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A Hot Summer Day Essay

A Hot Summer Day Essay

Edited By Shubhangi Gupta | Updated on Jun 20, 2023 04:07 PM IST

Hot summer days can be tiresome and exhausting due to the scorching heat and the dehydration it causes but it's also during this time that students amd their families get to enjoy their summer vacations without having to worry about school work or bed time. A hot summer day can be turned around with a couple of cold beverages, good food and great company. Here are a few sample essays on ‘A Hot Summer Day’.

100 Words Essay on a Hot Summer Day

When summer first arrives, mornings are pleasant and more refreshing, but as the day goes on, the heat of the sun increases until it is felt throughout the entire day. The severity of the weather is also felt by trees and plants, since their leaves appear dull and their flowers fade swiftly. As the day progresses, the temperature rises, making this the most difficult part of the day—especially for those who perform field work. People prefer to stay inside their homes throughout the day, leaving the streets, markets, and other places looking vacant. Both animals and people living outside seek cover under trees and big buildings on a hot day.

200 Words Essay on a Hot Summer Day

Even though summer is the hottest season of the year, it can also be the most interesting and fun since it gives children some time off school and they can go swimming and pursue hobby classes. It is also a time when they can relish some of their favourite foods like ice creams and mangoes, go swimming, eat ice cream and their favourite fruits, etc. People also escape to hill stations for much-needed breaks from the scorching heat of the sun and return only after the weather improves.

Children usually find summers to be pleasant despite the heat as they enjoy their summer vacation from school and get more time to play outside with their friends without having to worry about homework or waking up early. People enjoy swimming, eating summertime fruits, and sipping cold beverages on hot summer days. Children often enjoy a hot summer day with seasonal fruits like mangoes, kiwis, and pineapple. Not only do these foods cool the body, but they also lift up one's mood. Ice cream and cold drinks are also very popular on a hot summer day. As night falls, people come out to enjoy themselves in lush green parks, gardens and shopping centres.

500 Words Essay on a Hot Summer Day

Summer is the hottest season of the year, with longer, warmer days and shorter nights. Many people prefer to stay indoors during the day during summers because of the scorching heat, and like to be active in the early morning or in the late afternoon after the sun has set. People usually use light cotton clothing in hot weather to minimise the heat effect and stay cool. In order to prevent dehydration and sun stroke, we should drink more water and eat more fruits. This is also the time when schools are closed and children can take summer vacations to visit other places such as hill stations and beaches.

Protecting ourselves from extreme heat

Hot weather can cause dehydration, heat exhaustion, and, in extreme situations, heat stroke. Globally, hot days are becoming hotter and more frequent, whereas cold days are becoming less frequent. Drought can be made worse by heat, and wildfires can be sparked by hot, dry weather. High daytime temperatures are detrimental to plant growth, and certain crops need cool nights. Extremely hot days can be managed by:-

  • developing heat-preparedness strategies, which may include actions like opening cooling facilities during times of extreme heat and establishing workplace heat stress regulations

  • putting up cool, green roofs and cool pavement can also lessen the impact of the urban heat island

  • planting more trees to create shade and evapotranspiration to cool the air

  • Keep your living area cool. When it is dark and the temperature outside has dropped, open the windows that were closed throughout the day.

  • Eat and drink cold things, stay away from hot and alcoholic beverages, and take a chilly shower or splash cool water on your skin or clothing.

  • Even if you don't feel thirsty, make sure to drink lots of water.

During this season, many people often face sweating and dehydration as well and that is when surprise rains are sometimes a good relief from a hot summer day.

How i spent a Hot Summer Day?

I remember spending one such hot summer day with my family during summer holidays. The sun was at its highest point and the heat was almost unbearable. My family and I decided to make a plan to escape the scorching heat and uplift everyone’s mood—we made plans to go swimming late in the evening and then go for a movie after dinner. The thought of cold water and an air-conditioned theatre excited everyone. We reached the community pool around 5pm and everyone dived in after changing into their bathing suits. We got swimming tubes and balls to play around with. We divided ourselves into two teams and played marco polo.

It was amazing to see everyone relax and have a wonderful time. We then went to watch an action movie at the theatre. Everyone purchased cool beverages and popcorn. My cousin and I even felt a bit chilly due to the air conditioning—everyone else had a good laugh over it. Even though the weather was not in our favour, we managed to turn our day around and made it into one of the memorable days that I will always cherish.

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