How To Revise For An Exam - Start Early, Recall & Summarise

How To Revise For An Exam - Start Early, Recall & Summarise

Edited By Shireen Dargan | Updated on Jun 23, 2023 04:29 PM IST

How To Revise For An Exam

Exam time can indeed bring stress and some anxiety along, but you can always tackle it effectively using some simple tips and tricks. You can avoid becoming a study zombie by using a few easy-to-use revising tactics to keep yourself interested in your studies. There is no magic formula for passing exams; it all comes down to preparation. You may organise your time and resources to make sure you're well-prepared by using the following advice. Read the article to know about how to revise for exams.

How To Revise For An Exam - Start Early, Recall & Summarise
How To Revise For An Exam - Start Early, Recall & Summarise

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How To Revise For An Exam- Start Early

How to revise effectively? Revision that is effective cannot be hurried. Your chances of success increase with the sooner you begin and the more organised you are. You won't have to worry about last-minute studying or stay up all night at the library, and you won't have to deal with stress. Establishing a schedule for your revision is a smart idea. Aim to begin and end each day around the same time. As your brain is fresher in the morning, try to revise then. Starting later increases the likelihood that you'll sleep in and attempt to review when you're exhausted.

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How To Revise For An Exam- Organise Material

Ensure you have a complete set of lecture and practice/lab notes for your topic, as well as the subject guide and goals, any exam-related information, and the subject. Make sure you have all the handouts that were given out in class. Sort your notes in a ring binder or on a computer so that they correspond to the course outline's subjects. Additionally, information should be properly summarised, indexed, and available for purposes of editing.

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How To Revise For An Exam- Timetable

How to revise effectively? Make a schedule for your revision and follow it. By the end of the day or week, what do you want to have covered?

  • Revising as per a schedule enables you to set specific objectives for each revising session and cross them off as you go.

  • As an alternative, make a list of all the subjects or units you need to finish and make a checklist or to-do list of everything on it. You can plainly understand what you've covered or what has to be done by creating a distinct colour or page for each of your subjects.

  • Make a plan for how you will spend the time before your exam. Since lengthier sessions are less beneficial for recall, it is preferable to schedule many brief revision sessions of around 50 minutes. You'll be surprised at how much material you can cover in a week if you set aside 2 to 3 hours every day for revision.

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How To Revise For An Exam- Recall And Summarise

Revising for exams would require you to remember and later sum it up.

  • Every few minutes when you're studying, pause to review what you've read.

  • Put a brief summary—a few sentences—at the bottom of the page or in your notes. Writing down your notes from memory, reviewing them, and filling in the blanks with a different colour of pencil or pen are effective ways to remember information. You'll be able to tell that each hue represents facts that you could find difficult to recall.

  • Periodically, try to repeat the summary process by noting on a different piece of paper what you are aware of on a certain topic or subject without referencing any books or prior notes. Compare your new and old notes to determine what you still need to remember.

Continue reading the article to know about how to revise for exams.

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How To Revise For An Exam- Explain To Someone

Find someone who has no prior knowledge of the subject, then explain it to them. Just take the time to speak to someone as if they are learning about it for the first time, and you are the instructor. Once you have done this, there are less chances you'd forget that information, and it also compels you to clarify the material and present it all in the clearest, most understandable manner possible. Pretend you're being interviewed on the subject on TV if no one else is there. As many questions as you can, assume that someone is listening and wants to learn everything you can, and then respond as concisely and clearly as you can.

Exam success involves more than simply academic study. In order to manage your anxiety in the days and weeks before the event, it's equally important to take care of yourself. Maintaining a sense of balance in your life by scheduling time for relaxation, interaction with others, and staying on top of all the other things going on will also assist to lower your stress levels. Revising for exams is one thing, but make it a point to eat properly, stay hydrated, and do all you can to get a good night's sleep since your physical health is just as vital as your mental health.


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