How Many Principles of Management

How Many Principles of Management

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 31, 2023 11:53 AM IST


Any organisation that wants to operate efficiently and accomplish its objectives needs effective management. Planning, organising, leading, and controlling, also known as the POLC framework in management, are the four fundamental tasks of management. Without them, an organisation would have very little structure and focus. In his 1916 book "Administration Industrielle et Générale," Henri Fayol presented one of the most influential theories on the fundamentals of management. These principles provide a basis for what we refer to as "Principles of Management"

Henry Fayol's 14 Principles of Management

Henry Fayol's 14 principles of management take a top-down approach to organisations to help managers get the most out of staff members and manage the company with ease. Let's examine them and gain a thorough understanding of them.

1. Division of Work

According to the first-Henry Fayol management principle, if an employee is given a specific task to complete, they will become more proficient and effective at it. This contrasts with a multitasking culture where a worker is assigned numerous tasks at once. Consider each employee's current skill set and give them a task they can master to effectively implement this principle. Long-term, this will help them develop their productivity, expertise, and efficiency.

2. Authority

According to this management principle developed by Henry Fayol, a manager must possess the necessary power to ensure that his directives are followed by the workforce. Managers wouldn't be able to complete any work if they lacked any authority. However, this power should be accompanied by accountability. Henri Fayol asserts that there ought to be harmony between power and accountability. Employees will become irritated if there is an imbalance between authority and responsibility. The manager will become irritated if authority exceeds responsibility.

3. Discipline

This principle states that discipline is necessary for any organisation to function well. Managers must create a climate of respect for one another if they want disciplined workers. Every employee should adhere to a set of organisational policies, philosophies, and structures. Any organisation should not tolerate breaking the rules or being lax. This can only be accomplished with effective supervision and objective judgement.

4. Unity of Command

According to this principle, there should be a distinct chain of command within the organisation. It should be obvious to the workers who the proper authority is to obey. A worker should only take orders from one manager, according to Fayol. A worker faces a threat to authority, discipline, and stability if two or more managers are overseeing them. Additionally, this will lead to the collapse of the management structure and employee burnout.

5. Unity of Direction

According to the Henry Fayol principle of management, tasks should be set up so that team members can cooperate to achieve a common goal while following a single plan and reporting to a single manager. One manager should use one plan for all of the marketing activities, for instance, if you have a variety of marketing activities, such as budgeting, sales promotion, and advertising. The various tasks can be divided up among various sub-managers, but they should all cooperate to achieve a single objective under the supervision of the main person in charge of everything.

6. Collective Interest Over Individual Interest

According to this rule, team interests should take precedence over individual ones. The interest of a single person should not be allowed to compromise the organization's interests. The group will disintegrate if one member goes rogue.

7. Remuneration

According to the Henry Fayol principle of management, workers ought to receive fair compensation for the labour they perform. Underpaying employees makes it difficult for businesses to retain high-calibre staff members and keep them motivated. Incentives that are both monetary and non-monetary should be included in this compensation. To motivate employees, a system for rewarding good work should be in place.

8. Centralization

The top-down management style and concentration of power in the hands of the authority are both examples of centralization. This power is distributed to all levels of management through decentralisation. No organisation can be completely decentralised or centralised in the modern world. People at the bottom have no control over their responsibilities due to complete centralization. In a similar vein, total decentralisation means that there won't be a higher power in charge of the organisation. There should be a balance between centralization and decentralisation to use this today. Depending on the organisation, a different level of balance will be achieved.

9. Scalar Chain

A scalar chain is a distinct line of communication between subordinates and superiors. Employees should be aware of their position within the organisational structure and who to contact in case of an emergency. Fayol suggests that an organisational chart be created so that workers can see this structure to implement this in the workplace.

10. Order

According to this principle, resources should be strategically allocated so that they are used when and where they are needed most. This guarantees the efficient and organised use of resources. Any of these resources that are misplaced will result in abuse and chaos within the organisation.

11. Equity

Kindness and justice go hand in hand when defining equity. According to this principle, managers should treat everyone they supervise with kindness and justice. Employees become more loyal and devoted to the company they work for as a result.

12. Stability of Tenure of Personnel

According to this principle, a company should make an effort to reduce employee turnover and increase productivity. Expecting a new hire to quickly fit into an organization's culture is unrealistic. For them to become effective, they need enough time to get used to their jobs. Additionally, job security for both current and new employees should be guaranteed because instability can result in inefficiency.

14. Esprit de Corps

"Team Spirit" is what Esprit de Corps is. According to this Henry Fayol's management principle, management should work to foster employee cohesion, morale, and cooperation. The organisation benefits greatly from a strong sense of teamwork. Employees who are motivated and happy are more likely to be effective and productive. This was all about management principles.

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