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Science And Technology Essay

Science And Technology Essay

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 12, 2023 10:43 AM IST

The knowledge of science is the knowledge that enlightens the route, directs one to the right path, and frees the individual from the burden of worldly responsibilities. Technology is the creation, alteration, or modification of the natural environment to fulfil reportedly unsatisfied human desires and needs. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘science and technology’.

Science And Technology Essay
Science And Technology Essay

100 Words Essay On Science And Technology

Technology is the practical application of science that improves the quality of life, whereas science is a systematic approach that uses observation and experimentation to gain information and develop abilities. Technology is a product of systematic research, which is what science is. Technology development usually follows scientific progress, and the latter is just a logical consequence of the former, so science and technology go hand in hand.

Today, science and technology are vitally important to a country’s overall development. These two describe the progress in nearly every field, i.e., infrastructure development, communications, defence, industrialisation, etc. Because of advancements in science and technology, the world is changing quickly and at an unprecedented rate.

200 Words Essay On Science And Technology

In order to have a strong national economy, science and technology are essential. Gross domestic product growth helps the economy advance technologically. They encourage the development of high-tech industries, boost productivity, build capital, and promote healthy global competitiveness. There is a real impact of science and technology on the agriculture industry. It goes without saying that their engagement has boosted crop yield. In addition, science and technology are assisting farmers in implementing new methods and equipment to minimise physical labour.

Medical, educational, economic, sporting, employment, tourism, and other fields are examples of science and technology. All of these developments demonstrate how equally important both are to our lives. By directly contrasting the lifestyles of the ancient world and the modern world, we can observe the differences in our way of life. The high level of scientific and technological development in medicine has made it easier to treat numerous ailments than it was before. It aids in the efficient treatment by medical professionals in the treatment of different illnesses through medications and operations and aids in the research of diseases like cancer, AIDS, diabetes, Alzheimer's, paralysis, etc.

Every day, advances in science and technology bring people closer together. In the department of transportation and telecommunication, we observe discernible development. Physical distance is no longer an obstacle thanks to the internet and the metro network. Every aspect of our lives has received a virtual makeover because of them.

500 Words Essay On Science And Technology

Science and Technology play significant roles in our daily lives. We turn out the lights at night and get out of bed when our alarm clocks ring in the morning. Science and technology have enabled us to purchase all of these luxuries. Most importantly, the development of science and technology alone is the reason we can do most things in our lives in such a short period. Without science and technology, our modern way of life is difficult to imagine. Indeed, it is now essential to our continued survival. New technologies are developing daily that make life easier and more comfortable.

We are in a scientific and technological age. Due to science and technology, many civilizations have been established. This establishment grows every day. People benefit from these, which makes life more enjoyable and relaxing.

Benefits Of Science and Technology

  • Considerable advantages of science and technology come to mind. They range in size from minor to significant. For instance, the morning newspaper we read, which provides us with trustworthy information, is a product of scientific advancement. Additionally, technological growth has led to the development of electrical appliances like refrigerators, conditioners, microwaves, and other items that make living easier.

  • Furthermore, if we consider the situation involving transportation, we see that science and technology also play a significant part in this case. Thanks to improving technology, we can travel to various parts of the world within hours. Science and technology have made it possible for a man to look beyond the Earth. The exact science and technology have enabled the establishment of satellites in orbit and the finding of new planets.

  • The domains of medicine and agriculture have similarly been impacted by science and technology. Millions of lives have been saved thanks to science's varied disease remedies. Technology has also improved the yield of various crops, greatly helping farmers.

India And Science And Technology

  • India has engaged in negotiations worldwide since the end of the British era. Science and technology have aided India's advancement since it attained independence. It is now a crucial source of innovative and fundamental scientific advancements worldwide. In other words, the Indian economy has benefited from all the remarkable scientific and technological advances made in our nation.

  • In the years that followed, science and technology helped advance in several sectors, including mathematics, astrophysics, space technology, nuclear energy, and more. The railway system, smartphones, the metro system, and many other innovations are excellent examples of these advancements.

  • Looking at the most recent accomplishment, Chandrayaan 2 was successfully launched by India. India's lunar expedition has received praise from critics all across the world. Once more, science and technology were responsible for making these accomplishments feasible.

We must acknowledge that technology and science have helped human civilization reach the highest living level and will continue to do so. However, we must use everything sparingly and in moderation. Technology and science misuse can have adverse effects and we are dealing with some of those. Therefore, we must keep an eye on usage and exercise caution while using the gift of science and technology.

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