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NIOS 12th Exam 2025 - Admit Card, Date Sheet, Pattern, Syllabus, Result

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NIOS Class 12 Exam Date : 17 Mar' 2025 - 01 Apr' 2025
Updated on 26th February, 2025 by Mallika Thaledder

About NIOS Class 12 2025

The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) conducts the Senior Secondary examination twice a year, in March/April and in October/November. The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) has announced the admission schedule for NIOS Class 12. The exams are held in Hindi, English, Urdu, Bengali, Tamil, Punjabi, Odiya, and Sanskrit medium.

More on NIOS 12th Exams:

  • The NIOS October exam results were announced on January 17, 2025.
  • The NIOS class 12 theory exams for the October Session were held from October 22 to November 29, 2024.
  • NIOS will announce the Class 12 practical exam dates for the April session in February 2025. The NIOS 12th practical exam October exam dates will be released in October 2025.
  • The NIOS theory exam admit cards for the April session 2025 will be released in March 2025. 
  • The board will conduct the NIOS 12th exam for April session from April to May 2025.
  • The NIOS result 2025 for April session will be released in June 2025.
  • Students must prepare for the NIOS 12th exams as per the latest NIOS class 12 syllabus. 
  • They should solve the NIOS previous question papers to prepare better for class 12 exams.
  • Generally, NIOS releases the hall tickets around 1 or 2 weeks before the examinations.

About NIOS 12th admission 

The minimum age of the students should be 15 years, to get NIOS admission 2025. After applying successfully for NIOS 12th exams, students will receive a confirmation on the registered email address and Mobile number. Alternatively, they can check their NIOS admission status to know about the enrollment number and other details of NIOS class 12 exams.

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NIOS Class 12 2025 Highlights

Full Exam Name
National Institute of Open Schooling 12th Examination
Short Exam Name
NIOS Class 12
Conducting Body
National Institute of Open Schooling
Frequency Of Conduct
Twice a year
Exam Level
Bengali +5 more
Mode Of Application
Application Fee
Online : 2000
Mode Of Exam
Exam Duration
3 Hours

NIOS Class 12 Important Dates

NIOS Class 12 National Institute of Open Schooling 12th Examination (session 2025)

17 Mar' 2025 - 01 Apr' 2025 . Online
Exam Date
Apr/May session 2025 - practical exam
21 Nov' 2024 - 20 Dec' 2024 . Online
Application Date
Apr/May session 2025 - without late fee
21 Dec' 2024 - 31 Dec' 2024 . Online
Late Fee Application Date
Apr/May session 2025 - with late fee of Rs. 150/-
01 Jan' 2025 - 10 Jan' 2025 . Online
Late Fee Application Date
Apr/May session 2025 - with consolidated of Rs.1600/-

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To be eligible for NIOS 12th exam 2025, students have to meet some minimum eligibility requirements set by the National Institute of Open Schooling. 

Check NIOS Class 12 eligibility criteria 2025 below:

  1. The student must have passed the secondary class exams successfully.

  2. Student must have attained a minimum of 15 years of age to be eligible for NIOS 12th exams 2025 as on January 31, 2025.

  3. Student must produce a copy of secondary pass certificate from NIOS or a recognized board duly attested by a gazetted officer, an address proof and two latest passport-sized photographs.

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Students who wish to appear for the NIOS Class 12 exams for April 2025 can fill NIOS registration form. They can apply for NIOS admission in online mode by following the steps given below:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website.
  • Step 2: Click on the 'Register' button and read the instructions given carefully.
  • Step 3: Click on the 'Proceed' button.
  • Step 4: Select your state.
  • Step 5: Select the identity type (Aadhar card/Passport/Ration card etc.) and enter the number of the selected identity type. 
  • Step 6: Under the course, select 'Sr. Secondary'.
  • Step 7: When the application form loads, enter basic and optional information and select your subjects and study centre.
  • Step 8: Upload your scanned photo, identity card and other documents (Caste certificate, Class 10th mark sheet etc.).
  • Step 9: Tap on 'Generate OTP' and enter the OTP, received on your phone.
  • Step 10: Review the NIOS application form before submitting and making payment by choosing a particular payment gateway.
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50+ Entrance Exams for 10+2 Students Must Not Miss

Download this ebook to learn about 50+ entrance exams for 12th students to get admission to the best colleges for undergraduates.

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Documents Required at Exam NIOS Class 12 2025

National Institute of Open Schooling 12th Examination 2025

  • Government issued Photo ID/NIOS ID card
  • NIOS Class 12th admit card
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NIOS exam pattern will help students in tackling the papers easily. Students can get information regarding the marking scheme, types, and standard of questions asked, syllabus, and much more through the NIOS 12th 2025 exam pattern. The details of subject wise NIOS 12th exam pattern are given below:

  • English: Being a theoretical subject, students will have to write a lot in the examination. Total marks for the English exam will be 100 marks and students will be given a 3 hours time duration to attempt the question paper.
  • Commerce (Business studies): Business studies exam will have a total score of 100 marks and students are required to attempt the question paper in 3 hours.
  • Home Science: This paper will comprise the questions of a total of 100 marks to be solved within 3 hours.
  • Accountancy: Question paper of accountancy is to be solved in 3 hours time. The paper will have a total score of 100 marks.
  • Sociology: Sociology exam has a total score of 100 marks which students have to solve under 3 hours. Sociology exam paper also has optional sections and students can choose the questions they know over the other questions.
  • Chemistry: Chemistry question paper asks varied types of questions of chemical equations, numerical, theory etc. Students are required to solve this question paper within 3 hours. The paper has a total score of 80 marks.
  • Geography: Geography is one of the main subjects of Arts stream. The geography question paper is worth 80 marks and students have to attempt the complete question paper within a time limit of 3 hours.
  • History: History is another core subject of Arts stream contains the questions of 80 marks with a duration of 3 hours. 
  • Mass communication: Mass communication is an elective subject. The theory paper of Mass communication has a total score of 80 marks which students have to solve within 3 hours.
  • Painting: Painting subject has two papers, theory and practical. Students have to solve the theory question paper in 1 hour and 30 minutes and total marks of theory paper is 30.
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Other School Exams

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NIOS Class 12 2025 Syllabus

NIOS Class 12 National Institute of Open Schooling 12th Examination Syllabus

English: Unit 01

Reading comprehension (prescribed texts) and functional grammar
  • Prose texts (prescribed): (i) A warmer or a colder earth (popular science)- by Arthur C. Clarke, (ii) The tiger in the tunnel (narrative)-by Ruskin Bond, (III) First two or four pages from sunny days (autobiographical)- by Sunil Gavaskar
  • Prose texts (prescribed): (iv) Case of suspension (narrative),(v) Big brother (narrative)- by Shekhar Joshi, (vi) Father, dear father (news paper article form the Hindu), (vii) Face to face (autobiographical)- by Ved Mehta
  • Prose texts (prescribed): (viii) I must know the truth (narrative)- by Sigrun Srivastav, (ix) If I were you (play)- BY Douglas James, (x) India, her past and her future (speech)- by Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Poems: (i) Leisure- by W H Davis, (ii) The road not taken- by Robert Frost, (iii) Where the mind is without fear-by Tagore, (iv) My grand mother’s house-by Kamala Das, (v) The night of the scorpion-by Nissim Ezekiel
  • Non prescribed: Newspaper, articles, tables, diagrams, advertisements, etc
  • Grammar and usage: The following points of grammar and usage have been selected from the reading passages-(i) agreement/ concord: Number-gender, etc (ii) tenses: Simple past (negatives/ interrogatives) present perfect, past perfect continuous
  • Grammar and usage: The following points of grammar and usage have been selected from the reading passages-(ii) tenses: Past perfect, expressing future time (will and going to), (iii) passive voice (perfect tenses and modals)
  • Grammar and usage: The following points of grammar and usage have been selected from the reading passages-(iv) modals (must, should ought to, would)
  • Grammar and usage: The following points of grammar and usage have been selected from the reading passages-(v) linking words (to like because although, instead of, if, as, since, who, which that, when however, inspite of)
  • Grammar and usage: The following points of grammar and usage have been selected from the reading passages-(vi) reported speech, statements, questions (yes/ no)

English: Unit 02

Functional writing and study skills
  • Paragraph writing: Describing objects, describing people, narrating events, stories
  • Letter writing: Application for leave, application for jobs, asking for information form various agencies (example last date for getting prospects; price of items before placing doers, etc)
  • Note making
  • Ending (punctuation, spelling, appropriate vocabulary, structures)

English: Unit 03

Listening and speaking skills
  • Introducing yourself/ friends in formal and informal situations
  • Inviting people (over the phone and face to face) giving details of occasion, time place, and date
  • Acceptance and refusal of invitation-formal and informal
  • Seeking and supplying information (example opening an account in a bank, applying for loans etc)
  • Talking and conveying messages (over the phone and face to face)
  • Giving directions/ instruction
  • Discussing contemporary issues related to environment, child labour, gender bias etc
  • Listening to excepts form television and radio
  • Listening to poems/ plays (prescribed)
  • Listening to speeches/ talks
  • Listening to songs like “we shall overcome"

English: Unit 05

English for science (optional)
  • Health and hygiene
  • Conservation of (nearly extinct) animals
  • Plant life
  • Bio gas/ solar energy
  • These pieces illustrate the use of English in scientific writing: Giving information factually, logically, and objectively

English: Unit 06

English for receptionist (optional)
  • Receiving messages, making request, etc
  • Supplying information
  • Giving advice and making suggestions
  • Dealing with complaints
  • Making entries in an appointment book, register, etc

English: Unit 07

English for office use (optional)
  • Using the telephone taking and passing messages
  • Receiving messages
  • Marking noting on files and circular
  • Writing office notes, memos, notices, agendas for meetings
  • Telegrams and fax messages
  • Writing business letters, application enquires, complaints
  • Filling in forms, cherubs, pay in slips, etc

Physics: Unit 01

Dimensional analysis and vectors
  • Units, dimensions, dimensional formula, application of dimensional equations, vectors and their representation (graphically), resolution of vectors in to rectangular components (two dimensions), addition and subtraction of vectors

Physics: Unit 02

Motion in a straight line
  • Distance and displacement, speed and velocity with special reference to average and relative velocity, instantaneous velocity, uniform motion with examples, non-uniform motion (constant acceleration) with examples
  • Graphical representation of motion in two dimensions (including that of constant acceleration), equations of motion with numerical problems

Physics: Unit 03

Newton’s laws of motion
  • First law of motion with examples, second law of motion with concept of momentum and force, third law of motion with examples, free body diagram, conservation of linear momentum, friction and lubrication

Physics: Unit 04

Motion in a plane
  • Projectile motion (equation, time of fight, rang, and maximum height), uniform circular motion (radial and tangential acceleration), centripetal acceleration, application of circular motion
  • Uniformly rotating frame of reference and non-inertial force (centrifugal force), relation between velocity and angular velocity

Physics: Unit 05

Gravitational motion
  • Newton’s universal law of gravitation, inertial mass and gravitational mass, acceleration due to gravity and its variation, Kepler’s laws, motion of planets, orbital, and escape velocity, satellites-geostationary, weightlessness

Physics: Unit 06

Work, energy, and power
  • Work done by a constant force, work done by a carrying force (graphical method) with example of spring, work-energy relation, conservative and non-conservative force, mechanical energy (kinetic and potential) with examples
  • Conservation of energy, (spring, pendulum, etc), elastic and inelastic collision, power and its units

Physics: Unit 07

Rotational motion
  • Rigid body motion, center of mass, couple, and torque, moment of inertia, radius of gyration and its significance, theorems of motion for a uniformly rotating rigid body (no derivation), angular momentum and its conservation with simple application
  • Rotational and translational motions with example (motion of ball, cylinder, flywheel on an inclined plane

Physics: Unit 08

Properties of solids
  • Elastic properties and Hook’s law, Young’s modules, bulk modulus, modulus of rigidity and compressibility, applications of elasticity-cantilever, girder, etc, hydrostatic pressure and buoyancy, Pascal’s law and its application

Physics: Unit 09

Properties of liquids
  • Forces of cohesion and adhesion, surface energy and surface tension, angle of contact and capillary action, application of surface tension, liquid drops, bubbles, and detergents, types of liquid flow-laminar and turbulent, Reynolds number
  • Viscosity and Stoke’s law, Bernoulli’s theorem (no derivation) and its applications

Physics: Unit 10

Properties of gases
  • Kinetic theory of gases (with derivation of ideal gas equation state), KE and temperature relationship, specific heat of gases, equilibrium of heat, specific heats Cp and Cv and their relationship

Physics: Unit 11

Laws of thermodynamics
  • Thermodynamic variables, concept of hear, and thermodynamic equilibrium, temperature and its measurement, principle of calorimetery, thermodynamic processes-isothermal, adiabatic, reversible, irreversible, and cyclic process
  • First law of thermodynamics-internal energy, second change, phase diagram, latent heat, triple point, and concept of entropy and its significance, Carnot’s cycle and its efficiency

Physics: Unit 12

Transfer of heat
  • Conduction of heat, convection of heat, radiation of heat, black body radiation, Wien’s law, Stefan’s law, green house effect, Newton’s law of cooling

Physics: Unit 13

  • Properties of electric charge-quantizations and conservation, Coulomb’s law (vector form), electric field and field or point charge (through diagram), force in and charged particle in electric field, electric field of a dipole and dipole moment
  • Behavior of electric dipole in uniform electric field, electric potential due to appoint charge, due to a dipole and potential energy, relation between electric field and potential
  • Statement and use of Gauss theorem determining electric field of a point charge, ling wire, plane sheet, solid sphere, spherical shell, conductors, and field inside conductor, electrostatic shielding, capacitors and their combinations
  • Dielectric and their polarization, electric field in dielectric, capacitor with dielectric

Physics: Unit 14

Electric current
  • Electric current in a conductor, Ohm’s law, resistivity of material and colour coding of resistors, combination of resistances (series and parallel), Kirchhoff's laws and their application to electrical circuits, Wheatstone bridge principle
  • Potentiometer and its application

Physics: Unit 15

Chemical and thermal effects of electric current
  • Heating effect of electric current, joules law of heating, electrolysis-Faraday’s laws of electrolysis and their application, thermoelectricity (sea beck, peltier, and Thomson effect (only qualitative)

Physics: Unit 16

Magnetic effect of electric current
  • Magnetic effect of electric current, Bio-Savart law-magnetic field at the center of a coil carrying current (qualitative treatment), ampere's circuital law and its application in finding magnetic field of a wire loop (at a center), toroid and solenoid
  • Force on a current carrying wire in a uniform magnetic field and definition of ampere, force on a charged particle in a magnetic field and Lorentz force, magnetic dipole moment of a current loop, torque on a current loop in magnetic field
  • Moving coil galvanometer and its conversion into ammeter and voltmeter

Physics: Unit 17

  • Magnet and magnetic field, components of Earth’s magnetic field, molecular theory of magnetism (qualitatively), dia, para, and ferro magnetic materials

Physics: Unit 18

Electromagnetic induction and alternating current
  • Faraday’s law of electro-magnetic induction, Lenz’s law, self and mutual induction, growth and decay of current in LR and CR circuits (qualitative), alternating current and voltage, illustrating with phase diagram-peak and RMS values
  • Circuits containing only RL or C separately, their phase relationship between I and V, power in AC circuit-power factor and watts current (pure inductor and pure capacitor), LCR series combination (using phaser diagram only) and resonance

Physics: Unit 19

Electric power generation and its transmission
  • Generators-AC and DC, transformers, transmission of power (domestic and industrial distribution), various energy sources, electrical power generation-hydro-electricity, chemical energy, molecular energy, wind energy, and solar energy
  • Status of electric power in India, problem of low voltage and load shedding

Physics: Unit 20

Simple harmonic motion
  • Periodic motion-amplitude, period frequency and phase, simple harmonic motion as a projection of uniform circular motion with examples of spring and simple pendulum, forced oscillations-resonance with examples
  • Damped oscillations with example (without mathematics)

Physics: Unit 21

Elastic waves
  • Moving pulse, harmonic waves, wavelength, frequency, speed and their relationship, amplitude of wave, wave motion in taut string, formula for its speed, wave motion in gaseous medium and formula for its speed, phase difference between two harmonic waves
  • Superposition of waves-interference of waves, reflection of waves from rigid boundary, standing waves and beast (only qualitative treatment, with equation), characteristics of sound waves, threshold of hearing, intensity of sound and its unit
  • Shock waves, noise pollution, resonance column (overtones and harmonics) only through diagram, Doppler’s effect and its application

Physics: Unit 22

Reflection and refraction of light
  • Reflection of light from spherical mirrors, sign convention, mirror formulae and problems based on it, reflection of light, Snell’s law of refraction, total Internal reflection and its application, refraction through single curved surface and lenses
  • Lens maker’s formula and magnification, power of lens, combination of lenses

Physics: Unit 23

Dispersion and scattering of light
  • Dispersion of light through prism, spectrometer and its uses, spherical and chromatic aberration, scattering of light in atmosphere, rainbow

Physics: Unit 24

Electromagnetic waves
  • Maxwell’s theory of E.M.-waves, properties of E.M.-waves, E.M-waves spectra, E.M.-waves propagation and their application

Physics: Unit 25

Wave properties of light
  • Nature of light, light as wave, Huygens's wave theory and wave propagation-reflection and refraction, interference-Young’s double slit experiment, diffraction of light (qualitative)
  • Polarization, polarization by reflection and its application in daily life

Physics: Unit 26

Optical instruments
  • Compound microscope and its magnifying power, telescope-astronomical (Newton’s reflector) and terrestrial, resolving power in terms of Rayleigh’s criteria, resolving power of eye, telescope and microscope

Physics: Unit 27

Structure of atom
  • Alpha-particle scattering and Rutherford’s atomic model, Bohr’s atomic model, energy levels in electron volts, hydrogen spectrum

Physics: Unit 28

Photoelectric effect and mater waves
  • Emission of electrons, photoelectric effect and its explanation, photocell and its applications, wave nature of matter, De-Broglie waves-Davission and Germer experiment

Physics: Unit 29

Nuclei and radio-activities
  • Atomic mass unit, mass number, size of nucleus, isotopes and neutrons, mass-energy equivalence (MeV), mass defect and binding-energy curve, radio activity-α, β decay, and γ emission, half life and decay constant of nuclei
  • Application of radioactivity in carbon dating, medical and agriculture

Physics: Unit 30

Nuclear fission and fusion
  • Fission reaction, fusion reaction, energy in stars, nuclear reactor, peaceful and destructive application of nuclear energy, nuclear pollution

Physics: Unit 31

Basics of semiconductors
  • Energy bands in solids, conductors, insulators, and semiconductors (on the basis of electrical conductivity), charge carries in semiconductors-holes and electrons, electrical conductivity of semiconductors, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors
  • P-type and n-type semiconductors

Physics: Unit 32

Semiconductor devices
  • P-N-junction diode, characteristic of P-N-junction diode, types of diode, transistor-PNP and NPN, characteristic curves of transistor

Physics: Unit 33

Applications of semiconductor device
  • P-N-junction diode as a rectifier, transistor as an amplifier (common emitter), transistor as a switching device, logic gates and their realization (OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR)

Physics: Unit 34

The sun and the solar family
  • The sun-introduction, interesting phenomenon on solar atmosphere-corona, magnetic field in the solar system, sunspot cycle, granulation on solar surface, solar flares, prominence, planets and their characteristics
  • Comets, meteors, meteoroids and asteroids, evaluation of solar system

Physics: Unit 35

Astronomical telescopes
  • Windows in electro-magnetic spectrum, principle and use of refraction and reflecting telescope, Newtonian and cassegrainian telescopes-their principles and uses, X-ray telescope and radio-telescope, spherical aberration, Rayleigh’s criterion

Physics: Unit 36

  • Measuring distances and masses of stars, brightness of stars, surface temperature of stars, stellar spectra, stellar classification, HR diagram, evaluation of stars-different theories

Physics: Unit 37

  • Our galaxy, interstellar gas clouds, structure of the galaxy, central bulge, disc of the galaxy, halo and corona, external galaxies, the expanding universe
  • Origin of the universe, evolving universe, steady state universe, cosmic back-ground radiation, open or closed universe

Physics: Unit 38

Measuring instruments in electronics
  • Multimeter principle and its uses, C.R.O. and its uses for measurement of voltage, frequency and wave form, transducers and their application, display device-L.E.D., L.E.D., and their uses

Physics: Unit 39

Power supply and signal generating systems
  • Solar cells and their uses, frequency generator, power supply inverters, emergency light, Zener diode as a voltage regulator

Physics: Unit 40

Microprocessor and its applications
  • Microprocessor-architecture and functional blocks, instructions-data transfer, control and branch, and input-output, uses of microprocessor in household devices

Physics: Unit 41

Circuit breaker, timer, and power control
  • Electronic circuit breaker, timers, MCB power control, calculator and electronic watches-principle and operations

Physics: Unit 42

  • Camera-an introduction, part of a camera, camera eye (lens), shutters, special lens, types of camera-their basic principle, constructions and working, principle of video camera, choosing a camera, picture size
  • Choice of lens-angle of view and resolving power, aperture, and focusing

Physics: Unit 43

Film exposing and processing
  • Films (torture), types of films, film exposure, aperture, and speed relationship, use of exposure meter, developing the exposed film, developers, ingredients and their functions, preparation of developers, types of developers B and W whored
  • Preservation of developers, methods, field of developments, tray method tank method, precautions during film development, film fixing, fixing, washing, and drying of film

Physics: Unit 44

Audio-video recording
  • Basic principle of recording (inter-conversion), methods of conversion of video signal into electrical signals, methods of conversion of audio signal into electrical signals, storage of audio-video signals on tapes
  • Quality of recording, sound recording on cine films, tape characteristics, structure, and composition, tape format, tape speeds, important tape parameters, preservation of tapes, storage techniques, precaution
  • Over recording, need for over recording various methods of over-recording, protection of over-recording

Physics: Unit 45

Compact disc for audio-video recording
  • Compact disc-limitation of traditional audio recording system, lamination video recording system, need for compact disc, advantages of compact disc, CD for audio recording, basic principle of audio recording, Construction of CD for audio
  • Methods of CD-audio, recording, care and cautions, CD for video-recording, construction of CD for video, basic principle for video recording, methods of CD-video recording, general operating and installation precautions, CD-players, operating principle
  • Quality of reproduction

Chemistry: Unit 01

Atoms molecules and chemical arithmatics
  • Mole concept: A simple idea of basic SI units, counting and weighing of atoms, and molecules, Avogadro constant, molar quantities
  • Chemical formula and percentage composition: Empirical and molecular formulae, mole, mas, volume relationships in chemical reactions, limiting reagent concept and percentage yield

Chemistry: Unit 02

Atoms structure and chemical arithmatics
  • Chemical arithmaties: Fundamental particles of an atom (electron, proton, neutron), Rutherford’s nuclear model, electromagnetic spectrum, line spectra of h-atom: Bohr model (no derivation), wave-particle duality: Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
  • Chemical arithmaties: The wave mechanical model-orbitals (probability picture may be emphasised), quantum numbers, Pauli’s exclusion principle, Aufbau principle-electronic configuration of atoms, types of orbitals (s, p, d, f): Shapes of s, p, d orbitals
  • Chemical arithmaties: Hund’s rule
  • Periodic table and atomic properties: Long form of periodic table and IUPAC nomenclature for elements with z > 110 (brief mention), variation in atomic properties (size, ionization energy, electron affinity, valency and electro negativity)
  • Chemical bonding: Why do atoms combine? (potential-energy diagram), types of bonds and their characteristics (logic, covalent, coordinate, metallic), shapes of molecules, introduction to VSEPR theory (up to 6 electron pairs only)
  • Chemical bonding: Hybridization of atomic orbitals, multiple covalent bonds, (σ, π) example C₂H₄, C₂H₂, M.O. theory, homonuclear molecule (H₂, N₂, O₂, F₂), bond parameters, hydrogen bonding

Chemistry: Unit 03

States of matter
  • Gaseous state: Properties, Boyle’s law, Charles law-Kelvin temperature scale, Avogadro’s law, Dalton’s law of partial pressures, ideal gas equation, the kinetic molecular theory of gases (no derivation), Graham’s law of diffusion
  • Gaseous state: Real gases-deviations from ideal gas behaviour, Van Der Waal equation liquefaction of gases, critical constants
  • Liquid state: Properties of liquids, vapour pressure, surface tension, viscosity
  • Solid state: Properties of solids, classification of solids, unit cell, and their types, packing in crystals, structure of simple ionic compounds, imperfections in solids (Frenkel, Schottky defects)
  • Solutions: Solution, solute and solvent, concentration of solutions-molarity, molality, mole fraction, percentage and strength, types of solutions, Raoult’s law, ideal and non-ideal solutions, colligative properties of solutions, Van’t Hoff factor
  • Colloids: The colloidal solution, true solution, colloidal solution and suspension, classification of colloids, preparation and properties of colloidal solutions, applications of colloids

Chemistry: Unit 04

Chemical energetics
  • Chemical thermodynamics: System-isolated, closed and open systems, processes: Cyclic, isothermal, adiabatic, reversible and irreversible, standard state of a substance, exothermic and endothermic reactions, thermochemical equations
  • Chemical thermodynamics: Concept of internal energy and enthalpy change, relationship between, H and, U, 1st law of thermodynamics, standard enthalpy of reactions, enthalpy changes during a reaction: Enthalpy of formation, enthalpy of combustion
  • Chemical thermodynamics: Enthalpy changes during a reaction-enthalpy of neutralization, Hess’s law and its applications, bond enthalpy
  • Spontaneity of chemical reactions: Concept of entropy, entropy change, and spontaneity, 2nd law of thermodynamics, concept of free energy, relationship between G,H, and S, free energy change and spontaneity of a chemical reaction
  • Spontaneity of chemical reactions: Standard free energy of formation, free energy change and chemical equilibrium, 3rd law of thermodynamics and its significance (illustrative)

Chemistry: Unit 05

Chemical dynamics
  • Chemical equilibrium: Dynamic nature of equilibrium; factors affecting equilibrium, reversible and irreversible reactions, types of equilibrium system: Homogeneous and heterogeneous systems, laws of chemical equilibrium, relationship between Kc and Kp
  • Chemical equilibrium: Le Chatelier’s principle and its applications
  • Ionic equilibrium: Acid-base equilibrium, lionization constant of lead acids and bases, ionization of water, pH value, common ion effect, buffer solutions, Henderson equation, solubility equilibrium, solubility product and its applications
  • Ionic equilibrium: salt hydrolysis, acid base titration
  • Electrochemistry: Oxidation and reduction (electron transfer concept), oxidation number, balancing of redox reaction by oxidation number method, types of cells: Electrolytic and electrochemical
  • Electrochemistry: Electrolytic conduction (conductance, conductivity molar conductivity, effect of dilution, Kohlrausch’s law), standard electrode potential, electrochemical series and its applicationsm
  • Electrochemistry: Effect of concentration of electrode potentials (Nernst equation), relationship between EMF and free energy change
  • Chemical kinetics: Rate of reaction-average and instantaneous, expressions for reaction rates, factors affecting rate of reaction, rate law, order of a reaction, first order reaction, half change period, effect of temperature on reaction rate
  • Adsorption and catalysis: Adsorption-physical and chemical, adsorption isotherms (Freundlich and Langmuir), catalysis-homogenous and heterogeneous, activation energy

Chemistry: Unit 06

Chemistry of elements
  • Occurrence and extraction of metals: Occurrence of metals, important ores of some common elements: Na, Al, Sn, Pb, Ti, Fe, Cu, Ag, and Zn
  • Occurrence and extraction of metals: General principles involved in the isolation of metals from their ores (concentration of the ore, reduction, and refining)
  • Hydrogen and s-block elements: Unique position of H in periodic, properties reactions and uses, isotopes of hydrogen, water structure and aggregation of water molecules, heavy water, hydrogen peroxide, alkali metals and alkaline earth metals occurrence
  • Hydrogen and s-block elements: Electronic configuration trends in atomic and physical properties, reactivity electrode potential, reaction with oxygen, hydrogen, halogens and water, solubility and thermal stability of their oxo salts
  • General characteristics of the p-block elements: Occurrence in nature and electronic configuration, (physical and chemical properties), inert pair effect, anomalous properties of first element
  • p-block elements and their compounds-I: Boron family-borax, boric acid, boron hydrides, halides. Carbon family-allotropes (graphite, diamond, elementary idea of fullerens), oxides, carbides, halides, nitrogen family-ammonia, nitric acid
  • p-block elements and their compounds-I: Fertilizer (N, P) and fixation of nitrogen industrial and biological, nitrogenous and phosphatic fertilisers
  • p-block elements and their compounds-II: Oxygen family-oxides, acidic, basic and amphoteric, ozone (oxidizing properties), halogens-hydrides, oxides and oxoacids of chlorine. Bleaching powder-preparation and properties, interhalogen compounds
  • p-block elements and their compounds-II: Noble gases-compounds of xenon: Xenon fluorides, oxides (preparation, structure)
  • d-block and f-block elements: Electronic configuration, general trends in the chemistry of first row transition elements, properties-metallic character, oxidation state, ionic radii, catalytic properties, coloured ions, complex formation
  • d-block and f-block elements: Magnetic properties, interstitial compounds alloy formation. Preparation, properties, and applications some important compounds: KMnO₄, K₂Cr₂O₇, f-block elements-configuration, properties and lanthanide contraction
  • Coordination compounds: Werner’s theory, nomenclature, bonding-VB approach, applications (qualitative analysis, extraction of metals and biological systems)

Chemistry: Unit 07

Chemistry of organic compounds
  • Nomenclature and general principles: Rules of IUPAC nomenclature, types of bond fission, types of reactions: Substitution, addition, elimination, oxidation/ reduction (electrophilic and nucle ophillic)
  • Nomenclature and general principles: Electron displacement in a covalent bond-inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance and hyper conjugation, steric effect, isomerism-structural isomerism, stereoisomerism
  • Hydrocarbons: Definition and types of hydrocarbons (alkane, alkene, alkyne, arene), IUPAC nimenclature, preparation and properties of hydrocarbons, physical properties of hydrocarbons
  • Hydrocarbons: Chemical properties of hydrocarbons (addition, substitution, elimination, oxidation)
  • Compounds of carbon containing halogens (haloalkanes and haloarenes): IUPAC nomenclature of halogen compounds, preparation of haloalkanes and haloarenes, physical and chemical properties and uses
  • Alcohol, phenols, and ethers: Classification, IUPAC nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties
  • Aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids: Carboxylic acids and acid derivatives, IUPAC nomenclature, preparation and properties, inter conversion of acid derivations
  • Compounds of carbon containing nitrogen: Nitro compounds, amines, classification of amines, IUPAC nomenclature, preparation and properties
  • Biomolecules, difference between DNA and RNA, biomolecules in biological systems. Structures of proteins and carbohydrates

Chemistry: Unit 08

Environmental chemistry
  • Environment at concerns: Idea of environment, threats to environment, pollutants
  • Air pollution: Composition of air, respiration, photosynthesis and decay cycle, air pollutants, green house effect, global warming, depletion of ozone layer, acid rain
  • Water pollution: Water resources, water pollutants, biological oxygen demand, prevention of water pollution, legislative measures for prevention of water pollution
  • Heavy metal contamination: Heavy metals, effects of heavy metal contamination, preventive measures
  • Radioactive pollution: Radioactive sources, III effects of radiation, preventive measures, regulation regarding safety

Chemistry: Unit 09

Chemistry and industry
  • Petrochemicals: Generations of petrochemicals, soaps and detergents, rocket propellants, pollutants and Indian space programs
  • Polymers: Classification, teflox, polyester and nylons, biodegradable polymers, biopolymers
  • Dyes, paints, and pigments: Composition, classification, process of dying, applications
  • Drugs and medicines: Distinction between drugs and medicines, classification, analgesics and antipyretics, antibiotics and anaestheties
  • Building materials: Cement and its manufacture, mortar, concrete and RCC, manufacture of glass, ceramics, and day products

Biology: Unit 01

Classification of organisms
  • Principles of classification and taxonomic categories
  • Linnaeus and binomial nomenclature, general rule for naming, writing, and printing of scientific names of organisms
  • Taxonomic categories (taxa) from, species upto phylum

Biology: Unit 02

  • Characteristics of viruses, taking examples of TMV, polio, HIV, bacteriophage T2

Biology: Unit 04

Kingdom prokaryotae (monera)
  • Chemical nature, general structure, and characteristics of bacteria with common examples
  • Mention of useful and harmful bacteria like lactobacillus, rhizobium, mycobacterium tuberculosis, clostridium tetani, cornybacterium diphtheria

Biology: Unit 05

Kingdom Protista
  • General characteristics and classification up to phyla with examples of amoeba, entamoeba, plasmodium, euglena, and diatoms

Biology: Unit 06

  • General characteristics of fungi, useful and harmful fungi, examples-rhizopus (breadmould), yeast, penicillium notatum, puccinia graminis (wheat rust)

Biology: Unit 07

Kingdom Plantae
  • Algae-chlamydomonas, spirogyra, bryophyta (liverworts and mosses), pteridophyta (ferns), spermatophyta (gymnosperms and angiosperms), general morphological features of flower and fruit and some common examples of the following families: Poaceae (graminae)
  • General morphological features of flower and fruit and some common examples of the following families: Brassicaceae (cruciferae) and leguminosae (only papilionaceae)

Biology: Unit 08

Kingdom Animalia
  • Main characteristics, classification up to phylum and common examples of porifera, coelenterata, platyhelminthes, nemathelminthes, annelida, arthropoda, mollusca and echinodermata
  • Chordata upto classes, classification of mammalia up to subclasses with important examples for all

Biology: Unit 09

Origin and evolution of life
  • Origin of life: Views, spontaneous generation, experiments of Pasteur, biogenesis hypothesis, Oparin’s hypothesis of origin of life, Miller’s experiment
  • Organic evolution, progressive and retrogressive evolution, evidences of evolution
  • Theories of evolution-Lamarckism, Darwinism, mutation theory, neo Darwinism

Biology: Unit 10

Cell structure
  • Discovery of cell, cell theory, cell-its shape, size, physical and chemical composition, generalized cell structure as seen under compound and electron microscopes, differences between animal, and plant cell
  • Cell organelles-structure and functions of cell wall, plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi bodies, micro bodies, mitochondria, chloroplast, centrosome, cilia and flagella
  • Cell organelles-nucleus (excluding chemical nature of chromosomes) and cell inclusions

Biology: Unit 11

Cell division
  • Mitosis and its significance
  • Meiosis and its significance

Biology: Unit 12

  • Plant tissues-meristems-apical, intercalary and lateral: Parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, xylem and phloem
  • Animal tissues-epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous

Biology: Unit 13

Levels of organization (cell to organism)
  • A general idea about the ascending order of levels of organization-cell, tissues, organ, organ system and organism

Biology: Unit 14

  • Primary growth, primary structure of dicot and monocot roots, mode of origin of lateral roots
  • Secondary growth in dicot roots
  • Special features of root for common functions of anchorage, growth in soil, absorption, conduction of water and mineral salts, as well as special functions of storage and respiration
  • Distribution of mechanical tissues to withstand pulling strain

Biology: Unit 15

  • Primary growth, primary structure of dicot and monocot stem, mode of origin of lateral branches
  • Secondary growth in dicot stem
  • Growth rings (annual rings), sap wood and heart wood
  • Structural features for support, exposing leaves and flowers to favorable positions, conduction as well as special functions of storage and photosynthesis
  • Distribution of mechanical tissues to withstand bending strain

Biology: Unit 16

Absorption and transport
  • Active and passive absorption, diffusion, osmosis, major theories on transport of water and organic substances

Biology: Unit 17

  • Macronutrients and micronutrients
  • Deficiency symptoms

Biology: Unit 18

  • Internal structure of dicot and monocot leaf
  • Distribution of mechanical tissues, stomata, hairs and hydathodes, vascular tissues, air spaces etc

Biology: Unit 19

Transpiration and guttation
  • Processes, magnitude and significance of transpiration and guttation, and factors affecting them

Biology: Unit 20

  • The process and its significance
  • Factors affecting photosynthesis

Biology: Unit 21

  • Aerobic, anaerobic, respiratory quotient, factors affecting respiration (excluding biochemical pathways), fermentation

Biology: Unit 22

Flower and inflorescence
  • Parts of a typical flower, flowers in dicots and monocots, arrangement and condition of various parts of flower
  • Placentation, major types of inflorescence

Biology: Unit 23

  • Definition, major categories, edible parts of common fruits

Biology: Unit 24

Growth and development
  • Definitions of growth and development, growth curve, stages of plant growth, photoperiodism, vernalisation hormonal regulation of growth, measurement of growth
  • Different types of plant movement and responses; growth, turgor, hydration, tropic and nastic movements

Biology: Unit 25

Digestive system
  • Digestive organs, digestion, absorption, assimilation

Biology: Unit 26

Respiratory system
  • Respiratory organs, breathing, gaseous transport, and tissue respiration

Biology: Unit 27

Circulatory system
  • Circulatory organs, blood circulation, histology and functions of blood, blood coagulation, blood transfusion, blood groups, blood pressure, lymph and lymph glands, spleen
  • Immune system (basic idea of immunocytes and immunity)

Biology: Unit 28

Excretory system
  • Excretory organs, finer structure of mammalian kidney, ultra filtration and urine formation, an elementary idea of dialysis

Biology: Unit 29

Nervous system
  • Central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, autonomous nervous system, sense organs, reflex action

Biology: Unit 30

Skin and skeletal system
  • Skin: Basic structure and functions of skin
  • Skeletal system: All major bones in human skeleton and their role in protection and/ or, movements, types of joints

Biology: Unit 31

Endocrine system (chemical regulation)
  • Endocrine glands, nature and role of hormones, an elementary knowledge of pheromones

Biology: Unit 32

Reproductive system
  • Male and female reproductive organs, histology of gonads, fertilization, artificial insemination, ovarian cycle, fertility control, in vitro fertilization and its prospects, twins-monozygotic and dizygotic

Biology: Unit 33

Reproduction in non-flowering plants
  • Reproduction patterns in escherichia coli, chlamydomonas, spirogyra, rhizopus, funaria, dryopteris, pinus

Biology: Unit 34

Reproduction in flowering plants
  • Juvenility, flowering, flower as a reproductive organ, flower formation and sex expression, pollen and ovule, pollination, fertilization, seed development, fruit development, pathenocarpy

Biology: Unit 35

Vegetative reproduction in plants
  • Bulb, tuber, rhizome, bulbil, runner, sucker, etc
  • Special method culture (micro propagation)

Biology: Unit 36

Patterns of reproduction in animals
  • Asexual reproduction by fission, fragmentation and budding
  • Sexual (gametic) reproduction

Biology: Unit 37

Basic features of embryonic development in animals
  • Gametogenesis, sperm and egg, general principles of fertilization, cleavage, blastulation, gastrulation organogenesis, morphogenesis and differentiation

Biology: Unit 38

Embryonic nutrition in birds and mammals (human)
  • Structure of hen's egg, role of albumen, yolk and the extra embryonic membranes (amnion and allantois)
  • Implantation and placenta in humans

Biology: Unit 39

Some special aspects in developmental biology
  • Growth and regeneration, cancer, ageing (senescence)

Biology: Unit 40

Principles of inheritance
  • Mendel's law of inheritance
  • Linkage and crossing-over, criss-cross inheritance

Biology: Unit 41

Gene expression and interaction
  • One gene one enzyme hypothesis, incomplete dominance, lethal genes, pleiotropic genes, polygenic inheritance with example of skin colour in man

Biology: Unit 42

Physical and chemical basis of heredity
  • Basic structure of DNA and RNA, nucleotides and nucleosides, functions of nucleic acids, replication of DNA, transcription and translation

Biology: Unit 43

  • Definition of mutation, mutagens-physical and chemical and their effects, useful and harmful effects of mutation

Biology: Unit 44

Human genetics
  • Problems and modern approach to human genetics, human karyotypes, autosomal and sex chromosomal abnormalities
  • Abnormalities due to multiple sets of genomes
  • Colour blindness hemophilia disorders due to incompatibility of genes
  • Rh-factor, ABO blood groups, amniocentesis

Biology: Unit 45

Genetics and society
  • Improvement of plants and animals by selective breeding, gene pool, genetic counselling, genetic engineering and its importance, somatic hybridization and cloning
  • Suggested teaching/ learning hints: Distinction between DNA and varieties of RNA should be discussed. Social and ethical problems raised by artificial mutagens may be considered

Biology: Unit 46

Concept and definitions
  • Definitions of population, birth rate, death rate, growth rate

Biology: Unit 47

  • Trends in world population and Indian population

Biology: Unit 48

  • Reasons for increased rate of population rise in India

Biology: Unit 50

Control of population growth
  • Importance, need for educating both male and female adolescents, higher age of marriage, need for use of contraception during the reproductive age

Biology: Unit 51

Methods of contraception
  • Reversible: Spacing, natural, barrier, hormonal (pills and implants,) devices, devices plus hormonal
  • Irreversible: Tubectomy, vasectomy, no-scalpel vasectomy. Possibility of making reversible contraception

Biology: Unit 52

Ecological principles
  • The biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem, dependence of plants and animals on their environment, inter-dependence of plants and animals; flow of energy through the biosphere, food chains and food webs
  • Preservation of representative natural ecosystem
  • Man's place in environment (a general idea)

Biology: Unit 53

Spatial distribution of plants and animals
  • Biomes: General characteristics of the climate and the flora and fauna of the different biomes

Biology: Unit 54

Conservation and use of natural resources
  • Non-Renewable Resources: Primary energy resources and their consumption fossil fuels, minerals
  • Renewable Resources-water, wood, natural, pastures
  • Conservation of Soil and Water: Causes and methods of prevention of soil erosion, fertilizers, and manures. Water management and irrigation
  • Conservation of wild life: Forest and their conservation, endangered species, national parks in India. Agencies dealing with conservation and wild life sanctuaries. Non conventional sources of energy hydropower, wind energy, nuclear power, solar energy
  • Conservation of wild life: Biogas, geothermal energy

Biology: Unit 55

  • Causes, prevention and remedy of different kinds of pollution-air, water, soil, thermal, and noise

Biology: Unit 56

Radiation in relation to human life
  • Kinds of radiation, harmful effects of non-ionizing (ultraviolet) and ionizing (X-rays, gamma rays and p-particles) radiations, their short term and long term effects, nuclear fall out, strontium-90 and its harmful effects

Biology: Unit 60

General laboratory equipments
  • Thermostats, pH meter, autoclave, calorimeter, distillation units, centrifuge, weighing balance, microtomes, blood pressure instrument, kymograph

Biology: Unit 61

Preparation of common stains and reagents
  • Types of stains and reagents, materials required, steps involved

Biology: Unit 63

Some techniques
  • Collection and methods of culturing organisms for class work, laboratory care of animals

Biology: Unit 64

Agriculture: Human dependence on agriculture
  • Different kinds of crops; cereals, oil seeds, sugarcane, fibres (cotton, flax, jute, leaf fibres coconut fibres,) cotton and jute, vegetables pulses and fruits-green revolution, farm management including irrigation, storage
  • Marketing of the product kitchen gardening
  • Beverages: Sources, processing and nutritional value of coffee, tea, coco, soya milk

Biology: Unit 65

Mushroom culture, floriculture, and hydroponics
  • Brief information about each of these methods

Biology: Unit 66

Medicinal plants
  • Concept of general value of-amla, mahua cinchona, atropa belladona, pinus, pterocarpus, opium, datura, ocimum, eucalyptus, rauvolfia, neem

Biology: Unit 67

Forest wealth
  • Importance of forest, different products-paper, plywood, rubber gums, resin

Biology: Unit 68

Animal husbandry
  • General principles of raising and caring of animals useful for human, proper management for their products like milk, butter, ghee, meat, hides, wool, leather
  • Poultry farming

Biology: Unit 69

  • An elementary idea of fresh water and marine fisheries
  • Different kinds of common edible fish-their rearing and breeding
  • Pearl fisheries

Biology: Unit 70

Apiculture and lac culture
  • General acquaintance with bee keeping and honey extraction, uses of honey, and wax
  • An elementary idea of lac insect and lac production

Biology: Unit 71

Sericulture and vermiculture
  • A general idea about sericulture, different kinds of silk moths, their rearing, and silk reeling
  • Types of silks
  • Idea of rearing of economically useful worms like earthworm

Biology: Unit 72

Concept of health and hygiene
  • Definition and meaning of health, need for good health/ concept of ill health, concept and importance of hygiene for maintenance of good health

Biology: Unit 73

Nutrition and health
  • Nutrition, macro and micro nutrients, sources of nutrients need for balanced diet, calorific needs of persons in various occupations; nutrition during pregnancy and lactation

Biology: Unit 74

Nutriotional disorders
  • Kwashiorkor, marasmus, disorders due to mineral deficiency namely iron, iodine and calcium; disorders due to vitamin deficiency; overeating-obesity; risk of intake of overdoses of iron and vitamin

Biology: Unit 75

Dangers of drug addiction
  • Harmful effects of addictive drugs and beverages; rehabilitation of a drug addict

Biology: Unit 76

  • Types of hygiene - personal, domestic, community with emphasis on social nuisances like spitting, nose-picking, urination, defecation, throwing garbage and other common insanitary habits

Biology: Unit 77

  • Disease, its definition, types, transmission of disease, parasite, pathogen, infection, infestation, vector, carrier, host

Biology: Unit 78

Communicable disease
  • Categories, communicable diseases with examples; causes and common symptoms prevention and control of some common communicable diseases-chicken pox, measles, polimyelitis, hepatitis, rabies, bacterial dysentery, diphtheria, cholera, tuberculosis, leprosy
  • Malaria, typhoid, amoebiasis, filariasis, transmission of disease (example German measles) during pregnancy

Biology: Unit 79

Non-communicable disease
  • Heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer and allergy

Biology: Unit 80

Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Syphilis, gonorrhoea, aids-awareness, symptoms and prevention

Biology: Unit 81

Introduction to biochemistry
  • Elements found in living organisms

Biology: Unit 82

Simple biologically important molecules
  • Water, amino acids, sugars, (pentoses and hexoses), fatty acids, aromatic bases

Biology: Unit 83

  • Structure and function of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids
  • Conjugated proteins (example glycoprotein, phospholipids)

Biology: Unit 84

Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids
  • Regulation of metabolism

Biology: Unit 86

Uses of biological processes in industry
  • Use of fermenting yeast to produce alcohol used as beverages and in industry, yoghurt production, use of micro-organisms in production of antibiotics

Biology: Unit 87

General idea of genetic engineering
  • Manipulation of genetic make-up to produce cheaply and on a large scale proteins and hormones (insulin, blood serum, proteins etc) and other products of commercial, and medical importance

Biology: Unit 88

General idea of transgenic organisms
  • Basic concept of transgenic organisms, transgenic animals (with one example ), importance of transgenic organisms

Biology: Unit 89

Biogas production
  • Use of microbes in producing biogas

Biology: Unit 90

Gene therapy in humans
  • Insertion of good genes into humans to counteract harmful mutation and treat disorder such as diabetes, sickle cell anemia, etc

Biology: Unit 91

  • Types of defence mechanisms in the body-(i) skin, mucous membrane of eyes, nose, etc, (ii) immune system

Biology: Unit 92

Tissues and organs involved in the immune system
  • Cell types involved (T cells, B cells, macrophages)

Biology: Unit 93

Definition of antigen, antibody
  • General account of humoral and cell mediated immune response

Biology: Unit 94

Types of immunity
  • Natural, acquired: Active and passive

Biology: Unit 95

Active Immunization (vaccines)
  • List of vaccines available against diseases

Biology: Unit 97

Definition of allergens

    Business studies: Unit 01

    Nature and scope of business

      Business studies: Unit 02

      Forms of business organization
      • Sole proprietorship, joint Hindu family, partnership, joint stock company, cooperative society characteristics
      • Suitability of different forms of business organization

      Business studies: Unit 07

      Trade and auxiliaries to trade

        Business studies: Unit 08

        Internal trade
        • Meaning of retail and wholesale trade, services of wholesaler and retailer
        • Specialized retailing agencies: Departmental stores, multiple shops, mail order houses, super bazaars-their characteristics, merits and demerits

        Business studies: Unit 09

        External trade
        • Procedure of export and import trade, main documents used in foreign trade

        Business studies: Unit 10

        Service activities
        • Transport, communication, postal services, banking and insurance

        Business studies: Unit 11

        Introduction to management
        • Definition, nature, and scope of management, concept of scientific management and principles of general management

        Business studies: Unit 12

        • Meaning and process

        Business studies: Unit 13

        • Process of organizing

        Business studies: Unit 14

        • Recruitment and selection of employees, their training and development, appraisal, and promotion

        Business studies: Unit 15

        • Meaning and importance of communication, motivation, leadership and supervision

        Business studies: Unit 16

        Coordination and controlling
        • Meaning and process

        Business studies: Unit 17

        Introduction to business financing

          Business studies: Unit 18

          Sources of short-term finance
          • Nature and characteristics

          Business studies: Unit 19

          Sources of long-term finance
          • Nature and characteristics

          Business studies: Unit 20

          Role of specialized financial institutions
          • Objectives and functions of IFCI, IDBI, ICICI, UTI and SFCS, related to financing of business

          Business studies: Unit 22

          Marketing mix

            Business studies: Unit 23

            Channels of distribution

              Business studies: Unit 24

              Sales promotion

                Business studies: Unit 25


                  Business studies: Unit 26

                  Personal selling

                    Business studies: Unit 27

                    Nature and functions of office

                      Business studies: Unit 28

                      Office set-up
                      • Type of jobs in a modern office

                      Business studies: Unit 29

                      Handling inward and outward mail

                        Business studies: Unit 30

                        Systems of filing and indexing

                          Business studies: Unit 31

                          Office equipments and machines

                            Business studies: Unit 32

                            Nature and scope of banking

                              Business studies: Unit 33

                              Types Of banks

                                Business studies: Unit 34

                                Functions of commercial banks

                                  Business studies: Unit 36

                                  Loans and advances

                                    Business studies: Unit 37

                                    Other banking services

                                      Business studies: Unit 40

                                      Safety measures in factories

                                        Business studies: Unit 43

                                        Types of agency services

                                          Business studies: Unit 45

                                          How to secure agencies?
                                          • Insurance agency
                                          • Saving agency
                                          • Tours and travel agency

                                          Home science: Unit 01

                                          Resource management
                                          • Scope of home science: Need, scope, employment opportunities
                                          • Consumer education: Definition, problems faced, consumer protection act, consumer redressal
                                          • Work ethics: Meaning and importance, competence and work ethics
                                          • Income management: Definition, recording income and expenditure, supplementing income
                                          • Savings and investment: Importance and methods of saving, agencies of investment, financing agencies
                                          • Work organization: Meaning and need, principles of work simplification, time and energy management
                                          • Space organization: Meaning and need, space of work simplification, space organization and aesthetics
                                          • Energy and conservation: Meaning and need, areas where energy can be conserved, at home and work place, non conventional sources of energy
                                          • Environment management: Environment degradation, effects on man, creating an eco-friendly environment

                                          Home science: Unit 02

                                          Development in middle childhood
                                          • Growth and development in middle childhood: Characteristics of physical, motor, socio-emotional, cognitive and language development, role of peers, socialization at school
                                          • Adolescence: Characteristics of physical, motor, socio-emotional, cognitive and language development, self concept, developmental tasks, sex education at school, problems faced by adolescents
                                          • Special issues in child development: Position and role of girl child, juvenile delinquency, child labour, major physical disabilities, socio-economic disadvantage children

                                          Home science: Unit 03

                                          Fabric science
                                          • Introduction to fabric science: Definition and scope, fiber, definition and classification, properties of fibers
                                          • Yarns: Definition, terminology, yarn processing, yarn types, textured yarns
                                          • Fabric construction: Meaning, techniques of fabric construction, weaving, process, and designing, knitting, weaving vs. knitting
                                          • Textiles finishes: Definition, importance, and classification of finish as routine and special, finishing with colour, printing, tie and dye batik
                                          • Selection of textiles and clothing: Labels and marketing, malpractices, judging quality of textile products, selection of fabrics for different end uses, selection of clothing for different age group
                                          • Care and maintences: Need, general principles, storage of clothes

                                          Home science: Unit 04

                                          Food and nutrition
                                          • You and your food: Definition of food, functions of food, food group
                                          • Nutrition: Definition, nutrients, functions, and source, nutrient requirements, RDI based on household measures and food groups
                                          • Adequate meals: Balanced diet, need for mean planning, factors affecting meal planning, meals for various age group, modification of family meal, hygienic foods handing
                                          • Nutritional status and health: Malnutrition, assessing nutritional status, height and weight, diet and nutrient intake, recognizing deficiency disorders: Anemia, PEM, vitamin a and iodine, on going governmental and non-governmental nutrition programs
                                          • Nutritional care of sick in family: Need for special care, diet modification, diet in common diseases: Diarrhea, constipation, fever jaundice high blood pressure and diabetes, diet in nutrition related problems: PEM anemia
                                          • Diet in nutrition related problems: Vitamin-A deficiency and obesity
                                          • Purchase and storage of food: Selection of food, food spoilage, methods of storage
                                          • Food preservation: General principles of preservation, preservation at home

                                          Home science: Unit 05

                                          Community nutrition
                                          • Nutritional status: Its assessment, methods of assessment, anthropometry, clinical, diet survey
                                          • Nutrition education methods
                                          • Major nutrition problems in India: Extent of major nutrition problems observed in India, energy definition, PEM, anemia, deficiency of vitamin A, B and iodine, fluoride toxicity and obesity, government programmes and policies

                                          Home science: Unit 06

                                          Home based care for under fives
                                          • Meaning, needs, objectives: Meaning of home based care, need-working parents/ nuclear families, objectives, safe physical environment/ stimulating activities/ learning opportunities/ preparation for school
                                          • Requirements/ essentials: Organizing and preparing available space, equipment, play materials, safety/ first aid
                                          • Organizing activities: Creative activities, preparing and using learning materials, materials from environment
                                          • Nutritious meals: Creating nutritious snacks, developing proper eating habits
                                          • Accounts: Setting up and starting the service, records/ costing/ account knowledge

                                          Home science: Unit 07

                                          Laundry service
                                          • Fabrics and laundry: Properties related to care and maintenance of cotton, silk , wool, synthetics
                                          • Clean ears and laundry auxiliaries: Characteristics, function and uses of soaps, detergent, blues, starchiest
                                          • Stain removal: Identifying stains, methods of removal
                                          • Washing and finishing: Washing of cotton, silk, wool, synthetics, special treatment given to heavy, light, delicate fabrics, dirty articles
                                          • Cloth maintenance: Ironing, pressing, folding, for collection, washing, drying, ironing, and holding
                                          • Setting up a unit: Setting up and starting the service

                                          Mathematics: Unit 01

                                          Complex numbers and quadratic equations
                                          • Complex numbers: Definition in the form x+iy, real and imaginary parts of a complex number. Modulus and argument of a complex number, conjugate of a complex number
                                          • Algebra of complex number: Equality of complex numbers, operations on complex numbers (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), properties of operations (closure, commutativity, associativity, identity, inverse, distributivity)
                                          • Algebra of complex number: Elementary properties of modulus namely-(i) |z| = 0 <=> z = 0 and z = z <=> |z| = |z|, (ii) | z + z | ≤ | z | + | z |, (iii) | z/ z| + | z/ z| (z ≠ 0)
                                          • Argand diagram: Representation of a complex number by a point in a plane
                                          • Quadratic equations: Solution of quadratic equation with real coefficients using the quadratic formula, square root of a complex number, cube roots of unity
                                          • Extended learning: Polar representation of a complex number, quadratic equations with complex coefficients

                                          Mathematics: Unit 02

                                          Determinants and matrices
                                          • Determinants and their properties: Minors and cofactors, expansion of a determinant, properties of determinants
                                          • Matrices: Introduction as a rectangular array of numbers, matrices up to order 3×4
                                          • Types of matrices: Square and rectangular matrices, unit matrix, zero matrix, diagonal, row and column matrices, symmetric and skew symmetric matrices
                                          • Algebra of matrices: Multiplication of a matrix by a number, sum and difference of matrices, multiplication of matrices
                                          • Inverse of a square matrix: Minor and cofactors of a matrix, adjoint of a matrix, inverse of a matrix
                                          • Solution of a system of linear equations: Solution by Cramer’s rule, solution by matrix method
                                          • Extended learning: Cramer’s rule for four or more equations, determinant as a function, matrix as a function, matrices over complex numbers, Hermitian and skew Hermitian, rank of a matrix, inverse by elementary row transformations
                                          • Extended learning: Solution of 4 or more than 4 linear equations in 4 more than 4 variables

                                          Mathematics: Unit 03

                                          Permutations, combinations and binomal theorem
                                          • Mathematical induction: Principle of mathematical induction, application of the principle in solving problems
                                          • Permutations: Fundamental principle of counting, meaning of ⁿPᵣ expression for ⁿPᵣ
                                          • Combinations: Meaning of ⁿCᵣ, expression for ⁿcᵣ, properties of ⁿcᵣ, namely-(i) ⁿcᵣ = ⁿPᵣ/ n!, (ii) ⁿcᵣ, = ⁿc n-ᵣ, (iii) ⁿCᵣ_ + ⁿCᵣ =ⁿ+cᵣ
                                          • Binomial theorem: Binomial theorem for a positive index with proof
                                          • Extended learning: Circular permutations, Pascal’s triangle, binomial theorem for negative index and rational indices (without proof)

                                          Mathematics: Unit 04

                                          Sequences and series
                                          • Arithmetic progression: Concept of a sequence, A.P. as a sequence, general term of an A.P., sum up to ‘n’ terms of an A.P.
                                          • Geometric progression: G.P. as a sequence, general term of a G.P., sum up to ‘n’ terms of a G.P., sum up to infinite terms of a G.P.
                                          • Series: Concept of a series, some important series, etc. Using method of differences and mathematical induction
                                          • Exponential and logarithmic series: Representation of x e and log (1) + x as series. Properties of x e and log (1+x)
                                          • Extended learning: Arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic progression, arithmetico-geometric progression and their relationships, logarithms on any base

                                          Mathematics: Unit 05

                                          • Functions: Concept of a function, domain, co domain, and range of a function, graphs of functions, odd and even functions, some important functions
                                          • Composition of functions: Composition of two or more functions, inverse of a function
                                          • Trigonometric ratios: Radian measure of angles, trigonometric ratios as functions, graphs of T-ratios, periodicity, T-ratios of allied angles, inverse trigonometric ratios
                                          • Addition and multiplication formulae: Addition and subtraction formulae for trigonometric functions, sines, cosines, and tangents of multiples and submultiples, solution of simple trigonometric equations
                                          • Extended learning: Properties of triangles, solution of triangles, properties of inverse functions, trigonometric equations and their solutions, general solution of trigonometric equations

                                          Mathematics: Unit 06

                                          Coordinate geometry
                                          • Introduction (basic concepts): Distance formula, section formula, area of a triangle
                                          • Straight line: Equation of a straight line in, slope-intercept form, two point form, point-slope form, parametric form, intercepts form
                                          • General equation of first degree and its relationship with straight line
                                          • Parallel and perpendicular lines: Angle between two lines, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, distance of a point from a line, distance between two parallel lines, family of lines
                                          • Circle: Equation of a circle whose radius and centre are given, equation of a circle in terms of extremities of its diameter, general equation of a circle, equations of tangents and normals, parametric representation of a circle
                                          • Conic sections: Acquaintance with equation of parabola and ellipse in standard form, eccentricity, directrix and focus
                                          • Extended learning: Locus-advanced examples of loci. System of circles: Equation of a family of circles passing through the intersection of two circles, condition for orthogonality of circles, radical axis of two circles
                                          • Extended learning: Sections of a cone (conic sections)-derivation of equations of parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola in standard form, condition for y m x c = + to be a tangent to these conics, point of tangency
                                          • Extended learning: General second degree equation in two variables condition for it to represent: A pair of straight lines, a circle, different conic sections

                                          Mathematics: Unit 07

                                          Differential calculus
                                          • Limit and coverage: Notion of limit (left hand and right hand limits), continuity of functions at a point, continuity of functions in an interval
                                          • Differentiation: Derivatives from the first principle, derivative as instantaneous rate of change, geometrical meaning of derivative, derivative of sum, difference, product and quotient of functions and chain rule, derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric
                                          • Differentiation: Exponential and logarithmic functions
                                          • Monotonicity of functions: Monotonicity and sign of the derivative, second derivative of a function, maxima and minima

                                          Mathematics: Unit 08

                                          Integral calculus
                                          • Introduction to integral calculus: Integration as inverse of differentiation, properties of integrals
                                          • Techniques of integration: Integration by substitution, integration by parts, integration using partial fractions
                                          • Definite integrals: Idea of definite integral as limit of a sum, geometrical interpretation of definite integrals in simple cases. Properties of definite integrals, fundamental theorem of integral calculus (statement only)
                                          • Differential equations: Notion of differential equation, its order and degree, solution of first order, first degree differential equations
                                          • Definite integrals: Application of definite integrals in finding area under a curve
                                          • Extended learning: Application of definite integrals in finding the area under a curve, formation of a differential equation, higher order differential equations reducible to variable separable cases

                                          Mathematics: Unit 09

                                          Statistics and probability
                                          • Measures of dispersion: Range, mean deviation, variance and standard deviation
                                          • Random experiments and events: Random experiments, sample space, events, types of events, viz. Mutually exclusive events and equally likely events
                                          • Probability: Concept of probability, use of permutation and combination in probability, probability as a function, conditional probability and independent events, random variable as a function on sample space
                                          • Probability distribution: Introduction to probability distribution, binomial distribution, expected value of a random variable, mean and variance of a binomial distribution
                                          • Extended learning: Correlation and regression, curve fitting (fitting a line), mean and variance of Poisson distribution, Bivariate probability distributions

                                          Mathematics: Unit 10

                                          Vectors and analytical solid geometry
                                          • Vectors: Scalars and vectors, vectors as directed line segments, magnitude and direction of a vector, null vector and unit vector, equality of vectors, position vector of a point
                                          • Algebra of vectors: Addition and subtraction of vectors and their properties, multiplication of a vector by a scalar and their properties
                                          • Resolution of a vector: Resolution of a vector in two dimensions. Resolution of a vector in three dimensions, section formula
                                          • Coordinates of a point: Coordinates of a point in space. Distance between two points, coordinates of a division point. Direction cosines and projection. Condition of parallelism and perpendicularity of two lines
                                          • The plane: General equation of a plane. Equation of a plane passing through three points. Equation of a plane in the normal and intercept form. Angle between two planes. Plane bisecting angles between two planes
                                          • The plane: Homogeneous equations of second degree representing two planes. Projection and area of a triangle. Volume of tetrahedron
                                          • The straight line: Equation of a line in symmetrical form. Deduction of the general equation into symmetrical form. Perpendicular distance of a point from a straight line. Angle between a line and a plane. Condition of coplanarity of two lines
                                          • The sphere: Equation of a sphere-centre-radius form. Equation of a sphere through four non coplanar points. Diameter form of the equation of a sphere. Plane section of a sphere and sphere through a given circle. Intersection of a sphere and a line
                                          • Extended learning: Skew lines, intersection of three planes, pole and polar plane in a sphere, equation of a cylinder and its properties, equation of a cone and its properties

                                          Mathematics: Unit 11

                                          Linear programming
                                          • Introduction: Introduction through a real life problem. Solution by graphical method, general terms used in linear programming (in equation, objective function, convex polygon, feasible solution, optimal solution, etc)
                                          • Introduction: Constraints in a linear programming problem, feasible and optimal solutions. Simplex method
                                          • Applications: Dual problem, assignment problem, transportation problem
                                          • Extended learning: Product-mix problem, duality, simplex method

                                          Geography: Unit 01

                                          The earth-a living planet
                                          • The sun in the universe: (i) The sun-our star; (ii) the sun in milky way-our galaxy, (iii) galaxy and the universe
                                          • The sun’s family and planet earth: (i) Planets, satellites, asteroids, comets; (ii) uniqueness of the planet earth, (iii) moon-earth’s satellite, (iv) artificial satellites of the earth and the services they render

                                          Geography: Unit 02

                                          The domain of air on the planet earth
                                          • Insolution and temperature: (i) Composition and structure of atmosphere, (ii) insolation and heat budget, (iii) global warming-its causes and effects
                                          • Insolution and temperature: (iv) Horizontal distribution of temperature; factors affecting-(January and July temperature distribution), (v) vertical distribution of temperature and inversion of temperature
                                          • Pressure and winds: (i) Atmospheric pressure and its measurement, (ii) horizontal distribution of pressure (January and July pressure distribution), (iii) vertical distribution of pressure, (iv) winds and their types: Planetary, periodic and local winds
                                          • Pressure and winds: (v) Cyclones and anti cyclones
                                          • Humidity and precipitation: (i) Humidity and its measurement-absolute and relative humidity, (ii) evaporation and condensation, forms of condensation, (iii) precipitation-forms and types, (iv) distribution of precipitation in the world
                                          • Weather and climate: (i) Weather and climate, (ii) elements of weather and climate, (iii) factors affecting climate

                                          Geography: Unit 03

                                          The domain of water on the planet earth
                                          • Oceans, submarine relief, and circulation of ocean waters: (i) Ocean basins and continents; submarine relief. (ii) Temperature-process of heating and cooling vertical and horizontal distribution of temperature. (iii) Salinity and its distribution
                                          • Oceans, submarine relief, and circulation of ocean waters: (iv) Motion of ocean waters-(a) waves; (b) tides-causes, types and effects, (c) currents-types; cause and effects (warm and cold currents-gulf stream and labradore current)
                                          • Oceans, submarine relief, and circulation of ocean waters: (v) Importance of ocean for man-(a) moderators of temperature; (b) bridge between landmasses; (c) marine resource-fisheries, mineral, desalination of water for human use
                                          • Oceans, submarine relief, and circulation of ocean waters: (v) Importance of ocean for man-(d) oceans as source of energy

                                          Geography: Unit 04

                                          Changing face of the planet earth
                                          • Earth’s interior and materials of its crust: (i) Conditions inside the earth; (ii) materials of the earth’s crust; (iii) rocks and minerals; (iv) types of rocks and their economic significance
                                          • Major landforms and their economic significance: (i) Major landforms-mountains, plateaus and plains and their economic significance
                                          • Evolution of landforms due to internal forces: (i) Earth movements. (ii) Sudden and slow movements. (iii) Vertical and horizontal movements. (iv) Folding and faulting. (v) Volcanoes-causes and distribution. (vi) Earthquakes-causes and distribution
                                          • Evolution of landforms due to external forces. (i) Process of gradation. (ii) Weathering-its types; (iii) formation of soils; (iv) agents of gradation-work of running water, underground water, moving ice, wind, and sea waves

                                          Geography: Unit 05

                                          Life on the earth
                                          • Significance of biosphere: (i) Three basic realms of the earth. (ii) Biosphere-its limits and the main elements. (iii) Ecology, ecosystem, and energy flow. (iv) Role of human being in the ecosystem and their varying responses
                                          • Life in the low latitudes: (i) Concept of natural region. (ii) Environmental and human responses in the-(a) equatorial lowlands, (b) monsoon lands and, (c) hot deserts
                                          • Life in the mid-latitudes: (i) Environmental and human responses in the-(a) mediterranean lands and (b) temperate grass lands
                                          • Life in the high latitude: (i) Environmental and human responses in-(a) lands of taiga and, (b) tundra

                                          Geography: Unit 06

                                          Physical setting in india
                                          • Physiographic: (i) Location, extent and size. (ii) Structure and physiographic divisions-northern mountains, northern plains, peninsular plateau, coastal plains and islands. (iii) Drainage systems-the Himalayan and the peninsular rivers
                                          • Climate and natural vegetation: (i) Climate-factors influencing the climate of India, cycle of seasons, concept of monsoon. (ii) Natural vegetation-major natural vegetation regions and their characteristics

                                          Geography: Unit 07

                                          Natural resources and their development in India
                                          • Natural resources: (i) Land resource-land as a resource and its major uses. (ii) Soil resources-major soil types; soil conservation. (iii) Water resources-water budget
                                          • Natural resources: (iii) Water resources-utilization and management of river waters for irrigation and hydroelectricity, (only example of major dams for explaining the idea of damming, diversion and canalization)
                                          • Natural resources: (iii) Water resources-ground water tapping, overuse, and the need for conservation. The benefits of major river valley projects
                                          • Natural resources: (iv) Forest resource-distribution of major forest types; forest produce, problems of deforestation, strategies of conservation and development with a few examples from specific areas
                                          • Natural resources: (v) Wild life resources-bioreserves, national parks, wild life sanctuaries, impact of deforestation on wild life. (vi) Mineral resources: Distribution of mineral fuels, petroleum, natural gas and atomic minerals
                                          • Natural resources: (vi) Mineral resources-distribution of the minerals as industrial raw material-iron ore, bauxite, manganese, limestone, mica; mineral rich zones; production, consumption and trade of important minerals; wastage and need for conservation

                                          Geography: Unit 08

                                          Man-made resources and their development in india
                                          • Agricultural development: (i) Land use patterns and its significance for agriculture. (ii) Scope for expansion/ reclamation of cultivable land for raising agricultural productivity
                                          • Agricultural development: (ii) Changing agricultural scenario as a result of induction of new technology and its significance in horticulture, sericulture, pisciculture and livestock rearing. (iii) Kharif and rabi crops and zaid (short season crops)
                                          • Agricultural development: (iii) Areas and production of food crops-rice, wheat, millets; areas and production of industrial crops-sugarcane, cotton, jute, coffee, oilseeds. (iv) Prevailing agriculture practices-with examples from different regions
                                          • Agricultural development: (v) Areas where horticulture, sericulture and livestock development has taken place
                                          • Industrial development: (i) Existing patterns and newly emerging characteristics of agro-based and mineral based industries. (ii) Locational factors in the distribution and development of: (a) Agro-based industries-(i) sugar, (ii) paper
                                          • Industrial development: (ii) Locational factors in the distribution and development of: (a) Agro-based industries-(iii) cotton, jute, textiles and vegetable oil; (b) minerals-based industries-(i) iron and steel, (ii) transport equipment industries
                                          • Industrial development: (ii) Locational factors in the distribution and development of: (b) Minerals-based industries-(iii) cement; (iv) fertilizers, and (v) petrochemicals
                                          • Industrial development: (iii) Industrial growth and its impact on environment, and the required remedial measures
                                          • Infrastructural resources: (i) Role of infrastructure for development. (ii) Production and distribution of energy in India-thermal, hydel, nuclear and nonconventional sources of energy; national power grid, inter-state problems
                                          • Infrastructural resources: (iii) Railways-influence of terrain; complimentarity with railways. (iv) Roadways-influence of terrain; complimentarity with roadways. (v) Water ways and airways-benefits and development
                                          • Infrastructural resources: (vi) International trade-changing scenario, ports and airports

                                          Geography: Unit 09

                                          Human resource and their development in India
                                          • Distribution of population: (i) Density and distribution of population, (ii) factors influencing density and distribution of population
                                          • Growth of population: (i) Components of population growth-birth rate, death rate, and migration. (ii) Regional trend in population growth
                                          • Population composition: (i) Characteristics of the composition of population in India-(a) rural-urban composition, (b) sex-age composition, (c) linguistic composition, (d) religious composition, (e) scheduled castes, schedule tribes
                                          • Population composition: (i) Characteristics of the composition of population in India-(e) composition and distribution. (f) Literacy. (ii) Conclusion

                                          Geography: Unit 10

                                          Teaching of geography at primary level
                                          • Nature and scope of geography teaching: (i) Aims and objectives of teaching geography as a part of environmental studies or social studies. (ii) Correlating geography with their school subjects
                                          • Introducing elementary concepts in geography: (i) Methods of teaching geographical concepts and skills- (a) promotion of observational skills, (b) play way and activity methods and, (c) use and preparation of teaching aids
                                          • Specimen content units with lesson plan: (i) Specimen content units-(a) different way of living in India, (b) many ways of living in the world, (c) story of transport and communication and, (d) story of trade-local, national and international

                                          Geography: Unit 11

                                          Geography of tourism in india
                                          • Concept of tourism: (i) Meaning of tourism, brief history of tourism (reference of famous early traveler), (ii) Types of tourism. (iii) Classification of resorts
                                          • Development of tourism in India: (i) Causes and factors of growth. (ii) India’s unique wealth for tourism. (iii) Planning for organization of tour activities
                                          • Impact of tourism: (i) Development of under developed areas. (ii) Development of invisible exports. (iii) Planning for organization of tour activities
                                          • Problems of mass tourism: (i) Profile of Indian tourism. (ii) Undue pressure on local people and price rise. (iii) Pollution of environment. (iv) Alienation of local people from their culture. (v) Strategies for travel promotion

                                          Geography: Unit 12

                                          Field work in geography
                                          • Field and its purpose: (i) Role of fieldwork in geography. (ii) Aim and formulation of hypothesis. (iii) The different approaches to fieldwork
                                          • Design and methodology of field work: (i) Design-importance, components and types. (ii) Selection of samples and sample size. (iii) Formulation of questionnaires and schedules; field sketches, etc
                                          • Design and methodology of field work: (iv) Collection of information-(a) methods of administering the questionnaires and survey schedule; (b) identification of samples; (c) use of field sketches; (d) precautions in collecting the information
                                          • Design and methodology of field work: (v) Processing and presentation of information-(a) processing of primary data. (b) Presentation of data: Tabular and cartographic. (vi) Preparation of field work-(a) land-use survey of a village
                                          • Design and methodology of field work: (vi) Preparation of field work-(b) survey of a market/ weekly market, (c) survey of civic amenities in an area, (d) survey of landforms of an area

                                          Political science: Unit 01

                                          Individual, state and the global order
                                          • Sphere of politics: Power and authority freedom, and justice, nation, state, and the government, the nation-state and globalization of politics

                                          Political science: Unit 02

                                          Aspects of the constitution of india
                                          • The making of the constitution: The preamble, salient features of the Indian constitution, fundamental rights, directive principles of state policy and fundamental duties, federalism and centre-state relation, emergency provisions

                                          Political science: Unit 03

                                          Organs of government: centre and state levels
                                          • The president and governors, the council of ministers, the prime minister and the chief minister, the parliament of India, the state legislature, structure and jurisdiction of Indian judiciary, judicial review and protection of fundamental rights
                                          • Judicial activism

                                          Political science: Unit 04

                                          Democracy at work
                                          • Universal adult franchise, political parties and pressure groups, role of sociopolitical movements

                                          Political science: Unit 05

                                          Organization of the government
                                          • Administrative system: Centre, state, and district level, parliamentary control: The parliamentary committees, comptroller and auditor general, public grievances and redressal machinery, political science curriculum

                                          Political science: Unit 06

                                          Democratic decentralisation
                                          • Urban local bodies, Panchayati raj institutions, non-government organizations

                                          Political science: Unit 07

                                          Contemporary political concerns
                                          • Communalism and regionalism, environmental degradation, population growth and demographic change, the policy of economic liberalization if India

                                          Political science: Unit 08

                                          World politics and india
                                          • Post Cold War global order, the United Nations, some international agencies, aspect of India’s foreign policy

                                          Political science: Unit 09

                                          Some emerging issues of indian politics
                                          • Case in Indian politics reservations, political violence, role of media

                                          Political science: Unit 10

                                          Freedom struggle and constitutional development in India
                                          • Colonialism in India, freedom struggle in India, landmarks in constitutional development

                                          Accountancy: Unit 01

                                          Accounting-an introduction
                                          • Business transactions, book-keeping, accounting, and its branches
                                          • Nature, functions and objectives of financial accounting

                                          Accountancy: Unit 02

                                          Accounting assumptions
                                          • Meaning, assumptions: Business entity, money measurement, going concern, and periodicity

                                          Accountancy: Unit 03

                                          Accounting concepts
                                          • Meaning, concepts: Matching, accrual, realization, and dual aspect concept

                                          Accountancy: Unit 04

                                          Accounting conventions
                                          • Meaning, conventions: Consistency, full disclosure, materiality, conservatism

                                          Accountancy: Unit 05

                                          Accounting terms
                                          • Meaning and significance of different accounting terms like assets, liabilities, capital, revenues and expenses

                                          Accountancy: Unit 06

                                          Accounting equation
                                          • Need of accounting equation, meaning, and preparation of accounting equation

                                          Accountancy: Unit 07

                                          Rules of accounting
                                          • Meaning of accounts, type of accounts: Assets, liabilities, capital, revenue and expense, rules of debit and credit on the basis of accounting equation

                                          Accountancy: Unit 08

                                          • Meaning, classification of journal into general journal and special journals (with examples)
                                          • Incorporation of journal entries involving different accounts

                                          Accountancy: Unit 09

                                          Cash book
                                          • Meaning, types-simple cash book, two column cash book, and three column cash book

                                          Accountancy: Unit 10

                                          Vouchers and their preparation
                                          • Meaning, usefulness and types of vouchers (accounting vouchers and supporting vouchers), preparation of accounting vouchers: Debit voucher, credit voucher, transfer voucher

                                          Accountancy: Unit 11

                                          Day book and subsidiary day books
                                          • Meaning classification of day book: Simple day book, day book with a transfer column, day book with bank and transfer column, classification of subsidiary day books: Purchases day book, sales day book, purchases returns day book, sales returns day book

                                          Accountancy: Unit 12

                                          Recording the vouchers into day books
                                          • Recording into simple day book, day book with transfer column, day-book with bank column

                                          Accountancy: Unit 13

                                          Recording the vouchers into subsidiary day books
                                          • Recording into purchases day book, sales day book, sales returns day book, purchases returns day-book

                                          Accountancy: Unit 14

                                          Ledger posting of day book
                                          • Meaning and format of ledger, posting the items from day book to ledger A/ cs

                                          Accountancy: Unit 15

                                          Posting of subsidiary day books
                                          • Posting the items from subsidiary day books to ledger A/ cs

                                          Accountancy: Unit 16

                                          Trial balance
                                          • Meaning, objective and format of trial balance, preparation of trial balance from ledger balances

                                          Accountancy: Unit 17

                                          Errors and their rectification
                                          • Meaning of accounting error, classification of errors, rectification of errors through journal and accounting vouchers, need and preparation of suspense A/ c

                                          Accountancy: Unit 18

                                          Bank reconciliation statement
                                          • Need, meaning, reasons for difference between the balance of cash book and pass book, preparation

                                          Accountancy: Unit 19

                                          Capital and revenue
                                          • Classification of expenditure into capital and revenue (with examples), calculation of cost of goods sold, capital and revenue receipts

                                          Accountancy: Unit 20

                                          Preparation of trading and profit and loss account, and balance sheet
                                          • Need, format of trading and profit and loss A/ c., items to be recorded on the debit and credit side of trading and profit and loss A/ c, preparation of trading and profit and loss A/ c
                                          • Need, format of balance sheet, identification of accounts to be written on liabilities and assets side, preparation of balance sheet

                                          Accountancy: Unit 21

                                          Preparation of trading and profit and loss A/ c and balance sheet (with adjustments)
                                          • Need for adjustments, adjustments regarding closing stock, depreciation, additional bad debts, provision for doubtful debts, outstanding expenses, pre-paid expenses, accrued income and unearned income
                                          • Incorporation of adjustments in trading and profit and loss A/ c and balance sheet

                                          Accountancy: Unit 22

                                          • Meaning, partnership deed, types of partners, capital accounts
                                          • Accounting treatment of the following in the absence of partnership deed: (a) Distribution of profits, (b) interest on partner’s loans, (c) interest on capital and drawings, (d) salary and commission of partner

                                          Accountancy: Unit 23

                                          Admission of partner
                                          • Concept of admission of partner, calculation of profit sharing ratio, revaluation of assets and liabilities, goodwill: Meaning, valuation, and its recording, adjustment regarding adjustments in partners’ capital A/c, preparation of revaluation A/ c
                                          • Goodwill: partner’s capital A/c and balance sheet from the given information

                                          Accountancy: Unit 24

                                          Retirement and death of a partner
                                          • Meaning, calculation of new profit sharing ratio, calculation of gaining ratio, recording of goodwill, revaluation of assets and liabilities, accumulated reserves and profits, adjustments regarding partners, capital accounts
                                          • Calculation of profit up to the date of death of a partner
                                          • Preparation of relevant A/cs and balance sheet

                                          Accountancy: Unit 25

                                          Dissolution of a partnership firm
                                          • Concept of dissolution of partner and partnership firm, realization of asset and making payment of liabilities, treatment of unrecorded assets and liabilities, preparation of realization A/ c
                                          • Partner’s capital A/c and bank A/c (excluding insolvency of partners)

                                          Accountancy: Unit 26

                                          Joint stock company-an introduction
                                          • Meaning, characteristics, and kinds of companies, shares (as a source of finance) and its types, kinds of shares capital

                                          Accountancy: Unit 27

                                          Issue of shares
                                          • At par, at discount (Sec. 79) and at premium (Sec, 78), share application, share allotment and share calls, calls in arrears and calls-in-advance
                                          • Journal entries in the books of company, preparation of accounting vouchers, preparation of share capital A/ c, share allotment A/c, bank A/c and calls A/c

                                          Accountancy: Unit 28

                                          Forfeiture and reissue of forfeited shares
                                          • Meaning of forfeiture, accounting treatment for forfeiture of shares issued at par, discount and premium, accounting treatment for reissue of forfeited shares originally issued at par, discount, and premium

                                          Accountancy: Unit 29

                                          Ratio analysis-an introduction
                                          • Meaning of financial statements, meaning, and need for analysis of financial statement
                                          • Arithmetical and accounting ratio, concept of ratio analysis, parties interested in analysis of financial statement, significance of accounting ratios

                                          Accountancy: Unit 30

                                          Accounting ratios-I
                                          • Meaning, significance, and calculation of liquidity and turnover ratios

                                          Accountancy: Unit 31

                                          Accounting ratios-II
                                          • Meaning, significance, and calculation of gross profit, net profit, return on investment and debt-equity ratios

                                          Accountancy: Unit 32

                                          Funds flow statement-I
                                          • Meaning, need, increase/ decrease in working capital by preparing schedule of changes in working capital, funds from operation

                                          Accountancy: Unit 33

                                          Funds flow statement-II
                                          • Preparation of funds flow statement in ‘T’ form, adjustments: Depreciation (including provision for depreciation), sale and purchase of fixed asset

                                          Accountancy: Unit 34

                                          Accounts of non-trading organizations-I
                                          • Meaning and characteristics, receipts and payments A/c; meaning, need, preparation, difference between receipts and payments A/c and cash book

                                          Accountancy: Unit 35

                                          Accounts of non-trading organizations-II
                                          • Income and expenditure A/c: Meaning, need, preparation, difference between receipts and payments A/c and income and expenditure A/c
                                          • Adjustments: Outstanding and prepaid expenses, accrued and unearned incomes, subscriptions and depreciation on asset only
                                          • Preparation of balance sheet

                                          Sociology: Unit 01

                                          Sociology: basic concepts
                                          • An introduction to sociology, emergence and development of sociology, sociology: Its relationships with other social sciences, methods and techniques of research in sociology, society, community, association, and institution
                                          • Social groups, social structure and social system, norms and values, status and role, cooperation, competition, and conflict, acculturation, assimilation, and integration

                                          Sociology: Unit 02

                                          Social institution and social stratification
                                          • Marriage, family, kinship, economy, polity and religion, social stratification: Hierarchy, differentiation, and inequality

                                          Sociology: Unit 03

                                          Social change, socialization, and social control
                                          • Factors of social change, processes of social change, socialization, social control, social deviance, society and environment

                                          Sociology: Unit 04

                                          Indian Society
                                          • Indian social thinkers, unity and diversity, national integration: Concept and challenge, Indian society: Tribal, rural, and urban, caste system in India, major religious communities in India, major social problems of India
                                          • Problem of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, problems of other deprived sections

                                          Sociology: Unit 05

                                          Status of women
                                          • Society and environment, historical and cultural perspectives, gender discrimination, problems of women, quest for equality and women’s empowerment

                                          Sociology: Unit 06

                                          • Culture: Concept and characteristics, Indian cultural heritage, cultural pluralism, media and culture

                                          History: Unit 01

                                          Prehistoric india
                                          • Pre-historic India: Impact of geography on Indian history, unity in diversity, ancient people of India, pre-historic cultures, Paleolithic culture, Neolithic culture, chalcolithic culture

                                          History: Unit 02

                                          The harappan civilisation
                                          • Salient features of the Harappan civilisation: Sites, extent and period, town planning, social life, crafts and trade, pottery, seals, terra-cotta figurines, religion, script, weights and measures, disappearance
                                          • Its significance: Legacy of the Harappan civilization, Harappan civilization and west Asia, Harappans Aryans and the Vedic

                                          History: Unit 03

                                          The vedic age
                                          • The Rig-Vedic age: The Aryan advent, political organization, early Aryan society, economic life, Rig Vedic Gods
                                          • The later Vedic age: Expansion, political changes, material life, social development, the epic age, religion
                                          • Importance of Vedas: schools of Vedic philosophy, Vedic literature: Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, the Upanishads and the Puranas, concept of Dharma: Four ends of life, evolution of the caste system, the Dharmashastras
                                          • Importance of Vedas: Varnashrama system (four stages of life)

                                          History: Unit 04

                                          Ancient indian religions
                                          • Jainism: Vardhaman Mahavira, doctrine of Jainism, spread of Jainism, rise of sects
                                          • Buddhism: Life of Gautama Buddha, doctrines of Buddhism, spread of Buddhism, rise of sects, decline of Buddhism
                                          • Contribution of Jainism and Buddhism: Importance of Jainism, influence of Buddhism, comparison of Jainism with Buddhism

                                          History: Unit 05

                                          Growth of political unity
                                          • Rise of Magadha: Concept of political unity, sixteen Mahajanapadas, Magadhan supremacy, the Nandas
                                          • Persian and Greek invasions: Persian conquest, Alexander’s invasion, extinction of Greek rule in northwest India
                                          • Importance of Magadhan supremacy and foreign invasions: Importance of the first Magadhan Empire, results of the Persian impact, effects of Alexander’s invasion

                                          History: Unit 06

                                          The age of mauryas
                                          • Chandra Gupta Maurya: Imperial organization, Ashoka; impact of the Kalinga war, Dharma and spread of Buddhism, edicts, cause of downfall of the Mauryan empire

                                          History: Unit 07

                                          Kanishka and satavahanas
                                          • The Indo-Greeks: The Sakas, the Parthians, the Kushans, Kanishka, achievements of Kanishka
                                          • The Satavahanas: Political developments, foreign trade and settlements, pattern of social life, religious life

                                          History: Unit 08

                                          The gupta empire and harsha
                                          • The Gupta empire: Rise and expansion of the Gupta empire, Chandraguptai, Samudragupta, Chandragupta ii, decline of the Gupta empire-invasions of the Hunas
                                          • Life in the Gupta age: Administration, social development-status of women, economic life, religious life, account of Fa-Hsien
                                          • Harsha: Main events, the assembly at Kanauj, account of Hsuan Tsang, Nalanda university

                                          History: Unit 09

                                          Development in eastern and southern india
                                          • Development of culture in-Assam, Bengal, Kalinga
                                          • Early kingdoms of the south: Early Cholas, the Cheras and Pandyas, the Chalukyas, the Rashtrakutas, the Pallavas, the Cholas

                                          History: Unit 10

                                          Life under the maurya and the gupta empire
                                          • Asoka’s place in history
                                          • Contacts with central Asian countries
                                          • Growth of Brahmanism and Buddhism
                                          • Development of art, architecture, painting
                                          • Literature under the Guptas
                                          • Science and technology under the Guptas

                                          History: Unit 11

                                          Indian culture abroad
                                          • Spread of Indian culture in west Asia, Tibet, China, and south east Asia
                                          • Colonial settlement abroad
                                          • Development of trade and commerce
                                          • Art and architecture-Angkor vat and Borobudur

                                          History: Unit 12

                                          Our cultural heritage
                                          • Contributions of ancient India: Aryan, non-Aryan synthesis, agrarian economy, rise of landed class, changes in the vama system, Hindu-Jain-Buddhist interaction, the coming of Christianity, mathematics and medicine
                                          • Contributions of ancient India: Literature and philosophy-the Tamil heritage, sculpture, painting and architecture: Brief outlines of schools of art; Gandhara and Mathura: contributions of the Pallavas and the Cholas; Mahabalipuram, Tanjore and Halebid

                                          History: Unit 13

                                          Establishment of the delhi sultanate
                                          • Advent of Islam in India: Coming of Arab traders, conquest of Sind (712 AD)
                                          • Indian invasion of sultan Mahmud of Ghazni (996-1030 AD): The emergence of Rajput states and the struggle for supremacy, advent of Muhammed Ghuri (1173-1205 AD) and the battles of Tarain, the Mamluk Sultans, Iltutmish, Raziya and Balban
                                          • Indian invasion of sultan Mahmud of Ghazni (996-1030 AD): The Mongol invasions, conquest of northern India by the Mamluk Sultans
                                          • A comparative estimate of the achievements of sultan Mahmud of Ghazni and Muhammad Ghuri: Effects of sultan Mahmud of Ghazni’s invasion of India. Causes of success of Turkish conquest of northern India and the failure of Rajput resistance
                                          • A comparative estimate of the achievements of sultan Mahmud of Ghazni and Muhammad Ghuri: Achievements of Iltutmish and Balban

                                          History: Unit 14

                                          Alauddin khalji and muhammad bin tughlaq
                                          • The Khaljis (1210-1320): Jalaluddin Firuz Khalji (1210-96), Alauddin Khalji (1296-1316), expansion of Delhi sultanate: Devgiri, Rajputana and Malwa, Deccan expedition of Malik Kafur (1307), Mongol invasions
                                          • The Tughlaqs (1320-1412 AD): Ghiyas-Ud-Din Tughlaq (1320-24 AD), territorial expansion and suppression of revolts, fall of Warangal, accession of muhammad tughlaq, expansion in the south: Kampili and Hoysala
                                          • Reforms of Alauddin Khalji: military organization, agrarian reforms, market regulations, assessment of reforms
                                          • Experiments of Muhammad-Bin-Tughlaq (1325-1351 AD): Transfer of capital, taxation in the doab, introduction of token currency, invasion of Khurasan, Ibn Batuta, appraisal of the experiments

                                          History: Unit 15

                                          Disintegration of the delhi sultanate
                                          • Firuz Tughlaq and his successors: Invasion of Timur (1398), rise of provincial dynasties: Jaunpur, Gujarat, Malwa, Bengal, Kashmir, the Saiyids and the Lodi Sultans
                                          • Impact of reforms of Firuz Tughlaq: Effects of Timur’s invasion of India, estimate of Zainul Abidin of Kashmir, achievements of Sikander Lodi

                                          History: Unit 16

                                          Rise and fall of the vijaynagar and bahmani kingdoms
                                          • Foundation of the Vijaynagar kingdom: Rise and expansion of the Bahamani kingdom and conflict with Vijaynagar, advent of the Portuguese, Bread-up of the Bahmani Kingdom, Battle of Talikota and Disintegration of the Vijaynagar kingdom
                                          • Climax of Vijaynagar: Deva Raya II, Krishna Deva Raya III-evaluation of the achievements of Mahmud Gawan, causes of the break-up of the Bahmani kingdom, causes of the downfall of the Vijaynagar kingdom

                                          History: Unit 17

                                          Establishment of the mughal empire
                                          • Establishment of the Mughal Empire: India at the opening of the sixteenth century, Babur and the foundation of the Mughal Empire. Humayun’s struggle with Bahadur Shah and Sher Shah, end of Sur Dynasty and return of Humayun
                                          • Significance of Babur’s advent into India: Administration of Sher Shah

                                          History: Unit 18

                                          Consolidation of the mughal empire
                                          • Accession of Akbar and expansion of the Mughal Empire: Jahangir and Shah Jahan, foreign policy of the Mughals: North western frontier and central Asia
                                          • Achievements of Akbar: Efforts towards Integration, assessment of the achievements of Jahangir and Shah Jahan

                                          History: Unit 19

                                          Decline of the mughal empire
                                          • Aurangzeb and war of succession: Relations with Assam and Bengal, Popular Revolts: Jats, Satnamis, Bundelkhand
                                          • Role of Aurangzeb: Causes of Aurangzeb’s success in the war of succession, significance of popular revolts

                                          History: Unit 20

                                          Mughal relations with rajputs and sikhs
                                          • Babur and the Rajputs: Akbar’s Rajput policy-conquest of Chittor, Ranthambhor, Rana Pratap and war with Akbar, Surrender of Mewar (1614), Aurangzeb’s relations with the Sikh Gurus: Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das
                                          • Babur and the Rajputs: Jahangir and Sikh Gurus-Guru Arjun Das and Guru Hargovind, Aurangzeb, and Sikh Gurus: Tegh Bahadur and Gobind Singh

                                          History: Unit 21

                                          Mughal empire and the deccan
                                          • Evaluation of Rajput policy of the Mughals: Assessment of the Mughal policy towards the Sikhs
                                          • Mughal Policy towards the Deccan under Akbar: Conquest of Berar, Ahmadnagar and Khandesh, Shah Jahan and the Deccan, Viceroyalty of Aurangzeb, Annexation of Bijapur and Golconda by Aurangzeb

                                          History: Unit 22

                                          Rise of the marathas
                                          • Assessment of the Mughal policy towards the Deccan: Akbar, Aurangzeb
                                          • Rise of Shivaji: Aurangzeb’s relations with Shivaji, Aurangzeb’s war with the Marathas after Shivaji (1680-1707)-Shambhaji, Raja Ram and Tara Bai

                                          History: Unit 23

                                          Administrative system and military organization
                                          • Shivaji’s Administration: Estimate of Shivaji, Assessment of Aurangzeb, Aurangzeb’s responsibility for the decline of the Mughal Empire
                                          • Administrative System: Nature of the Delhi Sultans and the caliphate, secularism under Akbar, central administration, provincial administration, local administration

                                          History: Unit 24

                                          Social and economic conditions
                                          • Military organization: Military System during the Sultanate period, the mansbdari system of the Mughals
                                          • Social conditions: Feudal society: The sultans; the nobles and the slaves, the Mughal nobility, middle class and masses, growing disparity in life-style, social customs, manners and education, social decline

                                          History: Unit 25

                                          Religious policy
                                          • Economic Conditions: General prosperity, prices and wages, land revenue system, trade and commerce
                                          • Religious policy of Delhi Sultante: Interaction of Islam and Hinduism, the Bhakti movement-Vaishanavites, the Sufism, contribution of Amir Khusrau

                                          History: Unit 26

                                          Development of culture
                                          • Architecture under the Sultanate, architecture under the Mughals, development of languages and literature, Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Urdu, and regional Languages: Tamil, Hindi, Bengali, and Marathi
                                          • Mughal painting; music and dance ; other arts, gardening, pottery, metal-works, jewellery and textiles

                                          History: Unit 27

                                          Establishment of British rule in India
                                          • Advent of the European trading nations: New trade routes to India and advent of European trading companies, growth of the English East India company, causes of success of the English East India company
                                          • Territorial expansion of the East India company: Bengal, Avadh, Mysore and Sind, The fall of the Marathas, British policy towards Nepal, Burma, and Afghanistan
                                          • Economic impact of British Rule: Land revenue policy-the permanent settlement, the Ryotwari, the Mahalwari system, economic exploitation of India, development of modern industries and export policy

                                          History: Unit 28

                                          Assessment of the british rule
                                          • Dual system of company’s administration in Bengal, system of subsidiary alliance, doctrine of lapse, assessment of agricultural and industrial policies, ruin of handicrafts, darin of wealth, a balance sheet of British rule in India

                                          History: Unit 29

                                          English education in india
                                          • Early missionary efforts and private enterprise, contributions of to the growth of English education in India: (i) Raja Rammohan Roy, (ii) Macaulay, (iii) William Bentinck, (iv) M.G. Ranade
                                          • Establishment of three universities and downward filtration theory of education, Deccan education society, development of education in the 20th century, growth of professional education
                                          • Move towards universalisation of elementary education and equal educational opportunity

                                          History: Unit 30

                                          Religious reform movements
                                          • The Brahmo Samaj and Raja Rammohan Roy, the Prarthana Samaj and Mahadev Govind Ranade, Arya Samaj and Swami Dayanand Saraswati, the Ram Krishna mission and Swami Vivekananda, the theosophical society and Annie Besant
                                          • The Aligarh movement and Sayyid Ahmed Khan

                                          History: Unit 31

                                          Social reforms
                                          • Abolition of Sati and female infanticide, widow remarriage and education of women, removal of untouchability and emphasis on social equality, role of-(i) Jyotiba Phule, (ii) B.R. Ambedkar, (iii) Mahatma Gandhi
                                          • Social legislation, servants of India society

                                          History: Unit 32

                                          The revolt of 1857
                                          • Causes: Remote and immediate; course of the revolt, nature, causes of failure and results of the revolt

                                          History: Unit 33

                                          Factor contributing to the growth of indian nationalism
                                          • British policy: Political and economic, administrative unification of the country, introduction of western ideas and institution, a new awakening through western education; rediscovery of India’s past, economic exploitation, racial discrimination
                                          • Impact of press and literature, impact of social and religious reforms

                                          History: Unit 34

                                          Indian national movement (1885-1905)
                                          • Early political movements, establishment of the Indian national congress, policy of Indian national congress till 1905, British government’s attitude towards the Indian national congress

                                          History: Unit 35

                                          Growth of indian national movement (1906-1918)
                                          • The partition of Bengal and its consequences, the Swadeshi and Boycott movements, formation of the Muslim league (1906), the moderates and the extremists: The Surat split of Indian national congress (1907), inadequacy of morley reforms
                                          • The revolutionary activities, the home rule movement, Lucknow pact (1916), emergence of Mahatma Gandhi, Champaran satyagraha

                                          History: Unit 36

                                          Struggle for freedom (1919-1942)
                                          • The Montague-Chelmsford reforms, the Rowlett act, the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, The Swarajists, resurgence of the masses, the Simon commission, Hindu-Muslim relations, Lahore congress and Poorna Swaraj, revival of revolutionary activities
                                          • Civil disobedience movement, round table conference, growth of socialist ideas, formation of congress ministries, international developments and the congress, all India state people movement, new communal trends

                                          History: Unit 37

                                          Towards poorna swaraj 1942-1947
                                          • World War-II and the Cripps mission, Quit India movement, Subhas Chandra Bose and the Indian national army, Interim government, partition of India, emergence of a socialist, secular and democratic republic

                                          History: Unit 38

                                          An overview
                                          • Features of the freedom movement, paticipation by the masses, emphasis on social reforms: (i) Removal of untouchability, (ii) emancipation of women, economic planning and rural reconstruction, secular character, leaders from all regions
                                          • Role of: (i) Abul Kalam Azad, (ii) Annie besant, (iii) Bal Gangadhar Tilak, (iv) Bhagat singh, (v) C. Rajgopalachari, (vi) Gopal krishna Gokhale, (vii) Jawahar Lal Nehru, (viii) Lala Lajpat Rai, (ix) Mahatma Gandhi, (x) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
                                          • Role of: (xi) Sardar Patel, (xii) Sarojini Naidu, (xiii) Subhas Chandra Bose, (xiv) Subramania Bharati, (xv) V.D. Savarkar

                                          History: Unit 39

                                          India since independence
                                          • Integration of princely states (1947-58), reorganization of the Indian states, India-a democratic republic, democratic planning, process, social mobility-decline of cast rigidities and untouchability, emancipation of woman
                                          • Development of science and technology, problem of national integration, principles of Indian foreign policy, Indo-Pak relations, Sino-Indian relations, India’s relations with Bangladesh, non-alignment movement

                                          History: Unit 40

                                          • The Paleolithic and the Neolithic settlements
                                          • Ancient trade centers
                                          • Empire of Kanishka
                                          • The Gupta Empire
                                          • Empire of Harsha
                                          • India’s contact with Asian countries
                                          • India in 1210 AD
                                          • India under the Tughlaqs: India in the 15th century, the Mughal empire in 1605 AD, kingdom of Shivaji 1680, Anglo-French war-1740-1761, Indian and European settlements in 1705 AD, major Indian states in 1750 AD, British Empire in India in 1805 AD
                                          • India under the Tughlaqs: Kingdom of Ranjit Singh, important centres of the revolt of 1857, major Indian states on the eve of independence, famines in India in the 19th and 20th centuries, partition of India in 1947
                                          • Sites of the Harappan culture
                                          • Asoka’s Empire
                                          • South India in 750 AD
                                          • The Chola Empire
                                          • The Khalji Empire 1320 AD
                                          • Political conditions of India in 1525 AD
                                          • The Mughal Empire in 1707 A.D
                                          • The Maratha Empire in India in 1760 AD
                                          • The British Empire in 1856 AD
                                          • Important centers of the freedom movement from 1920-47

                                          Computer science: Unit 01

                                          Anatomy of a digital computer
                                          • Introduction, objectives, functions and components of a computer: How the CPU and memory work
                                          • Input devices: Keyboard, magnetic ink character recognition (MICR), optical mark recognition (OMR), bar code reader, digesting tablet, scanners, mouse, light pen, speech input devices
                                          • Memory unit: Capacity of primary memory, secondary storage: Magnetic tape, magnetic disk, floppy disk, optical disk, output device: Display screen, printer, plotter, sound cards and speaker, D-audio

                                          Computer science: Unit 02

                                          Data processing concept
                                          • Introduction, objectives, data, processing, information, data processing activities, the data processing cycle, computer processing operation, data processing systems, data organization, variable and fixed length records, logical versus physical records

                                          Computer science: Unit 03

                                          Computer software
                                          • Introduction, objectives, computer language, type of high-level language, compilers and interpreters, what is software, type of software: System software, application software

                                          Computer science: Unit 04

                                          Operating system
                                          • Introduction, objectives, main features of windows 98: Using the mouse, the symbol for menu commands: Desktop, desktop icon, start button and taskbar: Programs submenu, favorites submenu, documents submenu, setting, find, help, run, shut down
                                          • Window explorer, managing files, folders, and windows: Shortcuts, windows most common, sharing folders and printers, MS-DOS-based program

                                          Computer science: Unit 05

                                          Data communication and networking
                                          • Introduction, objectives, data communication, communication protocol, data transmission modes, types of communication services, communication media, computer network, network protocols, types of networks, network architecture
                                          • Important terms used in networking

                                          Computer science: Unit 06

                                          Fundamentals of internet and java programming
                                          • Introduction, objects, internet-the history, services of internet-e-mail, FTP, internet, www, world wide web (www), Java and C++, characteristic of java, how to Java ignores after Java, software business after Java, Java and the internet

                                          Computer science: Unit 07

                                          Introduction to c++
                                          • Introduction, objectives, C++ character set, basic data types: Integer type (int), floating point type (float), character type (char), tokens: Keyword, identifiers, literals, punctuators, operators, the size of operator, the order of precedence
                                          • Type conversion, constants, variables, input/ output (I/O), structure of C++ program

                                          Computer science: Unit 08

                                          General concept of oop
                                          • Introduction, objectives, object-oriented programming, basic concepts: Objects, classes, data abstraction, data encapsulation, modularity, inheritance, polymorphism, benefits of OOP, programming applications of OPP

                                          Computer science: Unit 09

                                          Control statements
                                          • Introduction, objectives, statements, compound statement, null statement, conditional statement, loop construct, jump statements, exit () function

                                          Computer science: Unit 10

                                          • Introduction, objectives, include directive, library function, user defined C++ function: Function prototype, arguments to a function, return type of a function, global and local variables, calling of function, inline function
                                          • Function with default arguments

                                          Computer science: Unit 11

                                          • Introduction, objectives, initializations of one dimensional array, initialization of string, processing an array, two dimensional array

                                          Computer science: Unit 12

                                          Structure, type def, enumerated data type
                                          • Introduction, objective, structure, variable of the structure, accessing of data members, structure variable in assignment statements, structure within structure, accessing nested structure members, initializing nested structure, type def
                                          • Enumerated data type

                                          Computer science: Unit 13

                                          Classes and objects with constructors/ destructors
                                          • Introduction, objective, structure, class: Creating objects, accessing class member, member function, nesting of member function, memory allocation for objects, array of object
                                          • Constructor: Default constructor, parameterized constructors, copy constructor, constructor with default arguments, destructor

                                          Computer science: Unit 14

                                          Inheritance extending classes
                                          • Introduction, objectives, need for inheritance, different forms of inheritance, defining derived class, multiple inheritance, visibility modes, absent class, virtual base class

                                          Computer science: Unit 15

                                          • Introduction, objectives, pointer: Pointer to array, pointer to string constant, pointer to structure, pointer to objects, this pointer

                                          Computer science: Unit 16

                                          • Introduction, objectives, file: Opening a file, open ( ) function, file pointers, the tellg ( ) and tellp ( ) function, write ( ) and read ( ) functions, close ( ) function

                                          Painting: Unit 01

                                          Art of Indus valley civilization (Harappan and Mohen-jo-daro 2500 BC to 1750 BC)
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation supported with drawing, maps, and pictures of the following art objects: (i) Mother Goddess (collection-National museum, Delhi), (ii) Seal with bull design (collection-National museum, Delhi)

                                          Painting: Unit 02

                                          Art of Mauryan to Gupta period (4th century BC to 6th century AD)
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation supported with drawing and pictures of the following art objects: (i) Lion capital-(collection-Sarnath museum), (ii) Chauri bearer (Yakshi)-(collection-Patna museum)
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation supported with drawing and pictures of the following art objects and collection: (iii) Stupa I at Sanchi-(collection-Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh), (iv) Lord Mahavira-Jain Tirthankara-(collection-National museum, U.P.)
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation supported with drawing and pictures of the following art objects and collection: (v) Seated Buddha (Gandhara style)-(collection-Sarnath museum, Madhya Pradesh), (vi) Seated Buddha-(collection-Government museum, Mathura)

                                          Painting: Unit 03

                                          Indo-Islamic architecture (from 12th century A.D. to 17th century)
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation supported with drawing, and pictures of the following heritages/ monuments: (i) Pictures: Qutab Minar (place-Delhi), (ii) Taj Mahal-(place-Agra), (iii) Gol Gumbaz-(place-Bijapur)

                                          Painting: Unit 04

                                          Mughal school (from Akbar to Bahadur Shah-II)
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation of the following miniature paintings: (i) Bird catching at Baran-(artist-Bhag and collection-National museum, Delhi), (ii) Tanjore painting-(artist-unknown and collection-National museum, Delhi)

                                          Painting: Unit 05

                                          Company school
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation of the following paintings: (iii) A group of Kashmiri-(artisans-unknown and collection-National museum, Delhi), (iv) The bird-(artist-unknown and collection-National museum, Delhi)

                                          Painting: Unit 06

                                          Pioneers of contemporary art movements in India
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation of paintings in the modern era: (i) Paintings-Ravana and Jatayu (artist-Raja Ravi Varma and collection-National museum, New Delhi
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation of paintings in the modern era: (ii) Bengal school-(a) Radhika- (artist-Rabanindra Nath Tagore and collection-National gallery of modern art, New Delhi)
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation of paintings in the modern era: (ii) Bengal school-(b) Sri Chaitanaya under garud stambha (artist-Nand Lal Bose and collection-National gallery of modern art, New Delhi)
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation of paintings in the modern era: (ii) Bengal school-(c) Crucifixion (artist-Jamini Roy and collection-National gallery of modern art, New Delhi)

                                          Painting: Unit 07

                                          Contemporary arts of India
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation of paintings in modern era: (i) Painting-Women face (artist-Rabindranath Tagore and collection-National gallery of modern art, New Delhi)
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation of paintings in modern era: (ii) Painting-Adornment of bride (artist-Amrita Shergi and collection-National gallery of modern art, New Delhi)
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation of paintings in modern era: (iii) Painting-Santhal family (sculpture) (artist-Ram Kinker Baij and collection-National gallery of modern art, New Delhi)
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation of paintings in modern era: (iv) Painting-Mother Teresa (artist-M.F. Hussain and collection-National gallery of modern art, New Delhi)
                                          • Brief introduction and appreciation of paintings in modern era: (v) Painting-Thorn prick (artist-N.S. Bendre and collectio-National gallery of modern art, New Delhi)

                                          Psychology: Unit 01

                                          Foundations of behaviour-I
                                          • Psychology: An introduction, methods in psychology, biological bases of behaviour, sensory processes, perception and attention

                                          Psychology: Unit 02

                                          Foundation of behaviour-II
                                          • Learning, memory and forgetting, thinking, individual differences, motivation, emotion

                                          Psychology: Unit 03

                                          Human development
                                          • Nature of development, stages of development, factors of development, adolescence, adulthood to personality

                                          Psychology: Unit 04

                                          • Nature of personality, approaches to personality, adjustment, self-control and moral development, strategies for personality development

                                          Psychology: Unit 05

                                          Group processes
                                          • Group: Its nature, social influence, leadership, intergroup conflicts

                                          Psychology: Unit 06

                                          • Education and work, vocational choice, career development, work in organizations, vocational adjustment

                                          Psychology: Unit 07

                                          • Stress processes, stress and health problems, stress management, promoting well-being, development patterns in early childhood, play centre-organization, play centre-structural details, planning and conducting programmes
                                          • Involvement of parents and community

                                          Mass communication: Unit 01

                                          Introduction to mass communication
                                          • Introduction to communication, mass communication, role and impact of mass media, development communication

                                          Mass communication: Unit 02

                                          Print media
                                          • Introduction to print media, what is news?, reporting and editing, language press in India

                                          Mass communication: Unit 03

                                          • Characteristics of radio, the radio station, formats of radio programmes, radio programme production

                                          Mass communication: Unit 04

                                          • Television in India, role of television as a mass medium, television channels, television programme production

                                          Mass communication: Unit 05

                                          Advertising and public relations
                                          • Advertising-an introduction, advertising-an industry, public relations-an introduction, public relations-tools

                                          Mass communication: Unit 06

                                          New media
                                          • Characteristics of new media, new media-the industry, new media-target audience, new media-employment opportunities

                                          Mass communication: Unit 07

                                          Traditional media
                                          • Introduction to traditional media, types of traditional media, comparison of traditional media with electronic media, communicating through traditional media

                                          Mass communication: Unit 08

                                          Photo journalism
                                          • Introduction to photography, the camera, photojournalism, tole of a photojournalist

                                          Data entry operations: Unit 01

                                          Basics of computer
                                          • Computer organization, input and output devices, system software and application software, computer language, compiler and assembler

                                          Data entry operations: Unit 02

                                          Operating system
                                          • Elements of windows XP, desktop elements, locating files and folders, changing system setting, file management in windows, installation of software and hardware

                                          Data entry operations: Unit 03

                                          Basics of word processing
                                          • Starting word program, word screen layout, typing screen objects, managing documents, protecting and finding documents, printing documents

                                          Data entry operations: Unit 04

                                          Formatting documents
                                          • Working with text, formatting text, formatting paragraphs, bulleted and numbered lists, copying and moving text, spelling and grammar, page formatting, creating tables

                                          Data entry operations: Unit 05

                                          Mail merge
                                          • Types of document in mail merge, creating data source, creating mailing labels, merging data into main document

                                          Data entry operations: Unit 06

                                          Basics of spreadsheet
                                          • Selecting, adding and renaming worksheets, modifying a worksheet, resizing rows and columns, workbook protection

                                          Data entry operations: Unit 07

                                          Formatting worksheets
                                          • Formatting toolbar, formatting cells, formatting rows and columns, formatting worksheets using styles, protect and unprotect worksheets

                                          Data entry operations: Unit 08

                                          Formulas, functions, and charts
                                          • Formulas and functions, copying a formula, types of functions, types of charts, auto shapes and smart art

                                          Data entry operations: Unit 09

                                          Creating presentation
                                          • Creating slides, slide sorter view, changing slide layouts, moving between slides

                                          Data entry operations: Unit 10

                                          Introduction to internet
                                          • Getting connected to internet, types of internet connections, internet terminology, understanding internet address, web browser and internet services

                                          Environmental science: Unit 01

                                          Environment through ages
                                          • Origin of earth and evolution of environment, human society and environment, degradation of natural environment

                                          Environmental science: Unit 02

                                          Ecological concepts and issues
                                          • Principles of ecology, ecosystem, natural ecosystem, human modified ecosystem

                                          Environmental science: Unit 03

                                          Human impact on environment
                                          • Human societies, deforestation

                                          Environmental science: Unit 04

                                          Contemporary Environmental Issues
                                          • Pollution-its causes, consequences and prevention, environment and health, disasters and their management, national environmental issues, global environmental issues

                                          Environmental science: Unit 05

                                          Environmental conservation
                                          • Biodiversity conservation, conservation of other natural resources, soil and land conservation, water and energy conservation

                                          Environmental science: Unit 06

                                          Sustainable development
                                          • Concept of sustainable development, modern agriculture, concept of sustainable agriculture, cleaner technology

                                          Environmental science: Unit 07

                                          Environmental management
                                          • Environmental legislation, environmental impact assessment (EIA), environment related institutions and organizations, enironmental ethics and Gandhian approach

                                          Environmental science: Unit 08

                                          Water resource management
                                          • Global circulation of water, ground water resources, fresh water resources and distribution, methods of water harvesting, conservation at different levels

                                          Environmental science: Unit 09

                                          Energy and environment
                                          • Importance of energy in society, non-renewable sources of energy, renewable sources of energy, renewable sources of energy, energy conservation

                                          Tourism: Unit 01

                                          Basics of tourism
                                          • Evolution of tourism, tourism industry and its organization, impact of tourism, fundamentals of travel and tourism geography, transport for tourism

                                          Tourism: Unit 02

                                          Cultural dimensions of tourism
                                          • Understanding Indian culture and heritage, performing art heritage in India, Indian architecture as tourist attractions

                                          Tourism: Unit 03

                                          Cultural and heritage aspects of tourism in India
                                          • Culture and heritages in India: Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, culture and heritages in India: Sikhs, Islam and Christianity, cultural attractions in India

                                          Tourism: Unit 04

                                          Natural diversity as tourist attraction
                                          • Natural tourist attractions in India, growth and patterns of tourism in India, growth and patterns of tourism in world

                                          Tourism: Unit 05

                                          Management of tourism business
                                          • Tourism management, human resource management-I, human resource management-II, communication and personality development, tourism marketing

                                          Tourism: Unit 06

                                          Travel and tour operation business
                                          • Fundamentals of travels agency and tour operation business, functions of travel agencies and tour operations, itinerary planning and tour packaging

                                          Tourism: Unit 07

                                          Hospitality management
                                          • Hospitality and catering industry, front office operations, supporting operations of hotel

                                          Introduction to law: Unit 01

                                          Concept of law
                                          • Meaning of law, classification of legal system, personal law-I: Hindu law and Muslim law, personal law-II: Christian, Parsi and Jewish law

                                          Introduction to law: Unit 02

                                          Functions and techniques of law
                                          • Normative functions of law and social control, principles of natural justice, techniques of law and remedies-I, techniques of law and remedies-II

                                          Introduction to law: Unit 03

                                          Classification of law
                                          • Territorial law, civil law and criminal law, substantive law and procedural or adjective law, public law and private law

                                          Introduction to law: Unit 04

                                          Indian court system and methods of resolution of disputes
                                          • Indian judicial system, justice delivery system, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, legal services and lok adalat

                                          Introduction to law: Unit 05

                                          The constitution of India (I)
                                          • Constitution and its nature, constitutionalism and preamble, fundamental rights and duties, directive principles of state policy

                                          Introduction to law: Unit 06

                                          The constitution of India (II)
                                          • The executive, the legislature, the judiciary

                                          Introduction to law: Unit 07

                                          Environmental law, role of citizens, police and administration
                                          • Environmental law, sustainable development, general principles of environmental law, contemporary developments

                                          Introduction to law: Unit 08

                                          Law relating to consumer protection and right to information
                                          • Consumer protection, unfair trade practices, consumer redressal agencies, consumer activism

                                          Library and information science: Unit 01

                                          Library, information and society
                                          • Military Studies

                                          Library and information science: Unit 02

                                          Information Sources
                                          • Overview of information sources, types of information sources, reference sources, e-resources

                                          Library and information science: Unit 03

                                          Organization of information sources
                                          • Organization of library material: Concept, need and purpose, processing of library material: Classification and cataloguing, arrangement and maintenance of library material

                                          Library and information science: Unit 04

                                          Library and information services
                                          • Library and information services for the users, traditional library services: Responsive and anticipatory, modern library services

                                          Library and information science: Unit 05

                                          Management of libraries
                                          • Library system and management, library staff, library users, librarianship as a career

                                          Library and information science: Unit 06

                                          Information retrieval systems
                                          • Information retrieval system: Concept and scope, information retrieval tools: Catalogue, index, subject heading lists, search techniques: Basic and advanced, web based search

                                          Physical education and yog: Unit 01

                                          Concept of physical education and yog
                                          • Introduction and historical developmen, ethics and values, physical fitness and wellness, career aspects of physical education

                                          Physical education and yog: Unit 02

                                          Dimensions of physical education and yog
                                          • Physical and physiological aspect, psychological aspects, social aspects, spiritual aspects

                                          Physical education and yog: Unit 03

                                          Holistic health
                                          • Introduction to health, diet and nutrition, awareness of lifestyle disorders, school health programme

                                          Physical education and yog: Unit 04

                                          Physical education and sports sciences
                                          • Physical education for various populations, sports training, test and measurement, organization of tournaments, athletic injuries, first aid and safety

                                          Physical education and yog: Unit 05

                                          Yogic practices
                                          • Hatha yog, Shatkarma, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and Bandha

                                          Military studies: Unit 01

                                          Military studies
                                          • Importance of military studies, concept and evolution of military studies, contemporary need of military studies

                                          Military studies: Unit 02

                                          Structure and role of the armed forces
                                          • Armed forces, special forces, para military forces

                                          Military studies: Unit 03

                                          Security and geo-strategy
                                          • Geo-strategy, geo-politics, maritime security

                                          Military studies: Unit 04

                                          Indian armed forces: Weapons and war equipment and modernization
                                          • Role and equipment used by the armed forces, modernization of the Indian armed forces

                                          Military studies: Unit 05

                                          Warfare and its types
                                          • Nuclear warfare, chemical warfare, biological warfare, cyber warfare

                                          Military studies: Unit 06

                                          Armed forces its role in internal security
                                          • Armed forces in peace keeping, armed forces in disaster management, armed forces in internal security

                                          Military history: Unit 01

                                          Military history of ancient India
                                          • Warrior system in ancient India, armies in ancient age, military ethos, Maurya and Gupta armies

                                          Military history: Unit 02

                                          Military history of medieval India
                                          • Establishment of the Delhi Sultanate, military system of the Mughals, battles of Mughal army, rise and fall of the Mughal empire

                                          Military history: Unit 03

                                          Military history of the colonial era
                                          • Colonial era and the Indian sepoy, battles fought in the colonial era, revolt of 1857 and reforms in the Indian army, Indian army in World War-I and II

                                          Military history: Unit 04

                                          Armed forces today
                                          • Indian army, Indian navy, the Indian air force

                                          Military history: Unit 05

                                          Major wars post independence
                                          • Indo-Pakistan war (1947-48), Sino-Indian war-1962, India-Pakistan war-1965, India-Pakistan war–1971, Kargil conflict-1999

                                          Military history: Unit 06

                                          Insurgency and terrorism
                                          • Insurgency, terrorism

                                          Early childhood care and education: Unit 01

                                          Early childhood care and education
                                          • Early childhood care and education: Meaning and significance, early childhood in India, needs and rights of children, ECCE policies, schemes and programmes in India, issues and directions in ECCE

                                          Early childhood care and education: Unit 02

                                          Fundamentals of child development
                                          • Growth and development, domains of development, stages of child development: prenatal; and birth to three years, stages of child development: Three to six years and six to eight years

                                          Early childhood care and education: Unit 03

                                          Curriculum, practices and progress
                                          • Care of children in early years, play and early learning, planning developmentally appropriate ECCE curriculum, how children learn (early learning and teaching), methods of child study

                                          Early childhood care and education: Unit 04

                                          Organisation and management of ECCE centre
                                          • Profile of an ECCE centre, administration and management of an ECCE centre, qualities and roles of an ECCE teacher, involvement of parents and community, smooth transition

                                          Early childhood care and education: Unit 05

                                          Diversity and inclusion
                                          • Understanding diversity, inclusion: Concept and practice, early identification and intervention
                                          • It is important to solve the sample papers while preparing for the NIOS 12th exams 2025. 
                                          • Solving sample papers can provide the student with the required confidence to appear in the final exams.
                                          • Students can get information like marking scheme, exam pattern, frequent topics, typology of questions and much more while solving NIOS sample papers

                                          NIOS Class 12 is one of the most important stages of a student's academic life. Therefore, it is important to prepare for the NIOS 12th exam 2025 sincerely. Candidates are advised to check out NIOS exam preparation tips to help them make a strategy to ace the exams. Read NIOS preparation tips below:

                                          Know your syllabus: NIOS students need to know the detailed syllabus for the NIOS 12th exam before preparation. Knowing the syllabus enables you to prioritise topics and subjects and gives you a realistic sense of how your preparation is going. Candidates can also learn which topics to prepare for the exam by looking at the detailed NIOS Class 12 syllabus.

                                          NIOS Class 12 study material: NIOS provides its students with online study material to prepare for the exam. This gives students a way to prepare and get ready for the NIOS 12th exam. Students can access the NIOS study material through the link provided on this page. NIOS study material encompasses all topics which are going to come in the exam, thus, it is important for students to study from the study material before going to more advanced books.

                                          Study from reference books: This NIOS preparation tip is strictly for students who have already finished studying the NIOS study material and have enough time at hand. Such students can go to more advanced books in order to gain an edge over the competition. 

                                          Make a study plan: To give a defined structure to your academic lifestyle, it is important that students should make a study plan. This will help them segregate topics and units according to weightage, which will be beneficial for them. Candidates can also track their preparation this way and make sure they finish the syllabus at least a month before the final exams. 

                                          Practise from sample papers: NIOS sample papers are available on the link provided on this page. To prepare better for an exam and strengthen a topic, it is required that a candidate should solve NIOS sample papers. This will give them confidence and help them on the NIOS 12th exam day.

                                          Read more

                                          The admit cards for NIOS 12th exam are released in online mode through the official website. The NIOS admit card Class 12th for the April exam will be released in March 2025. Students can provide their 12-digit enrolment number assigned to them at the time of NIOS Class 12 admission. Follow the steps given below to download your admit card for NIOS 12th exam 2025:

                                          Step 1: Visit the official website or click on the link provided.

                                          Step 2: Enter your 12-digit enrollment number in the login window.

                                          Step 3: Choose a practical examination or theory examination from the select list and click on the 'Submit' button.

                                          Step 4: NIOS Class 12th admit card 2025 will load on your screen,

                                          Step 5: Check for any discrepancies.

                                          Step 6: Download and save the admit card for further use.

                                          Read more

                                          The institute will declare the NIOS 12th exam April results in June 2025. NIOS announces Class 12 results for block 1 and Block 2 exams. Students can access their NIOS results by entering the 11/12 digit roll number provided on their admit card. Read the guide given below to check the result of NIOS 12th exams:

                                          • Step 1: Visit the official website: and click on the link to October results.
                                          • Step 2: Enter your 11/12-digit enrollment number as provided on your admit card.
                                          • Step 3: Click on the 'Submit' button.
                                          • Step 4: The NIOS Class 12th result will be displayed on the screen.
                                          • Step 5: Download and save the result for future reference.

                                          General Information


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                                          Relevant Links

                                          Official Website Link Click Here + 1 more

                                          Frequently Asked Questions

                                          1. When are the NIOS class 12 exams be held?

                                          The institute will conduct the NIOS 12th April exams from April to May 2025. 

                                          2. When can I apply for rechecking of NIOS class 12 result?

                                          Students can apply for rechecking within 15 days after NIOS 12th result.

                                          3. Where can I check NIOS 12th board exam result?

                                          Students can check their class 12 result online on at

                                          4. How many times I can appear for NIOS 12th exams 2025?

                                          Students can appear for NIOS 12th exams 2025 as many as times during the admission period of five years.

                                          5. What is the duration of NIOS 12th admission?

                                          The duration of Class 12 admission is 5 years.

                                          6. What is the minimum age to apply for NIOS 12th admission?

                                          The minimum age for NIOS 12th admission is 15 years.

                                          7. Can I fill NIOS admission form in offline mode?

                                          Students can apply for NIOS admission in online mode only. 

                                          8. What is the fee of NIOS 12th exams?

                                          A student will have to pay Rs 300 per subject for theory and Rs 150 per subject for practicals as NIOS exam fees.

                                          9. What is the syllabus of NIOS 12th on-demand exams?

                                          The syllabus of NIOS on-demand exams is as same as public exam NIOS syllabus. 

                                          10. Where can I appear for NIOS 12th exams 2025?

                                          Students need to appear for NIOS 12th exams at the exam centre mentioned on their NIOS admit card.

                                          11. What is the difference between NIOS public exams and NIOS on-demand exams?

                                          NIOS public exams are held twice a year whereas NIOS on-demand exams are held throughout the year except the months of April, May, October, and November.

                                          E-books and Sample Papers

                                          Questions related to NIOS Class 12

                                          Have a question related to NIOS Class 12 ?

                                          Yes, you can definitely appear for the 12th again through NIOS with PCM subjects.

                                          This will make you eligible for JEE exams.

                                          However, your previous PCMB degree will still hold validity. It won't be replaced or affected by the new NIOS certificate. You'll essentially have two 12th certificates.

                                          Important Considerations:

                                          • Time Management: Balancing NIOS studies and JEE preparation will be challenging.
                                          • Eligibility Criteria: Ensure you meet the specific eligibility criteria for JEE, especially regarding age limits and other requirements.
                                          • Exam Strategy: Develop a focused study plan to excel in both NIOS exams and JEE preparation.

                                          Remember: While this is a potential path, carefully evaluate if it aligns with your long-term goals and if you're prepared for the academic and time commitment involved.

                                          hope this helps you!!

                                          Here are the key points regarding your query about appearing for NEET or IISER exams after passing 12th board in 2023 with 53% overall marks and appearing for biology improvement through NIOS:

                                          1. NEET Eligibility:

                                          - For NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test), the minimum eligibility criteria is 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology/Biotechnology subjects in the 12th board exam.

                                          - Since your overall 12th board marks are 53%, you would be eligible to appear for NEET, provided you score at least 50% in the individual subjects of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

                                          - Appearing for biology improvement through NIOS should not affect your NEET eligibility, as long as you meet the 50% criteria in the individual subjects.

                                          2. IISER Eligibility:

                                          - For admission to the Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs), the eligibility criteria includes scoring a minimum of 60% marks in the 12th board exam (55% for SC/ST/PwD categories).

                                          - With your overall 12th board marks being 53%, you would not meet the general category eligibility criteria for IISER.

                                          - However, if you are able to improve your overall 12th board marks to 60% or above (55% for SC/ST/PwD) through the biology improvement exam, then you would become eligible to appear for the IISER Aptitude Test (IAT) 2024.

                                          - For NEET, your 53% overall 12th board marks along with the 50% individual subject criteria should make you eligible, provided you clear the biology improvement exam.

                                          - For IISER, your current 53% overall 12th board marks do not meet the 60% (55% for SC/ST/PwD) eligibility criteria. You would need to improve your overall marks to 60% or above to be eligible for the IISER Aptitude Test 2024.

                                          I hope this helps provide clarity on your eligibility for NEET and IISER exams. Let me know if you have any other questions.


                                          Yes, it is theoretically possible to pursue engineering while simultaneously preparing for and attempting the NEET exam, and then switch to a medical college later. However, there are several important factors and considerations you should be aware of:

                                          1. **Dual Enrollment and Exam Preparation**

                                          - **Engineering Studies:** While you are enrolled in an engineering college, you will need to manage your time effectively to balance both your engineering coursework and NEET preparation. This can be challenging, as engineering programs can be demanding.

                                          - **NIOS for Biology:** If you are pursuing the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) for Biology to meet the eligibility requirements for NEET, ensure that you complete the necessary coursework and exams as per the NIOS schedule.

                                          2. **Eligibility for NEET**

                                          - **NEET Eligibility:** Ensure that you meet all the eligibility criteria for NEET, including the age limit, educational qualifications, and other requirements. NEET is typically open to students who have completed their 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

                                          - **Attempting NEET:** You can attempt NEET while being enrolled in an engineering college. Many students take a gap year or study part-time to prepare for competitive exams like NEET.

                                          3. **Switching to Medical College**

                                          - **Admission Process:** If you qualify for NEET and secure a place in a medical college, you would need to follow the admission process specific to that institution. This might involve withdrawing from your engineering program and fulfilling any other requirements of the medical college.

                                          - **Credit Transfer:** Engineering credits and coursework generally do not transfer to medical college, so you would essentially be starting from scratch in the medical program.

                                          4. **Considerations and Challenges**

                                          - **Time Management:** Balancing engineering studies with NEET preparation requires excellent time management skills. Engineering programs can be rigorous, and managing additional study time for NEET might be demanding.

                                          - **Financial Implications:** Consider the financial implications of switching from an engineering college to a medical college. You might face costs related to tuition fees, examination fees, and potentially the loss of time spent in the engineering program.

                                          - **Commitment:** Ensure that you are fully committed to pursuing a career in medicine before making any decisions. Medical education is demanding and requires a strong commitment to the field.

                                          5. **Alternative Paths**

                                          - **Drop Year:** Some students choose to take a year off after completing their 12th grade to prepare exclusively for NEET, which can be less stressful than juggling both engineering studies and NEET preparation.

                                          - **Integrated Programs:** Some institutions offer integrated programs that combine engineering and medical studies, but these are rare and may not be available everywhere.

                                          Hello Aryan

                                          No, the NIOS syllabus is not the same for Stream 1 and Stream 2.

                                          Stream 1 is designed for students who have completed 10th grade from a recognized board. It covers a wider range of subjects and is more comprehensive.

                                          Stream 2 is designed for students who have not completed 10th grade or for those who want to study specific subjects without completing the entire 10th grade syllabus. It offers a limited number of subjects and is less comprehensive than Stream 1.

                                          Therefore, the syllabus for Stream 1 will be more extensive and cover a wider range of topics compared to Stream 2.

                                          Yes, you are potentially eligible for MBBS abroad if you passed your 12th with PCM and then gave the NIOS Biology exam (with practical) and NEET.

                                          Your 12th with PCM and the additional NIOS Biology exam (with practical) fulfill this requirement.

                                          Specific marks requirements vary by university and country. You need to check the individual university websites for their specific criteria.

                                          While the NEET score isn't mandatory for all universities abroad, it can be an advantage in your application. Some universities might require a minimum NEET score, while others might consider it for scholarship purposes.

                                          Start researching universities abroad that offer MBBS programs and check their specific eligibility requirements. Pay close attention to the required subjects (PCB) and any minimum marks needed.

                                          See if the universities you are interested in require a minimum NEET score. Many universities abroad require English language proficiency tests like IELTS or TOEFL. Check the specific requirement for each university.


                                          I hope it helps!

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