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How Many Bones are there in the Backbone?

How Many Bones are there in the Backbone?

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 17, 2023 03:59 PM IST

The backbone, also known as the spine, comprises 26 tiny bones called vertebrae. It is also referred to as the “vertebral column.” The vertebral column is a component of the axial skeleton (which also includes the head, ribs, and sternum). The spine is the fundamental structural component of the trunk. It is connected to the base of the skull and is located dorsally. A central hollow part of each vertebra forms the neural canal through which the spinal cord flows. The spine protects the spinal cord.

33 vertebrae are there in the human baby; however, the five sacral and four coccygeal vertebrae are fused together and are counted as one in human adults. An intervertebral disc separates the upper twenty-four spine bones from one another. The first 24 vertebrae are moveable, but the remaining are fused. Each region's vertebral anatomy is distinct, with distinct structures and functions.

The spine is subdivided into five sections. The vertebrae of the spine are named according to their location, for example, the cervical vertebrae are designated as C1, C2, C3, and so on; the thoracic as T1, T2, and so on; and the lumbar as L1, L2, and so on.


1. Cervical - 7 vertebrae (C1-C7). The first vertebra, C1, or Atlas, articulates with the skull's two occipital condyles. It allows for maximum neck mobility. It is in charge of the head's 'yes' movement. The C2 and C1 joints allow for "no" movement of the head. It supports the head's weight.

2. Thoracic 12- vertebrae (T1 to T12)- Thoracic vertebrae have restricted flexibility, support the rib cage, and protect the lungs and heart. On the posterior side, 12 pairs of ribs articulate with the thoracic vertebrae.

3. Lumbar - 5 vertebrae (L1 to L5)- Lumbar vertebrae sustain the body's weight. They are larger in size and aid in hauling heavy goods.

4. Sacral - 1 vertebrae (fused 5 vertebrae, S1-S5)- The five sacral vertebrae have been connected. They link the spinal column to the hip bones and create the pelvic girdle with them.

5. Coccygeal - 1 (fused tailbone) - The tailbone is formed when the four bones of the coccyx area fuse together.

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