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Thank You Speech For Teachers - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Thank You Speech For Teachers - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Sep 04, 2023 07:46 PM IST

Thank You Speech For Teachers - On behalf of the entire school's students, I would like to thank all the teachers for shaping us into the students we are today. Before I say anything, I would like to appreciate what I should have paid more attention to, your hard work and effort in saving me in teaching me the lesson I needed. Thank you for taking the time to teach me.

Thank You Speech For Teachers - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech
Thank You Speech For Teachers - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

10 Line Thank You Speech For Teachers

  1. Teachers are like our parents. They guide us when we are lost.

  2. Teachers have always cared for us at school and taught us the difference between right and wrong.

  3. Life has been difficult, but the teachers have led us to fight through difficult times.

  4. Every student has a teacher they admire as an inspiration and role model.

  5. Teachers always put student's work as the priority

  6. The courage and confidence I have built today are due to the outstanding teachers who guided me on my journey.

  7. Teachers are the most powerful pillars for building all these educational institutions.

  8. Teachers have brightened our future and helped us to develop true character.

  9. Teachers' contribution to society and the nation is immeasurable and cannot be expressed in a few words.

  10. Teachers have nurtured us with education and motivational learning.

Short Speech On Thank You Speech For Teachers

As we leave this school today, I would like to thank all the teachers who have been a part of my life.

Every teacher deserves tremendous love, care, affection and respect. We all need to recognize the importance of a teacher's presence. They made us who we are today, shaped our character, and guided us toward our dreams and ultimate success. Our teachers let us see what was good for us and told us which path to choose.

Out Teachers: Our Support

I know a teacher who works day and night to solve a particular student's problem. Teachers are our guardians next to our parents. They rebuke us when we are wrong and support us when we are right. It may seem unfair at the time, but as we grow up, we begin to understand the real world.

Growing up is hard, but if you still remember your teacher's values, you can easily face real problems. It taught me not to run away from problems but to face them with courage.

I am and will always be grateful to the teachers who have significantly influenced my life. I was never a good student, but my teachers always supported me, guided me on the right path, and encouraged me to do better than before. I thank all the teachers who have shaped me into who I am today.

Long Speech On Thank You Speech For Teachers

Today I'm here and would like to welcome all of you on the day of our farewell. Now, this is a very emotional moment for all of us. On the one hand, we are being promoted to a new life. On the other hand, we also leave our favourite place: school, where we spent the most crucial period of our lives growing up.

Last Day Of School

On this day, I want to thank all the teachers for guiding us for 14 years of school life and preparing us for the world. Our teachers symbolise strength and excellent support to all of us. You were strict like a father, loving like a mother, caring like a friend, and stern disciplinarian, yet always very approachable. Our teachers are wonderful people because they accepted all of our weaknesses and worked with us to overcome those weaknesses.

My Story

I remember when I was enrolled in this school, I was quiet and shy and was not good at public speaking, but today I am standing here and giving a farewell speech because of the wonderful and loving teachers I met at this school. You have worked hard on me to change my character and attitude. They worked with me further to prepare me for the outside world. Teachers are mentors and role models for their students and special thanks to the principal who has so much faith in me and allowed me to enrol in this school. For me, this school is like home because I spent most of my school days here.

Students believe their teachers and every word they say. Today we can make ourselves so competent because of your love, care, guidance and support. All of our teachers have been our source of inspiration. Being a teacher is a big job. Not only is it confined to a few classroom lessons, but it's also much more than those lessons, from preparing exam questions to preparing teaching materials and special sessions for these students. Whatever a teacher does, all these efforts are respected and commendable.

My parents always say school is the golden time of life for everyone. I now find myself standing among my beloved teachers and fellow friends, saying goodbye to this life, and entering a new world.

Thanking My Teachers

I want to thank Mrs Smith and Achinth Sir for giving a particular time to this event and always being my guide, showing me the right direction and path. It was more difficult for me than for other students to complete the projects and tasks you gave us. They both took extra time and extra care to prepare me for the "real world."I remember the day I gave up and lost all hope in Class XI. But I remember, You encouraged me in your unique way, sharing examples of great people who failed first and became famous later. It taught me to pursue my dreams without doing anything. This is one of the few lessons I learned from you guys. We have always been very grateful to all of you, and all my friends would like to express their gratitude to our excellent teacher.

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