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How to Overcome Low Self-Esteem? - Best Ways to Improve

How to Overcome Low Self-Esteem? - Best Ways to Improve

Edited By Yashodhra | Updated on Oct 08, 2022 03:38 PM IST

Low Self Esteem: How To Overcome

How do you feel about yourself? Are you always critical of yourself? Or do you consistently view yourself as an underachiever who isn't worthy of compliments and praise? This may indicate a low sense of self-esteem. To put it simply, self-esteem refers to your perception of yourself. Also, it can refer to how you perceive your strengths and weaknesses. It is possible to have high self-esteem, low self-esteem, or somewhere in the middle. This article explores some of the ways to overcome low self-esteem.

How to Overcome Low Self-Esteem? - Best Ways to Improve
How to Overcome Low Self-Esteem? - Best Ways to Improve

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What is Self Esteem?

To understand how to overcome low self- esteem, it is important to understand what self-esteem is. Self-esteem is a person's overall sense of self-worth. It can include things like your sense of identity, feelings of competence, self-confidence, and feelings of belonging. More than simply liking yourself, self-esteem entails believing you deserve love and valuing your thoughts, opinions, feelings, interests, and goals. Self-esteem affects not only how you feel about and treat yourself, but it can also influence how you allow others to treat you. It can have an impact on your motivation to pursue your goals in life as well as your ability to form healthy, supportive relationships.

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What is Low Self Esteem?

To understand how to overcome low self-esteem, you will be required to identify it. Low self-esteem can be characterised by feelings of being unworthy, incompetent inadequate, unacceptable, or unlovable. It is possible to get caught up in a lonely vicious circle if you have negative, self-critical thoughts in your head. This can affect your behavior and your life choices. A low sense of self-worth can also negatively affect one's mental health, causing stress, depression, and eating disorders. However, it is possible to boost your self-esteem and there are many ways to overcome low self-esteem.

So, how to overcome low self-esteem? Let's look at some of the ways to overcome low self-esteem:

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How To Overcome Low Self- Esteem: Be Emotionally Aware

The next time you are unsure or doubtful of yourself because of low self-esteem or confidence, actively recognise what it is you're feeling. You can then choose a healthier response rather than dwelling on it and allowing it to consume you. Spend some time each day thinking about things that are positive and hopeful. Take note of the small things you excel at and allow yourself to be proud of them. Consider times in the past when you overcame adversity and remind yourself that, even if you aren't feeling your best right now, you have the ability and strength to get through it. This is one of the points on how to overcome low self esteem.

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How To Overcome Low Self- Esteem: Keep Track of Your Goals

As a student, you must be aware of your goals. This will allow you to track your progress. Your goals should be flexible and realistic. If you set unrealistic goals, you are unlikely to achieve them, which can make you feel defeated and will not let you know how to overcome your low self esteem. As a result, when setting your goals, keep your expectations and timelines in mind. When tracking your goals, it is always a good idea to look back at where you started to appreciate the progress that you have made. Furthermore, you may need to change your goals and timelines along the way to accommodate changes in your situation.

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How To Overcome Low Self- Esteem: Know Yourself

Everyone has their own set of skills and preferences. Spend some time exploring your talents, skills and preferences. When you pursue a career based on your strengths, you will feel so much better about yourself. Choose extracurricular activities that will help you develop your skills. Having a fun routine outside of school or college will help you stay refreshed, increase your focus, keep you organised, and boost your productivity. You must have a clear understanding of who you are and what you stand for. This is one of the ways to overcome low self-esteem.

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How To Overcome Low Self- Esteem: Learn New Skills

If your beliefs about yourself are correct, and you are concerned that you have low self-esteem because you are not good enough, it is time to learn new skills and the ways on how to overcome low self-esteem. Interventions to get rid of low self-esteem will consist of making positive changes. Isn't life better when you're constantly striving to better yourself? Everyone needs a creative outlet; art, music, dance, games, cooking, painting, designing - all you have to do is take the first step, which can be joining a class or searching YouTube for tutorials. All of the information you require is available; all you have to do is access it.

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How To Overcome Low Self- Esteem: Be Generous

Sure, focusing on your own needs and treating yourself once in a while is good for your mental health, but it shouldn't stop there. Giving back to the world, assisting others with their life challenges, and seeing the smile you can potentially bring to someone else's face is an indescribable feeling. Giving is one of the most effective ways to boost one's self-esteem. Tutor a classmate, assist in a neighbourhood cleanup or run for a good cause. Help out around the house or at school. Make being kind and fair a habit. Do things that will make you proud of the person you are. It is one of the ways to overcome low self esteem and your self-esteem will increase when you do things that make a difference (even if it is a small one).

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How To Overcome Low Self- Esteem: Practice Mindfulness

A constant sense of stress is one of the factors that contribute to low self-esteem. As a result, knowing how to relax is critical. When you're stressed, your negative thoughts take over, causing you to focus on your flaws rather than your strengths. One of the ways to overcome low self esteem is learning to relax and practicing meditation. Meditation simply entails letting go of your racing thoughts and accepting that all these thoughts, beliefs and feelings are fleeting rather than permanent. Every day, take a few moments to be still, focus on your breathing, and see your worries drift away like clouds. It is one of the powerful ways to overcome low self-esteem.

Self-esteem is essential for achieving goals, developing healthy relationships, and feeling good about yourself. While everyone struggles with their confidence from time to time, low self-esteem can interfere with your ability to feel happy and even make you more vulnerable to mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. So, if ever this question arises -how to overcome low self-esteem, you should know that there are many ways to overcome low self esteem. Over time, you can learn to better appreciate and see yourself for who you are by changing your view of yourself.

Author- The author of this article is Yashodhra Arora, who is a Counselling Psychologist, with extensive experience in Career Counselling for high school students.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How to overcome low self esteem and build confidence?

How to overcome low self esteem and build confidence can be by Getting things done, Monitoring your progress, Setting realistic goals, Standing up for yourself and doing what makes you happy the most.

2. What are the causes of low self esteem?

Some of the causes for low self esteem can be: Disapproval from authority figures or parents, academic difficulties, Unrealistic goal setting, Physical or emotional abuse, Bullying, etc, but there are ways to overcome low self esteem.

3. Can you ever overcome low self esteem?

Yes, you can overcome low self esteem. A person must completely re-learn how they think about themselves and behave around others. This is difficult, but not impossible. And the benefits of increased self-esteem can include a higher overall quality of life and you will learn how to improve your low self esteem.

4. How do I become more confident?

The ways to overcome low self esteem and become more confident are: By not listening to self limiting beliefs, Talking yourself out of negative self-talk, Being curious and gaining control by facing your fears.

5. How to improve your self esteem?

The ways on how to improve your self esteem can be: By believing in yourself, By being optimistic, By being self contained, Establishing a purpose in life and Treating yourself well.


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