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NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology solutions chapter 11 - Biotechnology Principles and Processes discusses the basics of Biotechnology in detail. The trained professionals in this field have prepared the NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology chapter 11 solutions in a very simple and understandable language. This subject is about the use of technological processes in biological systems, living entities, or creating newer technology for biological systems as per the CBSE. NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology solutions chapter 11 pdf download is very useful to access it offline.
Also see NCERT Solutions for Class 12
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Rising of dough is due to:
a. Multiplication of yeast
b. Production of CO2
c. Emulsification
d. Hydrolysis of wheat flour starch into sugars.
The answer is the option (b) Production of CO2Question:2
Which of the following enzymes catalyze the removal of nucleotides from the ends of DNA?
a. endonuclease
b. exonuclease
c. DNA ligase
d. Hind – II
The answer is the option (b) exonucleaseQuestion:3
The transfer of genetic material from one bacterium to another through the mediation of a viral vector is termed as:
a. Transduction
b. Conjugation
c. Transformation
d. Translation
The answer is the option (a) TransductionQuestion:4
Which of the given statements is correct in the context of visualizing DNA molecules separated by agarose gel electrophoresis?
a. DNA can be seen in visible light
b. DNA can be seen without staining in visible light
c. Ethidium bromide-stained DNA can be seen in visible light
d. Ethidium bromide-stained DNA can be seen under exposure to UV light
The answer is the option (d) Ethidium bromide stained DNA can be seen under exposure to UV lightQuestion:5
'Restriction' in Restriction enzyme refers to:
a. Cleaving of the phosphodiester bond in DNA by the enzyme
b. Cutting of DNA at a specific position only
c. Prevention of the multiplication of bacteriophage by the host bacteria
d. All of the above
The answer is the option (c) Prevention of the multiplication of bacteriophage in bacteriaQuestion:6
Which of the following is not required in the preparation of a recombinant DNA molecule?
a. Restriction endonuclease
b. DNA ligase
c. DNA fragments
d. E.coli
The answer is the option (d) E.ColiQuestion:7
In agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA molecules are separated on the basis of their:
a. Charge the only
b. Size only
c. Charge to size ratio
d. All of the above
The answer is the option (b) Size onlyQuestion:8
The most important feature in a plasmid to serve as a vector in gene cloning experiment is:
a. Origin of replication (ori)
b. Presence of a selectable marker
c. Presence of sites for restriction endonuclease
d. Its size
The answer is the option (a) Origin of replication (ori)Question:9
While isolating DNA from bacteria, which of the following enzymes is not required?
a. Lysozyme
b. Ribonuclease
c. Deoxyribonuclease
d. Protease
The answer is the option (c) DeoxyribonucleaseQuestion:10
Which of the following contributed in popularising the PCR (polymerase chain reactions) technique?
a. Easy availability of DNA template
b. Availability of synthetic primers
c. Availability of cheap deoxyribonucleotides
d. Availability of 'Thermostable' DNA polymerase
The answer is the option (d) Availability of 'Thermostable' DNA polymeraseQuestion:11
An antibiotic resistance gene in a vector usually helps in the selection of:
a. Competent bacterial cells
b. Transformed bacterial cells
c. Recombinant bacterial cells
d. None of the above
The answer is the option (b) Transformed cellsQuestion:12
Significance of 'heat shock' method in bacterial transformation is to facilitate:
a. Binding of DNA to the cell wall
b. Uptake of DNA through membrane transport proteins
c. Uptake of DNA through transient pores in the bacterial cell wall
d. Expression of antibiotic resistance gene
The answer is the option (c) Uptake of DNA through transient pores in the bacterial cell wallQuestion:13
The role of DNA ligase in the construction of a recombinant DNAmolecule is:
a. Formation of a phosphodiester bond between two DNA fragments
b. Formation of hydrogen bonds between sticky ends of DNA fragments
c. Ligation of all purine and pyrimidine bases
d. None of the above
The answer is the option (a) Formation of phosphodiester bond between two DNA fragmentsQuestion:14
Which of the following bacteria is not a source of restriction endonuclease?
a. Haemophilus influenzae
b. Escherichia coli
c. Entamoeba coli
d. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
The answer is the option (c) Entamoeba coliQuestion:15
Which of the following steps are catalyzed by Taq DNA polymerase in a PCR reaction?
a. Denaturation of template DNA
b. Annealing of primers to template DNA
c. Extension of primer end on the template DNA
d. All of the above
The answer is the option (c) Extension of primer end on the template DNAQuestion:16
A bacterial cell was transformed with a recombinant DNA molecule that was generated using a human gene. However, the transformed cells did not produce the desired protein. Reasons could be:
a. A human gene may have intron which bacteria cannot process
b. Amino acid codons for humans and bacteria are different
c. Human protein is formed but degraded by bacteria
d. All of the above
The answer is the option (a) Human gene may have intron which bacteria cannot processQuestion:17
Which of the following should be chosen for best yield if one were to produce a recombinant protein in large amounts?
a. Laboratory flask of largest capacity
b. A stirred-tank bioreactor without in-lets and out-lets
c. A continuous culture system
d. Any of the above
The answer is the option (c) A continuous culture systemQuestion:18
Who among the following was awarded the Nobel Prize for the development of PCR technique?
a. Herbert Boyer
b. Hargovind Khurana
c. Kary Mullis
d. Arthur Kornberg
The answer is the option (c) Kary MullisQuestion:19
Which of the following statements does not hold for restriction enzyme?
a. It recognizes a palindromic nucleotide sequence
b. It is an endonuclease
c. It is isolated from viruses
d. It can produce the same kind of sticky ends in different DNA molecules
The answer is the option (c) It is isolated from virusesQuestion:1
How is copy number of the plasmid vector related to yield of recombinant protein?
A higher number of copies of plasmid vector helps in producing a large quantity of recombinant protein.Question:2
Would you choose an exonuclease while producing a recombinant DNA molecule?
Exonuclease removes nucleotides from the ends of the DNA, and hence it cannot help in producing circular DNA. So, exonuclease cannot be used for making a recombinant DNA molecule.Question:3
What does H in 'd' and 'III' refer to in the enzyme Hind III?
In the enzyme Hind III, 'H in' refers to Haemophilus influenza, D refers to the strain of H. influenza, and III refers to the sequence in which this enzyme was discovered.Question:4
Presence of more than one recognition site on vector will generate many fragment of DNA; which will complicate the matter. Hence, restriction enzymes should have one recognition site at the vector.Question:5
What does 'competent' refer to incompetent cells used in transformation experiments?
The ability of the bacterial cell to take up DNA through pores in the cell wall is called competence. DNA is a hydrophilic molecule, and hence, it cannot pass through the cell membrane. So, the cell is made 'competent' by treating with suitable divalent ion; like calcium.Question:6
What is the significance of adding proteases at the time of isolation of genetic material (DNA)?
Protease helps in removing protein during the process of obtaining pure DNA. Other macromolecules are eliminated with the help of suitable enzymes during this process. In the end, pure DNA is isolated.Question:7
While doing a PCR, 'denaturation' step is missed. What will be its effect on the process?
If denaturation is missed, then primers will not be able to join at the template. This will result in no extension, no amplification, and thus a large number of copies of DNA cannot be made.Question:8
Name a recombinant vaccine that is currently being used in the vaccination program.
Hepatitis B vaccineQuestion:9
Do biomolecules (DNA, protein) exhibit biological activity in anhydrous conditions?
Biomolecules do not exhibit biological activity in anhydrous conditions. DNA may get damaged under anhydrous condition but has the ability to repair later on. Protein molecule may get denatured under anhydrous conditions.Question:10
Ti plasmid in Agrobacterium has the ability to induce tumours in plants. This plasmid is 'disarmed' by suitable modification, and then it can be used as a cloning vector for delivering gene of interest to plants and animals.Question:1
What is meant by gene cloning?
A set of experimental methods used to assemble recombinant DNA molecules and to use them for cloning in host organism is called gene cloning. Gene cloning involves the following main steps:Question:2
Biotechnology can be defined as a set of methods to use live organisms to produce products and processes for the benefit of humankind. Therefore, it is correct to include a winemaker as well as a molecular biologist under the category of biotechnologist. They have developed a recombinant vaccine which will definitely increase the production of a vaccine for human welfare.Question:3
When a DNA molecule is created by ligating a gene to a plasmid vector, it becomes a circular DNA which is ready to replicate in the host organism. Addition of exonuclease is not going to affect the process after this stage because the DNA does not have a free end, and hence enzyme exonuclease will not get a substrate to show its action. Therefore, in this experiment, bacterial transformation is not going to be disturbed.Question:4
Specific-recognition sequence in a DNA provide sticky ends at which recombination of genes takes place. This further leads to the replication of the selected gene. If endonuclease fails to cut DNA at specific-recognition sequence; then recombination or replication will fail to take place.Question:6
How does one visualize DNA on an agarose gel?
DNA fragments separate when they are moved towards the anode in an electric field. The agarose gel provides the matrix through which DNA fragments separate due to a sieving effect. Separated DNA fragments can be visualized only after staining with ethidium bromide and then by exposure to UV radiation. After staining, DNA fragments appear as bright orange bands.Question:7
Selectable marker helps in identifying and eliminating non-transformant DNA and in selectively permitting the growth of transformants. In the absence of a selectable marker, it will not be possible to differentiate between transformants and non-transformants. Thus, carrying the experiment to its logical end would be impossible in the absence of a selectable marker.Question:8
Following are the possible reasons for the non-observation of DNA bands:Question:9
Describe the role of CaCl2 in the preparation of competent cells?
Divalent ions increase the efficiency of uptake of DNA through the pores in the bacterial cell wall. CaCl2 provides the divalent ion Ca2+ which create transient pores on the bacterial cell wall which facilitate entry of foreign DNA into the bacterial cells. Loading of divalent ions makes the cell competent.Question:10
In the absence of antibiotic, the recombinant bacterium does not need to produce a gene, which can make it resistant to the antibiotic. In other words, there is no pressure on the recombinant bacterium to make the desirable gene. Thus, in the absence of antibiotic, a gene of interest will not be produced by the recombinant bacterium.Question:11
Identify and explain the steps' A', 'B' and 'C' in the PCR diagram given below.
A: Denaturation, B: Annealing, C: ExtensionQuestion:12
Name the regions marked A, B and C.
A shows tetracycline resistance siteQuestion:1
A marker gene helps in differentiating between transformant genes and non-transformant genes. This helps in selecting the suitable recombinants. In the case of E. coli, pBR322 is the vector for resistance to the antibiotic tetracycline. The insertional inactivation of pBR322 will result in loss of resistance to tetracycline by E. coli. This can be found out by growing the recombinants on two plates: one containing tetracycline and another containing ampicillin. The recombinant will grow in ampicillin but not in tetracycline.Question:2
Describe the role of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in transforming a plant cell.
Agrobacterium tumefaciens infects walnuts, grapevines, sugar beets, horseradish, etc.Question:3
NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology chapter 11 solutions deals with how to use technological processes for utilising live organisms or enzymes to create new systems for the advancement of the human race. Genetic engineering and Bioprocess engineering are the two main principles of Biotechnology discussed at length in this chapter.
NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology solutions chapter 11 teaches the students about tools of recombinant DNA technology such as restriction enzymes, ligases, polymerase enzymes, vectors and host entities.
Processes of recombinant DNA technology are the isolation of DNA, fragmentation of DNA by restriction endonucleases, isolation of the desired DNA fragment, ligation of the DNA fragment into a vector, transferring the recombinant DNA into the host, culturing the host cells in a medium at large scale and extraction of the desired product.
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Chapter 4 | |
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Chapter 7 | |
Chapter 8 | |
Chapter 9 | |
Chapter 10 | |
Chapter 11 | |
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Chapter 16 |
As we know the student can pursue higher education with a specialisation in Biotechnology. With NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology solutions chapter 11, the student will learn the basics of Biotechnology completely to pursue a career in the field too.
Students can download pdf using an online webpage to pdf tool.
Yes, NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology solutions chapter 11 pdf download can be used for board preparation and entrance exam preparation too.
The topics cover in NCERT exemplar solutions for Class 12 Biology chapter 11 are
1. Principles of Biotechnology
2. Tools of Recombinant DNA Technology
3. Processes of Recombinant DNA Technology
Changing from the CBSE board to the Odisha CHSE in Class 12 is generally difficult and often not ideal due to differences in syllabi and examination structures. Most boards, including Odisha CHSE , do not recommend switching in the final year of schooling. It is crucial to consult both CBSE and Odisha CHSE authorities for specific policies, but making such a change earlier is advisable to prevent academic complications.
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Ah, you're looking for CBSE quarterly question papers for mathematics, right? Those can be super helpful for exam prep.
Unfortunately, CBSE doesn't officially release quarterly papers - they mainly put out sample papers and previous years' board exam papers. But don't worry, there are still some good options to help you practice!
Have you checked out the CBSE sample papers on their official website? Those are usually pretty close to the actual exam format. You could also look into previous years' board exam papers - they're great for getting a feel for the types of questions that might come up.
If you're after more practice material, some textbook publishers release their own mock papers which can be useful too.
Let me know if you need any other tips for your math prep. Good luck with your studies!
It's understandable to feel disheartened after facing a compartment exam, especially when you've invested significant effort. However, it's important to remember that setbacks are a part of life, and they can be opportunities for growth.
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Remember: This is a temporary setback. With the right approach and perseverance, you can overcome this challenge and achieve your goals.
I hope this information helps you.
Age: As of the last registration date, you must be between the ages of 16 and 40.
Qualification: You must have graduated from an accredited board or at least passed the tenth grade. Higher qualifications are also accepted, such as a diploma, postgraduate degree, graduation, or 11th or 12th grade.
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Type C: For candidates scoring between 40% and 50%.
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Hope you find this useful!
hello mahima,
If you have uploaded screenshot of your 12th board result taken from CBSE official website,there won,t be a problem with that.If the screenshot that you have uploaded is clear and legible. It should display your name, roll number, marks obtained, and any other relevant details in a readable forma.ALSO, the screenshot clearly show it is from the official CBSE results portal.
hope this helps.
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