How Many Milliamperes is Equal to 1 Ampere

How Many Milliamperes is Equal to 1 Ampere

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 28, 2023 09:43 AM IST


Ampere is the Standard International base unit for measuring electric current. The term “Ampere” is often abbreviated to “Amps” and is denoted by the symbol A. In physics, a Milliampere is a measurement for smaller amounts of electric current. Milliampere is commonly abbreviated to milliAmp and demoted with the symbol mA. Milliampere is equal to one-thousandth of an Ampere. Thus, one Ampere is equal to a thousand Milliamperes. To convert electric current from Amperes into Milliamperes, simply multiply the number of Amperes by 1000. A common example of using milliAmp is when we specify the capacity of mobile phone batteries.

Definition of Ampere

The term Ampere is named after the French physicist and mathematician Andre-Marie Ampere, who is referred to as one of the founders of electromagnetism.

Ampere is a unit to measure the flow of electric current or the rate of flow of electrons in a conductor of electricity. Electric current flow is produced by the flow of electrons, which are negatively charged particles, in a conducting material. This charge is measured using the fundamental unit of charge called Coulomb, which is abbreviated as C.


1\ \text {Coulomb} \text { charge }=6.25 \times 10^{18} \text { electrons }



We can define one Ampere of current as the electrical charge of one Coulomb, i.e. \begin{equation}

6.25 \times 10^{18} \text { electrons }


1679550195380 moving past a particular cross-section of the surface in one second.

If the number of electrons moving through a conductor increases at that surface experiencing electric current, the value of Ampere will increase proportionately.

Definition of A Milliampere

A Milliampere, written as mA, is a measure of electric current that is equal to a thousandth of an Ampere (A).

Conversion of Ampere to Milliampere

We know that one Ampere is equal to 1000 Milliamperes.


1 \mathrm{~A} = 1000 \mathrm{~mA}



Hence to convert 1 Ampere into Milliampere, we simply need to multiply it by 1000.

For example, 3 A can be converted to Milliamperes as follows:


3 \mathrm{~A} = 3 \times1000 \mathrm{~mA}=3000 \mathrm{~mA}



It also follows that one Milllimpere is equal to one-thousandth Ampere.


1 \mathrm{~mA} = 1 \mathrm/ 1000 \mathrm{~A}=0.001 \mathrm{~A} = 1 \times 10^{-3} \mathrm{~A}



Hence to convert 1 Milliampere into Ampere, we simply need to divide it by 1000.

For example, 2 Milliampere can be converted to Ampere as follows:


2 \mathrm{~mA} = 2 \mathrm/ 1000 \mathrm{~A}=0.002 \mathrm{~A} = 2 \times 10^{-3} \mathrm{~A}



When to use Milliampere instead of Ampere?

Electrical and electronic engineering deals with a wide spectrum of electric current values. A value for an electric current might range from 0.01 A to 1000 A. We can avoid writing too many zeros to define the position of the decimal point by utilizing multiples and submultiples of the standard unit.

The typical current used by electronic components is less than 1 Amp. To avoid using fractions, engineers employ engineering notation, which is akin to scientific notation. It is easier to represent small currents as multiples of "milliAmps" rather than phrases like 0.5 Amps or 0.01 Amps. One example of this is a Light Emitting Diode or LED, which will typically draw between 10 and 30 milliamps when used to show whether a piece of equipment is switched on or on standby.

Another example of when milliAmp is used frequently is in describing a battery's capacity. For instance, a cell phone battery might have a 3000 milliAmp-hour capacity (written as 3000 mAh). Consequently, the battery is capable of supplying 3000 mA for an hour, 6000 mA for a half-hour, 1000 mA for three hours, etc. In other words, the battery life will decrease in direct proportion to the amount of electricity used by the phone.

Thus milliampere is used to measure smaller amounts of current compared to Ampere.


1.Convert 4 Ampere into Milliamperes?

Ans. 4000mA

To convert 4 A into milliAmps we need to multiply by 1000.


4 \mathrm{~A} = 4 \times1000 \mathrm{~mA}=4000 \mathrm{~mA}



2.Convert 5 Ampere into Milliamperes?

Ans. 5000mA


5 \mathrm{~A} = 5 \times1000 \mathrm{~mA}=5000 \mathrm{~mA}




The electrical device used to measure electrical current in Amperes is called an ampere meter or ammeter

Another unit of measurement of current can be microamp(?A) where 1A=1000000?A=106?A

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