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NTSE Punjab Exam Pattern 2023 - Check Paper Pattern & Syllabus Here

NTSE Punjab Exam Pattern 2023 - Check Paper Pattern & Syllabus Here

Edited By Maniprabha Singh | Updated on Jul 16, 2024 03:35 PM IST | #NTSE

NTSE Punjab Exam Pattern 2024- NCERT decides the examination pattern of NTSE Punjab 2024 for both stage 1 & stage 2. NTSE Punjab stage 1 paper pattern comprises two sections - Mental Ability Test (MAT), and the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). NTSE Punjab Exam Pattern 2024 contains the details including the test duration, total number of marks, sections, exam mode and much more. As per the latest notification released by NCERT, the NTSE scheme has been stalled till further notice. We will provide the latest updates and information as an when it will be available on the official website.

NTSE Punjab Exam Pattern 2023 - Check Paper Pattern & Syllabus Here
NTSE Punjab Exam Pattern 2023 - Check Paper Pattern & Syllabus Here

The duration of the NTSE Stage 1 exam is 240 minutes and students need to answer a total of 200 MCQs (Multiple-choice questions). Students should be familiar with the syllabus and exam pattern of Punjab NTSE to make a good preparation plan. Read NTSE Punjab 2024 Exam Pattern details such as time duration, marks, subjects, syllabus etc.

NTSE Punjab Exam Pattern 2024 (Stage 1)

  • NTSE stage 1 comprises 200 questions divided among two sections, MAT, and SAT, 100 marks in each section.
  • The medium of the question papers will be in English, Hindi & Punjabi.
  • Students have to solve all the questions in offline mode or pen and paper mode only.
  • There will be no negative marking in NTSE Punjab Stage 1 exam and 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer.
  • SAT section will comprise of 100 questions (Science-40, Maths-20, Social science-40) and designed for examining the knowledge and capabilities of students.
  • MAT Section will contain 100 questions based on pattern perception, analogies, coding-decoding, classifications, hidden figures and problem-solving.
  • Students who qualify for both the papers separately will be selected in ntse result 2024
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Exam pattern

Marks per Question

Time Duration

Qualifying criteria

Mental Ability Test (MAT)

100 question

1 Mark

120 minutes

General: 40% (40 marks)

ST/SC/PH: 35% (35 marks)

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

100 questions

1 Mark

120 minutes

General 40% (40 marks)

ST/SC/PH 35% (35 marks)

NTSE Stage 2 Exam Pattern 2024

  • Students who qualify the NTSE Stage 1 with minimum NTSE Punjab cutoff marks will be called for NTSE Stage 2 exam, which will be conducted at the national level.
  • The medium of the question papers will be in English and Hindi only.
  • In the stage 2 exam of NTSE 20243, there will be no negative marking.
  • Both the tests MAT & SAT will be conducted on the same day.
  • Student's marks of written exam will be communicated to all the candidates individually through the official NCERT website after the declaration of the result.
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Information about the marking scheme and category-wise qualifying criteria for stage 2 of the NTSE 2024 have been provided in the following table


Exam pattern

Marks per Question

Time Duration

Qualifying criteria

Mental Ability Test (MAT)

100 question

1 Mark

120 minutes

General- 40% (40 marks)

ST/SC/PH- 32% (32 marks)

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

100 questions

1 Mark

120 minutes

General- 40% (40 marks)

ST/SC/PH- 32% (32 marks)

NTSE Punjab Syllabus 2024

The syllabus of NTSE Punjab stage 1 covers various topics from subjects prescribed. Apart from going through NTSE Punjab exam pattern 2024, students must also familiarise themselves with the NTSE Syllabus 2024 which is provided below-


NTSE Syllabus

Mental Ability Test

Verbal reasoning test: alphabetic test, analogy, analytic reasoning, arithmetic reasoning, blood relations, coding-decoding, direct sense test, fill in the blanks, word sequencing, Venn diagrams, questions on direction, word problems, clock problems, series completion test, truth verification, hypothetical situations.

Non-verbal reasoning test- Questions will be based on: analogy, analytic reasoning, dot fixing situation, classification, embedded figures, folding/ cutting paper, complete the figures, mirror images, problems on cubes and dice, transparent paper folding, water images.

Scholastic Ability Test (SAT)

Mathematics: Algebra-expressions, arithmetic progression, basic geometry, circles, coordinated geometry, direct & inverse variations, exponent, linear equation, number system, probability, quadratic equations, simple & compound interest, square root and cube root, triangles, trigonometry, statistics, surface area and volume.

Science: acid, bases and salts, air, carbon and its compounds, cellular level of organisms, diversity in living organisms, fibers and plastics, food production and management, light, magnetism & electricity, evolution, measurement, metals & non-metals, environment, periodic classification of elements, physical & chemical changes in matter, source of energy, structure of an atom, water.

Social sciences:

History: culture, science, & literature, the early medieval period, Indus valley civilization, introduction of ancient Indian history, Jainism, Buddhism, and conquerors from other countries and nations, medieval architecture and culture, national movement, new empires and kingdoms, popular movements and social reforms, revolt of 1857, the Mauryas, Mughal empire, Vedic period.

Civics: democracy, diversity and livelihood, economic presence of the government, India & its neighboring countries, state government, judiciary, UN & other international agencies, Union government.

Geography: agriculture, atmosphere, industries, internal structure of earth and rocks, major domains and land-forms, maps and globe, motion of the earth, natural vegetation, environment of India, resources and development, solar system.

How to Prepare for NTSE Punjab 2024?

  1. Students should download NTSE Punjab question papers from the SCERT website and practise with the previous year test papers to strengthen their preparation. These question papers help in understanding the NTSE Punjab exam pattern and syllabus better. Students can download these question papers along with the NTSE Punjab answer key using the link given above.
  2. Instead of cramming, memorise the important concepts by making hand-written short notes while preparing for the NTSE. These notes also help in easing the revision process.
  3. Follow the NCERT books to get detailed information on the syllabus. Also, follow a few best books for NTSE available offline and online to ace the exam.
  4. In case of doubt or confusion, students are advised to consult with teachers to get the solution. Don't leave any section because of the high difficulty level.


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Questions related to NTSE

Have a question related to NTSE ?

Hello there,

If you need to regenerate or correct your name for the NTSE (National Talent Search Examination), here's what you can do:

  1. Check Your Application: Review the application form you submitted for NTSE. If there was a mistake or if your name was entered incorrectly, you might be able to correct it.

  2. Contact the Organizing Body: Reach out to the State Liaison Officer (SLO) or the NTSE organizing body in your region. They will be able to guide you on how to fix the name issue. You may need to submit supporting documents (like your ID proof or school certificate) to verify the correct spelling of your name.

  3. Request a Correction: Some states allow you to request corrections through their official portal or by submitting a formal request. Contact the relevant authority via email or helpline and ask for clarification on how to proceed with name correction.

  4. Documents Needed: Have documents like your birth certificate, school ID, or any other official document with the correct name ready for submission, if needed.

  5. Check the Official Website: Keep checking the official NTSE website or the State-level website for updates on how to make corrections, as the process might vary depending on the region.

Make sure to act quickly so that the error is corrected before the exam date.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.


The NTSE (National Talent Search Examination) for Bihar is organised by the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) .

Here's key details for the NTSE Bihar Stage 1 Exam for 2024 :

Important Dates

Application Form Release : November 2024

Last Date for Application Submission : December 2024

Exam Date : January 2024

Admit Card Release : January 2024

Result Announcement : March 2024

Eligibility Criteria

Students in Class 10 are eligible to apply .

Candidates must be studying in recognised schools in Bihar .

Qualifying Marks

General and OBC : More than 40% in each paper.

SC/ST  : More than 32% in each paper.

Exam Pattern

Duration : 120 minutes

Types of Tests :

Mental Ability Test : 100 questions (100 marks)

Scholastic Aptitude Test  : 100 questions (100 marks)

Negative Marking : None

Application Fees

General and OBC : Rs150

SC/ST and Disabled Categories: Rs75

Expected Cutoff Marks (Stage 1)

General : 150-160

OBC : 120-130

SC : 130-140

ST : 125-135

General : 110-120

Additional Information

Candidates must register and fill out the application form online on the SCERT Bihar website . admit card must be printed and presented on the exam day .

Hope this helps you .

All the best

Verify Your Eligibility

Check to see if you fulfil the requirements to take the NTSE:

You have to be enrolled in Class 10.

In your Class 9 exams, you ought to have received at least 60% of the possible points (may vary by state).

2. Obtain the Form of Application:

Not online: The NTSE application forms are usually available at your school, or you can get them from the state liaison officer.

Online: The official website of your state's education department may have the NTSE forms in certain states. Visit the appropriate state website.

3. Complete the online application:

Please carefully fill out the following information on the form:

Details about the individual: name, birthdate, category (General, SC, ST, Other), etc.

Details about the school: Name, address, and information on classes.

Academic information: Class 9 grades, etc.

Juee 22 September,2024

Hello aspirant,

The NTSE Bihar 2024 application form will be made available on the official websites, and, by the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) Bihar. For the NTSE Bihar 2024, students in Class 10 are eligible to apply.

For more information, please visit the following link:,for%20the%20NTSE%20Bihar%202024.

Thank you


Filling and submitting the NTSE (National Talent Search Examination) form for Class 10 involves several steps. Here’s a detailed guide to help you through the process:

Step-by-Step Guide to Fill and Submit the NTSE Form:

1. Obtain the Application Form

  • Online : Visit the official website of the state/UT SCERT (State Council of Educational Research and Training) or the NCERT website for the application form.
    • For some states, you can download the form directly from the SCERT website.
  • Offline : You can also collect the application form from your school, the District Education Officer, or the State Liaison Officer's office.

2. Read the Instructions Carefully

Before you start filling the form, make sure to go through the instructions carefully. Each state may have slight variations in the application process, so it’s important to understand all requirements.

3. Fill in the Details

Complete the form with accurate details. The typical information required includes:

  • Personal Details :

    • Name, gender, date of birth, and contact details.
    • Father’s/guardian’s name and their occupation.
    • Category (General, SC/ST/OBC, or others).
    • Disability status (if applicable).
  • Academic Information :

    • Class 9 and Class 10 marks (if available at the time of filling the form).
    • School’s name and address.
  • Examination Center :

    • Choose your preferred examination center from the list provided in the form.

4. Attach the Required Documents

Ensure that all necessary documents are attached with the form. These may include:

  • Attested copy of your Class 9 mark sheet .
  • Caste or category certificate (if you belong to a reserved category).
  • Disability certificate (if applicable).
  • Passport-size photograph (some states may ask for a photograph with your school principal’s signature).

5. Signature and Authentication

  • Signature : Sign the form where required. You may also need your parent’s or guardian’s signature.
  • School Principal’s Signature : In many cases, the school principal needs to authenticate the form by signing and stamping it. Make sure this is done before submission.

6. Pay the Application Fee

Some states charge an application fee for NTSE, while others don’t. If a fee is applicable, you can usually pay it through:

  • Demand Draft (DD) or
  • Bank Challan or
  • Online Payment via the state SCERT website.

The details of payment should be mentioned on the form.

7. Submit the Form

After completing the form and attaching the required documents, you have two submission options:

  • Submit to School : Many schools collect the forms and forward them to the State Liaison Officer (SCERT). Check if your school is doing so.
  • Submit Directly to State Liaison Officer : If your school isn’t involved, you will need to submit the form directly to the State Liaison Officer’s office. The address is usually provided in the form or on the official SCERT website.

8. Keep a Copy for Reference

Before submitting the form, make a copy for your records. This can be helpful for any future reference or queries related to your application.

9. Download Admit Card

Once your form is submitted successfully, the state SCERT will release the admit card for the NTSE Stage 1 exam. It will either be sent to your school or be available for download from the SCERT website.

Important Notes:

  • Deadlines : Be mindful of the last date for form submission, which varies by state. Check the exact date for your region on the SCERT or NCERT website.
  • Eligibility : Make sure you meet the eligibility criteria. You should be in Class 10 and have at least 60% marks (50% for SC/ST) in Class 9.

By following these steps carefully, you should be able to fill and submit the NTSE form successfully.

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