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Electrochemistry is an important branch of chemistry that explores between electricity and chemical reactions. It focuses on how chemical energy changes into electrical energy, and vice versa. Have you ever wondered how a battery powers your phone or why metals are coated with a layer of gold? The answers to these questions lie in Electrochemistry.
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NCERT solutions for class 12 Chemistry Chapter 2 Electrochemistry deals with questions based on mainly electrochemical and galvanic cells and also on the Nernst equation in order to calculate electromotive force potential. Electrochemistry Class 12 will also acknowledge you to various types of batteries and their benefits. The chapter is important for both theoretical and practical purposes. Therefore electrochemistry class 12 NCERT solutions become very important to get an in-depth understanding of concepts.
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Page 36
Question 2.1 How would you determine the standard electrode potential of the system
Answer :
To determine the standard electrode potential of the given system we need to use a hydrogen electrode. In the setup, we shall put a hydrogen electrode as cathode and Mg | MgSO 4 as an anode.
Now we will measure the emf of the cell. This emf will be the standard electrode potential of the magnesium electrode.
E°cell = E° right – E°left
E°left =0 ( The standard hydrogen electrode is always zero)
Question 2.2 Can you store copper sulphate solutions in a zinc pot?
The standard electrode potential of Zinc is - 0.76 whereas that of Copper is 0.34. So Zinc will reduce copper into the lower state.
It is known that zinc is more reactive than copper. Thus if we will store copper sulphate solution in zinc pot then zinc will displace copper from its solution.
The following reaction will take place:-
Answer :
The oxidising strength of elements increases as the standard electrode potential increases.
So all the elements having greater standard potential than iron can oxidise it to a higher state.
Few such elements are :- F 2 , Cl 2 , Br 2 , Ag +1 etc.
Page 41
Question 2.4 Calculate the potential of hydrogen electrode in contact with a solution whose pH is 10.
Answer :
It is given that pH of the solution is 10,i.e., the hydrogen ion concentration in the solution is 10 -10 M.
By Nernst equation we have :-
So the required potential is - 0.591 V.
Question 2.5 Calculate the emf of the cell in which the following reaction takes place:
Given that
Answer :
Here we can directly apply the nernst equation :-
Putting the value in this equation :-
Hence the required potential is 0.914 V.
Answer :
For finding Gibbs free energy we know the relation :-
Now, for equilibrium constant we will use :-
Page 51
Question 2.7 Why does the conductivity of a solution decrease with dilution?
Answer :
The conductivity of a solution depends upon the number of ions and the distance between them. In the process of dilution, we don't increase the number of ions in the solution instead we increase the distance between them. So the conductivity of the solution decreases due to dilution.
Question 2.8 Suggest a way to determine the
Answer :
We know :
If we draw a straight line between
In this way, we can obtain the value of limiting molar conductivity.
Question 2.9 The molar conductivity of
Calculate its degree of dissociation and dissociation constant. Given
Answer :
We know that :-
For degree of dissociation, we have :-
For dissociation constant, we have :-
Page no 54
Question 2.10 If a current of 0.5 ampere flows through a metallic wire for 2 hours, then how many electrons would flow through the wire?
Answer :
Firstly we will find total charge flown through the wire then we will calculate number of electrons.
We are given :- I = 0.5 A, Time = 2 hours = 7200 seconds.
We have, Q = I.t
= (0.5)7200 = 3600 C.
Now we will convert charge into number of electrons.
We know that
So toal number of electrons :
Question 2.11 Suggest a list of metals that are extracted electrolytically.
Answer :
Metals like Na, Mg, Al, etc. are produced on a large scale by electrochemical reduction of their respective cations or by the process electrolysis because there are no suitable reducing agents available for this purpose.
Question 2.12 Consider the reaction:
What is the quantity of electricity in coulombs needed to reduce 1 mol of
Answer :
It is clear from the given reaction that reduction of 1 mol of Cr 2 O 7 2- will be
= 6 F (as 6 electrons are required to balance the reaction; Charge required = nF)
Thus 578922 C charge is required for reduction of 1 mol of Cr 2 O 7 2- .
Page no 58
Answer :
The lead storage battery can be recharged by reversing the direction of current passing through it.
For recharging PbSO 4 is converted into Pb at the anode and into PbO 2 at the cathode.
The chemical reactions are as follows:-
Question 2.14 Suggest two materials other than hydrogen that can be used as fuels in fuel cells.
Answer :
The two materials are methane and methanol that can be used as fuels in fuel cells.
Question 2.15 Explain how rusting of iron is envisaged as setting up of a electrochemical cell.
Answer :
The chemistry of corrosion is quite complex but it can be understood by considering it as an electrochemical phenomenon. Consider a particular spot on an object where corrosion takes place. At here oxidation takes place and this spot behaves as the anode. The released electrons at anodic spot go through the metal and go to another spot on the metal and reduction of oxygen takes place in the presence of H+. This spot behaves as a cathode with the reaction. In this way this analogy is possible.
Answer :
The order in which metals displace each other from the solution of their salts can be given with the help of their standard electrode potential. Since magnesium has the least standard electrode potential so it is the most strong reducing agent. So the required order we get is:-
Question 2.2 Given the standard electrode potentials,
Arrange these metals in their increasing order of reducing power.
Answer :
Elements with reducing power or reducing agents have least/minimum standard electrode potential i.e., reducing power increases with a decrease in standard electrode potential. So the result obtained is:-
K > Mg > Cr > Hg > Ag
Question 2.3(i) Depict the galvanic cell in which the reaction
(i) Which of the electrode is negatively charged?
Answer :
The galvanic cell of the given reaction is depicted below :-
Zn (s) | Zn +2 (aq) || Ag + (aq) | Ag (s)
Clearly Zn electrode is negatively charged.
Question 2.3(ii) Depict the galvanic cell in which the reaction
(ii) Further show: The carriers of the current in the cell.
Answer :
The carriers of current in the cell are ions . and Current flows from silver to zinc in the external circuit.
Question 2.3(iii) Depict the galvanic cell in which the reaction
takes place.
(iii) Further show: Individual reaction at each electrode.
Answer :
The reaction taking place at both cathode and anode are shown below :-
(i) Cathode reaction :-
(ii) Anode reaction :-
Question 2.4(i) Calculate the standard cell potentials of galvanic cell in which the following reactions take place:
Calculate the
Answer :
The galvanic cell of the given reaction is shown below:-
The standard electrode potential of Cr and Cd can be found in table of standard electrode potential.
So, we get :
Putting values :
Now for finding equlilibrium constant we have :
Question 2.4(ii) Calculate the standard cell potentials of galvanic cell in which the following reactions take place:
Calculate the
Answer :
The galvanic cell of the given reaction is shown below :-
We can know about the electrode potential of Fe and Ag with the help of table of standard electrode potential.
We have :
Now consider :
Now for equilibrium constant :
Question 2.5(i) Write the Nernst equation and emf of the following cells at 298 K:
Answer :
The nernst equation gives :
This gives,
So the emf of the cell is 2.67 V.
Question 2.5(ii) Write the Nernst equation and emf of the following cells at 298 K:
Answer :
The nernst equation for this gives :
This gives :
Thus the emf of the given galvanic cell is 0.53 V.
Question 2.5(iii) Write the Nernst equation and emf of the following cells at 298 K:
Answer :
The nernst equation for this reaction gives :-
Now for emf, just put all the values.
Thus emf of the cell is 0.078 V.
Question 2.5(iv) Write the Nernst equation and emf of the following cells at 298 K:
Answer :
The nernst equation of the given reaction gives :
So the required emf of the cell is -1.298 V.
Question 2.6 In the button cells widely used in watches and other devices the following reaction takes place:
Answer :
The given reaction is obtained from :-
So the E o cell can be obtained directly.
Now for free energy calculation, we have :-
Question 2.7 Define conductivity and molar conductivity for the solution of an electrolyte. Discuss their variation with concentration.
Answer :
Conductivity(k) or specific conductance of a solution is defined as the inverse of resistivity.
Mathematically, it can be written as:-
In the above equation is
With dilution conductivity of a solution decreases due to an increase in distance between ions.\
Molar conductivity: - It is defined as the conductivity of a solution per unit concentration
It is clear from the above mathematical expression of the molar conductivity that, if we dilute the solution or decrease its concentration then molar conductivity increases. This is because, on dilution of a solution, a decrease in is
Question 2.8 The conductivity of 0.20 M solution of KCl at 298 K is 0.0248 S cm–1. Calculate its molar conductivity.
Answer :
We know that the molar conductivity of a solution is defined as:-
Putting the value of conductivity and concentration in the above equation:-
We are given with conductivity of cell
Also, Cell constant =
or =
or =
Question 2.11 Conductivity of 0.00241 M acetic acid is
Answer :
Molar conductivity of a solution is given by :-
Also, it is given that
For dissociation constant we have,
Question 2.12(i) How much charge is required for the following reductions:
Answer :
The equation becomes:-
So required charge is 3F.
Q = n*96500
Q = 3*96500 = 289500 C
Question 2.12(ii) How much charge is required for the following reductions:
Answer :
The equation can be written as:-
Thus charge required is
Question 2.12(iii) How much charge is required for the following reductions:
Answer :
The given reaction can be written as:-
Thus charge required in above equation
Question 2.13(i) How much electricity in terms of Faraday is required to produce
(i) 20.0 g of Ca from molten
Answer :
The equation for the question is given by :-
In this equation, for 1 mol of Ca, 2F charge is required or we can say that for 40 g of Ca charge required is 2F.
So, for 20 g of Ca charge required will be = F = 96500 C.
Question 2.13(ii) How much electricity in terms of Faraday is required to produce
(ii)40.0 g of AI from molten
Answer :
The equation for the given question is :-
Thus for 1 mol of Al, charge required is 3F.
So the required amount of electricity in terms of charge will be :-
Question 2.14(i) How much electricity is required in coulomb for the oxidation of
(i) 1 mol of
Answer :
According to question the equation of oxidation will be :-
Thus, for oxidation of O 2- , 2F charge is required.
Question 2.14(ii) How much electricity is required in coulomb for the oxidation of
(ii)1 mol of
Answer :
The oxidation equation for the given reaction will be :-
So for oxidation of 1 mol
Answer :
We are given:
I = 5A
and t = 20(60) = 1200 sec.
So total charge = 5(1200) = 6000 C.
The equation for nickel deposition will be:-
Thus, from 2F charge 58.7 g of nickel deposition takes place.
So for 6000 C charge total nickel deposition will be:-
Hence 1.825 g Ni will be deposited in the given conditions.
Answer :
Since the cells are connected in series so the current passing through each cell will be equal.(1.5 A)
Now we are given that 1.45 g of silver is deposited. So firstly we will consider the cell containing silver.
Since for deposition of 108 g silver 96487 C charge is required, thus for 1.45 g deposition of silver charge required will be:-
Now we can find the time taken by 1.5 A current to deposit 1.45 g silver.
For copper:-
Since 2F charge will deposit 63.5 g of Cu, then deposition by 1295.43 C will be:-
Hence 0.426 g of copper will be deposited.
For zinc:-
Since 2F charge will deposit 65.4 g of Zn, then deposition by 1295.43 C will be:-
Hence 0.439 g of zinc will be deposited.
Question 2.17(i) Using the standard electrode potentials given in Table 3.1, predict if the reaction between the following is feasible:
Answer :
The concept used here will be that a reaction is feasible only if
Anode and cathode reactions will be as follows:-
So this reaction is feasible.
Question 2.17(ii) Using the standard electrode potentials given in Table 3.1, predict if the reaction between the following is feasible:
Answer :
A reaction is feasible only if
So, anode and cathode reactions will be as follows :-
So this reaction is feasible.
Question 2.17(iii) Using the standard electrode potentials given in Table 3.1, predict if the reaction between the following is feasible:
Answer :
A reaction is feasible only if
So, anode and cathode reactions will be as follows :-
So this reaction is not feasible.
Question 2.17(iv) Using the standard electrode potentials given in Table 3.1, predict if the reaction between the following is feasible:
Answer :
A reaction is feasible only if
So, anode and cathode reactions will be as follows:-
So this reaction is not feasible.
Question 2.17(v) Using the standard electrode potentials given in Table 3.1, predict if the reaction between the following is feasible:
Answer :
A reaction is feasible only if
So, anode and cathode reactions will be as follows :-
So this reaction is feasible.
Question 2.18(i) Predict the products of electrolysis in each of the following:
(i) An aqueous solution of
Answer :
For the given solution :
At cathode :- Reaction with greater E 0 will take place.
At anode :-
Hence, silver will get deposited at the cathode and it will be getting dissolved at anode.
Question 2.18(ii) Predict the products of electrolysis in each of the following:
(ii)An aqueous solution of
Answer :
For the given solution :
At cathode :- Reaction with greater E 0 will take place.
At anode :- Self ionisation will take place due to presence of water.
Hence, silver will get deposited at the cathode and O 2 will be produced from anode.
Question 2.18(iii) Predict the products of electrolysis in each of the following:
(iii) A dilute solution of
Answer :
For the given solution :
At cathode :- Reaction with greater E 0 will take place.
At anode :- Self ionisation of water will take place due to presence of platinum electrode.
Hence, H 2 gas will be generated at cathode and O 2 will be produced from anode.
Question 2.18(iv) Predict the products of electrolysis in each of the following:
(iv) An aqueous solution of
Answer :
For the given solution :
At cathode :- Reaction with greater E 0 will take place.
At anode :-
Hence, Cu will get deposited at cathode and Cl 2 will be produced from anode.
2.1 Electrochemical Cells |
2.2 Galvanic Cells |
2.3 Nernst Equation |
2.4 Conductance of Electrolytic Solutions |
2.5 Electrolytic Cells and Electrolysis |
2.6 Batteries |
2.7 Fuel Cells |
2.8 Corrosion |
1. Conductance(G) is the reciprocal of resistance (R) and specific conductance or conductivity(k) is inverse of resistivity
2. l/a is called the cell constant of conductivity cell.
3. Equivalent Conductivity is defined as the conductance of a solution containing 1g of an electrolyte.
4. Nernst equation
class 12 chemistry electrochemistry ncert solutions
Electrochemistry is an important chapter for both CBSE Board exam as well as competitive exams like JEE, NEET, BITSAT, VITEE and KVPY, etc. It carries 5 marks in the CBSE board exams hence learning the concepts of this chapter is very important to get good marks. In this chapter, there are 18 exercise questions. The step-by-step NCERT solutions for class 12 chemistry chapter 2 are prepared by subject experts which not only help you to clear your doubts but also help you to improve your writing skills.
The NCERT solutions provided here are completely free of cost and you can also download them for offline usage. Please scroll down to get NCERT solutions for class 12 chemistry chapter 2 electrochemistry. By referring to the NCERT solutions for class 12, students can understand all the important concepts and practice questions well enough before their examination.
Chapter 1 | |
Chapter 2 | Electrochemistry |
Chapter 3 | |
Chapter 4 | |
Chapter 5 | |
Chapter 6 | |
Chapter 7 | |
Chapter 8 | |
Chapter 9 | |
Chapter 10 |
An electrochemical cell is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy through a redox reaction. It consists of two half-cells connected by a wire and a salt bridge. The two types of electrochemical cells are Galvanic Cells and electrolytic Cells
In an electrochemical cell, oxidation occurs at the anode, In this process, a substance loses electrons. Reduction occurs at the cathode. In this process, a substance gains electrons.
The main difference between a Galvanic cell and an Electrolytic cell is how they work.
For complete solutions : Chapter wise links are provide to get NCERT solutions for Class 12 Chemistry PDF.
The relationship between cell potential (E) and Gibbs free energy
A positive cell potential ( E ) means the reaction is spontaneous (
A negative cell potential means the reaction is non-spontaneous (
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Changing from the CBSE board to the Odisha CHSE in Class 12 is generally difficult and often not ideal due to differences in syllabi and examination structures. Most boards, including Odisha CHSE , do not recommend switching in the final year of schooling. It is crucial to consult both CBSE and Odisha CHSE authorities for specific policies, but making such a change earlier is advisable to prevent academic complications.
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hope this helps.
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