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Wildlife Conservation Essay

Wildlife Conservation Essay

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 12, 2023 06:42 PM IST

The phrase "wildlife conservation" serves as a reminder to protect the resources that nature has given us as a gift. Animals that have not been domesticated or tamed are represented by wildlife. They are the only wild animals that live in a natural environment. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘wildlife conservation’.

Wildlife Conservation Essay
Wildlife Conservation Essay

100 Words Essay On Wildlife Conservation

Animals, plants, and their habitats are preserved and protected through wildlife conservation. Similar to forests, wildlife is a national resource that contributes to ecological balance and is also valuable from an economic, recreational, and aesthetic standpoint. There was a time when there was no human intervention, there were a lot of wild animals, and there was no issue with protecting or conserving them.

However, as agriculture, settlement, industry, and other developmental activities increased, as well as largely as a result of human greed, the number of wild animals rapidly decreased. As a result, a number of animal species have already gone extinct, and a number more are in danger of doing so. In order to preserve the environment and life on Earth, it is essential that we concentrate on wildlife conservation.

200 Words Essay On Wildlife Conservation

Need For Wildlife Conservation

The need for wildlife conservation results from how human beings are altering lifestyles and advancing ways of living. The massive clearing of trees and forests is causing the habitats of wildlife to be destroyed. The mass extinction of wildlife species is the result of human beings' careless actions. Poaching and hunting are illegal activities; no animal may be killed for recreational purposes.

Wild animals and plants crucially maintain the ecological balance. They have to be considered necessary. The threat to wildlife comes from a variety of sources. Significant factors contributing to the decline of animals include rising pollution, climatic changes, resource overuse, irregular hunting and poaching, habitat degradation, etc. The government has created and modified a large number of laws and regulations aimed at protecting animals.

As we know, deforestation is a huge problem when we speak of wildlife conservation. Trees and forests are home to numerous animals and birds. Thus we need to plant more trees and stop cutting them as well. My school has recently decided to plant trees near our school area, which is empty. This might be a small initiative, but we need to have more afforestation so that it can have a significant impact and help us conserve wildlife.

500 Words Essay On Wildlife Conservation

Like trees and animals, wildlife is a domestic resource that helps maintain the natural balance and has aesthetic, recreational, and economic advantages. When humans were not present, there were numerous wild animals and little concern for their protection or conservation.

Importance Of Wildlife Conservation

The wildlife in our ecosystem is a crucial component. Here are a few justifications for protecting wildlife:

  • Wild plants provide one-third of the world's pharmaceutical needs regarding medicinal value. For medical science and technology research, forests offer a wealth of opportunities. Additionally, it gives an excellent opportunity to produce therapeutic drugs on a vast scale.

  • Maintains the health of our environment by assisting with global temperature regulation. Additionally, it aids in preventing the greenhouse effect and halting sea level rise.

  • Helps to maintain ecological harmony - In this regard, the interdependence of plants and animals is crucial.

  • Forests are important economically because they provide raw materials that support the nation's economic development and raise living standards.

Causes Of Wildlife Depletion

  • Habitat Loss - The intentional destruction of forests and agricultural land for numerous construction projects, roads, and dams significantly reduce the habitat for various species of creatures and plants. Animals are deprived of their habitat by these practices. As a result, they either need to find a new environment or go extinct.

  • Overexploitation of Resources - Although resources should be used wisely, they are overused when they are used unnaturally. The usage will contribute to species extinction.

  • Hunting and poaching - These activities are terrible since they include trapping and killing animals for sport or to gain a particular item. Ivory, skin, horn, and other valuable animal goods are a few examples. They are collected by hunting and killing the animals after extracting the product or holding them captive. As a result, there are more and more mass extinctions; the musk deer is one example.

  • Using Animals for Research - Many animals are used in research labs of academic institutions to assess outcomes. The mass extinction of the species is the effect of taking in such a significant number of them.

  • Pollution - Unwanted changes in the environment's condition lead to a polluted one—likewise, air, water, and soil pollution. However, the decline in the diversity of animal and plant species can be directly attributed to changes in the air, water, and soil quality.

  • Impact on Marine Biodiversity - Contaminated water significantly impacts marine biodiversity because the pollutants disrupt the marine biota's ability to function. The contaminants and temperature variations have a significant impact on the coral reef.

My Contribution

The organisation under which I work is building some zoos. In these zoos, we will keep the endangered and rare animals near the forest area in our locality. They will be safe and can be taken care of in this manner. Poaching is another reason for the depletion of wildlife. These zoos will also ensure that these endangered species are not killed and can safely continue their race. I am very proud of my organisation and encourage other organisations and the government to take specific steps for the safety of these animals so they can live peacefully.

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