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NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology solutions chapter 7 is a crucial chapter from an examination point of view. CBSE exams and entrance exams examine the educational skills of the student. Smart work along with hard work is the key to success. To provide the right assistance, the Class 12 Biology NCERT exemplar solutions chapter 7 is a must-have. The concepts and solutions of NCERT are accurately and precisely prepared with great care and knowledge by the experts. The NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology solutions chapter 7 aims to provide the proper guidance to the students so that they can be mentally prepared for their exams.
Which of the following is used as an atmospheric pollution indicator?
a. Lepidoptera
b. Lichens
c. Lycopersicon
d. Lycopodium
The answer is the option (b) LichensQuestion:2
The theory of spontaneous generation stated that:
a. life arose from living forms only
b. life can arise from both living and non-living
c. life can arise from non-living things only.
d. life arises spontaneously, neither from living nor from the non-living.
The answer is the option (c) life can arise from non-living things only.Question:3
Animal husbandry and plant breeding programmes are examples of:
a. reverse evolution
b. artificial selection
c. mutation
d. natural selection
The answer is the option (b) artificial selectionQuestion:4
Palaeontological evidences for evolution refer to the:
a. development of embryo
b. homologous organs
c. fossils
d. analogous organs
The answer is the option (c) fossilsQuestion:5
The bones of forelimbs of whale, bat, cheetah, and man are similar in structure, because:
a. one organism has given rise to another
b. they share a common ancestor
c. they perform the same function
d. the have biochemical similarities
The answer is the option (b) they share a common ancestorQuestion:6
Analogous organs arise due to:
a. divergent evolution
b. artificial selection
c. genetic drift
d. convergent evolution
The answer is the option (d) convergent evolutionQuestion:7
represents an equation used in:
a. population genetics
b. mendelian genetics
c. biometrics
d. molecular genetics
The answer is the option (a) population geneticsQuestion:8
The appearance of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is an example of:
a. adaptive radiation
b. transduction
c. pre-existing variation in the population
d. divergent evolution
The answer is the option (c) pre-existing variation in the populationQuestion:9
Evolution of life shows that life forms had a trend of moving from:
a. land to water
b. dryland to wetland
c. freshwater to seawater
d. water to land
The answer is the option (d) water to landQuestion:10
Viviparity is considered to be more evolved because:
a. the young ones are left on their
b. the young ones are protected by a thick shell
c. the young ones are protected inside the mother's body and are looked after they are born leading to more chances of survival
d. the embryo takes a long time to develop
The answer is the option (c) the young ones are protected inside the mother's body and are looked after they are born leading to more chances of survivalQuestion:11
Fossils are generally found in:
a. Sedimentary rocks
b. Igneous rocks
c. Metamorphic rocks
d. Any type of rock
The answer is the option (a) Sedimentary rocksQuestion:12
For the MN-blood group system, the frequencies of M and N alleles are 0.7 and 0.3, respectively. The expected frequency of MN-blood group bearing organisms is likely to be
a. 42%
b. 49%
c. 9%
d. 58%
The answer is the option (a) 42%Question:13
Which type of selection explains industrial melanism observed in the moth, Boston Bulgaria:
a. Stabilising
b. Directional
c. Disruptive
d. Artificial
The answer is the option (b) DirectionalQuestion:14
The most accepted line of descent in human evolution is:
a. Australopithecus → Ramapithecus → Homo sapiens → Homo habilis
b. Homo erectus → Homo habilis → Homo sapiens
c. Ramapithecus → Homo habilis → Homo erectus → Homo sapiens
d. Australopithecus → Ramapithecus → Homo erectus → Homo habilis → Homo sapiens.
The answer is the optionQuestion:15
Which of the following is an example for link species?
a. Lobe fish
b. Dodo bird
c. Seaweed
d. Chimpanzee
The answer is the option (a) Lobe fishQuestion:16
Match the scientists listed under column 'I' with ideas listed column 'II'.
Column I | Column II |
A. Darwin | i. abiogenesis |
B. Oparin | ii. use and disuse of organs |
C. Lamarck | iii. Continental drift theory |
D.Wagner | iv. evolution by natural selection |
The answer is the option (b) (i) P; (ii) M; (iii) N; (iv) OQuestion:17
In 1953 S. L. Miller created primitive earth conditions in the laboratory and gave experimental evidence for the origin of the first form of life from preexisting non-living organic molecules. The primitive earth conditions created include:
a. low temperature, volcanic storms, atmosphere rich in oxygen
b. low temperature, volcanic storms, reducing atmosphere
c. high temperature, volcanic storms, non-reducing atmosphere
d. high temperature, volcanic storms, reducing atmosphere containing ,
, etc.
The answer is the option (d) high temperature, volcanic storms, reducing atmosphere containingQuestion:18
Variations during mutations of meiotic recombination are:
a. random and directionless
b. random and directional
c. small and directional
d. random, small and directional
The answer is the option (a) random and directionlessQuestion:1
What were the characteristics of life forms that had been fossilised?
Fossilised life forms are characterised by some hard parts that are preserved between layers of rocks.Question:2
Did aquatic life forms get fossilised? If yes, where do we come across such fossils?
Yes, aquatic life forms also get fossilised, and they are found in oil wells and sedimentary rocks.Question:3
What are we referring to when we say 'simple organisms' or 'complex organisms'?
we define simple and complex organisms based on the division of labour and relative level of organisation in the organisms.Question:4
How do we compute the age of a living tree?
Age of a living tree can be determined by measuring the girth of the trunk and comparing the diameter to the average growth factor of that species. Information regarding the average growth factor of a species is historically available.Question:5
Give an example of convergent evolution and identify the features towards which they are converging.
Convergent evolution is the occurrence of a similar evolution in species of different lineage. It happens in isolated geographical areas. Flippers of dolphin and penguin serve a similar purpose but have different origins.Question:6
How do we compute the age of a fossil?
Carbon dating is used to find the age of a fossil. The relative presence of radioactive carbonQuestion:7
What is the most important pre-condition for adaptive radiation?
The most important pre-condition for adaptive radiation is Common ancestry.Question:8
How do we compute the age of a rock?
Carbon dating is used to find the age of a rock. The relative presence of radioactive carbonQuestion:9
Functional macromolecules can evolve into living forms.Question:10
In a certain population, the frequency of three genotypes is as follows:
Genotype | BB | Bb | bb |
Frequency | 22% | 62% | 16% |
Frequency of B alleles =Question:11
Mutation and Natural SelectionQuestion:12
The founder's effect is the loss of genetic variation that results when a new population is created by an exceedingly small number of individuals from a larger population.Question:15
Among Ramapithecus, Australopithecines and Homo habilis -who probably did not eat meat?
Homo habilisQuestion:1
In this experiment, Louis Pasteur used two flasks - a sterilised flask and another flask which was open to the air. Killed yeast did not produce a new organism in a sterilised flask, while new organisms were found in the second flask. This experiment helped in rejecting the theory of spontaneous generation.Question:2
Most scientists agree on the theory of dinosaur's extinction, claiming that a meteor strike led to the dinosaur's large scale destruction and eventual extinction. This theory suggests that a natural disaster can, in fact, be the cause for the extinction of species.Question:3
Why is nascent oxygen supported to be toxic to aerobic life forms?
Due to the highly reactive nature of nascent oxygen, there is a possibility that they react with many molecules such as DNA. Nascent oxygen is threatening to life forms as this can potentially result in unwanted mutations.Question:4
Though variation occurs in each subsequent generation, only a few variations are retained, which are pass the test of natural selection. Hence, creation and presence of variation are directionless, but natural selection and adaptation are directional.Question:5
White-winged moths thrive in tree trunks with a white background, but when the tree trunks become dark, the white-winged moths perished. Post industrialisation, tree trunks turned dark due to pollution leading to a drop in the population of white-winged moths. In this scenario, dark-winged moths reappeared and survived. Thus, the evolution of white wings was reversed because of pollution. This shows that evolution is apparently reversible.Question:6
Evolution, in the context of, life's success is treated as a process, but it appears to be a result of some other processes in the context of how life evolved from simple forms. Among the scientific community, this issue is still a point of debate.Question:7
State and explain any three factors affecting allele frequency in populations.
Factors which affect allele frequency in populations:Question:8
Yes, it is possible to understand gene flow in different populations of the world with the human genome project, which is now turning into a reality. This can help us in assessing and predicting human migratory patterns in pre-history and history.Question:9
How do you express the meaning of words like race, breed, cultivars or variety?
Race: A race is kept below the species and is an informal taxon. Members from different races of the same species can interbreed.Question:10
When we say, "survival of the fittest", does it mean that
a. those who are fit only survive, or
b. those that survive are called fit? Comment.
Survival of fittest means that those that survive are called fit. Organisms with useful adaptions survive in the long run and are considered to be fit.Question:11
Enumerate three most characteristic criteria for designating a Mendelian population.
The three most important criteria for designating a Mendelian population are as follows:Question:12
"Migration may enhance or blur the effects of selection". Comment.
As natural selection involves the selection of a beneficial gene and rejection of a harmful gene; migration can disturb natural selection by interfering with the gene pool of the population. Hence, migration may enhance or blur the effects of natural selection.Question:1
Hardy Weinberg Principle states that the sum of allelic frequencies in a population remains the same through generations. The total of allelic frequencies in a population is 1.Question:2
Explain divergent evolution in detail. What is the driving force behind it? Answer:
Divergent evolution is the accumulation of differences that leads to the formation of new species. When two groups of the same species get isolated from each other, they adapt to different circumstances. Natural selection and adaptation result in variations that accumulate over various generations, which results in the origin of new species.Question:3
Before industrialisation in England, the population of black-winged moths was less than the population of white-winged moth. Due to the industrial revolution, tree trunks became darker because of the accumulation of industrial smoke or soot and reduction in the population of lichens.Question:4
What are the key concepts in the evolution theory of Darwin?
The two prominent concepts in the evolutionary theory of Darwin are natural selection and branching descent.Question:5
Organisms found in the same geographical area often have similar adaptations, and this is called convergent evolution. It is commonly observed in desert plants, although not all of them are closely related.Question:6
Some scientists have studied human evolution and have shared following observations that suggest modern humans are also evolving:Question:7
Mendel observed reproduction in pea plants to come up with his theories on variations. Through these experiments, Mendel could attribute the origin of variations to some factors.The origin of life is considered a unique event in the history of the universe. The earth consists of the animate and inanimate matters, which change. And the study of life forms like plants, animals, or microorganisms has a long history of changes. The study of the history of living forms on earth is called Evolutionary Biology. The students get the clear concept of the same on NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology chapter 7 solutions.
According to the NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology solutions chapter 7, the term evolution means the act or procedure of the unfolding or in simple terms the ‘change’ from one form to another over time. However, to understand the evolution of the biodiversity there needs to be an understanding of how the organism originated, the factors leading to the changes and the adaptations, which are explained in easy language with precision in the Class 12 Biology NCERT exemplar solutions chapter 7.
In Class 12 Biology NCERT exemplar solutions chapter 7, the students will learn about the different topics that one needs to know in order to understand the origin of life on earth and the evolution of the life form in accordance with various factors. The NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology solutions chapter 7 accurately explains the various aspects of evolutionary biology like the origin and evolution of life forms, the evidence of evolution, theories and principals deduced by various scientists on the evolutionary mechanism. The NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology chapter 7 solutions include extra questions and accurate conceptual quantities designed for aiding in-depth knowledge. NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology solutions chapter 7 pdf download can be accessed offline by saving this webpage, this would strengthen the student’s problem-solving concepts.
● The NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology chapter 7 solutions bring out the details on the origin of life on earth against the background of the origin of the universe and particularly of earth. The theories proposed like the theory of panspermia, unique creation, chemical evolution, etc.
● The work of Charles Darwin, Hardy-Weinberg principle or the theories of Hugo deVries are detailed in the NCERT exemplar solutions for Class 12 Biology chapter 7.
● NCERT exemplar Class 12 Biology solutions chapter 7 also talks about the origin and development of homo sapiens that is the humankind, the different factors that lead to their evolution, and the concepts of adaptation.
Chapter 1 | Reproduction in organisms |
Chapter 2 | Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants |
Chapter 3 | Human Reproduction |
Chapter 4 | Reproductive Health |
Chapter 5 | Principles of Inheritance and Variation |
Chapter 6 | Molecular basis of inheritance |
Chapter 7 | Evolution |
Chapter 8 | Human health and disease |
Chapter 9 | Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production |
Chapter 10 | Microbes in Human Welfare |
Chapter 11 | Biotechnology: Principles and Processes |
Chapter 12 | Biotechnology and its Applications |
Chapter 13 | Organisms and Populations |
Chapter 14 | Ecosystem |
Chapter 15 | Biodiversity and Conservation |
Chapter 16 | Environmental Issues |
Teachers use the chapters in particular, focusing on the NCERT concepts and information along with their practical knowledge to solve the questions in a more detailed way.
The main objective of the NCERT exemplar solutions for Class 12 Biology chapter 7 is to provide the students with quality based questions and concepts.
One can download these Class 12 Biology NCERT exemplar solutions chapter 7 from the provided link.
Exam Date:01 January,2025 - 14 February,2025
Exam Date:01 January,2025 - 14 February,2025
Changing from the CBSE board to the Odisha CHSE in Class 12 is generally difficult and often not ideal due to differences in syllabi and examination structures. Most boards, including Odisha CHSE , do not recommend switching in the final year of schooling. It is crucial to consult both CBSE and Odisha CHSE authorities for specific policies, but making such a change earlier is advisable to prevent academic complications.
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Ah, you're looking for CBSE quarterly question papers for mathematics, right? Those can be super helpful for exam prep.
Unfortunately, CBSE doesn't officially release quarterly papers - they mainly put out sample papers and previous years' board exam papers. But don't worry, there are still some good options to help you practice!
Have you checked out the CBSE sample papers on their official website? Those are usually pretty close to the actual exam format. You could also look into previous years' board exam papers - they're great for getting a feel for the types of questions that might come up.
If you're after more practice material, some textbook publishers release their own mock papers which can be useful too.
Let me know if you need any other tips for your math prep. Good luck with your studies!
It's understandable to feel disheartened after facing a compartment exam, especially when you've invested significant effort. However, it's important to remember that setbacks are a part of life, and they can be opportunities for growth.
Possible steps:
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Remember: This is a temporary setback. With the right approach and perseverance, you can overcome this challenge and achieve your goals.
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Age: As of the last registration date, you must be between the ages of 16 and 40.
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hope this helps.
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