE-Main qualifying cut-off is released along with the result of both the sessions of JEE-Main 2022.

As the cut-offs are released along with the JEE-Main 2022 result so for now you can get an idea from JEE-Main 2021 qualifying cut-offs that are enlisted below :-

==>> Common Rank List (CRL) - 87.8992241-100.0000000 Percentile

==>> GEN-EWS - 66.2214845-87.8950071 Percentile

==>> Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) - 68.0234447-87.8950071 Percentile

==>> Scheduled Caste (SC) - 46.8825338-87.8950071 Percentile

==>> Scheduled Tribe (ST) - 34.6728999 87.8474721 Percentile

==>> PwD - 0.0096375-87.8273359 Percentile

Note that in above table it is not the actual cut-off for JEE-Main 2022 but previous year's cut-off.

You can check out previous year's cut-off trends from the link given below :-

As we go through the latest cut-off of 2021 then it shows that the closing PwD rank was 19 for CSE branch in IIT Kharagpur.

See it is quite difficult to tell you about exact marks to score because for JEE-Advance no maximum marks are fixed but yes with regards to JEE-Advance 2022 if you secure your PwD rank in JEE-Advance under top 15 then there are good chances for you to get CSE branch in IIT Kharagpur .

You can check out the latest cut-offs from the link given below :-

Note that the above prediction is made on the basis of latest cut-offs available on official website of JOSAA and the cut-offs are bound to change every year depending upon various factors such as the number of candidates appearing in an examination, the number of candidates qualifying an examination, difficulty level of the paper, and so on.

As you are preparing for JEE-Main or JEE-Advance so I would recommend you to check the resources made by our experts to help aspirants like you in the best and smart preparation of JEE-Main or JEE-Advance :-

I hope this information helps you.

Good Luck!!


In USA, the open heart surgery typically costs between 70,0002,00,000. It can also cost more. According to UNOS(United Network of Organ Sharing), the total cost of a heart transplant can reach up to 8,00,000.Therearelotsoffactorsthataffectanopenheartsurgeonssalarybuthisestimatedsalaryrangesbetween(390,300 to $610,400 or more per year).

Hope you got your answer.

Hello candidate,

There are certain Criterias which student needs to follow in order to appear the board exams as a private candidate-

1. Candidates will have five chances to improve their performance without having any gap year in between.

2. Candidate has to submit prescribed format application to the national board manager within a certain time period before the Examination.

Hope it helps!!

All the best.

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