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How Many Gaseous Elements are There in Periodic Table

How Many Gaseous Elements are There in Periodic Table

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 27, 2023 09:27 AM IST


There are 11 elements in the periodic table which exist in a gaseous state at room temperature. Observation in the gaseous state is quite easily observed, like changes in temperature and pressure. Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Fluorine, Chlorine, Argon, Krypton, Neon, Xenon and Radon are the gaseous elements in the periodic table. All noble gases are present in the gaseous state of nature.

Compressibility in Gases

Compared to solids and liquids, gasses are highly compressible, as the molecules are very farther away from each other in case of gasses compared to solids and liquids, thus, they can easily be compressed and their intermolecular distances can be lowered depending upon the extent of pressure applied, bringing molecules closer.

The Density of Gaseous Elements

Gasses have very low density compared to solids and liquids, due to the negligible intermolecular force of attraction present in the gaseous molecules. However, density can be increased with decreasing temperature and increasing pressure.

Direction and Magnitude of Pressure

The gaseous molecules scatter in all directions due to very less intermolecular force of attraction, thus, the pressure exerted by molecules is the same in all directions.

Shape of Gases

Gases don't have any defined shape of their own, they take the shape of the container in which they are stored, like the LPG which we use for our day-to-day cooking while solids have a shape of their own, but liquids too take the shape of the container in which they are stored.

Measuring Volume of The Gases

To measure the volume of the gas, we need to measure the volume of the container, as gasses just take the shape of the container, thus, we can't just measure the volume of gasses in itself.

Intermolecular Forces

The intermolecular force among gaseous molecules is lowest as compared to liquids and solids, it is the highest in the case of solids followed by liquids. That's what makes gases most compressible. Gases behave as an ideal gas in normal physical conditions, while these behaviours begin to deviate as we move away from normal physical conditions.

Ideal Gas and Real Gas

Real gases are those which exist in the practical world, while ideal gases are those for which some assumptions have been made to derive the kinetic theory of gasses and their extensions. The main difference between ideal gasses and real gasses is that ideal gasses are supposed to be extremely small, with their mass being almost zero, with it occupying no volume, that is they can be assumed as a point mass, while real gasses have some mass of their own and occupy space of their own, albeit they are small particles, occupying small volume.

Ideal gasses follow Gas laws under all conditions, while that is not the case with real gasses.


The periodic table consists of 118 elements, which are continuing to evolve as of now, of which only 11 are found to exist as gasses at room temperature. All the inert elements exist as gasses, along with some essential elements like oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen to be existing as gasses. Noble gases can be used to produce very colourful and aesthetic lights.

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