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Tips To Support Your Teen Who Is Moving Out For Higher Studies

Tips To Support Your Teen Who Is Moving Out For Higher Studies

Edited By Sanskriti Khera | Updated on Sep 16, 2022 09:00 AM IST

Seeing your children grow up is a beautiful, yet a daunting experience. There comes a time when you realise they are not kids anymore. They have their own opinions and ideas about the world, and become independent in doing their own things. This is usually the same time they’re finishing high school and are at the peak of adolescence. Around this time, children are also required to choose a college and may have to choose leaving home for studies.

Tips To Support Your Teen Who Is Moving Out For Higher Studies
Tips To Support Your Teen Who Is Moving Out For Higher Studies

It could be challenging for both the child and the parents to deal with the change of the child moving out of home, to a different location, for higher studies. Children, however naturally, may feel nervous about having to be away from parents and the comfort of home, while parents might initially find it difficult to let go. Common questions that may pop up in parents’ minds when their child moves out for higher studies could be: “Will my child settle in okay?”;“Will they make friends?” ;“How will they balance study, socialising, and other commitments?”; “Where do they go if they need help with their studies?”; “How will they survive without someone to do all their cooking and laundry?”

We shall now discuss a few ways that will help both children and parents prepare and deal with this transition of your child leaving home for studies .

Help Build Coping Skills

It’s probably for the first time your child is moving out for higher studies.This can bring a lot of anxiety. A good first step is to make sure your teen is equipped with some go-to coping strategies that they can turn to when they’re feeling overwhelmed or upset. Journaling, listening to music, exercising etc. It is crucial to boost their confidence and encourage mindfulness when they move out for studying in another city for higher studies.

Check In, Not Too Much

It could be nerve-wrecking for you as a parent to think of your child moving out of home for higher studies, being alone in a new place, and not having you around. You might want to know each little thing happening with them but, resist the urge to check in too much. Let them know you are there, while also giving them the space to reach out to you whenever they actually need you. This shall help your child gain independence and confidence, and have greater trust towards you when in another city for higher studies.

Also Read: 7 Tips To Support Your Child Through College Admissions

Teach Them Household Chores

House-hunting, signing a lease, and paying bills are all big responsibilities. Then, there are everyday household tasks of cleaning, doing dishes and laundry, ironing clothes, basic cooking, and so on. Children may not be hands-on with these life skills if they’ve always stayed with parents and ain’t used to contributing to household chores. As parents, you should ensure that your teenagers learn a few of these skills before moving out of home for higher studies so that they are able to better manage things as they start living independently.

Leaving home for studies, Leaving parents for studies, leaving home to study abroad, Studying in another city, Higher studies, Moving out for higher studiesAs Parents, You Should Ensure That Your Teenagers Learn A Few Household Chores

Teach Financial Responsibility

While parental instinct might want your children to stay absolutely comfortable, knowing how to fetch for themselves will only prepare them for what lies ahead. Whether it’s taking up a part-time job or tutoring others to make some quick money; it is never too soon to encourage your kids to take responsibility for some of their financial expenses before they move out for higher studies, or for studying in another city. At the same time, ensure them of your presence and let them know they can fall back upon you whenever need be.

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Safety Skills

Teens should know some safety basics before moving out for higher studies to be on their own. Teach them to be aware of their surroundings when they’re out, how to stay safe when they’re alone, what is inappropriate behaviour, how to know when someone is making you feel uncomfortable and respond to it, how to report a bully, etc. If possible, it would be a good idea to encourage them to get trained on basic self-defence before they go for studying in another city and living independently.

Travel Skills

It is important to learn how to go around town using public transportation, rideshare apps, and navigational tools when moving out of your city for higher studies. If your kids would be driving, they should know how to change a tyre, what to do in case of car trouble (safely getting off the road, how to contact car clubs/towing services, etc.), what to do if there’s an accident, and basic auto maintenance.

Encourage Peer Support

Get in touch with the peer support services on your child’s college campus and encourage your teen to be a part of it before moving out for higher studies. This can help them smoothen the process of transition to college and also develop communication and empathy skills while fostering new relationships when living independently for higher studies.

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Check In With Yourself

Do not forget about yourself while you are helping your teen prepare for moving out for higher studies. It can feel overwhelming and evoke a plethora of emotions in you as a parent. Check in with yourself and manage your emotions such that you happily send your child away for the new phase in their lives. At the same time, seeing you happy and in control would lessen the chances of your child feeling guilty or anxious about leaving you behind. Talk to other parents (friends, relatives, etc.) who’ve been through a similar experience, express your feelings (talk to a friend, journal), and find ways to effectively utilise your own time.

A teenager moving out of college for higher studies is indeed a crucial transition for them and their families. It can be best adapted to with collaborative effort of the child and their parents, but parents may be required to take the lead the fledglings away from the nest, in most cases.

Also Read: 8 Mistakes You Should Avoid Making With Your Teenage Child

Sanskriti Khera is a Counselling Psychologist, with five years of extensive hands-on experience in helping young adults navigate through social and emotional concerns. Her approach to counselling is person-centered, trauma-informed, and insight-oriented. She was formerly Counsellor at the Ashoka Centre For Well-Being, Ashoka University, Sonepat. Currently, she is Consultant with Daffodils Therapy Studio, New Delhi.


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