West Bengal HS Question Papers PDF 2024-25: Check Previous Year Sample Paper

West Bengal HS Question Papers PDF 2024-25: Check Previous Year Sample Paper

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 03, 2025 11:09 AM IST | #West Bengal 12th
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West Bengal 12th  Exam Date : 17 Mar' 2025 - 17 Mar' 2025

Students appearing for West Bengal Class 12th exams 2024-25 must practice and analyze last year's WBCHSE HS question papers. The WBCHSE question papers 2024-25 will help students become familiar with the latest exam pattern, marking scheme and the different types of question that are frequently asked in the West Bengal class 12 exams every year.

This Story also Contains
  1. How to download WBCHSE Question Papers 2024-25?
  2. WBCHSE Question Papers 2024-25 - Important Points to Consider
  3. Benefits of WBCHSE Question Papers 2024-25
  4. West Bengal 12th Syllabus 2024-25
  5. West Bengal Board HS Question Papers with Solutions
  6. West Bengal 12th Exam 2024-25 Preparation Tips
  7. West Bengal HS Result 2025
West Bengal HS Question Papers PDF 2024-25: Check Previous Year Sample Paper
West Bengal HS Question Papers PDF 2024-25: Check Previous Year Sample Paper

Students are advised to solve the WBCHSE question paper 2024-25 pdf class 12 within the stipulated time frame to prepare for their final exams. WB HS question papers 2024-25 will help students get acquainted with the WB HS exam pattern and they will learn to manage their time well. The direct links to download the West Bengal HS question paper 2024-25 pdf are provided below. Read the complete article to know more about the WBCHSE question papers 2024-25.

How to download WBCHSE Question Papers 2024-25?

The steps to download the pdf of WBCHSE's previous year's question paper are given below:

  • Search for the specific subject in the table given below.
  • Click on the respective link to download the WBCHSE question paper pdf class 12 for the specific subject.
  • Start practicing WBCHSE 12th model paper 2024-25 for better exam preparation.
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Download Previous Year's WBCHSE Question Papers PDF

WBCHSE Question Papers 2024-25 - Important Points to Consider

  • Previous Year's West Bengal HS question papers are available, direct download links have been provided above. Students can download the WBCHSE previous year question paper pdfs through the links given in the table above.
  • The WBCHSE HS model paper 2024-25 can be downloaded for free as many times as one wants for practicing.
  • Students must analyze their performance after solving the WBCHSE question papers 2024-25 class 12. If students will not assess their performance, then the purpose of solving these West Bengal Class 12 question papers pdf will be defeated.
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Benefits of WBCHSE Question Papers 2024-25

  • Downloading the WBCHSE HS Model Paper 2024-25 pdf has numerous benefits. They give an idea of the latest exam pattern and marking scheme followed in the exam.
  • While solving them, students can devise their own strategy for answering the paper.
  • Also, WBCHSE 12th model paper 2024-25 can be downloaded as many times as one wants for multiple practice sessions.

West Bengal 12th Syllabus 2024-25

The WB HS syllabus 2024-25 includes topics incorporated in the different subjects for the West Bengal 12th board examination. The syllabus of WBCHSE helps students to get knowledge about what topics/chapters need to be studied for the board exams. Check the WB HS marks distribution for various subjects below:

WBCHSE 12th Marks Distribution

Arabic, Bengali (A and B), Hindi (A and B), English (A and B), Alternative English, Nepali (A and B), Odia, Persian, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santhali, French, Gujarati, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, Mathematics, Agronomy, Anthropology, Commercial Law and Preliminaries of Auditing, Costing and Taxation, Education, Urdu, Environment Studies, History, Journalism and Mass Communication, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology


20 (project)

Biological Science, Chemistry, Physics, Modern Computer Application, Computer Science, Geography, Nutrition, Psychology, Statistics






Health and Physical Education


West Bengal Board HS Question Papers with Solutions

West Bengal HS question papers with solutions are very useful for preparing better for the board exams. Students must use West Bengal HS question paper with solutions to check their mistakes. These solved question papers of West Bengal board class 12 exams can help in improving the time management of the students. Solving West Bengal board class 12 previous year question papers with solutions can help in knowing the exam pattern and type of question asked.

West Bengal 12th Exam 2024-25 Preparation Tips

  • Go through the complete WB HS 2024-25 syllabus. It’s important to know all the topics that need to be covered.
  • A student must prepare a study timetable which includes sufficient time for all subjects. Students can also refer to the WB HS routine 2024-25 while preparing their study schedules.
  • The timetable must have short breaks in between to relax the mind.
  • Students should solve WBCHSE previous year's question papers for practice.
  • One must make short notes which they can refer back to for revision while studying for West Bengal Board Class 12 exams 2024-25.
  • Group study with friends is also an effective method. This way, students can compare and analyze their preparation level for the exam.

West Bengal HS Result 2025

West Bengal HS result 2024-25 is released in May and students can check the same using their roll number and date of birth. The result of West Bengal class 12 mentions details about students' performance in the exam, including their name, roll number, marks obtained in different subjects, total marks, division, and qualifying status. After the provisional result of WB 12th is declared online, students will have to visit their schools in person and collect their original mark sheets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I get the WB HS question papers?

Students can download the WBCHSE question papers from the links given in the article above.

2. What are the passing marks in West Bengal 12th exams?

Students must secure at least 30% marks in the theory, practical/project separately to pass the exams.

3. From where can I download the WBCHSE last 5 years question paper pdf with answers?

Students can visit the official website to get the WBCHSE last 5 years question paper pdf. 

4. Which are the best books to prepare for West Bengal 12th exams?

Students should follow the books recommended by the WBCHSE to prepare for class 12 board exams.


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Questions related to West Bengal 12th

Have a question related to West Bengal 12th ?

Hello aspirant,

The WB 12th syllabus 2025 has been made available on the official website, wbchse.nic.in, by the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. Since it is always essential to fully understand the syllabus before taking the test, students preparing for the West Bengal higher secondary exam 2025 can download the West Bengal 12th syllabus 2025 along with the West Bengal HS exam pattern.

To know the complete syllabus, you can visit our site through following link:


Thank you

Hello Suman , Hope your doing great . First thing what are you asking . This question was not fully completed question.

Hello Aspirant,

For IIT Kharagpur there is no requirement of JEE-Main score because is based on the JEE-Advance score but to sit for JEE-Advance you need to qualify JEE-Main and JEE-Main qualifying cut-off is released along with the result of both the sessions of JEE-Main 2022.

As the cut-offs are released along with the JEE-Main 2022 result so for now you can get an idea from JEE-Main 2021 qualifying cut-offs that are enlisted below :-

==>> Common Rank List (CRL) - 87.8992241-100.0000000 Percentile

==>> GEN-EWS - 66.2214845-87.8950071 Percentile

==>> Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) - 68.0234447-87.8950071 Percentile

==>> Scheduled Caste (SC) - 46.8825338-87.8950071 Percentile

==>> Scheduled Tribe (ST) - 34.6728999 87.8474721 Percentile

==>> PwD - 0.0096375-87.8273359 Percentile

Note that in above table it is not the actual cut-off for JEE-Main 2022 but previous year's cut-off.

You can check out previous year's cut-off trends from the link given below :-


As we go through the latest cut-off of 2021 then it shows that the closing PwD rank was 19 for CSE branch in IIT Kharagpur.

See it is quite difficult to tell you about exact marks to score because for JEE-Advance no maximum marks are fixed but yes with regards to JEE-Advance 2022 if you secure your PwD rank in JEE-Advance under top 15 then there are good chances for you to get CSE branch in IIT Kharagpur .

You can check out the latest cut-offs from the link given below :-


Note that the above prediction is made on the basis of latest cut-offs available on official website of JOSAA and the cut-offs are bound to change every year depending upon various factors such as the number of candidates appearing in an examination, the number of candidates qualifying an examination, difficulty level of the paper, and so on.

As you are preparing for JEE-Main or JEE-Advance so I would recommend you to check the resources made by our experts to help aspirants like you in the best and smart preparation of JEE-Main or JEE-Advance :-


I hope this information helps you.

Good Luck!!


In USA, the open heart surgery typically costs between $70,000-$2,00,000. It can also cost more. According to UNOS(United Network of Organ Sharing), the total cost of a heart transplant can reach up to $8,00,000. There are lots of factors that affect an open heart surgeon's salary but his estimated salary ranges between(  $390,300 to $610,400 or more per year).

Hope you got your answer.

Hello candidate,

There are certain Criterias which student needs to follow in order to appear the board exams as a private candidate-

1. Candidates will have five chances to improve their performance without having any gap year in between.

2. Candidate has to submit prescribed format application to the national board manager within a certain time period before the Examination.

Hope it helps!!

All the best.

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