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My First Day At School Essay

My First Day At School Essay

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 10, 2023 03:02 PM IST

There's a first time for everything. Moments turn into memories. We all cherish the first time we did something or achieved something, or maybe even won our first competition. The moments you love become your happy memories. Here are some sample essays on my first day at school.

100 Word Essay On My First Day At School

My first day at school is a very happy memory and I will always love to revisit it. It was a different experience altogether. From the comfort zone of my home, I was suddenly put into a completely new atmosphere – My Preschool. It looked so crowded and noisy. I still remember, on my first day, I was crying and so the memories of the morning are very blurry.

My First Day At School Essay
My First Day At School Essay

My parents comforted me and gave me my favourite chocolate ice-cream. I entered the classroom, and it immediately cheered my mood up. The classroom was very colourful, filled with small benches and a lot of toys and swings.

The teacher came after a few minutes. She was very friendly. After an hour, we all grouped together, and played several fun games and did many activities together. It was a very amazing day.

200 Word Essay On My First Day At School

I still remember my first day at preschool. I was very excited and nervous. Being a 5-year-old kid, it had been so hard for me to leave my home and settle in a completely new place for almost an entire day, but I was a tough kid. I was also very excited to wear my uniform. I reminded Mummy to iron my uniform many times until I checked myself and was sure of it.

My Day At School

When I entered the school with my parents on my first day, I was surprised with the fact that there were so many children of my age, some were happy and laughing, running on the ground. While a few were very scared and crying, their parents and teachers were trying to calm them down.

I was having mixed feelings, but once I entered class, I was elated with joy. The classroom was coincidently painted with my favourite colour—Sky Blue.

In my first lesson, I was taught the alphabet. But since I already knew them, the teacher called me out to recite it in front of the class. I nervously went ahead and did it. Everyone clapped for me. It was a very nice moment and made my first day of the school an unforgettable memory for me.

500 Word Essay On My First Day At School

My first day at school was an unforgettable memory for me and gave me a gift I cherish to this date. It was a cozy and comfortable evening in April when I was informed with the news that I have been admitted to Mount Libra Zee School.

I didn’t know how to react. I have seen my sister going to school daily, sometimes she was happy about it, but sometimes she was very reluctant to go and made silly excuses to avoid school. My parents had also brought a very cute school uniform. I liked it and was excited to wear it. But I still had no idea about how the first day of school was going to be.

How My First Day At School Started

The next morning, I dressed up very early in excitement. I ate my breakfast and Mummy packed a small tiffin box for me. At 8 o'clock, I went to the school in my father’s red car.

When I Reached My School

The school building was huge. It was painted with cartoons. I got happy when I saw my favourite cartoon characters, Tom & Jerry painted on the walls too. My father left me at the school gate to a peon after instructing him about my class. The peon picked me up very gently and started walking through the endless corridors. I could see the huge playground in the middle of the school building. It had all kinds of swings in it. For a moment, I wanted to run away to my favourite Merry-Go-Round, but I dropped that temptation and was dropped in front of my class by the peon.

My Classroom

The class had 15 chairs, all painted with cartoon characters. The wall had ABCs and numbers painted on it. It was a very cheerful and colourful environment. My eyes immediately glanced through the students already sitting there. They all were lost in their world. Some were sobering, while some were making drawings with crayons.

After a few minutes, our teacher came. She asked each of us our names and hobbies, and then she introduced herself to us. Then, she asked everyone to name the animals and birds painted on a picture board. We all begin singing the names. It was very fun. She was impressed with us and gave us candies at the end of the lesson.

After 2 hours, a bell rang for lunch. I took out my tiffin and started feasting on my sandwiches. A boy came to me, and said that sandwiches are his favourite. I knew his name by now, Ansh. I quickly offered him one and he was very happy. We soon became friends and chatted endlessly about Spider-Man, Iron Man and Tom and Jerry.

After learning that his favourite cartoon was also Tom and Jerry , I instantly knew I got my first school friend. 14 years forward, Ansh is still my best friend, and I am always thankful to him for making my first day at school a very fond memory.

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