NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Evolution

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Evolution

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Sep 14, 2023 09:59 PM IST | #CBSE Class 12th
Ongoing Event
CBSE Class 12th  Exam Date : 01 Jan' 2025 - 14 Feb' 2025

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Evolution: Your search for questions and answers for Evolution NCERT Class 12 ends here, as we provide detailed solutions to each chapter of the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology. These solutions are in accordance with the most recent CBSE Syllabus (2023–24). What exactly is evolution? Go through the Evolution Class 12 Solutions,To understand the changes in flora and fauna that have occurred over millions of years on earth, we must have an understanding of the context of the origin of life, i.e., the evolution of the earth, of stars, and indeed of the universe itself. Solutions for NCERT Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Evolution will help you understand the story of the origin of life and the evolution of life forms or biodiversity on planet earth in the context of the evolution of earth and against the background of the evolution of the universe itself. keeping reading to learn more about NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Evolution.

This Story also Contains
  1. NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Biology Evolution
  2. NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7: Evolution (Solved Textbook Exercise)
  3. NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 – Evolution
  4. NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology: Chapter-wise
  5. NCERT Solutions for Class 12 - Subject wise:
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Evolution
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Evolution

In CBSE NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology, Chapter 7, Evolution, you will find an easy way to remember the facts. The diversity of life forms on earth has been changing over millions of years. In the solutions of Evolution NCERT, you will find questions and answers based on such facts. The origin of life on earth can only be understood against the background of the origin of the universe, especially the earth. Considering the size of the universe, the earth is indeed a speck. Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 NCERT Solutions will also tell you that the universe expanded, and hence, the temperature came down.

Chapter 7 Biology Class 12 NCERT Solutions, provide questions and explanation about the Big Bang Theory. In evolution, you will learn about the Big Bang theory, which explains the origin of the universe. Evolution Class 12 NCERT Solutions talks of a singular, huge explosion unimaginable in physical terms. After going through Biology Chapter 7 Class 12, which is evolution, you will be able to answer all the questions given at the end of the chapter. And if you're still confused, then the Evolution NCERT PDF is there for you all the time. Also, try to attempt all the questions given in NCERT, and in case you have any doubt, refer to the Evolution Class 12 NCERT PDF. Here you will get all the answers to those questions that are mentioned in this Evolution chapter, which will help you score well in the 12th board exam as well as other competitive exams. If you are looking for the answers to any other class from 6–12, then NCERT Solutions are there for you.

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NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Biology Evolution

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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7: Evolution (Solved Textbook Exercise)

Evolution Class 12 Questions and Answers:

Q 1. Explain antibiotic resistance observed in bacteria in light of Darwinian selection theory.


Darwinian selection theory suggests that the environment selects organisms with useful variation over those which do not have useful variations. It is mainly because, in a dynamic environment, these organisms are better adapted to survive. A well-defined example for Darwin's theory is antibiotic resistance in bacteria. When bacteria were grown on penicillin containing agar medium, all the bacteria died, however, the ones having variations conferring penicillin resistance survived. Later, these bacteria multiplied and increased their number. As a result of this, penicillin-resistant bacteria evolved and survived because of the environment that selected these over the others.

Q2. Find out from newspapers and popular science articles any new fossil discoveries or controversies about evolution.


A recent study suggests Ledumahadi mafube is the fossil from South Africa, that marked the beginning of gigantic dinosaurs. This 200 million-year-old dinosaur weighed around 12 tons, making it the earliest dinosaur to pass beyond the 10-ton threshold. Later, dinosaurs would become even bigger. But in its time, Ledumahadi mafube was a giant among dwarfs (Source- Business standard).

Class 12 Evolution NCERT Solutions:

Q3. Attempt giving a clear definition of the term species. .


The term species refers to a group of individuals that are similar in their characters and can interbreed among themselves and produce viable and fertile progenies.

Q4. Try to trace the various components of human evolution (hint: brain size and function, skeletal structure, dietary preference, etc.)


The various components of human evolution involve the age of appearance, brain capacity, posture, locomotion, height, body hairs, dietary preferences, skeletal structure, cranium structure etc. A summary of human evolution based on these components is as follows:

Name of the Organisms
Brain capacity in cm ^{^{3}}
Dietary preferences
Some other features
not known
Bent, ape-like
Soft fruits and leaves
Equal sized arms and legs, large canines
not known
Semi-erect, more man-like
seeds and nuts
Large molars, small canines
Fully erect
Small canines, hunted with stones
Homo habilis
Fully erect
Toolmakers with small canines
Homo erectus
Fully erect
Used tools made of stones and bones
Homo neanderthalnsis
Fully erect
Cave dwellers used to hide their bodies
Homo sapiens
Fully erect
Highly intelligent, social

Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 NCERT Solutions:

Q5. Find out through internet and popular science articles whether animals other than man has self-consciousness.


Self-consciousness is the awareness of an animal towards its surroundings. Other than man, the animals which show self-consciousness are dolphins, orangutans, gorilla, chimps, elephants etc. Even dogs also show subtle consciousness.

Q6. List 10 modern-day animals and using the internet resources link it to a corresponding ancient fossil. Name both.


Some modern animals and fossils to which they can be linked are as follows:

Name of the animal
Name of the fossils

Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Question Answer:

Q7. Practise drawing various animals and plants.


With the help of your teachers try drawing various plants and animals. While drawing, you can draw comparisons between different structures of animals and plants.

Note- The answer to this question varies according to the students.

Q8. Describe one example of adaptive radiation.


Adaptive radiation refers to the process in which the individuals belonging to a rapidly diversifying group, diverge from their lineage to form new species. Adaptive radiation works on the theory of natural selection. One example of adaptive radiation is Darwin's finches of Galapagos island. These finches were formed from a single diversifying species that came on this geographical region accidentally. The new species diversified and got adapted to the conditions present on this habitat. The different finches developed different eating habits and accordingly developed different beak structures. This further led to their evolution through adaptive radiation.

Class 12 Biology Ch 7 Question Answer:

Q9. Can we call human evolution as adaptive radiation?


No, human evolution cannot be called adaptive radiation because, in adaptive radiation, a single species diversifies into new different species, however, in case of human evolution, the gradual evolution of a single species occurred with time.

Q10. Using various resources such as your school library or the internet and discussions with your teacher, trace the evolutionary stages of any one animal, say horse.


The evolutionary stages of a horse are as follows:

Name of the evolutionary stage
Features of the animal
It has 4 toes, all of them are functional. Head and neck are short
A slight increase in height with 3 toes on each foot
It was 100 cm tall with 3 toes on each foot. Molars were present
It had a single functional toe with a splint in 2 and 4 of each limb. They are 108 cm tall.
They have one tow in each foot. For grinding they have molars, and for cutting they have incisors

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 – Evolution

Evolution is covered in the Unit - Genetics and Evolution of the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology. According to historical patterns, the genetics and evolution unit receives around 18 marks. In other words, approximately 25% of the exam's questions come from this unit. For students, seeing the chapter's overall weight serves as an eye-opener about its significance. Therefore, in order to be prepared for any type of question that might appear in the exam, all topics must be thoroughly understood and regularly reviewed from the Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 NCERT Solutions.

Evolutionary biology deals with the study of the evolution of life on Earth. Evidence for evolution can be found in the study of fossils, comparative anatomy, and associated biochemistry. The concept of life's origin is outlined in the Biology Chapter 7 Class 12. It provides an overview of the theoretical aspects of life's evolution. The various concepts covered are presented to the students, along with adaptive radiation and biological evolution in Chapter 7 Biology Class 12 NCERT Solutions.

Important topics of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Evolution:

Topics and Subtopics in NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Evolution:

Topic Name
7.1Origin of Life
7.2Evolution of Life Forms – A Theory
7.3What are the Evidences for Evolution?
7.4What is Adaptive Radiation?
7.5Biological Evolution
7.6Mechanism of Evolution
7.7Hardy – Weinberg Principle
7.8A Brief Account of Evolution
7.9Origin and Evolution of Man

Highlights of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Evolution

Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 NCERT Solutions key features are listed below:

  • The questions and answers for evolution NCERT are written in the best possible way using simple language that makes solutions in the Evolution Class 12 NCERT PDF easier to read and understand
  • In chapter 7 biology Class 12 NCERT solutions,points are used to frame answers to help understand quickly.
  • The solution content for Evolution Class 12 questions and answers is derived from the textbook by the subject expert.
  • Evolution Class 12 Solutions are as per the latest CBSE Syllabus and guidelines.
  • Genetics and evolution NCERT PDF download links are readily available and easily accessible for free.
  • Important topics are listed in the evolution Class 12 NCERT solutions.

Also Check NCERT Books and NCERT Syllabus here:

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology: Chapter-wise

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 - Subject wise:

NCERT Exemplar Class 12 Solutions

We hope Class 12 students will ace your Board examinations with the help of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Evolution.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the important topics of evolution ncert?

The important topics of evolution ncert class 12 are:

  • Origin of Life   
  • Evolution of Life Forms – A Theory   
  • What are the Evidences for Evolution?   
  • What is Adaptive Radiation?   
  • Biological Evolution   
  • Mechanism of Evolution   
  • Hardy-Weinberg Principle   
  • A Brief Account of Evolution   
  • Origin and Evolution of Man 
2. What are examples of coevolution given in Chapter 7 of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology?

These are examples of coevolution given evolution ncert class 12:

  • Predator-Prey Coevolution
  • Flowering Plants and Pollinators
  • Herbivores and plants
  • Acacia ants and Acacias
3. What are two examples of convergent evolution given in Chapter 7 of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology?

Chapter 7 of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology explains the following two examples of convergent evolution:

  • echolocation in whales and bats
  • the silk-producing ability of spiders and silk moths
4. What are the three types of evolution given in evolution ncert?

The three types of evolution:

  • divergent evolution
  • convergent evolution
  • parallel evolution
5. How to download NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 PDF?

To download class 12 Biology evolution ncert pdf, students can use the online webpage to pdf converter tools. To Score Well in the examination, follow  NCERT Solutions, NCERT syllabus and exercise given in the NCERT Book. To practice more problems, students can refer to NCERT exemplar.


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Questions related to CBSE Class 12th

Have a question related to CBSE Class 12th ?

Changing from the CBSE board to the Odisha CHSE in Class 12 is generally difficult and often not ideal due to differences in syllabi and examination structures. Most boards, including Odisha CHSE , do not recommend switching in the final year of schooling. It is crucial to consult both CBSE and Odisha CHSE authorities for specific policies, but making such a change earlier is advisable to prevent academic complications.

Hello there! Thanks for reaching out to us at Careers360.

Ah, you're looking for CBSE quarterly question papers for mathematics, right? Those can be super helpful for exam prep.

Unfortunately, CBSE doesn't officially release quarterly papers - they mainly put out sample papers and previous years' board exam papers. But don't worry, there are still some good options to help you practice!

Have you checked out the CBSE sample papers on their official website? Those are usually pretty close to the actual exam format. You could also look into previous years' board exam papers - they're great for getting a feel for the types of questions that might come up.

If you're after more practice material, some textbook publishers release their own mock papers which can be useful too.

Let me know if you need any other tips for your math prep. Good luck with your studies!

It's understandable to feel disheartened after facing a compartment exam, especially when you've invested significant effort. However, it's important to remember that setbacks are a part of life, and they can be opportunities for growth.

Possible steps:

  1. Re-evaluate Your Study Strategies:

    • Identify Weak Areas: Pinpoint the specific topics or concepts that caused difficulties.
    • Seek Clarification: Reach out to teachers, tutors, or online resources for additional explanations.
    • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to mastering chemistry.
  2. Consider Professional Help:

    • Tutoring: A tutor can provide personalized guidance and support.
    • Counseling: If you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure about your path, counseling can help.
  3. Explore Alternative Options:

    • Retake the Exam: If you're confident in your ability to improve, consider retaking the chemistry compartment exam.
    • Change Course: If you're not interested in pursuing chemistry further, explore other academic options that align with your interests.
  4. Focus on NEET 2025 Preparation:

    • Stay Dedicated: Continue your NEET preparation with renewed determination.
    • Utilize Resources: Make use of study materials, online courses, and mock tests.
  5. Seek Support:

    • Talk to Friends and Family: Sharing your feelings can provide comfort and encouragement.
    • Join Study Groups: Collaborating with peers can create a supportive learning environment.

Remember: This is a temporary setback. With the right approach and perseverance, you can overcome this challenge and achieve your goals.

I hope this information helps you.


Age: As of the last registration date, you must be between the ages of 16 and 40.
Qualification: You must have graduated from an accredited board or at least passed the tenth grade. Higher qualifications are also accepted, such as a diploma, postgraduate degree, graduation, or 11th or 12th grade.
How to Apply:
Get the Medhavi app by visiting the Google Play Store.
Register: In the app, create an account.
Examine Notification: Examine the comprehensive notification on the scholarship examination.
Sign up to Take the Test: Finish the app's registration process.
Examine: The Medhavi app allows you to take the exam from the comfort of your home.
Get Results: In just two days, the results are made public.
Verification of Documents: Provide the required paperwork and bank account information for validation.
Get Scholarship: Following a successful verification process, the scholarship will be given. You need to have at least passed the 10th grade/matriculation scholarship amount will be transferred directly to your bank account.

Scholarship Details:

Type A: For candidates scoring 60% or above in the exam.

Type B: For candidates scoring between 50% and 60%.

Type C: For candidates scoring between 40% and 50%.

Cash Scholarship:

Scholarships can range from Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 18,000 per month, depending on the marks obtained and the type of scholarship exam (SAKSHAM, SWABHIMAN, SAMADHAN, etc.).

Since you already have a 12th grade qualification with 84%, you meet the qualification criteria and are eligible to apply for the Medhavi Scholarship exam. Make sure to prepare well for the exam to maximize your chances of receiving a higher scholarship.

Hope you find this useful!

hello mahima,

If you have uploaded screenshot of your 12th board result taken from CBSE official website,there won,t be a problem with that.If the screenshot that you have uploaded is clear and legible. It should display your name, roll number, marks obtained, and any other relevant details in a readable forma.ALSO, the screenshot clearly show it is from the official CBSE results portal.

hope this helps.

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A block of mass 0.50 kg is moving with a speed of 2.00 ms-1 on a smooth surface. It strikes another mass of 1.00 kg and then they move together as a single body. The energy loss during the collision is

Option 1)

0.34\; J

Option 2)

0.16\; J

Option 3)

1.00\; J

Option 4)

0.67\; J

A person trying to lose weight by burning fat lifts a mass of 10 kg upto a height of 1 m 1000 times.  Assume that the potential energy lost each time he lowers the mass is dissipated.  How much fat will he use up considering the work done only when the weight is lifted up ?  Fat supplies 3.8×107 J of energy per kg which is converted to mechanical energy with a 20% efficiency rate.  Take g = 9.8 ms−2 :

Option 1)

2.45×10−3 kg

Option 2)

 6.45×10−3 kg

Option 3)

 9.89×10−3 kg

Option 4)

12.89×10−3 kg


An athlete in the olympic games covers a distance of 100 m in 10 s. His kinetic energy can be estimated to be in the range

Option 1)

2,000 \; J - 5,000\; J

Option 2)

200 \, \, J - 500 \, \, J

Option 3)

2\times 10^{5}J-3\times 10^{5}J

Option 4)

20,000 \, \, J - 50,000 \, \, J

A particle is projected at 600   to the horizontal with a kinetic energy K. The kinetic energy at the highest point

Option 1)


Option 2)

\; K\;

Option 3)


Option 4)


In the reaction,

2Al_{(s)}+6HCL_{(aq)}\rightarrow 2Al^{3+}\, _{(aq)}+6Cl^{-}\, _{(aq)}+3H_{2(g)}

Option 1)

11.2\, L\, H_{2(g)}  at STP  is produced for every mole HCL_{(aq)}  consumed

Option 2)

6L\, HCl_{(aq)}  is consumed for ever 3L\, H_{2(g)}      produced

Option 3)

33.6 L\, H_{2(g)} is produced regardless of temperature and pressure for every mole Al that reacts

Option 4)

67.2\, L\, H_{2(g)} at STP is produced for every mole Al that reacts .

How many moles of magnesium phosphate, Mg_{3}(PO_{4})_{2} will contain 0.25 mole of oxygen atoms?

Option 1)


Option 2)

3.125 × 10-2

Option 3)

1.25 × 10-2

Option 4)

2.5 × 10-2

If we consider that 1/6, in place of 1/12, mass of carbon atom is taken to be the relative atomic mass unit, the mass of one mole of a substance will

Option 1)

decrease twice

Option 2)

increase two fold

Option 3)

remain unchanged

Option 4)

be a function of the molecular mass of the substance.

With increase of temperature, which of these changes?

Option 1)


Option 2)

Weight fraction of solute

Option 3)

Fraction of solute present in water

Option 4)

Mole fraction.

Number of atoms in 558.5 gram Fe (at. wt.of Fe = 55.85 g mol-1) is

Option 1)

twice that in 60 g carbon

Option 2)

6.023 × 1022

Option 3)

half that in 8 g He

Option 4)

558.5 × 6.023 × 1023

A pulley of radius 2 m is rotated about its axis by a force F = (20t - 5t2) newton (where t is measured in seconds) applied tangentially. If the moment of inertia of the pulley about its axis of rotation is 10 kg m2 , the number of rotations made by the pulley before its direction of motion if reversed, is

Option 1)

less than 3

Option 2)

more than 3 but less than 6

Option 3)

more than 6 but less than 9

Option 4)

more than 9

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