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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 12 Atoms: Welcome to the updated atoms ncert solutions class 12. On this Careers360 page, you'll find detailed question-and-answer explanations crafted by subject experts. These class 12 atoms ncert solutions are available in PDF format for students' convenience, enabling access anytime and anywhere according to their preferences.
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Do you know that an atom is electrically neutral, which tells that atoms contain an equal number of positive and negative charges. The Atoms Class 12 NCERT Solutions explain questions related to different models of the atom, their drawbacks, hydrogen spectra, and Debroglie hypothesis. CBSE NCERT solutions for Class 12 Physics chapter 12 atoms will help you in board exam preparation. The solutions of NCERT plays a major role in making the concepts easy and hence will help in competitive exams also. The questions in Atoms Class 12 NCERT text book are divided in to exercise and additional exercise. All questions are solved based on the NCERT syllabus.
Studying NCERT solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 12 Atoms is important because it provides a clear and detailed understanding of the questions covered in the chapter. It also helps in preparing for exams like JEE or NEET and understanding the fundamental principles of physics.
Free download class 12 physics atoms ncert solutions pdf for CBSE exam.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 12 Atoms: Exercise Solution
Q 12.1 Choose the correct alternative from the clues given at the end of the each statement:
(a) The size of the atom in Thomson’s model is .......... the atomic size in Rutherford’s model. (much greater than/no different from/much less than.)
(b) In the ground state of .......... electrons are in stable equilibrium, while in .......... electrons always experience a net force. (Thomson’s model/ Rutherford’s model.)
(c) A classical atom based on .......... is doomed to collapse. (Thomson’s model/ Rutherford’s model.)
(d) An atom has a nearly continuous mass distribution in a .......... but has a highly non-uniform mass distribution in .......... (Thomson’s model/ Rutherford’s model.)
(e) The positively charged part of the atom possesses most of the mass in .......... (Rutherford’s model/both the models.)
(a) The size of the atom in Thomson’s model is no different from the atomic size in Rutherford’s model.
(b) In the ground state of Thomson’s model electrons are in stable equilibrium, while in Rutherford’s model electrons always experience a net force.
(c) A classical atom based on Rutherford’s model is doomed to collapse.
(d) An atom has a nearly continuous mass distribution in a Thomson’s model but has a highly non-uniform mass distribution in Rutherford’s model .
(e) The positively charged part of the atom possesses most of the mass in both the models .
On repeating the alpha-particle scattering experiment using a thin sheet of solid hydrogen in place of the gold foil we would have different observations than Rutherford, as the alpha particles won't be scattered much because of being heavier than the nucleus of the Hydrogen atom. Therefore we would not be able to confirm the presence of almost the entire mass of the atom at its centre.
Q 12.3 What is the shortest wavelength present in the Paschen series of spectral lines?
The Rydberg's formula for the hydrogen atom is
Where R is Rydberg constant for the Hydrogen atom and equals to 1.1
For shortest wavelength in Paschen Series n 1 =2 and n 2 =
The shortest wavelength in Paschen Series is therefore 818 nm.
Frequency of radiation consisting of photons of energy E is given by
E=2.3 eV
Plank's constant(h)=6.62
The ground state energy E=-13.6 eV.
The kinetic energy= -E=13.6 eV
Also ground state energy = Kinetic energy+Potential energy
U=-27.2 eV
The kinetic and potential energies are 13.6 eV and -27.2 eV respectively.
The initial energy of the electron is E 1
E 1 =-13.6 eV
The energy of the electron when it is excited to level n=4 is E 2
E 2 =-0.85 eV
The difference between these two energy levels is equal to the energy of the photon absorbed by the electron.
The energy of the photon
The wavelength of the photon can be calculated using relation
hc=1240 eV
The wavelength and frequency of the photon absorbed by the hydrogen atom are 98.6 nm and 3.04
As per Bohr's model the angular momentum of electrons in each orbit is constant and a multiple of
The electrostatic force of attraction between the electron and the nucleus provides the required centripetal force for the circular motion of the electron.
Using equation (i) and (ii) we get
v 1 =2.18
v 2 =1.09
v 3 =7.28
(b) calculate the orbital period in each of these levels.
Orbital period (T n ) is defined as time taken by the electron to complete one revolution around the nucleus and is given by
T 1 =1.53
T 2 =1.22
The radius of the orbit is proportional to the square of n.
For n=2 the radius of the orbit is
For n=3 the radius of the orbit is
Since the energy of the electron beam is 12.5 eV the Hydrogen atoms will get excited to all requiring energy equal to or less than 12.5 eV
E 1 =-13.6 eV
E 3 = -1.5 eV
E 3 -E 1 = 12.1 eV
E 4 = -0.85 eV
E 4 -E 1 =12.75 eV
Therefore the electron can reach maximum upto the level n=3.
During de-excitations, the electron can jump directly from n=3 to n=1 or it can first jump from n=3 to n=2 and then from n=2 to n=1
Therefore two wavelengths from the Lyman series and one from the Balmer series will be emitted
To find the wavelengths emitted we will use the Rydberg's Formula
For n 1 =1 and n 2 =3
Emitted wavelength is 102.5 nm
For n 1 =1 and n 2 =2
Emitted wavelength is 121.54 nm
For n 1 =2 and n 2 =3
Emitted wavelength is 656.3 nm
As per the Bohr's model, the angular of the Earth will be quantized and will be a multiple of
n = 2.56
Therefore the quantum number that characterises the earth’s revolution around the sun in an orbit of radius
is 2.56
Is the average angle of deflection of
The average angle of deflection of
Is the probability of backward scattering (i.e., scattering of
The probability of backward scattering predicted by Thomson’s model is much less than that predicted by Rutherford’s model.
Keeping other factors fixed, it is found experimentally that for small thickness t, the number of
Scattering at moderate angles requires head-on collision the probability of which increases with the number of target atoms in the path of
In which model is it completely wrong to ignore multiple scattering for the calculation of average angle of scattering of
It is completely wrong to ignore multiple scattering for the calculation of the average angle of scattering of
As per the bohrs model
If the proton and the electron were bound only by the gravity the gravitational force between them will provide the centripetal force required for circular motion
From equation (i) and (ii) we can calculate that the radius of the ground state (for n=1) will be
The above value is larger in order than the diameter of the observable universe. This shows how much weak the gravitational forces of attraction as compared to electrostatic forces.
Using Bohr's model we have.
Since n is very large 2n-1 can be taken as 2n and n-1 as n
The frequency of the emission caused by de-excitation from n to n-1 would be
The classical frequency of revolution of the electron in the nth orbit is given by
The above is the same as the frequency of the emission during de-excitation from n to n-1.
(a) construct a quantity with the dimensions of length from the fundamental constants e, me, and c. Determine its numerical value.
Using dimensional analysis we can see that the quantity to be constructed and consisting of m e , e and c will also have
(b) You will find that the length obtained in (a) is many orders of magnitude smaller than the atomic dimensions. Further, it involves c. But energies of atoms are mostly in non-relativistic domain where c is not expected to play any role. This is what may have suggested Bohr to discard c and look for ‘something else’ to get the right atomic size. Now, the Planck’s constant h had already made its appearance elsewhere. Bohr’s great insight lay in recognising that h, me, and e will yield the right atomic size. Construct a quantity with the dimension of length from h, me, and e and confirm that its numerical value has indeed the correct order of magnitude.
Using dimensional analysis we can see that the quantity to be constructed and consisting of m e , e and h will also have
Q 12.15 (a) The total energy of an electron in the first excited state of the hydrogen atom is about –3.4 eV.
What is the kinetic energy of the electron in this state?
Since we know that kinetic energy is equal to the negative of the total energy
K=3.4 eV
Q 12.15 (b) The total energy of an electron in the first excited state of the hydrogen atom is about –3.4 eV.
What is the potential energy of the electron in this state?
Total Energy= Potential energy + Kinetic Energy
U=-6.8 eV
Q 12.15 (c) The total energy of an electron in the first excited state of the hydrogen atom is about - 3.4eV.
Which of the answers above would change if the choice of the zero of potential energy is changed?
The total energy would change if the choice of the zero of potential energy is changed.
We never speak of Bohr's quantization postulate while studying planetary motion or even motion of other macroscopic objects because they have angular momentum very large relative to the value of h. In fact, their angular momentum is so large as compared to the value of h that the angular momentum of the earth has a quantum number of order 10 70 . Therefore the angular momentum of such large objects is taken to be continuous rather than quantized.
As per Bohr's quantization postulate
Similarly, like the case in a simple hydrogen atom, the electrostatic force acts centripetally
From the above relations, we can see that in Bohr's model the Radius is inversely proportional to the mass of the orbiting body and Energy is directly proportional to the mass of the orbiting body.
In case of hydrogen, atom r 1 is 5.3
Therefore in case of a muonic hydrogen atom
r 1 = 2.56
In case of the hydrogen atom, E 1 is -13.6 eV
Therefore in case of a muonic hydrogen atom
E 1 =207
E 1 =2.81 keV
Atoms Class 12 comes under the unit Modern Physics. There are a seventeen questions discussed in the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Physics Class 12 Chapter 12 Atoms. Some of the important formulas of the chapter atoms which will help in NCERT solutions for class 12 physics are given below.
Where n is the quantum number
The total energy of the electron in the stationary states of the hydrogen atom in electronvolt is given by
Another important formula in NCERT is the
De Broglie wavelength
Where ‘h’ is Planck's constant and mv is the momentum. This relation can be modified in terms of the kinetic energy of the particle. Try to derive it yourself.
For CBSE board exam on an average 3 to 4 marks questions are asked from the chapter Atoms. The solutions of NCERT Class 12 Physics chapter 12 Atoms will help in securing full marks in board exam for this chapter. As far as the NEET exam is considered up to 2 questions are expected from the chapter Atoms Class 12 Physics. The NCERT solutions for Class 12 Physics chapter 12 atoms will also help to perform better in exams like JEE Main and other competitive exams.
De Broglie’s Explanation of Bohr’s Second Postulate of Quantisation
Alpha-Particle Scattering and Rutherford’s Nuclear Model of Atom
Alpha-particle Trajectory
Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom
The Line Spectra of the Hydrogen Atom
These topics are the main focus of the NCERT textbook and are likely to be given more emphasis in exams.
In-Depth Coverage: These atoms ncert solutions class 12 comprehensively address all the topics and questions found in Chapter 12, ensuring a thorough grasp of atomic physics concepts.
Elaborate Explanations: Each class 12 atoms ncert solutions provides comprehensive, step-by-step explanations, making intricate ideas accessible to students.
Clear and Simple Language: The class 12 physics atoms ncert solutions are articulated in plain and straightforward language, guaranteeing easy comprehension.
Practice Opportunities: Class 12 physics ch 12 ncert solutions are included for practice and self-assessment, enhancing students' problem-solving skills.
Exam Readiness: These atoms physics class 12 ncert solutions are vital for board exam preparation and offer invaluable assistance for competitive exams.
Foundation for Advanced Studies: The concepts explored in this chapter establish the groundwork for more advanced studies in atomic physics and related fields.
Open Access: These atoms chapter class 12 ncert solutions are freely accessible, ensuring accessibility for all students.
These distinguishing features render Class 12 Physics Chapter 12 NCERT solutions an indispensable resource for students, facilitating their success in examinations and future academic endeavors.
One or two questions are usually asked in the CBSE board exams from Class 12 chapter Atoms. It can be a 2 or 3 mark question. Students should cover all the concepts of the Class 12 chapter Atoms. The question may be theoretical, numerical or derivations. The syllabus of CBSE board is based on the NCERT book. Students can practice questions based on NCERT syllabus for the board exam.
The Class 12 Physics chapter Atoms are important for both engineering and medical exams. At least one question can be expected from Atoms for both JEE Main and NEET.
The Hydrogen spectrum, Energy of atoms, Bhor Model of Atom, Bhor Postulates etc are important topics of the Atoms Class 12 Physics Chapter. More questions related to these topics an be practiced from NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Physics.
Admit Card Date:03 February,2025 - 04 April,2025
Admit Card Date:17 February,2025 - 29 March,2025
Admit Card Date:24 February,2025 - 25 March,2025
Changing from the CBSE board to the Odisha CHSE in Class 12 is generally difficult and often not ideal due to differences in syllabi and examination structures. Most boards, including Odisha CHSE , do not recommend switching in the final year of schooling. It is crucial to consult both CBSE and Odisha CHSE authorities for specific policies, but making such a change earlier is advisable to prevent academic complications.
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Ah, you're looking for CBSE quarterly question papers for mathematics, right? Those can be super helpful for exam prep.
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hope this helps.
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