7 Benefits Of Taking Up Social Work In High School

7 Benefits Of Taking Up Social Work In High School

Edited By Dr. Srividya | Updated on Dec 29, 2022 09:09 AM IST

Until a few years back, social work or volunteering was often perceived as a role you take on post-retirement, or one for people whose worldly needs have been mostly met. Alternately, social work was a profession wherein individuals specialised in the subject and worked for social causes, in NGOs or taught in universities. The last few years has seen an increasing number of teenagers and school-going children participating in social initiatives and volunteering their time with NGOs or social entrepreneurs. Is this just a fad driven by admissions criterion? Or is it something that will benefit you throughout your academic life?

7 Benefits Of Taking Up Social Work In High School
7 Benefits Of Taking Up Social Work In High School

This article, with the help of some real-life examples (names changed), shall help you think through the benefits of taking up social work in high school and decide for yourself.

A Volunteering Experience : Story Of Aarti

The Covid lockdown in 2020-21 had brought education to a standstill for many children, especially those belonging to the undeprivileged strata of society. Stranded without mobile phones or good networks, these children forgot how to read and write, and some of them continue to lag in school even now.

A Choice To Volunteer

Aarti’s friend was teaching slum dwellers in the neighbourhood park everyday from 6:30 am to 9:30 am in the summer of 2021. Inspired by her friend, Aarti joined the group and after a few attempts found she could teach middle-school children who were struggling with Maths and English, with ease. Aarti, a compulsive late riser was waking up every day at 5:30 am to teach underprivileged children.

Some New Perspectives

Aarti’s family noticed a visible difference in her outlook and conversations as she shared her teaching anecdotes over mealtime conversations with the family. Moreover, her volunteer friends spent time preparing for the classes they took rather then splurging their money and time at a nearby mall. The experience was helping Aarti develop a new perspective and gratitude for life as she interacted with children and saw them struggle for books, stationary, clothes and medicines This trend lasted for five weeks after which Aarti had to rejoin her school in Class 10.

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How Aarti Felt Helped

One would wonder why Aarti chose to get up early during her vacations and teach the underprivileged? She couldn’t quite articulate it, but it seems she found purpose, a sense of using her skills, and giving back to society. She also learnt how she was so troubled by the primary schoolers but was able to manage the secondary schools students with ease. In one month, Aarti discovered new facets about herself. Something clicked in her and she decided to volunteer next summer too!

Back in school, her teacher was asking what the students did in their summer vacations and Aarti had a lot to share about her volunteering experience. The class teacher remarked how she could ask for a certificate in future so she could use it for her college admissions too. This brought a very different and angle to social work and volunteering, and Aarti started to understand many of the benefits of volunteering as she reflected.

Social Work In High School, Impact of social workers in schools, School social worker requirements, Social Work in school Social Work Is A Profession Wherein Individuals Specialised In The Subject Work For Social Causes

Benefits Of Social Work

How does taking up social work initiatives in high school help a student? Here are some things you should know.

Experience Of Real World

Most students transition into the world of work in their first jobs and find a drastic difference between college and work. Taking on a few weeks or months of work in an NGO, or giving back to society, can help you gradually bridge this gap and become more aware of the demands of work. You learn, gain experience, and can land into your first full-time job with more skills and ease. It is truly a game-changer.

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Better Network, More Friends

Each person you work with while you volunteer can be a connect to more jobs, information about the work and marketplace, and friends. Your boss or supervisor at work may become your mentor for life. Most workplaces tend to be competitive, and it is often hard to make real friends who will have your back in tough times. Volunteering opportunities you take up in high school may provide you a window to create such meaningful relationships outside of school and home. These prove beneficial and helpful in the long run.

Greater Self- Awareness

There is a huge difference between finding a job interesting while you are studying and actually doing the job. Naisha thought she loved travel and adventure, and decided to volunteer at an underprivileged youth camp in the rural hills of India. After a few weeks, she realised that she preferred the comforts of the city and learnt that she would be more interested in roles that required comfortable travel and stay. The dreamy vision of being a social entrepreneur in the less developed areas of the country got a good reality check and she re-pivoted her goals to something that allowed her to be in the city for longer periods of time.

Develop People Skills

The harsh reality of grades, marks and competitive exams often makes students outcome-oriented. Their social skills, ability to listen, empathise, communicate etc are often ignored. Engaging in social work and voluntary organisations gives you an opportunity to build your soft skills, and learn to focus back on human interactions and collaborations. In the long run, these people skills are essential to carve a happy and successful life.

Better Resume

As a high schooler, if you show that you spent your extra time engaging in social work and “giving back to society”, it always helps you make a better impression for college admissions and job interviews. It becomes the differentiator between a high-achieving high schooler focused on academics, and a high-achieving high schooler who can think beyond grades and marks. Employers are often more likely to choose a candidate with volunteering experience over a student who has not volunteered at all.

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Social Work In High School, Impact of social workers in schools, School social worker requirements, Social Work in school Spending Extra Time Engaging In Social Work Always Gives A Boost to Your Resume

Mindset Shift: ‘Me’ To ‘We’

The most critical aspect is growing from a mindset of “What’s in it for me?” to “How can I serve or help?”. This mindset shift helps students become more responsible, empathetic, and likable professionals, which subtly helps them grow and become successful leaders and team players.

Sense Of Purpose

A lot of the ambitious teenagers today want to change the world we are living in! You may be one of them too. However, most teenagers and adults have less idea about how to actually bring about a change, or where to even start. Sincere volunteering and social work helps you reflect and understand causes that you feel close to. Is it education, prevention of abuse, sustainable living, helping the homeless etc.? Knowing or working towards a higher purpose earnestly can be emotionally rewarding, and give you a keen sense of purpose and satisfaction. This can fuel your personal and professional life and make you more holistic in your approach.

As a high schooler, if you want to rise, remember that “you rise by lifting others”. This is often forgotten in the mad race for grades and admissions. The hard and soft skills that you gain from social work and volunteering can open many opportunities for you, and catalyse your personal and professional growth. Go on and give a few hours, days, or weeks to volunteer and see the difference. Reach out and help others to help yourself.

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Srividya is a Career and Life Coach who works with teens, adults and returning professionals to help them find joy and alignment in their careers and lives. After working for over two decades, she founded LifeVidya in 2019 and has worked with hundreds of students, professionals, and women. She can be reached at www.lifevidya.in.


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