NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution
NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution: - As per the CBSE Syllabus 2023–24, this chapter has been renumbered as Chapter 8 in the latest NCERT Textbook. The top academics in India created these heredity and evolution class 10 exercise answers to help students succeed in the subject Science. In this article, We are providing you with detailed NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution. We have filled the Heredity and Evolution Class 10 Solutions with beautiful diagrams and images that are necessary to explain the concepts. We have introduced a new Solutions PDF in the article for better experience.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution Make your foundation strong with NCERT solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 9 for competitive exams like NEET. As many questions from this chapter will also appear in the CBSE Board exams, Chapter 9 of NCERT Solutions is very important and significant. Referring to the Biology NCERT solutions for Heredity and Evolution Class 10 Science Chapter 9, we will know that there are several things that we genetically get from our parents. Such as the colour of eyes, curly hair, etc. This is termed as heredity. NCERT Class 10 Science Solutions Chapter 9 will help the students clear all their doubts and check their answers after solving the questions.It is advisable to go through NCERT Solutions for Class 10 to score good marks in the exams. In addition to this, they must complete the NCERT Class 10 Science syllabus at the earliest possible time to revise in a better way. Read further to know the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 9 and other details.
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Heredity and Evolution Class 10 NCERT Solutions (Intext Questions)
Q. 2. How does the creation of variations in a species promote survival?
Variation in our characteristics occurs due to sexual reproduction and inaccurate copying of DNA. The varied characteristics which fit for surviving passes on to the next generation more easily and the characteristics which are not favourable for surviving will get vanish after some generation.
Favourable variations help a species to adapt to changes in their environment and they promote survival of a species.
Class 10 Heredity and Evolution Solutions: Topic 9.2 Solutions, Page Number 147
Q. 1. How do Mendel’s experiments show that traits may be dominant or recessive?
Mendal Conducted many experiments by crossing the Tall plants and Short plants. he found that the trait Tall which appears in the first generation also appeared in the second generation with 75 % in number. and the trait short appeared in the second generation by 25% in number. Hence he concluded that trait Tall is Dominant and the trait short is recessive.
in other words:
Tall + Tall = Tall
Tall + Short = Tall
Short + Tall = Tall
Short + Short = Short
As we can see there are 3 out of 4 Tall in the Next Generation. Hence it is a dominant trait.
Hence by this experiment, he showed that traits can be Dominant or Recessive.
Q. 2. How do Mendel’s experiments show that traits are inherited independently?
In Mandel's one of the experiments he crossed the Pure breeding Tall plants having round seed with Short plants having wrinkled seed. here he found some of the new traits like Tall plant having wrinkled seed and Short plants having round seed.
Tall and Round + Short and Wrinkled = Tall and Round + Tall and Wrinkled +Short and Wrinkled + Short and Round
( Previous Trait) (New Trait) (Previous Trait ) (New Trait)
Those new traits would not have been there if traits are inherently dependent.
And hence he concluded that traits are inherited independently
Q. 4. How is the sex of the child determined in human beings?
Half the male gametes have X-chromosomes and the other half have Y-chromosomesThe human male has one X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome. In other words, The human male has one X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome On the other hand, all-female gametes have only X-chromosomes. If a sperm carrying Y-chromosome fertilizes an ovum then the child born will be a boy.
On the other hand, if a sperm carrying X-chromosomes fertilizes an ovum then the child born will be a girl.
X + X = Girl
X + Y = Boy.
Heredity and Evolution Class 10 Questions and Answers: topic 9.3, Page Number 150
Q. 1. What are the different ways in which individuals with a particular trait may increase in a population?
The different ways in which individuals with a particular trait may increase in a population are
1) Natural Selection: if a trait is useful to the population, it will increase naturally.
2) Genetic Drift: if a population faces any accidents such that the majority of the population get killed, then the remaining ones can pass their genes to the next generation and increase the population of their traits.
3) Sexual Selection: some traits also increases in choosing a suitable partner for mating. if there is mating between male and female, their offspring will contain their traits and the population with that trait increases. So, sexual selection of partner plays a much more important role than we realize. for example, most of the creativity traits like music and art skills are the result of sexual selection.
Q. 3. Why are the small numbers of surviving tigers a cause of worry from the point of view of genetics ?
1) The small number member in a population does not produce a large variation in the genes which are essential for the survival of the means Small numbers of tigers mean that fewer possible variations of genes are available.
2) If any natural calamity occurs or any disease spreads and kills these small numbers of surviving tigers, they will become extinct resulting in the loss of these genes forever.
3) Less number of species means less number of diversity and a lesser number of traits which reduces the chances of adaptability with respect to change in the environment.
Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Question Answer: Topic 9.4, Page Number 151
Q. 1. What factors could lead to the rise of a new species?
The factors could lead to the rise of a new species are :
1) Natural Selection
2) Method of Genetic Drift
3) Gene Variation on Mutation
4)Geographical and environmental factors
Heredity and Evolution Class 10: Topic 9.5 Solutions, Page Number 156
Q. 1. Give an example of characteristics being used to determine how close two species are in evolutionary terms.
The similar kind of organs is one such evidence that is used to determine how close two species are related. The presence of feathers in dinosaurs and birds indicates that they are evolutionarily related. Dinosaurs had feathers, not for flying but instead, these feathers provided insulation to these warm-blooded animals. However, the feathers in birds are used for flight.
This proves that reptiles and birds are closely related and that the evolution of wings started in reptiles,
Also if we consider the example of Human and Ape, the body style of both is similar and hence they are closely related in evolutionary terms.
Q. 2. Can the wing of a butterfly and the wing of a bat be considered homologous organs? Why or why not?
Homologous organs have different look and perform a completely different function, however, shares a common basic structure. wing of a butterfly and the wing of a bat performs a similar function but have a different basic structure. wings of a butterfly are membrane supported by muscles and wings of a bat is the body skeleton.
Hence they are not the homologous organ rather analogous organ because they perform the same function.
Q. 3. What are fossils? What do they tell us about the process of evolution?
Fossils are dead remains (may be a part of the organism or the whole organism) of plants, animals or any other organisms that existed on earth in the past
Fossils help us in many ways like,
(i) They give great insight into the evaluation. for example, the pattern of fossil distribution gives us an idea of the time in history when various species were formed and extinct.
(ii) They help us in establishing evolutionary relations between present organisms. Example: Archaeopteryx (connecting link between reptiles and birds).
Q. 2. In evolutionary terms, can we say which among bacteria, spiders, fish and chimpanzees have a ‘better’ body design? Why or why not?
Evaluation should not be equated with progress or any kind of better quality like better body design. Evaluation simply creates a more complex body design. And this does not mean that simple body design is inefficient. for example, a bacteria has a very simple body but still is the most cosmopolitan organism found on the earth. They can survive deep sea, hot spring, and even icy-cold freezing environment.
So, we can't really say there's a better body design as these organisms evolved in the different-different environment and made changes in their body structure according to "Their " need.
Q. 2. An example of homologous organs is
(a) our arm and a dog’s fore-leg.
(b) our teeth and an elephant’s tusks.
(c) potato and runners of grass.
(d) all of the above.
Homologous organs have the same origin but different function. all the given option have the same origin and hence correct option is d.
Q. 3. In evolutionary terms, we have more in common with
(a) a Chinese school-boy.
(b) a chimpanzee.
(c) a spider.
(d) a bacterium.
We are human beings like a Chinese boy. Thus, option (a) is correct.
Both human and Chinese boy are of the same ancestry and belongs to Homo Sapiens .
Class 10 Science Ch 9 Question Answer:
Q. 5. How are the areas of study – evolution and classification – interlinked?
Classification involves grouping of organisms into a formal system based on similarities and differences. Two species are more closely related if they have more characteristics in common and if two species are closely related then it means they have a more recent common ancestor.
We classify organisms according to their characteristics which is similar to the things we analyze in evaluation. Hence both areas of study are interlinked.
Q. 6. Explain the terms analogous and homologous organs with examples.
Analogous organs: Those organs which have different basic structure but have a similar appearance and perform similar functions are called analogous organs. Example - wings of bird and insect.
Homologous organs: Those organs which have the same basic structure but different functions are called homologous organs. Example: forelimb of humans and forelimb of lizard.
Q. 7. Outline a project which aims to find the dominant coat colour in dogs.
(i) Select two varieties of dogs one with white coat color, the other with black coat color.
(ii) Crossbreed them taking a male dog from one variety and bitch (female dog) from the other variety.
(iii) Observe the color of offsprings of the F1 generation.
(iv) Now, bring about breeding among the organisms of the F1 generation.
(v) Observe the coat color of organisms (pups) of F2 generation and note the variations in coat color.
(vi) Draw conclusions on the basis of your study.
One of the probable inheritance patterns may be as given below.
Phenotypic ratio = 3 : 1,
Black coat colour (3) : White coat colour (1)
Q. 8. Explain the importance of fossils in deciding evolutionary relationships.
Fossils provide us evidence about many things like:
1) The organisms that lived long ago in the past.
2) Connecting links between two groups. for example, the feather in some dinosaurs means that birds are very closely related to reptiles.
3)The development of any particular species by evaluation.
4) The time period of the organisms.
5) Simple to complex body design journey.
Q. 9. What evidence do we have for the origin of life from inanimate matter?
The evidence for the origin of life from inanimate matter was provided through an experiment, conducted in 1953, by Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey.
In the experiment, they assembled an atmosphere containing molecules like ammonia, methane and hydrogen sulfide, but no oxygen, over water. This was similar to the atmosphere that thought to exist on the early earth. This was maintained at a temperature just below 100°C and sparks were passed through the mixture of gases to simulate lightning.
At the end of a week, 15% of the carbon from methane, had been converted to simple compounds of carbon including amino acids which make up protein molecules and support the life in the basic form.
Thus, this experiment suggests that life on earth arose fresh.
Q. 10. Explain how sexual reproduction gives rise to more viable variations than asexual reproduction. How does this affect the evolution of those organisms that reproduce sexually?
Sexual reproduction causes more viable variations due to the following reasons:
1)Error in the copying of DNA, which are not highly significant.
2) Random segregation of paternal and maternal chromosome at the time of gamete formation.
3)Exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during the formation of gametes.
4) Accumulation of variations occurred due to sexual reproduction over generation after generation and selection by nature created wide diversity.
In the case of asexual reproduction, only the very small changes due to inaccuracies in DNA copying pass on the progeny. Thus, offsprings of asexual reproduction are more or less genetically similar to their parents. So, it can be concluded that evolution in sexually reproducing organisms proceeds at a faster pace than in asexually reproducing organisms.
Q. 11. How is the equal genetic contribution of male and female parents ensured in the progeny?
The inheritance of equal parent chromosomes ensures equal genetic contribution within the relative of male and female folk. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes. There is no pairing of all human chromosomes. The primary twenty-two trials are called autosomes out of those twenty-three pairs, and the remaining one pair is also thought to be sex chromosomes drawn as X and Y. Females have an ideal trial of 2 X sex chromosomes and males have an inappropriate trial of I X and I Y chromosome.
During the replication process, the male germ cell (haploid) fuses with the feminine gamete (haploid) resulting in the formation of the diploid fertilized ovum as the fertilization method takes place. Within the relative, the fertilized ovum receives the associated degree of equal contribution from the oldsters of genetic material. Of the comparatively twenty-three pairs of chromosomes, the parent contributes twenty-two autosomes and one X or sex chromosome, whereas the feminine parent contributes twenty-two autosomes and one chromosome.
Q. 12. Only variations that confer an advantage to an individual organism will survive in a population. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
It is not always true. The variations that confer an advantage to an individual organism are definitely of more survival value because natural selection prefers these variations. But there are several other variations which, though do not provide an advantage to the organism in if present condition, survive and are inherited to the next generations. Such non-advantageous variations may become advantageous in future when the environmental conditions change.
For example, at this stage of evolution, The art, and music skills that we acquire doesn't give us any survival benefit but still called a good quality trait or variation.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution
Heredity and Evolution: Students can compare their answers to the model responses by using the in-depth Solutions to the NCERT textbook questions. The exercises and in-text questions in the NCERT textbooks are briefly explained in the Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science. Heredity and Evolution Class 10 Solutions is covered in detail in the following paragraphs. Heredity and evolution class 10 exercise answers are given in step-wise format using bullet points. In heredity and evolution class 10 solutions you will also find intext questions with detailed solutions.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science: Important Formulas and Diagrams + eBook link
When it comes to science, putting all of the most important equations, diagrams, and points in one place enables a quick glance and an instant reminder, which can cut down on the amount of time needed for revision once the concepts are understood. Heredity and Evolution Class 10 NCERT Solutions is a very crucial and scoring chapter, as many questions would appear in the CBSE Board exams.
You will see a lot of these equations, diagrams, and key concepts on your exams and in your monthly quizzes. After going through the heredity and evolution class 10 ncert solutions, go through this ebook to review each important formula quickly and learn examples that you might encounter on your exams.
Download Ebook - NCERT Class 10 Science: Chapterwise Important Formulas, Diagrams, And Points
Heredity and Evolution Class 10 Solutions - Important Topics
Let's take a quick look at the topics and subtopics covered in the Class 10 Biology Heredity and Evolution NCERT Solutions before diving into the specifics of the Biology NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution:
Heredity And Evolution
Accumulation Of Variation During Reproduction
Evolution And Classification
Evolution Should Not Be Equated With ‘Progress’
Importance of Class 10 Heredity and Evolution Solutions
Generally, 4 types of questions are asked in class 10 science board exam i.e. very short answer type, short answer type, long answer type and practical based questions which are for 1 to 5 marks from the NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution. In CBSE 2018 board exams, 3 questions were asked from this chapter for 10 marks. You can easily score these 10 marks if you know the Solutions of NCERT Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Science - Chapter wise
Solutions of NCERT Class 10th - Subject-Wise
Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution:
You will have the detailed CBSE NCERT solutions Class 10 Science for chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution in your hands. You can use them to understand the concepts as well as learn how to answer them in the board exams
Since practice is an essential part of your board exam preparation, check the questions asked in the previous papers on this chapter and match the questions asked. You can then use the solutions of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution to know the answers. If the same questions or similar ones are asked, you will be able to answer them.
Highlights of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 9 Heredity and Evolution
- The NCERT (CBSE) Syllabus and Books are strictly followed in Heredity and Evolution Class 10 Solutions.
- heredity and evolution class 10 exercise answers are easy-to-understand and comprehensive
- you will find clear and concise solutions to class in the heredity and evolution PDF.
- The Heredity and Evolution Class 10 NCERT Solutions help clear doubt and give in-depth knowledge of concepts.
- Class 10 Science Ch 9 Question Answer are prepared by subject matter experts in the easiest possible way.
- Stepwise solutions are provided here in Class 10 Heredity and Evolution Solutions.
- Diagrams are provided in Class 10 Science Chapter 9 pdf wherever required to better understand.
- Class 10 Science ch 9 Solutions will help you to score good marks in board exams.
- Heredity and evolution Class 10 questions and answers are accessible to everyone at any time anywhere without any difficulty.
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