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How Many Chapters are There in Biology Class 12

How Many Chapters are There in Biology Class 12

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 02, 2023 11:19 AM IST


There are a total of 16 chapters present in class 12th NCERT textbook for biology. These 16 chapters are divided into 5 units, they are:- Reproduction, Genetics and Evolution, Biology in Human Welfare, Biotechnology, and Ecology. We will be talking about each unit moving ahead. The NCERT book is the reference book for the CBSE board examination and must be followed wholeheartedly for good performance in the 12th board examinations.

Class 12 Biology Chapters are as follows :

Unit : Reproduction

Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms

Chapter 2 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Chapter 3 Human Reproduction

Chapter 4 Reproductive Health

Unit : Genetics

Chapter 5 Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Chapter 6 Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Chapter 7 Evolution

Unit : Biology in Human Welfare

Chapter 8 Human Health and Diseases

Chapter 9 Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

Unit : Biotechnology and Its Application

Chapter 11 Biotechnology Principles and Processes

Chapter 12 Biotechnology and Its Application

Unit : Ecology and Environment

Chapter 13 Organisms and Populations

Chapter 14 Ecosystem

Chapter 15 Biodiversity and Conservation

Chapter 16 Environmental Issues


There are a total of 4 chapters in the Reproduction unit, namely they are Reproduction in Organisms( which talks about asexual and sexual reproduction, and some important concepts in asexual reproduction like binary fission, sporulation, budding, gemmule formation, etc.), Sexual Reproduction in flowering plants( which primarily talks about the structure of flowers, how the development of male and female gametophytes take place, pollination, about endosperm and embryo, outbreeding devices, post fertilization events, double fertilization, pollen-pistil interaction, etc.), Human Reproduction(primarily focussing upon embryo development, menstruation cycle, fertilization, about testis and ovary, a male a d female reproductive systems, gametogenesis, spermatogenesis and oogenesis, etc.), Reproductive Health( which primarily focuses on contraception for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, need and methods, pregnancy, etc.).

Genetics and Evolution

It consists of three chapters, and they are Principles of Inheritance and Variation(which talks about chromosome theory and sex-linked theory of inheritance, color blindness, codominance, multiple alleles and inheritance, a mendelian disorder in humans, elementary Idea of polygenic inheritance, etc.), Molecular Basis of Inheritance (focussing on transcription, central dogma, DNA and RNA structure, and their packaging and replication, genetic code, translation, lac operon, etc.), and Evolution ( talking about the modern synthetic theory of evolution, something about the origin of life, some evidence for biological evolution, paleontology, comparative anatomy, molecular evidence, etc.).

Biology and Human Welfare

This section primarily consists of three chapters which are Human health and Diseases(talking about pathogens, parasites causing human diseases, malaria, common cold, dengue and how to control them, chikungunya, typhoid, pneumonia, etc.), Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production( it talks about the improvement in food production, plant breeding, apiculture, biofortification, tissue culture, single cell protein, etc.), And Microbes in Human Welfare( focussing on microbes as biocontrol agents and biofertilizers, industrial production, sewage treatment, etc.).


This is a comparatively small unit and only consists of two chapters which are Biotechnology - Principles and Processes( focussing on genetic engineering, and recombinant DNA technology), and Biotechnology and its applications( focussing on stem cell technology, genetically modified organisms or GMOs, its application in health and agriculture, human insulin and vaccine production, etc.)

Ecology and Environment

This is the last unit and most experts classify it as one of the easiest sections of class 12th biology, it consists of four chapters which are Organisms and Populations (focussing on population and ecological adaptations, how populations interact, mutualism, organism and environment, habitat, competition, predatism, growth, birth rate, death rate, etc.), Ecosystem ( talking about Ecosystems: Patterns and Components, productivity and decomposition, energy flow, biomass, energy, carbon cycle, phosphorus cycle, ecological succession, etc.), Biodiversity and Conservation ( having main focus upon the topics biodiversity conservation, hotspots, endangered organisms, extinction, Biodiversity-concept, patterns, importance, etc.), and Environmental issues ( having the main crux upon solid waste management, agrochemicals and their effects, radioactive waste management, greenhouse effect, climate change impact and mitigation, ozone layer depletion, air pollution, water pollution and their controls, etc .)


The topics are wide-ranging and cover an enormous amount of content while at the same time being concise in their explanation, one can hope to do very well in their board examinations along with NEET examinations if prepared well. The NCERT book is made to give an idea about the different domains of advanced biology that one can pursue depending upon their interests.

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