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MP Board 12th Syllabus 2024-25 for Maths, Phy, Chem, Bio, History & other Subjects

MP Board 12th Syllabus 2024-25 for Maths, Phy, Chem, Bio, History & other Subjects

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 25, 2025 12:25 PM IST | #MP Board 12th
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Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh has released the new syllabus for Class 12 exams. Students can now download the MP Board syllabus 2025 class 12 PDF through the link given in this article. MP Board 12th class syllabus 2025 includes the subject-wise chapters and topics that students need to study. Before starting with their preparations, students must analyze the syllabus. They should also practice with MP Board 12th model papers 2025. MP Board class 12 syllabus 2025 is available online on

This Story also Contains
  1. MP Board 12th Syllabus 2025 for Science Stream
  2. MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Commerce Stream
  3. MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Arts Stream
  4. How to Download MP Board 12th Syllabus 2025?
MP Board 12th Syllabus 2024-25 for Maths, Phy, Chem, Bio, History & other Subjects
MP Board 12th Syllabus 2024-25 for Maths, Phy, Chem, Bio, History & other Subjects

Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education conducted the MP Board 12th exams from February 25 to March 25, 2025. Students must study the class 12 MP board syllabus 2025 properly and appear for the exams. Read the article to know more about the MP Board syllabus of class 12th 2025 PDF.

MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th English 2025 (Complete Syllabus)

The English syllabus comprises Reading, Grammar, Writing, and Literature sections. The MP Board 12th syllabus for English has been designed in a way that will help the students develop their ability to comprehend and analyze. It will also help the students to develop their reading and writing skills. The detailed MP Board class 12 syllabus for English can be accessed below.

Background wave

MP Board 12th English Syllabus

Section A
Reading Skills
1. Unseen Passage (10)
2. Note Making (Title +Notes) (4)
Section B
Writing Skills
3. Notice/Advertisement/Poster (4)
4. Letter writing (formal/informal) (4)
5. Long composition (Article/Report/Speech/Debate/Paragraph) (4)
Section C
6. Sentence Corrections/Fill ups (5)
7. Do as directed (5)
Section D
8. Extract from Prose (Flamingo) (5)
9. A.Extract from Poetry (Flamingo) (3)
B. Extract from supplementary reader (Vistas) (4)
10. Short answer type questions from prose (flamingo) (10)
11. Short answer type questions from poetry (flamingo) (6)
12. Short answer type questions from supply. reader (vistas) (4)
13. Long answer type questions from prose (flamingo) (6)
14. Long answer type questions from poetry (flamingo) (3)
12. Long answer type questions from supply. reader (vistas) (3)


MP Board 12th Syllabus 2025 for Science Stream

Science stream comprises of 4 major subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. The MP board 12th syllabus for science is given below:

MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Physics (Complete Syllabus)




Electric field, electric flux, Electric potential, Conductors and insulators, etc.

Current Electricity

Electric current, Internal resistance of a cell, Kirchhoff’s laws, Potentiometer, etc.

Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

Concept of the magnetic field, Force on a current, etc.

Electromagnetic induction and alternating current

Faraday’s law, induced emf and current, Alternating currents, AC generator and transformer etc.

Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves, Electromagnetic spectrum, etc.


Reflection of light, Scattering of light, Optical instruments, Wave optics, etc.

Dual nature of matter and radiation

Photoelectric effect, particle nature of light, Matter waves, etc.

Atoms and nuclei

Alpha, Composition and size of nucleus, etc.

Electronic Devices

Semiconductors, Junction transistor, etc.

Communication Systems

Elements of a communication system, propagation of electromagnetic waves in

the atmosphere, etc.

Also, read MP Scholarships 2025

MP Board 12th Syllabus 2025 for Chemistry

The Chemistry syllabus shall promote understanding of basic concepts of Chemistry by making its study engaging and exciting. It will help students develop a positive scientific approach and appreciate the contribution of Chemistry towards the quality of human life.

MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Chemistry (Complete Syllabus)



Solid State

Classification of solids, calculation of density of unit cell, electrical and magnetic properties, etc.


Types of solutions, depression of freezing point, abnormal molecular mass, etc.


Redox reactions, Kohlrausch’s Law, lead accumulator, etc.

Chemical kinetics

Rate of a reaction, rate law and specific rate constant, etc.

Surface Chemistry

Adsorption, colloidal state, properties of colloids, emulsions – types of emulsions, etc.

General Principles and Isolation of Elements

concentration, occurrence and principles of extraction of aluminium, etc.

P - Block Element

Group 15, 16, 17 and 18 elements, etc.

D and f block element

General introduction, Lanthanoids, Actinoids, etc.

Coordination compound

Introduction, coordination number, bonding, etc.

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

Haloalkanes, Haloarenes, Uses and environmental effects of dichloromethane, freons, DDT etc.

Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers

Nomenclature, physical and chemical properties, uses, etc.

Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids

Nomenclature, methods of preparation, uses, etc.
Organic Compounds Containing NitrogenAmines, Cyanides and Isocyanides, Diazonium salts, etc.


Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins, Nucleic Acids, etc.


Natural and synthetic, Some important polymers, nylon, polyesters, etc.

Chemistry in Everyday Life

Chemicals in medicines, food and agents, etc.

MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Biology (Complete Syllabus)



Sexual Reproduction

Development of seeds and fruits, Production of gametes, Reproductive health, etc.

Genetics and Evolution

Linkage and crossing over, DNA, Evolution, Mendelian inheritance, etc.

Biology and human welfare

Pathogens, Parasites, Adolescence and drug, Animal husbandry, etc

Biotechnology and its application

Genetically modified (GM) organisms, Applications in Health, etc.
Ecology and EnvironmentEcological adaptations, Ecosystems, Environmental issues, etc.

Also, read NCERT solutions for Class 12

MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Mathematics (Complete Syllabus)

Relations and FunctionsTypes of relations, One to one and onto functions, Binary operations, etc.5
Inverse Trigonometric Functionsdomain, principal value branches, Elementary properties of inverse trigonometric functions, etc.6
Matricestypes of matrices, Concept of elementary row and column operations, etc.6

Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix, Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix, etc.

Continuity and Differentiabilityderivative of composite functions, Logarithmic differentiation, Second order derivatives, etc.8
Applications of Derivativestangents and normals, maxima and minima, Simple problems, etc.6
IntegralsIntegration, Definite integrals as a limit of a sum, etc.12
Applications of the Integralsespecially lines, arcs of circles/parabolas/ellipses, etc.3
Differential Equationsorder and degree, Solution of differential equations, homogeneous differential equations, etc.6
VectorsVectors and scalars, position vector of a point, Scalar (dot) product of vectors, etc.7
Three-dimensional GeometryCartesian and vector equation of a line, Distance of a point from a plane, etc.7
Linear ProgrammingThe objective function, different types of linear programming problems, optimal feasible solutions, etc.3
ProbabilityMultiplication theorem on probability, Random variable and its probability distribution, Repeated independent trials, etc.5
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MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Commerce Stream

The Syllabus of class 12 Commerce stream comprises three broad subjects, which are Economics, Business Studies, and Accountancy. Students must note that the MP Board 12th syllabus for Mathematics is common for both, Science and Commerce streams. The MP Board class 12 syllabus for the Commerce stream can be accessed below.

MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Economics (Complete Syllabus)

Part NameUnit Name
Introductory MicroeconomicsIntroduction
Consumer Behaviour and Demand
Producer Behaviour and Supply
Forms of Market and Price Determination
Simple Applications of Tools of Demand and Supply Curves
Introductory MacroeconomicsNational Income and Related Aggregates — Basic Concepts and Measurement
Determination of Income and Employment
Money and Banking
Government Budget and the Economy
Balance of Payments
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MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Business Studies (Complete Syllabus)

Part NameUnit Name
Principles and Functions of ManagementNature and Significance of Management
Principles of Management
Business Environment
Business Finance and MarketingBusiness Finance
Financial Markets
Consumer Protection
Entrepreneurship Development

MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Accountancy (Complete Syllabus)

Part NameUnit Name
Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisations and Partnership Firms

Accounting Not-For-Profit Organization

Accounting for Partnership

Reconstitution of Partnership

Dissolution of Partnership Firm

Company Accounts and Financial Statement Analysis


Computerised Accounting System

Accounting for Share and Debenture Capital
Analysis of Financial Statements
Statement of Changes in Financial Position


Overview of Computerised Accounting System
Using a Computerised Accounting System
Accounting Using Database Management System
Accounting Applications of Electronic Spreadsheet.

MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Arts Stream

The MP Board 12th syllabus 2025 for Arts stream comprises subjects, like History, Political Science, Geography, Psychology, and more. Students of Arts stream must ensure that they comprehend and analyze the topics that they study. This will enable them to obtain clarity in the chapters that they study. It will also help them to retain what they learned for a longer period of time. The MP Board 12th syllabus for Arts stream for some subjects is given below.

MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Geography (Complete Syllabus)

Part-A (Fundamentals of Human Geography)
Unit 1Human Geography30+5 for Map work = 35 marks
Unit 2People
Unit 3Human Activities
Unit 4Transport, Communication, and Trade
Unit 5Human Settlements
Part-A (India- People and Economy)
Unit 6People30+5 for Map work = 35 marks
Unit 7Human Settlements
Unit 8Resources and Development
Unit 9Transport, Communication and International Trade
Unit 10A geographical perspective on selected issues and problems.

MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th History (Complete Syllabus)

UnitUnit NameMarks
Themes in Indian History (Part-I)
Unit 1The Story of the First Cities: Harappan Archaeology30
Unit 2Political and Economic History: How Inscriptions tell a story
Unit 3Social Histories: using the Mahabharata
Unit 4A History of Buddhism: Sanchi Stupa
Themes In Indian History (Part- II)
Unit 5Medieval Society through Travellers' Accounts32
Unit 6Religious Histories: The Bhakti - Sufi Tradition
Unit 7New Architecture: Hampi
Unit 8Agrarian Relations: The Ain-i-Akbari
Unit 9The Mughal Court: Reconstruction Histories through Chronicles
Themes in Indian History (Part-Ill)
Unit 10Colonialism and Rural Society: Evidence from Official Reports32
Unit 11Representations of 1857
Unit 12Colonialism and Indian Towns: Town Plans and Municipal Reports
Unit 13Mahatma Gandhi Through Contemporary Eyes
Unit 14Partition through Oral Sources
Unit 15The Making of the Constitution
Map work6
Total Marks100

MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th Political Science (Complete Syllabus)

UnitUnit NameMarks
Contemporary World Politics (Part-A)
Unit 1The Cold War Era15
Unit 2The End of Bipolarity
Unit 3US Hegemony in World Politics15
Unit 4Alternative Centres of Power
Unit 5Contemporary South Asia
Unit 6International Organizations10
Unit 7Security in the Contemporary World
Unit 8Environment and Natural Resources10
Unit 9Globalization
Politics in India since Independence (Part - B)
Unit 10Challenges of Nation-Building15
Unit 11The era of One-Party Dominance
Unit 12Politics of Planned Development
Unit 13India’s External Relations8
Unit 14Challenges to the Congress System12
Unit 15Crisis of the Democratic Order
Unit 16Rise of Popular Movements15
Unit 17Regional Aspirations
Unit 18Recent Development in Indian Politics

MP Board 12th Exam Pattern - Overview

Maximum Marks100
Time Duration3 Hours
Negative MarkingNo
Qualifying Marks33%

MP Board 12th Books 2025

Madhya Pradesh Board has prescribed the NCERT Class 12 books from the academic year 2025. Along with this, the books for language subjects will be same for special and general students. Students can check the list of NCERT books the MP board prescribes for Class 12 exams. Along with this, they should refer to NCERT Class 12 solutions to know the answers to the questions asked in MP board 12th books 2025.

MP Class 12 Books for exams

MP Class 12 Books for 2021 exams

How to Download MP Board 12th Syllabus 2025?

Students can download the MP Board 12th syllabus by following the steps given below:

  • Visit the official website of MP Board,
  • Click on the ‘Academics’ section on the menu bar.
  • Click on ‘NCERT based new syllabus for higher secondary session 2025’
  • The MP Board 12th syllabus 2025 will appear on the screen.
  • Download the MP Board class 12 syllabus and save it on your device.

Important Tips to use the MP Board 12th Syllabus 2025

If used wisely, then the MP Board 12th syllabus can be useful to the students in many ways. Here are some important tips that will enable the students to use the MP Board Class 12 syllabus with effectiveness:

  • Go through the syllabus first: Students must first go through the MP Board 12th syllabus before starting with the preparations. This will help them understand the curriculum.

  • Analyze the chapters and topics: Students must analyze the subject-wise chapters and topics given in the MP Board 12th syllabus. They should understand how much time they must give to each chapter to perfect their preparations.

  • Aim to complete the syllabus at most by December: Students must aim to complete the MP Board 12th syllabus at least three months before the exam. This will give them ample time to practise and revise.

Benefits of using the MP Board 12th Syllabus 2025

Using the MP Board class 12 syllabus can help the students in many ways. Some of the benefits of using the syllabus have been given below:

  • Students get to know about the design of the curriculum: Knowing the MP Board 12th syllabus 2025 shall help the students understand the design of the course. They will be able to understand what knowledge they will gain through the study of the designed curriculum.

  • Students study in a planned and strategic manner: The MP Board 12th syllabus helps the students analyze the length of the syllabus. They get to understand how much time they should give to each chapter and topic in order to complete their syllabus in time.

Also, read MP Board 12th admit card 2025

How to Prepare for MP Board 12th Exam?

Students can prepare for the MP Board 12th examination by following these simple steps of backward planning:

  • Set a Goal: Students must first set a goal for themselves. Setting a goal is really important. It helps them plan accordingly to achieve their goal. While setting a goal, students must set a high bar for themselves.

  • Make an Assessment: Students must assess how much time they have to achieve their goal. This will enable them to plan purposefully. They can assess the time they have by referring to the MP Board 12th timetable 2025.

  • Make a Plan: Students must make a strong action plan that they must implement to achieve their goal. While planning, students must refer to the MP Board 12th syllabus and understand how much time they must give to each chapter. They must make a routine that they should follow daily to score well in MP 12th Board result 2025.

  • Check Your Progress: Students must check their progress and analyze how strong their preparations are. They must practice the MP Board 12th model question papers and reflect on what is going well and what is not going well.

  • Be Adaptive: Having checked their progress, students must think of what needs to be done differently. They must work on their areas of development, and make necessary revisions and corrections to achieve their goal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. From where can I download the MP Board 12th syllabus 2025?

The MP Board class 12 syllabus 2025 can be downloaded from the website of Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education,

2. By when shall I aim to complete the MP Board 12th syllabus 2025?

Students appearing for the class 12 exams must aim to complete their MP Board class 12 syllabus at most by the month of December so that they have ample time for revision and practice.

3. When will the MP Board 12th exams be conducted?

Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education conducted the MP board 12th exams from February 25 to March 25, 2025.


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Questions related to MP Board 12th

Have a question related to MP Board 12th ?


To replace Hindi with Information Practices in Class 11 and 12, you should:

1. Check with your school: Confirm with your school administration if they offer Information Practices as an optional subject in Class 11 and 12.

2. Verify MP Board rules: Ensure that the MP Board allows replacing Hindi with Information Practices in Class 11 and 12. You can check the MP Board's website or consult with your school's administration.

3. Fill out the subject choice form: If allowed, fill out the subject choice form to opt for Information Practices instead of Hindi.

4. Obtain parental consent: Get your parents' or guardians' consent for the subject change.

5. Submit the form: Submit the subject choice form to your school administration before the deadline.

Please note that:

- Some schools might not offer Information Practices as an optional subject.

- Changing subjects may impact your future academic or career prospects.

- Ensure you understand the implications of replacing Hindi with Information Practices before making the change.

It's always best to consult with your school's administration, teachers, or guidance counselor to make an informed decision.

To prepare for the MP Board 12th exams , follow these steps:

  1. Understand the MP Board Class 12 syllabus and exam pattern. Create a study schedule, allocating time for each subject.
  2. Use textbooks and recommended study materials. Practice MP 12th previous years’ question papers and sample papers .
  3. Focus on key concepts and regularly revise. Take regular breaks and maintain a healthy study routine. Most importantly, seek help from teachers and peers when needed. Students should study with the aim to complete the syllabus before the announcement of the MP 12th time table .

MP board offers the improvement exam offer. If you want to reapply for the MP board 12th exam , you can contact the MP board directly for any kind of exam related enquiry.

Hello aspirant,

Solving the model papers immensely help in enhancing your preparation for exam. Student must complete their syllabus on priority and then try to solve as much model papers as they can.

To get the mp board 2024 model papers for class 12, you can visit our website by clicking on the link given below.

Thank you

Hope this information helps you.

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