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Power Of Pranayamas And Asanas In Student Life

Power Of Pranayamas And Asanas In Student Life

Edited By aditi.narendra | Updated on Jun 30, 2023 09:10 AM IST

Yoga is just not a hobby or a means to stay fit, it is a lifestyle and the first step towards spiritual awakening. It originated from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means to ‘unify’. It means the unification of body and mind to create a balance between the two. In 2014, Prime Minister, Narendra Modi in his address at the UN proposed June 21 to be celebrated as International Yoga Day which came into effect on 11 December 2014.

Power Of Pranayamas And Asanas In Student Life
Power Of Pranayamas And Asanas In Student Life

The art of practising yoga is no recent phenomenon. It dates back to around 1500 BC with its first documented reference in the sacred text of Rigveda. Since then it has done wonders for its followers.

Navigating Challenges In Student’s Life

Students who are in their teens or early twenties face a multitude of challenges. They have to dedicate long hours to studying, make important decisions about their career paths, and manage the hormonal changes occurring in their bodies. This period of life can be demanding and overwhelming for many students. A lot of mental calmness, physical strength and energy are needed to sail through this phase.

Pranayam And Yoga For Students For A Better Life

Students can practise pranayam and yoga asanas. Pranayama mostly involves the regulation of breath for better channelising the mind or body. And asanas are more about stretching which involves building core strength. We at Careers360 have listed easy to do pranayam and asanas for some major problems faced by students in general.

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Concentration and Memory

Students in their school time have a lot to memorise and learn for their upcoming competitive exams, class tests, quizzes and other formative assessments. And this is also the age when a lot of things are happening in the personal life of students. Most of the students find it hard to concentrate on their studies and maintain a balance between their personal and academic life. If you are someone whose mind is not still and travels everywhere while studying. If you forget every formula and chemical reaction you can try these pranayamas for yourself.

  • Pranayama

Bhramari pranayama: Bhramari pranayama or the ‘humming bee breath’ involves echoing a buzzing sound of the bee as the name suggests.

Step 1: Sit comfortably in a cross-legged legged position on the floor.

Step 2:Close your mouth with teeth slightly apart.

Step 3: Simultaneously, place your tongue at the back of the upper teeth of the jaw.

Step 4: Close your ears with the tips of your thumb and lightly put your index finger on your eyebrows, middle finger on your eyelids, and pinky fingers just below it.

Step 5: Inhale a deep breath through your nose and exhale slowly making a clear and loud buzzing sound through your nose. Make sure your body is still and your eyes are closed while doing this pranayama.

  • Asana

Vrishkasana: Vrikshasana or the ‘tree pose’ involves maintaining balance while doing the asana. This helps the practitioner to negative thoughts and maintain focus.

Step 1: Stand straight on the floor with your hands on your side.

Step 2: Slowly lift your right leg and place the back of your foot on the thigh on the length of your left leg. Bend the right knee as if you making an angle on your thighs.

Step 3: Make sure your foot is on the root of your thigh and you can maintain a blanched position.

Step 4: Inhale deeply while keeping your position stable. Simultaneously, raise your hand above your head and join your hands in a ‘namaste’ position.

Step 5: Keep your back straight and slowly exhale while bringing your hands on the side of your legs.

Step 6:Bring your foot down, and come back to the standing position.

Anxiety and Stress

There is a lot of pressure on students to pass in competitive exams, compete with their fellow students, and complete their assignments on time and even under pressure. If you are someone who has been feeling vulnerable lately you can try these and see if it helps you.

  • Pranayama

Kapalabhati: Kapalabhati or ‘skull-polishing’ is one of the most famous pranayamas which involves conscious breathing and regulates the stress hormones.

Step 1: Sit comfortably in a cross-legged legged position on the floor.

Step 2: To feel at ease, slowly place your palms on your thighs.

Step 3: Take a deep breath fill up your chest, and hold it there for a second

Step 4: Now exhale quickly and with power through your nose. You should push a sudden thrust in your stomach.

  • Asana

Balasana: Balasana or ‘child-pose' is must try asana if you are trying to achieve mindfulness and want to calm yourself down. The postures of this asana are similar to a child a comfortable resting position.

Step 1: Sit in a comfortable position on your yoga mat by coming on your hands and legs on the mat

Step 2: Spread your knees apart, in alignment with your yoga mat. Place the face of your foot on the floor in a position where the thumbs of your foot touch each other.

Step 3: Rest your belly between your thighs and gently lower your forehead to the floor. You may not be able to do so in the first time, so don’t be hard on yourself

Step 4: Place your hands near your thighs with the palms facing up.

Step 5: Hold this position for a few comfortable breaths and then come back to the starting position.

Also Read-Yoga Asanas Online: 6 Platforms For Beginners And Experts

Body Strength

There are a lot of assignments, tests, and extracurricular activities to participate in a student’s life. Yoga gives them strength inside and out, helping them manage their workload effectively. If you are someone who gets tired very quickly and fails to complete your tasks because of that you can try the following:

  • Pranayama

Bhastrika Pranayama: Bhastrika Pranayama or ‘bellows breath’ if practised boosts immunity, develops internally and makes the practitioner less prone to diseases.

Step 1: Take a deep breath and exhale strongly through your nose, without any extra strain.

Step 2: Now again inhale with the same force as before.

Step 3: Continue to inhale and exhale deeply and fully.You have to use the muscles in your abdomen to breathe with energy. When you breathe in, let your abdomen move outward as your chest shrinks. When you breathe out, let your abdomen move inward as your chest rises.

Step 4: Make the movements slightly exaggerated, and you may notice a strong sound coming from your nose as you breathe.

  • Asana

Phalakasana: Phalakasana or ‘plank pose’ is an asana that boosts core strength with a focus on the shoulders and arm.

Step 1: Place your palm on your yoga mat aligning to the outer edges of the shoulder.

Step 2: Try to lift your body and head from the mat using your core muscles.

Step 3: Keep the face of your toes inside the edge of the shoulder

Step 4: Keep your body from your heels to your head in a straight line.

Step 5: Hold the pose for a few seconds while breathing deeply.

Step 6: Come back to normal position by bringing your body back to the mat.


The sleep cycle of almost every student is pretty messed up nowadays. They either are under a lot of stress or have long hours of screen time making them prone to insomnia which may have detrimental effects on their health in future.If you are someone who struggles to sleep at night this might be a good option for you.

  • Pranayama

Yogendra Pranayam 4: Yogendra Pranayam 4 or ‘abdominal breathing’ involves guided breathing techniques that calm down your senses and bring you down to a resting position

Step 1: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet near your hips. Keep your knees and feet close together.

Step 2: Place one hand lightly on your stomach and the other hand by your side.

Step 3: Slowly take deep breaths. Feel your diaphragm push your stomach out as you breathe in.

Step 4: Exhale and let your stomach gently fall back down.

  • Asana

Uttanasana: Uttanasana or ‘standing forward bend’ involves deep stretching of the body.

Step 1: Stand on your yoga mat putting equal weight on both of your legs.

Step 2: Inhale and extend your arms parallel to the mat.

Step 3: Exhale and bend from your hips towards the mat.

Step 4: In the same position try to place your fingertips or your palms on the floor.

Step 5: Exhale, as you bring your chest closer to your knees. Try to lift your hips and tailbone higher. Allow your head to relax and gently move it towards your feet. Continue deep breathing.

Step 6: Inhale deeply and stretch your arms forward and up.

Step 7: Gradually rise to a standing position.

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Every pranayama and asana offers versatile benefits. For example, Uttanasana is good for deep sleep it also improves your digestive system. While these practices are relatively simple to perform, incorporating them into a daily routine may require some effort. However, committing to regular practice can bring about significant positive changes, reducing stress levels and building a sense of peace in your life.


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