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Odisha Board 10th Exams 2025 - Time Table, Exam Pattern, Question Papers, Syllabus, Result

Updated on 06th March, 2025 by Mangane Priyanka

About Odisha 10th Board 2025

Board of Secondary Education, Odisha conducts the Odisha Board 10th exams annually. Applications are processed through the respective schools affiliated with the board. The Odisha Board 10th exams 2025 are conducted for Maths, Science, Social Science, Oriya, Hindi, and English. Around 5 lakh students appear in the annual Odisha board 10th exams.

  • The Board of Secondary Education, Odisha conducted the BSE Odisha 10th exams from February 21 to March 6, 2025. 
  • The Odisha Board class 10th exam duration for each subject was 2.5 hours.
  • Odisha Class 10 results 2025 will be announced in May 2025. To check the result, students have to enter their roll number as given on their admit card.
  • The Board of Secondary Education, Odisha released the Odisha HSC admit card 2025 on February 10, 2025.
  • To appear for the Odisha 10th Board exams, candidates should attain requisite attendance in class 10 to appear for the exam.
  • It is advisable to complete the Odisha 10th Board syllabus 2025 as soon as possible so that they can dedicate maximum time to proper revision.
  • Students need to secure at least 33% marks to get passing grades in the exams.
  • After passing the Odisha 10th Board exams 2025, students will have to choose the respective streams for them such as Science, Arts, or Commerce.
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Odisha 10th Board 2025 Highlights

Full Exam Name
Odisha Board 10th Examination
Short Exam Name
Odisha 10th Board
Conducting Body
Board of Seconday Education, Odisha
Frequency Of Conduct
Once a year
Exam Level
Bengali +5 more
Mode Of Application
Mode Of Exam
Exam Duration
2 Hours 30 Minutes

Odisha 10th Board Important Dates

Odisha 10th Board Odisha Board 10th Examination (session 2025)

21 Feb' 2025 - 21 Feb' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
First Language (Bengali, Odia, Alt. English, Hindi, Urdu, Telugu)
24 Feb' 2025 - 24 Feb' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
Second Language and (English, Hindi)
25 Feb' 2025 - 25 Feb' 2025 . Offline
Exam Date
TLV Practical

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Board of Secondary Education, Odisha will release the Odisha 10th result 2025 in May 2025. Students who registered for the Odisha Board 10th exams 2025 can check their Odisha 10th result by entering their roll number. They can also check their results through SMS. To know the result via SMS, they can send a message OR10 (roll number) to 5676750. 

Follow the steps given below to download the Odisha Board 10th result 2025:

  • Visit the official website at
  • Click on the link that says ‘Annual HSC Examination Results 2025'.
  • After that, enter a student’s roll number or name.
  • Now, click on the ‘Find Results' button.
  • Odisha class 10 board exam result scorecard 2025 will be displayed on the screen.
  • Download the BSE Odisha result of the HSC examination and take a printout for future reference.
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Students can go through the eligibility criteria for Odisha Board 10th exams which are given below:

  • Regular candidates who have pursued classes 9 and 10 at school are recognized by the board.    
  • External students who duly enrolled for the correspondence course are managed by the board.
  • Students also have to clear their dues within the prescribed date to be eligible to appear for the Odisha board 10th exams 2025.

Students can apply for the Odisha Board 10th exams 2025 by submitting a prescribed application form to the secretary along with the requisite fee. The form is to be submitted before the last date specified by the examination committee. 

If the application form for the Odisha 10th Board 2025 is submitted after the specified deadline, it will be automatically rejected. Additionally, any incomplete or incorrectly filled application forms will also be rejected unless rectified within 10 days from the date of issuance.

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After completing 10th grade, students have a wide range of course options to choose from. This eBook provides comprehensive details about the various courses available after 10th.

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Documents Required at Exam Odisha 10th Board 2025

Odisha Board 10th Examination 2025

  • Odisha 10th Admit card
  • School ID
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Odisha Board 10th exams 2025 were conducted for 2.5 hours per subject. The list of subjects includes the first language (Oriya. Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Telugu, Alt. English), second language (English, Hindi, Punjabi), Third language (Hindi, Sanskrit, Odia, Punjabi), Mathematics, Science and Social science for which the exams are held. 

Candidates must go through the Odisha Board 10th exam pattern to know the marking scheme, number of questions, and types of questions asked in the exam. 

The exam pattern of the Odisha Board 10th exams is mentioned below.

  1. Objective paper

  • The paper will be of a total of 50 marks.

  • The question paper will be divided into 10 sections. Each section will carry 5 marks each. Each section will have 5 questions.

  • The following types of questions will be asked in the objective paper:

I. Fill in the blanks

II. One Word Answer.

III. One Sentence Answer.

IV. Column Matching.

V. True / False.

  1. Subjective paper

  • The total marks for this paper will be 50.

  • The exam duration will be 1.30 hours.

  • Questions asked will be either 2,3 or 5 marks.

Odisha Board 10th exams Marking Scheme:

6. Paper - VISCIENCE (GSC)75
8. Paper - VIIIENGLISH (ENG)75

Total Marks700
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Odisha 10th Board 2025 Syllabus

Odisha 10th Board Odisha Board 10th Examination Syllabus

Hindi: Unit 01


    Hindi: Unit 02


      Hindi: Unit 03


        Hindi: Unit 04


          Bengali: Unit 01


            Bengali: Unit 02


              Bengali: Unit 03


                Bengali: Unit 04


                  Urdu: Unit 01


                    Urdu: Unit 02


                      Urdu: Unit 03


                        Urdu: Unit 04


                          Telugu: Unit 01


                            Telugu: Unit 02


                              Telugu: Unit 03


                                Telugu: Unit 04


                                  English: Unit 01

                                  Main course book
                                  • Prose: (i) Space travel, (ii) Challenges to national integration

                                  English: Unit 02

                                  Literature reader
                                  • Prose: (i) The letter, (ii) Mrs. Packletide’s tiger
                                  • Poetry: (i) The frog and the nightingale, (ii) The rime of the ancient mariner
                                  • Non-detailed: (i) Julius Caesar

                                  English: Unit 03

                                  • Tense revisited, types of sentences, subject verb agreement, non-finite verb forms, prepositions, phrasal verbs, noun clauses and relative clauses, adverb clauses, the passive, direct and indirect speech

                                  Persian: Unit 01


                                    Persian: Unit 02


                                      Persian: Unit 03


                                        Environment and population education: Unit 01

                                        Environment education
                                        • Air pollution, water pollution, land degradation, waste pollution

                                        Environment and population education: Unit 02

                                        Population education
                                        • Reproductive, HIV/AIDS, gender equality and equity for empowerment of women, drug abuse

                                        Agriculture (solanaceous crop cultivator): Unit 01

                                        Irrigation management in vegetable crops
                                        • Irrigation and micro irrigation, quality of irrigation water, quantity of water required for the specific crop and its effect on its yield, frequency of irrigation required at various stages of plant growth, characteristics of good irrigation system
                                        • Different types of irrigation systems available, various types of micro irrigation equipments to be used, relative advantages and disadvantages of irrigation equipments, suitability of different method of irrigation
                                        • Advantages and disadvantage of different irrigation method, critical stages of irrigation in vegetable crops, selection of best time of the day to irrigate the crops

                                        Agriculture (solanaceous crop cultivator): Unit 02

                                        Weed control and management in vegetable crops
                                        • Define weeds, major weeds of vegetable crops, various types of weeds, types of weed and their efficient control method, advantages and disadvantages of weeding method, critical stages of weed control
                                        • Use of different methods of control weeds such as plastic mulch, procedure involved in soil solarization

                                        Agriculture (solanaceous crop cultivator): Unit 03

                                        Integrated pest and disease management in vegetable crops
                                        • Importance of safe production and safe produce, vegetable crops growing conditions (soil conditions, temperature etc), advantage of natural enemies, common disease of vegetable crops ANF control measures, describe pesticides and its uses
                                        • Use resistance varieties, various mechanical control-traps, sticky, plates, etc, advantages of biological control of insects, pest, and diseases, handling tools and equipments, national and international standards on pesticide residues

                                        Agriculture (solanaceous crop cultivator): Unit 04

                                        Harvest and post harvest management in solanaceous crops
                                        • Define harvesting indices, differentiate between maturity and ripening, differentiate between climacteric and nonclimacteric, types of maturity indices, harvesting the solanaceous crop at right stage, methods of harvesting
                                        • Tools and container used for harvesting, time of harvesting, precaution taken during harvesting, harvesting based on the demand of the type in the market, ideal time of harvest, proper harvesting methods
                                        • Grading crops based on its size, colour, and quality, packaging of crop with its appropriate material and method, ideal storage condition, market rate of the crop

                                        Agriculture (solanaceous crop cultivator): Unit 05

                                        Basic farm management
                                        • Define farm management, different space requirement at vegetable farm, various types of building at a vegetable farm, selection of vegetable crops for growing, crop rotation and intercropping, benefits of crop rotation in vegetable cultivation
                                        • Cost of production, how to calculate cost of production, what is farm record keeping and various methods of record keeping, basic counting principles, understand basic bookkeeping principles, describe the demand and supply of vegetables
                                        • Different of vegetable marketing system, how prices are fluctuate, describe the different means of transportation in marketing

                                        Apparel made ups and home furnishing (sewing machine Operator): Unit 01

                                        Application of seams
                                        • Apply various types of seams, explain garment construction terminologies

                                        Apparel made ups and home furnishing (sewing machine Operator): Unit 02

                                        Stitching of garment components
                                        • Identify different component of garment, stitch different components of garment, assemble different garment parts to make the final product, stitch different disposal techniques of fullness

                                        Apparel made ups and home furnishing (sewing machine Operator): Unit 03

                                        Use of fasteners in garments
                                        • Identify different types of fasteners, sew the fasteners

                                        Apparel made ups and home furnishing (sewing machine Operator): Unit 04

                                        Product quality in stitching operations
                                        • Identify different quality measurements, report any damage or fault in material or assembling

                                        Apparel made ups and home furnishing (sewing machine Operator): Unit 05

                                        Job card instructions
                                        • Explain terminologies on the job card or work ticket, identify garment components and understanding the stitch specification

                                        Automotive (auto service technician L3): Unit 01

                                        Automobile and its components
                                        • Chassis, body and use, engine and its components, lubrication system, cooling system, fuel supply system, transmission system, front axle, steering, rear axle, suspension system, wheels and tyres, brake

                                        Automotive (auto service technician L3): Unit 02

                                        Automobile service tools
                                        • Identify hand tools, measuring tools, electrical tools, special tools, service workshop equipment

                                        Automotive (auto service technician L3): Unit 03

                                        Vehicle servicing
                                        • Washing of a vehicle, changing of oil and oil filter, changing of air filter, changing of fuel filter, changing of coolant

                                        Automotive (auto service technician L3): Unit 04

                                        Customer sales care
                                        • Customer service

                                        Automotive (auto service technician L3): Unit 05

                                        Innovation and development
                                        • About innovation and development in auto

                                        Beauty and wellness (assistant beauty therapist): Unit 01

                                        Basic skin care services
                                        • Demonstrate the knowledge of anatomy and physiology of skin, demonstrate the knowledge of the actions of facial, neck, and shoulder muscles, perform basic skin care services

                                        Beauty and wellness (assistant beauty therapist): Unit 02

                                        Basic depilation services
                                        • Perform waxing, demonstrate the knowledge and skills of basic depilation services, perform bleaching procedure

                                        Beauty and wellness (assistant beauty therapist): Unit 03

                                        Makeup service
                                        • Plan for makeup, make preparations for makeup, perform simple make up services

                                        Beauty and wellness (assistant beauty therapist): Unit 04

                                        Creating positive impression at the workplace
                                        • Demonstrate the knowledge of creating positive impression at work place, demonstrate professional etiquettes and personal grooming

                                        Electronics and hardware (field technician and other home appliances): Unit 01

                                        Electrical components and motors
                                        • Relay, parts of relay, types of relay, circuit breaker, fuse-types, use of fuses and its rating
                                        • Electric field and magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, Fleming’s left hand rule and right hand rule, Lentz law, Lorentz law, winding, winding types-wave winding and lap winding
                                        • Introduction to motor, parts of motor, types of motor, working principle of motor, RPM of motor, functioning of motor

                                        Electronics and hardware (field technician and other home appliances): Unit 02

                                        Repair and maintenance of mixer/ juicer/ grinder
                                        • Different models of appliances (mixer/ juicer/ grinder), their features and functioning, functioning of various electromechanical parts of the mixer/grinder, frequently occurring faults such as abnormal noise during use, jars
                                        • Components/ modules of different mixer/ juicer/ grinder, other products of the company
                                        • Reassembly process of the mixer/ juicer/ grinder, factors confirming the proper functioning of the repaired/ replaced part or unit of the mixer/ juicer/ grinder, cleaning and maintenance process of mixer/ juicer/ grinder

                                        Electronics and hardware (field technician and other home appliances): Unit 03

                                        Repair and maintenance of microwave oven
                                        • Different models of microwave ovens, their features and functionalities, functioning of microwave oven and its various modules, functioning of various electromechanical parts of the microwave, troubleshooting knowledge with respect to microwaves
                                        • Frequently occurring faults such as intermittent heating, no heating, timing problem, display problem
                                        • Components/ modules of different microwaves, energy ratings, BEE rating and concepts of e-waste, other products of the company
                                        • Reassembly process of the microwave oven, factors confirming the proper functioning of the repaired/ replaced part or unit of the microwave oven, cleaning and maintenance process of microwave oven

                                        Electronics and hardware (field technician and other home appliances): Unit 04

                                        Maintain health and safety
                                        • Safety precautions to be taken while installation, repair, and maintenance of appliances, packaging waste disposal procedures, safety rules, policies, and procedures, hazards, their causes and prevention/ personal safety

                                        Employability skills (all job role): Unit 01

                                        Communication skills-I
                                        • Demonstrate knowledge of various methods of communication: Methods of communication-verbal, non-verbal, visual
                                        • Provide descriptive and specific feedback: (i) Communication cycle and importance of feedback, (ii) meaning and importance of feedback, (iii) descriptive feedback-written comments or conversations, (iv) specific and non-specific feedback
                                        • Apply measures to overcome barriers in communication: (i) Barriers to effective communication-types and factors, (ii) measures to overcome barriers in effective communication
                                        • Apply principles of communication: (i) Principles of effective communication, (ii) 7 Cs of effective communication
                                        • Demonstrate basic writing skills: Writing skills to the following-sentence, phrase, kinds of sentence, parts of sentence, parts of speech, articles, construction of a paragraph

                                        Employability skills (all job role): Unit 02

                                        Self-management skills-II
                                        • Apply stress management techniques: (i) Meaning and importance of stress management, (ii) stress management techniques-physical exercise, yoga, meditation, (iii) enjoying, going to vacations and holidays with family and friends, (iv) taking nature walks
                                        • Demonstrate the ability to work independently: (i) Importance of the ability to work independently, (ii) describe the types of self-awareness, (iii) describe the meaning of self-motivation and self-regulation

                                        Employability skills (all job role): Unit 03

                                        Information and communication technology skills-II
                                        • Distinguish between different operating systems: (i) Classes of operating systems, (ii) menu, icons, and task bar on the desktop, file concept, file operations, (iii) file organization, directory structures, and file-system structures
                                        • Distinguish between different operating systems: (iv) Creating and managing files and folders
                                        • Apply basic skills for care and maintenance of computer: Importance and need of care and maintenance of computer-cleaning computer components, preparing maintenance schedule, protecting computer against viruses
                                        • Apply basic skills for care and maintenance of computer: Importance and need of care and maintenance of computer-scanning and cleaning viruses and removing spam files, temporary files and folders

                                        Employability skills (all job role): Unit 04

                                        Entrepreneurial skills-II
                                        • List the characteristics of successful entrepreneur: (i) Entrepreneurship and society, (ii) qualities and functions of an entrepreneur, (iii) role and importance of an entrepreneur, (iv) myth about entrepreneurship, (v) entrepreneurship as a career option

                                        Employability skills (all job role): Unit 05

                                        Green skills-II
                                        • Demonstrate the knowledge of importance, problems and solutions related to sustainable development: (i) Definition of sustainable development, (ii) importance of sustainable development, (iii) problems related to sustainable development

                                        IT and IteS (domestic data entry operator): Unit 01

                                        Word processing (advanced)
                                        • Apply styles in the document: Style categories in writer. Styles and formatting window. Fill format. Creating and updating new style from selection, load style from template or another document. Creating a new style using drag-and-drop. Applying styles
                                        • Insert and use images in document: Options to insert image to document from various sources. Options to modify, resize, crop, and delete an image. Drawing objects and its properties. Creating drawing objects and changing its properties
                                        • Insert and use images in document: Resizing and grouping drawing objects. Positioning the image in the text
                                        • Create and use template: Template in writer. Using predefined templates. Creating a templates. Set up a custom default template. Updating a document. Changing to a different template. Using the template
                                        • Create table of content: Table of contents. Hierarchy of headings. Customization of table of contents. Character styles. Maintaining a table of contents

                                        IT and IteS (domestic data entry operator): Unit 02

                                        Spreadsheet applications (advanced)
                                        • Analyse data using scenarios and goal seek: Using consolidating data. Creating subtotals. Using “what if” scenarios. Using “what if” tools, using goal seek and solver
                                        • Link spreadsheet data: Setting up multiple sheets. Creating reference to other sheets by using keyboard and mouse. Creating reference to other document by using keyboard and mouse. Relative and absolute hyperlinks, hyperlinks to the sheet
                                        • Link spreadsheet data: Linking to external data. Linking to registered data sources
                                        • Share and review a spreadsheet: Setting up a spreadsheet for sharing. Opening and saving a shared spreadsheet. Recording changes. Add, edit, and format the comments. Reviewing changes-view, accept, or reject changes. Merging and comparing
                                        • Use macros in spreadsheet: Using the macro recorder. Creating a simple macro. Using a macro as a function. Passing arguments to a macro. Passing the arguments are as values. Macros to work like built-in functions. Accessing cells directly
                                        • Use Macros in spreadsheet: Sorting the columns using macro

                                        IT and IteS (domestic data entry operator): Unit 03

                                        Database applications
                                        • Introduce with libreoffice base: What is base, libreoffice base for database management, types of database-flat and relational database, planning for database creation, sections of main database window: database, tasks, and list
                                        • Introduce with libreoffice base: Options to create a new database using the database wizard, options to open an existing database using the database wizard
                                        • Create a table using table wizard: Database objects-tables, queries, forms, and reports of the database, terms in database-table, field, record, steps to create a table using table wizard, major steps-select fields, set types and formats, set primary key
                                        • Create a table using table wizard: Major steps-create table, field information-type, entry required (Y/N), length, various data types in database, primary key and option to set primary key, table data view dialog box
                                        • Enter or remove data using the table data view dialog: Process to open table data view dialog box, process to enter data into an empty table and empty cell, steps to modify data in a cell of a table, steps to delete data from a table
                                        • Create a simple form using the form wizard: Two ways to open the wizard for creating a form, steps to create form using form wizard-select the fields from table to form, set up subform, add subform fields and get joined fields
                                        • Create a simple form using the form wizard: Arrange the controls of the form, select the data entry mode, apply the style of form, set the name of the form, options to enter or remove data from forms
                                        • Create a simple form using the form wizard: Options to enter or remove data from individual controls, form navigation toolbar, options to delete records in a form
                                        • Query the database using the query wizard: What is query in database, planning a query based on the desired output, steps to create a query using form wizard, concept of sorting and sort order, searching and search conditions
                                        • Query the database using the query wizard: Grouped by and grouping conditions, aliases, examples of queries
                                        • Create reports using the wizard: Concept and purpose of report in database, steps to create a report using report wizard, examples of reports

                                        Multi skilling (multi skill assistant technician): Unit 01

                                        Workshop and engineering techniques
                                        • Basic techniques in building construction: Introduction of engineering drawing instruments, engineering drawing (orthographic and isometric projection), safety precautions in engineering workshop, types of GI pipe fittings
                                        • Basic techniques in building construction: Ferro cement sheet, costing of construction, plastering and painting

                                        Multi skilling (multi skill assistant technician): Unit 02

                                        Energy and environment
                                        • Introduction to electrical techniques and practices
                                        • Introduction to energy conservation: Solar energy, demonstrate the functioning and operation of a petrol or diesel engine
                                        • Introduction to waste disposal and recycling: Biogas concept and use, water conservation concept, rainfall measurement method

                                        Multi skilling (multi skill assistant technician): Unit 03

                                        Gardening, nursery, and agricultural techniques
                                        • Introduction to nursery technique: Nursery technique, irrigation and water conservation methods, interpreting result of soil testing
                                        • Introduction to dairy technology: Artificial insemination, prepare fodder for animals

                                        Multi skilling (multi skill assistant technician): Unit 04

                                        Personal health and hygiene
                                        • Introduction to health wellness: Balanced diet, personal health and hygiene and community health and mental health, communicable and non-communicable diseases, vaccination, dehydration and emergency first aid
                                        • Introduction to health wellness: Blood and blood group-basic information and blood pressure and measuring hemoglobin
                                        • Community health and environment care: Awareness programs for people with special needs and family health and health planning
                                        • Community health and environment care: Food products (handling of food products, perishable and non-perishable food, packed and loose food and fresh and stale food product)

                                        Plumbing (plumber-general): Unit 01

                                        Pipes-cutting, threading, joining, and testing of pipelines
                                        • Introduction and cutting, threading of pipe, joining of PVC pipe, methods of testing of pipeline

                                        Plumbing (plumber-general): Unit 02

                                        Plumbing and sanitary fixtures
                                        • Identify plumbing and sanitary fixtures, identify type and components of plumbing and sanitary fixtures, use and handle different plumbing, handle the tools used for accessories and its type used for plumbing and sanitary fixtures

                                        Plumbing (plumber-general): Unit 03

                                        Basic building construction
                                        • Identify different components of a building structure, do the cutting and opening in building structure for fixing plumbing fixtures etc

                                        Plumbing (plumber-general): Unit 04

                                        Repairing of basic plumbing system
                                        • Reading of complaint register

                                        Retail (store operations assistant): Unit 01

                                        Delivery of goods
                                        • Describe various delivery procedures for delivery of items: Various delivery procedures for delivery of items
                                        • State delivery process of departmental store/malls: Methods for packing, bagging and arranging for delivery in departmental stores and malls
                                        • List various modes of transportation: (i) Common modes of retail transportation, (ii) factors affecting modes of transportation
                                        • Identify objectives of loading and unloading: (i) Objectives of loading and unloading
                                        • Analyze the problems associated with retail transport: (i) Types of problems faced during transportation in retail. (ii) Solutions to overcome problems in retail transportation
                                        • Follow the delivery procedures to customer addresses: (i) Process of home delivery. (ii) Rejection of products. (iii) Documents required while delivery the products

                                        Retail (store operations assistant): Unit 02

                                        Retail store operations
                                        • Describe the retail store operations: (i) Fundamentals of retail operations
                                        • List the types of retail outlets: (i) Various types of retail outlets-(a) store based retailing, (b) chain retailers, (c) leased departmental stores, (d) non-store based retailing
                                        • Choose the ways to categorize retail: (i) Retailers based on six factors-(a) target market served, (b) product offerings, (c) pricing structure, (d) promotional emphasis, (e) distribution methods, (f) service level
                                        • Approach to the customer in a better way: (i) Types of approaches, (ii) common mistakes in approaching the customer
                                        • Close the sale and make payments as per age group of customers: (i) Closing procedures for different age group customers, (ii) billing systems as per age
                                        • Identify the duties and responsibilities of store operations assistant: (i) Meaning of store operations assistant, (ii) duties and responsibilities of store operation assistant

                                        Retail (store operations assistant): Unit 03

                                        Health and safety practices
                                        • Describe the importance of maintaining hygienic conditions in retail store: (i) Maintaining hygiene in retail store, (ii) materials used for maintaining hygiene in retail store
                                        • List the potential hazards and safe practices to be adopted at retail store: (i) Potential hazards in store
                                        • Extinguish the small fires with suitable equipment: (i) Fire symbols used for safety purpose, (ii) process of extinguish the fire
                                        • Practice safety measures and tips to control injuries, violence, harassment, shoplifting and robbery: (i) Common health and safety concerns in retail store, (ii) violence, shoplifting and robbery at workplace and measures to prevent them
                                        • Describe process of handling money equipment, machines, irate customers and shrinkage: (i) Ways to handling of money, (ii) manage and deal irate customers and shrinkage
                                        • Describe the precautions followed while travelling and using tools and equipment: (i) Precautions to be taken while travelling to and from workplace

                                        Retail (store operations assistant): Unit 04

                                        Work in team and organization
                                        • Support the team work: (i) Meaning and importance of team work, (ii) value system of the organization, (iii) job prospects in retail cashier and retail sector remuneration
                                        • Describe the employees rights and responsibilities: (i) Rights of employees, (ii) responsibilities of employees
                                        • Choose team aims and targets: (i) Concept of work in a team, (ii) importance of teams to achieve targets in retailing, (iii) sources of setting goals, (iv) maintain team morale
                                        • Develop effective work habits: (i) Skills required for achieving goals, (ii) goals for checking progress, asking feedback, responding positively and adjusting plans

                                        Tourism and hospitality (food and beverage service trainee): Unit 01

                                        Customer-centric service
                                        • Customer centricity: Hospitality, goal of hospitality, what hospitality offers, customer-centricity of hospitality business
                                        • Importance of service as a tool of customer satisfaction: Definition of service, need of services, define requirement, need and demand, service as a product of sale, measurement of service-satisfaction, affordability of cost
                                        • Classification of customer: Definition, classification of customer, market choices and preferences, factors affecting customer choices and preferences in general
                                        • Importance of customer centric business facilitation: Aim, policy and strategy, customer-centric market survey/ customer survey, selection of clientele/ service, product/ service design, HR policy-recruitment and induction, training and development
                                        • Importance of customer centric business facilitation: Feedback mechanism, customer relation management, maintaining customer profile, treating the loyal customers, customer sensitization and generating awareness, reaching the customer
                                        • Importance of customer centric business facilitation: Working on feedback, rectification in product/ or service as per feedback, solving the customer problems and handling the complaints
                                        • The tools to get feedback from customer: Personal relations, feedback forms, interviews, questionnaires, studying and maintaining the data of customer choices and preferences, telephonic contacts, electronic media, internet social networking
                                        • Importance of planning the customer centric work system: Customer is god, briefing the staff before service, periodic staff meetings, standard operating procedures, deployment of responsible staff, reporting hierarchy

                                        Tourism and hospitality (food and beverage service trainee): Unit 02

                                        Etiquette and hospitable conduct
                                        • Meaning, components, and goal of hospitality: Definition of-(i) need of hospitable conduct, (ii) meaning of hospitable conduct, (iii) components of hospitality, (iv) goal of hospitality, (v) define customer
                                        • Meaning, components, and goal of hospitality: Definition of-(vi) customer centricity in service, (vii) role of food and beverage service in a hospitable conduct
                                        • The etiquettes and manners: (i) Define etiquettes and manners, (ii) need and necessity of etiquettes and manners in a hospitality establishment, (iii) telephone etiquettes, language, positive body language and good hospitable dressing and uniform sense
                                        • Hospitable conduct while dealing with the guest: (i) Dealing with the guest, (ii) do’s and don'ts while dealing with the guest, (iii) measuring customer satisfaction, (iv) contribution to the brand value
                                        • Office manners: (i) Importance of formalities, (ii) communicating with coworkers, (iii) inter departmental coordination, (iv) reading and writing skills,(v) customer feedback, (vi) log book, (vii) job cards
                                        • Smooth and professional conduct with proper documentation and knowledge about customer profile: (i) Company policy, (ii) HR policy, (iii) sales policy, (iv) reporting structure, (v) documentation, (vi) customer profile
                                        • Customer complaints and take feedback: (i) Working with SOP’s, (ii) dealing with customer complaints, (iii) feedback mechanism, (iv) handling productivity targets
                                        • Briefing and other training programs: (i) Departmental orientation program, (ii) briefing, (iii) staff training

                                        Tourism and hospitality (food and beverage service trainee): Unit 03

                                        Gender and age sensitive services
                                        • Facilities and services available for females at workplace: (i) Women’s rights and respect at workplace, (ii) company’s policies to prevent sexual harassment
                                        • Facilities and services available for females at workplace: (iii) Facilities available at work for female colleagues such as transport, night drop, night shifts, reporting abuse, maternity leaves and other grievances
                                        • Facilities and services available for females at workplace: (iv) Facilities related to female traveller safety and security, (v) procedure for handling guest during terrorist attack
                                        • Different age and gender specific customer services: (i) Quality of service and facilities for each age and gender, (ii) customer-unique need and wants, (iii) recreational facilities for children tourist
                                        • Different age and gender specific customer services: (iv) Educating parents and attendants of senior citizens for procedure for handling emergency situations, (v) importance and need of medical facility and doctor
                                        • Importance and follow standard etiquette with women at workplace: (i) Equality of work for women at workplace, (ii) motivating women at workplace to utilize their skills such as involvement in decision making process
                                        • Importance and follow standard etiquette with women at workplace: (iii) Avoid specific discrimination and give women their due respect, (iv) behavioural etiquettes while dealing with female colleagues and guests

                                        Tourism and hospitality (food and beverage service trainee): Unit 04

                                        Health and hygiene
                                        • Cleanliness around workplace: (i) Regular cleaning of work area, (ii) handling waste bin/ trash can, (iii) handling pest control activities at workplace, (iv) maintenance of cleanliness and records, (v) proper ventilation of area
                                        • Cleanliness around workplace: (vi) Regular maintenance of air conditioner and other mechanical system, (vii) importance of lightning in an area
                                        • Cleanliness around workplace: (viii) Cleaning of food storage, preparation display and serving area example restaurant, coffee shop and specialty restaurant, crockery, cutlery, and glassware cleaning procedure
                                        • Cleanliness around workplace: (ix) Importance of food sanitation and cross contamination of food and precaution during the food production and food service
                                        • Indenting and handling various Food and beverage areas checklist: (i) Importance of indenting in food and beverage areas
                                        • Indenting and handling various Food and beverage areas checklist: (ii) Checklist of handling various food and beverage areas: Restaurant, coffee shop, banquet area, food and beverage, storage, and pantry area
                                        • Gain insights into personal hygiene practice: (i) Regular hand washing procedure, (ii) maintain personal hygiene, grooming, dental care, (iii) learn about the prevention of cross contamination at work place
                                        • Various food standards: (i) Role of HACCP and FSSAI in food production and service, (ii) importance of ISO 2200, (iii) knowledge about the PPE and its applicability in food production operations

                                        Tourism and hospitality (food and beverage service trainee): Unit 05

                                        Safety at workplace
                                        • Precautions to avoid F and B department hazards: (i) Assessing F and B workplace hazards, (ii) minimization of food service place hazards, (iii) important work hazards and their preventive measures, (iv) hazard analysis, safety work procedures
                                        • Standard safety procedure near service area: (i) Hotel evacuation procedures for fire, bomb threats, and mass destruction, (ii) knowledge of storage area: Storage area inspection checklist, handling, storage, and stacking of F and B service material
                                        • Standard safety procedure near service area: (ii) knowledge of storage area-safe lifting techniques in banquets, storage of acids and chemicals, labeling and warning sign used for chemical storage
                                        • Standard safety procedure near service area: (iii) safety techniques for handling, lifting and moving furniture and fixtures in restaurants and in food service area, (iv) standard safety procedure for handling electrical tools
                                        • Standard safety procedure near service area: (v) Standard safety procedure for handling floors, (vi) standard safety procedure for handling sharp tools
                                        • Use first aid and personal protective equipments while doing hazardous work: (i) First aid kits in the workplace, (ii) documentation of first aid treatments, (iii) handling of personal protective equipments
                                        • Use first aid and personal protective equipments while doing hazardous work: (iv) Safety use of PPE for specific task on service area and display safety signs where necessary
                                        • Achieve safety standards: (i) Safety measures undertaken while inspection, (ii) list the safety procedure/safety standards, (iii) ensuring zero accident at food and beverage service area

                                        Tourism and hospitality (food and beverage service trainee): Unit 06

                                        Learn a foreign or local language(s) including English
                                        • Use language in effective communication: (i) Role of English in hospitality industry, (ii) role of foreign language in hospitality industry, (iii) development of short communication sentences, (iv) communication with colleagues
                                        • Use language in effective communication: (v) Listening and understanding the foreign language words
                                        • Clear and concise communication: (i) Speaking without hesitation and fear of being incorrect, (ii) sharing and solving of complaints, (iii) vocabulary and expressions, (iv) language proficiency to ‘working knowledge’ level
                                        • Pick a place that is noise-free to study. Everybody has their own comfort zone, so find a study space and suitable time that work for you.    
                                        • Study every day as it will prevent you from last-minute cramming.  
                                        • Revise each subject once a week you have studied. Doing this weekly will help you understand the concepts and let you retain them for a long time.    
                                        •  If you are stuck with some questions, do not hesitate to ask your senior or teachers. You can also seek help from your classmates or parents.    

                                        The Board of Secondary Education, Odisha released the Odisha HSC admit card 2025 on February 10, 2025. Schools will be able to download their Odisha Board 10th admit card 2025 on the official website. They need to enter their school code and password to download the Odisha Board 10th admit card. 

                                        Students must keep the admit card till the announcement of the result. It must be noted that the admit card is an important document to carry in the Odisha Board 10th exams. Candidates are not allowed to write the exam without an admit card. The admit card will include the essential details, such as the candidate’s name, roll number, and registration number.

                                        Shortly after the BSE Odisha Board 10th exam, various coaching institutions published the subject-wise answer keys. We have provided these subject-specific BSE Odisha answer keys from various sources to aid students. Each subject in the exam carries a total of 100 marks, divided equally between the objective and subjective sections (50 marks each).

                                        General Information


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                                        Frequently Asked Questions

                                        1. When will the Odisha 10th Class exams be held?

                                        The BSE Odisha conducted the Class 10 exams from February 21 to March 6, 2025. 

                                        2. When will the board release the Odisha Madhyama admit card 2025?

                                        The BSE board released the Odisha 10th admit card on February 10, 2025.

                                        3. Where can I get my Odisha 10th admit card 2025?

                                        Students could collect their admit cards 2025 from their respective school authority.

                                        4. How many students will appear for Odisha 10th exams 2025?

                                        More than 5 lakh students appear for Odisha HSC 2025 exams.

                                        5. What are the timings for Odisha HSC exams 2025?

                                        Odisha 10th exams 2025 were held in a single shift, from 10 am to 12:30 pm.

                                        6. What is the meaning of HSC in Odisha?

                                        HSC refers to High School Certificate examinations. These are the 10th level examinations of Odisha board. 

                                        Questions related to Odisha 10th Board

                                        Have a question related to Odisha 10th Board ?

                                        Students appearing for Odisha 10th exams will have to study subjects like Odia, English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science. Students may have the option to choose elective subjects based on their stream or interests. Practical exams are also conducted for subjects like Science and Computer Applications. To check the latest BSE Odisha syllabus 2025 for various subjects, click on the link provided.

                                        Yes, there are options in the objective questions.

                                        Please visit and go to the student section to download model test papers.

                                        Sample papers issued by the board provide you with a basic structure of the question paper you would receive and it is highly recommended to solve these before your actual examination.

                                        All the best!

                                        Pooja 16 February 2020
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