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Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2024-25 PDF Download for All Subjects

Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2024-25 PDF Download for All Subjects

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 17, 2025 05:42 PM IST | #Maharashtra SSC Board

Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2024-25 - The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has released the revised syllabus and evaluation scheme for a few subjects for Maha SSC final exams 2025. The MSBSHSE releases the Maharashtra SSC Class 10 syllabus 2024-25 on the official website of the Maharashtra board, Students can download the Maharashtra 2024-25 10th SSC board exam syllabus for all the subjects including English, Hindi, Mathematics, Social Science, Science, and other language subjects.

This Story also Contains
  1. Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2025 - PDF Download Links
  2. Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2024-25 for English
  3. Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2025 for Science
  4. Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2024-25 for Maths
  5. Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2024-25 for Social Science
  6. Maharashtra Board SSC 2024-25 Preparation Tips
Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2024-25 PDF Download for All Subjects
Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2024-25 PDF Download for All Subjects

There are around 99 subjects including regular and elective both. The SSC syllabus 2025 Maharashtra Board includes detailed information about the important topics and marking scheme of the prescribed subjects. The direct link to download the Maharashtra board Class 10 syllabus 2024-25 PDFs (subject-wise) is provided below.

Background wave

Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2025 - PDF Download Links

The new Maha SSC 2024-25 syllabus is made available by the board. Students can download the subject-wise PDF files of the SSC syllabus Maharashtra board from the table given below:

Download Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2025

Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2024-25 for English

Students should prepare for the English exam by following the Maha SSC English syllabus given below. The detailed Maharashtra SSC board syllabus and marking scheme for English is tabulated below:

Maharashtra Board English Syllabus 2025


  1. Prose

About 64 pages of literary and non-literary

(Informative) text

(excluding notes, illustrations, tasks, etc.)

  1. Poetry

About 250 lines.

Non-detailed study: A selection of literary texts (short stories, one act play)


Revision of

grammatical items studied up to


different kinds of sentences

Simple, Compound, Complex

different kinds of

Principal, Co-ordinate, Sub-ordinate

The Tenses

a) Continuous

i) Present Perfect ii) Present Perfect

iii) Past Perfect

iv) Future with will/shall and ‘going to’

b) Continuous

Sequence of Tenses.


a, an, the (advanced level)


different uses

Word Formation



Statements, questions, negatives, indirect object


Tag questions


Reported Speech

Statements, questions, commands, requests, exclamation




Infinitives, Gerunds, Participles

Modal Auxiliaries

Uses of ‘can’, ‘may’, ‘might’, etc


Unreal conditions in the present/past Possible

conditions in the future

Maharashtra SSC English Syllabus - Marking Scheme

Reading skill (textual and non-textual)




Writing skill


Oral test


Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2025 for Science

Refer to the table below to know the Maharashtra SSC board syllabus 10th for Science along with the important topics.

Maharashtra Board Science Syllabus 2024-25

Unit name

Important Topics


  1. Acids and Bases

  2. Chemical Reactions

  3. Oxidation and Reduction

  4. Metals and Non-metals

  5. Carbon Compounds

  6. Common Chemicals used in Daily life

  7. Classification of Elements

The World of the Living

  1. Life Processes

  2. Control in the Living

  3. Reproduction in the Living

  4. Heredity and Evolution

Moving Things

  1. Electric Circuits

  2. Magnets

Natural Phenomena

  1. Light

  2. Spherical Mirrors

  3. Refraction

  4. Lenses


  1. Types of Pollution

  2. Sources of Pollution and Major Pollutants

  3. Effect of Pollution on the Environment

  4. Abatement of Pollution

Striving for a Better Environment

  1. Use of efficient and eco-friendly technology

  2. Sustainable Use of Resources

  3. Enforcement of acts, Laws, and Policies

Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2024-25 for Maths

The detailed Maharashtra SSC board syllabus 10th for Maths is tabulated below. Go through the same and prepare for the exam in a planned way.

Maharashtra Board Maths Syllabus 2025


Important topics


Arithmetic Progression

Introduction to Sequence,

Arithmetic Progression (A.P.) and Geometric Progression (G.P.),

General term of an A.P. and G.P.,

Sum of the first 'n' terms of an A.P. and G.P

Arithmetic mean and Geometry Mean

Quadratic Equations

Introduction to quadratic equations,

Solutions of quadratic equations,

Nature of roots based on discriminant,

Relation between roots of the equation and coefficient of the terms in the equation

Equations reducible to a quadratic form

Linear equations in two variables

System of linear equations in two variables,

Algebraic methods of solving linear equations in two variables,

Graphical representation of different possibilities of solutions/Inconsistency,

Cramer’s rule

Consistency of pair of linear equations


Introduction to probability and related terms,

Classical definition of probability,

Types of events,

Equally likely outcomes,

Probability of an event,

Properties of Probability


Brief revision of Tabulation of data,

inclusive and exclusive type of tables,

Mean, median and mode of grouped data,

Histograms, frequency polygon, frequency curve, pie diagram,

Ogives (Cumulative frequency graphs),

Applications of ogives in the determination of median, Relation between measures of central tendency



Properties of ratios of areas of two triangles,

Basic proportionality theorem,

Introduction to similarity,

Similar triangles,

Areas of two similar triangles,

Similarity in right-angled triangles,

Pythagoras theorem and its converse,

30o-60o-90o theorem and 45 o-45 o90 o theorem,

Application of Pythagoras theorem in Acute and obtuse angle.

Appolonius theorem


Tangents and its properties,

Theorem - Tangent at any point to the circle is perpendicular to the radius and its converse,

Number of tangents from a point to a circle,

Theorem- The length of two tangent segments drawn from a point outside the circle are equal,

Touching circles

Introduction to an arc,

Angle subtended by the arc to the centre and to the point on the circle,

Cyclic quadrilateral

Tangent - Secant theorem

Co-ordinate Geometry

Slope of a line,

Intercepts made by a line,

Standard forms of equation of a line,

General equation of a line.

Geometric Constructions

Construction of tangent to the circle from the point on the circle and outside the circle,

Construction of tangent without using centre,

Construction of triangle If the base, angle apposite to it and either median altitude is given ·

Construction of a triangle similar to a given triangle


Angles in standard position.

Trigonometric ratios in terms of

coordinates of point

Trigonometric Identities (with proof)

Use of basic identities and their


Problems on height and distance


Length of an arc

Area of the sector

Area of a Circular Segment

Euler's formula

Surface area and volume of cuboids

Spheres, hemispheres, right circular

cylinders cones, frustum of a cone.

Problems based on areas and perimeter/circumference of circle, sector and segment of a circle.

Problems on finding surface areas and volumes of combinations of any two of the following : cuboids, spheres, hemispheres and right circular cylinders/ cones

Problems involving converting one type of metallic solid into another.

Check Class 10 NCERT solutions for exam preparation:

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Maharashtra SSC Syllabus 2024-25 for Social Science

Find below the Maharashtra 10th class syllabus of History, Political Science, Geography and Economics along with the important topics below. Prepare all subjects sincerely to get good marks.

Maharashtra Board SSC Social Science Syllabus 2025



Important Topic



a) Geographical discoveries and colonization

b) Asia: India, China, Japan

c) Africa

20th Century Age of conflict

a) First world war

b) Russian Revolution

c) The League of Nations

d) Dictatorships in Europe, Second World War and world

e) United Nations Organization

Emancipation of Asia and Africa

a) Asia

b) Africa

World after World War II

a) Cold war

b) Scientific and Technological Progress

c) Globalization

Political Science

Chapters -

1) Democracy Meaning, Types and characteristics

2) Political Parties and types Meaning, Need, Types of Political Parties - National and Regional.

3) Social Diversity and Democracy, What is social diversity?

i) Caste/race and Democracy

ii) Language and Democracy

iii) Religion and Democracy

iv) Gender and Democracy

4) Challenges to Democracy Remedial measures to the challenges

5) Internal work


Physical Divisions of India

Identification of Physical divisions

North Indian Mountains

Himalayas, Associated mountains

North Indian Plain Region

Deserts, Western Plains, Central Plains, Eastern Plains, Delta region

Peninsular Plateau Region

Malwa Plateau, Chhota Nagpur Plateau, Maharashtra Plateau, Karnataka Plateau, Telangana Plateau

The Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats

Sahyadris, Eastern Ghats

Coastal Region

Eastern coastal plain, Western coastal plain

Indian Islands

Western Islands, Eastern Islands


One dimensional diagram, Two-dimensional diagrams



1) Introduction of an Economy-What is an economy?, Types of Economy, Main features of Economy.

2) Basic problems of an economy solution.

3) Public distribution system & consumer protection- Introduction, Public Distribution system - meaning & explanation, Objectives of P.D.S., Progress of P.D.S., Drawbacks of P.D.S., Remedial Measures, Consumer Protection - Rights & duties of consumer, food adulteration.

Also, check Maharashtra FYJC Admission 2024-25

Maharashtra Board SSC 2024-25 Preparation Tips

  • Students must go through the essential tips and tricks to crack the Maharashtra Board SSC 10th exam 2024-25. Following the Maharashtra SSC syllabus 2024-25 will let the students gain good marks and attain knowledge at the same time.

  • After completing the Maharashtra 10th syllabus 2024-25, start solving last year's Maha SSC question papers to know the difficulty level, type of questions, and more.

  • Refer to the Maharashtra SSC syllabus 2024-25 and stick to the exam pattern religiously. This will help the students to acquaint themselves with the course structure.

  • Students should go through the Maharashtra SSC time table 2024-25 in order to pay attention to the subjects which are scheduled early in the time table.

  • While preparing the Maharashtra SSC board syllabus 10th 2024-25, make short notes to make the revision part faster and easier.

  • It should also be remembered that clearing the basic concepts is very essential. This will help the students to understand the logic behind every topic and not simply mug them up which will help them to score high marks in SSC result 2024-25 Maharashtra Board.

Also, Check Subject-Wise Syllabus Articles:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is the Maharashtra SSC syllabus 2024-25 reduced?

No, the syllabus has not been reduced for the current academic year. 

2. When will the Maharashtra conduct the SSC exams 2025?

The board conducted the Maharashtra SSC board exams from February 21 to March 17, 2025. 

3. What are the passing marks in the Maharashtra SSC exams 2025?

Students must score at least 35 per cent marks to pass the Maharashtra SSC 2025 exams.

4. Is the Maharashtra SSC syllabus available for all the subjects?

Yes, the Maha SSC syllabus is available for all subjects. 

5. How many subjects are there in Maharashtra SSC board?

There are around 99 subjects including regular and elective in the Maharashtra SSC.  


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Questions related to Maharashtra SSC Board

Have a question related to Maharashtra SSC Board ?

In the Maharashtra SSC Board, practical exams are conducted at the school level under board guidelines. Subjects like Science and IT include experiments, viva, and journal submissions. Marks are awarded based on performance, accuracy, and understanding. Teachers evaluate students, and scores contribute to the final board results.

Gamete formation is the process of creating special cells, called gametes, in animals, including humans. These cells are crucial for reproduction. In males, gametes are known as sperm and are made through spermatogenesis in the testes. In females, they're called eggs or ova and form through oogenesis in the ovaries. Gametes are unique because they have only half the usual number of chromosomes. This diversity is important because when two gametes combine during fertilization, they create a new organism with the correct number of chromosomes. Essentially, gamete formation ensures the continuation of life through sexual reproduction.

Hi there,

Kindly mention the question  properly because afyer trying to refeame it several times I am unable unable provide you proper details of the question asked by you.

Due to this issue I am not able to give you necessary details. So I request you to kindly post another query for the same or you can ask in comment section below.

Hope this answer will help you.

Thank you!!!

Hello dear

Commerce is all about accounts, businesses, and CA. Whereas science is about studying technology, living science, environment.

Now let's come to your question nothing is best or better you have to make that best through your hard work, focus and dedication.

Science and commerce both are good you can take according to your interest in which subject you feel comfortable with and which subject you like to study you enjoy most .take that subject according to your preferences.

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