Unemployment In India Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

Unemployment In India Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 11, 2023 05:41 PM IST

Essay on Unemployment in India-

Unemployment is the inability to obtain a job in a well-established organisation despite repeated attempts. This issue has become critical in the twenty-first century due to various issues, such as a lack of human capital, illiteracy, resource availability, crime rate, mental stress, and even the effect of political considerations. One of the biggest concerns in the working field is the exploitation of people, making them lose hope in their profession. They are subjected to unequal wage distribution by their employer.

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  1. Essay on Unemployment in India-
  2. 100 Words Essay on Unemployment in India
  3. 200 Words Essay on Unemployment in India
  4. 500 Words Essay on Unemployment in India
Unemployment In India Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words
Unemployment In India Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

100 Words Essay on Unemployment in India

Unemployment is when a person is willing to work but cannot find a job. In India, unemployment is a big problem because there are not enough jobs for everyone. Unemployment is a big problem in India that affects many people. It is caused by a lack of job opportunities, a mismatch between the skills of the workforce and the needs of employers, and a rapidly growing population.

The Indian government is trying to help by creating more jobs through schemes like the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and the Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana (PMRPY). These schemes provide employment opportunities for people living in rural areas and also encourage employers to provide more jobs for new job seekers.

200 Words Essay on Unemployment in India

“We need to give importance to skill development because this way we can end unemployment.” - Narendra Modi

Unemployment is a severe problem in India that affects millions of people. It is defined as a situation where a person is able and willing to work but cannot find a job. Unemployment can lead to poverty, social unrest and other negative effects on individuals and society.

Causes Of Unemployment

One of India's leading causes of unemployment is the lack of job opportunities. This can be due to various factors, such as a slow-growing economy, a need for more investment in specific industries, and education and training for certain jobs. Additionally, the population in India is growing rapidly, and there needs to be more jobs to keep up with the increasing number of people entering the workforce.

Another cause of unemployment in India is the mismatch between workforce skills and employers' needs. Many people in India need to gain the skills or education required for the available jobs, making it difficult for them to find work. Furthermore, many jobs in India require specific skills or qualifications that are not widely available. However, the Indian Government is taking steps to tackle unemployment through schemes and policies, as well as by encouraging investment and education.

500 Words Essay on Unemployment in India

Unemployment is a significant problem. If a country has an unemployment problem, that country will be unable to expand swiftly. Different difficulties will occur in such a situation; if individuals do not have jobs, they will engage in various improper actions that will damage the country.

Because of unemployment, many young people become involved in criminal activity. The country must bear this. Because of the increase in unemployment, significant crimes such as theft, dacoity, murder, and kidnapping have surged throughout the country. The best way to reduce these atrocities is to employ young people.

Causes of Unemployment in India

Population | India's fast-growing population contributes significantly to the country's high unemployment rate. Because as a country's population grows, so does the number of people working there, and as a result, competition among the people grows, and there is no assurance that everyone will receive a job.

Youth are the country's future, and if they do not have jobs, they will engage in other illicit and criminal actions, which can hinder the country's development. In such a situation, India will have to control its population rate and promote the Startup India scheme. Only then can the problem of unemployment in the country be ended.

Lack of technical education | Most colleges and universities in India still provide traditional, outmoded curricula. Students cannot acquire jobs with these courses in today's market. Because today's world is technical, and if the technical world wants to gain a job, then it is vital to have technical education.

So technical education has to be emphasised in India, and all youngsters have to be provided technical education early so they may acquire jobs easily after growing up.

Economic Growth is Slowing

Because the economy is developing slowly, the country's unemployment problem may worsen. As a result, if the government wants to solve the unemployment problem, it must accelerate economic development; only then will new job opportunities become accessible in the country.

  • Seasonal business of India:- Much of India's business is seasonally dependent, such as farming, which creates employment prospects once a year.

  • The decline in the industrial sector: - The country's industrial sector is growing at a glacial pace. As a result, career chances in this industry are restricted.

  • The decline in the cottage industry:- The cottage industry's output has plummeted, and as a result, many artisans have lost their jobs. In such a case, the country's unemployment crisis will worsen when the number of industries is reduced. As a result, the government must encourage the cottage sector to develop more job prospects and potential.

  • Increasing unemployment breeds poverty: - People who do not have jobs will commit crimes to meet their necessities.

How to Reduce Unemployment

The measures to address the unemployment problem are as follows:

  • The government should endeavour to regulate the population so that the number of new entrants to labour can be controlled.

  • India's education system must be modified to solve the unemployment problem. Education should change its focus from theory to practice.

  • To provide income and job opportunities, agricultural operations should be diversified into fisheries, livestock husbandry, horticulture, etc.

  • The government should make reasonable efforts to encourage the development of cottage and small industries in rural and urban regions. These industries require more labour per unit of capital.

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