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My Favourite Season Summer Essay

My Favourite Season Summer Essay

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 29, 2023 11:10 AM IST

We appreciate and savour many things during the summer. We like extended vacation time in the summer. We enjoy our time with our family and friends during the summer holidays. Here are a few sample essays on the topic ‘My Favourite Season Summer’.

100 Words Essay On My Favourite Season Summer

Summer is the hottest time of the year but it’s also one of my favourite seasons. Beginning of the summer ignites a sense of hope and opportunity for me and makes me feel like I can achieve all my goals. The days are longer, and the nights are shorter throughout the summer and gives you all the more time to work and play. The sun shines brightly, and the sky becomes clearer.

My Favourite Season Summer Essay
My Favourite Season Summer Essay

Fruits and vegetables come in a variety during the summer, I especially look forward to mangoes and lychees. Farmers also prepare their fields for agriculture during the summer months for different vegetables and fruits.

200 Words Essay On My Favourite Season Summer

India has a wide range of climatic conditions. The locals take pleasure in the qualities of the many seasons. Every season has its unique qualities. But summer is my favourite season among the other seasons and I eagerly anticipate its arrival. Typically, the summer season begins in April and lasts through June. Although summer is the hottest season, I adore it very much. We have long summer vacations throughout the season and many festive holidays, which is my favourite part about the summers.

Long Summer Vacation | We have a two-month summer break from school during summers and that is why I adore this season so much. During the summer break, we are free from the school's everyday activities and work. By letting go of the pressure of regular homework and studies, we can eat, sleep, and play with friends.

Fun Activities During The Evening | Summer is a great season to train for a variety of sports and competitions. Summertime brings an increase in outdoor activities. I'm always eager to play different sports and games in the evening, and I end up spending the majority of my time with my friends. I make it a point of taking part in different sports, clubs and hobbies including swimming and dancing and horse riding. I love the summertime.

500 Words Essay On My Favourite Season Summer

Summer is my favourite season. Everyone, including me, has a favourite time of year. Everyone has a break from school during summers, so we enjoy the long holidays. Another factor that makes summer my favourite season is that I get to taste cold beverages and delicious ice creams. During this season, we have access to a vast range of food items. We also have access to great mangoes during the summer. Mangoes are my favourite fruit.

Thus summers generally make me happier. We appreciate and savour many things during the summer. I enjoy my time with my family and friends during the summer holidays. We even take family vacations when we are all free and wish to escape the heat. Even if it's just a short trip, I look forward to them every year because I get to bond with my family members. I also love to participate in various summertime activities like summer camps, cycling, swimming, and more. Summers have always been my favourite season since they are so thrilling and full of possibilities.

The Specialty Of Summer Season

  • The days are long, and the nights are short throughout the summer. The days are bright and sunny. In the summer, we can completely unwind in the afternoon.
  • During the summer, the water parks are constantly crowded with visitors who want to cool off and have fun. In the summer, I enjoy swimming in the pools because it makes me feel liberated. Moreover, I get to consume various different cuisines during the summer.

  • Fresh cucumbers, enormous watermelons, delicious oranges, sweet guavas, nourishing muskmelons, and other fruits are available in the summer season.

  • Summer clothes that are so colourful and floral are undoubtedly another summertime specialty. To fully enjoy the summer, people like to dress in shorts, dresses, sleeveless shirts, and other items.

  • The summer months are crowded with people visiting the hill stations to escape the heat.

I, therefore, appreciate summer even more as a result of all these specialties. My relatives have a small farm within a few hours drive where we go every summer to spend time and taste the delicious fruits. They always serve the best mango juice, and I was amazed at how fresh the juice was and how it tasted so good. This also makes the summer season special. During summer vacation, I usually spend time with my family, and we all go to the garden and parks on the weekend for a picnic and take fresh air under trees.

But summer time is also quite dangerous since hot air blows during the day, which can also make us ill. People also became dehydrated. People can also suffer from burns to the skin. In the summer, all of the water in the reservoirs evaporates resulting in scarcity in some areas.

Nonetheless, summer is my favourite season because everything is so fantastic and vibrant. Even the fruits and vegetables we receive are so vibrantly coloured which is a sight to behold. Children who attend school appreciate the summer more since it gives them more time to play and unwind. The summers are pleasant, warm, and sunny.

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