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29000 in Words

29000 in Words

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 13, 2023 11:38 AM IST

‘Twenty-nine Thousand' is the way to write 29000 in English.” 29000 is a natural number. In mathematics, natural numbers start from 1 and end at infinity. It is a 5-digit number in which every digit has a place value (position of the digit in a number).

1. How to write 29,000 in words?

We can write 29,000 on the place value chart as the following:

Digits place

Ten thousand











By observing the table, there are 2 in ten thousand’s place, 9 in thousand’s place, 0 in the hundreds place, 0 in ten’s place, and 0 in one’s/unit’s place.

Now by reading it from right to left according to its place values, it can be read as “TWENTY NINE THOUSAND”.

Then the number 29000 can be written as Twenty Nine Thousand in words.1673588981094

We can write the number 29,000 in expanded form as follows:


&2 \times \text { Ten thousand }+9\times \text { Thousand }+0 \times \text { Hundred }+0

\times \text { Ten }+0 \times \text { One } \

&=2 \times 10000+ 9\times 1000+0 \times 100+0 \times 10+0 \times 1 \

&=29000 \

&=\text { Twenty nine thousand }


Important definitions

  1. Odd numbers: odd numbers are those numbers which are not the multiples of 2.

This Story also Contains
  1. 1. How to write 29,000 in words?
  2. Important definitions
  3. About 29,000
  4. 4. Important points
  5. 5. Examples
29000 in Words
29000 in Words

Example: 1,3,5,7,9…

  1. Even numbers: even numbers are those numbers which are the multiples of 2.

Background wave

Example : 0, 2, 4, 6, 8…

  1. Prime numbers: Prime numbers are a number that is divisible only by themselves and 1.

Example: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11…

  1. Composite number: All the natural numbers which are not prime numbers are called composite numbers. It has more than 2 factors. This means not only for 1 and itself but also divisible by other numbers.

Example: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12,...

About 29,000

  • 29,000 is an even number.

  • 29,000 is a composite number.

  • 29,000 is not a perfect square number.

  • 29,000 is not a perfect cube number.

  • 29,000 is not a prime number.

4. Important points

  • 29,000 is a Natural number which comes after 28,999 and is preceded by 29,001.

  • It is divisible by 1, 2, 4, 5,...


5. Examples

Example 1: Find the value of 19000 + 10000. And write in words.

Solution: Given 19000 + 10000,

19000 + 1000 = 29000, the value is 29000.

∴ 29000 in words is twenty-nine thousand.

Example 2: Find the value of 29000 - 10050. And write in words.

Solution: Given 29000 - 10050

29000 - 10050 = 18950, the value is 18950.

∴ 18950 in words is Eighteen thousand nine hundred and fifty.

Example 3: Write the numerical value of twenty thousand by adding nine thousand.

Solution: Given Twenty thousand + nine thousand

20000 + 9000, the value is 29000.

∴ 29000 in words is twenty-nine thousand.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is 29000 a perfect cube?

If the number can be expressed by multiplying thrice by any other integer, it is known as a perfect cube number. 

8 is a perfect cube number, as it can be expressed by multiplying 2 thrice. 

8 = 2\times2\times2

No, 29000 is not a perfect cube. 

2. What is the place value of 9 in 29,000?

 In the place value chart, 9 is placed in the thousand’s place.

3. Is 29,000 a perfect square?

Any number that can be expressed as the multiplication of any other integer is known as a perfect square number. 

25 is a perfect square number, as it can be expressed by multiplying 5 twice

25 = 5\times5

No, 29000 is not a perfect square.

4. What is the value presented in the unit's place of 29,000?

The value presented in units place is 0.

5. How to write 29,000 in words?

With the help of a place value chart, we can write 29,000 as “Twenty-nine thousand” in words.

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