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NIOS 10th Exam 2025 - Exam Dates, Syllabus, Admit Card, Result

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NIOS 10th Exam Date : 17 Mar' 2025 - 01 Apr' 2025
Updated on 26th February, 2025 by Mallika Thaledder

About NIOS 10th 2025

National Institute of Open Schooling conducts Secondary, Senior Secondary, public, and on-demand exams along with DElEd exams. NIOS exam registration is held online mode. To get admission to NIOS, students are required to fulfil certain eligibility criteria. The admit card for both the April and October sessions is released one or two weeks before the commencement of exams. The NIOS conducts secondary examinations twice a year, in March/April and in October/November.   

More about NIOS 10th exams 2025:

  • The NIOS date sheet for the April session will be published in February 2025 while the NIOS October session date sheet will be released in September 2025.  
  • Students can download the NIOS class 10 exam date 2025 through the official website at
  • After the date sheet, the board will release the NIOS 10th hall ticket in March 2025, which students can access online by entering their enrollment number.
  • NIOS Class 10 April exams will be conducted in April-May 2025.
  • Students can pay NIOS exam fees without late fees between November 21 to December 20, 2024.  
  • Students should solve NIOS previous question papers to practice with the types of questions asked in the NIOS 10th exam.
  • NIOS result 2025 for April exams will be released in June 2025. 
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NIOS 10th 2025 Highlights

Full Exam Name
National Institute of Open Schooling 10th examination
Short Exam Name
NIOS 10th
Conducting Body
National Institute of Open Schooling
Frequency Of Conduct
Twice a year
Exam Level
English +8 more
Mode Of Application
Application Fee
Online : 1800
Mode Of Exam
Exam Duration
3 Hours

NIOS 10th Important Dates

NIOS 10th National Institute of Open Schooling 10th examination (session 2025)

17 Mar' 2025 - 01 Apr' 2025 . Online
Exam Date
Apr/May session 2025 - practical exams
21 Nov' 2024 - 20 Dec' 2024 . Online
Application Date
Apr/May session 2025 - with normal fee (For learners enrolled in Stream-I, Block-I & For all eligible learner)
21 Dec' 2024 - 31 Dec' 2024 . Online
Late Fee Application Date
Apr/May session 2025- with late fee of Rs. 150/- (For learners enrolled in Stream-I, Block-I & For all eligible learner)
01 Jan' 2025 - 10 Jan' 2025 . Online
Late Fee Application Date
Apr/May session 2025- with consolidated of Rs.1600/- (For learners enrolled in Stream-I, Block-I & For all eligible learner)

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Students applying for NIOS 10th exam 2025 should check the minimum eligibility criteria. Only eligible candidates will be able to apply for the NIOS class 10 exams. 

The eligibility criteria for NIOS 10th exams are given below:

  • Learners who have passed class VIII and are over 14 years old can apply for registration in the secondary program.
  • A self-certificate stating that the learner has studied and is capable of pursuing secondary education is also acceptable for admission to secondary education.
Background wave

The admission for NIOS 10th commences with online registration. Students who want to apply for NIOS 10th exam 2025 can fill out the application form online. They should visit the official website to apply for NIOS 10th exams. 

NIOS registration 2025 is conducted for class 10 in 3 streams as given below:

  • Stream 1: For all the learners of the secondary course.
  • Stream 2: For students who failed the exam conducted by recognized boards.
  • Stream 3: On-demand NIOS 10th exam 2025.

Follow the step-by-step guide given below for NIOS 10th registration-

  • Visit the official website or click on the link given above.
  • Click on the 'Register' button.
  • Read the given instructions carefully and click on the 'Proceed' button.
  • Select your state and 'Identity Type' (Aadhar card/passport/Ration card etc.)
  • Then, enter the number of selected 'Identity Type' and select the course i.e. Secondary/10th.
  • An application form will appear. Fill in basic and optional information, and select your subjects and study centre.
  • Upload your photo, identity documents, and other documents (Caste certificate, past mark sheet)
  • Click on generate OTP and confirm the contact details by submitting the OTP.
  • Then enter the subject and other all details as asked.
  • Now, revise the application form.
  • Make payment by selecting an appropriate payment gateway.
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NIOS Class 10 Sample Papers

Free NIOS Class 10 Sample Papers

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Documents Required at Exam NIOS 10th 2025

National Institute of Open Schooling 10th examination 2025

  • Admit Card
  • Photo ID
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The exam pattern of the NIOS 10th exam 2025 varies largely in two groups. The subject-wise time duration is as follows:

NIOS 10th Exam Pattern 2025


Duration (in hours)

Group -AEnglish, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Telugu, Gujarati, Kannada, Punjabi, Nepali, Assamese, Marathi, Sanskrit, Malayalam, Odia, Arabic, Persian and Tamil.1003
Group-BMathematics (Theory + Practical)85+15 = 1002.5 + 3
Science (Theory + Practical)85+15 = 1002.5 + 3
Social Science, Economics, Business Studies, Psychology, Indian Culture and Heritage, Accountancy100  Marks for each3 hours each
Home Science (Theory + Practical)85+15 = 1002.5 + 3
Painting (Theory + Practical)30 + 70 = 1001.5 + 3
Data Entry Operations (Theory + Practical)40+60 = 1002 + 2
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Other School Exams

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NIOS 10th 2025 Syllabus

NIOS 10th National Institute of Open Schooling 10th examination Syllabus

English: Unit 01

Reading skills

    English: Unit 02

    Writing skills

      English: Unit 03

      Elements of language
      • Grammar and usage: (i) Parts of a sentence (subject, predicate, object), (ii) types of sentences (statements, questions (wh, yes/ no), commands, requests), (iii) subject verb concord (pronouns, singular/ plural, auxilliaries)
      • Grammar and usage: (iv) The verb phrase (verb forms, adverbs), (v) the noun phrase (noun, determiners, adjectives, prepositions), (vi) time and tense-simple present, present continuous, simple past, past continuous, present perfect
      • Grammar and usage: (vi) Time and tense-present perfect continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous, going to, will/ shall + verb, (vii) non-finites (infinites, gerunds, participles)
      • Grammar and usage: (viii) The modals (will, would, shall, should, can, could, must, ought, to, need)
      • Grammar and usage: (ix) Clauses (adverb clauses of time, manner, reason: Relative clauses, conditional clauses-if + simple present + simple future)
      • Grammar and usage: (x) Reported speech (modification of time, word order-reporting statements, questions, imperatives)
      • Language functions: (i) Greetings/ taking leave, (ii) introductions, (iii) supplying information, (iv) seeking information, (v) describing, (vi) narrating stories, (vii) reporting events, (viii) giving instructions/ directions, (ix) following instructions
      • Language functions: (x) Making requests, (xi) taking messages, (xii) apologizing/ expressing regret/ thanking, (xiii) complaining, (xiv) appreciating/ expressing likes and dislikes, (xv) advising and suggesting, (xvi) taking about future plans
      • Language functions: (xvii) Giving reasons

      Science: Unit 01

      • Measurement in science and technology: Historical background of measurement; need of accurate measurement; units of measurement-basic SI units, derived units, multiples and submultiples; measurement of length-meter scale, least count
      • Measurement in science and technology: Measurement of area (regular and irregular plane surfaces) and volume (both regular and irregular bodies); measurement of mass-physical balance; measurement of time: Simple pendulum as a tool of measuring time
      • Measurement in science and technology: Measurement of time-stop watch

      Science: Unit 02

      Matter around us
      • Structure and properties of matter: States of matter-general idea about solid, liquid, and gas (structure and properties-compressibility and fluidity); classification of matter based on composition-elements, compounds, and mixtures
      • Structure and properties of matter: Dalton’s theory of atom; atoms and molecules-atomic mass; chemical formulae of simple compounds-valency and formulation; chemical equations-writing and their balancing; concept of isotopes
      • Structure and properties of matter: Average mass molecular masses; elementary idea of mole concept-molar mass (simple calculations); laws of chemical combination-law of conservation of mass, law of constant proportions
      • Structure and properties of matter: Law of multiple proportions and law of reciprocal proportions; Gay Lussac’s law of combining volumes, Avogadro’s hypothesis (with simple problems)
      • Atomic structure: Failure of Dalton’s theory; discovery of electron and proton; models of atom-Thomson, Rutherford, and its failure; structure of atom-fundamental particles, discovery of neutron; mass number; Bohr’s atomic model
      • Atomic structure: Modern picture of structure of atom-electronic configuration of first 20 elements
      • Periodic classification of elements: Historical perspective of periodic classification (Dobereiner’s triads, Newlands law of octaves, Mendeleeveís periodic table); modern periodic law and long form of periodic table
      • Periodic classification of elements: Periodic properties-elementary idea of atomic radii, ionic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, valency and metallic and non-metallic characteristics
      • Chemical bonding: Octet rule, types of chemical bonds; ionic bond-ion formation, properties of ionic compounds; covalent bonds-formation of covalent bonds, properties of covalent compounds, shapes of molecules (CH₄, O₂, H₂O, CO₂, N₂)
      • Chemical bonding: Bond parameters like covalent radii bond length, bond energy, bond polarity-examples of polar and non polar molecules; metallic bond (electron-sea theory) and hydrogen bonding
      • Chemical arithmetic and reactions: Chemical reactions-types of chemical reactions (combination, decomposition, displacement, oxidation and reduction); nature of reaction (slow and fast, reversible and irreversible, endothermic and exothermic)
      • Chemical arithmetic and reactions: Chemical calculations and stoichiometry; acids, bases and salts; acid-base equilibrium in aqueous system, pH scale, simple problems based on pH

      Science: Unit 03

      • Motion and its description: The concept of motion-definition and examples; types of motion-translatory (rectilinear, circular), rotatory and oscillatory; uniform and non-uniform motion (one dimension only); distance and displacement, speed, average speed
      • Motion and its description: Velocity, and acceleration; graphical representation of motion-distance, time, and speed, time graphs; equations of motion and their derivation by graphical method; uniform circular motion (qualitative idea only)
      • Cause of motion-force: Force and motion; Newton’s first law of motion and inertia; Newton’s second law of motion-force and acceleration; concept of momentum; Newton’s third law of motion-action and reaction; friction-factors affecting friction
      • Cause of motion-force: Sliding and rolling friction, examples of advantages and disadvantages of friction, control of friction (examples of reducing and increasing); force of gravitation-gravitational law; acceleration due to gravity, mass and weight
      • Cause of motion-force: Motion of an object under gravity in one dimension and free fall (weightlessness); thrust and pressure-Archimedes principle and its applications
      • Work and energy: Work done by a constant force; relationship between work and energy, unit of energy; various types of energy-mechanical, thermal, light, sound, electrical, chemical and nuclear; mechanical energy-kinetic and potential energy
      • Work and energy: Power and its unit transformation, and conservation of energy with examples; sources of energy-renewable (solar, wind, water, geothermal, tidal oceanic and biomass) and non-renewable (fossil fuels)
      • Work and energy: Energy crisis-methods and ways of saving energy; potential of energy resources in India and their use (an overview)
      • Thermal energy: Thermal energy and temperature, measurement of temperature: Thermometer, clinical thermometer, temperature scales; thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases; change of state and latent heat
      • Thermal energy: Method of mixtures for estimation of specific heat; effect of impurities and pressure on the melting point and boiling point of substances, working of pressure cooker
      • Light energy: Reflection of light, image formation by a plane and a spherical mirror, mirror formula (no derivation) refraction of light, formation of image by a lens (qualitative only), lens formula (no derivation)
      • Light energy: Magnification of image and power of lens; dispersion of light through glass prism and spectrum of white light; optical instruments like simple microscope, compound microscope, and astronomical telescope
      • Electrical energy: Nature of charges and force between electrical charges-Coulomb’s law; electrostatic potential and electric current, Ohm’s law, resistance in series and parallel; heating effect of electric current, dependence of heat produced on current
      • Electrical energy: Resistance and time; commercial unit of electric energy and electric power; quantum of electric power generation and consumption in India
      • Electrical appliances: Magnetic effect of electric current-electric motor, electromagnetic induction (qualitative idea only)-A.C. generator; how electricity reaches our homes and villages: techniques of wiring the circuits for domestic and industrial use
      • Electrical appliances: Electrical appliances like electric iron, heater, lamp, electric bell, electric kettle and their working; hazards of electricity and safety measures
      • Chemical and nuclear energy: General idea of chemical and nuclear energy; fuels-fossil fuel, coal and petroleum, biomass, calorific value, combustion-conditions necessary for combustion, fire extinguishers (soda acid); food as fuel; voltaic and dry cells
      • Chemical and nuclear energy: Radioactivity, radioisotopes, energy from atomic fission and fusion. Uses of nuclear energy; nuclear reactor-thermonuclear power plant; generation of electricity from nuclear sources in India, India as a nuclear power
      • Chemical and nuclear energy: Hazards of production of nuclear energy

      Science: Unit 04

      The universe
      • The universe and solar system: Constituents of the universe-galactic system, stars and constellations; the solar system-sun, planets, satellites, their characteristics and movements; other heavenly bodies-asteroids, meteoroids, and comets
      • The universe and solar system: Formation of day a night, solar, and lunar eclipses, and seasons
      • The earth-a living planet: Special place of earth in the universe; conditions for life on planet; differentiation of earth-origin and evolution of life on earth; life-supporting systems (biosphere): Lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere
      • The earth-a living planet: Sun as the source of energy-circulation and utilization of this solar energy by living beings; our duties to protect the earth

      Science: Unit 05

      Our environment and resources
      • Our environment: Components of the environment-abiotic (air, water, light and soil), and biotic (micro organisms, plants, animals including human beings); habitat: Major habitats (terrestrial, aquatic and aerial)
      • Our environment: Habitat-adaptations in plants and animals to these habitats; causes and consequences of alteration in habitats, need of conservation of habitats; biosphere-the life zone, concept of ecology; ecosystem: Its organization and functioning
      • Our environment: Energy flow in ecosystem-food chain and food web, trophic levels; balance of atmosphere; biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen
      • Air and water: Air and its composition; importance of oxygen in daily life-respiration, photosynthesis, burning, rusting, formation of oxides; pressure of atmosphere and its measurement, variation of air pressure with height, atmosphere-evaporation
      • Air and water: Relative humidity, cloud formation, rain. Water and its sources-an introduction; utility of water as a resource for domestic, industrial, agricultural use and energy generation; simple methods for making water potable
      • Air and water: Conservation of water-judicious use, rain water harvesting; properties of water-polar nature, universal solvent and lather formation (hard and soft water); density of water and specific gravity
      • Mineral resources-metals and non-metals: Minerals and ores, metals and non-metals (in general); mineral resources in India; extraction, purification and properties of metals-iron, aluminium and copper; corrosion of metals; alloys of iron
      • Mineral resources-metals and non-metals: Aluminum and copper and their uses in daily life; non metals-importance and general properties; preparation, properties and uses of hydrogen, silicon and phosphorus; sulphur-occurrence, properties
      • Mineral resources-metals and non-metals: Its common compounds, allotropes of P and S, use of sulphuric acid
      • Carbon and its compounds: Carbon-its properties (catenation and tetra valency); allotropes and their properties-diamond, graphite, fullerene (elementary idea only); hydrocarbons and their classification; homologous series
      • Carbon and its compounds: Functional groups (elementary idea), nomenclature; compounds of common use like acetic acid, formalin, alcohol and acetone
      • Materials in our daily use: Distinction between natural and synthetic (man-made) materials; principle of preparation/ manufacture (outline only), properties and uses of-washing soda, baking soda, bleaching powder, and plaster of Paris
      • Materials in our daily use: Manufacture and properties of materials like polymers, fibers-natural and synthetic, nylon, rubber, plastics; manufacture and properties of materials for housing like cement, glass
      • Materials in our daily use: Materials for household items like candles; inks; and soap and detergents; match boxes; materials used in medicine like anesthetics, antibiotics, analgesics, and antacids; harmful effects of man-made materials
      • Environmental problems: Environmental problems (both natural and human made)-their causes, global as well as local; natural hazards (particularly in Indian context): Types of natural hazards like flood, cyclone causes, and consequences
      • Environmental problems: Earthquakes-causes and effects, measurement of intensity and coping with earthquake; volcanoes: Effects. Forest fire-its cause and effect; impact of human population on environment, forests and wild life; pollution and its types
      • Environmental problems: Sources, consequences; biomagnifications; biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials; prevention and control of air, water, soil and noise pollution; ozone layer depletion; ecological balance

      Science: Unit 06

      The living world
      • Diversity in the living world: Concept of diversity; need for classification of living beings; binomial nomenclature-a general idea; five kingdom classification; classification of plants up to divisions
      • Diversity in the living world: Animalia up to phyla with vertebrates up to class (not more than five distinguishable basic characters and common familiar examples)
      • Building blocks of life-cells, tissues and organs: Cell-the basic unit of structure and function of life; cell structure and functions; differences between animal and plant cells
      • Building blocks of life-cells, tissues and organs: Cell division-mitosis (all the phases and significance), and meiosis (only significance with reference to sexual reproduction); different levels of organization
      • Building blocks of life-cells, tissues and organs: Tissues-different types in plants (protective and conducting) and animals (epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous)
      • Food and nutrition: Modes of nutrition-autotrophic, heterotrophic, saprotrophic, and parasitic; nutrition in plants: Photosynthesis, raw materials, simple description of the process (mention light and dark reactions without chemical details)
      • Food and nutrition: Factors affecting photosynthesis; materials synthesized by plants to be used as food; nutrition in animals: Human alimentary canal and associated glands, salivary, liver, and pancreas: Process of digestion-concept of enzymes
      • Food and nutrition: Digestive process in mouth, stomach, and small intestine; absorption and assimilation of digested food; concept of balanced diet; types of nutrients, their sources and functions in the body (Indian health situations)
      • Food and nutrition: Food adulteration and food adulterants; nutritional disorders (like marasmus, kwashiorkor, scurvy, rickets, beriberi, pellagra, xerophthalmia, anemia and goiter)
      • Transport of materials in plants and animals: Transport in plants-diffusion, osmosis, and active transport; xylem, phloem, ascent of sap and translocation of food; transport in animals- composition of blood, functions of blood; heart and it’s working
      • Transport of materials in plants and animals: Blood vessels-arteries, veins, capillaries; blood groups (ABO and Rh) and transfusion; disorders of circulatory system-leukaemia, haemophilia, hypertension, heart attack
      • Respiratory gaseous exchange and elimination of body wastes: Respiration in plants; respiration in human beings-organs involved in breathing; ventilation of lungs-inhaling, exhaling, breathing rate; gaseous exchange and cellular respiration
      • Respiratory gaseous exchange and elimination of body wastes: Diseases of respiratory system-bronchitis and pneumonia; a brief idea of excretion in plants; excretory organ-kidneys, its functions; osmoregulation and homeostasis; kidney failure
      • Respiratory gaseous exchange and elimination of body wastes: Dialysis and kidney transplant (very elementary idea)
      • Control and coordination-nervous and hormonal systems: Nervous system-nerve cell, synapse, reflexes; structure and function of the brain and spinal cord; sense organs-skin, tongue, nose, eye and ear (their importance and function)
      • Control and coordination-nervous and hormonal systems: Eye-structure and working, vision, accommodation, defects of vision (myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism) and care of eye; hormone (endocrine) system-pituitary, thyroid, and pancreas
      • Reproduction and population control: Types of reproduction-asexual and sexual; reproduction in plants-vegetative and sexual; human reproductive system-male and female; production of gametes, ovulation. Fertilization; puberty
      • Reproduction and population control: Menstrual cycle and pregnancy; growth of population and consequences of rapid increase of population (Indian context); birth control and its need; reproductive health and sexually transmitted diseases-syphilis
      • Reproduction and population control: Reproductive health and sexually transmitted diseases-gonorrhoea, aids
      • From parents to children-elements of genetics: Chromosomes and genes, determination of sex; inheritance of blood groups (ABO, Rh), colour blindness, haemophilia, and thalessaemia
      • Health, hygiene, and diseases: Concept of a healthy body; personal and community health; factors affecting health: Proper nutrition, healthy habits and physical exercise etc; concept of hygiene; hygienic environment-a social responsibility
      • Health, hygiene, and diseases: Environmental sanitation and cleanliness; first aid; disease and types of diseases: Communicable and non-communicable; classification of various kinds of communicable diseases-viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoan, helminthic
      • Health, hygiene, and diseases: Causes, modes of transmission, symptoms and preventive measures of some common diseases like influenza, jaundice, tuberculosis, cholera, amoebic dysentery, malaria, hepatitis b; control of epidemics
      • Agricultural practices and animal husbandry: Human dependence on plants and animals for food; preparing seed bed; sowing, care of seedling; transplanting; use of manures and fertilizers; use of plant growth regulators; irrigation
      • Agricultural practices and animal husbandry: Different agricultural practices-crop rotation, multiple cropping, harvesting; important varieties of fruits (mango) and seeds; protection of crops in fields and in storage
      • Agricultural practices and animal husbandry: Different methods of preservation of agricultural produce. Elements of animal husbandry-domesticated animals; improved breeds-cattle and live stock (poultry and fish); management of livestock-breeding, feeding
      • Agricultural practices and animal husbandry: Shelter and care of animals, major diseases of domestic animals and their prevention (cattle and poultry)

      Science: Unit 07

      Technological developments
      • Space exploration: Space launching vehicles-elementary ideas; different types of artificial satellites and their applications in the field of communication, remote sensing and weather forecast etc; Indian achievement in the field of space science
      • Communication technology: Communication-its need and importance; process of communication; historical developments in the field of communication (in brief); nature and characteristics of waves
      • Communication technology: Use of different types of waves for communication like sound waves and electromagnetic waves; different types of communication systems-wireless system including radio and TV, telecommunication
      • Communication technology: Computer in communication and use of satellite in communication

      Social science: Unit 01

      Evolution of human society
      • Historical perspective: (a) Pre-historic society; bronze age civilizations-Harappan, Mesopotamian, Chinese, and Egyptian civilizations. Iron age civilizations-Indian, Greek, Roman, and Iranian civilization
      • Historical perspective: (b) Medieval world-religious and cultural developments and the features of the feudal system. C. Beginning of the modern age-rise of modern science, industrial revolution, American
      • Historical perspective: (c) French and Russian revolutions, and movement for democracy. (d) Colonialism in Asia and Africa. (e) The First world war, league of nations, rise of Fascism and Nazism, Second World War, the United Nations
      • Contemporary world: Issues in world order (since 1945) and emerging global village

      Social science: Unit 02

      India: Natural environment, resources, and development
      • Physiography-location, relief, structure, major physiographic units
      • Drainage; role of rivers in the economy; pollution of rivers and its control
      • Climate: Factors influencing climate; monsoon-its characteristics
      • Distribution of rainfall and temperature; formation of seasons; climate and human life
      • Vegetation and wildlife of India
      • Soil and water resources: Land as a resource, soil formation, types and distribution: Changing land-use pattern-land degradation and conservation measures
      • Water resources: Sources, distribution, utilization, multi-purpose projects, and water scarcity, need for conservation and management, water harvesting
      • Mineral and power resources: Types of minerals, distribution, use, and economic importance of minerals, conservation
      • Power resources: Types of power resources-conventional and nonconventional, distribution and utilization, and conservation
      • Agriculture: Types of farming, major crops, cropping patter, technological and institutional reforms; their impact; contribution of agriculture of national economy-employment and output, food security, impact of globalization
      • Manufacturing industries: Types, spatial distribution and contribution of industries to the national economy

      Social science: Unit 03

      India: People, society, and culture
      • People: Demographic aspects-quantitative and qualitative; population as a resource; social structure-caste, class, kinship, and religion
      • Culture-cultural heritage: Meaning of culture, factors influencing cultures, different components of culture-tradition, aesthetics, art, architecture, literature, science and technology, beliefs and practices, religion, unity in diversity
      • Heritage: Natural and cultural; preserving heritage: Need, and measures for their preservation

      Social science: Unit 04

      India’s struggle for freedom
      • Establishment of British rule in India and its impact
      • Religious and social reform movements
      • Indian national movement (1857-1927): Towards an organized movement for freedom
      • Indian national movement (1927-1947): Towards a mass struggle-participation of diverse sections of the Indian society

      Social science: Unit 05

      Citizen, state, and the constitution
      • Framing of the constitution
      • Preamble and features of the constitution
      • Citizenship
      • Fundamental rights: (a) Meaning of fundamental rights and its significance, (b) provisions of the constitution regarding fundamental rights
      • Human rights: National human rights commission (NHRC) and state human rights commission (SHRC)
      • Fundamental duties: (a) Meaning of fundamental duties and relationship between rights and duties, (b) provisions of the constitution regarding fundamental duties
      • Directive principles of state policy: (a) Meaning of directive principles of state policy, (b) the constitutional provisions regarding directive principles of state policy and its significance

      Social science: Unit 06

      Democracy at work
      • Local government and field administration: (a) Panchayati Raaj system, (b) municipal administration, and (c) district administration
      • State government: (a) Governor, (b) chief minister and council of ministers, (c) state legislature, (d) High courts (e) state secretariat
      • Union government: (a) President, (b) prime minister and council of ministers, (c) Supreme court, (d) central secretariat
      • People’s participation in the democratic process: (a) Political parties and pressure groups/ interest groups, (b) public opinion, electoral processes, and universal adult franchise

      Social science: Unit 07

      Contemporary India: Issues and challenges
      • National integration and secularism
      • Social justice and economic justice
      • Empowerment of women and equality of opportunity
      • Education and health for all
      • Environment and its qualitative improvement
      • India and the world peace

      Business studies: Unit 01

      Business environment
      • Introduction to business: Human activities, business activities around us, concept, characteristics and importance of business
      • Business heritage of India: Evolution of commerce and industry, India’s contribution to the world of business
      • Objectives of business: Economic, social, human, national and global objectives of business, business environment-economic, social, political environment
      • Social responsibility of business: Concept of social responsibility, responsibility towards-owners, employees, consumers and society, social values and business ethics, environmental protection

      Business studies: Unit 02

      Structure of business organization
      • Industry and commerce: Classification of business activities-industry and commerce, industry, and its types, commerce-trade and its auxiliaries, types of trade, e-commerce-meaning and advantages
      • Forms of business organization: Sole proprietorship-meaning, characteristics, advantages and limitations, suitability of sole proprietorship form of business organization. Partnership-meaning, characteristics, advantages and limitations, types of partners
      • Forms of business organization: Suitability of partnership form of business organization. Cooperative society-meaning, characteristics, advantages and limitations, types of cooperative societies, suitability of cooperative form of business organization
      • Forms of business organization: Joint stock company-meaning, characteristics, advantages and limitations, suitability of company form of business organization. Types of joint stock company-public limited companies, private limited companies
      • Forms of business organization: Government companies, multinational companies

      Business studies: Unit 03

      Service sector and business
      • Transport: Rail, road, sea and air transport-features, advantages and limitations, importance of transport in business
      • Warehousing: Meaning and need for warehousing, types of warehouses, characteristics of an ideal warehouse, functions of warehousing, advantages of warehousing
      • Communication: Meaning and importance, types of communication, means of communication-letter, telephone, telegraph, teleprinter, teleconferencing, fax, internet
      • Business correspondence: Nature and importance, qualities of a good business letter, types of business letter-general correspondence, letter of enquiry, quotation, order, recovery, complaints
      • Postal services: Nature of postal services, services provided by post office, importance of post services

      Business studies: Unit 04

      Banking and insurance
      • Banking: meaning and role of bank, type of banks, functions of a commercial bank
      • Bank deposit account: Bank deposit accounts-type, opening and operating of saving bank account
      • Negotiable instruments: Meaning and importance, types-hundis, bills of exchange, promissory note, cheque
      • Insurance: Business risks, concept, and importance of insurance, types of insurance-life, general, fire, marine, and other types, principles of insurance

      Business studies: Unit 05

      Selling and distribution
      • Purchase and sale: Concept of purchasing and selling, types: Cash, credit, hire purchase system and installment payment system, documents used in the process of purchase and sale: Quotation, order, invoice, debit note, credit note, accounts sale
      • Purchase and sale: Documents used in the process of purchase and sale-delivery note, advice note
      • Channels of distribution: Concept of channels of distribution, direct and indirect channels of distribution, role of wholesalers and retailers in the process of distribution, types of retail trade-small scale and large scale
      • Large-scale retail trade: Forms of large scale retail trade-departmental store, super bazaar, multiple shops, non-store retailing-mail order business, tele-shopping, automated vending machine, selling through internet
      • Personal selling: Meaning and importance, qualities of a successful salesman
      • Advertising: Meaning and importance, media of advertising
      • Sales promotion: Meaning and importance, tools of sales promotion

      Business studies: Unit 06

      Consumer awareness
      • Consumer-rights and responsibilities: Consumer-meaning, consumerism and national economy, rights of consumers, responsibilities of consumers
      • Wise-buying: Concept of wise buying, factors determining buying decisions, consideration for wise-buying, quality and standardization marks-ISI, Agmark, FPO, Hallmark, ISO, Woolmark, Ecomark, Bharat II (Euro II)
      • Consumer protection: Meaning and need, problems faced by consumers, parties to consumer protection, legal protection to consumers, consumer forums and how to seek redressal, role of non government organizations in promoting consumer awareness
      • Savings and investment: Sources of income, spending money wisely, need for savings, avenues of investments

      Business studies: Unit 07

      Career opportunities in business
      • Choosing a career: Concept and importance of career, avenues of career in business, importance of self employment, competencies required to pursue the career
      • Entrepreneurship: Concept and importance, qualities of a successful entrepreneur, functions of an entrepreneur, how to start a small business enterprise

      Psychology: Unit 01

      Understanding human nature
      • Concept of human nature and perspectives on it
      • Conditions of human existence
      • Domains of human functioning: Personal, social, cultural, and spiritual
      • The nation of holistic person

      Psychology: Unit 02

      Introduction to psychological process
      • Human being as a living systems
      • Approaches towards understanding psychological process: Experiential, observational, and experimental
      • Perspectives psychological process: Understanding the general principles and understanding individual differences
      • Consciousness and cognition

      Psychology: Unit 03

      Human nature-some Indian perspectives
      • Schools of Indian though: Vedantic, Jain, Buddhist, and Sufi
      • The concept of mind and person

      Psychology: Unit 04

      Psychology in your life: Its scope
      • Psychological processes in everyday life
      • Fields of psychology
      • Psychology in various setting
      • Some emerging areas if psychology

      Psychology: Unit 05

      Becoming aware of the world
      • States of consciousness: Sleep dream and awareness
      • Sense organs and the processing of information
      • Brain and its functions

      Psychology: Unit 06

      Knowing and understanding the world
      • How do we learn
      • Procedures of learning
      • Classical and operant type of conditioning

      Psychology: Unit 07

      Remembering and forgetting
      • Nature of memory, long term memory, and short term memory
      • Differentiation between the stages of memory
      • Forgetting

      Psychology: Unit 08

      Creating a world of reality
      • Interpretation of information by the brain
      • Figure and ground organization
      • Errors of perception
      • Perceptual constancies

      Psychology: Unit 09

      Feeding the inner world
      • Goal directedness, the four goals of life in Indian thought
      • Motivation and needs
      • Emotion and its various aspects

      Psychology: Unit 10

      Development and its stages
      • Human Development: A life span perspective
      • Maturity, growth, and development
      • Changing facets of development: Stages, tasks, and challenges (stages of life, the four ashramas)

      Psychology: Unit 11

      Nature-nature issue
      • Genetic and environmental influences on human development
      • The beginning of life
      • Effects of pre natal and post-natal environment

      Psychology: Unit 12

      • Physical and motor development
      • Cognitive development
      • Social and personality development
      • Socialization and cultural influences on development

      Psychology: Unit 13

      Adolescence and its challenges
      • Challenges of adolescence
      • Developmental tasks, personality development (including child rearing)
      • Physical development during adolescence
      • Gender roles, generation gap

      Psychology: Unit 14

      Adulthood and aging
      • Developmental changes during adulthood
      • Problems of aging
      • Coping with aging

      Psychology: Unit 15

      Social institutions and human behavior
      • Family and its functions
      • Community and its characteristics
      • Religious group and their implications for social behaviour
      • Schooling and social behaviour

      Psychology: Unit 16

      Human behaviour in group setting
      • The formation of group and group dynamics
      • Social norms
      • Effects of group on performance and risk taking behaviour
      • Basic values of life
      • Conformity and compliance

      Psychology: Unit 17

      • Attributes and functions of a successful leader
      • Type of leadership

      Psychology: Unit 18

      Communication: Basic concepts
      • The main features of communication process
      • Types of communication
      • Effective communication
      • Non-verbal communication in Indian context
      • Propaganda and rumour: Uses and abuses
      • Technology and communication

      Psychology: Unit 19

      Social problems
      • Indian social problems: Poverty, gender bias, illiteracy, corruption
      • Appreciation of diversity in the Indian society

      Psychology: Unit 20

      What is well-being?
      • Concepts of happiness, well being, and need satisfaction
      • The concepts of homeostasis
      • Self actualization and self realization
      • Interdependence and social well being

      Psychology: Unit 21

      Hindrances in achieving happiness
      • Stress and related neurophysilogical changes
      • Conflicts and its type
      • Frustration: Concept and measures to overcome it
      • Coping with stress and conflicts

      Psychology: Unit 22

      Mental health and hygiene
      • Concepts of mental health and hygiene
      • Symptoms of mental ill-health
      • Maintaining practices and techniques for positive mental health
      • Time management

      Psychology: Unit 23

      Positive psychology
      • Recognizing strengths of the individuals
      • Developing positive emotions: Optimism and hope
      • Self efficacy and compassion

      Psychology: Unit 24

      Controlling and disciplining the mind
      • Meaning of control and discipline
      • Jeewan vigyan and transcendental meditation
      • Kritya yoga, health yoga, art of living and vipassana

      Psychology: Unit 25

      Preparing for the vocational role
      • Need for individual’s preparation for the vocational role
      • Concept for career, vocation, and occupation
      • Motives for taking up a vocation
      • The present occupational structure
      • Board characteristics of various occupational sectors
      • Career choice: Problems and prospects

      Psychology: Unit 26

      Aptitude, interest, and job requirements
      • Fitting round pegs into round holes
      • Concepts of work motivation and job satisfaction
      • Understanding job requirements
      • Understanding individual characteristics related to job satisfaction and job success

      Psychology: Unit 27

      Being different
      • Concept of individual different
      • Personality: The Indian concepts
      • Intelligence, aptitude, and interest
      • Assessing individual different

      Psychology: Unit 28

      Environmental stress
      • Models of human-environment interaction
      • Environmental stress: Pollution, noise, crowding, disasters, global warming, and greenhouse effect
      • Managing environmental stresses
      • Pro-environmental behaviours and sustainable development

      Psychology: Unit 29

      Healthy mind in healthy body
      • Meaning of yoga
      • Yogic postures
      • Step in yoga: Breathing techniques, concentrating, and meditation

      Psychology: Unit 30

      Patanjali’s yoga sutra
      • Explaining yoga sutra
      • Eight steps as given by Patanjali

      Psychology: Unit 31

      Personality and its development
      • The divine virtues and ways of life
      • The concept of Panchkoshas

      Psychology: Unit 32

      Yoga for self-development
      • The definition of self-development
      • Relevance of yoga for competence
      • Asanas, Pranayama, and self-developments

      Home science: Unit 01

      What is home science
      • Importance of home science, scope of home science

      Home science: Unit 02

      The food that we eat
      • Food and it’s nutrients: Functions of food, nutrients-sources and functions, deficiency diseases
      • Food groups: Classification of food, utility of classifying, balanced diet, factors affecting planning balanced diets, balanced meal for the family
      • Methods of cooking food: Reasons and methods of cooking food-by moist heat, dry heat, frying, solar cooking, conservation and enhancement of nutrients
      • Preservation of food: Methods of preserving food at home, hygienic handling of food in a clean kitchen

      Home science: Unit 03

      Fibers and fabrics
      • Fiber to fabric: Classification of fibers-properties, identification, yarn formation, fabric construction, basic weaves, knitting
      • Finishes: Basic finishes, finishing with color and design
      • Care and maintenance of fabrics: Meaning and importance of laundry, general principles of laundering- sorting, mending, stain removal, soaking, washing, drying, finishing, storing

      Home science: Unit 04

      Home maintenance
      • Housing: Importance and functions, lighting, ventilation in the home, sanitation, care and maintenance of the home, space organization and aesthetics in the home
      • Household equipment: Selection, care and use of various equipment in the home, conservation of fuel, electricity, and water at home

      Home science: Unit 05

      Health and environment
      • Health: Definition, signs of good health, factors affecting health, personal hygiene
      • Health emergencies: First aid, care of the sick at home
      • Communicable diseases: Types-communicable, non communicable, causes, prevention (immunization)
      • Common childhood diseases: Diseases preventable through immunization, recurrent ailments and diseases
      • Environment: Pollution-sources, effects, prevention, waste disposal-waste water, garbage and animal waste, eco-friendly practices

      Home science: Unit 06

      My family
      • My family: Family as a social unit, changing structure of the family, relationships within the family, advantages of having fewer children
      • Pregnancy: Conception, signs of pregnancy, prenatal, and antenatal care
      • Concept of development: Concepts and principles of development, heredity, and environment
      • Development during childhood: Developments during infancy and childhood-physical, motor, socio-emotional, cognitive, and language
      • Development during adolescence: Body changes during adolescence, social and emotional development during adolescence, cognitive, and language development during adolescence
      • Caring for the family: Caring for the members of the family, specially during-pregnancy, infancy, childhood, adolescence, old age

      Home science: Unit 07

      Resources of the family
      • Family resources: Meaning and importance, types of resources, optimal use of resources, process of management-planning, organizing, and evaluating
      • Managing time and energy: Advantages of making a time plan, methods of saving time and energy
      • Managing income: Income and expenditure, developing a spending plan, generating additional income
      • Saving and investment: Need to save money, investing money safely
      • Clothing and linen for the family: Factors influencing selection of textiles for household use and for clothing, selection of ready made vs. tailor made clothes, importance of grooming

      Home science: Unit 08

      Rights and responsibilities
      • Becoming an aware consumer: Importance of consumer education, problems faced by consumers, consumer aids, consumer rights and responsibilities
      • Purchase of household items: Wise purchasing practices-food, consumer durables, medicines, garments and textiles
      • Safety in the home: Common accidents, causes, prevention, storage of drugs and chemicals, safety in electrical wiring
      • Values in life: Rights and responsibilities of an individual, respect for elders, dignity of labor, tolerance, empathy for the disadvantaged, gender sensitivity

      Mathematics: Unit 01

      • Number systems: Review of natural numbers, integers, and rational numbers, rational numbers as terminating or non-terminating decimals. Introduction of irrational numbers as nonterminating and non-recurring decimals
      • Number systems: Rounding of rational numbers and irrational numbers. Real numbers. Representation of irrational numbers such as √2, √3, and √5 on the number line. Operations on rational and irrational numbers
      • Indices (exponents): Exponential notation,meaning of exponent, laws of exponents. Applications of laws of exponents. Expressing numbers as product of powers of prime numbers. Scientific notation
      • Radicals (surds): Meaning of a radical, index, and radicand. Laws of radicals. Simplest form of a radical. Rationalizing a radical in the denominator. Simplification of expressions involving radicals
      • Algebraic expressions and polynomials: Introduction to variables. Algebraic expressions and polynomials. Operations on algebraic expressions and polynomials. Degree of a polynomial. Value of an algebraic expression
      • Special products and factorization: Special products of the type (a ± b)² , (a + b)(a – b), (a ± b)³. Application of these to calculate squares and cube of numbers. Factorization of the algebraic expressions
      • Special products and factorization: Factorization of expressions of the form a²-b², a³ ± b³. Factorization of the polynomial of the form ax² + bx + c (a ≠ 0) by splitting the middle term
      • Special products and factorization: HCF and LCM of two polynomials in one variable only by factorization. Rational expressions. Rational expression in the simplest form. Operations on rational expressions
      • Linear equations: Linear equations in one variable and in two variables. Solution of a linear equation in one variable. System of linear equations in two variables. Graph of a linear equation in two variables
      • Linear equations: Solution of a system of linear equations in two variables (graphical and algebraic methods). Solving word problems involving linear equations in one or two variables
      • Quadratic equations: Standard form of a quadratic equation: ax² + bx + c = 0, a ≠ 0. Solution of ax² + bx + c = 0 , a ≠ 0 by (i) factorization (ii) quadratic formula. Formation of quadratic equation with given roots
      • Quadratic equations: Application of quadratic equations to solve word problems
      • Number patterns: Recognition of number patterns. Arithmetic and Geometric progressions. Nth term and sum to n terms of an arithmetic progression

      Mathematics: Unit 02

      Commercial mathematics
      • Ratio and proportion: Review of ratio and proportion. Application of direct and inverse proportion (variation)
      • Percentage and its applications: Concept of percentage. Conversion of percents to a decimal (fraction) and vice-versa. Computations involving percentage. Applications of percentage to-(i) profit and loss, (ii) simple interest, (iii) discount (rebate)
      • Percentage and its applications: Applications of percentage to-(iv) sales tax, (v) commission in transaction, (vi) installment buying
      • Compound Interest: Compound interest and its application to rate of growth and depreciation. (Conversion periods not more than 4)
      • Banking: Concept of banking. Types of accounts: (a) Saving, (b) fixed/ term deposit calculation of interest in saving account and on fixed deposit with not more than 4 conversion periods

      Mathematics: Unit 03

      • Lines and angles: Basic geometrical concepts-point, line, plane, parallel lines and intersecting lines in a plane. Angles made by a transversal with two or more lines. If a ray stands on a line, the sum of the two angles so formed is 180°
      • Lines and angles: If two lines intersect, then vertically opposite angles are equal. If a transversal intersects two parallel lines then corresponding angles are equal. If a transversal intersects two parallel lines then-(a) alternate angles are equal
      • Lines and angles: If a transversal intersects two parallel lines then-(b) interior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary
      • Lines and angles: If a transversal intersects two lines in such a way that-(a) alternate angles are equal, then the two lines are parallel, (b) interior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary, then the two lines are parallel
      • Lines and angles: Sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°. An exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the interior opposite angles. Concept of locus (daily life examples may be given)
      • Lines and angles: The locus of a point equidistant from two given-(a) points, (b) intersecting lines
      • Congruence of triangles: Concept of congruence through daily life examples . Congruent figures. Criteria for congruence of two triangles namely: SSS, SAS, ASA, RHS *angles opposite to equal sides of a triangle are equal
      • Congruence of triangles: Sides opposite to equal angles of a triangle are equal. If two sides of a triangle are unequal, then the longer side has the greater angle opposite to it. In a triangle, the greater angle has the longer side opposite to it
      • Congruence of triangles: Sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side
      • Concurrent lines: Concept of concurrent lines. Angle bisectors of a triangle pass through the same point. Perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle pass through the same point. In a triangle the three altitudes pass through the same point
      • Concurrent lines: Medians of a triangle pass through the same point which divides each of the medians in the ratio 2:1
      • Quadrilaterals: Quadrilateral and its types. Properties of special quadrilaterals viz. trapezium, parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square. In a triangle
      • Quadrilaterals: The line segment joining the mid points of any two sides is parallel to the third side and is half of it. The line drawn through the mid point of a side of a triangle parallel to another side bisects the third side
      • Quadrilaterals: If there are three or more parallel lines and the intercepts made by them on a transversal are equal, the corresponding intercepts on any other transversal are also equal
      • Quadrilaterals: A diagonal of a parallelogram divides it into two triangles of equal area. Parallelograms on the same or equal bases and between the same parallels are equal in area
      • Quadrilaterals: Triangles on the same or equal bases and between the same parallels are equal in area. Triangles on equal bases having equal areas have their corresponding altitudes equal
      • Similarity of triangles: Similar figures, concept of similarity in geometry. Basic proportionality theorem and its converse. If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio
      • Similarity of triangles: If a line divides any two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, it is parallel to the third side. Criteria for similarity of triangles: AAA, SSS, and SAS
      • Similarity of triangles: If a perpendicular is drawn from the vertex of the right angle of a triangle to its hypotenuse, the triangles on each side of the perpendicular are similar to the whole triangle and to each other
      • Similarity of triangles: The internal bisector of an angle of a triangle divides the opposite side in the ratio of the sides containing the angle
      • Similarity of triangles: Ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares on their corresponding sides. In a right triangle
      • Similarity of triangles: The square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides (Baudhayan/ Pythagoras theorem) in a triangle, if the square on one side is equal to the sum of the squares on the remaining two sides
      • Similarity of triangles: The angle opposite to the first side is a right angle (converse of Baudhayan/ Pythagoras theorem)
      • Circles: Definition of a circle and related concepts. Concept of concentric circle. Congruent circles: Two circles are congruent if and only if they have equal radii. Two arcs of a circle(or congruent circles) are congruent
      • Circles: If the angles subtended by them at the centre (s) are equal and its converse. Two arcs of a circle (or congruent circles) are congruent, if their corresponding chords are equal, and its converse
      • Circles: Equal chords of a circle (or congruent circles) subtend equal angles at the centre (s) and conversely, if the angles subtended by the chords at the centre of a circle are equal, then the chords are equal
      • Circles: Perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects the chord. The line joining the centre of a circle to the mid point of a chord is perpendicular to the chord
      • Circles: There is one and only one circle passing through three given non collinear points. Equal chords of a circle (or of congruent circles) are equidistant from the centre (centers) and its converse
      • Angles in a circle and cyclic quadrilateral: The angle subtended by an arc at the centre is double the angle subtended by it at any point on the remaining part of the circle. Angles in the same segment of a circle are equal
      • Angles in a circle and cyclic quadrilateral: Angle in a semi circle is a right angle. Concyclic points. *Sum of the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is 180°
      • Angles in a circle and cyclic quadrilateral: If a pair of opposite angles of a quadrilateral is supplementary, then the quadrilateral is cyclic
      • Secants, tangents, and their properties: Intersection of a line and a circle. Point of contact of a line and a circle. A tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact
      • Secants, tangents, and their properties: Tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are of equal length
      • Secants, tangents, and their properties: If two chords AB and CD of a circle intersect at P (inside or outside the circle), then PA x PB = PC x PD
      • Secants, tangents, and their properties: If PAB is a secant to a circle intersecting the circle at A and B, and PT is a tangent to the circle at T, then PA x PB = PT2
      • Secants, tangents, and their properties: If a chord is drawn through the point of contact of a tangent to a circle
      • Secants, tangents, and their properties: Then the angles which this chord makes with the given tangent are equal respectively to the angles formed by the chord in the corresponding alternate segments
      • Constructions: Division of a line segment internally in a given ratio. Construction of triangles with given data: (a) Construction of a triangle with given data: SSS, SAS, ASA, RHS, (b) perimeter and base angles
      • Constructions: Construction of triangles with given data-(c) its base, sum and difference of the other two sides and one base angle, (d) its two sides and a median corresponding to one of these sides. Construction of parallelograms, rectangles, squares
      • Constructions: Construction of triangles with given data-rhombuses and trapeziums. Constructions of quadrilaterals given: (a) Four sides and a diagonal, (b) three sides and both diagonals, (c) two adjacent sides and three angles
      • Constructions: Constructions of quadrilaterals given-(d) three sides and two included angles, (e) four sides and an angle. Construction of a triangle equal in area to a given quadrilateral. Construction of tangents to a circle from a point-(a) outside it
      • Constructions: Construction of tangents to a circle from a point-(b) on it using the centre of the circle. Construction of circumcircle and incircle of a triangle
      • Coordinate geometry: Coordinate system. Distance between two points. Section formula (internal division only). Coordinates of the centroid of a triangle

      Mathematics: Unit 04

      • Area of plane figures: Rectilinear figures. Perimeter and area of a square, rectangle, triangle, trapezium, quadrilateral, parallelogram, and rhombus. Area of a triangle using Hero’s formula. Area of rectangular paths. Simple problems based on the above
      • Area of plane figures: Non rectilinear figures-circumference and area of a circle. Area and perimeter of a sector. Area of circular paths. Simple problems based on the above
      • Surface area and volume of solids: Surface area and volume of a cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone, sphere and hemisphere (combination of two solids should be avoided). Area of four walls of a room

      Mathematics: Unit 05

      • Introduction to trigonometry: Trigonometric ratios of an acute angle of a right triangle. Relationships between trigonometric ratios. Trigonometric identities: sin²θ + cos² θ = 1, sec²θ = 1+ tan²θ, cosec²θ = 1+ cot²θ
      • Introduction to trigonometry: Trigonometric identities-problems based on trigonometric ratios and identities
      • Trigonometric ratios of some special angles: Trigonometric ratios of 30°, 45°, and 60° (results for trigonometric ratios of 30°, 45°, and 60° to be proved geometrically). Trigonometric ratios of complementary angles
      • Trigonometric ratios of some special angles: Application of these trigonometric ratios for solving problems such as heights and distances (problems on heights and distances should not involve more than two right triangles)

      Mathematics: Unit 06

      • Data and their representation: Introduction to statistics. Statistics and statistical data. Primary and secondary data. Ungrouped/ raw and grouped data. Class marks, class intervals, class limits, and true class limits. Frequency
      • Data and their representation: Frequency distribution table. Cumulative frequency. Cumulative frequency table
      • Graphical representation of data: Drawing of bar charts, histograms and frequency polygons. Reading and interpretation of bar charts, and histograms. Reading and construction of graphs related to day to day activities; temperature-time graph
      • Graphical representation of data: Pressure-volume graph and velocity, time graph, etc
      • Measures of central tendency: Mean of ungrouped (raw) and grouped data. Mode and median of raw data. Properties of mean and median
      • Introduction to probability: Elementary idea of probability as a measure of chance of occurrence of an event (for single event only) problems based on tossing a coin, throwing a die, drawing a card from a well shuffled pack

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 01

      Culture: Meaning and components
      • Definition of culturem, concept of culture (Sanskrit) in India; characteristics of culture: Culture is universal, dynamic nature of culture. Culture is acquired and learned, culture includes both material and non-material components
      • Emergence of culture: Evolution of culture, savagery, barbarism, pastoral, agricultural, industrialization. meaning of civilization: Variation in civilization, culture and civilization, culture and heritage

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 02

      Salient Features of Indian culture
      • Indian concept of culture, salient features of Indian culture: Spirituality, universality, unity in diversity, scientific outlook, theory of karma, love for nature, reverence for women, value based society, towards synthesis of cultures

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 03

      Indian culture through the ages: Ancient India-I
      • Lifeline of Indian culture, time scale, dynamism of Indian culture, historical perspective: Roots of Indian culture in Sindhu-Saraswati civilization and Vedic culture

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 04

      Indian culture through the ages: Ancient India-II
      • Popular religious reforms, Vedic revival in south India, the age of empires, the Rajputs, Pallavas and Cholas

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 05

      Indian culture through the ages: Medieval India-I
      • Arrival of Muslims, Rise of Sufism-four Silsilahs, political aspect, cultural development in India, influence on religion and society

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 06

      Indian culture through the ages: Medieval India-II
      • Development of folk arts-painting, music, Indo-Mughal culture, rise of modern Indian languages, new faiths-Sikh, Parsi, southern India

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 07

      Indian culture through the ages: Modern India
      • Rise of the west and its impact on India, India by the end of the 18th century, social conditions, social and religious reformers: Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Swami Dayanand, Jyotiba Govindraro Phule, Narayanguru, Pandita Rama Bai
      • Press and the growth of modern Indian languages and literature-since independence, India today, conclusion

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 08

      Indian languages and literature-I
      • Indian languages, the Vedas-Rig-Veda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharva Veda, the Upnishads, epics: Ramayan and MahaIndia-the Bhagvat Gita, Puranas, Buddhist and Jain literature in Pali, Prakrit, and Sanskrit, Sanskrit literature

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 09

      Indian languages and literature-II
      • Northern Indian languages and literature-Urdu and Persian, Hindi literature, Bengali, Assamese, and Oriya literature, Punjabi and Rajasthani, Gujarati language, Sindhi, Marathi, Kashmiri literature

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 10

      Concept and meaning of philosophy
      • Metaphysics (theory of reality): Cosmology, nature of human being, problem of freedom, concept of god, epistemology: Agnosticism, skepticism, affirmation of knowledge, experimentalism, logic, ethics, aesthetics

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 11

      Different schools of philosophy-I
      • Systems of Indian darshan-Samkhya system, main characteristics, Prakrit, nature of Purusha, philosophy of yoga-main characteristics, the eight-fold yoga, Nyaya philosophy-main characteristics, Vaisheshika philosophy-main characteristics
      • Mimansa philosophy-main characteristics, validity of knowledge, mimansa metaphysics, mimamsa philosophy of religion, Vedanta philosophy-main characteristics, advaita metaphysics, the doctrine of Maya

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 12

      Different school of philosophy-II
      • Charvaka school-main characteristics-cosmology, Carvaka ethics, Jain philosophy-main characteristics, Philosophy of Buddha-main characteristics

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 13

      Unity and continuity in Indian thought
      • Unity in diversity-main common characteristics

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 14

      Indian art-visual arts-painting and sculpture
      • Concept of art, painting, sculpture, evolution of art: Mauryan era, Ajanta, Mughal era, British company school, modern Indian art, folk art, Mithila painting, Kalamkari painting, Warli painting, Kalighat painting, Pahadi painting
      • Role of art in indian culture

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 15

      Indian art-performing arts-music, dance, and drama
      • Concept of performing arts, a brief history of music (Sangeet), dance (Nritya), drama (Natak), present scenario of the three art forms
      • Some important dramas and their writers-well known dancers, important musicians who have contributed in the field of music, art forms and the development of human personality

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 16

      Indian architecture
      • Architecture-origins, Indian perspective, evolution of Indian architecture: Pre-historic Indus valley period, development in the Rig Vedic period, early historic period, architecture in Mughal era, colonial architecture and the modern period
      • Greatness of Indian architecture, limitations of Indian architecture

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 17

      Science and technology
      • Vedas as the supreme source of knowledge, achievements in metallurgy: Iron Pillar at Mehraulli, Copper Statue of Buddha, aeronautical and marine times, mathematics, astronomy, astrology, physics, chemistry, natural sciences and Ayurved
      • Concept of ecological balance rooted in traditions

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 18

      Science and scientists of ancient India-I
      • Mathematics: India’s numeral system-Baudhayan, Aryabhatta, Brahmgupta, Bhaskaracharaya, physics: Kannada, Varāhamihira, chemistry: Nagarjuna, astronomy

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 19

      Sciences and scientists of ancient India-II
      • Biology, surgery, Sushrut, astrology-Phalit Jyotish, Ayurved-noteworthy features of Ayurved, Charak, yog-Patanjali

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 20

      Science and scientists of medieval India
      • Sciences in medieval period-mathematics, biology, chemistry, astronomy, medicine, agriculture

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 21

      Scientists of modern India
      • Srinivas Ramanujan, Chandrasekhara V. Raman, Jagadish Chandra Bose, Homi Jehangir Bhabha, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 22

      Education system in ancient India
      • General concept of education, aims and objectives of education, concept of four Rinas, other methods to preserve cultural tradition, Gurukul system, teacher student relationship (Guru-Shisya Parampara), subjects of study
      • Concepts of Biksha and Guru Dakshina, education of girls

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 23

      Famous centers of learning in ancient India
      • Takshila-Nalanda, Valabhi, Vikramasila, Kashi, Nadia, Mithila, method of teaching in the Vedic schools

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 24

      Contemporary education system (brief historical perspective and its problems)
      • Important features of the ancient education system, education system under Buddhism: Teaching methods, type of examination system, education in Mughal period: Salient features of Muslim education
      • Education under the British rule: Domination by Christian missionaries, objective of English education, setting of education departments, higher education, Sri Aurobindo’s national system of education, school education in the post independence India
      • Problems of contemporary education, some notable developments in the field of education, diversified fields of education

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 25

      Indian social structure ‘Varna’ and ‘Jati’ systems
      • Social structure of Indian society, Varna system-Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, emergence of caste (Jati) system

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 26

      Indian value system ‘Purusharth’ and ‘Ashram’ system
      • Concept of ‘Purusharth’-Dharm, Arth, Kaam, Moksh, social significance of Purusharth, concept of Rin (debts), social institution of ‘Ashram’-Brahmacharya, Grihasth, Vanprasth, and Sanyas, social significance of the ashram system, Sanskars

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 27

      Concept of family and place of woman in the Indian society
      • Concept of family-characteristics of family, functions of family, family in Indian perspective-importance of marriage, family system in India-characteristics of joint family, status and role of women in the Indian society

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 28

      Some contemporary social problems
      • Dowry problem, drug abuse and drug dependence, child abuse-problem of the girl child and women, problem of the aged, problem of poverty and unemployment, overview

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 29

      Spread of Indian culture abroad: Modes
      • Spread of Indian culture through traders, through teachers, emissaries, and missionaries, through indentured labour and other modes-indentured labour, Romas, non-resident Indians

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 30

      Indian culture in central and east Asia
      • Afghanistan, Central Asia, China, Korea, Japan, Nepal, Mongolia, Siberia, and Buryatia, Tibet, Bhutan

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 31

      Indian culture in south east Asia
      • Srilanka, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam (champa), Malaysia, Indonesia

      Indian culture and heritage: Unit 32

      Spread of Indian culture abroad-west Asia
      • Participation of navy in trade, India’s contact with Africa, India’s contact with Rome, early Indians expansion, emperor Asoka’s contribution to the world outside, spread through scholars, spread of medical knowledge abroad
      • Spread through indented labourers

      Economics: Unit 01

      Evolution and characteristics of wants
      • Evolution of wants: Wants-how they arise and grow, growth of wants-their interdependence, growing wants-their effects, difference between desire and want
      • Characteristics of wants: Unlimited wants, wants arise again and again; also change, different types of wants, expanding nature and growth of wants, relationship between wants and limited resources
      • Characteristics of wants: Maximum satisfaction through limitation of wants-the Indian philosophical view point

      Economics: Unit 02

      Human wants and production
      • Human wants and economic activities: Human wants-basis of all economic activities, economic and non-economic activities, economic activities in relation to production, consumption and investment
      • Goods and services: Meaning of goods and services in economics, goods and services-essential for satisfying human wants, goods, and services-classification and significance
      • Production of goods and services: Factors of production-types and their combined use in production. Factors of production-their returns
      • Organization of production: Production units-classification on the basis of ownership, government, private, and cooperative sectors-their function in organization of production

      Economics: Unit 03

      Increasing production of goods and services
      • Need for increasing production: Increasing production for achieving economic development and social welfare of the people
      • Scale of production: Household to small scale and small scale to large scale. Production catering consumption needs of various types of consumers, importance of production and productivity, industrial revolution-role in increasing production
      • Scale of production: Use of science and technology in increasing production, quality goods and services

      Economics: Unit 04

      Distribution of goods and services
      • Distribution: Meaning of distribution, importance of distribution, factors affecting distribution process, network of intermediaries between producers and final consumers of goods and services, effects of distribution
      • Role of science and technology: Role of transport, communication, warehousing, and insurance, advertising, impact of globalization

      Economics: Unit 05

      Buying of goods and services
      • Buyers and buying: Classification of buyers into household, firms, and government
      • Means of buying and helping the poor: Current income, past savings, borrowings, and loans, unequal distribution of means-need to narrow the gaps
      • Acquiring means of buying: Different sectors of the economy, production activities in primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors of the economy. Unequal opportunities for acquiring means
      • Helping the poor: Providing opportunities to the poor. Giving them education and training for their upliftment
      • Factors effecting buying: Depends on income, availability of goods and services, prices of different commodities, effects of rise, and fall in purchasing power

      Economics: Unit 06

      Selling of goods and services
      • Sellers: Sellers of goods and services, wholesalers, and retailers, private sellers and government sellers, domestic sellers, and international sellers
      • The process of selling: Types of markets, identification of buyers, sales promotion
      • Prices of goods and services: Market determined price, government determined price, support price, token price
      • Quantities sold and purchased: Price at which demand and supply are equal, taxes and subsidies, public distribution system

      Economics: Unit 07

      Savings: Banks, post offices, and insurance
      • Savings: Meaning of savings, importance of savings, types of savers and borrowers, role of banks and post offices in mobilizing savings
      • Savings in banks and post offices: Types of accounts-saving bank account and fixed deposit account in banks and post offices, various saving schemes in banks and post offices, procedures for opening various accounts in banks and post offices
      • Savings in banks and post offices: Role of savings in country’s development
      • Savings for insurance: Concept and simple meaning of insurance, various types of insurance schemes in different sectors of Indian economy, meaning of life insurance, medical insurance and other insurance schemes for children, etc and general insurance
      • Savings for insurance: Role of insurance in country’s development

      Economics: Unit 08

      Understanding an economy
      • Meaning of an economy: Simple description of economy-with suitable examples
      • Types of economy: (a) On the basis of ownership and control over means of production-(i) capitalist, (ii) socialist, (iii) mixed economy, (b) on the basis of level of development: (i) Developed economy, and (ii) developing economy
      • Types of economy: Difference in the economies which are based on the ‘ownership and control over means of production’ and on the basis of ‘levels of development’. Meaning of economic development and economic growth
      • Central problems of an economy: What to produce, how to produce, for whom to produce, reasons for calling central problems as central to economy, problem of scarcity and choice
      • Solution of the central problems: Price mechanism, planning

      Economics: Unit 09

      Indian economy: An overview and problems
      • Basic features of the Indian economy: Predominance of agriculture, present state of agriculture (with special reference to various schemes under taken for improvement of agriculture), low level of production and consumption, low per capita income
      • Basic features of the Indian economy: Rural face of the economy, some other important features
      • Various sectors of Indian economy: Public, private, joint, and cooperative sectors-meaning, importance and features, agriculture, industry, service sectors-meaning, importance, and their contribution to national income
      • Various sectors of Indian economy: Interlink ages between the factors for the growth of economy, contribution of various sectors to national income, concept of national income (a bird’s eye view) and per capita national income
      • Various sectors of Indian economy: Role of workers in increasing national income, thus increasing prosperity of the nation
      • Important problems before the economy: Population-meaning and definition, census, trends, factors affecting population growth/ decrease (demographic and non-demographic), composition (age, sex, marital status, literacy rural, urban), distribution
      • Important problems before the economy: Population-measures to check population growth in India, population and development-population and economic development, population and social development, population, and quality of life
      • Important problems before the economy: Population and development-population issues related to development: education, health, housing, traditional values and beliefs, impact of population on development. Poverty-meaning of poverty, poverty line
      • Important problems before the economy: Poverty-poverty estimates in India, magnitude of poverty and implication, poverty eradication programmes. Unemployment-meaning of unemployment, types of unemployment, causes of unemployment in India, brain drain
      • Consumer awareness: Meaning of consumption, increasing vis-à-vis minimizing consumption-the Indian view point (minimizing excess consumption and sharing with poor), consumer exploitation, consumers rights and duties
      • Consumer awareness: Legislation for protecting consumer’s rights, need for consumer education
      • Planning: Meaning and need for planning, planning after independence. Five years plans with special reference to latest plan. Towards liberalization, privatization, and globalization, new economic policy

      Economics: Unit 10

      World economy
      • World economy: Criteria for classification, characteristics of developed economies, characteristics of developing economies, distinction between the two, factors determining development. Bridging the gap
      • New approach to development: Human development-detailed discussion on the basis of reports so far brought out by UNDP, parameters and indicators of development (as mentioned in human development reports)
      • World trade: Need and importance of world trade, WTO and patent business-intellectual property right (IPR) and its implications, factors affecting world trade, sharing of material and human resources through collaboration and migration

      Economics: Unit 11

      Environment and sustainable development
      • Environment: meaning of environment, environmental problems-pollution (water and air), degradation of resources-soil, forest, efforts to check environmental problems, environment, and economic development-mutual relationship
      • Sustainable development: Meaning of sustainable development, resources: Finite nature of resources, renewable, and non-renewable resources, carrying capacity of environment, the affluence trap, limited resources-conservation and avoidance of wastage
      • Sustainable development: Pattern of consumption-restraining excess consumption

      Painting: Unit 01

      Introduction of Indian art
      • History and appreciation of Indian art from 3000 B.C. - 600 A.D.: Dancing girl, Rampurva Bull capital, Black princes
      • History and appreciation of art from 7th century A.D. - 12 century A.D.: Arjunas Penance or Gangavataraan, Krishna supporting mount Goverdhan, Sur Sundari from Sun temple of Konark
      • History and appreciation of art from 13 century A.D. - 18 century A.D.: Guler Minature, Jain Miniature, Raslila, Terracotta
      • Introduction to Indian folk art: Kantha from eastern region, Phulkari from northern region, Kolam from southern region

      Painting: Unit 02

      Introduction of western art
      • Renaissance: (i) Object-Monalisa (artist-Leonarda Da Vinci), (ii) object-Pieta (artist-Michael Angel), (iii) object-Night watch (artist-Rembrandt)
      • Impressionism and post impressionism: (i) Object-Water Lilies (artist-Monet), (ii) object-Maulin de Gallette (artist-Renoir), (iii) object-Still life with Onions (artist-Cezanne), (iv) object-Sunflower (artist-Vincent Van Gaugh)
      • Cubism surrealism and abstract art: (i) Object-Man with Violine (artist-Pablo Picasso), (ii) object-Persistence of Memory (artist-Salvador Dali), (iii) object-Black lines (artist-Kandinsky)

      Painting: Unit 03

      Contemporary Indian art
      • Pioneers of contemporary Indian art: (i) Hans Damayanti (artist-aja Ravi Varma), (ii) Bramhcharis (Amrita Shergil), (iii) Atrium (artist-Gagenendranath Tagore)
      • Contemporary Indian art: (i) Object-Whirl Pool (artist-Krishna Reddy), (ii) object-Words and symbols (artist-K.C.S.Panikar), (iii) object-Church in Paris (artist-Suza), (iv) object-Mural at Kala Bhavan, Shantiniketan (artist-Binode Bihari Mukherjee)

      Date entry operations: Unit 01

      Basics of computer
      • Input and output devices, system software and application software, computer language, compiler and assembler

      Date entry operations: Unit 02

      Operating system
      • Desktop elements, locating files and folders, changing system setting, file management in windows, installation of software and hardware

      Date entry operations: Unit 03

      Basics of word processing
      • Starting word program, word screen layout, typing screen objects, managing documents, protecting and finding documents

      Date entry operations: Unit 04

      Formatting documents
      • Working with text, formatting paragraphs, creating bulleted and numbered lists, spelling and grammar

      Date entry operations: Unit 05

      Mail merge
      • Types of document in mail merge, creating data source, creating mailing labels, merging data into main document

      Date entry operations: Unit 06

      Basics of spreadsheet
      • Selecting, adding, and renaming worksheets, modifying a worksheet, resizing rows and columns, workbook protection

      Date entry operations: Unit 07

      Formatting worksheets
      • Formatting toolbar, formatting cells, formatting columns and rows, protect and unprotect worksheets

      Date entry operations: Unit 08

      Formulas functions and charts
      • Copying a formula, types of functions, types of charts, auto shapes and smart art

      Date entry operations: Unit 09

      Creating presentation
      • Creating slides, slide sorter view, changing slide layouts, moving between slides

      Accountancy: Unit 01

      Introduction and basic concepts
      • Introduction to accounting, accounting concepts and conventions, accounting terms

      Accountancy: Unit 02

      Journal and otther subsidiary books
      • Accounting equation, double entry system, journal, cash book, bank reconciliation statement, purchase and salesbook

      Accountancy: Unit 03

      Ledger and trial balance
      • Ledger, trial balance and accounting errors

      Accountancy: Unit 04

      Depreciation, provision and reserves
      • Depreciation, provisions and reserves

      Accountancy: Unit 05

      Preparation of financial statements
      • Financial statements (without adjustments), financial statements (with adjustments)

      Accountancy: Unit 06

      Computers in Accounting
      • Computers in accounting, introduction to tally

      Hindustani music: Unit 01

      General musicology
      • Introduction of Hindustani music (Basic terms) (Sangeet, Nada, Shruti, Svara, Saptak, Varna, Alankara etc.)
      • Elements of Raga (Thata, Raga, Aroha, Avaroha, Pakad, Vadi, Samvadi, Gayan Samay and Jati)
      • Elements of Tala (Matra, Laya, Bol, Theka, Vibhag, Sam, Khali and Tali)
      • Study of forms Dhrupad and Dhamar
      • Notation system of Hindustani music (various signs, symbols and method of writing notation of various composition and Talas according to Bhatkhande notation system)

      Hindustani music: Unit 02

      Brief history of Hindustani music (ancient and Medieval periods)
      • Brief study of music in Vedas with special reference to the Sama Veda
      • Brief introduction to Sangeet Ratnakar
      • Brief study of the contents of Sangeet Parijat

      Hindustani music: Unit 03

      Pioneers of Hindustani music
      • Life sketch and contribution of great entities in the field of music (Mansingh Tomar, Tansen, Sadarang-Adarang)
      • Pioneers of Hindustani music: Pt. Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande and Pt. Vishnu Digampar Paluskar

      Carnatic music: Unit 01

      General musicology
      • Origin and development of Indian music to carnatic music and its evolution
      • Key concepts of carnatic music
      • Biographies of prominent composers
      • Introduction to Abhayasa Gana
      • Introduction to Sabha Ganam
      • Classification of musical instruments
      • Notation system of carnatic music

      • NIOS class 10 sample papers and mock tests make a student acquainted with the exam pattern and standard of questions asked and furthermore enable them to practice the questions several times. 
      • Students can download the sample papers and previous year's question papers from the NIOS's official portal. 
      • Practising these papers makes concepts strong and helps in retaining the same for a longer time.
      • Students can download the NIOS sample papers in online mode for all subjects to prepare for NIOS 10th exam 2025.

      Students who attend open classes must maintain discipline since there are no regular classes. Here are some tips to prepare for the NIOS 10th exam 2025:

      • Study plan: It is pivotal for students of open schools to make a study plan and follow it through till the end. Discipline is central to success and making a study plan will help inculcate discipline in their study.
      • Know the syllabus: Knowing the syllabus by heart is the first step to preparing for the NIOS 10th exam 2025. The syllabus enables candidates to segregate the syllabus into groups which will help them better organize it in their study plan.
      • Get the study material: Lack of textbooks only makes the job harder. To avoid this, get textbooks for help and reference and study them to prepare for NIOS 10th exam 2025. Candidates can also use the internet and ask for the help of their friends if they are stuck on something.
      • Make short-term study goals: Making short-term study goals gives a sense of accomplishment and helps the candidate to be focused. Short-term study goals divide the syllabus and it doesn't feel as huge as it might.
      • Study sample papers: Sample papers, previous year question papers, and mock tests grill candidates for the day of the NIOS 10th exam. It is important to study sample papers as it gives a boost of confidence and makes the candidate feel prepared.
      Read more
      • The NIOS 10th theory exam admit card for the April session 2025 will be released in online mode in March 2025.
      • The NIOS 10th practical exam admit card for the April session 2025 will be released in March 2025.
      •  Candidates can download their NIOS admit card 2025 by entering their enrollment number in the login window.  
      • NIOS 10th admit card is important to carry to the examination hall as the students who do not produce it are not allowed to sit for the exam.

      The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) will announce the NIOS results for the April session in June 2025. The institute will announce the NIOS results 2025 for the October session in December 2025. Students can check the NIOS results 2025 on the official website. They can get them by entering their roll number in the given space. NIOS class 10th result incorporates the student's name, date of birth, roll number, subject, code, marks received, grades, and so on. 

      Steps to check the NIOS 10th result are given below:

      • Step 1: Visit the official website of NIOS or click on the link given above.
      • Step 2: Select the 'Examination/Result' link.
      • Step 3: A new page will appear, read it carefully and select the appropriate link.
      • Step 4: Enter your credentials as per your admit card.
      • Step 5: Wait for the result to load.
      • Step 6: Download and print out the result for future reference.
      Read more

      General Information


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      Relevant Links

      Official Website Link Click Here

      Frequently Asked Questions

      1. When will the NIOS conduct the class 10 theory exams.

      The institute will start the NIOS Class 10 theory exam from April to May 2025.

      2. Where can I appear for NIOS 10th exams?

      The candidate will have to appear for exams at the NIOS exam center assigned to them based on their preferences.

      3. Can I apply directly for NIOS 10th admission?

      Yes, Students can apply for NIOS class 10 admission directly in online mode.

      4. What are the documents needed to get NIOS 10th admission?

      Following documents are required to apply for NIOS class 10 admission:

      • Passport size photo
      • Aadhar card
      • Birth certificate
      • Residence proof
      • 8th class mark sheet
      • Caste certificate (If applicable)
      • Disability certificate (If applicable)
      5. How to keep track of NIOS 10th admission?

      Students can keep track of their admission through NIOS admission status window by entering reference number or email-ID.

      6. Can I transfer my marks from CBSE to NIOS?

      If the candidate has passed at least one subject from the CBSE board then they can apply for NIOS admission under ToC to transfer their marks from CBSE to NIOS.

      7. Can I appear for NIOS 10th exams after 2 years of getting admission?

      Yes, Students can appear for NIOS class 10 exams during the admission period which is 5 years from the date of admission.

      8. What is the admission fees for NIOS 10th?

      The admission fee for NIOS 10th is Rs. 1800 for general male students, Rs. 1450 for general female students and Rs. 1200 for SC/ST/Ex-serviceman/PwD students. Rs.720 per subject are to be paid for each additional subject. 

      9. What is the minimum age to apply for NIOS board 10th admission?

      The minimum age to apply for NIOS class 10 admission is 14 years old.

      E-books and Sample Papers

      Questions related to NIOS 10th

      Have a question related to NIOS 10th ?


      Yes, you can appear for NIOS in 2025 and still be eligible for BITSAT and JEE Mains, provided you meet the age and academic criteria. Ensure you study the required subjects and score well. Both exams accept NIOS qualifications, so focus on achieving high marks to enhance your chances of securing a seat in prestigious institutions. Check the official guidelines for any specific eligibility updates.

      Hope this helps you,

      Thank you

      You can check diploma courses after 10th class and NIOS courses and certificates available. You can also visit the university's official websites and check the sections of admissions or courses offered or contact the admissions offices directly to learn about the programs offered after 10th through NIOS board .

      To get admission to NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) for the October 2024 exam, visit the official NIOS board website. Complete the NIOS online registration by filling out the required forms, uploading necessary documents, and paying the NIOS exam fee . Ensure you check the registration deadlines and other details. After successful registration, you will receive study materials and information of your NIOS examination centre . Regularly check the NIOS website for updates and important announcements regarding the NIOS exam schedule and other things.


      To get admission in NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) for the October 2024 exams, visit the official NIOS website. Look for the admission section and follow the guidelines for online registration or offline application, depending on your preference. Complete the application form, submit necessary documents (like identity proof, educational certificates), and pay the required fees. Stay updated with deadlines and notifications provided by NIOS for a smooth admission process.

      Hope this helps you,

      Thank you

      To get admission to the 11th standard without your Class 10th NIOS result , contact the school you are interested in and explain your situation. Many institutions allow provisional admissions based on internal assessments, and previous academic performance, or conditional admissions are also done with the pending results. Ensure you submit the NIOS 10th result marksheet as soon as it is available to secure your admission.

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