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How To Study For 10 Hours Without Losing Concentration

How To Study For 10 Hours Without Losing Concentration

Edited By Safeer PP | Updated on May 03, 2022 09:12 AM IST

Everybody knows that it is very difficult to concentrate on any given task for a pretty long time. Students often wonder how they can study effectively without losing focus in between. If you also face the same problem, don’t worry too much about that. There is a very good technique that can solve this for you. This is called ‘Pomodoro’. This technique helps to stay focused on your studies. It helps in concentrating on a target that has to be achieved without losing focus. Let’s look at the steps to be followed while using pomodoro and also a few other tips to improve concentration.

How To Study For 10 Hours Without Losing Concentration
How To Study For 10 Hours Without Losing Concentration

Before studying the Pomodoro technique, let us get one thing clear, studying for 15 hours a day or 4 hours a day is not a big deal. What matters is how well you use this period and that alone decides your final result. It is not about how long you study, but how smart you prepare. What matters is the quality of your study. How well you maintain your sleep and health also matter when it comes to your focus on studies. While preparing for exams, one must try to maximize focus, manage time effectively and study for a long duration with efficiency, without getting distracted.

Why Is It Called Pomodoro?

Figuring out the ways to stay tuned for a long time is indeed a challenge. The challenges may include avoiding social media, procrastination and more. There are techniques that can help to keep you focused on your preparation. One such method is based on studying in timed intervals. This method was developed by Franseco Cirillo in the 1980s. The technique known as Pomodoro is named after the timer he used which is shaped like a tomato (Pomodoro in Italian). Cirillo found that breaking bigger tasks into smaller timed units (called “Pomodoros”) is the most effective way to study.

How The Pomodoro Technique Works

The Pomodoro technique works like this:

  1. Decide the task (syllabus) to be completed and break it into Pomodoros

  2. Set the timer for 25 minutes, and start studying. (There are many Pomodoro apps available: one such app is Focus Booster).

  3. After every 25 minutes take a short break of five to ten minutes. During the break do things that make you feel more relaxed.

  4. Repeat until four Pomodoros. After 4 Pomodoros take a break for 15-30 minutes and again go back to step 2.

Pomodoro TechniquePomodoro Technique

Also Read,

Staying long doesn't matter. How smartly you prepare matters. If you are studying for 10 hours there should be proper planning about the tasks to be completed. Prioritize the tasks in such a way that difficult tasks are covered up front when you start the preparation, that is, in a fresh mood.

Once the set task is completed:

  1. Review the task completed.

  2. Look at the list of upcoming tasks and plan for it.

The goal of using the Pomodoro technique is to reduce interruptions and increase focus. A Pomodoro is indivisible, which means that there should not be any distraction during a Pomodoro. If there is any distraction, Pomodoro becomes ineffective. There are applications, or apps, like Focus Booster, Tomato Timer and more to use the Pomodoro technique effectively . These apps can be installed on the phone to set the Pomodoro timer. For example, the Focus Booster app sets an alarm based on the Pomodoro technique. Users can view the detailed reports of the count of Pomodoro used using this application. There are many apps to increase focus and avoid distractions during work or studies. Read about such five apps here- 5 Apps To Help You Avoid Distractions, Become More Productive.

Some General Tips To Increase The Focus And Productivity

  • Start with the tougher topics when you’re at your best, energy wise. And leave easier, mechanical stuff for later in the day.

  • Take a power nap at some point of time of preparation to boost your energy.

  • When a bunch of irrelevant thoughts strikes your mind during studies, count up to three and divert your attention elsewhere.

  • Use techniques like Pomodoro to increase the focus.

  • A balanced diet and regular exercise should be part of the routine for long-term focus.

  • A sound sleep is also important for good concentration during preparation. Study smarter, boost your grades and ace the exams.


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