NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism

NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism

Edited By Safeer PP | Updated on Sep 14, 2022 12:37 PM IST | #CBSE Class 12th
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NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics solutions chapter 4 explores the broad prospects of movement of charges giving rise to a study of magnets and magnetism. Daily objects like the permanent magnet on your refrigerator door and the coils of an electric motor in a remote control car, the massive electromagnets used to lift wagons and cars, the magnets used in electron microscopes, and powerful superconducting magnets used in building fusion reactors- the uses of magnetism are vast and diversified. NCERT Exemplar solutions for Class 12 Physics chapter 4 provided on this page would help get a clear and efficient understanding of the academic text and drive one to perform well in the 12 boards and competitive exams. Students can also make use of NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics solutions chapter 4 PDF Download for further learning.

This Story also Contains
  1. NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 MCQI
  2. NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 MCQII
  3. NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 Very Short Answer
  4. NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 Short Answer
  5. NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 Long Answer
  6. Main Subtopics of NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism
  7. NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4-What will students learn NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4?
  8. NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Chapter Wise Links
  9. NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 Moving charges and Magnetism-Important Topics To Cover
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NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 MCQI


Two charged particles traverse identical helical paths in an opposite sense in a uniform magnetic field
a) they have equal z-components of momenta
b) they must have equal charges
c) they necessarily represent a particle-antiparticle pair
d) the charge to mass ratio satisfy: $\left (\frac{e}{m} \right )_{1}+\left (\frac{e}{m} \right )_{2}=0$


The answer is the option (d) As shown in the diagram if the particle is drawn in x-y plane at an angle of θ and moving with a velocity v, so as to make one component along the field $(v \cos\theta )$ and the other perpendicular$(v \sin \theta )$, we need to resolve the velocity in rectangular components. After doing so, the particle gains a constant velocity along the field of $(v \cos\theta )$. And the distance travelled by the particle is known as pitch.
The pitch of helix (i.e, linear distance travelled in one rotation ) will be given by $p = T(v\cos \theta )=2p\frac{m}{qB}(v \cos \theta)$
For given pitch p corresponds to change particle, we have
$\frac{q}{m}=\frac{2 \pi v\cos \theta}{qB}$

In this particular case, the path covered by the particles is identical and helical in a completely opposite manner in the presence of a uniform magnetic field, B. This indicates their LHS is the same and has the opposite sign. Therefore, $\left (\frac{e}{m} \right )_{1}+\left (\frac{e}{m} \right )_{2}=0$


Biot-Savart law indicates that the moving electrons produce a magnetic field B such that
a) $B\perp v$
b) $B \parallel v$
c) it obeys inverse cube law
d) it is along the line joining the electrons and point of observation


The answer is the option (a)
(a) According to the Biot-Savart law , the magnitude of $\overrightarrow{B}$ is $B \propto \left | q \right |, B \propto v$
$B \propto \sin \phi , B \propto \frac{1}{r^{2}}$
$B\propto \frac{\left | q \right | v \sin \phi }{r^{2}}$
$B= \frac{ \mu _{0}}{4 \pi }\frac{\left | q \right | v \sin \phi }{r^{2}}$
Where $\frac{ \mu _{0}}{4 \pi }$ is the proportionality constant 'r' is the magnitude of position vector from charge to the point at which we have to find the magnetic field and $\phi$ is the angle between $\overrightarrow{v}and \overrightarrow{r}$
B is perpendicular to both v and r.


A current carrying circular loop of radius R is placed in the x-y plane with centre at the origin. Half of the loop with x >0 is now bent so that it now lies in the y-z plane.
(a) The magnitude of magnetic moment now diminishes.
(b) The magnetic moment does not change.
(c) The magnitude ofB at (0,0, z), z>>R increases.
(d) The magnitude ofB at (0,0,z), z>>R is unchanged.


The answer is the option (a) According to the right-hand thumb rule, the direction of the magnetic moment of the circular loop is perpendicular to the loop. So, in order to compare their magnetic moments, we need to analyse them in vertical filed.
As shown in the above figure-(a), the circular loop placed in the x-y axis has its magnetic moment across z-axis . And if the loop is half bent with x > 0, it lies in the y-z plane as shown below.
The magnitude of the magnetic moment of each semicircular loop of radius R lie in the x-y plane and y-z plane is
$M_{1}= M_{2}= I \frac{\pi R^{2}}{2}$
and the direction of the magnetic moments are along z-direction and x-direction respectively. Their resultant is
$M_{net}=\sqrt{M_{1}^{2}+M_{2}^{2}}=\sqrt{2I}\frac{\pi R^{2}}{2}=\frac{M}{\sqrt{2}}$
So Mnet < M or M diminishes.


An electron is projected with uniform velocity along the axis of a current-carrying long solenoid. Which of the following is true?
a) the electron will be accelerated along the axis
b) the electron path will be circular about the axis
c) the electron will experience a force at 45o to the axis and hence execute a helical path
d) the electron will continue to move with uniform velocity along the axis of the solenoid


The answer is the option (d), the electron will continue to move with uniform velocity along the axis of the solenoid.
If the magnetic field of a current-carrying solenoid has a moving electron with uniform velocity across the axis, the electron will face a magnetic force due to magnetic field determined by $F= -evB \sin 180^{\circ} = 0$ (in case of F=0, the velocity is parallel to the magnetic field or anti-parallel or $0=0^{\circ}or180^{\circ}$). It will either result in the electron moving with uniform velocity or it will go undeflected across the solenoid axis.


In a cyclotron, a charged particle
(a) Undergoes acceleration all the time
(b) speeds up between the dees because of the magnetic field
(c) speeds up in a dee
(d) slows down within a dee and speeds up between dees


The answer is the option (a) undergoes acceleration all the time.


A circular current loop of magnetic moment M is in an arbitrary orientation in an external magnetic field B. The work done to rotate the loop by $30^{\circ}$ about an axis perpendicular to its plane is
a) MB
b) $\sqrt{3} \frac{MB}{}2$
c) $\frac{MB}{}2$
d) zero


The rotation of the loop by $30^{\circ}$ about an axis perpendicular to its plane make no change in the angle made by the axis of the loop with the direction of the magnetic field , therefore, the work done to rotate the loop is zero.

NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 MCQII


The gyro-magnetic ratio of an electron in an H-atom, according to Bohr model is
a) independent of which orbit it is in
b) negative
c) positive
d) increases with the quantum number n


The correct answers are the options (a, b) as according to the Bohr model, the gyro-magnetic ration of an electron in an H-atom is negative and independent of which orbit it is in.


Consider a wire carrying a steady current, I placed un a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to its length. Consider the charges inside the wire. It is known that magnetic forces do not work. This implies that
a) motion of charges inside the conductor is unaffected by B since they do not absorb energy
b) some charges inside the wire move to the surface as a result of B
c) if the wire moves under the influence of B, no work is done by the force
d) if the wire moves under the influence of B, no work is done by the magnetic force on the ions, assumed fixed within the wire


The correction options are (b, d).
The force experienced by a straight current-carrying conductor of length (l) at an angle $\theta$ with the direction of the field placed in a uniform magnetic field (B) is Fmax= Bil sin θ. And the direction is determined by the right-hand palm rule.


Two identical current carrying coaxial loops, carry current I in an opposite sense. A simple amperian loop passes through both of them once. Calling the loop as C,
(a) $\oint Bdl =\mp\mu _{0}I$
(b) the value of $\oint Bdl =2\mu _{0}I$ is independent of sense of C
(c) there may be a point on C where, B and dl are perpendicular
(d) B vanishes everywhere on C


The correct answers are the options (b, c).
In case of the given current distribution, Ampere’s law states another method to calculate the magnetic field.


A cubical region of space is filled with some uniform electric and magnetic fields. An electron enters the cube across one of its faces with velocity v, and a positron enters via opposite face with velocity -v. At this instant,
(a) the electric forces on both the particles cause identical accelerations.
(b) the magnetic forces on both the particles cause equal accelerations.
(c) both particles gain or lose energy at the same rate.
(d) the motion of the Centre of Mass (CM) is determined by B alone.


The correct options are (b, c, d).
$F_{net} =qE + q(v \times B).$
(i) In this case both particles are moving with same acceleration either due to the magnetic forces $(F_m =q(v \times B))$ being zero or the Fm is perpendicular to v (or component of v). This results in the particle moving with a uniform speed in a circular path.
(ii) Both the particle gain or loss energy at the same rate as the electric force is the same (Fe = qE) and in opposite directions due to the sign of charge.
(iii) Th emotion of the centre of mass is determined only by the magnetic field ‘B’ as no change is observed in the centre of mass (CM).


A charged particle would continue to move with a constant velocity in a region wherein,
a) $E = 0, B \neq 0$
b) $E \neq 0, B\neq 0$
c) $E \neq 0, B= 0$
d)$E = 0, B = 0$


The correct answers are the options (a, b, d).
$F_{net} =qE + q(v \times B)$.
The force created by the electric field on the particle = qE
The force created by the magnetic field on the article $F_{m}= q(v \times B)$
As per the question, the acceleration of the particle is zero due to the constant velocity, and it is not changing its direction of motion. So, if the net force is zero -
(i) if E = 0, and $v\parallel B$, then $F_{net} = 0.$
(ii) if$E \neq 0, B\neq 0$ and E, v and B are mutually perpendicular.
And (iii) when both E and B are absent.

NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 Very Short Answer


Verify that the cyclotron frequency $\omega = e\frac{B}{}m$ has the correct dimensions of $[T]^{-1}$.


In the device cyclotron, a circular path is followed by the accelerating particle duet eh magnetic field acting as a centripetal force.
On simplifying the terms, we have
$\therefore \frac{eB}{m}=\frac{v}{R}=\omega$
We know that
$B = \frac{F}{eV}=\frac{[MLT^{2}]}{[AT][LT^{-1}]}=[MA^{-1}T^{-2}]$
And then dimensional formula of the angular frequency
$[\omega]= \left [\frac{eB}{m} \right ]=\left [\frac{v}{R} \right ]$
$[\omega ]=\frac{[AT][MA^{-1}T^{-2}]}{[M]}=[T^{-1}]$


Show that a force that does no Work must be a velocity-dependent force.


To prove that a force with doing no works must be a velocity-dependent force, it is necessary to assume that zero work is done by the force. As given in the following equation:
We can write $\overrightarrow{dl}=\overrightarrow{v}dt, \text{but}dt \neq 0$
$\Rightarrow \overrightarrow{F}.\overrightarrow{v}dt=0\\ \Rightarrow \overrightarrow{F}.\overrightarrow{v}=0$
So, it is proven that the force F is dependent on the velocity, it implies there is a 90° angle between F and v. So if the velocity changes its direction, simultaneously the direction of the force will also change.


The magnetic force depends on v which depends on the inertial frame of reference. Does then the magnetic force differ from inertial frame to frame? Is it reasonable that-the net acceleration has a different value in different frames of reference?


$F = q(v \times B)$
velocity is dependent on the time of reference. But since the magnetic force is also frame-dependent, it changes from inertial frame to frame.
There is a rise in the net acceleration; however, for inertial frames, it is frame independent


Describe the motion of a charged particle in a cyclotron if the frequency of the radio frequency (rf) field were doubled.


To reverse the polarity of the dees at the same time as it takes the ion to complete the one-half revolution, the frequency of the voltage va of the applied voltage is changed. This requirement is called resonance condition, shown as va = vc
The time period of the radio frequency (rf) field was halved due to the violation of the resonance conditions as the frequency of the radio frequency (rf) field were doubled. Thus, two simultaneous things occur, firstly the particle completes its one-half revolution and the radio frequency also completes the cycle.
Therefore, the particle will alternatively accelerate and deaccelerate. So, the radius of the path covered in both the dees remains the same.


Two long wires carrying current $I_{1}$, and $I_{2}$ are arranged as shown in figure. The one carrying current $I_{1}$ is along the x-axis. The other carrying current $I_{2}$ is along a line parallel to the y-axis given by x = 0 and z = d. Find the force exerted at $O_{2}$ because of the wire along the x-axis.


Firstly, we need to find the direction of the magnetic field caused by one wire on a specific point on the other wire, then determine the magnetic force on the wire carrying current.
According to Biot-Savart law, the magnetic field is parallel to dl x r whereas I dl direction is along the direction of flow of current, but it can also be found out by using the right-hand thumb rule.
Here the direction of the magnetic field at $O_{2}$ , due to wire carrying I1 current is
\overrightarrow{B}\parallel i\overrightarrow{dl}\times \overrightarrow{r}or \widehat{i}\times \widehat{j}=\widehat{k}So the direction of $O_{2}$ is along the Y-direction direction of the magnetic force exerted at $O_{2}$ because of the wire along the x-axis is
$\overrightarrow{F}=\overrightarrow{ll}\times \overrightarrow{B}=\widehat{j}\times (-\widehat{j})=0$
So the magnetic field due the wire is along the y-axis. The second wire is along the y-axis and hence, the force is zero.

NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 Short Answer


A current-carrying loop consists of 3 identical quarter circles of radius R, lying in the positive quadrants of the x-y, y-z and z-x planes with their centres at the origin, joined together. Find the direction and magnitude of B at the origin.


Th relation of the magnetic field can easily be found out using the Biot-Savart law


A charged particle of charge e and mass m is moving in an electric field E, and magnetic field B. Construct dimensionless quantities and quantities of dimension $[T]^{-1 }$


When a charged particle is moving in both electric and magnetic field, the physical quantities can no help to construct dimensional quantity.
The necessary centripetal force is provided by the magnetic Lorentz forces when a charged particle is moving perpendicular to the magnetic field.

On simplifying the terms, we have
$\therefore \frac{eB}{m}=\frac{v}{R}=\omega$
We know that $B = \frac{F}{eV}=\frac{[MLT^{2}]}{[AT][LT^{-1}]}=[MA^{-1}T^{-2}]$
then dimensional formula of the angular frequency $[\omega]= \left [\frac{eB}{m} \right ]=\left [\frac{v}{R} \right ]$
$[\omega ]=\frac{[AT][MA^{-1}T^{-2}]}{[M]}=[T^{-1}]$


An electron enters with a velocity $v = v_0i$ into a cubical region (face parallel to coordinate planes) in which there are uniform electric and magnetic fields. The orbit of the electron is found to spiral down inside the cube in a plane parallel to the x-y plane. Suggest a configuration to fields E and B that can lead to it.


The magnetic force makes a charged particle revolve in a uniform circular motion in the x-y plane, but the electric field increases the speed of the charged particle along the x-direction. This results in increasing the radius of the circular path and so, the moves in a spiral path.
Take the field present in the region to be B = B0 and electrons enters a cubical region with some velocity (faces parallel to coordinate planes). The force due to the Lorentz force on the electron is given by -
$\overrightarrow{F}=-e\left ( v_{0}\widehat{i}\times B_{0}\widehat{k} \right )=ev_{0}B_{0}\widehat{j}$

This revolves the electron in an x-y plane.
With the increase in the radius of the circular path due to ‘e’ acceleration caused by the electric force$F = eE_0j$, electron transverses on a spiral path.


Do magnetic forces obey Newton’s third law. Verify for two current elements $dl_1 = dl i$ located at the origin and $dl_2 = dl j$ located at(0, R, 0). Both carry current I.


To solve the problem, we need to determine the magnetic field’s direction caused by one wire at the point on other wire, then calculate the magnetic force on the current-carrying wire.
As according to Biot-Savart’s law, idl is the current-carrying element along the direction of the flow, and magnetic field B is parallel to $idl \times r.$
The direction of the magnetic field is given by $B || idl \times r or i \times j$ (because point (0, R, 0) lies ony-axis), but $i \times j = k$ which is present at $idl _{2}$ and located at located at (0, R, 0) due to the wire dlx.
This makes the direction the magnetic field along z-direction at $dl _{2}$.
And the magnetic field present at dl2 due to the magnetic field of first wire has its direction in the x-axis.
$F-i(l \times B), i.e., F||(i \times k)$ or along – j direction.
Therefore, it makes the forces present due to dl[ on $dl _{2}$ is non-zero.
Now, to find he direction of the magnetic field at dx due to the $d_{2}$ wire located at (0, 0, 0) is calculated by the relation$B||idl \times r or j \times -j$(because origin lies on y-direction with respect to the point (0, R, 0), but $j \times - j = 0.$
This implies that there is no magnetic field present at dx.
Hence, force due to $dl _{2}$ on $dl_{1}$, is zero.
So,Newton’s third law is not followed by the magnetic forces. But in case of current carrying elements present parallel to each other they will follow Newton’s third law.


A multirange voltmeter can be constructed by using a galvanometer circuit as shown in figure. We want to construct a voltmeter that can measure 2 V, 20 V and 200 V using a galvanometer of resistance 10$\Omega$ and that produces maximum deflection for a current of 1 mA. Find $R_1, R_2 and R_3$ that have to be used,


The device named galvanometer can also be used to measure the voltage across a given circuit section just like a voltmeter. To do so, a very high resistance wire is connected to the galvanometer in series. The relation is determined by Ig (G + R) – V in which Ig is galvanometer’s range, G is its resistance and R represents the resistance of the wire connected to the galvanometer in series.
Applying the expression in a different situation
For $i_{G}(G+R_{1})=2 for 2V range$
For $i_{G}(G+R_{1}+R_{2})=20 for 20V range$
And for $i_{G}(G+R_{1}+R_{2}+R_{3})=200 for 200V range$
By solving we get
$R_{1}=1990 \Omega , R_{2}=18k\Omega and R_{3}=180 k \Omega$


A long straight wire carrying current of 25 A rests on a table as shown in figure. Another wire PQ of length 1 m, mass 2.5 g carries the same current but in the opposite direction. The wire PQ is free to slide up and down. To what height will PQ rise?


The long straight wire carrying 25 A current resting on the table applies a force on PQ. And if two straights wires are placed parallel with the current in opposite direction, the forces are repulsive. But if there is an equilibrium in wire PQ, then the repulsive force on PQ balances its weight
The magnetic field produced by a long straight wire carrying current of 25A rests on the table on small wire.
$B= \frac{\mu _{0}I}{2 \pi h}$
The magnetic force on the small conductors
$F = BlI \sin \theta =BIl$
Force applied on PQ balance the weight of the small current carrying capacity
$F=mg= \frac{\mu _{0}I^{2}l}{2 \pi h}$
$h= \frac{\mu _{0}I^{2}l}{2 \pi mg}=\frac{4\pi \times 10^{-7}\times (25)^{2}\times l}{2\pi \times 2.5 \times 10^{-3}\times 9.8 }=5l\times 10^{-4}m = 0.51m$

NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 Long Answer


100 turn rectangular coil ABCD (in X-Y plane) is hung from one arm of a balance (shown in figure). A mass 500 g is added to the other arm to balance the weight of the coil. A current 4.9 A passes through the coil and a constant magnetic field of 0.2 T acting inward (in x-z plane) is switched on such that only arm CD of length 1 cm lies in the field. How much additional mass m must be added to regain the balance?


The concept of the magnetic force on a conductor placed in the region of an external uniform magnetic field is used. The external magnetic field causing the magnetic force on CD must balance its weight.
And the net torque present on the spring balance must be zero to attain equilibrium.
At t=0 ,the external magnetic field is off. Let us consider the sepration of each hung from the mid-point be l.
$Mgl = W_{coil}l$
$0.5gl = W_{coil}l$
$W_{coil}=0.5 \times 9.8$
By taking the moment of the about the mid-point , we get the weigh of the coil. And let 'm' be the mass which is added to regain the balance . When the magnetic field is switched on.
$Mgl +mgl=W_{coil}l+(IlB\sin 90^{\circ})l$
$Mgl =(IlB)l$
$m=\frac{BIL}{g}=\frac{0.2 \times 4.9 \times 1 \times 10^{-2}}{9.8}=10^{-3}kg =1g$
Therefore 1g of additional mass must be added to regain the balance.


A rectangular conducting loop consists of two wires on two opposite sides of length l joined together by rods of length d. The wires each are of the same material but with cross-sections differing by a factor of 2. The thicker wire has a resistance R and the rods are of low resistance, which in turn are connected to a constant voltage source $V_{0}$. The loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field B at$45^{\circ}$ to its plane. Find T, the torque exerted by the magnetic field on the loop about an axis through the centres of rods.


To find the net torque it is necessary to calculate the magnetic forces and torques after analysis of the direction of current in both wires.
According to the problem, the thicker wire has the resistance R, then the other wire has resistance 2Ras the wires has resistance 2R as the wires of the same material so their resistivity remains the same.
Now, the force and hence, torque on the first wire is given by
$F_{1}=i_{1}lB\sin 90^{\circ}=\frac{V_{0}}{2R}IB$
$\tau _{1}=\frac{d}{2\sqrt{2}} F_{1} =\frac{V_{0}IdB}{2\sqrt{2}R}$
Similarly, the force hence torque on the other wire is given by

$F_{2}=i_{2}lB\sin 90^{\circ}=\frac{V_{0}}{2R}IB$
$\tau _{2}=\frac{d}{2\sqrt{2}} F_{2} =\frac{V_{0}IdB}{4\sqrt{2}R}$
So, net torque $\tau =\tau_{1}-\tau_{2}$
$\tau =\frac{l}{4\sqrt{2}}\frac{V_{0}AB}{R}$
Where A is the area of the rectangular coil.


An electron and a positron are released from (0, 0, 0) and (0, 0, 1.5R) respectively, in a uniform magnetic field B = B0i, each with an equal momentum of magnitude p = eBR. Under what conditions on the direction of momentum will the orbits be non-intersecting circles?


Due to the presence of the magnetic field B along the x-axis, the momenta of two particles in a circular orbit is in the y-z plane. Assume the momenta of the electron (e– ) and positron (e+) to be p1 and p2, respectively. Both moves in the opposite sense in a circle of radius R. Let p, make an angle θ with the y-axis p2 must make the same angle withy axis.
But the respective circles must have their centres perpendicular to the momenta at a distance R. Let Ce be the centre of the electron and Cp of the positron.
The coordinates of Ce are $Ce = (0, -R \sin \theta, R \cos \theta)$
The coordinates of Cp are $Cp = [0, -R \sin \theta, (1.5R - R \cos \theta)]$
The circular orbits of electron and positron shall not overlap if the distance between the two centres are greater than 2R.
Let d be the distance between Cp and Ce. Then
$d^{2}=[R\sin \theta -(-R \sin \theta )]^{2}\left [ R\cos \theta \left ( \frac{3}{2}R-R\cos \theta \right ) \right ]^{2}$
$=(2R\sin \theta)^{2}+\left ( 2R \cos \theta -\frac{}3{}2 R \right )^{2}$
$=4R^{2}\sin ^{2}\theta +4R^{2}\cos^{2}\theta -6R^{2}\cos \theta +\frac{9}{4}R^{2}$
$=4R^{2} -6R^{2}\cos \theta +\frac{9}{4}R^{2}$
As d has to greater than 2R d2 > 4R2
$=4R^{2} -6R^{2}\cos \theta +\frac{9}{4}R^{2}>4R^{2}$
$\frac{9}{4}>6 \cos \theta or \cos \theta <\frac{3}{8}$


A uniform conducting wire of length 12a and resistance R is wound up as a current carrying coil in the shape of (i) an equilateral triangle of side a, (ii) a square of sides a, and (iii) a regular hexagon of sides a. The coil is connected to a voltage source V0. Find the magnetic moment of the coils in each case.


(i) For equilateral triangle of side a,
As the total wire length = 12a, so the no. of the loops
$n = \frac{12a}{3a}=4$
The magnetic moment of the coils m = nIA
As the area of the triangle is
$=4I\left (\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}a^{2} \right )$
$\therefore m=Ia^{2}\sqrt{3}$
Iii) For a square of sides a,
No. of loops n =
Magnetic moment of the coils m =nIA= 3I(a2) = 3Ia2
(iii) For regular hexagon of sides a,
No. of loops n = $\frac{12a}{6a}=2$
$A=\frac{6 \sqrt{3}}{4}a^{2}$
Magnetic moment of the coils m = nIA
$\Rightarrow m=2I=\left (\frac{6 \sqrt{3}}{4}a^{2} \right )I$
$\Rightarrow m=3\sqrt{3}a^{2}I$, m is in a geometric series.


Consider a circular current-carrying loop of radius R in the x-y plane with centre at origin. Consider the line integral
$\tau (L)=\left | \int_{-L}^{L} B.dl\right |$ taken along z-axis

(a) Show that $\tau (L)$ monotonically increases with L.
b) Use an appropriate Amperian loop to show that $\tau (\infty )=\mu_{0}I$ , where I is the current in the wire.
(c) Verify directly the above result.
(d) Suppose we replace the circular coil by a square coil of sides R carrying the same current I. What can you say about $\tau (L )$and $\tau (\infty )$


(a) In a circular current-carrying loop in x-y plane, the magnetic field acts along z-axis as shown in below.
$\tau (L)=\left | \int_{-L}^{L} B.dl\right |=\int_{-L}^{+L}Bdl \cos 0^{\circ}=\int_{-L}^{+L}Bdl= 2BL$
$\therefore \tau (L)$ is monotonically increasing function of L
(b) Now consider an Amperean loop around the circular coil of such a large radius that $L\rightarrow \infty$. Since this loop encloses a current I, now using the Amperan's law
$\tau (\infty )=\oint_{-\infty }^{+\infty }\overrightarrow{B}.\overrightarrow{dl}=\mu _{0}I$
(c) The magnetic field at the axis (z-axis) of the circular coil is given by
$B){z}=\frac{\mu _{0}IR^{2}}{2(z^{2}+R^{2})^{\frac{3}{2}}}$
Now intergarting
$\int_{-\infty }^{+\infty }B_{z}=\int_{-\infty }^{+\infty }\frac{\mu _{0}IR^{2}}{2(z^{2}+R^{2})^{\frac{3}{2}}}dz$
Let z = R tan $\theta \ so \ that \ dz = r\sec ^{2}\theta d\theta$
$(z^{2}+R^{2})^{\frac{3}{2}}=(R^{2}\tan ^{2}\theta +R^{2})^{\frac{3}{2}}\\ = R^{3}\sec^{3}\theta(as 1 +\tan ^{2}\theta \sec^{2}\theta)$
$\int_{-\infty }^{+\infty }B_{z}=\frac{\mu _{0}I}{2}\int_{-\frac{\pi}{2} }^{+\frac{\pi} {2}}\frac{R^{2}(R\sec ^{2}\theta d \theta)}{R^{3}\sec ^{3}\theta }$
$=\frac{\mu _{0}I}{2}\int_{-\frac{\pi}{2} }^{+\frac{\pi} {2}}\cos \theta d \theta =\mu _{0}I$
(d) As we know $(B_{z})_{square}<(B_{z})_{circular coil}$
For the same current and side of the square equal to radius of the coil
$\tau(\infty )_{square}<\tau(\infty )_{circular coil}$
By using the same argument as we done in the case (b), it can be shown that
$\tau(\infty )_{square}=\tau(\infty )_{circular coil}$


A multirange current meter can be constructed by using a galvanometer circuit as shown in figure. We want a current meter that can measure 10 mA, 100 mA and 1 mA using a galvanometer of resistance $10 \Omega$and that produces maximum deflection for current of 1 mA. Find $S_{1}. S_{2}and S_{3}$ that have to be used.



A galvanometer is sometimes also used as an ammeter by simply attaching a very low resistance wire also called as shunt S in parallel to the galvanometer. IgG = (I – Ig) S gives the relationship, in which range of galvanometer is Ig and R is the resistance of the galvanometer.
For measuring $I _{1}=10mA: I_{G}.G=(I_{1}-I_{G})(S_{1}+S_{2}+S_{3})$
For measuring $I _{2}=100mA: I_{G}.(G+S_{1})=(I_{2}-I_{G})(S_{2}-S_{3})$
For measuring $I _{3}=1A: I_{G}.(G+S_{1}+S_{2})=(I_{3}-I_{G})(S_{3})$
gives $S_{1}= 1\Omega , S_{2}= 0.1 \Omega , S_{3}= 0.01 \Omega$

Main Subtopics of NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism

  • Introduction
  • Magnetic Force
  • Sources And Fields
  • Magnetic Field, Lorentz Force
  • Magnetic Force On A current-carrying Conductor
  • Motion In A Magnetic Field
  • Motion In Combined Electric And Magnetic Fields
  • Velocity Selector
  • Cyclotron
  • Magnetic Field Due To A Current Element, Biot-Savart Law
  • Magnetic Field On The Axis Of A Circular Current Loop
  • Ampere's Circuital Law
  • The Solenoid And The Toroid
  • The Solenoid
  • The Toroid
  • Force Between Two Parallel Currents, The Ampere
  • Torque On Current Loop, Magnetic Dipole
  • Torque On A Rectangular Current Loop In A Uniform Magnetic Field
  • Circular Current Loop As A Magnetic Dipole
  • The Magnetic Dipole Moment Of A Revolving Electron
  • The Moving Coil Galvanometer
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NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4-What will students learn NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4?

With the widespread use of electricity in modern life, the uses of magnetism increased drastically. NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics chapter 4 solutions discuss the use and application of magnetic effect of current. Class 12 Physics NCERT Exemplar solutions chapter 4 also covers the broader aspects of magnetism and includes recording storage for different equipment and storage devices in computers. Even a floppy disk contains a number of tracks which store data digitally. A popular example of digital storage and scanning is the noticeable strip in debit and credit cards. This magnetic strip contains the personal data of the user and could be used for identification purposes, and is often accessed through an ATM.

With so many modern-day applications, magnetism carries the world's workings in its arms and can see several plausible developments and breakthroughs in the future.

NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Chapter Wise Links

NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics Solutions Chapter 4 Moving charges and Magnetism-Important Topics To Cover

· NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 12 Physics chapter 4 highlights the interaction of moving charges and the magnetic forces that act on moving charges and current-carrying wires.

· NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Physics solutions chapter 4 will also introduce magnetic forces by using the concept of a field and how a magnetic field gets established by a permanent magnet.

· An in-depth study is included about the magnetic forces and torque exerted on moving charges and currents by magnetic fields, the calculation of the magnetic fields produced by currents and moving charges, the laws to remember, and the properties and applications of magnetism.

NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Solutions

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How many questions are solved from this chapter?

In total 28 questions of NCERT exemplar Class 12 Physics solutions chapter 4 from the main exercise is solved in utmost detail and in the most explanative manner.

2. Are these solutions solved stepwise?

Yes, each and every question solved in these solutions is done stepwise, so as to make it easier for the students to understand everything clearly.

3. How do these solutions help a student?

 For those who want to understand the topic, get help for solving questions and want to prepare for exams, these Class 12 Physics NCERT exemplar solutions chapter 4 can be a great place to start.

4. What all topics are covered in this chapter?

  The major topic that is covered in this chapter is magnetism and its effects and properties. crucial topics from exam POV are Lorentz force, cyclotron, solenoid, toroid etc. 


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Questions related to CBSE Class 12th

Have a question related to CBSE Class 12th ?

Changing from the CBSE board to the Odisha CHSE in Class 12 is generally difficult and often not ideal due to differences in syllabi and examination structures. Most boards, including Odisha CHSE , do not recommend switching in the final year of schooling. It is crucial to consult both CBSE and Odisha CHSE authorities for specific policies, but making such a change earlier is advisable to prevent academic complications.

Hello there! Thanks for reaching out to us at Careers360.

Ah, you're looking for CBSE quarterly question papers for mathematics, right? Those can be super helpful for exam prep.

Unfortunately, CBSE doesn't officially release quarterly papers - they mainly put out sample papers and previous years' board exam papers. But don't worry, there are still some good options to help you practice!

Have you checked out the CBSE sample papers on their official website? Those are usually pretty close to the actual exam format. You could also look into previous years' board exam papers - they're great for getting a feel for the types of questions that might come up.

If you're after more practice material, some textbook publishers release their own mock papers which can be useful too.

Let me know if you need any other tips for your math prep. Good luck with your studies!

It's understandable to feel disheartened after facing a compartment exam, especially when you've invested significant effort. However, it's important to remember that setbacks are a part of life, and they can be opportunities for growth.

Possible steps:

  1. Re-evaluate Your Study Strategies:

    • Identify Weak Areas: Pinpoint the specific topics or concepts that caused difficulties.
    • Seek Clarification: Reach out to teachers, tutors, or online resources for additional explanations.
    • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to mastering chemistry.
  2. Consider Professional Help:

    • Tutoring: A tutor can provide personalized guidance and support.
    • Counseling: If you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure about your path, counseling can help.
  3. Explore Alternative Options:

    • Retake the Exam: If you're confident in your ability to improve, consider retaking the chemistry compartment exam.
    • Change Course: If you're not interested in pursuing chemistry further, explore other academic options that align with your interests.
  4. Focus on NEET 2025 Preparation:

    • Stay Dedicated: Continue your NEET preparation with renewed determination.
    • Utilize Resources: Make use of study materials, online courses, and mock tests.
  5. Seek Support:

    • Talk to Friends and Family: Sharing your feelings can provide comfort and encouragement.
    • Join Study Groups: Collaborating with peers can create a supportive learning environment.

Remember: This is a temporary setback. With the right approach and perseverance, you can overcome this challenge and achieve your goals.

I hope this information helps you.


Age: As of the last registration date, you must be between the ages of 16 and 40.
Qualification: You must have graduated from an accredited board or at least passed the tenth grade. Higher qualifications are also accepted, such as a diploma, postgraduate degree, graduation, or 11th or 12th grade.
How to Apply:
Get the Medhavi app by visiting the Google Play Store.
Register: In the app, create an account.
Examine Notification: Examine the comprehensive notification on the scholarship examination.
Sign up to Take the Test: Finish the app's registration process.
Examine: The Medhavi app allows you to take the exam from the comfort of your home.
Get Results: In just two days, the results are made public.
Verification of Documents: Provide the required paperwork and bank account information for validation.
Get Scholarship: Following a successful verification process, the scholarship will be given. You need to have at least passed the 10th grade/matriculation scholarship amount will be transferred directly to your bank account.

Scholarship Details:

Type A: For candidates scoring 60% or above in the exam.

Type B: For candidates scoring between 50% and 60%.

Type C: For candidates scoring between 40% and 50%.

Cash Scholarship:

Scholarships can range from Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 18,000 per month, depending on the marks obtained and the type of scholarship exam (SAKSHAM, SWABHIMAN, SAMADHAN, etc.).

Since you already have a 12th grade qualification with 84%, you meet the qualification criteria and are eligible to apply for the Medhavi Scholarship exam. Make sure to prepare well for the exam to maximize your chances of receiving a higher scholarship.

Hope you find this useful!

hello mahima,

If you have uploaded screenshot of your 12th board result taken from CBSE official website,there won,t be a problem with that.If the screenshot that you have uploaded is clear and legible. It should display your name, roll number, marks obtained, and any other relevant details in a readable forma.ALSO, the screenshot clearly show it is from the official CBSE results portal.

hope this helps.

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A block of mass 0.50 kg is moving with a speed of 2.00 ms-1 on a smooth surface. It strikes another mass of 1.00 kg and then they move together as a single body. The energy loss during the collision is

Option 1)

0.34\; J

Option 2)

0.16\; J

Option 3)

1.00\; J

Option 4)

0.67\; J

A person trying to lose weight by burning fat lifts a mass of 10 kg upto a height of 1 m 1000 times.  Assume that the potential energy lost each time he lowers the mass is dissipated.  How much fat will he use up considering the work done only when the weight is lifted up ?  Fat supplies 3.8×107 J of energy per kg which is converted to mechanical energy with a 20% efficiency rate.  Take g = 9.8 ms−2 :

Option 1)

2.45×10−3 kg

Option 2)

 6.45×10−3 kg

Option 3)

 9.89×10−3 kg

Option 4)

12.89×10−3 kg


An athlete in the olympic games covers a distance of 100 m in 10 s. His kinetic energy can be estimated to be in the range

Option 1)

2,000 \; J - 5,000\; J

Option 2)

200 \, \, J - 500 \, \, J

Option 3)

2\times 10^{5}J-3\times 10^{5}J

Option 4)

20,000 \, \, J - 50,000 \, \, J

A particle is projected at 600   to the horizontal with a kinetic energy K. The kinetic energy at the highest point

Option 1)


Option 2)

\; K\;

Option 3)


Option 4)


In the reaction,

2Al_{(s)}+6HCL_{(aq)}\rightarrow 2Al^{3+}\, _{(aq)}+6Cl^{-}\, _{(aq)}+3H_{2(g)}

Option 1)

11.2\, L\, H_{2(g)}  at STP  is produced for every mole HCL_{(aq)}  consumed

Option 2)

6L\, HCl_{(aq)}  is consumed for ever 3L\, H_{2(g)}      produced

Option 3)

33.6 L\, H_{2(g)} is produced regardless of temperature and pressure for every mole Al that reacts

Option 4)

67.2\, L\, H_{2(g)} at STP is produced for every mole Al that reacts .

How many moles of magnesium phosphate, Mg_{3}(PO_{4})_{2} will contain 0.25 mole of oxygen atoms?

Option 1)


Option 2)

3.125 × 10-2

Option 3)

1.25 × 10-2

Option 4)

2.5 × 10-2

If we consider that 1/6, in place of 1/12, mass of carbon atom is taken to be the relative atomic mass unit, the mass of one mole of a substance will

Option 1)

decrease twice

Option 2)

increase two fold

Option 3)

remain unchanged

Option 4)

be a function of the molecular mass of the substance.

With increase of temperature, which of these changes?

Option 1)


Option 2)

Weight fraction of solute

Option 3)

Fraction of solute present in water

Option 4)

Mole fraction.

Number of atoms in 558.5 gram Fe (at. wt.of Fe = 55.85 g mol-1) is

Option 1)

twice that in 60 g carbon

Option 2)

6.023 × 1022

Option 3)

half that in 8 g He

Option 4)

558.5 × 6.023 × 1023

A pulley of radius 2 m is rotated about its axis by a force F = (20t - 5t2) newton (where t is measured in seconds) applied tangentially. If the moment of inertia of the pulley about its axis of rotation is 10 kg m2 , the number of rotations made by the pulley before its direction of motion if reversed, is

Option 1)

less than 3

Option 2)

more than 3 but less than 6

Option 3)

more than 6 but less than 9

Option 4)

more than 9

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