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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 11 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter: Welcome to the updated NCERT solutions for Class 12. On this Careers360 page, you'll find comprehensive class 12 physics chapter 11 exercise solutions written by subject experts in straightforward English. These solutions are also available in PDF format, allowing students to access them offline at their convenience.
Given below is the list of JEE Main marks vs percentile.
JEE Main marks (out of 300) | Percentile (expected) |
1 - 44 | 6 - 71 |
45 - 50 | 71 - 75 |
51 - 60 | 75 - 83 |
61 - 78 | 83 - 90 |
79 - 88 | 90 - 92 |
89 - 94 | 92 - 93 |
95 - 101 | 93 - 94 |
102 - 109 | 94 - 95 |
110 - 119 | 95 - 96 |
120 - 140 | 96 - 97.4 |
140 - 149 | 97.4 - 98 |
70 - 174 | 98 - 99 |
175+ | 99+ |
Particles and the wave nature of matter are discussed NCERT Class 12 Physics chapter 11. In the NCERT CBSE Class 12 Physics chapter 11 solutions, you will study questions related to both the particle and wave nature of light. Experimental study of the photoelectric effect is an important topic of NCERT for the CBSE board exam. Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Class 12 discuss this topic.
Try to solve all the questions in NCERT Class 12 Physics book yourself. If you are getting any doubt while solving questions, you can refer to chapter 11 physics class 12 ncert solutions. Understand all the graphs in NCERT syllabus for Class 12 Physics chapter 11. This will help to solve the questions from Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Class 12 Physics NCERT chapter and to build an interest in the chapter 'Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter' .
Free download dual nature of radiation and matter ncert solutions pdf for CBSE exam.
Q: 11.1 (a) Find the maximum frequency of X-rays produced by
The X-Rays produced by electrons of 30 keV will have a maximum energy of 30 keV.
By relation,
Q: 11.1 (b) Find the minimum wavelength of X-rays produced by
From the relation
The energy of the incident photons is E is given by
Maximum Kinetic Energy is given by
The stopping potential depends on the maximum Kinetic Energy of the emitted electrons. Since maximum Kinetic energy is equal to 0.34 eV, stopping potential is the maximum kinetic energy by charge equal to 0.34 V.
The electrons with the maximum kinetic energy of 0.34 eV will have the maximum speed
Since the photoelectric cut-off voltage is 1.5 V. The maximum Kinetic Energy (eV) of photoelectrons emitted would be 1.5 eV.
KE max =1.5 eV
KE mac =2.4
The energy of photons is given by the relation
Momentum is given by De Broglie's Equation
The energy of the photons in the light beam is 3.14
Q: 11.4 (b) Monochromatic light of wavelength
Power of the light beam, P =9.42 mW
If n number of photons arrive at a target per second nE=P (E is the energy of one photon)
Mass of Hydrogen Atom (m)=1.67
The speed at which hydrogen atom must travel to have momentum equal to that of the photons in the beam is v given by
Average Energy(E) of the photons reaching the surface of the Earth is given by
Energy flux(I) reaching the Earth's surface=1.388
Number of photons(n) incident on Earth's surface per metre square is
Q : 11.6 In an experiment on photoelectric effect, the slope of the cut-off voltage versus frequency of incident light is found to be 4.12 * 10-15 Vs . Calculate the value of Planck’s constant.
The slope of the cut-off voltage versus frequency of incident light is given by h/e where h is Plank's constant and e is an electronic charge.
The energy of a photon is given by
where h is the Planks constant, c is the speed of the light and lambda is the wavelength
Power of the sodium lamp=100W
The rate at which photons are delivered to the sphere is given by
Threshold frequency of the given metal(
The work function of the given metal is
The energy of the incident photons
Maximum Kinetic Energy of the ejected photo electrons is
Therefore the cut off voltage is 2.025 eV
The energy of photons having 330 nm is
Since this is less than the work function of the metal there will be no photoelectric emission.
Q: 11.10 Light of frequency
The energy of incident photons is E given by
Maximum Kinetic Energy of ejected electrons is
Work Function of the given metal is
The threshold frequency is therefore given by
The energy of incident photons is given by
Cut-off potential is 0.38 eV
Work function is therefore, 2.54-0.38= 2.16 eV
Q: 11.12 (a) Calculate the momentum of the electrons accelerated through a potential difference of
On being accelerated through a potential difference of 56 V the electrons would gain a certain Kinetic energy K.
The relation between Kinetic Energy and Momentum(p) is given by
Q: 11.12 (b) Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of the electrons accelerated through a potential difference of
De Broglie wavelength is given by the De Broglie relation as
the wavelength is 0.164 nm
Q: 11.13 (a) What is the momentum of an electron with kinetic energy of
The relation between momentum and kinetic energy is
Q: 11.13 (b) What is the speed of an electron with kinetic energy of
The relation between speed and kinetic energy of a particle is
Q: 11.13 (c) What is the de Broglie wavelength of an electron with kinetic energy of
De Broglie wavelength is given by
The de Broglie wavelength associated with the electron is 0.112 nm
The momentum of a particle with de Broglie wavelength of 589 nm is
The Kinetic Energy of an electron moving with above-mentioned momentum is
Q: 11.14 (b) The wavelength of light from the spectral emission line of sodium is
The momentum of the neutron would be the same as that of the electron.
The kinetic energy of neutron would be
Q: 11.15 (a) What is the de Broglie wavelength of a bullet of mass
The momentum of the bullet is
De Broglie wavelength is
Q: 11.15 (b) What is the de Broglie wavelength of a ball of mass
The momentum of the ball is
De Broglie wavelength is
Q: 11.15 (c) What is the de Broglie wavelength of a dust particle of mass
The momentum of the dust particle is
De Broglie wavelength is
Q: 11.16 (a) An electron and a photon each have a wavelength of
Their momenta depend only on the de Broglie wavelength, therefore, it will be the same for both the electron and the photon
Q: 11.16 (b) An electron and a photon each have a wavelength of
The energy of the photon is given by
h is the Planks constant, c is the speed of the light and lambda is the wavelength
Q: 11.16 (c) An electron and a photon each have a wavelength of
The kinetic energy of the electron is. In the below equation p is the momentum
Q: 11.17 (a) For what kinetic energy of a neutron will the associated de Broglie wavelength be 1.4*10-10 m?
For the given wavelength momentum of the neutron will be p given by
The kinetic energy K would therefore be
Q : 11.17 (b) Also find the de Broglie wavelength of a neutron, in thermal equilibrium with matter, having an average kinetic energy of
The kinetic energy of the neutron is
Where k Boltzmann's Constant is 1.38
The momentum of the neutron will be p
Associated De Broglie wavelength is
De Broglie wavelength of the neutron is 0.145 nm.
For a photon we know that it's momentum (p) and Energy (E) are related by following equation
we also know
Therefore the De Broglie wavelength is
The above de Broglie wavelength is equal to the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation.
Q: 11.19 What is the de Broglie wavelength of a nitrogen molecule in air at
Since the molecule is moving with the root-mean-square speed the kinetic energy K will be given by
K=3/2 kT where k is the Boltzmann's constant and T is the absolute Temperature
In the given case Kinetic Energy of a Nitrogen molecule will be
Mass of Nitrogen molecule = 2
The momentum of the molecule is
Associated De Broglie wavelength is
The nitrogen molecule will have a De Broglie wavelength of 0.0275 nm.
The kinetic energy of an electron accelerated through Potential Difference V is K=eV where e the electronic charge.
Speed of the electrons after being accelerated through a potential difference of 500 V will be
Using the same formula we get the speed of electrons to be 1.88
In such a case
where m is the relativistic mass, m 0 is the rest mass of the body, v is the very high speed at which the body is travelling and c is the speed of light.
The force due to the magnetic field on the electron will be F b =evB (since the angle between the velocity and magnetic field is 90 o )
This F b acts as the centripetal force required for circular motion. Therefore
The formula used in (a) can not be used. As the electron would be travelling at a very high speed we can not take its mass to be equal to its rest mass as its motion won't be within the non-relativistic limits.
The value for the mass of the electron would get modified to
where m is the relativistic mass, m 0 is the rest mass of the body, v is the very high speed at which the body is travelling and c is the speed of light.
The radius of the circular path would be
The kinetic energy of an electron after being accelerated through a potential difference of V volts is eV where e is the electronic charge.
The speed of the electron will become
Since the magnetic field curves, the path of the electron in circular orbit the electron's velocity must be perpendicular to the magnetic field.
The force due to the magnetic field is therefore F b =evB
This magnetic force acts as a centripetal force. Therefore
The wavelength of photons with maximum energy=0.45
Energy of the photons is
Q: 11.23 (b) From your answer to (a), guess what order of accelerating voltage (for electrons) is required in such a tube?
In such a tube where X-ray of energy 27.6 keV is to be produced the electrons should be having an energy about the same value and therefore accelerating voltage should be of order 30 KeV.
The total energy of 2
The average energy of 1
The wavelength of the gamma-ray is given by
Q: 11.25 (a) Estimating the following two numbers should be interesting. The first number will tell you why radio engineers do not need to worry much about photons! The second number tells you why our eye can never ‘count photons’, even in barely detectable light. The number of photons emitted per second by a Medium wave transmitter of
The power emitted by the transmitter(P) =10kW
Wavelengths of photons being emiited=500 m
The energy of one photon is E
Number of photons emitted per second(n) is given by
The minimum perceivable intensity of white light(I)=10 -10 Wm -2
Area of the pupil(A)=0.4 cm 2 =4
Power of light falling on our eyes at minimum perceivable intensity is P
P=10 -10
The average frequency of white light(
The average energy of a photon in white light is
Number of photons reaching our eyes is n
The energy of the incident photons is E given by
Since stopping potential is -1.3 V work function is
The energy of photons which red light consists of is E R
Since the energy of the photons which red light consists of have less energy than the work function, there will be no photoelectric emission when they are incident.
The wavelength of photons emitted by the neon lamp=640.2 nm
The energy of photons emitted by the neon lamp is E given by
Stopping potential is 0.54 V
Work function is therefore
The wavelength of photons emitted by the iron source=427.2 nm
The energy of photons emitted by the ion source is
New stopping voltage is
The stopping voltages, respectively, were measured to be
where V is stopping potential, h is planks constant, e is electronic charge,
To calculate the planks constant from the above date we plot the stopping potential vs frequency graph
The plot we get is
From the above figure, we can see that the curve is almost a straight line.
The slope of the above graph will give the Plank's constant divided by the electronic charge. Planks constant calculated from the above chart is
Planks constant calculated from the above chart is therefore
Q: 11.29 The work function for the following metals is given:
The wavelength of the incident photons=
The energy of the incident photons is
Mo and Ni will not give photoelectric emission for radiation of wavelength
If the laser is brought nearer no change will be there in case of Mo and Ni although there will be more photoelectrons in case of Na and K.
Intensity of Incident light(I) =
The surface area of the sodium photocell (A)=2 cm 2 = 2
The rate at which energy falls on the photo cell=IA=2
The rate at which each of the 5 surfaces absorbs energy= IA/5=4
Effective atomic area of a sodium atom (A')= 10 -20 m 2
The rate at which each sodium atom absorbs energy is R given by
The time required for photoelectric emission is
Q: 11.31 Crystal diffraction experiments can be performed using X-rays, or electrons accelerated through appropriate voltage. Which probe has greater energy? (For quantitative comparison, take the wavelength of the probe equal to , which is of the order of inter-atomic spacing in the lattice)
According to De Broglie's equation
The kinetic energy of an electron with De Broglie wavelength
The kinetic energy of photon having wavelength
Therefore for the given wavelength, a photon has much higher energy than an electron.
Q:11.32 (a) Obtain the de Broglie wavelength of a neutron of kinetic energy .
Kinetic energy of the neutron(K)=150eV
De Broglie wavelength associated with the neutron is
Since an electron beam with the same energy has a wavelength much larger than the above-calculated wavelength of the neutron, a neutron beam of this energy is not suitable for crystal diffraction as the wavelength of the neutron is not of the order of the dimension of interatomic spacing.
Absolute temperature = 273+27=300K
Boltzmann's Constant=1.38
The de Broglie wavelength associated with the neutron is
Since this wavelength is comparable to the order of interatomic spacing of a crystal it can be used for diffraction experiments. The neutron beam is to be thermalised so that its de Broglie wavelength attains a value such that it becomes suitable for the crystal diffraction experiments.
The potential difference through which electrons are accelerated(V)=50kV.
Kinetic energy(K) of the electrons would be eV where e is the electronic charge
The De Broglie wavelength associated with the electrons is
The wavelength of yellow light = 5.9
The calculated De Broglie wavelength of the electron microscope is about 10 5 more than that of yellow light and since resolving power is inversely proportional to the wavelength the resolving power of electron microscope is roughly 10 5 times than that of an optical microscope.
(Rest mass energy of electron
Rest mass of the electron
using the relativistic formula for energy
Q: 11.35 Find the typical de Broglie wavelength associated with a
The kinetic energy K of a He atom is given by
m He i.e. mass of one atom of He can be calculated as follows
De Broglie wavelength is given by
The mean separation between two atoms is given by the relation
From the ideal gas equation we have
The mean separation is therefore
The mean separation is greater than the de Broglie wavelength.
The de Broglie wavelength associated with the electrons is
The de Broglie wavelength of the electrons is comparable to the mean separation between two electrons.
Answer the following questions:
Quarks are thought to be tight within a proton or neutron by forces which grow tough if one tries to pull them apart. That is event though fractional charges may exist in nature, the observable charges are still integral multiples of the charge of the electron
Answer the following questions:
Q: 11.37 (b) What is so special about the combination
The speed of a charged particle is given by the relations
As we can see the speed depends on the ratio e/m it is of such huge importance.
Answer the following questions:
Q: 11.37 (c) Why should gases be insulators at ordinary pressures and start conducting at very low pressures?
At ordinary pressure due to a large number of collisions among themselves, the gases have no chance of reaching the electrodes while at very low pressure these collisions decrease exponentially and the gas molecules have a chance of reaching the respective electrodes and therefore are capable of conducting electricity.
Answer the following questions:
The work function is defined as the minimum energy below which an electron will never be ejected from the metal. But when photons with high energy are incident it is possible that electrons from different orbits get ejected and would, therefore, come out of the atom with different kinetic energies.
Answer the following questions:
The absolute energy has no significance because of the reference point being arbitrary and thus the inclusion of an arbitrary constant rendering the value of
The group speed is defined as
Due to the significance of the group speed the absolute value of wavelength has physical significance.
There are 37 questions discussed in Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter NCERT solutions. The exercise questions of ch 11 Physics Class 12 is divided into two parts: exercise and additional exercise. Questions number 20 to 37 of Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Class 12 are part of additional exercises.
Below, we have provided the exercise-wise NCERT textbook solutions and questions:
Energy of photon(E): E=hv=hc
Where: v= frequency of photon and = wavelength of photon
Momentum of photon: p= h
Where: h= plank’s constant and is wavelength of photon
Velocity of charged particle passing through a potential v:
v= 2eVm
Where: e= charge of electron and m is the mass of electron
Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation: Energy Quantum of Radiation
Where: Kmax is the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electron and is the work function of metal
Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation Class 12-Topics
The topic discussed in the Class 12 NCERT Physics chapter Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation are Electron Emission, Photoelectric Effect and It's Experimental Study, Wave Theory of Light and Photoelectric Effect, Einsteins Photo Electric Equation, Particle Nature of Light, Wave Nature of Matter and Davisson and Germer Experiment.
Comprehensive Coverage: These class 12 physics chapter 11 exercise solutions encompass all the topics and questions presented in Chapter 11, ensuring a thorough understanding of chapter 11.
Detailed Explanations: Each chapter 11 physics class 12 ncert solutions offers detailed step-by-step explanations, simplifying complex concepts for students.
Clarity and Simplicity: The dual nature of radiation and matter ncert solutions are presented in clear and simple language, ensuring ease of understanding.
Practice Questions: Exercise questions are included for practice and self-assessment.
Exam Preparation: These class 12 chapter 11 physics ncert solutions are essential for board exam preparation and provide valuable support for competitive exams.
Foundation for Advanced Study: Concepts covered in this chapter serve as the foundation for more advanced studies in Radiation and Matter physics and related fields.
Free Access: These class 12 physics chapter 11 ncert solutions are available for free, ensuring accessibility to all students.
Around 3 to 5 marks questions can be expected from the NCERT Class 12 chapter 11 for CBSE board exam according to the previous year papers. Students can also use the help of NCERT Exemplar Problems for Physics for more problems.
All the topics of the chapter are important. Understand all the graphs mentioned in the NCERT book. Also understand all the formulas listed in the chapter. The CBSE papers are based on the NCERT Syllabus. So all the concepts listed in the chapter are important.
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Changing from the CBSE board to the Odisha CHSE in Class 12 is generally difficult and often not ideal due to differences in syllabi and examination structures. Most boards, including Odisha CHSE , do not recommend switching in the final year of schooling. It is crucial to consult both CBSE and Odisha CHSE authorities for specific policies, but making such a change earlier is advisable to prevent academic complications.
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Unfortunately, CBSE doesn't officially release quarterly papers - they mainly put out sample papers and previous years' board exam papers. But don't worry, there are still some good options to help you practice!
Have you checked out the CBSE sample papers on their official website? Those are usually pretty close to the actual exam format. You could also look into previous years' board exam papers - they're great for getting a feel for the types of questions that might come up.
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hope this helps.
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