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Career as Information Security Analyst - Protecting what’s on the net

Career as Information Security Analyst - Protecting what’s on the net

Edited By Bhanu Pratap Singh | Updated on Feb 23, 2018 05:03 PM IST

In line with boom in online services, there have been various incidents of data theft or profiles been hacked online, leading to a dire need for information security analysts. Read the complete article below to know more about making a career as information security analyst. With the rampant use of digital technologies not just by individuals, but also by companies, there is information all over the web which can be used for wrong purposes. Protecting this information is where information security analysts come into the picture. They are very important to a digital ecosystem, especially in a place like India, where data theft is quite common.

Career as Information Security Analyst - Protecting what’s on the net
Career as Information Security Analyst - Protecting what’s on the net


Role of information security analyst

The basic role of a person with career as information security analyst is to carry out various security measures to protect a company’s computer networks and system. In the recent years, there has been a significant increase in the cyber-attacks; this has led to the prominence of the role of an information security analyst. Information security analyst also investigate security breaches and document and assess them for damages, detect weak points in order to maintain a high-security standard.


Skills required to become Information Security Analyst

Unconventional thinking: There is no set pattern to solve a particular problem because no two problems are the same. As the digital world keeps on evolving and transforming on a daily basis, there has been a rise in new threats daily. Security analysts work in a very challenging environment and need to be on their toes all the time; this is where the skill of unconventional thinking helps.

Data analytics: Understanding data analytics is highly important for a person who wants to become an information security analyst. A security analyst should be able to collect data from multiple resources and analyse it to look for any risks or potential security leaks. Having a good knowledge of data analytics will enable an information security analyst to identify problem areas more efficiently.

Become a hacker: In order to catch the hacker, you need to become a hacker. This is where ‘ethical hacking’ comes into the picture. Various companies hire ethical hackers so that they can hack into the organization’s database thus increasing the demand for those with career as information security analyst. This helps to bring to light the vulnerabilities inside the organization’s digital systems and various other processes. Having this skill will also help you to predict how a hacker will break into the system to retrieve data or information. This practice helps the security analyst to thwart the hacker’s effort to hack into the company’s system. Information security analysts have to be always one step ahead of the hacker for safeguarding the company’s interest and prevent attacks in the future.

Business sense: When it comes to cyber security, it is important that you know what the company is and what does it stand for. For this, a security analyst should have a keen business sense. Security analysts need to understand what they are protecting. Familiarity with various business systems is important as it will help you understand which information is most valuable and needs the maximum security cover.



Varun NairLearn, unlearn and then relearn daily


Varun Nair

Security Manager,


Careers360: What is the scope of an Information Security Analyst?

Varun: Information security is one of the highly paid jobs today. If you are working as an information security analyst, chances are high that you are earning more than your friends. The scope of a person as an information security analyst is perhaps highest in the domain of information technology. As far as the variety is concerned, you won’t be disappointed. There are plenty of varied opportunities in this domain.

You could be starting your career with web applications and then very soon, you would be finding vulnerabilities in the latest smart car.


Careers360: What are some of the key aspects of being an information security analyst?

Varun: First and foremost information security analysts need ace programming skills, so make sure you are an expert programmer. Another key aspect is that you need to be a part of open source communities so that you can stay updated with the current trends in the information security domain. You should be prepared to learn, unlearn and re-learn on a daily basis.


Careers360: What challenges do information security analysts face in India?

Varun: I won’t say there are any problems of being an information security analyst in India, but of course, there are added responsibilities. The demand is huge and so is the gap in skills of a freshly baked engineering student and an information security analyst.


Scope and Salary of Information Security Analyst

As every company is now on a digital platform, it requires an information security analyst to secure its digital assets. Career as information security analyst is one the most well-paying jobs in the IT sector. Depending on the experience and the company, an information security analyst earns anything between four lakhs to 12 lakhs per annum.


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