HomeSchool ExamsOdisha Council of Higher Secondary Education 12th Examination

Odisha CHSE Exam 2025 - Time Table (Out), Exam Syllabus, Pattern, Result

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Odisha CHSE Exam Date : 18 Feb' 2025 - 18 Feb' 2025
Updated on 21st November, 2024 by Team Careers360

About Odisha CHSE 2025

The Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), Odisha is the responsible authority to conduct the Class 12th examination in the state. This exam is also called the Odisha CHSE exam. Students who completed their class 11 from the Odisha board or any other recognized board can apply for the Odisha CHSE 2025 exams. The applications for the Odisha CHSE exams 2025 are accepted through schools. Here are the major highlights of Odisha 12th board exams 2025:

  • CHSE Odisha released the Odisha 12th exam time table 2025 on November 21, 2024. 
  • The Odisha CHSE theory exams 2025 will be conducted from  February 18 to March 27, 2025.
  • Students preparing for the Odisha 12th exams must know the Odisha CHSE syllabus 2025 to devise a strategy for preparations.
  • They should cover the entire syllabus at least two months before the exams so that they have ample time for revision.
  • Students are advised to solve Odisha CHSE question papers to practice with the types of questions asked in Odisha CHSE exams 2025.
  • The online result of Odisha CHSE 12th 2025 can be used for admission to higher education universities and institutes.
  • Students need to enter the roll number and application number to view results of Odisha CHSE 2025.
  • The Odisha CHSE practical exams 2025 will be held in January 2025.
  • Odisha result 2025 for the Science, Arts, and Commerce stream will be declared in May 2025 at -
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Odisha CHSE 2025 Highlights

Full Exam Name
Odisha Council of Higher Secondary Education 12th Examination
Short Exam Name
Odisha CHSE
Conducting Body
Board of Seconday Education, Odisha
Frequency Of Conduct
Once a year
Exam Level
English +1 more
Mode Of Application
offline +1 more
Mode Of Exam
Exam Duration
3 Hours

Odisha CHSE Important Dates

Odisha CHSE Odisha Council of Higher Secondary Education 12th Examination (session 2025)

18 Feb' 2025 - 18 Feb' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
19 Feb' 2025 - 19 Feb' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
Arts, Commerce
20 Feb' 2025 - 20 Feb' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
(Vocational): BFC-History, BFC-Accountancy,BFC-Physics

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02 Jan' 2025 - 12 Jan' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
Practical Exams

Candidates appearing for Odisha CHSE 12th examination are required to fulfil the eligibility criteria of the Odisha CHSE 12th board in order to become eligible for appearing in the exam. Only those candidates who satisfy the Odisha CHSE 2025 eligibility criteria are allowed to sit for the exam. Given below is an overview of Odisha CHSE 12th exams 2025.

  • The students must have cleared class 11 exams from a recognized board.
  • Regular students who have studied class 12 from a school recognized by the Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), are eligible to appear for Odisha CHSE 2025 examination. 
  • Students enrolled in a correspondence program, are also eligible to appear for Odisha CHSE 2025 exams.
Background wave

  • Aspirants are supposed to fill and submit the application form of Odisha 12th exams 2025, before the last date of submission fixed by the examination committee.
  • They need to submit the form along with prescribed application fee to register for Odisha CHSE 2025 exams. 
  • Candidates have to submit the duly filled CHSE Odisha application form 2025 for Class 12 board exam to the respective schools.
  • Candidates are provided about 10 days by the board to correct the deficiencies or mistakes (if any) in the application form of Odisha CHSE 2025.

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Documents Required at Exam Odisha CHSE 2025

Odisha Council of Higher Secondary Education 12th Examination 2025

  • Odisha CHSE 12th exam admit card
  • School ID card or any other valid government ID proof
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Knowing the exam pattern of Odisha CHSE 12th class helps students to prepare themselves better for the examination and streamline their studies.

  • The exam for most of the subjects of Odisha CHSE class 12th range from 2.5 to 3 hours. 
  • The subject which includes a practical exam, the total marks of 100 are divided into two 70 for theory and 30 for practical.
  • The total marks are 100 for the subjects which do not have any practical exams.

Other School Exams

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Odisha CHSE 2025 Syllabus

Odisha CHSE Odisha Council of Higher Secondary Education 12th Examination Syllabus

Alternative english: Unit 01

  • The wonder world of science, Our environment, The world of business

Alternative english: Unit 02

  • Indian children speak (Juanita Bell), The goat paths (James Stephen), Of a questionable conviction (Jayanta Mahapatra)

Alternative english: Unit 03

Short stories
  • The tree (Manoj Das), The watch man (R.K.Narayan)

Alternative english: Unit 04

One act plays
  • The hour of truth (Pefciva! Wilde)

Alternative english: Unit 05

Grammar and usage
  • Revision of tense and aspect, revision of prepositions and phrasal verbs, linking devices

Bengali: Unit 01


    Bengali: Unit 02


      Bengali: Unit 04

      Grammar and essay

        Telugu: Unit 01


          Telugu: Unit 02


            Telugu: Unit 03


              Urdu: Unit 01


                Urdu: Unit 02


                  Urdu: Unit 03


                    Urdu: Unit 04


                      English: Unit 01

                      • My greatest olympic prize by Jesse Owens, On examinations by Winston S. Churchill, The portrait of a lady by Khushwant Singh

                      English: Unit 02

                      • Daffodils by William Wordsworth, The ballad of father Gilligan William by Butler Yeats, A psalm of life by Henry W. Longfellow

                      English: Unit 03

                      Non-detailed study
                      • The doctor’s word by R.K. Narayan, Mystery of the missing cap by Manoj Das, Stay hungry, stay foolish by Steve Jobs

                      English: Unit 04

                      Writing skills
                      • Interpreting graph, charts, tables and diagrams, etc, reporting events and business matters, extended writing

                      English: Unit 05

                      • The passive, direct and reported speech, interrogatives, phrasal verbs

                      Sanskrit: Unit 01

                      Reading skills

                        Sanskrit: Unit 02

                        Writing skill

                          Sanskrit: Unit 03

                          Literary text

                            Biology: Unit 01

                            • Sexual reproduction in flowering plants: Flower structure; development of male and female gametophytes; pollination-types, agencies and examples; out breeding devices; pollen-pistil interaction; double fertilization
                            • Sexual reproduction in flowering plants: Post fertilization events development of endosperm and embryo, development of seed and formation of fruit; special modesapomixis, parthenocarpy, polyembryony; significance of seed and fruit formation
                            • Human reproduction: Male and female reproductive systems; microscopic anatomy of testis and ovary; gametogenesis-spermatogenesis and cogenesis; menstrual cycle; fertilisation, embryo development upto blastocyst formation, implantation
                            • Human reproduction: Pregnancy and placenta formation (elementary idea); parturition (elementary idea); lactation (elemntary idea)
                            • Reproductive health: Need for reproductive health and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STD); birth control-need and methods, contraception and medical termination of pregnancy (MTP); amniocentesis
                            • Reproductive health: Infertility and assisted reproductive technologies-IVF, ZIFT, GIFT (elementary idea for general awareness)

                            Biology: Unit 02

                            Genetics and evolution
                            • Heredity and variation: Mendelian inheritance; deviations from mendelism-incomplete dominane, co-dominance, multiple alleles and inheritance of blood groups, pleiotropy; elementary idea of polygenic inheritance; chromosome theory of inheritance
                            • Heredity and variation: Chromosomes and genes; linkage and crossing over
                            • Sex determination: In humans, birds, honey bee; sex linked inheritance-haemophilia, colour blindness; mendelian disorders in humans-thalasemia; chromosomal disorders in humans-Down’s syndrome, Turner’s and Klinefelter’s syndromes
                            • Molecular basis of inheritance: Search for genetic material and DNA as genetic material; structure of DNA and RNA; DNA packaging; DNA replication; central dogma; transcription, genetic code, translation; gene expression and regulation-lac operon
                            • Molecular basis of Inheritance: Genome and human genome project; DNA finger printing

                            Biology: Unit 03

                            Biology and human welfare
                            • Health and disease: Pathogens; parasites causing human diseases (malaria, filariasis, ascariasis, typhoid, pneumonia, common cold, amoebiasis, ring worm); basic concepts of immunology-vaccines; cancer, HIV and AIDS; adolescence, drug and alcohol abuse
                            • Improvement in food production: Biofortification
                            • Microbes in human welfare: In household food processing, industrial production, sewage treatment, energy generation and as biocontrol agents and biofertilizers

                            Biology: Unit 04

                            Biotechnology and its applications
                            • Principles and process of biotechnology: Genetic engineering (recombinant DNA technology)
                            • Application of biotechnology in health and agriculture: Human insulin and vaccine production, gene therapy; genetically modified organisms-Bt crops; transgenic animals; biosafety issues-biopiracy and patents

                            Biology: Unit 05

                            Ecology and environment
                            • Organisms and environment: Habitat and niche; population and ecological adaptations; population interactions-mutualism, competition, predation, parasitism; population attributes-growth, birth rate and death rate, age distribution
                            • Biodiversity and its conservation: Concept of biodiversity; patterns of biodiversity; importance of biodiversity; loss of biodiversity, conservation; hotspots, endangered organisms, extinction
                            • Biodiversity and its conservation: Red data book-biosphere reserves, national parks and sanctuaries

                            Chemistry: Unit 01

                            Solid state
                            • Classification of solids based on different binding forces: Molecular, ionic, covalent and metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline solids (elementary idea)
                            • Unit cell in two dimensional and three dimensional lattices, calculation of density of unit cell, packing in solids, packing efficiency, voids, number of atoms per unit cell in a cubic unit cell, point defects

                            Chemistry: Unit 02

                            • Types of solutions, solubility of gases in liquids, solid solutions, colligative properties, relative lowering of vapour pressure, Raoult’s law, elevation of boiling point, depression of freezing point, osmotic pressure
                            • Determination of molecular masses using colligative properties, abnormal colligative properties (preliminary idea only)

                            Chemistry: Unit 03

                            • Electrolytes and non-electrolyte conductor, conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific and molar conductivity, variation of conductivity with concentration, Kohlrausch’s law, electrolysis and laws of electrolysis (elementary idea)
                            • Dry cell electrolytic cells and Galvanic cells, EMF of a cell, standard electrode potential, Nernst equation and its application to chemical cells, relation between Gibbs energy change and EMF of a cell

                            Chemistry: Unit 04

                            Chemical kinetics
                            • Rate of a reaction (average and instantaneous), factors affecting rate of reaction: Concentration, temperature, catalyst, order and molecularity of a reaction, rate law and specific rate constant
                            • Factors affecting rate of reaction: Integrated rate equations and half life (only for zero and first order reactions), concept of collision theory (elementary idea, no mathematical treatment), activation energy, Arrhenius equation

                            Chemistry: Unit 05

                            Surface chemistry
                            • Adsorption-physisorption and chemisorption, factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids, catalysts, colloidal state distinction between true solutions, colloids and suspension; lyophilic, lyophobic, multimolecular and macromolecular colloids
                            • Properties of colloids; Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, electrophoresis, coagulation, emulsion-types of emulsions

                            Chemistry: Unit 06

                            General principles and processes elements
                            • Principles and methods of extraction-concentration, oxidation, reduction-electrolytic method and refining

                            Chemistry: Unit 07

                            P-block elements
                            • Group 15 elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, oxidation states, trends in physical and chemical properties; nitrogen preparation properties and uses; compounds of nitrogen, preparation and properties of ammonia
                            • Group 15 elements: Oxides of nitrogen (structure only); phosphorus-allotropic forms
                            • Group 16 elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, oxidation states, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties, dioxygen: Preparation, properties and uses, classification of oxides, ozone, sulphur allotropic forms
                            • Group 16 elements: Compounds of sulphur-preparation properties and uses of sulphur dioxide, sulphuric acid, properties and uses; oxoacids of sulphur (structures only)
                            • Group 17 elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, oxidation states, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties; compounds of halogens, preparation properties and uses of chlorine and hydrochloric acid, interhalogen compounds
                            • Group 17 elements: Oxoacids of halogens (structure only)
                            • Group 18 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties, uses

                            Chemistry: Unit 08

                            D and f-block elements
                            • General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics of transition metals, general trends in properties of the first row transition metals-metallic character, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, ionic radii, colour
                            • Catalytic property, magnetic properties, interstitial compounds, alloy formation

                            Chemistry: Unit 09

                            Coordination compounds
                            • Coordination compounds-introduction, ligands, coordination number, colour, magnetic properties and shapes, IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds
                            • Bonding, Werner’s theory, VBT, and CFT

                            Chemistry: Unit 10

                            Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
                            • Haloalkanes: Nomenclature, nature of C-X bond, preparation from alcohols, halogenations of alkanes, alkenes, Sandmeyer’s reaction, halogen exchange reaction, physical properties and chemical properties
                            • Haloalkanes: Nucleophilic substitution reactions (unimolecular and bimolecular), stereochemical effect of substitution reaction, elimination reaction, electrophilic substitution reactions (halogenations, nitration, sulphonation), Friedel-crafts reaction
                            • Haloalkanes: Reaction with metals (Wurtz Fittig and Fittig reaction), optical rotation
                            • Haloarenes: Nature of C-X bond, substitution reactions (directive influence of halogen in monosubstituted compounds only

                            Chemistry: Unit 11

                            Alcohols, phenols, and ethers
                            • Alcohols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, from alkenes, carbonyl compounds, grignard reagent, physical properties and chemical properties (of primary alcohols only), esterification
                            • Alcohols: Reaction with hydrogen halide, phosphorus trihalide oxidation (identification of primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols mechanism of dehydration)
                            • Phenols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation from haloarenes, benzene sulphonic acid, diazonium salt, cumene, physical properties and chemical properties, acidic nature of phenol, esterification
                            • Phenols: Electrophilic aromatic substitution (halogenations, nitration), Reimer-Tiemann reaction, reaction with Zn dust, oxidation
                            • Eithers: Nomenclature, methods of preparation dehydration of alcohols, Williamson synthesis, physical properties and chemical properties, formation of alcohols, electrophilic substitution (halogenations, nitration, Friedel-Craft reaction)

                            Chemistry: Unit 12

                            Aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids
                            • Aldehydes and ketones: Nomenclature nature of carbonyl group methods of preparation, from alcohols (oxidation and dehydrogenation), ozonolysis of alkenes, hydration of alkynes, preparation of ketones from acyl chlorides and nitriles
                            • Aldehydes and ketones: Preparation of acetone by Friedel-Craft acylation reaction, physical properties and chemical properties, nucleophillic addition reaction with hydrogen cyanide, sodium hydrogen sulphite
                            • Aldehydes and ketones: Reaction with NH₃ and NH₂-G compounds (hydrazine, hydroxyl amine, semicarbazide, phenyl hydrazine, 2, 4-dinitro phenylhydrazine), alcohol, Grignard reagent, Clemmensen reaction, Wolff-Kishner reduction, Fehling’s test, Tollen’s test
                            • Aldehydes and ketones: Tollen’s test, haloform reaction, aldol condensation, Cannizzaro’s reaction, special reaction of (formaldehyde with ammonia and acetone with concentrated sulphuric acid)
                            • Aldehydes and ketones: Electrophilic substitution reactions of aromatic aldehydes and ketones
                            • Carboxylic acids: Nomenclature, acidic nature, methods of preparation, from primary alcohols, aldehydes, anhydrides, esters, nitriles and Grignard reagent, preparation of benzoic acid from toluene and benzanilide, physical properties, chemical properties
                            • Carboxylic acids: Reaction with (metals, alkalies, PCl₃, PCl₅, SOCl₂, NH₃), formation of anhydride, esterification, reduction, decarboxylation, Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction. Substitution reaction of benzoic acid (nitration, bromination), uses

                            Chemistry: Unit 13

                            Organic compounds containing nitrogen
                            • Amines: Nomenclature classification, structure, methods of preparation, reduction of (nitro compounds, nitriles, amides) amonolysis of alkyl halides, Hoffmann bromamide degradation, Gabriel phthalamide synthesis
                            • Amines: Physical properties and chemical properties, basic character of amines, alkylation, acylation, carbylamines reaction, identification of primary, secondary and teritary amines (reaction with nitrous acid and arylsulphonyl chloride)
                            • Amines: Electrophilic substitution reactions of aniline (nitration, sulphonation, bromination). Cyanide and isocyanides-will be mentioned at relevant places in context

                            Chemistry: Unit 14

                            • Classification-natural and synthetic methods of polymerization (addition and condensation) copolymerization, some important polymers, natural and synthetic like polythene, nylon, polyester, bakelite, rubber, biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymers

                            Chemistry: Unit 15

                            Chemistry in everyday life
                            • Chemical in medicines-angesics, tranquilizers antiseptics, disinfectants, antimicrobials, antifungal, drugs, antibiotics, antacids, antihistamines
                            • Cleansing agents-soap and detergents, cleansing action

                            Physics: Unit 01

                            • Electric charges and fields: Electric charge and its quantization, conservation of charge, Coulomb’s law, force between two point charges, force between multiple charges, superposition principle, continuous change distribution
                            • Electric charges and fields: Electric field due to a point charge, electric field lines, electric field due to a dipole at any point, torque on a dipole in uniform electric field
                            • Electric charges and fields: Electric flux, Gauss’s theorem (statement only) and its applications to find field due to uniformly charged infinite plane sheet, infinitely long straight wire
                            • Electrostatic potential and capacitance: Electric potential, potential difference, electric potential due to a point charge, potential due to a dipole, potential due to a system of charges. Equipotential surfaces
                            • Electrostatic potential and capacitance: Electrical potential energy of a system of two point charges and of electric dipole in an electrostatic field. Conductors, insulators, free charges and bound charges inside a conductor
                            • Electrostatic potential and capacitance: Dielectrics and electric polarization, capacitors and capacitance, capacitance ofa parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectric medium between the plates, combination of capacitors in series and in parallel
                            • Electrostatic potential and capacitance: Energy stored in a capacitor

                            Physics: Unit 02

                            Current electricity
                            • Electric current, drift velocity, mobility and their relation with electric current, Ohm’s law, electrical resistance, conductance, resistivity, conductivity, effect of temperature on resistance, V-I characteristics (linear and non-linear)
                            • Electrical energy and power
                            • EMF and potential difference, internal resistance of a cell, combination of cells in series and parallel, Kirchhoff’s laws and simple applications
                            • Wheatstone bridge and meter bridge
                            • Potentiometer-principle and its applications to measure potential difference and for comparing EMF of two cells; measurement of internal resistance of a cell

                            Physics: Unit 03

                            Magnetic effect of current and magnetism
                            • Moving charges and magnetism: Concept of magnetic field, Biot-Savart law and its application to find magnetic field on the axis and at the centre of a current carrying circular loop, Ampere’s law and its application to infinitely long straight wire
                            • Moving charges and magnetism: Straight and toroidal solenoid (qualitative treatment only); force on a moving charge in uniform magnetic and electric fields. Force on a current carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field
                            • Moving charges and magnetism: Force between two parallel current carrying conductors-definition of ampere, torque experienced by a current loop in uniform magnetic field
                            • Moving charges and magnetism: Moving coil galvanometer-its current sensitivity and conversion to ammeter and voltmeter
                            • Magnetism and matter: Current loop as a magnetic dipole and its magnetic dipole moment, magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron, magnetic field lines, earth’s magnetic field and magnetic elements
                            • Magnetism and matter: Para-, dia-, and ferro- magnetic substances with examples

                            Physics: Unit 04

                            Electromagnetic induction and alternating current
                            • Electromagnetic induction: Faraday’ laws of electromagnetic induction, motional EMF and current induced due to it, Lenz’s law, Eddy currents, self and mutual induction
                            • Alternating current: Alternating currents, peak and RMS value of alternating current/ voltage, reactance and impedance, LC oscillation (qualitative idea only), LCR series circuit (qualitative idea using impedance triangle), resonance, power in AC circuits
                            • Alternating current: Wattles current, transformer (principle of working and efficiency)

                            Physics: Unit 05

                            Electromagnetic waves
                            • Electromagnetic spectrum (radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible, ultra violet, X-ray and gamma rays), including elementary ideas about their uses

                            Physics: Unit 06

                            • Ray optics and optical instruments: Refraction of light, refractive index, its relation with velocity of light (formula only) total internal reflection and its applications, refraction at spherical surfaces, thin lens formula, lens makers formula
                            • Ray optics and optical instruments: Magnification, power of lenses, combination of two thin lenses in contact, combination of a lens and a mirror, refraction and dispersion of light through prism
                            • Optical instruments: Microscopes and telescopes (reflecting) and their magnifying powers
                            • Waves optics: Wave front, Huygen’s principle, interference, Young’s double slit experiment and expression for fringe width, coherent sources, sustained interference of light, diffraction due to a single slit, width of a central maximum, polarization
                            • Waves optics: Plane polarized light, Brewster’s law

                            Physics: Unit 07

                            Dual nature of radiation and matter
                            • Dual nature of radiation, photoelectric effect, Einstein’s photoelectric equation, particle nature of light
                            • Matter waves-wave nature of particles, de-Broglie relation

                            Physics: Unit 08

                            Atoms and nuclei
                            • Atoms: Alpha-particle scattering experiment, Rutherford’s model of atom, its limitations, Bohr model, energy levels, hydrogen spectrum
                            • Nuclei: Atomic nucleus, its composition, size, nuclear mass, nature of nuclear force, mass defect, binding energy per nucleon and its variation with mass number, nuclear fission, fusion, radioactivity
                            • Nuclei: Alpha, beta and gamma particles/ rays and their properties, radioactive decay law, half life and decay constant

                            Physics: Unit 09

                            Semiconductor electronics
                            • Energy bands in conductors, semiconductors and insulators (qualitative idea only), p-type, n-type semiconductors, semiconductor diode, V-I characteristics in forward and reverse bias, diode as a half and full wave rectifier (centre tap)
                            • Efficiency (no derivation)
                            • Junction transistor, transistor action, characteristics of transistor, transistor as an amplifier (CE configuration), basic idea of analog and digital signals, logic gates (OR, AND, NOT, NAND, and NOR)

                            Physics: Unit 10

                            Communication system
                            • Propagation of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere, sky and space wave propagation, satellite communication, need for-modulation, qualitative idea about amplitude modulation and frequency modulation
                            • Advantages of frequency modulation over amplitude modulation

                            Biotechnology: Unit 01

                            Protein and gene manipulation
                            • Recombinant DNA technology: Introduction; tool of rDNA technology; introduction of recombine DNA into host cells; identification of recombinants; DNA probes; hybridization techniques; polymerase chain reaction (PCR); DNA sequencing
                            • Recombinant DNA technology: Site-directed mutagenesis
                            • Protein structure and engineering: Introduction to the world of proteins; 3-D shape of proteins; structure-function relationship, proteins purification of proteins; characterization of proteins
                            • Genomics and bioinformatics: Introduction; genome sequencing projects; gene prediction and counting; genome similarity, SNPl I and comparative genomics; functional genomics; proteomics; sequence and nomenclature

                            Biotechnology: Unit 02

                            Cell culture and genetic manipulation
                            • Microbial culture and applications: Introduction, microbial culture techniques, isolation of microbial products, strain isolation and improvement, applications of microbial culture technology
                            • Plant cell culture and applications: Introduction; cell and tissue culture techniques; applications of cell and tissue culture; gene transfer methods in plants; transgenic plants with beneficial traits
                            • Animal cell culture and applications: Introduction, animal ceil culture techniques, scale-up of animal culture process, stem cell technology

                            Computer science: Unit 01

                            Object oriented programming in c++
                            • Object oriented programming: Concept of object oriented programming-data hiding, data encapsulation, class and object, abstract class and concrete class, polymorphism (implementation of polymorphism using Function overloading as an example in C++)
                            • Object oriented programming: Inheritance, advantages of object oriented programming over earlier programming methodologies
                            • Implementation of object oriented programming concepts in C++: Definition of a class, member of a class-data members and member functions (methods), using private and public visibility modes, default visibility mode (private)
                            • Implementation of object oriented programming concepts in C++: Member function definition-inside class definition and outside class definition using scope resolution operator (::); declaration of objects as instances of a class
                            • Implementation of object oriented programming concepts in C++: Accessing members from object (s), objects as function arguments-pass by value and pass by reference
                            • Constructor and destructor: Constructor-special characteristics, declaration and definition of a constructor, default constructor, overloaded constructors, copy constructor, constructor with default arguments
                            • Destructor: Special characteristics, declaration and definition of destructor
                            • Inheritance (extending classes): Concept of inheritances, base class, derived classes, protected visibility mode; single level inheritance, multilevel inheritance and multiple inheritance, privately derived, publicly derived and protectedly derived class
                            • Inheritance (extending classes): Accessibility of members from objects and within derived class (es)

                            Computer science: Unit 02

                            Data structure
                            • Data file handling: Need for a data file, types of data files-text file and binary file
                            • Text file: Basic file operations on text file-creating/ writing text into file, reading and manipulation of text from an already existing text file (accessing sequentially)
                            • Binary file: Creation of file, writing data into file, searching for required data from file, appending data to a file, insertion of data in sorted file, deletion of data from file, modification of data in a file
                            • Binary file: Implementation of above mentioned data file handling in C++; components of C++ to be used with file handling
                            • Header file: fstream.h; ifstream, ofstream, classes; opening a text file in in, out, and app modes; using cascading operators (»«) for writing text to the file and reading text from the file
                            • Header file: Open (), get (), read ()put (), write(), getline() and close() functions; detecting end-offile(with or without using eof() function),tellg(), tellp(), seekg(), seekp()
                            • Pointers: Introduction to pointer, declaration and initialization of pointer; dynamic memory allocation/ deallocation operators: New, delete; pointers and arrays: Array of pointers, pointer to an array (1 dimensional array), function returning a pointer
                            • Pointers: Reference variables and use of alias; function call by reference. Pointer to structure: De-reference/ deference operator: ”*, ->; self referencial structure

                            Computer science: Unit 03

                            Database Management System And Sql
                            • Database concepts: Introduction to data base concepts and its need
                            • Relational data model: Concept of domain, tuple, relation, key, primary key, alternate key, candidate key
                            • Relational algebra: Selection, projection, union and Cartesian product
                            • Structured query language: General concepts-advantages of using SQL, data definition language and data manipulation language; data types: Number/ decimal, character/ varchar/ varchar2, date
                            • Structured query language: SQL commands-create table, drop table, alter table, update ...set, insert, delete; select, distinct, from, where, in, between, group by, having, order by
                            • Structured query language: SQL functions-sum ( ), avg ( ), count ( ), max ( ) and min ( ); obtaining results (select query) from 2 tables using equi-join, Cartesian product and union only

                            Computer science: Unit 04

                            Boolean algebra
                            • Role of logical operations in computing: Binary-valued quantities, Boolean variable, Boolean constant and Boolean operators: And, or, not; truth tables; closure property, commutative law, associative law, identity law, inverse law, principle of duality
                            • Role of logical operations in computing: Idempotent law, distributive law, absorption law, involution law, demorgan's law and their applications; obtaining sum of product (SOP) and product of sum (POS) form the truth table
                            • Role of logical operations in computing: Reducing Boolean expression (SOP and POS) to its minimal form, use of Karnaugh map for minimization of Boolean expressions (up to 4 variables)

                            Computer science: Unit 05

                            Networking and open source software
                            • Evolution of networking: ARPANET, internet, interspace different ways of sending data across the network with reference to switching techniques (circuit and packet switching)
                            • Evolution of networking: Arpanet data communication terminologies-concept of channel, bandwidth (hz, khz, mhz) and data transfer rate (bps, kbps, mbps, gbps, tbps)
                            • Transmission media: Twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, optical fiber, infrared, radio link, microwave link and satellite link
                            • Network devices: Modem, RJ45 connector, ethernet card, router, switch, gateway, wifi card
                            • Network topologies and types: Bus, star, tree, PAN, LAN, WAN, MAN
                            • Network protocol: TCP/ IP, file transfer protocol (FTP), PPP, SMTP, POP3 remote login (talent), and internet wireless/ mobile communication protocol such as GSM, CDMA, GPRS, and WLL
                            • Network security concepts: Threats and prevention from viruses, worms, trojan horse, spams India it act, cyber law, cyber crimes, introduction to web services: www, hyper text markup language (HTML), extensible markup language (XML)
                            • Network security concepts: Hyper text transfer protocol (http); domain names; url; website, web browser>

                            Economics-Elementary micro and macro economics (introductory micro economics): Unit 01

                            • Definition, scope and subject matter of economics
                            • Meaning of economy and central problems of an economy-scarcity and choice, what, how and for whom to produce?
                            • Basic concepts-wants, utility, goods, value, price, and wealth

                            Economics-Elementary micro and macro economics (introductory micro economics): Unit 02

                            Consumption and demand
                            • Laws of consumption-marginal and total utility, law of diminishing marginal utility, law of equimarginal utility and conditions of consumer’s equilibrium
                            • Demand-meaning and determinants, individual and market demand, demand schedule and demand curve, movement along and shifts in the demand curve
                            • Price elasticity of demand-concept, determinants, measurement of price elasticity of demand; percentage and geometric methods (linear demand curve), relation of price elasticity of demand with total expenditure

                            Economics-Elementary micro and macro economics (introductory micro economics): Unit 03

                            • Meaning of production and production function-short run and long run
                            • Total average and marginal product
                            • Law of variable proportions and returns to a factor

                            Economics-Elementary micro and macro economics (introductory micro economics): Unit 04

                            Cost, revenue, and supply
                            • Cost-money and real cost, implicit and explicit cost, fixed and variable cost, total, average and marginal costs in the short run and their relationship (simple analysis)
                            • Revenue-total, average and marginal revenue and their relationship
                            • Supply-meaning and law of supply

                            Economics-Elementary micro and macro economics (introductory micro economics): Unit 05

                            • Meaning and forms of market, pure and perfect competition, price determination under perfect competition and effects of shifts in demand and supply
                            • Meaning and features of monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly

                            Economics-Elementary micro and macro economics (introductory macro economics): Unit 01

                            • Meaning of macroeconomics, distinction between macro and micro economics, subject matter of macro economics

                            Economics-Elementary micro and macro economics (introductory macro economics): Unit 02

                            Public finance
                            • Meaning of public finance and difference between public and private finance
                            • Budget-meaning and objectives, balanced and unbalanced budget, surplus and deficit budge

                            Mathematics: Unit 01

                            Relations and Functions
                            • Relations and functions: Types of relations; reflexive, symmetric, transitive and equivalence relations. One to one and onto functions, composite functions, inverse of function. Binary operations
                            • Inverse trigonometric functions: Definition, range, domain, principle value branch
                            • Linear programming: Introduction, related terminology such as constraints, objective function, optimization, different types of linear programming (L.P.) problems, mathematical formulation of L.P. problems
                            • Linear programming: Graphical method of solution for problems in two variables

                            Mathematics: Unit 02

                            • Matrices: Concept, notation, order, equality, types of matrices, zero and identity matrix, transpose of a matrix, symmetric and skew symmetric matrices. Operation on matrices; addition and multiplication and multiplication with a scalar
                            • Matrices: Simple properties of addition, multiplication and scalar multiplication. Non commutativity of multiplication of matrices and existence of non-zero matrices whose product is the zero matrix (restrict to square matrices of order 2)
                            • Matrices: Concept of elementary row and column operations
                            • Determinants: Determinant of a square matrix (up to 3 × 3 matrices), properties of determinants, minors, co-factors and applications of determinants in finding the area of a triangle, adjoint and inverse of a square matrix
                            • Determinants: Solving system of linear equations in two or three variables (having unique solution) using inverse of a matrix

                            Mathematics: Unit 03

                            Differential calculus
                            • Continuity and differentiability: Continuity and differentiability, derivative of composite functions, chain rule, derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions, derivative of implicit functions. Concept of exponential and logarithmic functions
                            • Continuity and differentiability: Derivatives of logarithmic and exponential functions. Logarithmic differentiation, derivative of functions expressed in parametric forms. Second order derivatives no problems on mean value theorems
                            • Applications of derivatives: Applications of derivatives-increasing and decreasing functions, tangents and normals, maxima and minima (first derivative test motivate geometrically and second derivative test given as a provable tool)
                            • Applications of derivatives: Simple problems (that illustrate basic principles and understanding of the subject as well as reallife situations)

                            Mathematics: Unit 04

                            Integral calculus
                            • Integrals: Integration as inverse process of differentiation. Integration of a variety of functions by substitution, by partial fractions and by parts, evaluation of simple integrals of the following types and problems based on them
                            • Integrals: ∫dx/ x²±a², ∫dx/ x²±a², ∫dx/ a²-x², ∫dx/ ax²+bx+c, ∫dx/ ax²+bx+c, ∫px+q/ ax²+bx +c .dx , ∫px+q/ ax²+bx+c .dx, ∫√ a²± x² dx
                            • Integrals: Fundamental theorem of calculus (without proof). Basic properties of definite integrals and evaluation of definite integrals
                            • Applications of the integrals: Applications in finding the area under simple curves, especially lines, circles/ parabolas/ ellipses (in standard form only). Area between any of the two above said curves (the region should be clearly identifiable)
                            • Differential equations: Definition, order and degree, general and particular solutions of a differential equation. Formation of differential equation whose general solution is given. Solution of differential equations by method of separation of variables
                            • Differential equations: Solutions of homogeneous differential equations of first order and first degree. Solutions of linear differential equation of the type: dy/ dx + py = q

                            Mathematics: Unit 05

                            Vectors and three-dimensional geometry
                            • Vectors: Vectors and scalars, magnitude and direction of a vector. Direction cosines and direction ratios of a vector. Types of vectors (equal, unit, zero, parallel, and collinear vectors), position vector of a point, negative of a vector
                            • Vectors: Components of a vector, addition of vectors, multiplication of a vector by a scalar, position vector of a point dividing a line segment in a given ratio. Definition, geometrical interpretation
                            • Vectors: Properties and application of scalar (dot) product of vectors, vector (cross) product of vectors
                            • Three-dimensional geometry: Direction cosines and direction ratios of a line joining two points. Cartesian equation and vector equation of a line, coplanar and skew lines, shortest distance between two lines. Cartesian and vector equation of a plane
                            • Three-dimensional geometry: Distance of a point from a plane

                            Statistics: Unit 01

                            Statistical methods-II
                            • Bi-variate frequency distribution, simple correlation, computation of correlation coefficient and its interpretation using probable error
                            • Rank correlation (including ties)
                            • Linear regression, regression coefficients and their properties

                            Statistics: Unit 02

                            Probability distributions
                            • Bernoulli, binomial, and Poisson distributions with properties and applications (derivation of mean and variance only)
                            • Normal distribution, its properties and applications (mathematical proofs excluded)

                            Statistics: Unit 03

                            Sampling methods
                            • Finite population sampling: Sample. population, sampling units, sampling frame
                            • Principal steps in sample surveys
                            • Census versus sample survey
                            • Idea about questionnaire and schedule, sampling and non-sampling errors
                            • Idea on simple random sampling with and without replacement
                            • Methods of drawing random samples; lottery method and random number table method
                            • Estimation of population mean and variance

                            Statistics: Unit 04

                            Time series
                            • Definition, uses and components of time series, measurement of trend: Freehand, semi-average. Moving average and least squares method

                            Statistics: Unit 05

                            Index numbers
                            • Need meaning and uses of index numbers, important steps in the construction of index number
                            • Problems in the selection of items
                            • Idea of base year and current year
                            • Average system of weighing
                            • Weighted index number: Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s and Fisher’s ideal index numbers
                            • Unit, time reversal, factor reversal and circular tests
                            • Base shifting splicing and deflating of index, numbers

                            Accountancy: Unit 01

                            Financial statements of sole trade and not for profit organizations
                            • Sole trade form of organization: Meaning, objectives and importance of preparing trading, profit and loss account and balance sheet, preparation of trading
                            • Sole trade form of organization: Profit and loss and balance sheet of sole trader without and with adjustments relating to closing stock, outstanding expenses, prepaid expenses, accrued income, income received in advance, depreciation and bad debts
                            • Sole trade form of organization: Provision for doubtful debts, provision for discount on debtor, creditor, manager’s commission, goods distributed as free samples and goods taken by the owner for personal use, abnormal loss
                            • Sole trade form of organization: Interest on capital and drawings

                            Accountancy: Unit 02

                            Accounting for depreciation and from incomplete records (single entry system)
                            • Depreciation: Meaning, need, causes, objectives and characteristics of depreciation, methods of charging depreciation-simple depreciation method and provision for depreciation method
                            • Depreciation: Method of calculating depreciation-straight line and written down value method

                            Accountancy: Unit 03

                            Accounting for partnership firm
                            • Meaning, features, partnership deed and provisions of partnership act, 1932 in the absence of partnership deed, fixed vs fluctuating capital accounts, preparation of profit and loss appropriation A/c
                            • Goodwill: Meaning, nature and factors affecting goodwill, methods of valuation of goodwill (average profit, super profit method and capitalization method)
                            • Reconstitution of partnership firm: Meaning, circumstances leading to reconstitution change in profit sharing ratio, sacrificing ratio, gaining ratio
                            • Reconstitution of partnership firm: Accounting for revaluation of assets and liabilities and distribution of reserves and accumulated profits and loss

                            Accountancy: Unit 04

                            Accounting for companies
                            • Accounting for share capital: Shares and share capital-nature and types as per companies act, 2013. Issue of shares at par, premium and discount, calls in advance, calls in arrear over subscription and under subscription of shares
                            • Accounting for share capital: Accounting for forfeiture of shares and reissue of shares, disclosure of share capital in companies’ balance sheet (vertical format)

                            Business mathematics and statistics: Unit 01

                            Business mathematics
                            • Determinants: Upto third order, minors, co-factors, properties and Cramer’s rule
                            • Matrices: Meaning, definition, types, algebra of matrices, solving linear equation problems through matrics
                            • Set Theory: Meaning, definition, types and operations (union and intersection)

                            Business mathematics and statistics: Unit 02

                            Measure of central tendency
                            • Meaning, objectives, types of averages (mathematical and positional averages)
                            • Mathematical averages: AM, GM, HM (simple and weighted)
                            • Positional averages: Median, mode, quartile, deciles, and percentiles
                            • Relationship of AM, GM, HM, median, mode

                            Business mathematics and statistics: Unit 03

                            Measure of dispersion
                            • Meaning, objectives, characteristics of dispersion, measures of dispersion, (absolute and relative) positional dispersion: Range, inter quartile range, quartile deviation
                            • Mathematical dispersion: Mean deviation, standard deviation and co-efficient of variation

                            Business studies and management (BSM): Unit 01

                            Nature, significance and functions of management
                            • Management-meaning, features, objectives and importance, management as a science, art and profession: Levels of management, management functions-meaning, features and importance of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling

                            Business studies and management (BSM): Unit 02

                            Principles of management and business environment
                            • Principles of management-concept and significance of management, Fayol’s principles of management, Taylor’s scientific management-principles and techniques
                            • Business environment-meaning, importance and dimensions, concept and features of liberalization, privatization, and globalization in India

                            Business studies and management (BSM): Unit 03

                            Financial markets and marketing management
                            • Marketing management: Marketing management, marketing concept and objectives, distinction between marketing and selling, marketing functions, marketing mix-concept and elements, product-product mix, branding, labeling and packaging
                            • Marketing management: Price-concept and factors determining price, physical distribution: Concept, components, channels of distribution, types and promotion-concept and elements, advertising: Meaning role and limitations
                            • Marketing management: Personal selling-concept and qualities of a good salesman, sales promotion: Concept and techniques and public relation-concept and role

                            Computer application: Unit 01

                            Use of computer in different fields
                            • Business, education, medical science, entertainment, science and research, e-commerce, office automation, geographical information system and management information system

                            Computer application: Unit 02

                            Introduction to internet
                            • History, services and applications of internet, www websites, web pages, web browser, search engine, e-mail

                            Computer application: Unit 03

                            Computer network
                            • Introduction, types of networks (LAN, MAN, WAN), LAN topology, WAN devices (bridge, gateway, router), difference between LAN and WAN.OSI AND Tcp/ Ip reference model

                            Computer application: Unit 04

                            Spread sheet and its operation
                            • Introduction to spread sheet, moving around the worksheet, formatting the worksheet, setting the column width, range, format, protect, erase, sort and transpose of range, insert and delete of rows and columns, entering the data
                            • Arithmetic and logical operation, copying the data from one part (another part of a file or other files, saving and retrieving a file, function and formula, preparation of graphs: Line, bar, pie, XY, 3D diagrams and printing the text

                            Computer application: Unit 05

                            Database management system
                            • Concept of database, data warehouse, data mining, creation of files and data entry using commands: Create, edit, append, list, insert, delete, recall, pack, zap, browse, display, sort, index, modify summarising and quit
                            • Techniques for sum, average, total command, and count command, report form, designing a report

                            Cost accounting: Unit 01

                            Introduction to cost accounting
                            • Cost accounting: Concept, evolution, objectives, nature and scope, advantages and limitations of cost accounting, cost accounting vs financial accounting, cost unit, cost centre, classification of cost, methods of costing, costing techniques,
                            • Cost accounting: Installation of a costing system, elements of cost and preparation of cost sheet (excluding tender and quotation)

                            Cost accounting: Unit 02

                            • Material: Concept, classification of material, purchase of material-importance of purchase, six R’s principle, centralized and decentralized purchasing, functions of purchase department and procedure of purchasing, storing of material: Need for storing
                            • Material: Storing of material-stores organization, stores records: Bin card, stores ledger, physical stock taking, periodical stock taking and perpetual inventory system, pricing of issue of materials (fifo, weighted average methods as per as-2)

                            Cost accounting: Unit 03

                            • Labour-meaning and definition, classification, characteristics of ideal wage system-time rate, piece rate
                            • Labour accounting-time keeping, time booking-idle time-overtime casual worker and out worker
                            • Incentive plans-Halsey premium, Halsey and weir, Rowan premium plan

                            Fundamentals of management accounting: Unit 01

                            • Meaning, objectives, nature and scope-functions, importance and limitations of management accounting, cost accounting vs management accounting, difference between management accounting and financial accounting, role of management accountant

                            Fundamentals of management accounting: Unit 02

                            Analysis of financial statement
                            • Financial statement: Meaning, nature, objectives and types of financial statements-importance and limitations of financial statement (statement of profit and loss, balance sheet and cash flow statement)
                            • Financial statement analysis: Meaning, objective, importance, limitations and its types-techniques or device of Financial analysis-comparative statement, common-size statement, trend analysis

                            Fundamentals of management accounting: Unit 03

                            Ratio analysis
                            • Ratio analysis: Meaning and utility of ratio-significance and limitations of ratio analysis, classification of ratios-calculation of different ratios: Liquidity ratios (current ratios, acid test ratio, absolute liquid ratio)
                            • Ratio analysis: Activity ratios-stock turnover, debtor turnover, creditor turnover, working capital turnover, profitability ratios-gross profit ratios, net profit ratio, return on investment, return on capital employed

                            Business economics-Introductory micro economics: Unit 01

                            • Defination scope and subject matter economics, meaning of economy and central problem of an economy scarcity and choice what how and for whom to producem, basic concept-wants utility value price wealth

                            Business economics-Introductory micro economics: Unit 02

                            Consumption and demand
                            • Laws of consumption-marginal and total utility, law of diminishing marginal utility, law of equimarginal utilty and conditions of consumer's equilibrium
                            • Demand-meaning and determinants, individual and market demand, demand schedule and demand curve, movement along and shifts in thedemand curve
                            • Price elasticity of demand-concept, determinants, measurement of price elasticity ofdemand, percentage and geometric methods (linear demand curve), relation of priceelasticity of demand with total expenditure

                            Business economics-Introductory micro economics: Unit 03

                            • Meaning of production and production function-short run and long run, total average and marginal product, law of variable proportions and returns to a factor

                            Business economics-Introductory micro economics: Unit 04

                            Cost revenue and supply
                            • Cost-money and real cost, implicit and explicit cost and variable cost, total average and marginal costs in the sho (run and their relationship-simple analysis)
                            • Revenu-total, average and marginal revenue and their relationship
                            • Supply-meaning and law of supply

                            Business economics-Introductory micro economics: Unit 05

                            • Meaning and forms of market pure and purest competition price determination under perfect competition and effects of shifts in demand and supply
                            • Meaning and features of monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly

                            Business economics-Introductory macro economics: Unit 01

                            • Meaning of macro economics, distinction between macro and micro economics, subject matter of macro economics

                            Business economics-Introductory macro economics: Unit 02

                            National income
                            • Meaning and aggregates related in national income-GNP, NNP, GDP, and NDP at market price and factor cost
                            • National disposable income (gross and net), private lncome, personal income, personal disposable income, national and real national income
                            • Income determination-aggregate demand and supply and their components, simple Keynesian theory of income determination

                            Business economics-Introductory macro economics: Unit 03

                            Money, banking and public finance
                            • Meaning and function, meaning and functions of commercial banks, functions of central bank, meaning of public finance and difference between public and private finance
                            • Budget-meaning and objectives, balanced and unbalanced budget surplus and deficit budget

                            Information technology: Unit 01

                            Networking and open standards
                            • Computer networking: Networking-a brief overview, network devices (hub, switch, bridge, router repeater, gateway) and their functions, type of network (LAN, MAN, WAN, PAN), network topologies (star, ring, bus, tree)
                            • Internet and its application: Internet-an overview, internet backbone, internet access (dial-up, direct, broadband connection), role of ISP, internet protocols (TCP/ IP, HTTP, FTP, TELNET, WAIS, GOPHER), internet addressing (IP address, domain names)
                            • Internet and its application: MAC (media access control), URL, e-mail, address, internet application [www, websites and web pages, email, SMS, voice mail, chatting, IRC, video conferencing, web browsers, search engine]
                            • Internet and its application: Wireless/ mobile communication (GSM, CDMA, WLL, 3G, 4G)
                            • Network security on internet: Threats and prevention from virus, use of cookies

                            Information technology: Unit 02

                            • Programming fundamentals: Basic concept of access specifier for class member (data member and methods), basic concept of inheritance, commonly used libraries ............. staring class and methods [tasting(), concat (), length(), to lower case ()
                            • Programming fundamentals: To upper case (), trim (), substring ()] and math class and methods [pow (), round ()]
                            • HTML based web page covering basic tag: HTML, DHTML, title, body, H1 ........ H6, paragraph (p) line break (BR), section separator (HR), font, table, list (UL, OL), form

                            Information technology: Unit 03

                            Relational database management system
                            • Database fundamentals: Concept of database transaction, committing and revoking a transaction using commit and rollback, grouping records, group by, group function [max (), min (), avg(), sum(), count()] using count (*), DIDINCT clause with count
                            • Database fundamentals: Group function and null value
                            • Introduction to MYSQL: Working with null value, order by clause (sorting in ascending/ desceding order, sorting by column alias name, sorting or multiple column)
                            • Introduction to MYSQL: Manipulating data of a table/ relation (update command to change exiting data of a table, delete command for removing rows from a table), restructuring a table (alter table for adding new columns and deleting columns)
                            • Introduction to MYSQL: String function [ascii(), char(), concat(), instr(), lcase(), ucase (), length (), ltrim(), mid (), right (), rtrim (), trim (), substr ()], mathematical functions [power (), round(), truncate()]
                            • Introduction to MYSQL: Date and time functions [curdate(), date(), month(), dayofmonth(), dayofweek(), dayofyear(), now(), sysdate()]

                            Information technology: Unit 04

                            It applications
                            • E-business: Definition, e-commerce and its type with benefits, e-business websites and their salient features and social impacts, e-business challengers

                            Anthropology: Unit 01

                            Social organisation
                            • Family: Definition, feature and functions, types of family: On the basis of structure, on the basis of residence, on the basis of authority, on the basis of descent
                            • Marriage: Definition, forms of marriage-monogamy, polygamy (polygyny and polyandry), polygyny-sororal and non soraral, polyandry, fraternal and non fraternal, familial polyandry. Marriage rules-exogamy and endogamy, hypergamy and hypogamy
                            • Marriage: Marriage rules-levirate and sororate, cross cousin and parallel cousin marriage, bride price, and dowry
                            • Kinship: Definition, category of kins-consaguineal and affinal, degree of kinship: Primary, secondary and tertiary, kinship terminology-classificatory and descriptive, descent and rules of descent
                            • Descent group: Lineage, clan, phratry, moiety, kinship usages-avoidance, joking relationship, teknonymy, avanculate, amitate and couvade

                            Anthropology: Unit 02

                            Physical anthropology
                            • Study of fossils: Australopithecine, Homo Erectus-Pithecanthropus Erectus and Sinanthropus Pekinesis, Neanaderthal man, Homo sapiens-Cromagnon man. Major theories of organic evolution-Lamarckism, Darwinism, Neo Darwinism

                            Anthropology: Unit 03

                            Indian prehistory
                            • Paleolithic culture of India, Mesolithic culture of India, Neolithic culture of India

                            Education-Foundations of education-II: Unit 01

                            Contribution of educators
                            • Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Gopabandhu Das, Jean Jacques Rousseau

                            Education-Foundations of education-II: Unit 02

                            Learning and motivation
                            • Meaning, nature, and factors of learning: Theories of learning-trial and error theory, and Laws of learning, classical conditioning theory, insightful learning
                            • Motivation in learning-meaning, types and techniques of motivation

                            Education-Foundations of education-II: Unit 03

                            Current issues in education
                            • Universalization of elementary education (UEE) and RTE
                            • Education for national integration
                            • Environmental education
                            • Life skills education

                            Education-Foundations of education-II: Unit 04

                            Educational statistics
                            • Statistics: Meaning, nature, and uses
                            • Frequency distribution
                            • Measures of central tendency: Mean, median, and mode-meaning, calculation and uses

                            Geography-fundamentals of human geography: Unit 01

                            Human geography: nature and scope

                              Geography-fundamentals of human geography: Unit 02

                              • Population-distribution, density and growth, population change-spatial patterns and structure; determinants of population change; age-sex ration; rural-urban composition

                              Geography-fundamentals of human geography: Unit 03

                              Human activities
                              • Primary activities-concept and; gathering, pastoral, mining, subsistence agriculture
                              • Secondary activities-concept; manufacturing types household, small scale, large scale; agro based and mineral based industries
                              • Tertiary activities-concept; trade, transport, and tourism; service

                              Geography-fundamentals of human geography: Unit 04

                              Transport, communication, and trade
                              • Land transport-road, railways; water transport-in-land waterways; air transport-intercontinental air routes oil and gas pipelines

                              Geography-fundamentals of human geography: Unit 05

                              Human settlements
                              • Settlement types-rural and urban, morphology of cities, problems of human settlements in developing countries

                              Geography-India; people and economy: Unit 01

                              • Population: Distribution, density and growth; composition of population sex, rural-urban and migration: International, national-causes and consequences

                              Geography-India; people and economy: Unit 02

                              Human settlements
                              • Rural settlements-types and distribution, urban settlements-types, distribution, and functional classification

                              Geography-India; people and economy: Unit 03

                              Resources and development
                              • Geographical conditions and distribution of major crops (wheat, rice, tea, sugarcane) agriculture development and problems
                              • Water resources-availability and utilisation irrigation, domestic, industrial and other uses; scarcity of water and conservation methods rain water harvesting and water shade management
                              • Mineral and energy resources-distribution of metallic (Iron ore, bauxite), non metallic (mica, minerals); conventional (coal, petroleum), and non-conventional energy sources (biogas) and conservation
                              • Industries-types, factor of industrial location; distribution and changing pattern of selected industries-iron and steel, cotton textile

                              Geography-India; people and economy: Unit 04

                              Transport, communication, and international trade
                              • Transport and communication-roads, railways, waterways and airways: Oil and gas pipelines

                              Geography-India; people and economy: Unit 05

                              Population, settlement, resources, and transport of Odisha
                              • Distribution of population, mineral resources (iron, bauxite, coal) forest resources

                              History-History of India: Unit 01

                              Sources of Indian history
                              • Archaeological, literary, foreign accounts and archival

                              History-History of India: Unit 02

                              Foundation of Indian culture
                              • Harappan culture: Discovery, geographical extent, town planning, structures, agriculture, domestication of animals, technology and craft, trade, contact with distant lands, scripts, weights, measurement, religious beliefs, seals
                              • Rig vedic and later vedic age: Socio-economic life, political organization, religious beliefs, position of women

                              History-History of India: Unit 03

                              The earliest states
                              • Sixteen mahajanapadas

                              History-History of India: Unit 04

                              Religious movements of sixth century BC-Jainism and Buddhism
                              • A critical evaluation of the teachings, contribution to Indian culture

                              History-History of India: Unit 05

                              Kalinga war
                              • Causes and effects; Mauryan administration

                              History-History of India: Unit 06

                              Cultural attainments of the Gupta age

                                History-History of India: Unit 07

                                Sufi and bhakti movements
                                • Tenets, impact on Indian society

                                History-History of India: Unit 08

                                British economic policies in India (1757-1857 A.D.)
                                • Commercial policy, drain of wealth, development of means of transport and communication; revenue policy

                                History-History of India: Unit 09

                                Revolts against British colonialism
                                • Khurda rebellion of 1817, Santal rebellion (1855-56), the great Indian revolt of 1857

                                History-History of India: Unit 10

                                Mahatma Gandhi and national struggle for independence
                                • Non-cooperation movement and its response in Odisha
                                • Civil disobedience movement and its response in Odisha
                                • Quit India movement and its response in Odisha

                                History-History of India: Unit 11

                                Formation of the province of Odisha
                                • Movement for linguistic identity
                                • Events leading to the formation of the province

                                History-History of India: Unit 12

                                Contributions of
                                • Madhusudan Das, Gopabadhu Das, Krushna Chandra Gajapati, Sarla Devi, Rama Devi and Malati Devi

                                Home science: Unit 01

                                Child care and adolescent development
                                • Child care: (a) Feeding the baby-breast feeding, artificial feeding, weaning, (c) immunizations of children, (d) common ailments-teething, diarrhoea ,common cold, fever, thrush, wind and colic, (e) causes and prevention of infant and maternal mortality
                                • Adolescent development: (a) Meaning, changes, and problems (physical and emotional) b) Role of parents in solving adolescents problems

                                Home science: Unit 02

                                Nutrition and physiology
                                • Nutrition: Classification, function, sources requirement and deficiency of following nutrients-(a) carbohydrate, (b) protein, (c) fat, (d) vitamins (A,D,E,K), (e) B complex vitamins (thiamine riboflavin, niacin), (f) vitamin-c
                                • Nutrition: Classification, function, sources requirement and deficiency of following nutrients-(g) minerals (calcium, phosphorous, iron, iodine)
                                • Physiology: (a) Cell-structure and functions, (b) blood-composition, constituents, and functions

                                Home science: Unit 03

                                Textile, money management, colour combination
                                • Textile: (a) Methods of laundering (rubbing and scrubbing, friction method, kneading and squeezing method, suction method and washing machine) and their principles
                                • Money management: (a) Types of family income-money income, real income (direct and indirect), psychic income, (b) sources of family income, methods of supplementing family income, meaning and importance of savings
                                • Colour combination: (a) Colour wheel, (b) principles of colour combinations relating and contrasting colour schemes

                                Indian music-Odissi vocal: Unit 01

                                Characteristic features of all prescribed Ragas and Talas
                                • Ragas are-Sankaravarana Kafi, Mukhari, Gauda, Khamaj, Bajrakanti, Mohana, talas are-Ekatali, Khemata, Jhampa, and Aditala

                                Indian music-Odissi vocal: Unit 02

                                Study of notation system

                                  Indian music-Odissi vocal: Unit 03

                                  Knowledge of writing Layakaries
                                  • Eka-Dui-Chariguna

                                  Indian music-Odissi vocal: Unit 04

                                  • Varna (Sthayee-Arohi-Abarohi-Sanchari) Alankar, Gamaka, Alpatwa, Bahutwa, Alap, (Anibadha Alap-Nibadha Alap), Bhanati, Sangeet, Mela, Jati (Audaba-Sadaba-Sampurna), Purbanga-utararga, Badi, Raga, Swor Malika

                                  Indian music-Odissi vocal: Unit 05

                                  Definition and comparative study
                                  • Odissi, Chhanda, Champu, Janana, Bhajana, structural description and tuning system of Mardal

                                  Indian music-Odissi vocal: Unit 06

                                  Biography of the following
                                  • Sangeeta Sudhakar Balakrushna Dash, Kavisurya Baladev Rath

                                  Indian music-Odissi vocal: Unit 07

                                  Writing essay

                                    Hindustani vocal music: Unit 01

                                    Characteristic features (Sastriya Parichaya) of all the Raagas and Taalas
                                    • Raagas: Bihag, Patdeep, Kedar, Hameer, Tilakkamod, Sankara, Malkauns and Bhairavi, talas: Dharmar, Jhumura, Tilwara

                                    Hindustani vocal music: Unit 02

                                    Study of the following
                                    • Brief history of indian music
                                    • Physical description and tunning systems of Taanpur

                                    Hindustani vocal music: Unit 03

                                    • Gamak, Meend, Kaku, Jaati and its verities, Alpatwa, Bahutwa, Gayaki, Nayaki, Janak anyaraag, Asrayaraag, Thaat and its verities

                                    Hindustani vocal music: Unit 04

                                    • Necessity of music
                                    • Role of Taala and Laya in music
                                    • A classical music evening

                                    Hindustani vocal music: Unit 05

                                    General study of the following
                                    • Sruti Swara Bibhajana (ancient, medieval and modern period)
                                    • Notation system of Indian classical music (Pt. Paluskar and Pt. Bhatkhande system)

                                    Indian music-Tabla: Unit 01

                                    Letters of tabla
                                    • Main letters, their categories and production from different parts

                                    Indian music-Tabla: Unit 02

                                    Sangat and sole playing
                                    • Definition of sangat sole and their principles

                                    Indian music-Tabla: Unit 03

                                    Tuning system of tabla
                                    • Necessity of tuning, principles of tuning the tabla and dugee

                                    Indian music-Tabla: Unit 04

                                    Notation systems
                                    • Categories used in Indian music, principles of B.N. Shatkhande and B.D. Paluskar notation system
                                    • Similarities and dissimilarities between those two system

                                    Indian music-Tabla: Unit 05

                                    Similarities and dissimilarities between various talas
                                    • Trital:-Tilwada, Dipchandi: Jhumura, Rupak: Teora, Dhumali: Kaharawa

                                    Indian music-Tabla: Unit 06

                                    Definition of various musical terms
                                    • Kholi, Mudi, Theka, Prakar, Palat, Kayada, Rele, Mukhuda,Tukuda, Uthan, Peskar, Tyahi and Laya

                                    Indian music-Tabla: Unit 07

                                    Dasapran of taal
                                    • It’s definitions and divisions

                                    Indian music-Tabla: Unit 08

                                    Life history of eminent tabla players
                                    • Ahamadjan thirgwa, Kanthe Maharaj, Khetramohan Kar, Nab kumar Panda, Sampta prasad Mishra, birth and musical tradition of their family learning, speciality, personality and contribution to the world of music

                                    Indian music-Tabla: Unit 09

                                    Gharana and Baj
                                    • Their origin, definition, categories, similarities and dissimilarities between Delhi and Banaras Baj

                                    Industrial relations and personnel management: Unit 01

                                    Personnel management
                                    • Meaning and definition of personnel management, objectives and scope of personnel management, importance of personnel management, functions of personnel management, personnel management v/s human resource management

                                    Industrial relations and personnel management: Unit 02

                                    Recruitment, selection, and training
                                    • Meaning and definition of recruitment, sources of recruitment-internal and external with their merits and demerits

                                    Industrial relations and personnel management: Unit 03

                                    Labour welfare and social security
                                    • Meaning and definition of labour welfare, aims and objectives of labour welfare, concept and scope of labour welfare, philosophy of labour welfare, principles of labour welfare, meaning and definitions of social security
                                    • Social assistance and social insurance

                                    Industrial relations and personnel management: Unit 04

                                    Statutory labour welfare
                                    • Statutory labor welfare measures with special reference to welfare, working hours and annual leave with wages under the factories act, 1948, functions of welfare officer in industry
                                    • Labor administration in Odisha, structure and functions of the district, zonal and state level

                                    Logic: Unit 01

                                    The theory of inference
                                    • Classification of inference, convention, obverses
                                    • Categorical syllogism: Structure, figure, roads, rules of syllogism, determination of valid roads

                                    Logic: Unit 02

                                    Special rules of figures
                                    • Aristotle's diction direct and indirect reduction
                                    • Mixed syllogism: Different forms-hypothetical categorical, alternative categorical, disjunctive categorical, dilemma, forms, refutation, rebuttal of dilemma

                                    Logic: Unit 03

                                    • Deductive fallacy, semi-logical fallacies, inductive fallacies, fallacy of sthiti generalisation, false analogy, ignoratio elenchi

                                    Logic: Unit 04

                                    Method of experimental enquiry
                                    • Mill’s five experimental methods

                                    Logic: Unit 05

                                    Propositional logic
                                    • Symbolic logic and its characteristics, propositional variables, logical constants propositional connectively, truth functions, construction of truth tables, testing validity by direct truth table method

                                    Political science (democracy in India and international politics)-Politics in India: Unit 01

                                    Democracy in India
                                    • Democracy: Meaning, types and features; challenges to democratic process in India-inequality, illiteracy, regionalism, naxalite problem, gender inequality
                                    • Party system in India: Meaning, types; one party dominance, coalition politics; regional parties

                                    Political science (democracy in India and international politics)-Politics in India: Unit 02

                                    Democratic process in lndia-I
                                    • Federalism in India: Features; centre-state relation; recent trends in Indian federalism
                                    • Local governance in India-rural and urban local bodies-composition and functions

                                    Political science (democracy in India and international politics)-Politics in India: Unit 03

                                    Democratic process in lndia-II
                                    • Challenges to nation-building: Meaning; communalism, casteism, regionalism, terrorism; remedies
                                    • Contemporary issues in indian politics: Popular movements-women movement; environment protection movements; development-displacement movements

                                    Political science (democracy in India and international politics)-Politics in India: Unit 04

                                    India in world politics
                                    • Indian foreign policy: Basic features; India and its neighbours-China, Pakistan

                                    Psychology-Psychology in application: Unit 01

                                    Life span development
                                    • Meaning of development-life span perspective, principles of development
                                    • Stages of development: Pre-natal stage, infancy, childhood stage, adolescence, adulthood and old age

                                    Psychology-Psychology in application: Unit 02

                                    Stress: Meeting life challenges
                                    • Meaning, nature and causes of stress
                                    • Coping strategies to deal with stress

                                    Psychology-Psychology in application: Unit 03

                                    Physical environment and behaviour
                                    • Human impact on environment: Noise pollution, crowding, natural disaster
                                    • Impact of environment on human behaviour

                                    Psychology-Psychology in application: Unit 04

                                    Counselling processes
                                    • Meaning and concept of counselling; goals of counselling
                                    • Characteristics of an effective counsellor

                                    Psychology-Psychology in application: Unit 05

                                    Psychological disorder
                                    • Concept of normality and abnormality, criteria of studying abnormal behaviour
                                    • Causal factors associated with abnormal behaviour
                                    • Major psychological disorders: Anxiety disorders, somato form disorder and mood disorders

                                    Psychology-Psychology in application: Unit 06

                                    Statistics in psychology
                                    • Frequency distribution
                                    • Measures of central tendency: Computation and uses of mean, median, and mode

                                    Sociology-Indian society: Unit 01

                                    Introducing Indian society
                                    • Composition of Indian society, linguistic, religious, tribal
                                    • Unity and diversity-factors of unity and diversity

                                    Sociology-Indian society: Unit 02

                                    Indian social structure
                                    • Caste system-meaning, characteristics, recent changes, caste and class
                                    • Hindu joint family-meaning, characteristics, recent changes
                                    • Village community-meaning and characteristics/ rural -urban linkages and divisions

                                    Sociology-Indian society: Unit 03

                                    The challenges of cultural diversity
                                    • National integration: Concept and obstacles-communalism, regionalism, casteism

                                    Sociology-Indian society: Unit 04

                                    Social inequality, exclusion and movement
                                    • Marginalized classes: Scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, constitutional safeguards
                                    • Tribal Movements
                                    • Peasant movements

                                    Sociology-Indian society: Unit 05

                                    Change and development in India
                                    • Industrialization-meaning, characteristics, impact
                                    • Globalization-meaning, characteristics, impact

                                    Geology: Unit 01

                                    • Igneous petrology: Definition and classification of rocks. Classification of igneous rocks based on depth of cooling. Forms of igneous rock-(a) concordant-sill, laccolith, lopolith, phacolith, (b) discordant-dyke, batholith
                                    • Igneous petrology: Texture and structure of igneous rocks. Description of the following rocks with respect to the textural, and mineralogical composition-(a) intrusive rocks-granite, pegmatite, gabbro, dolerite, peridotite
                                    • Igneous petrology: Description of the following rocks with respect to the textural, and mineralogical composition-(b) extrusive rocks-basalt
                                    • Sedimentary petrology: Brief idea about mode of formation of sedimentary rocks. Texture and structure of sedimentary rocks. Description of the following sedimentary rocks-conglomerate, breccia, sandstone, shale, limestone
                                    • Metamorphic petrology: Definition, agents and kinds of metamorphism. Metamorphic texture and structure. Description of the following metamorphic rocks-gneiss, schist, quartzite, marble

                                    Geology: Unit 02

                                    Economic geology
                                    • Definition of ore, gangue, tenor and grade of ore
                                    • Elementary idea about the process of formation of mineral deposits with special reference to magmatic concentration and hydrothermal processes
                                    • Mineralogy, mode of occurrence, uses and Indian distribution of the following ores: (i) Iron ore, (ii) Manganese ore, (iii) aluminium, (iv) chromium

                                    Geology: Unit 03

                                    Stratigraphy and structural geology
                                    • Stratigraphy: Stratigraphic units and principles of stratigraphy. Standard stratigraphic time scale. Pre-Cambrian of Singhbhum and Odisha. Type areas of Cuddapah and Vindhyan super group
                                    • Structural geology: Attitude of beds-dip and strike. Fold: Antiform, synform, anticline, syncline, symmetrical, isoclinal and recumbent fold. Fault: Normal fault, reverse fault, horst and graben. Unconformity and its types

                                    Electronics: Unit 01

                                    • RC coupled transistor amplifiers, voltage gain, frequency response curve, band width, gain band width product, advantages and use: Power amplifiers, working principle

                                    Electronics: Unit 02

                                    Feedback amplifiers
                                    • Feedback technique, gain, negative feedback, voltage feedback amplifiers, current feedback amplifiers, effect of negative feedback on input and output impedance, voltage gain

                                    Electronics: Unit 03

                                    • Condition for sustained oscillation, Bark-haussen criterion, tank circuit with positive feedback, Hartley oscillator, colpitt oscillator, crystal oscillator and its frequency stability (qualitative analysis of all these oscillator)

                                    Electronics: Unit 04

                                    Modulation and transmitters
                                    • Type of modulation, amplitude modulation, side band, power dissipation in side band, modulation index and its significance, AM transmitter (explanation in block diagram), frequency modulation: Super heterodyne receiver (explanation in block diagram)
                                    • FM demodulation FM detection, block diagram of FM receiver and explanation of each stage

                                    Electronics: Unit 05

                                    Digital electronics
                                    • Decimal and binary numbers, conversion, binary arithmetic, Boolean algebra, De Morgan’s theorems
                                    • Logic gates-OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, circuit symbol, use, truth table only (no electronics circuit for NAND, NOR and XOR)

                                    Electronics: Unit 06

                                    • Principle and basic idea, types of antenna, dipole antenna, Marconi Yagi antenna, use in transmission

                                    Electronics: Unit 07

                                    Propagation of radio waves
                                    • Modes of propagation of radio waves: Ground waves, sky waves, space waves, skip distance, maximum usable frequency, general idea about satellite communication

                                    Electronics: Unit 08

                                    • Principle of TV transmission, TV transmitter and receiver (explanation in block diagram)

                                    Electronics: Unit 09

                                    Power electronics
                                    • Idea about JFET,SCR, , UJT, their working, characteristics and uses

                                    Electronics: Unit 10

                                    RADAR and CRO
                                    • Basic principle of radar, block diagram of radar, its function and use, cathode ray oscilloscope, basic idea and use with working

                                    Drama-Indian drama-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                    Classical Indian drama
                                    • Study of ‘Purbaranga’ karmas
                                    • Parts of ‘Natyamandapa’ and their special use
                                    • Types of ‘Natyamandapa’, their measurements and construction process

                                    Drama-Indian drama-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                    Modern Indian drama
                                    • Study of Odia play ‘Bhata’ by Kabichandra Kalicharan Pattanayak-plot, major characters

                                    Drama-Indian drama-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                    Actor’s preparation
                                    • Values of improvisation
                                    • Principles of group improvisation
                                    • Use of 5 ‘Ws’ in group improvisation

                                    Drama-Indian drama-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                    Basic practice for acting
                                    • Styles and mannerism through body and voice
                                    • Tempo and rhythm in acting through various moods

                                    Drama-Indian drama-Paper-III: Unit 05

                                    Theatre masters and their famous plays
                                    • Mohan Rakesh, Ganakabi Baisnab Pani, Manoranjan Das

                                    Drama-Theatre architecture-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                    Evolution of western theatre
                                    • Brief knowledge of passion play of Egypt
                                    • Brief knowledge about evolution of Greek theatre

                                    Drama-Theatre architecture-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                    Set making process
                                    • Making process of a box-set from sketch to execution
                                    • Study of 8 essential measurements and study of 12 essential measurements for set making
                                    • Study of sight lining

                                    Drama-Theatre architecture-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                    Different types of stage
                                    • Knowledge about different types of stage like open-air, proscenium, extended, acropoly, present Jatra stage

                                    Drama-Theatre architecture-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                    • Study of good conductor, bad conductor, insulator
                                    • Difference in use of different types of projection lamps

                                    Drama-Theatre architecture-Paper-IV: Unit 05

                                    Make-up and costume
                                    • Importance of geographical, social and financial background of character in relation with make-up and costume

                                    Drama-Theatre architecture-Paper-IV: Unit 06

                                    Organizations associated with department of culture
                                    • Sangeet natak akademi, zonal culture center, Indian council for cultural relations, National school of drama

                                    Flute/ violin/ setar-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                    Characteristics features of all the prescribed ragas
                                    • Bhairav, Bhairavi, Ashavari, Desh, Tilok kamod, Hamir

                                    Flute/ violin/ setar-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                    Comparative study of all the prescribed ragas
                                    • Allheya Bilawal, Bhupali, Kalyan, Khamaj, Kafi, Durga

                                    Flute/ violin/ setar-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                    Play gats, Ektal and Roopak taal

                                      Flute/ violin/ setar-Paper-III: Unit 05

                                      Knowledge of Pandit Bhatkhande and Pandit Paluskar notation system
                                      • Bhairab, Hamir, Desh

                                      Flute/ violin/ setar-Paper-III: Unit 06

                                      Knowledge of following talas
                                      • Dadra, Sultal, Teora, Choutal, Oipchandi, Dhamar

                                      Flute/ violin/ setar-Paper-III: Unit 07

                                      Comparative study of all the prescribed talas
                                      • Trital, Jhamptal, Roopak, Ektal, Kharawa

                                      Flute/ violin/ setar-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                      • Alap, Jod, Jhala, Tan, Laya, Layakari, Sruti, Swara, Nada, Dhwani, Matra, Mid, Sut, Ghasit, Sthayee, Antara, Gamak, Kana, Swara, Badl, Sambadi, Anubadi, Bibadi, Nyasa, Swara, Barna

                                      Flute/ violin/ setar-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                      General Knowledge of the following forms
                                      • Dhrupad, Dhamar, Khayal, Laxyan Geet, Raag Mala

                                      Flute/ violin/ setar-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                      Classification of Indian instruments

                                        Flute/ violin/ setar-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                        Essay on general topic on music
                                        • Importance of music in the society
                                        • Shastriya sangeet and Bhaba sangeet

                                        Flute/ violin/ setar-Paper-IV: Unit 05

                                        Comparative study of sruti and swara

                                          Flute/ violin/ setar-Paper-IV: Unit 06

                                          Comparative study of thaat and raga

                                            Flute/ violin/ setar-Paper-IV: Unit 07

                                            Evolution of Indian music

                                              Flute/ violin/ setar-Paper-IV: Unit 08

                                              Life history of the following musicians
                                              • Pt. V.D. Palluskar, Pt. V.N. Bhatkhande, Pt. Rabi Shankar, Nikhil Banerjee, Pt. Hari Prasad Chawrasia, Pt. Pannalla Ghosh

                                              Odissi dance-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                              Natyaotpati according to abhinaya darpana

                                                Odissi dance-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                Describe all bibhags (division) of Odissi dance
                                                • Mangalacharan, Sthayee or Batu, Pallavi, Abhinaya, and Mokshya

                                                Odissi dance-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                Defination of the various division of the Mangalacharan
                                                • Manch Prabesh, Bhumi Pranam, Guru Bandana, Sava Pranam

                                                Odissi dance-Paper-III: Unit 05

                                                Defination of the Sapta tala
                                                • Dhruba, Matha, Rupak, Jharnpa, Tripata, Ekatali and Attatala
                                                • Talalipi of the various Odissi items

                                                Odissi dance-Paper-III: Unit 06

                                                Definition of the bolly
                                                • Utha, Baitha, Thia, Chali, Buda, Vasa, Bhaunri, Paali

                                                Odissi dance-Paper-III: Unit 08

                                                Recitation of the Ukutas of the items

                                                  Odissi dance-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                  Importance of rhythm in dance

                                                    Odissi dance-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                    Introduction of various types of instruments of India
                                                    • Tat Badya, Susir Badya, Nibadha Badya and Ghana Badya

                                                    Odissi dance-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                    Importance of music in the Odissi dance

                                                      Odissi dance-Paper-IV: Unit 05

                                                      Knowledge of some mythology stories
                                                      • The birth story of Elephant headed Ganesh and the fight between Durga and Mahisasura

                                                      Odissi dance-Paper-IV: Unit 06

                                                      Knowledge of some folk and traditional dances of Odisha
                                                      • Daskathia, Prahllada Natak, Dhuduki

                                                      Odissi dance-Paper-IV: Unit 07

                                                      Detail knowledge on different books on dance
                                                      • Abhinaya Darpan, Natyasastra

                                                      Odissi dance-Paper-IV: Unit 08

                                                      Life history of Kavisurya Baladev Rath

                                                        Odissi dance-Paper-IV: Unit 09

                                                        Life history of Gopal Krushna

                                                          Odissi dance-Paper-IV: Unit 10

                                                          Brief knowledge on Naba Rasa

                                                            Odissi vocal-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                            Characteristic features of all prescribed talas
                                                            • Ragas: Kalyan, Mohana, Mukhari, and Bihaga
                                                            • Talas: Ekatali, Khemata, Jhampa and Aditala

                                                            Odissi vocal-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                            Knowledge of writing notation of Champu

                                                              Odissi vocal-Paper-III: Unit 05

                                                              Knowledge of writing notation of Bhajana

                                                                Odissi vocal-Paper-III: Unit 06

                                                                Identification of swara, raga, and tala

                                                                  Odissi vocal-Paper-III: Unit 08

                                                                  Principles of tuning the tanpura

                                                                    Odissi vocal-Paper-III: Unit 09

                                                                    Comparison between the prescribed talas

                                                                      Odissi vocal-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                      Detailed knowledge of nada
                                                                      • Ahata nada–Anahata nada
                                                                      • Apa nada-Sangitika nada
                                                                      • Three qualities of nada

                                                                      Odissi vocal-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                      Name of 22 Odissi Shruties

                                                                        Odissi vocal-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                                        Detailed knowledge on swara
                                                                        • Chala Swara-Achala Swara, Suddha Swara-Bikruta Swara and Komala Swara-Tibra Swara

                                                                        Odissi vocal-Paper-IV: Unit 05

                                                                        Knowledge about Saptaka
                                                                        • Mandra, Madhya and Tara

                                                                        Odissi vocal-Paper-IV: Unit 06

                                                                        Preliminary knowledge of the Bistara karma of raga
                                                                        • Alapa (Anibaddha-Nibaddha), Padavinyasa and Tana

                                                                        Odissi vocal-Paper-IV: Unit 07

                                                                        Sketch the biography
                                                                        • Kabisurya Baladev Ratha
                                                                        • Kabi Samrat Upendra Bhanja

                                                                        Odissi pakhawaj (mardal)-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                        Characteristics feature of following taalas
                                                                        • Tripata, Jhampa, Kudula, Yati and Adataali

                                                                        Odissi pakhawaj (mardal)-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                        Knowledge to compose the different mans
                                                                        • Biram, Abiram, Lagana

                                                                        Odissi pakhawaj (mardal)-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                                        Principle of making Bhaunri Arasa

                                                                          Odissi pakhawaj (mardal)-Paper-III: Unit 05

                                                                          • Mana from two upto sixteen matras

                                                                          Odissi pakhawaj (mardal)-Paper-III: Unit 06

                                                                          Principle of sangat in Odissi music

                                                                            Odissi pakhawaj (mardal)-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                            Differentiate between the followings
                                                                            • Mardal-Hindustani pakhawaj

                                                                            Odissi pakhawaj (mardal)-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                            • All Abanaddha-Badyas of Odisha like: Khola, Khanjani, Jodinagara, Dhuduki, Changu and Dhol

                                                                            Odissi pakhawaj (mardal)-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                            Good and bad qualities of Mardalika (Mardalika Lakhyana)

                                                                              Odissi pakhawaj (mardal)-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                                              • Pt. Banamali Maharana, Pt. Sudhakar Balakrishna Das

                                                                              Odissi pakhawaj (mardal)-Paper-IV: Unit 05

                                                                              • Taal system of Odissi, Hindustani, importance of taal in music

                                                                              Tabla-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                              Definition of the following terminologies
                                                                              • Peshkar, Uthan, Chalan, Tukuda, Paran, Kaida, Palat, Laggi, Laddi, Mukhda, Mohra, and Chakradar

                                                                              Tabla-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                              Writing different taals in Bhatkhande taal lipi system with charcteristics
                                                                              • Deepchadi, Dhumalli, Dhamar, Rupak, Ektaal, Sultal, Dadra and Keharwa

                                                                              Tabla-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                              Write the Mukhda and Tihai in different matra of teentaal
                                                                              • 7,8,10,13 in Bhatkhande taal lipi system

                                                                              Tabla-Paper-III: Unit 06

                                                                              Study about the method of origin playing technique following
                                                                              • Dheredhere, terekeTe, keTetaka, Gadigana, Kredhan, Tikdan, Traka, Dhatidhaga

                                                                              Tabla-Paper-III: Unit 07

                                                                              Comparative study
                                                                              • Sam-Khali, Kaida-Rela, Tukkuda- Paran, Mukhda-Mohra

                                                                              Tabla-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                              Definition of the following terms
                                                                              • ayakari, Padhant, Peshkar, Chalan, Nawahakka tihai, Namaskar tihai, Dhrupad, thumuri, Bhajan, Ghazal

                                                                              Tabla-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                              Study on the different gharans and their playing style
                                                                              • Banaras, Farukkabad, Punjab

                                                                              Tabla-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                                              Comparative study of taals with equal beats and their reason
                                                                              • Deepchandi, Dhamar, Sultal-Jhaaptaal, Rupak-Tewra

                                                                              Tabla-Paper-IV: Unit 06

                                                                              Life sketch
                                                                              • Pt. Umesh Chandra Kar, Ustad AllaRakha

                                                                              Yoga: Unit 01

                                                                              • Priliminary practices: Greeva Sanchalana, Skandha chakra (shoulder rotation), Purna, Titali asana (full butterfly), Marjari asana (car stretch pose), Surya namaskara
                                                                              • Standing posture: Tadasana, Tiryak tadasana, Katichakrasana pada-hastasana, Ardhachakrasana, Ardhakati chakrasana, Ekapada pranasmasana, Garudasana, Natarajasana
                                                                              • Sitting posture: Padmasana janusirasana, Paschimottanasana, Supta vajrasana, Shashankasana, Ustrasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana
                                                                              • Prone lying posture: Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana
                                                                              • Supine posture: Uttanapadasana, Supta pawanamuktasana, Naukasana, Halasana, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Chakrasana

                                                                              Yoga: Unit 02

                                                                              • Savasana, Yoganidra

                                                                              Yoga: Unit 03

                                                                              • Priliminary practices: Abdominal, thoracic, clavicular and fullyogic breathing Kapalabhati, Nadisodhana, Bhramari seetali/ Seetkari

                                                                              Yoga: Unit 04

                                                                              • Antarmouna: Sensorial awareness-sound, touch, vison, smell, taste, breath awareness, awareness of the spontaneous thought process

                                                                              Yoga: Unit 05

                                                                              • Trataka (internal and external)

                                                                              Audio video technique-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                              • Modulation, different types of modulation, different types of radio transmitter, de-modulation, different types of radio receiver, CD and DVD player

                                                                              Audio video technique-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                              Radio propagation
                                                                              • Radio wave, frequency and wave length relation, propagation of radio waves, ground wave propagation, sky wave propagation, space wave propagation

                                                                              Audio video technique-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                              • Television broadcasting system, synchronization, blanking, video signal, band width required for TV signal, vestigial side band signal, TV receiver, TV transmitter, CCTV

                                                                              Audio visual technique-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                              Optical communication
                                                                              • Advantages of optical fiber communication, types of optical fiber, fiber bending, types of optical sources, light emitting diode

                                                                              Audio visual technique-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                              Camera and projector
                                                                              • Lens, iris, shutter, film chamber, view finder, light meter, lens control, sensitive of camera, white balance, audio circuit, camera support, projection lamp, Setting of LCD projector system

                                                                              Building maintenance-Analysis, design and detailing of structures-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                              Shear force and bending, moment slope and deflection
                                                                              • Definition, types of support, shear force, and bending moment diagram for the structures
                                                                              • Inter-relations between shear force and bending moment

                                                                              Building maintenance-Analysis, design and detailing of structures-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                              Properties of concrete
                                                                              • Basic idea on compressive of concrete strength, tensile strength, shrinking, creeps, grade of concrete, reinforcing steel, its type and grade, basic concept on concrete design, limit state of safety and serviceability
                                                                              • Single and double reinforced concrete

                                                                              Building maintenance-Analysis, design and detailing of structures-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                              • Reinforcement detailing for structure elements and detailing of their joints

                                                                              Building maintenance-Analysis, design and detailing of structures-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                                              • Types of paint (all types of paint i.e. cement paint varnishes enamel paint distemper, etc) composition, primer characteristics, method of application of adhesive

                                                                              Building maintenance-Estimation and safety of buildings-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                              Construction planning
                                                                              • Introduction, types of estimation, principles of estimation, various item of work in building work road, short wall and long wall method, centre line method, rate analysis for different item and lead statement

                                                                              Building maintenance-Estimation and safety of buildings-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                              • Estimation of quantities for building, details of specification for different building items, analysis of rates, analysis of rates for earthwork, cement concrete, RCC, brick work, plastering, etc and work contract

                                                                              Building maintenance-Estimation and safety of buildings-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                              Environment Engineering
                                                                              • Nature and scope of environment problems
                                                                              • Eco system effects

                                                                              Computer technique-Database management system: Unit 01

                                                                              Data processing concept and file structure
                                                                              • Definition, field, record, and files
                                                                              • File organization: Sequential file, direct file, index sequential files

                                                                              Computer technique-Database management system: Unit 02

                                                                              Architecture of database system
                                                                              • Database concept, view/ schema, logical, conceptual and their relations, DDL, DML, database manager, advantage and limitation of database system

                                                                              Computer technique-Database management system: Unit 03

                                                                              Data models
                                                                              • Data models (hierarchical, network, relational data model, object oriented data model, entity-relationship data model), er-diagram

                                                                              Computer technique-Database management system: Unit 04

                                                                              Query language
                                                                              • Different types of key, defining database in SQL, inserting, updating and deleting data, processing single tables, processing multiple tables

                                                                              Computer technique-Computer network: Unit 01

                                                                              Introduction to computer networks
                                                                              • Data communication components
                                                                              • What is computer network, uses and application of networks, types of networks: LAN, MAN, WAN, satellite network

                                                                              Computer technique-Computer network: Unit 02

                                                                              Transmission terminology
                                                                              • Transmission mode (simplex, half duplex, full duplex), digital and analog data, transmission media and its characteristics, twisted pair wire, co-axial cables, optical fibers networks
                                                                              • Network devices: Hub, switch, router, bridge, multiplexer, de-multiplexer, modem, network topology

                                                                              Computer technique-Computer network: Unit 03

                                                                              Introduction to internet
                                                                              • History, services, applications and architecture of internet, WWW, websites, web pages, search engine, e-mail, FTP, web browsers, Google chrome, Mozilla firefox and Microsoft Internet explorer

                                                                              Computer technique-Computer network: Unit 04

                                                                              Introduction to HTML
                                                                              • Creation of web page

                                                                              Computer technique-Computer network: Unit 05

                                                                              Network safety concern
                                                                              • Cyber security, virus, worm, trojan, anti-virus, social networking and safe practices on social networks

                                                                              Computer technique-Computer network: Unit 06

                                                                              Web-based application
                                                                              • E-commerce, e-governance, OLAP

                                                                              Crop production-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                              Crop production
                                                                              • Distribution, climate/ season, soil, variety, seed treatment, seedbed preparation, time and method of sowing, nursery management, seedrate, spacing, manure and fertilizer application, interculture and weed control, irrigation, plant protection
                                                                              • Harvesting and threshing, storage and economic of production of the following crops: (a) Cereals and Millets-rice, wheat, maize, ragi, (b) pulses: Greengram, blackgram, arhar, horsegram, (c) oil seeds: Groundnut, rapeseed and mustard, sesamum, sunflower

                                                                              Crop production-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                              Fibre crops
                                                                              • Jute, cotton

                                                                              Crop production-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                              Sugar crops
                                                                              • Sugar cane

                                                                              Crop production-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                                              Plantation crop
                                                                              • Coconut

                                                                              Crop production-Paper-III: Unit 05

                                                                              Fruit crops
                                                                              • Mango, banana, citrus, guava, pineapple, papaya

                                                                              Crop production-Paper-III: Unit 06

                                                                              Vegetable crops
                                                                              • Brinjal, tomato, potato, aokra, cucurbits, onion

                                                                              Crop production-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                              Plant protection
                                                                              • Importance of plant protection in agriculture
                                                                              • Integrated insect pest and disease control, mechanical, cultural, chemical and control measures

                                                                              Crop production-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                              Common plant protection chemicals
                                                                              • Insecticides and fungicides
                                                                              • Methods of use and safe handling
                                                                              • Plant protection equipments, their use and maintenance

                                                                              Crop production-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                              Important insect pests and diseases of different crops
                                                                              • Rice, wheat, maize, blackgram, greengram, arhar, groundnut, mustard, sugarcane

                                                                              Dairying (DAI)-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                              Feeds and feeding of dairy animals
                                                                              • Digestive system of adult ruminants and calves
                                                                              • Physiology of digestion, absorption and utilization
                                                                              • Classification of feeds
                                                                              • Concentrates, roughages, feed supplements and additives and water-their role and nutritional values
                                                                              • Importance of good quality of feed and water
                                                                              • Ration requirement for maintenance and production stages
                                                                              • DCP and TDN-formulation principle for mixed concentrates

                                                                              Dairying (DAI)-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                              Feeding practices and value addition of feed
                                                                              • Feeding of dairy animals at different age and stages
                                                                              • Anti-nutritive factors and adulterants in common feedstuff-combating maneuvers

                                                                              Dairying (DAI)-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                              Care and management of dairy cattle
                                                                              • Care of dairy animals
                                                                              • Factors contributing to wellbeing of animals
                                                                              • Providing basic needs like balanced diet, clean water, comfortable ambience and fresh air and exercise, etc-common to all categories
                                                                              • Special attention to different categories of animals
                                                                              • Routine and casual attention in dairy farm

                                                                              Dairying (DAI)-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                                              Diseases of cattle and buffalo, and their prevention and control
                                                                              • Out lines on infectious and metabolic diseases of cattle and buffalo
                                                                              • Concept on prevention and control of diseases in farm animals
                                                                              • Immunity system and vaccines and its effect
                                                                              • Prevention of calf mortality, abortions and mastitis
                                                                              • Control and eradication of parasitic diseases

                                                                              Dairying (DAI)-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                              Reproduction in dairy cattle
                                                                              • Broad idea on anatomy and physiology of reproductive system in cattle and buffaloes
                                                                              • Oestrus symptoms and detection
                                                                              • Choice of semen and timing of AI
                                                                              • Pregnancy diagnosis and special care of pregnant animals and under development regimes
                                                                              • AI techniques, idea on frozen semen straw production, handling, transport and storage
                                                                              • Infertility and other breeding failures in the farm
                                                                              • Causes and remedial steps
                                                                              • Parturition-symptoms and mechanism
                                                                              • Dystokia and ROP, etc problems and points to intervene

                                                                              Dairying (DAI)-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                              Milk production
                                                                              • Methods of milking and precaution
                                                                              • Factors affecting quality and quantity of milk production, clean milk production
                                                                              • Quality improvement and values addition of milk

                                                                              Dairying (DAI)-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                              Dairy entrepreneurship
                                                                              • Importance of economic viability in a dairy enterprise
                                                                              • General principles of accounts keeping

                                                                              Dairying (DAI)-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                                              Organised milk marketing and extension
                                                                              • Structure and functions of organized dairy cooperative setups in Odisha-organization and function of OMFED
                                                                              • Pollution control, SPCA, consumer protection, cattle tress pass, prevailing milk and milk product laws
                                                                              • Cattle and micro-insurance schemes
                                                                              • Labor laws and zoonosis
                                                                              • Provident fund and other welfare benefit options available to employees

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                              Single phase transformer
                                                                              • Working principles and construction, components, auxiliary parts i.e. breather, conservator
                                                                              • Buchholz relay, other protective devices
                                                                              • Types of transformer-step-up and step-down transformer, voltage and current transformer, auto- transformer
                                                                              • Applications of different types of transformers

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                              D.C. machines
                                                                              • Types of motor-series, shunt, compound and universal, construction, working principles, characteristics, winding details and applications of different types of motors including fractional horse power, starting and starters for D.C. motors
                                                                              • Installation of D.C. motor and testing, speed reversal and speed control of D.C. motors, common faults, their causes, testing and repairs

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                              Common hand tools
                                                                              • Familiarizing the students with common hand tools, safe and proper use of tools, their adjustment and applications, crimping and crimping tools

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                                              Single phase A.C. motors
                                                                              • Types of A.C. motors-induction motor (split phase and repulsion start), capacitor motor, shaded pole motor, universal motor, construction, working principles, special characteristics
                                                                              • Winding details and applications of different types of fractional horse power motors
                                                                              • Speed reversal and speed control of A.C. Motors, installation of A.C. motor and testing, common faults, their causes, testing, and repairs

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                              Electric room heater
                                                                              • Construction and working principle of reflector type room heater, common defects, testing and repairs

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                              Electric iron
                                                                              • Types of electric iron-ordinary type and automatic/ thermostat control type-construction and working principles of electric irons
                                                                              • Common defects testing and repairs

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                              Electric toaster
                                                                              • Types of toasters-ordinary and automatic
                                                                              • Construction and application of bimetallic relay and thermocouples for control of temperature and current

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                                              Immersion heater and geyser
                                                                              • Construction, working principle and use of immersion heater
                                                                              • Common faults-their causes, testing and repairs
                                                                              • Construction, working principles and use of geyser and thermostat, common defects, their causes, testing and repairs
                                                                              • Testing and installation of geyser
                                                                              • Precautions in using immersion heater and geyser

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-IV: Unit 05

                                                                              Electric fans
                                                                              • Types of fans-ceiling fan, pedestal fan, table fan, bracket fan, exhaust fan, construction, working principles
                                                                              • Characteristics and applications of electric fans. Common faults, their causes testing and repairs, installation of all purpose fan and exhaust fan

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-IV: Unit 06

                                                                              Electric mixer, grinder, and blender
                                                                              • Construction, working principles, characteristics and applications of electric mixer, grinder and blender
                                                                              • Common faults, their causes, testing and repairs, Servicing, maintenance and over

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-IV: Unit 07

                                                                              Hair dryer/ curler
                                                                              • Construction and working principles of hair dryer/ curler, common faults, their causes testing and repair

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-IV: Unit 08

                                                                              Electric bell
                                                                              • Calling bell, buzzer, alarms, their construction, common faults, testing and repair

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-IV: Unit 09

                                                                              Electric washing machine
                                                                              • Construction, working principle of ordinary, semi-automatic and fully automatic, special features and applications of washing machine, common faults, their causes, testing and repair, repairing, servicing, maintenance and overhauling of washing machine

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-IV: Unit 10

                                                                              Room cooler
                                                                              • Construction and working details of room cooler, desert cooler, common cooler faults, their causes, testing and repair, Installation of room cooler/ desert cooler

                                                                              Electrical domestic appliances (EDA)-Paper-IV: Unit 11

                                                                              Basic occupational and safety practices
                                                                              • Safety signs, lighting and handling loads, moving heavy equipments, electrical safety-safety practices-first aid, practice safe methods-lifting and handling of heavy objects, rescue a person from live wire
                                                                              • Artificial respiration-Nelson’s arm and Schafer’s method
                                                                              • Hazard identification and avoidance, use of fire extinguishers

                                                                              Horticulture-Vegetable production and floriculture-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                              Importance of vegetables in human nutrition
                                                                              • Introduction, role of vegetables in human nutrition
                                                                              • Importance of vegetable cultivation present status and future prospects of vegetable cultivation in India as well as in Odisha
                                                                              • Classification of vegetable garden

                                                                              Horticulture-Vegetable production and floriculture-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                              Vegetable cultivations
                                                                              • Details of vegetables cultivation with special reference of food value, varieties, climate, soil, nursery raising, sowing/ planting, manuring, inter culture, irrigation, drainage, insect pests, beans, pea, cabbage, cauliflower, knoll khol
                                                                              • Details of vegetables cultivation with special reference of cucumber, bitter gourd

                                                                              Horticulture-Vegetable production and floriculture-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                              • Introduction, importance of floriculture, present status and future prospects of floriculture in India as well as in Odisha
                                                                              • Definition of garden, garden features and adornments, lawn
                                                                              • Flowering trees, shrubs, creepers, annuals, culture of pot plants

                                                                              Horticulture-Vegetable production and floriculture-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                                              Cultivation practices of floriculture crops
                                                                              • Cultivation practices of commercial floriculture crops such as Rose, Dahlia, Marigold, Tuberose with special reference to verities, climate, soil, sowing, planting, manuring, inter culture, irrigation, drainage, insect pests, diseases, harvesting
                                                                              • Cultivation practices of commercial floriculture crops such as Rose, Dahlia, Marigold, Tuberose with special reference to yield, packaging and storage

                                                                              Horticulture-Plantation crops, spices, medicinal and aromatic crops-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                              Plantation crops
                                                                              • Importance, scope and future prospects of plantation crops in India as well as in Odisha
                                                                              • Details of cultivation aspects with special reference to origin, climate, soil, varieties, propagation, planting, after care, manuring, irrigation, weeding, inter culture, insect pests, diseases, intercropping, harvesting, yield, post harvest care
                                                                              • Details of cultivation aspects with special reference to storage, processing, value addition, by products, utilization of important plantation crops like coconut, cashew nut

                                                                              Horticulture-Plantation crops, spices, medicinal and aromatic crops-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                              • Importance of spices, in India and Odisha, classification of spices
                                                                              • Details of cultivation aspects of ginger, turmeric, black pepper with special reference to climate, soil, varieties, land preparation, sowing, planting, manuring, irrigation, weeding inter culture, plant protection measures, harvesting, yield
                                                                              • Details of cultivation aspects of ginger, turmeric, black pepper with special reference to processing and storage

                                                                              Horticulture-Plantation crops, spices, medicinal and aromatic crops-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                              Importance and classification of medicinal plant
                                                                              • Details of cultivation aspects (as mentioned in case of spice crops) of aloe vera, brahmi, aswagandha

                                                                              Horticulture-Plantation crops, spices, medicinal and aromatic crops-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                                              Importance and classification of aromatic plants
                                                                              • Cultivation practices, harvesting and oil extraction of lemon grass

                                                                              Inland fisheries-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                              History of aquaculture
                                                                              • Present global and national scenario, principles of aquaculture and importance of aquaculture

                                                                              Inland fisheries-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                              Culture practices
                                                                              • Conventional mono culture, composite fish culture, mixed culture, integrated aquaculture, criteria for selection of candidate species for aquaculture

                                                                              Inland fisheries-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                              Method of culture
                                                                              • Tradition/ extensive, semi intensive and intensive aquaculture in inland water bodies

                                                                              Inland fisheries-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                                              Types of fish farms
                                                                              • Freshwater/ brackish water, types of ponds, nursery, rearing, grow out

                                                                              Inland fisheries-Paper-III: Unit 05

                                                                              Location, design and construction of fish farm
                                                                              • Location, design and construction of hatcheries, design and construction of cage, and pens for the culture

                                                                              Inland fisheries-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                              Freshwater aquaculture
                                                                              • Nursery, rearing and grow out pond preparation and management
                                                                              • Control of aquatic weeds, predatory and weed fishes, algal blooms, liming, fertilization/ manuring, use of biofertilizers, stocking, feeding to fishes, pond environment management, fish health management, harvesting

                                                                              Inland fisheries-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                              Freshwater prawn culture and important species for culture
                                                                              • Seed stocking and culture practices, Brackish water aquaculture, important fin fish and shellfishes for culture, culture practices

                                                                              Inland fisheries-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                              Ornamental fish culture
                                                                              • Important indigenous and exotic ornamental fishes, preparation of indoor system for culture and their rearing management

                                                                              Inland fisheries-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                                              Cat fish and air breathing fish culture
                                                                              • Important species for culture, seed stocking and culture practices

                                                                              Inland fisheries-Paper-IV: Unit 05

                                                                              Integrated aquaculture
                                                                              • Principle, fish cum duck culture and fish cum cattle rearing

                                                                              Paramedical health care (PHC) and medical laboratory techniques (MLT)-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                              Inorganic and physical aspects of biochemistry, structure of atoms, symbol, valency, and formula
                                                                              • Chemical units-atomic weight, molecular weight, gram mole equivalent weight, gram equivalent, fundamental laws of chemistry, acids, bases, and salts, hydrogen concentration and pH measurement-indicators and pH meter, buffers, preparation
                                                                              • Solutions-solute and solvent, saturated solutions, solubility temperature effects, concentrations of solutions in different ways viz molar normal percentage etc, simple qualitative analysis-captions anions, volumetric (titrimetric) analysis
                                                                              • Primary and secondary standards, acid-base titrations, permanaganometry, rules in volumetric analysis
                                                                              • Isotopes definition/ examples/ uses

                                                                              Paramedical health care (PHC) and medical laboratory techniques (MLT)-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                              Chemistry of bimolecular-carbohydrates, lipids, amino-acids, proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins
                                                                              • Isotopes

                                                                              Paramedical health care (PHC) and medical laboratory techniques (MLT)-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                              Clinical biochemistry
                                                                              • Bioenergetics-respiratory chain, oxidative, phosphorylation, overview of metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, glycolysis and TCA cycle, blood glucose homeostasis, measurement of blood glucose, glycosuria, diabetes mellitus
                                                                              • Lipid metabolism: Cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoproteins, ketone bodies-formation, ketosis, ketonuria, amino acid and protein metabolism: Urea synthesis-uremia, other non operation nitrogenous compound like vaginate uvic acid
                                                                              • Amino acid and protein metabolism: Biochemical vactions of aminoacids transamination, deamination, synthese of physiologically important substances from aminoacids

                                                                              Paramedical health care (PHC) and medical laboratory techniques (MLT)-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                                              Metabolic inter-relationships
                                                                              • Principles of inborn errors of metabolism, water, Na+K=and Cl, bicarbonates, acid base balance, calcium and phosporous, role and iron, iodine and other trace element

                                                                              Paramedical health care (PHC) and medical laboratory techniques (MLT)-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                              Laboratory organization
                                                                              • General principles, components and functions of a laboratory, staffing the laboratory, job description-job specifications, work schedule-personal rearrangement and work load assessment, care of laboratory glassware, equipments and chemicals verbal
                                                                              • Different types of glassware and plastic ware: Care and cleaning of glass wares, making simple glass wares in the laboratory, care of equipments and apparatus, laboratory chemicals, their proper use and care, storage, labeling
                                                                              • Specimen handling: Collection techniques and containers for specimen collection, types of specimen: Entry, handling, specimen transport, specimen disposal, specimen preservation

                                                                              Paramedical health care (PHC) and medical laboratory techniques (MLT)-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                              Laboratory safety
                                                                              • General principles, laboratory hazards, safety programme, first aid, safety measure-mechanical, electrical, chemical, biological and radioactive, communication: Personnel development and relations, general principles
                                                                              • Communication: Inter/ intra departmental communications request/ report forms, basic principles of quality control: General principles, basic medical nursing

                                                                              Paramedical health care (PHC) and medical laboratory techniques (MLT)-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                              Clinical pathology
                                                                              • Urine analysis: Physical, chemical, microscopic, faucal analysis: Physical, chemical-occult blood exam, microscopic, sputum analysis-physical and microscopic: Seminal fluid analysis, examination of aspiration fluid, ascitic fluid, pleural fluid
                                                                              • Sputum analysis-physical and microscopic: CSF, others, pregnancy tests

                                                                              Poultry farming-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                              Selection of site
                                                                              • Types of poultry houses-free range, semi intensive, intensive and backyard, low cost poultry houses
                                                                              • Deep litter system of housing, its advantages and disadvantages

                                                                              Poultry farming-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                              Litter materials
                                                                              • Built-up litter as manure and its utility values, management of litter
                                                                              • Types of poultry equipment like feeder, water/ drinker and brooder and chick guard, etc

                                                                              Poultry farming-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                              Feeding management
                                                                              • Nutrient requirements and feed formulations, additives and supplements, utiliation of local available local ingredients used in poultry feed

                                                                              Poultry farming-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                                              Factor affecting egg production
                                                                              • Selection and care of hatching eggs, candling of eggs, incubation principles and practice, different fumigation process in hatchery
                                                                              • Factors affecting hatchability and fertility

                                                                              Poultry farming-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                              House preparation before and after arrival of chicks in the farm
                                                                              • Brooding and rearing of chicks
                                                                              • Rearing and management of grower, breeder/ layers
                                                                              • Light management of broilers and layers

                                                                              Poultry farming-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                              Management and care under adverse conditions and seasonal managements
                                                                              • Preliminary idea of moulting of poultry birds used for egg production
                                                                              • Culling of different age groups of stocks

                                                                              Poultry farming-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                              Classification of poultry diseases
                                                                              • Common disease of poultry; Ranikhet disease, Fowl Pox, Marker’s disease, infectious brasal disease, Aviam influence (bird flu), chronic respiratory disease (CRD), salmonellosis, E.coli and their prevention and control

                                                                              Poultry farming-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                                              Round worm infestation
                                                                              • Cannibalism, bound condition, different vices of poultry, vaccination schedule of layer and broiler birds
                                                                              • Bisecurity in poultry farms

                                                                              Repair and maintenance of power driven farm machinery (PDFM)-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                              I.C. Engine
                                                                              • Working principle and constructional features of I.C. engine; familiarization with principal parts; principles of operation; difference between two stroke and four stroke engines; engine terminology

                                                                              Repair and maintenance of power driven farm machinery (PDFM)-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                              Fuel and lubrication system
                                                                              • Fuel system, major components of fuel system, types of fuel injection system, different parts of injection system
                                                                              • Lubrication system, functions of lubricating systems and their main parts

                                                                              Repair and maintenance of power driven farm machinery (PDFM)-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                              Cooling, air intake, and exhaust system
                                                                              • Cooling system: Types of cooling system-air cooling, water cooling and different parts of a cooling system
                                                                              • Different components of an air intake system; intake manifold and their functions, components of an exhaust system; exhaust manifold

                                                                              Repair and maintenance of power driven farm machinery (PDFM)-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                                              • Introduction to tractor, familiarization with various gauges, instruments and controls of tractors, components and different systems of tractor

                                                                              Repair and maintenance of power driven farm machinery (PDFM)-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                              Power transmission system of tractor
                                                                              • Clutch: Its function, types of clutches, various components and working of single and dual clutch systems, gear box: Types of gear boxes, different components, speed ratio
                                                                              • Differential and final drive: Principles of operation of differential, functional requirement of final drive, PTO drive

                                                                              Repair and maintenance of power driven farm machinery (PDFM)-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                              Steering and brake system
                                                                              • Different components of the steering system, types of steering and steering gear boxes used in different tractors
                                                                              • Brakes: Functions of a brake system, classification of brakes, working of a hydraulic brake system
                                                                              • Tyres: Its size, specification and ply rating, size of rim

                                                                              Repair and maintenance of power driven farm machinery (PDFM)-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                              Hydraulic and electrical system of tractor
                                                                              • Function and merits of hydraulic system
                                                                              • Hitching of trailers, semi-mounted and mounted implements
                                                                              • Electrical system, different components of an electrical system function of storage battery, dynamo, cut-out, starter

                                                                              Repair and maintenance of power driven farm machinery (PDFM)-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                                              Power tiller
                                                                              • Importance of power tiller in Indian agriculture, working principles of power tiller, power transmission, steering, various controls and operational techniques, various uses of power tillers
                                                                              • Rotavators, types of rotavators, parts of rotavator and power transmission

                                                                              Sericulture-Rearing and industrial technology in sericulture and extension management-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                              Study on metamorphosis
                                                                              • Morphology of egg (external and internal morphology and colour change), larva (mouthparts, legs, prologs, spiracles, eyes, claspers and integumentary hair and sexual markings), pupa (sexual dimorphism-male and female morphology) of mulberry silk worms
                                                                              • Environmental requirement for rearing: Temperature, humidity, air, light, optimum requirement for different stages, methods of maintenance; rearing house: Location and size, types of rearing houses
                                                                              • Rearing house: Requirements-orientation-utilization of locally available materials modifications; rearing (early-and late age) and feeding appliances and their uses; preparation for disinfection: Cleaning-washing-drying-disinfection, hygienic rearing

                                                                              Sericulture-Rearing and industrial technology in sericulture and extension management-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                              Silk worm rearing technology (early age rearing)
                                                                              • Characteristics of young age larvae; commercial races-multivoltine, bivoltine and hybrid races used in India; collection of disease free layings (DFLs), cards, loose eggs, incubation light humidity-air-temperature requirement
                                                                              • Uniform hatching and brushing methods for 1st instar larvae; chawki rearing: Methods of feeding and rearing of I,II and III instar larvae; advantages and disadvantages; effect of seasons, environmental requirements, feeding schedule
                                                                              • Selection of leaf-spacing, cleaning, care during moulting, use of bed disinfectants

                                                                              Sericulture-Rearing and industrial technology in sericulture and extension management-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                              Silk worm rearing technology (late age rearing)
                                                                              • Characteristics of late age larvae, rearing methods, advantage, disadvantage; effect of seasons, environmental requirements, spacing, dusting, cleaning, feeding schedule, care during moulting, leaf requirement, quality and leaf preservation
                                                                              • Types of mountages-transfer of matured silk worms, method of mounting, density, care during mounting and spinning of cocoons; harvesting and storage of cocoons: Harvesting, cleaning, preservation, assessment of cocoon quality and storage

                                                                              Sericulture-Rearing and industrial technology in sericulture and extension management-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                                              Diseases of silk worm
                                                                              • Pebrine, bacterial, viral, fungal-causal organisms, mode of infection, symptoms, prevention and control; insect pests of silk worm-Indian Uzi fly and their life cycle, type and extent of damage, control measures
                                                                              • Model grainage: Basic requirements-plan of grainage; equipments, assessment of quality of seed cocoons and their transportation; programming of seeds production: Preparation of grainage-sexing-preservation of seed cocoons/ pupae temperature, humidity
                                                                              • Programming of seeds production: Light, air requirements; moth emergence, time of emergence, coupling-decoupling, oviposition, moth examination
                                                                              • Cellular method and loose eggs, importance of temperature, humidity and light-refrigeration of male moth; concept of CRC organization-community chawki rearing-advantages, disadvantages-care during transportation

                                                                              Sericulture-Rearing and industrial technology in sericulture and extension management-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                              Raw materials for silk reeling
                                                                              • Selection of cocoon for reeling
                                                                              • Assessment of renditta, cocoon gradation, cocoon procurement and transportation; stifling/ drying: Objective-various methods of stifling, steam stifling, sun drying, hot air drying-merits and demerits of each method
                                                                              • Cocoon sorting and preservation: Separation of defective cocoons, deflossing, methods of storing and preservation of coons; ideal conditions for cocoon storage, effect of defective storage, cocoons reelability
                                                                              • Cocoon sorting and preservation: Storage of hot air dried/ steam stifled cocoons

                                                                              Sericulture-Rearing and industrial technology in sericulture and extension management-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                              Cooking of cocoons
                                                                              • Objectives and principles; various methods of cooking-open pan-three pan-pressurized cocoon cooking-characteristics of water for cocoon cooking; cocoon brushing (hand and mechanical); reeling appliances: Country charkha, domestic machine, cottage machine
                                                                              • Reeling appliances: Multi-end reeling machine, reeling of double cocoons-dupion silk; re-reeling-objective, lacing, denier, skeining, booking and storage-standard hanks

                                                                              Sericulture-Rearing and industrial technology in sericulture and extension management-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                              Collection and preservation of silk waste cooker waste
                                                                              • Reeling waste, basin residue, burst open cocoon waste, cleaning of waste, drying, storage of waste; spinning: Raw materials, various forms of silk waste, cocoon waste, degumming drying, spinning on pedal charkha, drafting, twisting, winding
                                                                              • Spinning: Various processes in spun silk mill; filature management: Organization-planning-costing

                                                                              Sericulture-Rearing and industrial technology in sericulture and extension management-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                                              Definition of want, demand, supply, price value, utility, marks demand, elasticity of demand factors responsible for silk production
                                                                              • Entrepreneurship; organization of cooperative sector in sericulture-aims and objectives, cooperative principles, organization of cooperative in rearing, reeling and other areas, incentives and regulation
                                                                              • Management for effective participation in sericulture; marketing-principles of marketing, costs, defects- regulated markets, merits and demerits of cooperative marketing, stabilization of prices, marketing of cocoon and silk yarn
                                                                              • Role of central silk board and directorate of sericulture in extension

                                                                              Accounting and auditing-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                              Final accounts
                                                                              • Meaning of manufacturing account, trading account, profit and loss account and balance sheet, marshalling of assets and liabilities, preparation of final accounts with adjustments such as-closing stock, outstanding expenses, pre-paid expenses
                                                                              • Accrued income, income received in advance, depreciation, bad debt, provision for bad and doubtful debt, provision for discount on debtors, manager's commission, interest on capital and interest on drawings

                                                                              Accounting and auditing-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                              Bills of exchange and promissory note
                                                                              • Meaning, features, parties, specimen and distinctions between the two, accounting for trade bill and accommodation bill, accepting, discounting endorsing, retiring renewal, dishonour and noting

                                                                              Accounting and auditing-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                              • Meaning, definition and objectives of voucher, distinction between vouching and routine checking, meaning and essential features of voucher, steps for vouchering, vouching cash book and other books of account

                                                                              Accounting and auditing-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                              Organization of audit
                                                                              • Central government level and state government level

                                                                              Accounting and auditing-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                              Recent trends in audit
                                                                              • Social audit, audit ethics

                                                                              Accounting and auditing-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                              Use of computer in accounting and audit work, automation of audit work
                                                                              • Meaning and components of computer, input, output, storage device, hardware, software, operating system, MS office, accounting package: Tally

                                                                              Insurance-Marine and fire insurance-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                              Nature of marine insurance contract
                                                                              • Meaning and classification of marine insurance
                                                                              • Element of marine insurance contract
                                                                              • Insurable interest utmost good faith, doctrine of indemnity, subrogation warranties proximate cause

                                                                              Insurance-Marine and fire insurance-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                              Meaning, nature of fire insurance
                                                                              • Fire insurance contract, kinds of policies
                                                                              • Policy conditions

                                                                              Insurance-Marine and fire insurance-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                              Payment of premium, re-insurance, loss by fire and payment of claim

                                                                                Insurance-Miscellaneous Insurance-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                                Motor insurance, kinds of policies in motor insurance, procedures of motor insurance
                                                                                • Payment of claim
                                                                                • Bargalary Insurance

                                                                                Insurance-Miscellaneous Insurance-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                                Personal accident insurance, employeer’s liability insurance; classification of risk and coverage
                                                                                • Policy form
                                                                                • Employees state insurance act

                                                                                Insurance-Miscellaneous Insurance-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                                Fidelity guarantee insurance
                                                                                • Types of policy, application form for different policies
                                                                                • Boiler explosion insurance
                                                                                • Live stock and poultry insurance

                                                                                Insurance-Miscellaneous Insurance-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                                                Filling the assignment form, claim form

                                                                                  Office management (OM)-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                                  Office correspondence
                                                                                  • Noting and drafting-meaning and importance
                                                                                  • Style, design, and drafting different types of government and business letters

                                                                                  Office management (OM)-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                                  Meeting and conference
                                                                                  • Meaning and types of meeting
                                                                                  • Procedures for conducting meeting, notice, agenda, quorum, adjournment and resolution

                                                                                  Office management (OM)-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                                  • Meaning, importance and objectives of insurance
                                                                                  • Types of insurance and basic principles of insurance

                                                                                  Office management (OM)-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                                  Banking operation
                                                                                  • Types of bank account
                                                                                  • Operating of an account
                                                                                  • Overdraft
                                                                                  • Writing of cheque
                                                                                  • Crossing of cheque

                                                                                  Office management (OM)-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                                  Banking instruments
                                                                                  • Banker’s cheque, bank draft
                                                                                  • Debit card and credit card
                                                                                  • Travellers cheque, transaction through automated teller machine (ATM)
                                                                                  • Core banking, net banking
                                                                                  • RTGS, NEFT

                                                                                  Office management (OM)-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                                  • Fundamentals of computer, UPS, MS office
                                                                                  • Internet and computer security
                                                                                  • Preparation of bio-data for job
                                                                                  • Power point presentation

                                                                                  Tax assistance-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                                  Custom duty
                                                                                  • Custom act, 1962, definitions, meaning and importance of custom duty, officer appointed for custom ports, airports, detection of illegal imported goods, prevention and detection, levy and exemption, conveyance, seizure, arrest, confiscation
                                                                                  • Appeal and revision

                                                                                  Tax assistance-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                                  • Warehousing station, private warehousing (sec. 57), public warehousing (sec. 58), warehousing period (sec. 61)

                                                                                  Tax assistance-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                                  Central excise duty
                                                                                  • Central excise act, 1944, definitions, meaning and object of central excise duty, types of excise duty, study of various provisions of levy, refunds and exemption rules relating to excise duty, valuation of excisable goods
                                                                                  • Valuation rules to determine the assessable value (sec. 4(1)(b)], central excise tariff act, excise procedure
                                                                                  • Importance and function of SEZ (special economic zone), EFTZ (export free trade zone)/ EPZ (export processing zone)

                                                                                  Tax assistance-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                                  Income tax
                                                                                  • Concept of income tax, terminology, basis of charges (various residential status), heads/ sources of income (salary, house property, business/ professional, capital gain, other sources) various deduction out of gross total income
                                                                                  • Offence, penalties procedure assessment of income tax for (individual, HUF, and non-corporate assessess), importance and function of STP (software technology park), EHTP (electronic hardware technology park)

                                                                                  Tax assistance-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                                  Income tax on salaries
                                                                                  • Taxability of salary income, computation of salary income

                                                                                  Tax assistance-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                                  Service tax
                                                                                  • Concept of service tax, exemption, various services chargeable to service tax, penalties, computation of taxable services

                                                                                  Creche and pre school management (CPM)-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                                  Child development
                                                                                  • Importance of the study of child development with special reference to early childhood

                                                                                  Creche and pre school management (CPM)-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                                  Physical development
                                                                                  • Growth and development, factors affecting growth and development

                                                                                  Creche and pre school management (CPM)-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                                  Psychological development
                                                                                  • Social and emotional development (fear, anger, jealousy) and language development

                                                                                  Creche and pre school management (CPM)-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                                                  Types of play
                                                                                  • Different factors influencing child’s play

                                                                                  Creche and pre school management (CPM)-Paper-III: Unit 05

                                                                                  Aesthetic development
                                                                                  • Dance, music, painting, drawing, modelling etc

                                                                                  Creche and pre school management (CPM)-Paper-III: Unit 06

                                                                                  Exceptional children
                                                                                  • Meaning and types of exceptional children: (i) Gifted and disabled, (ii) mentally retarded, (iii) physically handicapped such as blind, deaf, and dumb

                                                                                  Creche and pre school management (CPM)-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                                  Care of the new born baby
                                                                                  • Immediate body cleaning, diet, temperature regulation
                                                                                  • Daily care of umbilicus, eye, ear, nose and mouth
                                                                                  • Massaging and exercise
                                                                                  • Cleaning

                                                                                  Creche and pre school management (CPM)-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                                  Common childhood diseases
                                                                                  • Measles, tetanus, chicken pox, whooping cough, diphtheria polio, TB
                                                                                  • Diarrhoea and dysentery-causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment

                                                                                  Creche and pre school management (CPM)-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                                  Common early childhood problems
                                                                                  • Thumb sucking, nail biting, bed wetting, aggression, shyness

                                                                                  Creche and pre school management (CPM)-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                                                  • Need and importance, types of vaccines

                                                                                  Catering and restaurant management (CRM)-Food production-Paper-I: Unit 01

                                                                                  Food commodities
                                                                                  • Brief knowledge of perishable and non perishable food
                                                                                  • Selection, storage
                                                                                  • Salad and salad dressing: Classification and types of salad, parts of salad. Different classical salad, salad dressing

                                                                                  Catering and restaurant management (CRM)-Food production-Paper-I: Unit 02

                                                                                  Regional cuisine of India
                                                                                  • Odia, Bengal, Awadh, Mughalai, Hydrabad, Kashmir, Guajarati, Maharastrian, Punjabi, South India, Indian bread, sweets, and snacks

                                                                                  Catering and restaurant management (CRM)-Food production-Paper-I: Unit 03

                                                                                  Basic bakery
                                                                                  • Basic principles of baking
                                                                                  • Different types of cake, preparation, faults, and remedies

                                                                                  Catering and restaurant management (CRM)-Food production-Paper-I: Unit 04

                                                                                  Chinese cooking
                                                                                  • Basic Chinese cooking
                                                                                  • Accompaniments and garnishes, convenience foods

                                                                                  Catering and restaurant management (CRM)-Food and beverage service-Paper-II: Unit 01

                                                                                  Non alcoholic beverages
                                                                                  • Non alcoholic beverages, classification , stimulating, nourishing, refreshing
                                                                                  • Tea types and preparation
                                                                                  • Coffee types and prepation

                                                                                  Catering and restaurant management (CRM)-Food and beverage service-Paper-II: Unit 02

                                                                                  Alcoholic beverages
                                                                                  • Alcoholic beverages, introduction, classification
                                                                                  • Wines-types, general manufacture, service

                                                                                  Catering and restaurant management (CRM)-Food and beverage service-Paper-II: Unit 03

                                                                                  Bar operation and banquet
                                                                                  • Bar operation, main bar, dispense bar, equipment required

                                                                                  Catering and restaurant management (CRM)-Food and beverage service-Paper-II: Unit 04

                                                                                  Catering services
                                                                                  • Buffet, types of buffet
                                                                                  • Buffet menu, KOT
                                                                                  • Types of break fast, Hi-tea menus

                                                                                  Textile designing-Basic textile designing-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                                  Traditional textiles
                                                                                  • Woven: Patola, Pochampalli, Bomkei, Brocodes, Maheswari, etc
                                                                                  • Plain woven fabrics: Dacca Muslim, Tassar

                                                                                  Textile designing-Basic textile designing-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                                  • Kasida, chikankari, kasuti, applique, Phulkari, Manipur embroidery

                                                                                  Textile designing-Basic textile designing-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                                  • Sanganeri, Block, Kalamkari

                                                                                  Textile designing-Basic textile designing-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                                                  Design types
                                                                                  • Design types: placement, motif and its classification
                                                                                  • Design perspective: Perspective, rendering, techniques of composition, interpretation of design, filling of simple shapes
                                                                                  • Placement of design: All over, scattered, corner, central border, etc
                                                                                  • Arrangement of figure and pattern

                                                                                  Textile designing-Basic textile designing-Paper-III: Unit 05

                                                                                  Origin, history and technique of the following traditional and creative crafts
                                                                                  • Batik, tie and dye, flock transfer
                                                                                  • Use of computer in textile designing

                                                                                  Textile designing-Entrepreneurship and textile unit management-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                                  Concept of retailing and merchandising
                                                                                  • Meaning and scope of business, definition of business activities, (trade, industry)

                                                                                  Textile designing-Entrepreneurship and textile unit management-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                                  Characteristics of market
                                                                                  • Creation of utility, enterprise, profit calculation, risk factors and future success, exchange of money and sale

                                                                                  Textile designing-Entrepreneurship and textile unit management-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                                  Design types
                                                                                  • Definition and types of business organizations: Individual, partnership, co-operative, private and public limited

                                                                                  Textile designing-Entrepreneurship and textile unit management-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                                                  Production management (handloom and powerloom sector)
                                                                                  • Basic and fundamental factors: Location of unit, land, communication
                                                                                  • Technical factors: Availability of raw materials, proximity of market, availability of technical services

                                                                                  Visual art-Fundamentals of art and aesthetics-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                                  • Primary, secondary, transparent and opaque colour
                                                                                  • Colour contrast and harmony, cool colour and warm colour
                                                                                  • Sketching, drawing, and painting

                                                                                  Visual art-Fundamentals of art and aesthetics-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                                  Naba rasa in Indian aesthetics

                                                                                    Visual art-Fundamentals of art and aesthetics-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                                    Indus valley civilization

                                                                                      Painting-Life history of Odishan artist and different art and crafts-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                                      Patta painting of Odisha and bengal
                                                                                      • Murals of Biranchi Narayan Temple

                                                                                      Painting-Life history of Odishan artist and different art and crafts-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                                      Cave art of Odisha

                                                                                        Painting-Life history of Odishan artist and different art and crafts-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                                        Western art-Cubism and Dali in surrealism

                                                                                          Graphic art-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                                          Rabanchhaya of Sitabinji
                                                                                          • Temples of Odisha-Konark and Mukteswar temple

                                                                                          Graphic art-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                                          Western art-Cubism in art

                                                                                            Commercial art/ applied art-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                                            Communication in art
                                                                                            • Trade fair and exhibition

                                                                                            Commercial art/ applied art-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                                            Western art-impressionism

                                                                                              Commercial art/ applied art-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                                              Odishan temple art
                                                                                              • Konark, Puri Jagannath and Rajarani temple

                                                                                              Modelling and sculpture-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                                              Odishan temples sculpture and architecture
                                                                                              • Sculpture of Mathura and Gandhara school of art

                                                                                              Modelling and sculpture-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                                              Western sculpture
                                                                                              • Pieta, David, Venus, Laccon group

                                                                                              Traditional art and crafts-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                                              Odishan patta and palm leaf painting
                                                                                              • Ravanchhaya of Sitavinji

                                                                                              Traditional art and crafts-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                                              Biranchi Narayan temple

                                                                                                Traditional art and crafts-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                                                Art of renaissance-Michael Angelo and Leonado-Da-Vinchi

                                                                                                  Travel and tourism management-Paper-III: Unit 01

                                                                                                  Travel agent
                                                                                                  • Definition of travel agents and tour operators, difference between TA and TO, operation of TA (roles, function, and responsibilities)

                                                                                                  Travel and tourism management-Paper-III: Unit 02

                                                                                                  • Travel agency automation: Introduction, travel portals and it’s usefulness, functions, benefits to travel industry

                                                                                                  Travel and tourism management-Paper-III: Unit 03

                                                                                                  Travel formalities
                                                                                                  • Travel frontier formalities: Passport, visa, health regulation, customs and currency regulation, travel insurance

                                                                                                  Travel and tourism management-Paper-III: Unit 04

                                                                                                  Time factors
                                                                                                  • IATA areas, sub-areas and sub regions, time zones and calculation of time

                                                                                                  Travel and tourism management-Paper-IV: Unit 01

                                                                                                  Tourism promotion and marketing
                                                                                                  • Tour operation: Definition, itinerary preparation, requirements, procedures followed

                                                                                                  Travel and tourism management-Paper-IV: Unit 02

                                                                                                  Types of tour (package tour)
                                                                                                  • Components, customized and readymade, tour costing-factors influencing tour costing

                                                                                                  Travel and tourism management-Paper-IV: Unit 03

                                                                                                  Emerging varieties of tours with examples
                                                                                                  • MICE, beach holidays, health tour, Buddhist circuits, wild life tours, desert safari, toy train tour, pilgrimage tour

                                                                                                  Travel and tourism management-Paper-IV: Unit 04

                                                                                                  Tourism communication
                                                                                                  • Tour manager, guide, meaning types of guides, duties and responsibilities, qualification of a good guide, tour manager’s job
                                                                                                  • Odisha CHSE question papers aid the candidates to prepare for the Odisha class 12th exams. 
                                                                                                  • It makes the candidates aware of exam pattern, marking scheme, types and number of questions asked in the exam. 
                                                                                                  • So candidates should use previous year's questions papers to point out their strong and weak areas and work on areas by using where improvement is needed. 
                                                                                                  • The question papers of Odisha CHSE exams can be downloaded from the link given above.
                                                                                                  • They should try to solve these question papers in the stipulated time to increase their speed. 

                                                                                                  The preparation tips help candidates to be ready for the Odisha CHSE 2025 exams and remain stress-free on the exam day. Some Odisha CHSE 12th exam preparation tips 2025 are given below, which aids the aspirants during the exam. 

                                                                                                  • Understand the Odisha CHSE 2025 exam pattern and marking scheme to devise a strategy to cover the topics. 
                                                                                                  • Make a timetable as per your individual comfort-zone and strong and weak areas and inculcate the same in your study-routine. 
                                                                                                  • Do not go beyond the recommended readings and textbooks of Odisha CHSE 12th class, unless absolutely necessary for the better understanding of a concept. This will prevent the candidates from deviating from their routine.
                                                                                                  • As per the Odisha CHSE preparation tips suggested by toppers and experts, a candidate should complete the targetted syllabus of Odisha CHSE 12th exam at least two months before the commencement of the examination. This will give candidates time to attempt mock tests and revise whatever is studied by them previously.
                                                                                                  • Do as many mock tests and previous year question papers for preparation of Odisha CHSE 12th examination. It is a proven strategy for the preparation of an exam.

                                                                                                  Council of Higher Secondary Education released the Odisha CHSE result 2025 in the online mode for Arts, Commerce and Science stream. The board will announce CHSE Odisha Commerce, Arts and Science stream results 2025 in May 2025. To check the Odisha CHSE result 2025, candidates are required to enter their roll number and registration number. 

                                                                                                  The Odisha CHSE 2025 scorecard mentions the candidate's name, mother's and father's name, roll number, details of the subjects, marks obtained, grade, etc. A candidate obtaining a minimum of 30% in every subject and 33% in aggregate is declared to pass the exams of Odisha CHSE 2025.

                                                                                                  How to Check Odisha CHSE 2025 Result?

                                                                                                  • Go to the official website of Odisha result:
                                                                                                  • Click on the link that says 'CHSE 2025 result'.
                                                                                                  • Enter application number and registration number in the appropriate fields.
                                                                                                  • Click on submit button and Odisha CHSE 2025 result will open on the screen.
                                                                                                  • Take a screenshot or printout for future reference.

                                                                                                  General Information


                                                                                                  06712415460 , 06712415428

                                                                                                  Relevant Links

                                                                                                  Official Website Link Click Here

                                                                                                  Frequently Asked Questions

                                                                                                  1. How many students will appear for Odisha CHSE 2025 exams?

                                                                                                  More than 3 lakh students appear for Odisha plus two exams. 

                                                                                                  2. When will Odisha CHSE admit card be released?

                                                                                                  The admit cards for Odisha 12th exams 2025 will be provided a week before the commencement of practical exams.

                                                                                                  3. Who can apply for Odisha CHSE 2025 exams?

                                                                                                  Students who have passed class 11 exams and studying in 12th class could apply for Odisha CHSE exams.

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                                                                                                  Questions related to Odisha CHSE

                                                                                                  Have a question related to Odisha CHSE ?

                                                                                                  The Odisha board usually announces the Odisha CHSE result in the last week of May or the first week of June. It is advised, students must visit the Odisha board official website on a regular basis after the examination to stay updated with the upcoming events and their dates.

                                                                                                  The Council of Higher Secondary Education will announce the Odisha CHSE result in May 2025, tentative. Students can check the CHSE result by following the steps given below:

                                                                                                  • Go to the official website of Odisha result:

                                                                                                  • Click on the link that says 'CHSE 2025 result'.

                                                                                                  • Enter the application number and registration number in the appropriate fields.

                                                                                                  • Click on the submit button.

                                                                                                  • Odisha CHSE 2025 result will open on the screen.

                                                                                                  • Take a screenshot or printout for future reference.

                                                                                                  Changing from the CBSE board to the Odisha CHSE in Class 12 is generally difficult and often not ideal due to differences in syllabi and examination structures. Most boards, including Odisha CHSE , do not recommend switching in the final year of schooling. It is crucial to consult both CBSE and Odisha CHSE authorities for specific policies, but making such a change earlier is advisable to prevent academic complications.

                                                                                                  You most likely will still be considered for passing based on the information you provided.

                                                                                                  The CHSE Odisha board requires a minimum of 33% marks in each subject (including theory and practical) and an overall aggregate of 33% to pass class 12 exams.Since your failure is in the optional subject, and assuming all other subjects meet the minimum marks (33%), you should be okay.

                                                                                                  You need 33% marks in each subject (5 main subjects + 1 optional). If you have 33% or above in all your main subjects, even if you failed the optional subject, your overall aggregate should likely be above 33% (considering the marks of all 6 subjects).

                                                                                                  However , to be absolutely certain, it's best to confirm this directly with the CHSE Odisha board or the college you are applying to.


                                                                                                  I hope it helps!

                                                                                                  Hello Aspirant,

                                                                                                  Yes it is possible that examination of any particular subject of all the 3 streams can be conducted on the same day, this is because no candidate would be studying more than 1 stream at once so he/she can easily appear for subject of his/her stream.

                                                                                                  See Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), Odisha has not yet released the dates for class 12th examination neither that of practical nor of theory so at this point of time it is highly unpredictable when the exams will be conducted, another reason is that theory exams are expected to be commenced from March mid but till now no schedule has been released by Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), Odisha. Usually practical exams are conducted prior to the theory examinations but same reason applied for practicals as well, no schedule has been released yet.

                                                                                                  I hope this information helps you.

                                                                                                  Good Luck!!

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