Mysteries Of A Rainbows: How Does Sunlight Transform Into Colourful Arcs?

Mysteries Of A Rainbows: How Does Sunlight Transform Into Colourful Arcs?

Edited By Vishal kumar | Updated on Oct 16, 2023 09:10 AM IST

Imagine a bright, sunny day after a refreshing rain shower. As you step outside, a burst of vibrant colours suddenly paints the sky, creating a breathtaking arch that seems almost magical. What you're witnessing is a rainbow, one of nature's most enchanting phenomena. In this article, we will explore the enthralling world of rainbows, learning about the science underlying their formation, the function of light, and the hidden treasures that lay within these gorgeous arcs of colour.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is a Rainbow?
  2. How Light Behaves
  3. Dispersion: Splitting Colours
  4. Primary Rainbow: Red to Violet
  5. Secondary Rainbow: Double the Magic
Mysteries Of A Rainbows: How Does Sunlight Transform Into Colourful Arcs?
Mysteries Of A Rainbows: How Does Sunlight Transform Into Colourful Arcs?

Rainbows have a unique ability to evoke wonder and amazement in people of all ages. Their appearance often leaves us staring in awe, wondering about the secrets they hold. By the end of this journey, you'll not only understand the science behind these colourful arcs but also appreciate the magic and beauty that rainbows bring to our world. So, let's embark on this colourful adventure and discover the extraordinary process that turns raindrops into radiant rainbows.

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What is a Rainbow?

Rainbows are like nature's enchanting masterpiece, created when sunlight and raindrops come together in a dazzling display of colours. The term "rainbow" might make you think of a single colour, but in reality, it's a breathtaking combination of various hues.


This magnificent spectrum follows a certain order that begins with red, followed by orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. This sequence can be remembered using the abbreviation "ROYGBIV." Each colour blends into the next, resulting in a harmonic tapestry that captivates the mind.

How Light Behaves

Light is a fundamental type of energy that illuminates our world and allows us to see the colours, shapes, and beauty that surround us. It's an electromagnetic wave made up of small particles known as photons. These photons are in charge of transporting the energy that allows our eyes to see everything. It is critical to understand the behaviour of light and its interaction with water droplets while discussing the formation of rainbows.

The ability of light to travel in straight lines is one of its fundamental qualities. This property is critical to the production of rainbows. When sunlight penetrates our atmosphere, it produces a rainbow-like variety of colours. These colours, on the other hand, remain interwoven within the light until they come into contact with an impediment or medium, such as raindrops. Something magical begins to happen as the light goes through these raindrops: the spectrum of colours within the light is divided and exhibited for us to see.


The concept of refraction holds the key to understanding how rainbows are formed. The bending of light as it moves from one medium to another is known as refraction. When sunlight enters a raindrop, it slows down and bends, allowing the light's various colours to spread out and disperse. Because of the differences in wavelengths, light bends differently for each colour.

Dispersion: Splitting Colours

In optics, dispersion refers to the separation of white light into its constituent colours. When light passes through a material, such as a prism or a raindrop, different wavelengths of light bend to varying degrees, resulting in a rainbow of colours. Dispersion is the mesmerising enchantment that creates the vibrant colours of a rainbow.


Prisms are amazing optical devices that are crucial in understanding dispersion. When a white light beam enters a prism, the various colours within that light are twisted at different angles due to their varying wavelengths. This bending process is referred to as refraction. Longer wavelengths, such as red, bend less than shorter wavelengths, such as violet. As a result, the light exiting the prism is spread out, generating a magnificent rainbow-like range of colours.

In the 17th century, Sir Isaac Newton's experiments with prisms were essential in unveiling the secrets of dispersion. He revealed that the phenomena was not confined to prisms but also occurred when sunlight interacted with raindrops, providing insight into how rainbows form.

Primary Rainbow: Red to Violet

The primary rainbow, which is frequently seen as a semicircular arc in the sky after a rain shower, is caused by the intricate interaction of light and water droplets.

When sunlight passes through raindrops in the sky, the various colours of white light slow down and bend to variable degrees. This light bending, also known as refraction, is an important phase in the production of the primary rainbow. The amount of bending varies with wavelength, with red light bending the least and violet light bending the most.

After refraction, the split colours within each raindrop undergo internal reflection, rebounding off the raindrop's inside surface. This reflection keeps the colours within the raindrop contained.

As the light escapes the raindrop, it refracts again, bending as it moves from the heavier medium of water to the less dense medium of air. The angles at which the different colours depart the raindrop are critical in the formation of the primary rainbow.

Secondary Rainbow: Double the Magic

The secondary rainbow is created by a separate set of interactions between raindrops. When sunlight passes through a raindrop, it refracts and reflects not once, but twice, resulting in a double internal reflection. Because of this additional reflection, the secondary rainbow is inverted, with its colours appearing in the opposite sequence as the primary rainbow.

The secondary rainbow is fainter because some light is lost owing to absorption and scattering during the two internal reflections. Furthermore, as the light departs the raindrop for the second time, it is refracted at a steeper angle, further spreading out the colours and making the secondary rainbow less distinct and brighter than the first rainbow.

The next time you see a rainbow, take a moment to look up, and you'll see more than just colours in the sky. You'll see the magic of science and the beauty of the world around you, waiting to be explored.

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