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X Ray: An Accidental Discovery That Changed The World

X Ray: An Accidental Discovery That Changed The World

Edited By Safeer PP | Updated on Aug 05, 2022 11:57 AM IST

We all may have seen an X Ray or may have gone through X Ray imaging of some of our body parts, at least the teeth. Have you ever wondered how these X Rays were discovered and Who discovered the X Ray? Let us have a look at the answers to these questions.

What is X Ray?

X rays are electromagnetic radiations whose wavelengths range from 1 nanometer to 10-3 nanometer. X-rays are produced in X-ray tubes by accelerating electrons under a potential difference and directing them onto a target material. These rays are widely used in the medical field. Let us have a look at how X Rays are discovered.

X Ray: An Accidental Discovery That Changed The World
X Ray: An Accidental Discovery That Changed The World


Discovery Of X Ray

The X Ray was discovered accidentally by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895 while performing experiments on cathode ray tubes(Croock tube). Wilhelm Roentgen covered the tube with black cardboard. During his experiment he could find that a screen treated with Barium Platinocyanide placed a some distance apart began to glow. He understood that the fluorescence is caused by the rays coming out of the Croock tube. He tested these rays with different materials and found that it could pass through most of the object leaving the shadows of solid objects. He named these unknown short wavelength rays as X Rays.

Background wave

X Ray A Breakthrough In Medical Science

The medical use of X Rays was discovered when Roentgen passed the ray through his wife's hand. This was the first photograph of a human body part using X Ray. When rays passed through the hand the shadow of bones was obtained on the screen.

Just after the invention of X Ray for medical use it was widely used for medical imaging, X-Ray photography and also for cancer cell treatment.

X Ray Side Effects

When X Rays were discovered by Roentgen, Thomas Edison also started his experiments on X Rays and he found that it is dangerous to the human body. He found that long exposure to X Rays caused cancer to human body parts.

X Ray Made Safer

Advancement in X-Ray technology took place and in the early 1920’s the cathode ray tubes were replaced by Coolidge vacuum tubes. The Coolidge tube was the first type of practical x-ray tube. As the experiments in X Ray progressed X Ray became more safer for patients and technetiants. Today rare earth metals are used to film X Rays. These chemicals are more sensitive to X Rays and produce fast images. Now the radiology technicians wear Lead Aprons which avoid penetration of X Rays and make it more safer.

The discovery of X Rays has led to advancement in radio technology including CT scans MRI scan and more. And these technologies are used widely for diagnosis and treatments. Other than the medical field X Rays are used in quality control of materials and to investigate the properties of materials.


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