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Best Farewell Speech for School Students: Short and Long Speech

Best Farewell Speech for School Students: Short and Long Speech

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 30, 2025 05:18 PM IST

A farewell is a greeting given to someone who is departing from a place of business, dwelling, or another gathering. Especially at schools, a farewell is given to seniors by junior students. Farewell is an important event for school students passing out in that particular year. To say the best of luck to seniors, a farewell is organised by junior students. It aids in sending the word that individuals they are leaving behind will miss them. No matter how big or little the arrangement, a well-written and delivered farewell speech will linger on in people's memory for the rest of the time. Below are some farewell speeches for school students in 10 lines, short and long form.

This Story also Contains
  1. 10 Lines on Farewell Speech
  2. Short Speech On Farewell (2-Minute Speech)
  3. Long Speech on Farewell
Best Farewell Speech for School Students: Short and Long Speech
Best Farewell Speech for School Students: Short and Long Speech

10 Lines on Farewell Speech

  1. Today is a bittersweet day as we bid farewell to our senior classmates.

  2. It's been an honour to have shared the past few years with each and every one of you and to have grown alongside you.

  3. As you embark on the next phase of your journey, I want you to remember all the memories we have made and all the lessons we have learned together.

  4. The skills and knowledge you have gained at Julien Day will stay with you forever and prepare you for the challenges ahead.

  5. Never forget the laughter, the tears, and the endless support we have given each other. Your hard work and determination are an inspiration to us all, and we will miss your presence in our hallways.

  6. But just because you are leaving, it doesn't mean that we won't be able to stay connected.

  7. Stay in touch and keep us updated on all the amazing things you will achieve in the future.

  8. So Class 10, on behalf of Class 9, I want to say thank you for being such great friends and for leaving a lasting impact on our lives.

  9. Wishing you all the best in everything you do.

  10. Farewell and good luck!

Short Speech On Farewell (2-Minute Speech)

Good morning teachers, classmates and most importantly, our dear class 10 students. Today, we gather here to bid farewell to our seniors, who have been an integral part of our Aditya Academy family.

As class 9 students, we have had the privilege of being in the same school as our seniors for the past few years. We have seen them grow and mature into responsible and confident young adults. They have inspired us in so many ways, and we are grateful for their presence in our lives.

Their hard work and dedication to their studies have been an example to all of us, and we are proud of the achievements they have made. We will always remember the memories we have shared together, the laughter, the fun, and the bond we have formed.

Class 10 students, as you move on to the next phase of your journey, we wish you all the best in your future endeavours. You will always be a part of the Aditya Academy family, and we hope you will continue to make us proud.

We will miss you, but we know that you will go on to do great things. You will leave behind a lasting impact on our school, and we are grateful for the time we have spent with you.

So, on behalf of the entire class 9, I would like to say farewell and good luck to our dear class 10 students. We hope that you will keep in touch and visit us in the future.

Long Speech on Farewell

Good morning everyone. Today, I stand before you with a heavy heart, as we bid farewell to our seniors, the class 10 students of Hindustan Academy.

It's been an honour to share the same roof and classrooms with you all, as we embark on our academic journey together. Over the years, we have all grown, matured, and developed into young adults who are ready to take on the world.

As we look back on our time together, we can't help but be grateful for the opportunities that this school has provided us. We've had the chance to learn from some of the most talented and knowledgeable teachers, engage in various extracurricular activities, and form friendships that will last a lifetime.

For our class 10 students, this marks the end of a chapter in their lives and the beginning of a new and exciting journey. You have all worked so hard to reach this point and it is clear that Hindustan Academy has prepared you well for what lies ahead.

Whether you're planning on furthering your education or entering the workforce, I have no doubt that you will be successful in all your endeavors. The foundation that you've built here will serve you well in the future, as you continue to grow and make a positive impact on the world.

I especially admire the way you have taken on leadership roles in our school community. Whether it was through student government, sports teams, or community service projects, you have always shown a dedication to making Hindustan Academy a better place for everyone.

But as much as I will miss seeing you around the halls, I know that your departure is a necessary step in your personal and professional development. You will go on to achieve great things and make a difference in the lives of those around you.

So, on behalf of the entire school community, I want to extend our sincerest gratitude and well wishes to our class 10 students. Your contributions to Hindustan Academy will not be forgotten, and we look forward to following your continued success in the years to come.

Thank you for the memories, the laughter, and the friendship. We will miss you, but we know that you are destined for greatness. So go forth and conquer the world, and always remember the lessons and values that you have learned here at Hindustan Academy.

In conclusion, I would like to quote one of my favourite authors, J.K. Rowling, who said, "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." As our class 10 students take the next step in their lives, I encourage them to always remember the dream that brought them to Hindustan Academy and to continue to strive towards it, while also cherishing the experiences and memories that they have gained along the way.

Thank you again, class 10 students, for being such an inspiration to us all. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Farewell and good luck!

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