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900 in Words

900 in Words

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 10, 2023 04:10 PM IST

How to write 900 in words?

900 in words is nine hundred. Numbers are very significant in day-to-day life. Number standing alone does not give much information. But when it is combined with different units it helps us to count a wide range of physical quantities. The number 900 with the unit 'cm' gives us the term 900 cm which helps to count length. The digits in the number have a significant place whose magnitude increases from left to right. Using this rule we can convert the numbers into words. The conversion of the number comes under the domain of the decimal system.

What is the decimal system?

The number system with a base of 10 is called the decimal number system. It means any number can be written in terms of the power of 10. The lowest significant number of the decimal system is unit place. From the unit place, the significance of the digits increases by a power of 10.

Understanding the significance of each place

The places of the digits and their significance is given in the following table.













There are three digits in the given number

'0' is at the unit place

'0' is at the tens place

'9' is at hundreds of place

Hence, the number becomes 900.

Properties of the number 900

  1. 900 is an even number as on division by 2 it gives 0 remainders.

  2. 900 is not a prime number. We can find the factors of 900 except 1 and 900. So, 900 is not a prime number.

  3. 900 can be used to count the quantities which makes it a cardinal number.

  4. 900 can be used to denote 900th place which makes 900 an ordinal number.

Factors of 900

To find the factors of any number we start to divide the number by the smallest prime number i.e. 2. We continue the division till we get all prime factors.

900 = 2 × 450

= 2 × 2 × 225

= 2 × 2 × 3 × 75 …( The next prime number that divides the number is 3)

= 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 25

= 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 × 5 …( The next prime number that divides the number is 5)

900 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 5 × 5

Use of 900 with different units

  • Length:

When we add units like 'm' and 'cm' to the number it helps us to count the length. 900 m means the length is 900 m

We can convert 900 m into centimeters just by multiplying it by 100. So, 900 m = 90000 cm

  • Volume

When we had units like liters with the number 900, we can use it to measure the volume of any quantity.

For example 900 liters of water.

  • Rupees

We use numbers to give value to the money.

900 with rupees denotes 900 rupees.

  • Time

We can use the number with the unit of time to measure the time.

For example 900 seconds.

You can find out the detailed other number in words article list below:-

60 in Words70 in Words10500 in Words1100 in Words
25 in Words27000 in Words31000 in Words34000 in Words
400000 in Words7500 in Words800 in Words15500 in Words
19500 in Words250000 in Words43000 in Words
44 in Words45 in Words47000 in Words63000 in Words
6500 in Words9500 in Words99 in Words10000000 in Words
1400 in Words140000 in Words200 in Words21 in Words
4 in Words41 in Words52000 in Words110000 in Words
125000 in Words130000 in Words2 in Words23 in Words
24 in Words33 in Words35 in Words450000 in Words
48 in Words51000 in Words54000 in Words58000 in Words
5900 in Words
7 in Words700 in Words95 in Words
96000 in Words12600 in Words1900 in Words20500 in Words
2400 in Words26 in Words2800 in Words31 in Words
42 in Words47 in Words56000 in Words600000 in Words
66000 in Words68000 in Words84000 in Words88000 in Words
98 in Words99999 in Words11200 in Words1200000 in Words
21500 in Words27 in Words29 in Words32 in Words
32500 in Words3300 in Words350 in Words3540 in Words
3600 in Words37500 in Words43 in Words46 in Words
61000 in Words67000 in Words76000 in Words800000 in Words
9 in Words99000 in Words96 in Words10 in Words
1050 in Words1111 in Words120 in Words1250 in Words
13200 in Words180000 in Words2000000 in Words2300 in Words
24500 in Words25500 in Words27500 in Words29500 in Words
26500 in Words31500 in Words37 in Words38500 in Words
450 in Words5000000 in Words700000 in Words72 in Words
77000 in Words81000 in Words85 in Words86000 in Words
88 in Words92000 in Words93000 in Words94 in Words
11100 in Words11300 in Words12200 in Words123 in Words
13600 in Words13900 in Words15400 in Words175000 in Words
1770 in Words23600 in Words29500 in Words30500 in Words
33500 in Words3700 in Words3800 in Words4200 in Words
42500 in Words69000 in Words7080 in Words79000 in Words
82000 in Words900000 in Words97000 in Words100000000 in Words
1000000000 in Words3100 in Words4700 in Words4900 in Words
10700 in Words1 to 20 in Words

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is 900 a perfect square?

A perfect square of any number means when we take the square root of the number we get a whole number. 

When we take the square root of 900 we get 30. It means 900 is the perfect square.

2. Is 900 a perfect cube?

A number that gives a whole number on taking the cube root means a perfect cube. 

900 on taking cube root gives 9.64. Hence, it is not  a perfect cube.

3. What is the number we can add to get 900?

We can use different combinations of numbers to get a total of 900.

For example 450 + 450 = 900

4. What is the closest cube to 900?

The closest cube to 900 is 1000. It is a cube of 10.

5. Is 900 divisible by 45?

Yes, 900 is divisible by 45. On division, it gives a quotient of 20.

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