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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 - Subject-wise PDFs Updated for 2024-25

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 - Subject-wise PDFs Updated for 2024-25

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Jul 04, 2024 10:39 AM IST
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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 are the foundation and stepping stone towards higher classes in CBSE Class 9. Here, class 9 NCERT Solutions provide detailed questions and answers for maths and science. Subject-wise NCERT solutions for class 9 on this page are in simple language with examples and illustrations for better understanding. Since the chapters taught in CBSE Class 9 are the foundation for NCERT topics taught in the higher classes, it is important to be clear and understand them well. The concepts of all subjects in NCERT Class 9 Solutions are also the basics for popular engineering and medical entrance exams. To optimise the study methodology, having NCERT revision notes and NCERT Solutions handy saves you time during the preparation. Class 9 questions and answers make you aware of important topics and concepts for sure, as well as make your study effective. These CBSE Class 9 solution PDFs are a must to revise all the topics and chapters, which are written in very simple language, including the format. Download NCERT Class 9 Solutions PDFs that are as per the latest CBSE Class 9 syllabus 2024-25.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 - Subject-wise PDFs Updated for 2024-25
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 - Subject-wise PDFs Updated for 2024-25

Subject-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 9 are tabulated below:

Subject-wise Breakdown of NCERT Class 9 Solutions

CBSE Class 9 study materials are provided here for free in PDF format for all students. The annual exam question paper is based on the NCERT Class 9 books. Most students need help with the NCERT exercises and problems in the text book. This is more so when it comes to science and maths class 9 question answer, which need a bit of practice as there are formulae to note and use, deduce the solutions and answers therein. The subject-wise NCERT solutions of class 9 in maths and science are listed here for your ease and benefit.

Background wave

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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths:

There are 15 chapters to learn in NCERT Class 9 Maths book. Since this is the foundation or base for the topics in the higher classes, the Class 9 Maths Solution covers all the major concepts, formulae, and exercises. If you know the step-by-step process to solve the question, you will have a deep understanding of the concept studied and its application. The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths covers the solutions to all the chapters.

At stake are 100 marks, of which 80 are for the written exam and 20 are for internal assessment. The weightage of each unit/chapter of NCERT class 9 maths is mentioned below. Prepare and make an effective study plan accordingly with the help of NCERT solutions class 9.

CBSE Class 9: NCERT Maths Class 9 Weightage

Unit 1: Number Systems 08
Unit 2: Algebra 17
Unit 3: Coordinate Geometry 04
Unit 4: Geometry 28
Unit 5: Mensuration 13
Unit 6: Statistics and Probability 10
Internal Assesment 20
Total (80+20)100

Also read, NCERT Class 9 Syllabus:

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science

As per the CBSE NCERT Class 9 Syllabus, the NCERT Class 9 Science book also has 15 chapters. Some of the interesting topics taught in Class 9 Science are natural resources, motion, gravity, sound, atoms and molecules, tissues and cells, etc. Again, the CBSE 9th Class Science exam will be for 100 marks, with 80 marks for the written exam and 20 for internal assessment. The chapter wise distribution of marks is given below for CBSE Class 9 Science.

CBSE Class 9: NCERT Science Class 9 Weightage


Unit 1: Matter - Its Nature and Behaviour


Unit 2: Organization in the Living World


Unit 3: Motion, Force, and Work


Unit 4: Our Environment


Unit 5: Food; Food Production

Total + Internal assessment80+20
Grand Total100

If you are thorough with the CBSE NCERT Solutions for Class 9, you can crack the exam easily with very good scores. You will also know how to utilise the concepts and formulae taught to derive the solutions of NCERT Class 9 Books. These class 9 NCERT solutions help you develop skills to answer other questions from reference books apart from the NCERT 9th Class Books. all the basic concepts that will also be useful for competitive exams such as IIT JEE, Olympiads, NEET, etc are involved in NCERT Class 9 Solutions.

Also read: NCERT Notes for Class 9

Other Study Resources at Careers360

CBSE class 9 study materials i.e. syllabus, and exemplars are given below:

NCERT Class 9 Books:

NCERT Exemplar for Class 9:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How to get NCERT solutions class 9 Maths and Science?
  • Go to the link for the subject you wish to study 
  •  Click on the subject, and you will be directed to the list of chapters. 
  •  Click on the chapter you wish to study, and the exercise with the detailed solutions for NCERT Class 9 will be displayed on the screen.
  •  Start working on the problems with the help of these solutions.


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