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Freshers Day Speech - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Freshers Day Speech - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 06, 2023 05:23 PM IST

Freshers' Day is a celebration intended to extend a kind welcome to newcomers, enhance the feeling of community, and motivate juniors. The purpose of this day is to meet and welcome the juniors. Beginning with the junior class, the new academic year is met with excitement and joy.

10 lines on Freshers Day

  1. Freshers Day marks the start of a brand-new stage of life. It provides an informal introduction to the organisation, the elders, instructors, and students.

Freshers Day Speech - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech
Freshers Day Speech - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech
  1. This is generally done to welcome the newest class of students to colleges and other institutions.

  1. The seniors plan this event, which features entertainment, music, and socialising and is mostly for the new classes that enrol in the organisation or educational institution.

  1. The seniors and juniors, as well as the guides and tutors, get the opportunity to develop relationships during this event.

  1. Since many freshmen may feel uncertain and apprehensive as they embark on this new phase of life, it is intended to instil positivity in them.

  1. Since you could even feel nostalgic for your freshman year, giving a freshman speech might be difficult.

  1. It's common for a freshman speech to make you feel great since it brings back pleasant recollections of your experience at the school up to that point.

  1. There is a lot of hope and camaraderie in the Freshers Day address.

  1. Warmth, love, enthusiasm, bravery, and a positive outlook are required in this speech.

  1. Don't forget to greet and wish well everyone who is joining the institution at the beginning and end of this.

Short Speech On Freshers Day

New beginnings are always exciting, and starting at this institution is no exception. You'll embark on a journey of discovery, both academically and personally. The classes, friends, instructors, and technology you'll encounter here will challenge and inspire you. This journey will be a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences, but most importantly, it will be an opportunity for growth and achievement.

Remember to keep your goals in mind and never lose sight of what you want to achieve. The student body is active, and there are many opportunities for involvement. Make the most of these opportunities to develop not just your knowledge, but also your character. Take advantage of the chance to build self-control, self-discipline, compassion, and a deeper understanding of what life is all about. Just remember, don't let your involvement distract you from your goals.

Love and tenacity are two essential qualities you'll need to develop during your time here. Love, in all its forms, is a complex and mysterious thing, but it's an important part of growing up. The stories of love, animosity, misunderstandings, disagreements, and joyous endings that have taken place here have taught us the importance of balance. Love and tenacity must coexist, and they will help you navigate the ups and downs of this journey.

Let's make the most of this new beginning and make a positive impact. There will be music, entertainment, and activities to enjoy, but always keep your goals in mind and never lose sight of what's important. Here's to a fantastic journey ahead.

Long Speech On Freshers Day

I extend my warmest greetings and congratulations to each one of you on your admission to this prestigious institution. This marks the beginning of your journey towards realising your aspirations and achieving your goals.

As a student at our school for the next five years, I strongly encourage you to make the most of your time here by soaking in as much knowledge and experiences as possible. I understand that adjusting to the new environment, especially for those who are away from their homes, may be challenging. But I assure you that everyone here is more than willing to listen to your concerns and help you find solutions.

This is a unique and unforgettable experience that will provide you with both learning and enjoyment. As a former student of this institution, I can attest that this will be a rollercoaster ride full of personal and professional growth, and when it's over, you will surely miss it.

Our institution values not only academic excellence but also the development of students' personalities, attitudes, and adaptability. Get ready to create cherished memories, participate in exciting events, and meet people who will be a part of your life forever.

I understand that you may have many questions, such as, "What is it like here?" or "Will I fit in?" Rest assured, everyone had similar concerns when they first started, but with hard work, dedication, and a thirst for knowledge, you will find the answers you are looking for.

Our school values both theoretical and practical education, and we work with experienced lawyers in different fields to provide you with real-world experience. To succeed, you must have discipline, humility, hard work, and honesty, as well as a passion for learning.

We also place great emphasis on extracurricular activities, including sports, which are essential for mental and physical well-being. Some of our students even compete at a national level in sports such as football and basketball.

So, make the most of this opportunity by engaging with your peers and instructors, and participating in all the planned events. With effort and determination, you can achieve your goals and leave this experience with a wealth of memories.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone for giving me the opportunity to address you today, and I hope you enjoy this celebration filled with music, entertainment, and good memories.

My Experience

The "Fresher's Party" is an eagerly anticipated event for all first-year students at Oriental College of Law, including those enrolled in the BLS, LL.B, and LL.B. programs. The memorable occasion of the Freshmen Day, which took place on December 6, was a day filled with joy, music, excitement, and everlasting memories. The theme of the event was retro bollywood.

The event kicked off with a pageant competition to determine the Mr. and Miss Oriental College of Law. The first round consisted of a ramp walk and student introductions, followed by the second performance round which included various games for the contestants. Finally, the judges' round determined the winners.

The event was a perfect opportunity for the students to interact with one another, build connections and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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