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My Hobby Speech - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

My Hobby Speech - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Feb 23, 2023 10:46 AM IST

Speech on My Hobby -

Our lives depend heavily on our hobbies. When we have spare time, they keep our minds busy and bring us joy. Hobbies help us forget our troubles by providing an escape from the actual world. Additionally, they add interest and pleasure to our lives. If we think about it, all of our interests are highly beneficial to us. They instruct us on a wide range of topics. They also contribute to knowledge growth.

My Hobby Speech - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech
My Hobby Speech - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

10 Lines on My Hobby:

  1. A hobby is anything that a person enjoys doing in their own time.

  2. Hobbies can improve your mood since they increase self-assurance and self-worth.

  3. It relaxes our minds.

  4. Different people have various interests.

  5. I enjoy drawing, dancing, reading, painting, playing cricket and football, among other things.

  6. In my free time, I indulge my interests.

  7. My closest friends are my books.

  8. Regularity has been a result of my enjoyment of reading.

  9. I've learned a lot about historical events thanks to my reading habit.

  10. Reading regularly broadens our understanding.

Short Speech on My Hobby

A hobby is an enjoyable activity that is routinely performed, typically in free time. All of us like activities like singing, dancing, cooking, and listening to music. In addition, hobbies might generate additional revenue. For instance, if you enjoy painting, you can make some additional cash by selling your artwork. Similarly, if you have a gift for dancing, you could offer individuals dance lessons over your vacation. In this manner, your pastime will help you both spiritually and financially.

My Hobby is reading—short tales, poems, novels, general interest publications, etc., is important to me. I also enjoy reading the newspaper since it keeps me informed about events both at home and abroad. Oliver Twist and Tom Sawyer are two of my favourite books.

Reading is regarded as an excellent hobby and is advised for a number of reasons. It promotes relaxation. It is one of the factors that influences people's decision to read. When you're reading an engaging book, you forget about your surroundings. Relaxation is aided by forgetting everything.

You can read anywhere and at any time. All you need for a great reading experience is a good book and a quiet location. Reading expands one's language and knowledge and it also enhances communication skills.

Long Speech on My Hobby

Everyone enjoys doing something during their free time in order to unwind both the mind and the soul. There are some activities in life that provide you great delight and fulfilment. We refer to such a thing as a pastime, something essential to one's happiness. No one in this world is exempt from having a passion; it might be anything from travelling to reading literature.

Hobby Types

We can demonstrate interest in and grow many other kinds of hobbies, including singing, dancing, playing sports, watching TV, talking, drawing, collecting antiques, bird watching, writing, photography, eating, playing, and engaging in any other activity we can think of. Our many interests can be turned into a source of income and a means of support, and we can create a highly lucrative career out of them. While a hobby is something we do in our free time, it has the potential to grow into much more.

My Favourite Hobby

My hobby is reading, whether it be volumes of short stories, newspapers, magazines, or novels. I simply adore reading. In fact, I believe that my personal collection of books is the greatest treasure at my home.

How It Started

We were required to read the newspaper every day in class and present three national, three international, and three sports stories. For us, this resembled a routine exercise. I became interested in reading newspapers because of this. We all developed a habit of reading the daily newspaper as we grew older, and eventually this habit turned into a full-time activity. Over the years, I've had the pleasure of reading the Harry Potter series—which is still the best—the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, and other books by deserving Indian and international authors.

Books : Our Companion

Living without friends is challenging in every way. Like a good companion, great books enrich our brains with insightful ideas and knowledge. When we are around literature, we cannot feel lonely. While reading a good book, we can pick up a lot of useful knowledge. Books written by well-known, accomplished authors help us develop personally and also teach us the best practices for serving the public.

Books are our closest friends because they inspire us to achieve extraordinary things in daily life and overcome our setbacks. Books will always be there for you through difficult times. Books inspire us to dream big.

Benefits of Hobby

In addition to being enjoyable, hobbies can fully revitalise a person and aid in maintaining strength, vitality, and happiness. Spending time doing the activities we enjoy can delay ageing and elicit favourable emotions that aid in the fight against particular diseases. You become happier and more substantial as a person when you have a pastime. Along with being beneficial for your overall health and success, this also increases your level of life satisfaction and gives you peace, joy, and energy. If your days are filled with nothing but meetings with clients, projects, and nonstop work, a pastime might ease some of the stress and divert your attention from your job.

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