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What Is The Physics Behind Rocket Boosters?

What Is The Physics Behind Rocket Boosters?

Edited By Vishal kumar | Updated on Aug 28, 2023 09:10 AM IST

Imagine looking up at the night sky, full of twinkling stars and mysteries waiting to be discovered. Space exploration is like a big adventure that takes us beyond our planet to learn about faraway places like planets and stars. It's like a magical journey that has fascinated people for a long time. But have you ever wondered how we actually go to space? That's where rocket boosters come in – they're like the super engines that help us reach the stars!

Rocket boosters are the powerful engines that make space travel possible. They're like the strong muscles that push our spacecraft into space. These boosters turn our dreams of exploring space into reality by giving our spacecraft a big push. But how do they do it? How do they make such a big machine go up into the sky and beyond? In this adventure, we're going to learn about the cool science that makes rocket boosters work. We'll uncover the secrets behind their power and how they make space travel come true.

So get ready to go on a journey of discovery. We're going to learn about the special things that make rocket boosters go whoosh and take us on amazing trips among the stars. It's like a puzzle of science and magic that helps us explore the wonders of space!

Newton's Third Law and How Rockets Go Up: The Power of Thrust

According to Newton's Third Law of Motion, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." In layman's words, this law states that whenever an object exerts a force on another object, the second object responds with an equal and opposite force. This law is a fundamental physics principle that is critical for understanding how objects interact with one another in the universe.


Newton's Third Law of Motion is significantly used in rocket propulsion. The rapid discharge of exhaust gases from a rocket engine produces a significant force known as thrust. The force exerted by the released gases in one direction (action) is met by an equal and opposite force propelling the rocket in the opposite direction (reaction), according to Newton's Third Law. This is what moves the rocket through space.

Rocket boosters are an excellent example of how action and reaction work together to generate thrust. A combustion chamber within a rocket booster is where fuel and an oxidizer are combined and ignited. As the fuel burns, hot, high-speed gases are produced. These gases are released at high speeds through a nozzle at the back of the rocket. According to Newton's Third Law, the action is the evacuation of these gases, and the reaction is the rocket's forward motion.

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The high-speed gas expulsion produces a significant force in one direction, while the rocket feels an equal and opposite force in the opposite direction, propelling it forward. This is how rocket boosters generate the thrust required to defy gravity and launch a rocket into space.

Chemical Energy Stored in Rocket Propellants

Chemical energy is the energy held within a substance's chemical bonds. Chemical energy is stored in the propellants used as fuel and oxidizers in the setting of rocket propulsion. When these propellants are combined and ignited, a chemical reaction occurs that releases a massive amount of energy in the form of heat and gases. The rocket uses this chemical energy to drive itself forward.

The propellants reach extremely high temperatures due to the strong heat created during combustion. This heat energy causes the propellant molecules to move faster and vibrate more forcefully. As a result, the propellants go from solid to liquid to a high-energy gaseous state. Within the combustion chamber, the high-pressure, high-temperature gases expand rapidly in all directions. The gas molecules clashing with each other and the chamber walls cause this expansion. As the gases expand, they gain kinetic energy or motion energy. Because of this kinetic energy, the gas molecules move at breakneck rates.

A rocket's thrust is the force that propels it forward. Newton's Third Law of Motion describes the link between kinetic energy and thrust. The rapid expulsion of gases from the rocket nozzle (action) produces an equal and opposing force that propels the rocket forward (reaction). This is when the thrust notion comes into play.

The kinetic energy of the quickly flowing gases is converted into force, which propels the rocket onward. The more thrust generated, the faster and heavier the discharged gases are. The high-velocity exhaust gases create a tremendous torrent of particles firing out of the rocket's engine. This stream of particles exerts an opposing force on the rocket, propelling it onward across space.

Thrust and Propulsion: Momentum and Energy

Conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a system remains constant unless acted upon by external forces. In a rocket's case, when high-velocity exhaust gases are expelled backwards, the rocket gains an equal and opposite momentum forward, resulting in motion.

The chemical energy stored in rocket propellants is released as heat energy during combustion. This energy is used to heat and accelerate the propellant gases. The high-speed gases have kinetic energy, which is converted into thrust as they are released at high speeds from the rocket nozzle.

Thrust (F) is mathematically related to the mass flow rate (ṁ) of the expelled gases and their exhaust velocity (Ve) by the equation: F = ṁ * Ve. Increasing either the mass of gases expelled per second or their velocity will increase thrust. This relationship underscores the importance of efficient combustion and nozzle design for optimizing thrust in rocket engines.

Overcoming Gravity and Air Resistance in Rocket Launch

Rocket launches include a complicated interplay of forces, with gravity force and air resistance (drag) being the two fundamental forces. These pressures have a substantial impact on a rocket's trajectory and the amount of energy necessary to reach the intended path into space.

Gravity is a fundamental force that pulls all objects with mass towards one another. Because of Earth's gravitational pull, a rocket on the launchpad experiences a downward force. This force, known as weight, is determined by the mass of the rocket and gravity's acceleration (9.8 m/s2 on the Earth's surface). To leave the ground and ascend into space, the rocket must overcome this force.

When a rocket is launched, it faces air resistance, commonly known as drag. The frictional force exerted by air molecules on the rocket's surface as it passes through the atmosphere is referred to as air resistance. This force opposes the rocket's motion and grows proportionally to the square of its velocity. Air resistance is small at low speeds, but it becomes considerable when the rocket approaches supersonic and hypersonic speeds.

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